Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2017

G'day guys.

Today we are going to be making a glitter flower pot.

So I have made Neon painted flower pots which were bright and really brighten up our garden.

But I wanted to add a little bling to the garden.

So I have got some glitter flower pots to show you today.

So if you would like to learn how to do that.

Then please stick around but first if you are not subscribed then hit that red button.

It will just let you know when I upload videos.

Alrighty let's get cracking.

Supplies you will need for this glitter flower pot.

Terracotta pot, some gold metallic spray paint, PVA glue or you could use Mod Podge, some

chunky gold glitter, a piece of paper to collect up the excess glitter, a sponge brush and

clear acrylic sealant.

So that it keeps the glitter and the gold spray paint on the pot.

Firstly take your pot outside and then spray it with the gold spray paint.

Spray it all over it, but don't worry if you don't get too much on the lip.

Cause that is wear the glitter will go.

And then leave it to dry.

After it had dried which took about 30 minutes.

Then I applied the PVA glue and used my sponge brush to spread it out.

I only did a section at a time.

So that I could ensure there was full coverage of glitter in that section before moving onto

the next section.

Pour your glitter onto the white piece of paper and then dip your flower pot into the


Ensuring that it is fully covered with glitter in that section where your glue is.

Before you move onto the next section.

Once that is covered then move onto the next section.

Applying your glue, spreading it out with your sponge brush so that it a nice thin layer.

Then dip your pot into the glitter.

If you are enjoying this you might also like my dishwasher safe DIY Glitter Mug. I can leave

a link for that below in the description box if you would like.

My glitter stash was getting a bit thin, so I added some more glitter to it.

You need to make sure you have a lot of glitter there it just makes it a lot easier.

So keep repeating those same steps for each section.

Apply the PVA glue spread it out with your sponge brush then dip into the glitter, make

sure you have got all the glitter in that section, If you haven't just keep going back

until you do.

And keep making sure that your glitter is nice and thick on your piece of paper.

Not thin!

If it is thin it will just make it a lot harder to get the glitter on where you want to get


Now I am up to my last section so if you are not subscribed to my DIY channel then please


Just hit the red button.

As I create a new DIY video each Wednesday.

After it is all covered then just run your finger over the top of the terracotta pot,

just to get off the excess glitter.

Cause you don't want it to all dry and then for you to flick it off and for it to take off a whole section.

So I figured while it was still wet.

I'd take off a lot that was sticking out the top.

Don't forget to recycle your excess glitter.

Using that piece of paper that we have had the glitter on.

Pour your glitter back into it's glitter container.

Leave overnight to completely dry.

And then take outside and spray with a clear acrylic sealant.

That will just hold the glitter and the spray paint on the pot.

Thanks for watching guys.

I hope you enjoyed this flower pot.

As you can see it's quite simple but it looks really good.

If there is anything else you would like me to DIY.

Then let me know in the comments below and I will have a go.

Alrighty I will see you next Wednesday for another DIY Wednesday.


For more infomation >> DIY Glitter Flower Pot | How to make Glitter Flower Pots | Ali Coultas - Duration: 4:28.


New Years Resolutions SUCK - Duration: 2:59.

Ollie, can you stop licking please?

(dog licking noises) (snaps) Stop.

Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and let's talk new years resolutions.

I absolutely hate them.

Part of this is cause I work at a gym and the new years resolutions that most people

make are to lose weight and go to the gym.

And I love that and I would love if everybody did that and then decided that they wanted

to stay and came to my classes and taught classes with me and loved it and worked out

all year and there are some people that do that and great.

Good job for you.

The vast majority of people come for January, sometimes into February, and then disappear.

They take up all of the space in the parking lot.

And it just makes it a bit more crazy and hectic for anybody who works there and anybody

who's been working out year round.

And it just gets frustrating.

I appreciate it.

I support it.

If you want to make that resolution, then do that.

Please, by all means.

I just really hope that you commit to it and keep going.

And I wouldn't mind if that many people came year round and it was like that year round.

I would love that.

I would absolutely love that.

And part of why I don't like resolutions, no one keeps them.

January first came around, gonna change everything for no reason.

Why the hell can't you start January second?

December 26th?

Um, June 14th?

Whatever day ever.

Why wouldn't you just start right away?

You wake up September 8th and you're like, hmm, I should go to the gym more.

Get a gym membership September 8th!

Why are you waiting until January first?

I do not get it.

I do not make new years resolutions.

I do kind of make goals that I want to accomplish in a year but they're goals I want to accomplish,

they're reach goals.

Things to strive for, things to try for.

If I don't reach them, I didn't fail.

The only reason I wait until January first is because I am obsessed with my planner and

I like to fill out their little goals section that happens every month.

There's like a little space for goals and I write them down.

And it is hard for me to think this way because I am very down on myself and I do take a lot

of things very internally, and I really over-analyze everything.

But in the end, we're all just kind of trying for things.

And if you didn't reach it, it's not that big of a deal.

I don't know.

Maybe I'm just weird.

It's all semantics anyway.

So question for you guys - do you guys make resolutions?

Do you make goals?

Do you not care?

Do you also really hate resolutioners at the gym?

I don't hate them.

It's not that I hate them.

I just don't like the lack of committment.

Anyway, that's it for this video.

If you liked it, click the like button.

And subscribe to my channel, I make a new video every Tuesday.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

All my love.


And happy new year by the way.

It's 2017.

We're all old.

For more infomation >> New Years Resolutions SUCK - Duration: 2:59.


سہاگ رات کیسے مناتے ہیں صرف کنواری لڑکیاں دیکھیں - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> سہاگ رات کیسے مناتے ہیں صرف کنواری لڑکیاں دیکھیں - Duration: 11:56.


Cars 3

For more infomation >> Cars 3


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


16.12.2016 07:18 (Muammer Akar Mahallesi) - Duration: 19:06.

For more infomation >> 16.12.2016 07:18 (Muammer Akar Mahallesi) - Duration: 19:06.


Did Jesus Claim To Be God? - Duration: 2:26.

At the heart of Christianity is the belief that Jesus is

God. But what if Jesus never claimed that for himself?

what if his followers later came to think he was divine,

like the Buddha? Many skeptics, such as Bart Ehrman,

conclude this is the case. But is this true? The answer is

no, and here are some reasons why. First the divinity of

Jesus would have had to come from Jesus himself

because it doesn't make sense faithful Jewish folk

would just out of the blue begin thinking a man was God.

Such an idea would have been repulsive to the Jews.

Second, the Gospels record Jesus saying things that

suggest his divinity. For example, in John 8:58,

Jesus refers to himself with the Divine Name "I Am."

"But wait a minute," you might say, "Ehrman and others

don't accept this Johannine passage as historical,

is there any evidence from the Synoptics?" Sure there is.

Consider Mark 2:5-7, where Jesus claims to have the

power to forgive sins and merits the charge of

blasphemy. In Matthew 11:10, Jesus identifies John

the Baptist as the messenger that prepares the way for

Yahweh, as indicated in Isaiah 40:3. If John is the

messenger, then Jesus is Yahweh.

Luke records in 12:8-10, Jesus claimed that he has

a unique knowledge of the Father, that can only

mean one thing: he has the same nature as the Father.

So Jesus claims to be God --- that's a fact.

But should we believe him? Well, that's a question that

we'll have to save for another time. If you want to learn

more about this topic and others like it,

visit our website at Catholic.com. For Catholic Answers,

I'm Karlo Broussard. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Did Jesus Claim To Be God? - Duration: 2:26.


Le financement : le principal obstacle pour créer Votre salle des fêtes ? - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Le financement : le principal obstacle pour créer Votre salle des fêtes ? - Duration: 2:58.



For more infomation >> Silence


Noochie "Gutta" Official Video

For more infomation >> Noochie "Gutta" Official Video


Add a custom subscribe button to your YouTube videos - Duration: 0:56.

In this video, we'll show you how to embed a custom subscribe button in all your videos.

To get started, click your channel icon and then click "Creator Studio".

Now click "Channel", then click "Branding".

To set up a subscribe link, click on "Add a watermark".

Just upload an image, and then click "Save".

This watermark will now show up on all your videos, and your viewers can click it to subscribe to your channel.

You can select when you want your icon to show up: the beginning of your videos, the end of your videos, or during a custom time.

When you've set it up the way you like, click "Update".

And that's it!

Subscribe to our channel for more tips and tricks.

For more infomation >> Add a custom subscribe button to your YouTube videos - Duration: 0:56.


Road Trip To Sequoia National Park - Duration: 2:02.

This New Years weekend my friends and I road tripped to Sequoia National Park located in

Central California.

This was our trip

First things, first: loading up on snacks at the store.


You guys ready for some snow?

Snow chains.

They're absolutely required in the winter.

They were quite a pain to get on, and turned out to be completely unnecessary.

All the roads looked like this:

Sequoia is known for its huge trees.

Here are the two you want to know about.

General Sherman.

This is the largest tree in the world.

General Grant.

This is the 2nd largest tree in the world Some trees are so tall here it's hard to fit

them in a single photo.

Eh. That's close.

Still no snow on the roads but we did hit a really bad patch of fog.

Later we found a snow-covered meadow and rolled a giant snowball like a bunch of children.

Someone also built this.


Sequoia is also known for its great views.

Views like this.

This is the John Muir lodge.

We stayed here.

Had a wild dinner in the lobby and rang in the new year in our room.

The next day.

"So what's the plan guys?"

More exploring.

Slipped, jumped, and pushed, our way through the park.

"Bobby decided to go off trail.

We are very off trail."

Threw snowballs at everything.

The drive-thru tree was close for winter, so we had to settle with this.

Cool, but not quite as thrilling.

Spun the nature version of the price is right wheel.

Had more problems with snow chains.

More nature.

More fog.

More driving.

Ended the afternoon with a great sunset.

Look at those clouds!

Sequoia, you make a great road trip.

I hope to be back again soon!

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