Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2017

We cook: hot-pot with mince

Some butter

Diced onions


1 tbsp flour

500 g minced meat

1 pointed cabbage

Cut into mouth-friendly pieces



Remove the pickled cabbage

300 ml of water

2 tsp vegetable broth

Cook rice

400 g cream cheese

Cool rice in cold water

Replace rice

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For more infomation >> Cook boiled potatoes with mince - recipe - Duration: 3:39.


Dimmer 1 Canal pour 12V 8A - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Dimmer 1 Canal pour 12V 8A - Duration: 0:36.


Hyundai I30 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I30 - Duration: 1:10.


How Artificial Sweeteners Suppresses Thyroid Function, Induce Diabetes and Obesity Related Changes - Duration: 25:55.

How Artificial Sweeteners Suppresses Thyroid Function, Induce Diabetes- and Obesity-Related


By:Sayer Ji, Founder

A groundbreaking new study published in the prestigious journal Nature has revealed how

non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) drive obesity- and diabetes-related changes in both

mice and humans.

The study titled, �Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the

gut microbiota,� states:

�Here we demonstrate that consumption of commonly used NAS formulations drives the

development of glucose intolerance through induction of compositional and functional

alterations to the intestinal microbiota.� Part 1: Gut Bacteria Mediate Artificial Sweetener-Induced

Blood Sugar Disturbances

The researchers administered commercially available formulations of saccharin (Sweet�

N Low), sucralose (Splenda) or aspartame (Equal) in the drinking water of 10-week old mice.

The control group received I either glucose or sucrose.

After 11 weeks, the three artificial sweetener fed groups developed �marked glucose intolerance,�

with saccharin having the most deleterious effects followed by sucralose and aspartame.

Gut changes linked to artificial sweeteners

Graph showing the effects of artificial sweeteners on blood glucose levels.

The researchers hypothesized that since artificial sweeteners pass through the gut mostly unabsorbed

by the body that the microbiota may be responsible for regulating their observed adverse effects

on blood sugar.

To test their theory they administered antibiotics to mice while keeping them on their diet and

sweetener supplementation regimens.

Their results indicate that gut bacteria indeed drive the adverse effects of these sweeteners:

�Notably, after 4 weeks of antibiotic treatment, differences in glucose intolerance between

NAS-drinking mice and controls were abolished both in the lean and the obese states.

Similar effects were observed with the Gram-positive-targeting antibiotic vancomycin (�antibiotics B�,

0.5 g l-1).

These results suggest that NAS-induced glucose intolerance is mediated through alterations

to the commensal microbiota, with contributions from diverse bacterial taxa.�

Finally, in order to test whether the role of microbiota in upsetting blood sugar balance

was �cause and effect� they performed a fecal transplant from mice receiving saccharin

or glucose into germ-free mice receiving the same normal-chow diet.

Their results confirmed the crucial role of the microbiota in inducing blood sugar disturbing


�Notably, recipients of microbiota from mice consuming commercial saccharin exhibited

impaired glucose tolerance as compared to control (glucose) microbiota recipients, determined

6 days following transfer.

Transferring the microbiota composition of HFD-consuming mice drinking water or pure

saccharin replicated the glucose intolerance phenotype.

Together, these results establish that the metabolic derangements induced by NAS consumption

are mediated by the intestinal microbiota.� Artificial Sweeteners Induce Negative Changes

In Gut Bacteria

The researchers next performed an analysis of the changes induced in the composition

of microbiota by saccharin finding a widespread reorganization:

�Compared to all control groups, the microbiota of saccharin-consuming mice displayed considerable

dysbiosis, with more than 40 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) significantly altered in abundance

.� Notably, the researchers found that many of

the strains that were increased in relative abundance belonged to the Bacteroides genus

and Clostridiales order, both of which contain members linked to obesity and opportunistic


They also observed that these microbiota changes lead to 1) increased lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis

often found in harmful bacteria overgrowth and linked to metabolic endotoxemia 2) increased

bacterial chemotaxis (an indication of increased bacterial activity;movement) previously observed

in obese mice.

3) increased microbial energy harvest (e.g. increased carbohydrate metabolism and fatty

acid biosynthesis) linked to obesity and glucose intolerance.

They summarized their findings in the animal model as follows:

�Collectively, these results demonstrate that saccharin directly modulates the composition

and function of the microbiome and induces dysbiosis, accounting for the downstream glucose

intolerance phenotype in the mammalian host.� Part 2: Artificial Sweeteners Drive Similar

Adverse Changes in Humans

In order to confirm that artificial sweeteners also drive adverse changes in humans, the

researchers enrolled 381 non-diabetic individuals (44% males and 56% females) in a clinical

nutritional study.

Their results were reported as follows:

�We found significant positive correlations between NAS consumption and several metabolic-syndrome-related

clinical parameters , including increased weight and waist-to-hip ratio (measures of

central obesity); higher fasting blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C%) and glucose

tolerance test (GTT, measures of impaired glucose tolerance), and elevated serum alanine

aminotransferase (ALT, measure of hepatic damage that is likely to be secondary, in

this context, to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease).

Moreover, the levels of glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C%), indicative of glucose concentration

over the previous 3 months, were significantly increased when comparing a subgroup of high

NAS consumers (40 individuals) to non-NAS consumers (236 individuals).�

They also observed significant changes in the bacterial composition in those subjects

consuming artificial sweeteners, with a shift towards the Enterobacteriaceae family, the

Deltaproteobacteria class and the Actinobacteria phylum.

In order to ascertain whether non-caloric artificial consumption and blood glucose control

is causative they followed seven healthy volunteers (5 males and 2 females, aged 28-36), who do

not normally consume artificial sweeteners (or foods containing them) for 1 week.

Starting on day 2 until day 7, participants consumed the FDA�s maximum acceptable daily

intake (ADI) of saccharin (5 mg per kg (body weight)) in 3 divided doses equivalent to

120 mg and were monitored for glucose tolerance.

A significant adverse effect was observed:

�Notably, even in this short-term 7-day exposure period, most individuals (4 out of

7) developed significantly poorer glycaemic responses 5�7 days after NAS consumption

(hereafter termed �NAS responders�), compared to their individual glycaemic response on

days 1�4.� Finally, the researchers took fecal samples

from subjects with artificial sweetener induced adverse bacterial changes (dysbios) and transplanted

them into germ-free mice, resulting in impaired glucose tolerance and some replication of

the adversely altered microbiome within the mice � confirming that micobiota mediate

the adverse effects of artificial sweeteners on metabolism.

The Tip of the Toxic Artificial Sweetener Iceberg

This latest study provides a physiological basis for the observed blood sugar impairing

and weight-promoting properties of artificial sweeteners, and may help to explain why we

have a burgeoning epidemic of pre- and type 2 diabetes, overweight and obesity, and related

metabolic syndrome associated conditions in countries where artificial sweeteners are

found everywhere.

Blood sugar problems and obesity, however, are only a small part of far more serious

health conditions linked to this category of chemicals�

Last year, for instance, sucralose (Splenda) was found to impair blood sugar in a human

study, adding to a laundry list of its decades old experimentally confirmed adverse effects,

including neurotoxicity, carcinogenicity (possibly due to dioxin formation when heated), and

perhaps even leukemia generating properties.

The heightened sweetness of these synthetic chemicals also makes them highly addictive,

with one recent animal study showing saccharin may be more addictive than cocaine.

Aspartame has also been linked to neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity � two adverse effects

than may combine to increase brain cancer risk.

Ultimately, tricking the body with chemicals made to taste like nutrients is simply not

a good strategy.

The taste for sweetness is as ancient as biological time itself, and even from our first taste

of breast milk, it is imprinted deeply into the human psyche.

The key, perhaps, is moderation and training the palate to respond to natural sweetness

found in wholesome fruits, berries, and honey � which is so much healthier than sugar

� and evading the ever-present meme of a chemically dependent society that thinks it

can outsmart nature.

For more research on blood sugar imbalances and obesity consult our health guides on the


Health Guide: Blood Sugar Problems

Health Guide: Obesity and Dieting

Splenda Suppresses Thyroid Function, Promotes Weight Gain

Splenda Suppresses Thyroid and Promotes Weight Gain, Research Suggests

Is sucralose (aka Splenda) really as safe a sugar alternative as its manufacturers and

advertisers claim, or is it really a toxic chemical causing a wide range of health problems

including thyroid suppression and weight gain?

New research sheds light on this question.

A concerning new study published in the European Journal of Nutrition entitled, �Type of

sweet flavour carrier affects thyroid axis activity in male rats,� is the first study

of its kind to evaluate the effects of Splenda (Sucralose) on mammalian thyroid function

and metabolism.

Their findings reveal that sucralose has endocrine disruptive properties on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid

axis (HPA axis), resulting in thyroid hormone suppression, increased appetite, and weight


The Many Documented Harms of Sucralose (aka Splenda)

Before we delve into the details of the new paper, it is important for our readers to

understand that this study is not novel in finding harm.

There is, in fact, an accumulating body of research on sucralose showing this chemical

marketed as an artificial sweetener is causing a wide range of adverse health effects.

For instance, our sucralose research portal reveals 15 different signals of harm linked

to this artificial sweetener, such as neurotoxicity.

When you add to this well-established body of research the recent discovery that sucralose

produces carcinogenic dioxins when heated, the bitter truth about this artificial sweetener,

namely, that it is a chemical in the same class as highly toxic pesticides like DDT,

comes to light.

This is all the more disturbing when you consider that Splenda is regularly advertised to consumers

as a safe sugar alternative specifically for baking applications.

For instance, have you seen the TV ads where parents are encouraged to use it presumably

to keep their kids healthier than if they used natural sweeteners?

If not, you can visit the Splenda Baking and Cooking page which features a picture of a

woman holding her son while baking.

Also consider that a recent government-funded study found sucralose contaminated 65% of

all breast milk samples assayed.

In other words, the use of this toxicant is so prevalent that even our most vulnerable

populations are incapable of opting out of being exposed to it.

Sucralose has already been demonstrated to promote weight gain and diabetes which undermines

its primary marketed �benefit.� Indeed, the new study also found that it promotes

weight gain in comparison to an equally sweet, isocaloric diet that only differed in that

the sweet sensation was produced by sugar.

So, let�s get to the study details now�

Splenda�s Endocrine Disruptive Properties Revealed

The straightforward purpose of the study was described as follows:

�Non-nutritive sweeteners are the most widely used food additives worldwide.

However, their metabolic outcomes are still a matter of controversy and their effect on

the thyroid activity, a key regulator of metabolism, has not been previously studied.

Therefore, we aim to determine the influence of the sweet type flavour carrier on selected

parameters of thyroid axis activity.� In order to accomplish this, they studied

105 Sprague-Dawley rats, divided into 3 groups, who were fed at their will (ad libitum) for

3 weeks one of the three different diets.

The diets had identical caloric content (isocaloric), comprised of starch (wheat starch)differing

in the following ways: Diet #1 contained no sugar.

Diet #2 contained 10% sucrose (10 grams).

Diet #3 contained enough Sucralose (.0167 grams) to create the same sweet flavor intensity

as Diet #2 (10% sucrose).

�The results obtained indicate that both the presence and the type of sweet taste flavour

carrier affect thyroid axis activity both at fasting and postprandial state.

Compared to diet with sucrose which stimulates thyroid axis activity, sucralose addition

diminishes thyroid hormone synthesis as thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity, plasma thyroxine

(T4), and triiodothyronine (T3) concentration was lower than in SC [sucrose containing]

and NS [not sweet] while in non-sweet diet the lowest level of hepatic deiodinase type

1 (DIO1) and the highest reverse T3 (rT3) level indicate on altered thyroid hormone

peripheral metabolism.� In other words, sucralose significantly altered

the thyroid and metabolic functions of the animals in a manner that could overlap with

the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

The researchers concluded:

�One principal finding of this study concerns the close relationship between the sweet flavour

carrier and the pituitary-thyroid axis activity, which is involved in the meta]bolic adaptation

to meal composition.

This effect may be observed at various levels.

Sucralose intake seems to diminish thyroid axis activity by decreasing TPO activity,

TSH, and plasma total TH concentrations, but at the same time, it increases both free T3

and T4 indexes.

Those findings confirmed that sucralose is physiologically active and may provoke disturbances

in thyroid axis activity.� It is important to understand that this study

proves sucralose is not �metabolically inert� as often claimed when questions of its toxicity

are raised.

Sucralose also increased appetite and weight gain � two things that run diametrically

opposed to consumer perception and the irresponsible marketing of its �benefits.�

The study provides more details:

�Both food intake and body mass gain were significantly affected by the type of diet

(for both p < 0.001).

In total, the highest food intake was recorded in the SU [sucralose] group.

The average daily intake of sucralose with the diet (14.2 � 0.4 mg/kg body weight/day)

did not exceed the acceptable daily intake (ADI, 15 mg/kg body weight/day).

The food intake recorded during the meal before euthanasia did not differ between NS [not

sweet], SC [sucrose], and SU [sucralose], and was 3.98 � 0.5, 4.22 � 0.41, and 4.71

� 0.5, respectively.

The total daily body weight gain in the SU group was significantly higher than in SC

and NS, which represented the lowest value (for both p < 0.001).

Therefore, the highest diet growth efficiency was also recorded in SU, and there were no

differences between NS and SC (Table 2).� Because previous research has established

that dietary carbohydrates directly affect thyroid axis activity, the study was designed

to keep the carbohydrate content identical in order to isolate only the difference between

the artificial and natural sweetener.

The results provide compelling evidence that the difference in thyroid and metabolic effects

observed between the study groups were due entirely to sucralose�s significant and

complex toxicological properties.

Of Mice and Men

The question often emerges following animal studies, as to whether the findings can be

extrapolated to humans.

The study addresses this point directly as follows:

�Despite the known species derived differences in thyroid economy between humans and rodents

[65, 66], it was demonstrated that total T4 levels in rodents are a valid indicator of

thyroid function in relation to effects in humans [67].

Moreover, humans and rats might be equally sensi-tive to TH synthesis disruptors, and

even though in rats the response occurs after a shorter exposure time, the final effect

could be the same.� So why are studies like this not regularly

performed on humans to remove nagging doubt about their relevance?

One reason is the prohibitive cost.

Another, perhaps more significant hurdle, is that it is unethical to test chemical safety

on human subjects.

This obviously makes for great regulatory challenges in unequivocally proving human


So, how are the majority of chemicals released onto the market tested for safety?


And so, the argument that animal studies are not sufficient to demonstrate plausible toxicity

in humans is absurd, given that the toxicological risk assessments used to justify releasing

chemicas like sucralose into the human food supply are invariably based on animal studies.

In fact, these animal studies are used to determine an �acceptable level of harm�

by extrapolating from them to find the dose that would not cause overt morbidity in a


The notion, however, that the dose makes the poison, has been completely undermined, given

research on petrochemicals, low-dose radiation, nanoparticles, and other non-linear dose responses

observed following exposure to extremely low concentrations of toxicants, whose effects

are amplifed because they mimic hormones (endocrine disruptors) or cause DNA damage and subsequent

cellular transformation into cancer instead of inducing cell death (apoptosis).

The most recent classical example of this is the finding that glyphosate, the main in

the herbicide Roundup, exhibits estrogenic/carcinogenic/endocrine disruptive properties in the parts-per-trillion


Sucralose: A Sweetener or Pesticide?

Another highly concerning observation was that sucralose�s effects are similar to

those observed with other organochlorine chemicals in its class, which include dangerous pesticides.

�[T]he pattern of HPT axis components�decreased TPO activity, TSH, T4, and T3 plasma concentrations

together with increased free-to-total TH ratios in the group on the diet with sucralose�resembles

some effects evoked by organochlorine compounds documented in human and animal studies.

The inverse relationships between plasma levels of chloroorganic compounds and TSH or the

thyroid hormone have been observed [31�35].

The association between high levels of fT4 and the consumption of fish exposed to organochlorinated

xenobiotics was found in adults from a certain area in East Slovakia [36].

This could be explained by the binding of chloroorganic compounds residues to transthyretin


In the light of these parallels, our results could raise questions about the physiological

inertness of sucralose.� In a previous article, we reported on sucralose�s

relationship to organochlorine compounds like DDT, and how both compounds have the potential

of accumulating in the body and causing adverse health effects:

�The makers of sucralose/Splenda argue that this �remarkably stable� chemical passes

unchanged into the urine and feces, when in fact, up to 11% to 27% is absorbed into the

body (FDA, 1999).

In fact, the varying degrees to which sucralose is absorbed is used as a marker for gut and

intestinal permeability to determine certain disease states.

Once absorbed, some portion of this chlorocarbon accumulates in the body (between 1.6% to 12.2%).

What effects will these accumulated chemicals have?

According to James Bowen, M.D:

�Any chlorocarbons not directly excreted from the body intact can cause immense damage

to the processes of human metabolism and, eventually, our internal organs.

The liver is a detoxification organ which deals with ingested poisons.

Chlorocarbons damage the hepatocytes, the liver�s metabolic cells, and destroy them.

In test animals Splenda produced swollen livers, as do all chlorocarbon poisons, and also calcified

the kidneys of test animals in toxicity studies.� The Body Perceives Splenda To Be Toxic

The stiudy also noted that previous researchers have doubted the safety of sucralose based

on observations that sucralose intake alters expression of both �rat intestinal P-glycoprotein

(P-gp) and cytochrome P-450 isozymes, which are key components of the detoxification system

in first-pass drug metabolism [38].� In other words, sucralose induced responses in

the body consistent with the perception that it was doing physical harm, and needed to

be removed from the body in the way other toxicants are handled.

Changes also observed consistent with sucralose as a toxicant are: �Alterations in beneficial

intestinal microflora and epithelial border function after long-term sucralose ingestion

were also recorded [38, 39].�

The researchers conjecture that sucralose�s adverse effects on the thyorid axis would

be reflected in �thyroid hisopathology,� i.e. thyroid lesions/tumnors.

Could this be one of the causes behind the mysterious global uptick in thyroid cancer


Ditch The Chemicals

This study leaves far more questions than answers.

First, why are regulators turning a blind eye to the accumulating body of research indicating

that sucralose is a highly toxic chemical whose safety has not be established?

Second, why would anyone risk exposing themselves to a chemical when the evidence indicates

that artificial sweeteners of all kinds promote weight gain, and increase appetitde � the

last two things those who wish to lose weight, or �cut down on sugar� want?

Thankfully we live in an age where research like this is now directly available online,

the moment it is published.

With greater access to information, we can all better exercise informed consent and take

control of our health.

We are also to better assess the health benefits of natural substances that render the use

of synthetic ones unnecessary, such as honey, stevia, and xylitol.

Use the GreenMedInfo.com Research Dashboard to learn more about these alternatives.

For more infomation >> How Artificial Sweeteners Suppresses Thyroid Function, Induce Diabetes and Obesity Related Changes - Duration: 25:55.


Why Do We Need Key Signatures? - Duration: 2:54.

We'll start off by going over skills quickly and seeing how the way we play them when starting

on different notes effects the notes we're able to use in those skills and therefore

what kinds of key signatures we have to use for pieces in the key based on those skills.

When you play a C major scale or starting on C on the piano, it just so happens that

the keys you use to play are all white keys.

Now, it may look like we are skipping keys on the piano but keep in mind that we also

have the black keys.

So, we definitely are skipping some keys.

The five black keys to be exact.

Thus a major scale must always proceed in whole steps except with half steps between

the third and fourth notes and between the seventh and top notes.

So what happens if we want to have a major scale but starting on a note other than C.

Well, we have to use the back keys.

Let's try building an actual major scale on E now.

1, 2, 3,

half stop here

4, 5, 6, 7

another half step here

up to the top.

Notice that when making sure we skip the key for all our whole steps, we ended up using four

of the five black keys.

Those notes are F#, G#, C# and D#.

We're using sharps here rather than flats so every letter name shows up in the scale

once and we don't have something like E, G flat, A flat, A, B, D flat, E flat, E.

So when we are writing or playing a piece based on the E major scale, that is in the key of

E major, should we just mark every one of those sharp notes when it occurs?


That would add a lot of visual junk to the score and make it really difficult to read.

Thus, composers came up with something called "Key Signatures" to define which notes are in the

scale right at the beginning of a piece.

In a key signature written before the time signature but after the clef marking, every

flat or sharp required to recreate the pieces defining scale or key area is marked on the

linear space corresponding to that notes letter name.

So E Major requiring F#, G#, C# and D# would get four sharps in the key signature.

Normally, there're distributed like this with the high F# first.

But when the F line is marked with the sharp it means every F in the piece and any active

should really be F# unless the composer tells us otherwise.

So we don't mark every actives F with the sharp.

Just that one is enough.

For more infomation >> Why Do We Need Key Signatures? - Duration: 2:54.


Khiladi 786 | Hindi Dubbed Movies 2017 | Hindi Movie | Chiranjeevi Movies | Hindi Movies 2017 - Duration: 2:48:00.

It's raining, Lakshmi. Keep the certificates safe.

It's midnight now. We can't get autos also.

Let's spend the night somewhere and go in the morning.

Come on, child.

Child, you didn't have lunch. I'll get you something to eat.

What would you get at this hour, father?

I may get bread & biscuit from any tea shop.

I'll get it. Lock the door.

Come on, come on.

You go upstairs.

Get out, run away from here.

Come on, get inside.

Police has come,

There is, there is.

There is someone in this room too.

Open the door.

I'm not such a kind of girl. - I hear such stories every day.

Come on, come on. Go straight.

Please leave me, sir. Come on, sit inside.

I am not this type of girl. Come on. Please leave me.

Sir. - Get inside.

Sir listen to me.


Child Lakshmi.



I & my daughter came here to attend an interview & stayed in a lodge.

I was told that you had taken away my daughter.

Where is my daughter? Hey, listen..

The girl in yellow dress? - Yes.

I knew it.

Ameerpet Abbulu of Santa Cruz got bail for everyone and took them with him.

She might be in the 3rd house in the next street. Go. Go.. - Oh God..

I got her just now. She is new to this.

My boss will teach her everything.

Take this & get her ready. I'll take her in the morning with a new client.


Child, Lakshmi


Child.. Don't cry, my dear. My child Lakshmi.. - Father..

I'm here. Nothing will happen to you. - Who are you?

We are from Ananthapur.

She has to attend an interview tomorrow morning.

So? A man has booked her for Rs.10,000.

We are not such kind of people. - But we are.

I beg you. Please leave her. - Take her inside.

Please. I beg you. - Come here.

Take her out.

Come on.

Get out from here.

Come on get out.

Get out.

Don't do this.

Leave them.

Have you come to meet Stalin? - Yes.

He is my son's friend.

We must go to his house tomorrow morning and then to the interview.

Why didn't you tell me this before?

A little delay could've taken my life.

Thank God, you saved me.

Sorry. Forgive me. Forgive me sister.



Sit, sir.

Don't tell anything to Stalin.

Please, sir. I made a big mistake so please forgive me.

Leave them & collect money from me. Blow..

If you drink, I will kill you. Go fast.

Thank you sir.

I paid money & booked that girl and now you say she is gone.

Where is she?

Why haven't you eaten anything? C'mon eat.

What's time of your interview?

2 pm.

It's her.

Eat. I will wait. Eat well.

Who are you guys? Why did you come here?

Nothing, aunt. We booked her for our boss.

Booked her?

We paid advance money too.

Here is Rs.5,000.

Who should I give it to?

Do you know to whose house you've come now?

No point in talking to you. Come.

Please leave her. - Come.

I beg of you, sir.

Get lost you old man. - Stop.


Narayana, leave her. You sit in the car.

Stalin lives here.

Even lightning & thunders think twice before coming here.


If you have guts, and if you are a real man, take this girl..

..try crossing this road. Go.

Go & sit in their car.

I'm Stalin's mother telling you.

Go & sit.





Did you get hurt? - No.

Ask this question to those idiots and not my son.

Thank you very much. - It's okay.

You don't have to worry. Be brave. - Okay son.

Come, let's go inside. - Wait. Let me ward of all evil eyes.

I do not know how many people's evil eye must have fallen on my son.

It has come, it has come..

It has come.

It has come, it has come..

After so long happiness has come.

Everyone is jealous, everyone is jealous since happiness has come.

No one has the strength to stop us.

We will not stop even if someone asks us to stop.

We do whatever we want to do.

We are not scared of any difficulty.

We will reach our goal.

We will remove all obstacles with our strength.

We will reach our goal.

We will remove all obstacles with our strength.

It has come, it has come..

It has come.

It has come, it has come..

After so long happiness has come.

Everyone is jealous, everyone is jealous..

The entire world has come.

We will fight for everything.

For our country we shall break all shackles.

The enemy's of the country are our enemies.

The friends of country are our friends.

We again want peace in the country.

Then how can Ravan live here?

We will not tolerate any oppression.

Come, we all will stay here together.

It is our promise and we will fulfill our promise.

With our power we will do away with wrong people.

If we are together then what is the problem.

With our strength we will win every game.

You are with me and I am with you.

You all are the color of my life.

It has come, it has come..

It has come.

It has come, it has come..

Happiness has come after so long.

Everyone is jealous, everyone is jealous..

The entire world has come.

Let's all put our hands together and take an oath.

We will never separate after being together.

They all are our future.

They all have many dreams.

Mother's love is most precious.

The one who gets it has attained heaven.

Let us all come together and take a decision.

That we shall fill our laps with happiness.

When we are together then we can change our destiny.

It has come, it has come..

It has come.

It has come, it has come..

Happiness has come after so long.

Everyone is jealous, everyone is jealous..

The entire world has come.

No one has the power to stop us.

We will not stop even if someone stops us.

We do what we want to do.

We are not scared of any difficulty.

We will achieve our goal.

With our strength we will remove all difficulties.

Slowly, slowly we will achieve our goal.

With our strength we will remove all difficulties.



I can't see any name called Stalin in this almanac.

What, you cannot see?

I can see. But the place & planets can't see him.

It is clearly seen. You will not be able to understand, mother.

To hell with you and your astrology.

You can't be blamed. My son's fault.

He agreed to marry when he was in the army.

He's refusing to marry after coming here.

He has gone to send her off.

When he comes home, tell him that if he doesn't marry..

..convince him that his mother's life is in danger. Understood.

I can convince him in no time. But it would cost you more.

I will give you, I shall not run from here.

What's all this stuff? Is it a market place?

Not a market but I have a proposal for you.

She's good match to you.


Look! Don't get angry. - What?

If you don't marry soon, your mother's life is in danger..

..and your mother told me this..

No. Astrology is saying it. Your horoscope confirms it.

Agree to what I am saying, child.

How's my performance?

This astrologer is no ordinary man.

Whatever he says will surely happen.

You be here. I will get your fees.

Along with the money, don't forget other things. - I'll not.

She keeps up her word.

No one in my area has the guts to bring marriage proposals for me.

How could you do that?

I'm not from this area.

Getting smart with me?

No. - Why?

I can't breathe.

What will happen? - I may die.

If you don't stop this now, it will happen for sure.

No one in this world can ever stop me.

No one can stop me.. may be you can.

I don't think you will give me that opportunity.

You will stop yourself.

Where are you going?

Tell me what you're thinking about. I'm really tensed.

Son Stalin, Why did you mask her face?

My mother did it.

Why did she mask the face of such a beautiful face? Remove it.

If you have the guts, remove it.

Do I need guts to remove it, ah?

Look, I will just remove it.

Mother, he is removing the mask.

Priest! Don't do this.

I don't want to see her face. - He has pasted it.

You, priest..

How dare you mask my face instead of hers'?

I will kill you. I will hack you to death.

Enough mother. Don't get tensed.

Mother. - Are you leaving or not?

Actually I've a weakness.

If I don't clear my doubts immediately..

..my head will break into pieces.

Die then. Mother..

My head will break into pieces. Tell me who she is.

I won't tell you that she is my daughter.

I will never speak about her.

She is not my daughter.

Arrest him first.

Stop it mother. - You keep quiet.

What are you thinking? Arrest him.

They fell in love & married.

It's better you bless them.

Why should I bless them? Shut up.

You stupid girl!

If you marry him, you can only do Bhangra dance.

Stop blabbering. - Cool down Jhansi.

Will you send her out, or should I handle the situation?

What will you do? Beat me?

I fed you with so much love that you've grown so fat.

Now you will show me anger.

What you will show me?

You stay away. Mother..

What you will show me?

You do not come in between. - Come on mother, let's go.

She has become so daring that she answers me back.

Where did he go?

Congratulations, all the best.

What are you doing there? Remember that.

Be careful.

I warned them. Let's go.

How dare she! Falling in love!

You have hurt me so much that you will never live happily.

You people..

Don't pick up that.

Oh my God! Such a big story!

If you could name your son as Stalin, a foreigner's name..

..can't you accept your son-in-law from a neighbouring state?

It was my husband who named him as Stalin.

Communist leader.

Is yours a Communist family, mother?

I didn't know that your family is so powerful.

Now that you know, do not enter our house again.

You got me into this matter and made your mother scold me.

I'm a Brahmin. I've mole on my tongue.

Whatever I say will happen.

You'll get a daughter-in-law who will grind you. This is the truth.

Hi mummy!

Why is your hair wet?

I stood first in the swimming competition.

No one can defeat you.

Forgot me? Mummy, look at my cup.


Idiot! In which shop did you buy this?

The shop next to the shop where you bought this.

Cool down.

I stood first in the dance competition.

Congrats. - Thank you.

None of my achievements are recognized in this house.

I will go to Jhansi sister's house.

Hi little rat!

How many times to tell you Chitra that my name is Harbajan Singh?

Call me Harbajan Singh.

But I will call you Little Rat.

What is that cup for?

I stood first in the swimming competition.

Really? Congratulations.

Thank you.

I wanted to ask you something for a very long time.

Who is the lady in that photo?

Mind your work.

Jhansi, where are my car keys?

I kept it on the draw. - Okay listen..

Yes. - There is a meeting in the office so I will get late in the evening.

Who is this boy?

Him? Just touch him.

Most powerful.

Touch him & you will get electrocuted.

Greetings madam. - Greetings.

Come madam.

Greetings madam. - Greetings madam.

You can check. - Okay madam.

What is he doing in a women's college?

Look who is sitting next to him.

She used to top the class.

But lost both her hands in an accident.

Since then, he is writing her exams as she tells.

Look there Madam.

Not only her, he writes for that blind girl too.

What if both have exams on the same day?

It never happened like that till now.

Sirisha, give me that paper.

Give it to him after he completes writing the exam.

What should I tell him?

Tell him that his sister gave it.

Let's go.

Chitra, pick up the phone.

Mummy, this is Harbajan speaking.

This phone is temporarily not working.

Shit! She's a headache to me always.


There is a devil named Chitra living in our next house.

But she always stays in our house.

She is arrogant.

Always teases me calling me Little Rat.

Why Little Rat? - It's a big flash back.

Flash back at this young age?

One day, I was in the shower & she came.


Opened the door all of a sudden. - Then?

And saw it.

Ever since then, she calls me Little Rat.

I don't know why she is calling me like that.

I'm not that matured.

I've understood.

Little Rat is nothing but..

Leave your problem to me. I will handle it.

What's her name?

Chitra. Teach her a lesson. - Keep watching.


I'm Jhansi's brother speaking. Will you please call my sister?


Who is that?

Your brother.

Tell that I will call him back in 10 minutes.

She will call you back in 10 minutes.

Hello, hello..

Who are you?

I'm Chitra, your sister's friend.

Hello Chitra aunt.

When did you come from Dubai?

How are your children?

Hello, hello.. wait, wait..

Just because I'm your sister's friend, it doesn't mean I'm of her age.

I am just..

Trying to know how I will look like?

I know, aunt.

You are black, short, fat.. - Shit!

I am not fat, short and black.

Young men call me Super figure.


What do Road Romeos call you? A nice chic?

Shut up. I am just 19


Okay. Let's not fight anymore.

Since you're my sister's friend, you're my friend too.

Shall we play a game? - Game?

Game of color astrology.

What does that mean?

I will tell you the color of your dress.

If I am right, friendship will bloom between us.

Can't tell you where it might go in future?


We must become friends first.

Tell me the color of my dress.


No. I'm wearing red color dress.

Look again.

Your dress is yellow.

Bangles & ear rings are also yellow.

To make it more clear..

..from top to bottom..

I mean in and out is yellow.

No. Nothing matched. Connection cut.

She will never interfere in your matter again.


What do you want?

Daddy! - What do you want I say?

I want to go to toilet.

Oh God..

If I take you there, girls will think that I'm married.

It might mar my image, sorry.

Come, I'll take you dear.

Excuse me.

If you don't mind, will you take her to the toilet?

Thank you. - Come on.

Aunt, same pinch.

What for?

We both are wearing the same coloured panty.

Thank you.

Aunt.. same pinch.

What for that?

No, no..

She said it because we both are girls. - No.

We both are wearing the same coloured panty.

Thank you.

Come on.

Sumathi, who are you waiting for? Hi, sir.

Do you also have exam today? - Yes sir.

Same time. - Yes.

She has Chemistry practical. How can I write your exam?

I know that.

That's why I've asked my uncle to come here.

Swati's practical exam is more important.

You must be with her.

Okay & good luck. Thank you, sir.

Okay. Come on.

Hi Swati. - Hi..

Sumathi, phone for you.

What are you saying, uncle?

I met with an accident while coming.

I can't come for the exam.

This is my public exam, uncle.

Talk to principal & arrange someone to write the exam for you.


Where are you going? - I am going inside. I want to meet him.

Exam is going on. You can't go inside.

It's about my life. - No way.

Please sir. - No way.

Only 5 more minutes left for the exams to start.

I'm helpless.

College staff is not allowed to write the exam as it is against the rules.

Do one thing.

Seek external help. I will permit you. - Sir..

I'm doing my Inter 2nd year in this college.

Today is my public exam. Spend 3 hours & write my exam.

Do you think I don't have any work?

I'm already late to office. Go.

Atleast you help me sir.

Why are you irritating? Go and ask someone else.

Can't you understand? Go away from here.

Sorry Sumathi. I can't help you.



By looking at the analysis, you'll get full marks.

Thank you, sir.

Excuse me for a minute.

Come on, let's see.. - Come down.

What happened? Come down.

It is too deep. Don't jump. Come down.

Come down.

Don't jump. Come down. - Sumathi..

Don't jump. Come down.

Don't jump.

Get back. Do not give away your life like this.

Just see whether she is dead or not.

Come on hurry up.

She is a clever student.

She used to score 90%.

She jumped infront of my eyes.

She begged so many people. But no one came forward to help her.

Any love failure?

It must be love failure. She is a college student, isn't she?

Does it look like a love affair for a girl without hands? Rascal!

She begged so many people to write the exam.

But no one came forward.

But now passing sarcastic comments!

How could you say that?

Go to office at 9 am and come home at 6 pm..

..and get glued to the TV.

You're only concerned about your family.

You never think about others.

You never thought.

You won't find time to help others.

But you will find time to watch such things.

Shame on your part!

Though she lost her both hands in an accident,

She never committed suicide.

Do you know why?

She believed that people around will help her.

But today, we broke her trust & killed her.

We all killed her.

What happened, brother?

100 meters race for physically challenged children is about to start.

Give them a big hand and encourage these children.

100 meters race for physically challenged children.

Give them a big hand.



You will get drenched in the rain.

You be here. I will be back soon.

Make it fast. My baby is in the car. - Okay madam.

Take the auto.. move.

One more car is parked in no parking area.

Tow this car to the police station.

Thank you.

Where is my car?

Where has the car gone?

Where is my baby?

Where is my car?

Traffic police towed your car away. - My child is inside.


My baby was in the car which you towed from the Big Bazaar.

Baby in the car?

Your car is over there. - Lets go. - Come.

My baby.. my car. Where has she gone? That's my car.

My baby. Open it fast.

Take this. Quick.

My child.

My child is inside. My child..

My baby is missing. Where is my baby?

What did you do with my child?

Where is my child?

Tell me.

Tell me that where my child is. Tell me. - Nothing.

Why do you feel shy? Did she come in your dreams last night?

Yes she came in my dreams..

I saw Aishwarya Rai in my dream last night..

Tell me.. Shall I tell you?

She garlanded me. - Think again.

Were you standing or lying down with a lamp behind your head.

You always tease me. He is teasing me, brother.

What happened, brother? Still thinking about those school children?

Those children wanted to help each other. That's a great thing.

They have no choice. They must help each other.

They are physically challenged children.

They are not handicapped.

People with good health & who don't help others are the real handicapped.

The girl begged many to write her exam.

No one came forward, rascals. - Forget it, brother.

People don't think of helping others.

People do think of helping others but problem they never follow it.

We must make people each other. - Yes, you're right.

Have you helped anyone before?


Fine. How many people can you help in future?

In future I shall help 50 to 150 people. - No need.

Just help 3 people. We can change the world.

How is that possible that by helping 3 people..

..we can change the entire world?

It is possible.

That's me.

I will help 3 people.

And I'll ask each one of them to help 3 more as thanks to me.

As this chain grows, everyone will try to help 3 people.

When we help a stranger,

he will also be inspired to help another stranger.

It isn't god who helps us.

People must help each other.

God never invented current or bulb.

It was the man who invented everything right..

..from internet to Idli cooker in this world.

I believe in nothing is impossible.

Whose baby is that?

We both went to Big bazaar yesterday.

I gave the car number in the RTO office to know the address.

I may get a phone call at anytime.

From RTO office.


Yes, tell me sir.


Okay, thank you.

Where is the address? Chandan Nagar.

Let us start our helping concept with this baby.

Yes, we have reached home.

Mother, we have got back our baby.

Mother, we have got our baby.

My child.

This baby was born after 7 years of marriage.

If anything had happened to her, we would've all died.

Your help can't be repaid with just a thanks.

But still I must thank you for the help.

Mere thanks alone will not do.

What do you want, tell me?

There are many people around us who need help from others.

Help 3 people.

And tell each one of them to help 3 more.

That's all.

A very noble thought. He will surely help.

It's my promise. I will surely do it.

Bye. - Bye.

Come on.

They are so happy that I think your dream will certainly come true.

All the best. - Thank you.

Stalin, Stalin..

Look at this girl, mother.

She is Maheshwari.

She stood 2nd in racing by running 200meters..

We don't want her even if she had won 1st prize.

I can't find a perfect bride for your son. I can't do it.

We must call the Lord Brahma, the creator to send a perfect girl.

Find a suitable girl for my son.

For his style..

Find a girl like her. Your photos are useless.

Wait. I will bring you a coffee.

I don't know if you can find a perfect bride or not.

But I'm tired of serving you coffees.

I can drink coffee at anytime.

Look at her. She looks very beautiful.

Your son is her perfect match.

She has even put an ad seeking groom. Take a look.

I want a bride like her.


Imagine your son with that girl..

You are my moon.

You are my moonlight.

Stop it. Back to 1950.

Imagine about them in the latest trend.

I want a spider man. I want a superman.

My heart loves him only.

Only him, only him..

The one who comes in dreams and takes away my peace.

She will only rule if you want, if you want be my girl.

My heart is crazy, does not know anyone..

How do I control myself?

Make me drink with your eyes..

Come in my arms..

You are my darling and be in my heartbeat.

Do not bind me with threads of love.

You will have to fulfill all my wishes.

Put vermillion on my forehead and make me your bride.

With palanquin of love take me to your house.

Boom, boom..

Shaka laka boom, boom..

Boom, boom..

Boom, boom..

Shaka laka boom, boom..

Boom, boom..

Shaka laka boom, boom..

I would take you to Delhi, Mumbai..

Where would you like to go?

Tell me..

Tell me..

Do as my heart says..

Do it.

Do it.

The heart is stubborn. It does not agree.

And does what it wants.

How do I make it believe, tell me?

It happens so in love.

Why are you scared?

Let whatever happens. Why are you worried?

Why are you delaying? Come and hug me.

Then it will be difficult to find such an opportunity.

Do not tie me with thread of love.

You will have to fulfill all my wishes.

Put vermilion on my forehead and make me your bride.

Call quickly for palanquin of love and take me home.

Come on say..

Come on say..

Come on say..

It is difficult to escape from glowing cheeks and body.

Difficult to escape..

I am mad after you, love. My love, my love..

I do not want to be away from your eyes.

Morning and evening I want to live in your eyes.

Everything that is mine is yours so you can do whatever you wish to.

We both have to be each other's.

You are mine and I am yours. My love, my life..

The entire world seems to be deserted without you.

Do not bind me with threads of love.

You will have to fulfill all my wishes.

Put vermillion on my forehead and make me your bride.

With palanquin of love take me to your house.

I will get your commission. - Okay madam.

What is it? Back again? - Just came to meet her.

Hey Gopi, take a look at your sister-in-law's photo.

Where is it? Show it to him. Take your hand.

She is the perfect bride to my son.

She's very beautiful.

Sister-in-law! Let me also see her.

Is she my sister-in-law?

Just a minute.

Look at this now. She is with someone else.

It means she is already married.

How dare you chose a married woman to my son?

I will..

Where did he go?

Along with him, he took away your money too.

Stop crying, Sirisha. Stop crying like a child.

What happened?

Wait for me. I will come.

Why is she crying?

That's her personal matter. You go.

I said go.

Stop crying Sirisha.

Did he tell his name? - No.

Like every day, he calls on phone and speaks filthy.

He wrote my phone number in the public toilet..

..with a caption "call this number for call girls".

We love each other.

We convinced our parents & have arranged the marriage too.

If my parents come to know about this..

..our marriage may get cancelled.

Why did you come here?

I told you to stay downstairs.

Looks like I must settle this matter. Tell me.

He tells correctly even the moles on my body.

Not only that, he insists on spending a night with him.

It is him.


Don't get scared. Speak.


It's him again. Speaking badly.

Keep talking. Do not cut the phone at any cost.

Who are you? What do you want?


What have you decided?

Who are you?


It's your brother..

Your problem is solved now.

He is our family doctor. - A doctor?

Get up.

Doctor! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

When your patient is unconscious..

..you must check her heart beat and the pulse rate.

Not the moles on her body.

If I don't get your doctor's license cancelled in 24 hours,

I will slit your throat.

You don't have to worry anymore. Be happy.

All the best.

Excuse me, sir.


I was tensed of losing my love.

But you helped me at the right time.

I don't know how to thank you. - That's okay.

Thank you very much, sir. - Its okay.

Excuse me - Yes sir.

What did you say now? - I said thanks.

I don't need your thanks.

Help 3 people & ask each one of them to help 3 more.

That's enough. - Sure sir.

Stalin, your sister will come in 10 minutes.

Come & sit in our house.

It's okay. Please come in.

Please sit. I will get you a coffee. - Okay.

Switch to V channel.

I said switch to V channel.


Switch to MTV.

Increase the volume.

Where are you going?

Wow! I love this song.

Why are you covering it? What's your problem.

I cannot understand.


Enjoying music? - Yeah.

Open your eyes & see. You will enjoy it more.

What more will I enjoy?

Thank you.

My sister.. She is mad.

Give it to me.

Thank you.


What the hell..

You.. in the theatre..

Yes. Theatre.. the little girl.. same pinch.

So, it is your house, ah?

Do you know what really had happened? - Shut up.

Why are you asking my brother to shut up?

Have you met before?

We met in the theatre.. a little girl.. - What happened?

A little girl wanted to go to the toilet.. - Is it very important?

Go inside.

So, it was you the color astrologist! Yellow color.

Bye Chitra.

Leaving so soon.

It's time my son to return from school. Bye.

Jhansi, what is your brother doing?

He was in the army.

Is he not in the army now? - No.

May be he got scared & left!

How could you say that? - I was just joking.

What would they think about you?

I was just joking. - Apologize to them.

I'm sorry, sister.

I didn't mean it. I was just joking.

I'm really sorry.

This was the first time I am seeing you so angry.

What was he in the army?

Do you know who he is?

Indian Army Major.

Major Stalin.

Come on army..

Advance in front.

Oh my God.

Sir, Major Stalin Reporting. - What happened?

Enemy has suddenly attacked us.

From unexpected zone.

Tiger hill, sir.


Give me permission, sir.

Okay. - I take charge. Yes sir.

Major Stalin moving, sir.

Stop this damn it. - Listen to me.

We've to stop this mission. - No sir.

We cannot go. - Do not stop this, sir.

They are in an advantage position.

We can't lose any more of our soldiers.

I won't make their sacrifices go futile.

Their sacrifices shouldn't go waste.

I'm very sorry, sir.

I am taking charge, sir. - Stalin.


What do you mean by this?

Yes, I gave this order purposefully.

What was my fault?

Why have you put me in charge of administrative department?

What will I do there?

For insubordination,

Under in disciplinary action

I've taken this decision.

That's all.

Sorry sir.

If Stalin hadn't taken such a decision that day..

..the situation would've been different.

You're jealous of Stalin and his popularity.

Mind your language, Captain. - Sorry sir.


Sir, I am ready to sacrifice my life for this nation.

If I don't have that opportunity, it's better to quit.

Sorry sir.

As you said, my brother didn't quit army in fear.

He resigned.

He finds happiness in others'.

Even now, he wants everyone to help one another.

He started the "Help 3" movement..

..and wants to change this society.

He saved two lovers who were about to commit suicide..

..and performed their marriage.

When they thanked him..

..he refused to accept it.

Instead, he asked them to help 3 people..

..and in turn ask them to help 3 more.

Chitra, now have you understood what my brother is.

You are my Madhubala and I am your Himmatwala.

Raja, Raja, you are my guard.

You are my happiness and my world.

There is nothing in this world without you.

Do you know if I have said yes or no?

Do you love..

Yes, I love him.

Do you love..

Yes I do..

Do you love..

I am not scared.

Do you love..

Yes, I love him.

Understand, understand..

Understand what my heart says.

Understand that you come in dreams every day.

Understand that you are my love and life.

Understand that you are in my every part and you are my heartbeat.

You are body and soul.

You are my entire world.

Just listen to what my love says.

Do you love?

Yes I do.

Do you love?

I am not scared.

Do you love?

Yes, I love her.

Listen; listen why my heart beats so fast?

Darling, it thinks about you all the time.

Tell me; tell me why it doesn't sleep.

Darling, it keeps awake the whole night.

The magic of love has happened on your heart.

If we become two bodies and one soul then this will be finished.

Do you love....

Yes, I love him.

Do you love..

I am not scared.

Do you love..

Yes I do..

Stop. I will kill you.

Rascal, stop.

Stop. What happened?

Leave me. - What has happened?

Tell me, what has happened?

He said he didn't have money to buy bus ticket.

I gave him Rs.10.

He went away without saying thanks.

Will you hit him if he doesn't say thanks, ah?

Hit him. - I really don't want to hit him.

If he had thanked me.

I don't need that.

I would've asked him to help 3 persons.

But he didn't thank me.

If he didn't thank you, it means your help wasn't thankable.

The other day, that girl's family thanked him so much.

He never expected it from them.

Whatever you may say..

..he is no different from them.

He took money & said nothing.

They took help & thanked you and would've done nothing.

They wouldn't have helped anyone.

What do you want to say?

People are ungrateful.

Do not talk bad about people.

The good work we started would've taken deep roots.

We too want it to spread all over the country.

But I don't trust these people.

But I trust them.

Let's meet them right now. Come.

Take your car.

They would come if we knock the door hard. - Who is it?

Greetings. - Stalin!

Please come inside.

What would you like to have?


Your son?

Do you want to talk to my son?

The other day, I told your son to help 3 people.

I came here to know who he had helped.

All these days he was busy getting his passport & visa.

He went to Canada just 10 days back.

I'm a software engineer.

I've 6 senior officers supervising me.

200 people work under me.

24 hours work tension.

I can't do social work leaving the job.

I don't have so much leisure time either.

Stop asking such stupid questions.

I neither have a good job nor people work under me.

I'm more worried about cancellation of honeymoon.

And you are talking about helping others?

You are right.

He doesn't even have time to eat.

How could he find time to help others?

If you want any personal help, I will surely do it.

I will give you Rs.5,000.

You help someone with that money.

Bye sir.

No problem.

It is okay.

Don't worry, brother.

It was a good idea.

Tried to implement it. But failed.

That's their ill fate.

What if they don't help?

I will help. We will do it for you.

Sir, give me a rupee please. - Go..

I'm very hungry. Give me a rupee.

Please sir. - Stop bugging me.

Please. - Go.

Get up.

You are bleeding.

Is it painful?

Just take care of her.

Get down.

Get down, you rascal. What have you done? - Who are you?

How dare you? - What did I do?

Drinking & driving is wrong.

But begging because of ill destiny isn't.

Help if you can.

But you have no right to hurt her. - Stop it.

Help someone.

Why do you live a useless life?


I will kill you.

Don't do that, brother.

They don't help others.

Such people must be hacked to death.

Let it be. - Let it be. We will see him later.

He is the one. - Yes, he is the one. Come out.

What do you think about yourself?

Hit him.

You hit our brother.

I will just set you right. I will break his bones.

Hit him hard.

Stop brother.

Please listen to me.

Leave it.

Do you want me to keep quiet?

What else can we do?

You helped 3 people and expected them to help 3 more and waited for 20 days.

But all your efforts went in vain.

And now you hit a guy.

Look at the consequences that took place in 20 minutes.

Poison spreads faster than medicine.

Leave it here.

Leave it.

Yes, brother.

We want your good work to grow and not anyone criticizing you.

Let's forget everything.

Let's think that we met with an accident.

Priya darling, where are you?

It's getting late for the show.

Come fast. I'm waiting for you.

I will call you later.

Hari, the guy who hit me on that day is now in the mall.

Come here in 5 minutes.

I will wait here. Come fast.

Finished? - He is getting late for his tuition class.

But we haven't got the bill. - I will drop him.

Please. - Okay.

Bye. - Let's go.

Bye mother. - Bye. Bring the bill, please.

Where is he?

Can't you come an hour later? He is gone.

If you had come immediately, you could've got him.

You said he was here with his family.

There they are.

It's very hard to find him in this city.

Instead of we finding him,

I'll make him to find us.

Now a days you don't eat properly. - Enough.

You eat. I will bring it.

You forgot the phone at home.

It has been ringing since evening.

I don't know how to operate it.

Hello sister.. - Stalin..



Hello - Greetings MLA sir.

There has been a trouble in Infinity mall and a great fight has happened.

One man is chasing to beat me.

What should I do now?

Where are you now? Adarsh Nagar.


Go to my party office there.

No one will dare to step in. - Okay sir.

Constable, take the jeep.

Prakash.. Vishal.. where are you? Rashid..

Hey Yadav, where are you all? Hurry up everyone.



Someone has cut our partyman's hand.

Don't spare him. Kill him. How dare he?

Don't spare him.

How dare he?

Don't spare him. Finish him off.

Nothing happened in my party office.

Send him out.

Sir, he cut your man's hand infront of me.

I said nothing had happened, right?

Release him.

If anything happens in the station..

..we both will be in trouble.

I'm in politics for the past 20 years.

I know what to do, when & where to do.

I'm waiting outside. Send him out.

No case has been filed against you.

You are free to go.

Brother, he has come.

He is here, brother.

Don't spare him.

Don't leave him. He has cut the hand of our man.

Cutting his hand is not wrong.

But you did that in the wrong place.

You cut my man's hand in my party office.


Do you know my power?

You've come with 100's of henchmen for a lone man.

I can understand what your power is!

How dare you!

You dared put your hand on my chest.

Don't you know my power.

Eat what you want.

Fulfill all your desires.

See anything you want to see.

Tomorrow by 4 pm, no one in your family will be alive.

Got it?

You have come with so many men for me.

I had killed 100's of Pakistani soldiers.

Better you know that.

It's for your good I'm saying.

If you send your men at 4 pm..

..you will feel for your biggest mistake of your life at 4:10 pm.

If you still insist, go ahead.






What shall we do now, brother?

Sister, tomorrow at 4 come to my house with your husband & child.

Your mom lives there.

I won't come.

My mother?

You're her daughter too. Don't forget that.

But I was born premature in 8 months.

Is that why she always says you are premature.

Shut up. Leave it.

If that is so, come to Borivali bus stand at 3:30 tomorrow.

You did not tell where are we going and made me sit in the bus.

To take an insurance policy on you.

Do you think that I will die soon?

Just because you speak like this, my sister went away.

Sister? - Yes sister.

There she is.


Think of the devil & the devil is here. - Yes.

Shit! - Shit.

Sit like this.

Mother I will ring the bell. Shall we get down?


We got into the bus first.

Let her get down if she wants to. - Okay.

Shit! - Shit!

Mallesh is in the bus! We will ask him. - You go.

Following me!

Everyone is here.


Why is she coming after us?


Yes. You are right. Shit.

Mother, get into the lift.

You also get into the lift.

There are too many in the lift. I'll take the steps.

He is here. Catch him.

Come, let's play.



How did you climb 6 floors in 30 seconds?

It's all the magic of mother's milk that is why you came before the lift.

And some drink tinned milk.

They grow physically not mentally.

It's my ill fate that I came with you in the lift.

My ill fate too.

Come, let's go.

The job is over. - So fast?

An errand is still pending. I will deal with it.

Mallesh.. Lakshmana..

How did he come inside?

Where are you guys?

Why are you shouting?

They won't come.

They all are getting treatment.

It's might take a month to get discharged.

I warned you once that you can do nothing.

Now I've come to your house to warn you again.

You can do nothing.

How dare you talk like that in front of me?

My daring. Ask your husband. He will tell you.

It's a wife's duty to correct her husband if he's wrong.

There is saying that "Behind every successful man there's a woman".

Likewise seeing you reminds me..

.."Behind every idiot there is a woman too".

Do you know who my father is?

Don't you know it yourself?

Keep your husband in control.

Be careful.

Baby, baby..

Please don't call your father.

Why blow up this small issue? - This is not a small issue. Stop it.

What will you do?

He came into our house and insulted you in front of everyone.

I won't sprae him.

I won't spare him.


Madam's phone. - Madam?

Phone for your father? - Who is it?

Your sister. She is much tensed.





Sister is on line.

What is it, dear?

Don't get tensed for a silly thing, dear.

I'm going to Delhi.

I'll handle him as soon as I come back.

Give the phone to your husband.

You useless!

You are unfit to be a ward member.

I got my daughter married to you.

I made you an MLA as dowry gift.

You must take good care of my daughter, right?

But you kept quiet when some guy shouted at her.

It's not enough if you have gunmen around you.

You must be my daughter's gunman.

If you don't, I will get you killed with your own gunmen.

Give the phone to her.

He insulted me infront of everyone in my house.

I won't live in this house.

Come home right now..

Didn't I tell you that I will handle him after coming back from Delhi?

Why are you still worried?

You go home. I will handle him.

Until you don't tell me what you will do with him,

I won't move from here.

Draw a circle around that dog.

Do it.

That dog does what we say.

After returning from Delhi, I'll make him stand in that circle like a dog.

It's up to you then.

What do you say?

You took money from Sait.

Who will pay the dues?

Will your father pay?

Aren't you ashamed?

I couldn't pay the due because of my marriage.

I'll pay both the dues next month.

We have come to the temple for the first time.

Please do not take the bike.

If you know to marry, don't you know to pay the dues?

Just for one month, please. - Excuse me.

Any problem?

We took money to buy the bike.

Because of our marriage, we couldn't pay the dues.

We promise to pay both the dues next month, but they don't listen to us.

This is the first time we have come to the temple after marriage.

They want to take the bike.

He has come to temple with wife for the first time. Why trouble them?

Give us our money and go anywhere they like.

Do you have Sait's visiting card? - Take it.

These are my bike keys.

Take mine. I'll pay the dues and will take my bike.

Give me those keys.

Why trouble yourself for us? - It's alright.

I'll go in my friend's bike.

No problem.

Take my bike. It's also new.

Anyway, we got a bike.

We don't know who you are.

But you helped us a lot.

Give us your address.

I'll bring back your bike.

I'll neither give my address nor my name.

But my help shouldn't end with just your thanks.

You help 3 people and ask each one of them to help 3 more.

Just 3 people. We will definitely do it.

The other day, when Stalin asked you whether you helped anyone..

..you said you don't have time.

That day I was very tensed about company auditing.

Later, I felt very bad.

If I can't help 3 people, my life has no meaning.

I helped 2 till now.

Now I have helped the 3rd one.

If he knows about this, he would feel very good.

Shall we go, mother?

Hello. I'm Stalin speaking.

Hello, how are you?

I'm Chitra.

Give the phone to my sister.

Sister has gone out.

Who is on the line, Chitra?

It's my friend's phone.


The other day you were talking about color astrology.

Tell me the color of dress I'm wearing now.

Why? It didn't match that day.

If not the first time, it can match the 2nd time.

Today, you are wearing black color clothes.

Am I right?

My God! You were right.

Now do you accept that we can be friends.

I agree.

Since you have won, I will give you a treat.

Come to my house. We will go out together.


What are you thinking about?

Don't you want to come out with me?

Nothing like that.


I'll be there in 10 minutes.


Mother, where is younger sister's black dress?

It's in the washing machine as it had become dirty.

You look very beautiful in this black dress.

I love black.

I always prefer black.

My favourite movie is "Black".

I bought ticket in black market and saw the movie "Black".

With black money?


Wow! Surprising! You are having black coffee too.

Have it.


Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

I wanted the black dress washed for tomorrow's college function,

Why did you take it?

I won't go.

Sir, she hates black.

She will scold me even when I wear black clothes.

She was wearing a white dress till now.

Don't what happened to her now?

She rummaged house, wore this wet dress from washing machine.

Did you see? It is still wet.

Better return my dress back.

If you don't.. be careful.

Isn't this your dress?


You don't have any black dress, ah?


You don't like back at all?

I don't have. - What happened?

Then, why did you wear this black dress?

For you.

For me?

For what?



What did you say?

For your friendship.

Oh friendship?

If color matches..

Our friendship will be strong.

I was just kidding.

But you.. - But I did not know it is a joke.

I took it seriously.

Very good.

Have your black coffee.

After meeting you I have started feeling..

That I have got all happiness of the world.

After meeting you I have started feeling..

That I have got all happiness of the world.

My life and desires start from you.

Love and desires start with you.

Because of you this world is beautiful.

After meeting you I have started feeling..

That I have got all happiness of the world.

The earth as well as sky is blooming.

Because of you my world has become happy.

The earth as well as sky is blooming.

Because of you my world has become happy.

My love you are my desire.

Because of your love my heart is lighted.

You are even more beautiful then love.

After meeting you I have started feeling..

That I have got all happiness of the world.

I cannot live for a moment without you.

I also cannot live a life without you.

I cannot live for a moment without you.

I also cannot live a life without you.

I got the happiness for which I was yearning.

The desire to live has increased.

You are my love and life.

After meeting you I have started feeling..

That I have got all happiness of the world.

After meeting you I have started feeling..

That I have got all happiness of the world.

My life and desires start from you.

Love and desires start with you.

Because of you this entire world is beautiful.

We bear the load of entire world.

You've grown up like a buffalo.

Why don't you tell him to love somebody?

Calling me buffalo is not right.

Okay, you donkey.

That's good.

He is not after any girl.

But a girl is after him.

Who is she? How will she look like?

Like her.

Cleansing agent.

Mother. Infact it is her.

How is she?

Very beautiful.

Her eyes, her nose..

Her figure.

She is your sister-in-law.

I've decided.

Look at this face wash, sister.


Shit, shit..

No. We don't need this girl. No way.

My son & her? No way.

If my son becomes a policeman, there will be no thieves in the country.

If he enters politics, no part will oppose him.

She is nothing compared my son.

I don't need her.

And she is a friend of that premature lady.

I don't like her. I don't want her.

This is fine. - Okay..

Makes your skin glow and see the difference in 3-6 weeks.

Who is she, sister?

She is my brother's mother.

Brother's mother? - Since she saw you with me, now nothing can happen.

You are also her enemy.

You do shopping, I'll make a phone call.


Yes, but the other one was nice. - Yes.





Where is she? - In the intensive care unit.


You can't go in.

Home Minister is behind this.

Stalin.. stop.

Where are you going?

Even after knowing that he tried to kill my mother..

..do you want me keep quiet?

Stop Stalin! Please listen to me.

Yes, please listen to her.

Don't blow up this issue.

Don't say anything. - Why are you saying that?

If anything happens to one's mother, no son will keep quiet.

What will you do then?

Kill them all?

Will you kill them all?

I took a hasty decision and broke my relationship with mother,

If you take a hasty decision and get framed into any case,

who will look after our mother, ah?

You saw our mother's condition, didn't you?

Look at me.

She has a fractured leg.

Thank God, she is still alive.

If you fight with them..

..another lorry would crush her to death.


Forget about this matter.

If you want to see her alive.

Listen to me once.

I know how to solve this matter.

Don't talk anything against me.

Got it?

Come with me.

Hail Muddu Krishnaiah!

Go. He won't meet you.

Just 5 minutes. We will meet him & go away.

Can't you understand? Madam, go.

Security, send them in.

Come on.

Why are you standing there? Come inside.

Greetings sir.

I'm DEO Jhansi.

I know.

He is my brother Stalin.

Come inside.

This is my house.

Look at this photo.

Giving a speech in 1962 when I first contested elections.

The then Chief Minister is sitting next to me.

My moustache was very small then.

And this?

Inauguration of Vishaka Steel plant.

This was taken then. Isn't it nice?

In Nellore, I wanted houses to be given to goons.

I fought lying on the track. And this photo was taken then.

You must be wondering, why I haven't come to the point.

Every man has 2 sides.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Dr. Jekyll in me the man who makes people believe..

..that he's a respected leader.

That's him.

Mr. Hyde, the villain, who is above law and justice..

Meet him now, come.

Oh God, look at this. What is written?

Auditor's family dies in a lorry accident.

Are they fools to die by getting crushed under a lorry?

I got them crushed.

When asked to an ant, why did you bite me?

It said, won't I bite if you put a finger in my pit?

I'm like the ant.

Look, here's another news! Unidentified men kill the Collector.

Who will know that it was me?

He poked his nose in my matter & died.

Bad deeds.

Engineer's family commits suicide.

He too poked his nose in my matters.

He died along with his family.

None of these dead people interfered in my family matters.

But your brother did.

How dare he threatens my daughter in her house?

Sir, he is a very good man.

Knowingly or unknowingly, he had a fight with your men.

And a molehill has become a mountain.

That's why we have come to seek your forgiveness.

But he doesn't look like that.

No sir.

We have come for that only.



Go. - Come here. I shall tell you.



Come closer.

Come forward.

This side. That's enough.

Call my daughter.

As promised daughter, I made him stand in that circle.

What shall we do with him?

He insulted me in front my friends & my husband.

His sister must be insulted infront of him & all of us.

Go & fall at my husband's feet.

Your vermilion must touch my husband's toe.


Father, ask her to do it.

Go back.


I said go back.

Sir, you are an elderly man.

Government is in your hands.

We are very ordinary people.

But I'll ask you only one thing.

If you are really a legitimate son to your parents,

Take on me first before daring to touch anyone from my family.

No, no. Keep quiet.

If not, none of your family members will live.

If you are really a legitimate son to your parents..


Hey Minister.

I too have two sides.

I'm her good brother, when I am inside the circle.

Once I cross it,I am Stalin who won't listen to God also.

Take care.





He has put his hand in an ant hill.

He is a Minister. He has power.

As a Minister, you mean he can do anything as he likes?

He has done it.

Look, you hit that man.

Minister has no links with that man.

Similarly, you have no links with the Minister.

But that Minister backed the man you hit.

When I hit a bad man..

..he got the support of Minister in no time.

When I tried to spread a good thought..

..with a hope to help 3 people.

Not for a day or two I waited for 20 days.

Nobody came forward.

What a society is this!

Excuse me sir.

Doctor is calling you.

In major accidents like this,

kidney or liver gets affected.

Unfortunately, both of your mother's kidneys are affected.

What now?

Both the kidneys have to be transplanted.

Transplant the kidneys? - Yes.

If anyone of you is willing to donate your kidney..

My kidney may suit her.

Check mine. - Sure.

Check me too. - Definitely.

You need not worry.

Your kidney transplant was successful.

Please take care of her.

Okay. - Okay doctor. Thank you.


Have you donated your kidney as gratitude to this mother?

I didn't donate my kidney.



Your children's kidneys didn't suit your body.

A man who was born and brought up elsewhere..

..married your daughter one whom you humiliated in public..

..his kidney suited you.


I have run out of words.

You tell me that I have to apologize..

..from someone then how is it said in Punjabi.

Aske son-in-law and then tell me.

Come daughter.

He is very cute.

He resembles you.

Take it.

Though you know I'm retiring from office today,

why didn't you come to my office?

We are sad since morning.

That's why we didn't come to your office.


I travelled in your rickshaw to office every day. - Okay sir.

When I joined this job..

..you were a bachelor.

Now, you have also grown old.

You don't need to come from tomorrow.

Though there are many means of transport available..

..you went to office in my rickshaw.

I got my son admitted in a college.

From tomorrow, I don't know who will board my rickshaw.

Bye sir.

Stop. - Give me the bag.

On my retirement, my company gave me some money.

You have also been working for over 30 years for me.

Retirement is common to all.

Take this money and buy an auto through finance. Take it.


So much money? - It's alright. Take it.

I don't know how to thank you.

Don't break our friendship by saying thanks.

If possible, help 3 people.

And ask each one of them to help 3 more.

I'll surely do it.

Am I right?

You are the oldest fox in the politics.

Why are you scared of Stalin?

You asked me to send 20 people.

They got hospitalized.

Father, party members are waiting for a long time.

Tell them to drown themselves in Hussain Sagar.

I won't come there.

Every word Stalin said is echoing in my ears.

Now our party man Venkatadri has become a menace.

He is troubling everyone like a wound.

Teach him a lesson.

I will kill him.

Where is Venkatadri?

Where is he?

Greetings sir.

I heard that you were seen with an Opposition MLA.

What is it about?

He is my uncle's son who is a member of the opposition party.

I was talking about family matters not politics.

I shall slap you.

Lie during elections.

Not after gaining power.

Tell me the truth.

You want to change the party, right? - No sir.

Rascal, don't lie again.

Why are you hitting me even after telling you the truth?

Talking against me?

Stalin too spoke against you. What did you do?

Keep quiet. - Stop it.

Hitting me is not a matter. Hit him first.

Try not to threaten me. Move away.

Trying to show off.

I shall.. - Brother-in-law.

He didn't say that. It was Stalin who said those words.

Before it turns into an epidemic, we must stop it.

Kill Stalin & his family. Kill!


He said if you were a legitimate son of your parents..

..he dared you to touch him first, then his family. - No. I'm a bastard.

I am not legitimate.

Forgive me mother.

I am a bastard.

Come here.

Kill at least one person from his family.

I am out.. I am out.. I'll show you my prowess.

I'll show you my prowess.

Give to him.

Don't feel too shy. This is only your engagement.

They are taking photographs. Smile for the last time.


Hi! Little Rat! I'm Chitra speaking.

Your house is locked.

Where have you gone?

We are in Sridhar function hall.

Today is Uncle's engagement.

Uncle's engagement?

Do you know what it is?

I know. It's done before marriage.

Hang the phone. I'll continue the game.

My life is in a fix now.

Give the phone to your mother.

Chitra is on the line.


What's happening there?


But you never told me.

We decided suddenly.

And he is also growing old.

Everything happened quickly.

You saw so many girls. But did you ever ask me once?

You should have told me this before.

But now it is too late.

Give him the phone.

I'll give it.

Gopi, Chitra is on line.



Chitra.. - What?

Chitra called him.


I won't spare you.

What? - I'll stop the engagement.

Reason? - Acting innocence.

I'm coming there to teach you all a lesson.

Okay come.

Stop here.

Here is the money.

Madam change. You keep the change. We don't take it madam.

Give me your hand.

Stop it.

He is feeling shy. Look dear. Look here.

Stop it.

I won't let this engagement go on.

Is it fair on your part?

Don't you know that I love you?

How did you agree to marry her? How did you agree?

If you are really in love, you could have told me.

Okay, I didn't express my love. Can't you at least understand?

You are right.

Why are you staring at! Answer her.

Why him? You give an explanation.

You love him, right?


Excuse me.

I won't agree if you talk bad About my fiancé.

You are getting engaged to her.

Now only I understood.

I also understood only now.

I will talk to your people and fix your marriage.

Conduct their marriage soon.

I also like her very much. - Okay mother.


I am that beautiful girl that makes every heart beat.

My performance can bring a shine to a party.

Oh God, You are my beautiful girl.

Oh God, be away from her.

Oh God, oh God..

She is naughty and strange.

Her attitude is very strange.

Oh dear my love is very beautiful and due to you flowers bloom on earth.

Oh dear your body is beautiful and I shall make you my bride.

My body is white and so is my youth.

You hug and make me yours.

Oh beloved you do an effort that with our union our life blooms.

I have become young because of you.

Yes, yes you have attained youth.

Your and mine story will be written..

Oh God, oh God..

You are my lovely beautiful girl.

Oh God, oh God..

Keep away from her.

Oh God, oh God..

She is naughty and strange.

Her attitude is very strange.

My hear say.. Oh God, oh God..

All the people..

Everybody dance..

Let the music..

Oh God, oh God..

Come near and hug me.

Let my breath mix with yours.

Your attitude is different from all.

Seeing you my heart has gone crazy.

Just because of you I adorn the bindi, bangles and earrings.

Yes this bindi, bangles and earrings are because of you.

Just for me you dance also well.

Oh God, oh God..

You are my lovely beautiful girl.

Oh God, oh God..

Just be away from her.

Oh God, oh God..

She is naughty and strange.

Her attitude is very strange.

My body is beautiful and because of you flowers bloom on earth.

Your body is beautiful and I shall make you my bride.



What happened, child?

Harbajan is missing. - Missing?

Uncle. Uncle..

Leave me..

Leave me..






Go fast. - Leave me.



Leave me.








You too go down.

Watch how I'm going kill him from here. Come.

All of you draw the line on the line I drew.

Hello, hello.. - Yes sir.

CM's car entering the hospital. Over. - Okay sir.

Greetings sir.

12 casualties & 19 injured.

Since all were drunk,

We could not provide proper treatment.

Not only that, all of them are goons.

There are many cases pending on each one of them.

Where is Home minister Muddu Krishnaiah? - His son died on the spot.

Post mortem is going on. He is over there.

You will feel sad if you see his postmortem.

So, please go out..

I will stay here. I want to see.

I want to see you cutting my son into many parts.

As we grow older, we get high BP, diabetes. But I'm getting better.

I'm not getting angry.

It should not happen.

It must always prick my mind.

I will be here.

You go ahead. I want to see that.

Muddu Krishnaiah, what is happening?

Usually, mostly a father requests the office not to do post mortem.

But you're watching the post mortem being done.

What's wrong with you?

People elected us hoping that we will do them some good.

You alone have created so many problems.

Stalin killed my son.

Okay. But I'm against political murders.

It might defame our party.

Compromise with him.


Since you are my elder, I will agree for this.

But he must come to my farm house and seek my forgiveness.

It should happen in your presence. - Okay.

But nobody should know about this.

I lived with lot of pride.

If everyone come to know about his, I will feel insulted.


Apart from three of us, no one will know about it.

Okay. Make other arrangements.

Why did you agree for that, brother-in-law?

When time is in your favour, you'll get a grown up son.

But now my son is dead. And now good time is in the offering.

In my 50 years of political life, I've faced 12 elections.

Let them come.

Watch what's going to happen in my farm house.

For world peace & harmony,

Our CM will be here now to inaugurate the human chain formation.

Welcome. - Greetings.

Please come. - Greetings.

Please come, sir.

You're here for a good cause.

Jihad! (Holy War).

Get a side.

Please, come sir. Please come, sir.

Are you okay, sir? - I'm alright.

Where is that girl?

Guards, find that girl.

Find that girl first.

Thousands would've died if she hadn't help us.

If untoward had happened to this..

..human chain formed for world peace & harmony,

it would've been a disgrace to our country.

Where did you get this courage?

Electric current will not harm me.

How come you would not have got shock, child?

You saved me & all these people.

Thank you very much. - No need for that.

Help 3 people & ask each one of them to help 3 more.

What did you say? Say it again.

Help 3 people & ask each one of them to help 3 more.

Who told you this?

The one who irons my clothes.

Yes, it was me who told her.

But it wasn't my own thought.

I lost my purse in the city bus.

The bus conductor found it and returned it to me.

When I thanked him,

he asked me to help 3 people.

Do you know who told him this? - A shopkeeper in his area.


The link keeps extending further.

Helping others is a noble thing.

Someone is trying to promote this. - Yes sir.

He is trying to promote it through people.

I must know who started it.

We must show to the people who it is.

He must be every citizen's role model.

Ganesh, you do one thing.

Investigate this chain in the reverse order from..

..the scholl girl and the person who irons. - Okay.

I must know who it is. - Excuse me sir.

Stalin is on line.

Who is he? - The man had a tiff with Minister Muddu Krishnaiah.

Greetings sir.

I'm Stalin.

Don't you know Muddu Krishnaiah is a senior politician?

Is this the way to behave with him?

Coming to a decision by listening to his side argument is not fair.

What really happened is..

I don't want your explanations.

Ganesh, you can go. - If necessary, seek intelligence help.

I must know who he is in 2 days. - Okay sir.

To solve this problem..

..and to make Muddu Krishnaiah not to come in your way,

listen to what I'm going to say.

Greetings sir. - Greetings.

Greetings sir. - Greetings.

We are waiting for you.

You said no one should know about this.

Who are they?

They are our men. - Come in.

Our men? - Take care of everything.

I don't think I've seen them before.

They belong to our Youth Brigade cadre.

Please take your seat.

What would you like to have?

No thanks.

It's enough if this problem gets over.

Sir, Stalin has come.

Ask him to come in.

Greetings sir. - Please sit.

You seem to be highly qualified.

How did all this happen?

Calling him qualified? - Let him speak.

Tell me.

Tell me sir, am I at fault?

Everything was your fault.

Why are you getting angry? - He is lying.

Please sit. - I'm losing my temper.

Muddu Krishna, cool down.

Stalin, wait outside for few minutes.

What is this Muddu Krishna?

I was trying to settle things, but you? - You are a happy man.

One of your son is a software engineer in America.

And another one is a doctor in Australia.

You're living happily with your grand children.

But I had only one son.

Died at the age of 33.

If your son had died, would you accept to settle things?

Then, don't you want to settle things?

That's not in my blood at all.

When you want something, you must lose something.

I lost my son.

And my heart wants it.

Is it Stalin's life?

Chief Ministers' post.

CM? How can you become the CM when I'm there?

You will die.

Stalin will kill you.

Why would he do that?

Why are you so ignorant?

I want both rain & thunders.

I will kill you & blame it on Stalin.

Boys, are you ready?

Don't worry.

I'll erect your statue next to Krishnadevaraya's statue.

You can spend all your life looking at Buddha statue.

Kill him.


Don't let him go.

Stop him.

Hurry up. - He is taking away the CM.

Hurry up. He should not be able to take him.

Catch him.

The car is over there.

Come on, come on..

Get down.. Catch him.

Give it to me.

Hello. - The car is here.

But don't know where CM and Stalin have gone.

I may get caught. They must die before dawn.

Put everyone on high alert.

Tighten the security and check post. - Yes sir.

He has kidnapped our Chief minister. - Sir.

Shoot him at sight. Okay sir. Did you understand?

Stalin, a terrorist has kidnapped the CM Rajiv Rao a little while ago.

Red alert has been issued in the entire state.

Government has issued shoot at sight orders.

Police say that Stalin was in the army earlier.

Sources say that Stalin has been suspended from duties.

It is impossible.

Is Stalin a terrorist? Nonsense.

You were responsible for all this.

What do you mean? - Yes sir.

You made a grave mistake by suspending Stalin.

No, captain.

I had a very strong reason for doing so.

Colonel. - Yes doctor.

We removed all the bullets expect one.

There is a bullet close to his heart.

If we try to remove it, it might damage the heart

and he may die in just 10 minutes.

No doctor. - Not only that,

Stalin must not be in army anymore.

The bullet will affect his heart if he gets angry.

Stalin should know about this.

Please, sir.


Stalin left the army because I spoke that way.

I never expected such a news about a great officer like him.

What now?

Something is going on there.

We must find it out.

Come on, let's go there boys.

How is he?

Nothing to worry.


Okay. - Give me.

Okay, give this.

Take the van away from here. - How can we leave you here?

Don't worry about me.

CM must live. Go.

There he is.

Come on.

It's a critical case. Inform the Department head. Come on.

Commander, commander. - Yes.

I saw Stalin just now. - Where?

He was admitted into Vijay hospital.

I'm Lt. Col. Lqbal, I've been ordered to protect Maj. Stalin. Orders please!

CM's whereabouts remains a mystery.

The only man who knows CM's whereabouts is fighting for his life.

CM's whereabouts will be known when Stalin regains consciousness.

Where is Stalin?

Don't worry.

He is being treated in the hospital.

You can watch that on TV.

Do you have a phone?

When everyone is busy looking for the CM,

CM has called our studio for an important message to the people.

A request to public.

As it is being publicized.

Stalin is not a terrorist.

It's a lie.

I'm safe.

I've ordered officers to give all the medical help he needs.

I appeal to the public to be calm.

The bullet is very close to his heart.

Operating him will be of no use. - Let's try.

As you see, this hospital is under army's control.

According to the doctors, Stalin's condition is very critical.

Let's find out what his family members have to say.

Let's talk to his sister.

CM has said that your brother is not a terrorist.

What is your opinion?

My brother is a very good man.

Cutting onions will bring tears.

Cutting a coconut will give us sweet water.

My brother is like a coconut.

He wanted people to help one another.

So, he helped 3 people and asked each one of them to help 3 more.

He wanted it to become a habit.

That is why he made an effort.

He tried to find out whether his desire was fulfilled or not.

But it never happened.

His helping nature has brought him to this condition.

My brother should gain consciousness.

For god's sake offer prayers.

That he gains consciousness.

I request to you all.

Neither death nor life is ours.

Even if you want you will not get happiness in life.

Let's go. I must see Stalin right now.

Sir, in this condition.. You need rest sir.

Don't worry about me.

I must meet Stalin now. Let's go.

Sir, sir..

Excuse me, madam.

Was it your brother who started this movement of helping 3 people?


But it did not happen.

No. It has happened.

It was his thought which has made my family live happily.

The auto in which I Stalin was brought from a man who helped me.

Really? - Yes.

My brother must live to hear this truth.

No one knows the age of life.

No one knows what might happen.

Sir. - Yes, where is he?

He escaped in an auto & is in the city.

We are looking for him all over the city.

Sit in your homes. He will come to you.

Are you guys blind?

His sister is giving an interview for TV from Vijay Hospital. You fools.

Idiots! Go there & kill him.

Okay sir.

He is in Vijay Hospital. Go there. Fast.

Sir, sir..

Please, tell once what all is happening.

I will tell you what had happened later.

First I must inform the public about Stalin.

He not only saved me but brought a change in the people.

He longed for this society to change.

And now it has cost his life.

He is a great man.

Sir.. - What's happening there?

There are lot of people In front of the hospital. Sir.

Kill everyone there. I do not know anything.

More than 200 thousands.

He is beyond our reach and can't be killed.

Surrender to the police. You might live. - Hey..

No one knows the age of life.

Greetings sir.

How is Stalin?

We stopped the operation. - Why?

The bullet near his heart moved and is touching it.

We can't continue the operation at this stage.

He will live only more 10 minutes.

Let's bring specialists from any country.

But he should be alive.

Stalin must live.

Stalin won't live no matter where we take him.

Please don't say that.

He will live.

Please perform the operation.

No. Not even a percent of chance of survival.

How could you say that? He will live.

Nothing will happen to brother.

You do the operation.

I refuse even if CM orders.

Stalin has no chance.

Are you God? Will he die if you say so?

You are also an ordinary man.

Becoming a doctor doesn't mean you are God.

It's not only his heart.

But it belongs to 100 million people.

You perform the operation.

He will live.

Please perform the operation. Please give him life.

Please perform the operation.

Please give him life.

We have removed the bullet.

Nothing to worry.

He will regain conscious in few hours.

Mother, you can see him.

Thank you. - Forgive me sir.

Forgive me sir.


Thanks, alone is not enough.

Help 3 people and ask each one of them to help 3 more.

Brother, do you know who saved you? Doctors?


None of these saved you.

Do you know who saved you?

These people & their love.



You were unhappy that your good thought never trickled down.

Look how the seed you sowed has bloomed into a garden of flowers.



It General lqubal reporting, sir.

Congratulations Major Stalin.


Your post is till vacant in the Indian Army.

Officers like you are there to protect the country.

But we don't have men like him to look after us.

We need him.

Let him be with us.

You also help 3 people and..

..ask each one of them to help 3 more.

It gives you great happiness.

Hoping that you would spread this good thought.

Yours Chiranjeevi.

For more infomation >> Khiladi 786 | Hindi Dubbed Movies 2017 | Hindi Movie | Chiranjeevi Movies | Hindi Movies 2017 - Duration: 2:48:00.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:07.


2017 골든 글로브 "역대급" 수상 소감 "메릴 스트립" (한국어 자막) - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 2017 골든 글로브 "역대급" 수상 소감 "메릴 스트립" (한국어 자막) - Duration: 6:13.


Disney Style Unboxing

For more infomation >> Disney Style Unboxing


Cars 3

For more infomation >> Cars 3


Princess Prince shaves! Cartoon Princess. children's cartoons - Duration: 10:22.

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【Life Noggin】溺水時究竟發生了什麼? (中文CC字幕) - Duration: 3:11.

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Mayor Catherine Pugh's aide charged in campaign finance fraud - Duration: 1:29.













































For more infomation >> Mayor Catherine Pugh's aide charged in campaign finance fraud - Duration: 1:29.


Benefits of running long distance - Duration: 2:45.



































Reporter: NOW?
































































For more infomation >> Benefits of running long distance - Duration: 2:45.


Learn Colors with Animal Learn Animals for Kids Colors Squishy Playdoh Balls Play Doh Slime Balls - Duration: 10:39.

Learn Colors with Animal Learn Animals for Kids Colors Squishy Playdoh Balls Play Doh Slime Balls

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For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Animal Learn Animals for Kids Colors Squishy Playdoh Balls Play Doh Slime Balls - Duration: 10:39.


YO-KAI Watch BLINDFOLD Medal Moments Figures CHALLENGE! - Duration: 11:57.

Yo-Kai Watch BLINDFOLD Medal Moments Figures CHALLENGE!

This?! What toy is this?

Maybe it's a sandwich!

I'm going to have a bite!


My name is Sammy from TottyChoCho and I'm so excited because we are going to play a

new Yo-Kai game!

Me and DaddyCho are going to guess who the Yo-Kai's are - Blindfolded!

The person who guesses the most Yo-Kai's get's to open 2 of these Yo-Kai Watch Medals.

If it's a tie then we get to open 1 package each.

This is who they are.

Jibanyan, Blazion, Baddinyan, Jibanyan, Noko, Komisan,

Whisper, Whisper, Komajiro, Tattletell, Noway, Robonyan!

(OK are you ready?

want to give it a try bud?)


(So you can't see right?)


Here's the first one.


Can I feel it?



(That's right).



(Yep was it easy?)

I felt the pad.


It's Robonyan.

Yea, man, I thought it was going to be tricky!


Komisan (wrong).






(Oh, you got it)



That's right.


Is it Blazion?

(Yep, you got it).


Baddinyan, I already know, do you know why?


it fell hahaha.

(Oh no! he always falls!).

(Paws of Fury Jibanyan).






(Next one).



(Pokemon Wartortle - trick).

(Ok, who's that?).

It feels like it's not a Yo-Kai.

Feels like Wartortle?

(Ohh!!! man! you got it!


(I tried to trick you!).

(DaddyCho's turn)


That's Robonyan.


(Red Bird - Trick).

(That's not a Yo-Kai right?)


(That's a beak.

That's Red Bird).


(Nice try).


(Um, so this is Blazion) Yep.


(Pokemon Wartortle - Trick).

(If I get one wrong we are tied.).

(Oh, it's not Yo-Kai.

It's Pokemon, Wartortle).

(The Zelfs - Trick).

(Gross, what is that?!)


(This is a Troll) - Wrong.

(It's a Troll right?

Because the hair?

What is it?)

It's a Zelf.

(Oh a Zelf, you tricked me).

(What's all this?!

We got to do one at a time!

You are always trying to trick me).

(Dinofroz - Trick).

(Oh, I know, this is the tail.

This is the teeth.

These are blasters on top.

This is a Dinofroz.).



(This is Noko!)

Yea, How did you know where I am?

(I can hear, SPIDEY SENSE).


(This is Komajiro) - Wrong.

(My Little Pony - Trick).

(What is that?!)



You know what?

It's My Little Pony!)


(Oh yea, I'm good at this!

All right, I'm so happy.).

(Trash Pack Junk Germs - Trick)

(Oh man, you keep tricking me!

It's that germ thing... the gross gang or whatever.)



(Oh, this is Noway) Yea.

(How many more are there? are we all done?)

No, I put one down.




What toy is this?

Maybe it's a sandwich, I'm going to have a bite.)

No! hehehehe.

(It's just a hand, I don't want a hand.

What a guy!)


It's Komajiro).

(Jibanyan - Paws of Fury).

(Paws of Fury! nenenene.

That was Jibanyan, Paws of Fury).

(Whisper) No, you broke it!

(There's two here silly!)

hahahaha (First of all, that's sweaty Whisper.)


(Alright, so this is Jibanyan.).


(Then this is Whisper.).


(This is Tattletell. Tell Tell!) hahaha.


(I'm Baddinyan!)

(Was that it?

I got one wrong, we tied.

High 5!

High 5… hahaha.

I'm down here, look down here.

(You were tricking me!!!)

(I'm going to unbox this kid)

Because it was a tie, I'm going to open up one

and DaddyCho is going to open up one.

OK, you want to open up yours first?


Oh, we got all these.

These are for our giveaway then.

Let's check these new Medals out.

Summoning Heartful.


Summoning Eerie.


This is the only new guy we got.

We got 5 doubles and it's going towards our next Giveaway pile.

We will do a giveaway a little later on.

Thank you for watching our videos, don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.


See you again next TUESDAY!

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