Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2017

With pleasure, that I introduce, Dr. Bruce

Mathison, who's an Associate Professor of

Biology, in the Irving K. Barber School of

Arts and Sciences. He will speak about

the Nobel prize in Physiology or

Medicine. This year, the prize goes to

Yoshinori Ohsumi, for his discoveries of

Mechanisms of Autophagy. Dr. Matheson.

Thank you very much, welcome. This winner,

of physiology and medicine, Dr. Ohsumi. He

is a Japanese researcher and he's a very

humble man, from what I understand, and he

began working on this species, here, which

some of you probably recognize in the

audience as the wine yeast: the little

creature that you put in grape juice and

it turns it into wine. So they're

beautiful cells, I think they're

beautiful cells, and inside those cells

it was discovered, before Dr. Ohsumi

started working on it, a process called auto-

phagy is at work, and apparently during

the nineteen nineties, when he and his

lab mates worked on this, they discovered

that this process is not just present in

yeast cells, but in all of our cells, all

the way to the most complicated cells.

And, um, what the little bumps are, I've

learned, as places where they've when

they reproduce, they leave that little

scar behind, and I was fascinated by

that, but it actually has nothing to do

with autophagy.

He studied, they started studying this

when they found that if they take yeast

cells in culture, and they starve them

out of nutrients, the lack of nutrients

cause the cells to change and inside the

cells filled with this structure called,

an autophagosome, which is a

membrane-bound structure and it,

what they discovered later, what's going

on, is that the cell is actually


unnecessary proteins, and lipids, and

sugars into this structure and breaking

them down enzymatically, and then reusing

the little components for what they do

need to keep alive, because they've been

starved. So, um, many years later we know that

this process of autophagy is not only

important for yeast, but it's also important

for health and many diseases have been

identified that are linked to this

process when it goes wrong, because we

need to have it to happen for lots of

different circumstances.

So, this is a picture of the inside of a

cell, there's a cell membrane,

this is outside the cell, this is inside

the cell. It's the cytoplasm inside the

cell. It's a very dynamic place, not only as

a cell manufacturing new proteins and

lipids and things, but the older proteins,

etc, they have to be recycled when

they get old. If you don't remove the

garbage, so to speak,

the cell fills up with toxic levels of

non-functional structures and that can

cause disease conditions, which I'm going

to show you two examples of. Here's a

picture of, talk about molecular motors.

This, I think, is a good example of a

molecular motor because out of nothing

these cells, when there is something that

needs to be recycled,

there's enzymes that Dr. Oshimi

discovered, 16 different genes is under

very good control, tight control. They

build the membrane that surrounds the

structures and sequester's it into a

little sphere, and then the enzymes that

are necessary for degrading it

are put inside that sphere and it breaks

them all down, like a little machine. So,

there's a picture of the membrane

forming around all these structures. You

can see, it's called the autoph-

-agosome and it's destroyed the stuff in the

middle because of this structure here

that bounds, binds, to its called the

lysosome. It's filled with hydro-

chloric acid and acid loving enzymes,

called hydrolases, that destroyed all of

the stuff that's in here, the garbage. So

when this thing fuses this, uh this vehicle

that forms gets degraded, degrades

everything inside and it gets removed.

And that's in the simplest cell-like yeast cell,

and in cells like your and

our cells, even our neurons, the most complicated

neurons are cells that we can find. Now

we need to recycle those bad stuff when

it gets old

all the time. Just the act of living

causes old structures that need to be


Okay, and this is one of the organelles, in

fact, it's not just proteins but little

organelles that are in the cyto-

plasm. This is a mitochondrion, which is what

takes fuel that we eat, and strips away

the electrons takes away, and delivers

them to oxygen and it creates energy.

Well that's a good thing, except that

mitochondria produce very toxic- free

radical structures, which are very

reactive-free electron chemicals, and

they can be very toxic. They can actually

destroy the mitochondria itself, they can

destroy the DNA in the cell,

they're very bad. And older mitochondria

produce lots of these free radicals, so

we have to make sure we clean away the

old mitochondria before they start doing

that, because it will kill the cells. And

you can see what happens here, is an auto-

phamasome that's depicted here with

one of those mitochondria and there's a

lysosomal it comes in and fuses with it

and all of the stuff that's inside gets

degraded, and we get rid of the toxin-

producing old mitochondria before it

causes damage. Now, the first example of

it is of a disease on say, is Parkinson's

Disease. And in Parkinson's Disease, most

of you probably know, or you've heard of

this, that there's a type of neuron

called the dopaminergic neuron. It

creates, synthesizes, dopamine

neurotransmitter and it's associated with

problems of movement. So this is part of

the brain, this is this the midbrain of a

patient with Parkinson's and you can see

is actually a normal brain. This is a normal

brain, dopamine is a dark staining

molecule and you can see the millions of

neurons in there, that give it this little dark

hue, they called the substantia

nigra, because of that dark hue.

Uh, in a Parkinson's patient, almost

none of that darkness is there. The

dopamine neurons have been killed, and it

turns out now we recognize that

mitochondria have not been, um, removed by

autophagy as they get old, and they

create too much of this free radicals

and it kills those cells. There's two

genes that were long associated with

the familial or inherited form of

Parkinson's Disease. PINK1 and PARKIN

genes. We didn't know what they were


we just know they were associated with

this disease. But now we have identified,

just in the last five years, that those

two genes code for proteins PINK1 and

PARKIN protein, and those regulate the

autophagy process of mitochondria before

they get too old to be functional.

Okay, so if autophagy is dysfunctional, is

it something wrong with autophagy, those

old mitochondria stay in the cell and

they kill the cell and the dopamine-

containing cells because of the free

radicals they produce. So that's the

first example, second example is Autism

Spectrum Disorder, or ASD. It's a

fascinating stuff, disease in some

respects people have been studying it

and lots of people know autistic children,

and families, and they recognize now that

in Autism Spectrum Disorder, in some

forms of this, they're actually too many

neurons and too many synapses, that is a

connections between neurons, that have

formed. And in fact, less than five years

ago a study came out that showed that

that in our first year of life, we have

an incredible proliferation of new

neurons making new synaptic connections.

This isn't an illustration of a neuron

in the cerebral cortex, and each of these

little threads coming off is it part of


cell, the neuron, that's where the den- the

synapses, the connections with other

neurons, take place. If you take one of

those little dendritic branches and look

at it in a higher magnification, every

one of those little bumps there is a

place where a synapse is allowed to

create, be created. The more of those

bumps, the more synapses so from what I

told you, they've learned that early

on, we have way more synapses then we need.

We have to remove all those little bumps

and the synapses to make a normal

developmental maturation take place. In

this study, they showed, they compared,

brains of normal age-related children as

they grow vs Autism Spectrum Disorder

children, and they can see here there's a

control group here. The normal

development, each of these little dots is

a neuron and they just counted how many

bumps are on the dendrites. So you can

see that they start off in these ages: 1, 2,

3, 6, 8, 13 they've lined them all up in an

age developmental series. We start off

with lots of synapses, and then around 13

to 16 they drop by half.

We've lost half of the synapses in a

normal child. Autism Spectrum Disorder,

they start off a little higher than the

normal controls, and they don't, uh, they're

not it's called pruning. They don't prune

away the synapses correctly. It's either

too slow, or too non-effective, and the

child is left with this confusing

cacophony of information floating around,

and it's a problem. So, this was a really

important paper, I think. It illustrates

how important on, autophagy is in, in

basic developmental process of the brain.

Okay, so as a summary, here's a list of

different disease conditions or related

conditions that they've identified with

autophagy dysfunction, and they, when it's

not working correctly neurodegenerative

diseases like Parkinson's or

developmental delays like autism can

form. Immune system requires autophagy


removal of bacterial and

fungal infections etc, and in fact cancer is

also related now to autophagy mechanisms.

So nineteen nineties, Dr. Oshimi was

merely describing yeast to make wine and

protecting the cell, but now we know that

this is a much much bigger phenomenon

and it has huge ramifications for health

and disease, so thank you Dr. Osumi for

his work.

For more infomation >> Nobel Night 2016 Medicine Prize - Duration: 10:25.


Nobel Night 2016 Chemistry Prize - Duration: 11:59.

Good evening everybody, so I'm going to

talk to you about this year's Chemistry

Award, awarded to these three scientists

for the design and synthesis of

molecular machines. And this is really a

recognition of the emerging field of

nanotechnology, here. So I'm just going

to go a little bit off the historical

background here. In 1959, this really famous

American Physicist called Richard Feynman, he

gave a public lecture and where he was

mentioning that this phrase that there

is plenty of room at the bottom. And so

what, what he says or what he was trying

to say is that he's basically saying by,

you know, making things smaller and

smaller, uh there is going to be greater

and greater potentials in developing new

technology and sciences. And so this

really famously predicted the emergence

of nanotechnology, and so in the past two

decades, you can sort of see there are a

lot of technologies emerging that's

involving a technology, including things

uh in medicine, in materials, energy, electronics.

And so a lot of these fears incorporated

nanotechnology, but one of the very

important development in nano-

technology is actually what I'm going to present

about today, which is a molecular machines.

And so molecular machines, like any

other machines, are like, you know, your

car, your bicycles. Uh, they share very

similar properties or configurations,

right? So basically it's, it's something

that has to move, something that has to

move but it's on your command when you give

it energy from some kind of stimulus,

right, so mechanical movement. If you look

like machines, right, whether it's the cars,

the bicycles, it's elevator they're common uh themes

or common criterias to say that it's

actually a machine. So some of that

include things like, you know, that has to

be movable parts that are inter-

connected, right. If you just have, you know, a piece

of chair that doesn't move, that's not

really a piece of machine. Machines also

must move, right, so that includes linear

motion and circular motion or

rotational motions, right, so things that you

see normal days, um uh, things like, you know,

hydraulic pistons, or

you know, um wind turbines or electric motors,

right? So those undergoing either linear or

circular motions, and so those are the

common themes, uh, for machines but also

for molecular machines. And so before I

go into exactly what these guys did for

the development of molecular machines,

I'm just going to give you kind of like

scale of things and see how small they

are. Just a year after Richard Feynman gave

his famous lecture, he proposed to the

world and challenged the world to see, you

know, how small can you build the

smallest motor, right? And so, you know,

very soon an American engineer came up

with this electric motor that's only

about point four millimeters in size, and

that satisfy all the criteria laid

out by Feynman, and he got the

Feynman, kind of, award which is ten thousand

dollars, in uh back then, which is a lot of

money. And that, this is pretty much the

best people can do back then, in 1960

point four millimetre. So how big is that?

Well if you put a human hair next to it

that's the size of a human hair, which is

about 80 microns in size.

Now if you look at how big that is, well a

human red blood cell is about a tenth of

that size, or eight microns. E coli

bacteria is only about one or two

microns in size, and just a fraction of

the human red blood cells, and what's

really interesting about these Ecoli

bacteria, is that I can sort of see

there's a little tail behind it and

there, uh these are single Ecoli

cells that are basically swimming in

water. You can see these helical things

that's spinning around, those are the

propellers that propels the bacteria to

go forward, and what's really interesting

as those up are propelled by a single

molecular motor, uh that's done

through millions of years of, you know, evolution

in biology, for example. This is what

people have been discovering about this

molecular motor, is that there are lots

of protein parts and it's a very giant

complex, but this motor is able to propel

that giant flagella and allows the

bacteria to move forward. And so this is

what nature has been doing for, you know,

millions of years and the size of 40

nanometers. In the past 20-30

years, human has trying to catch up

to that, and if you look at, you know, this

famous image where IBM created, you know,

their logo with ZENO Adams this is

only about four nanometers in size so

that's only a fraction of the size of

this molecular machines each blue dot

here is basically one atom where IBM was

able to move them in particular ways and

form this pattern. The molecular motor I'm

going to talk to you about today is

actually only a fraction of that, right.

So this thing, it's only point 6

nanometers in size and is created in

1999. You can sort of see, in about 40

years of time, humans has been able to

scale down the size of the smallest

motor that they can create by roughly a

million times, right.

So that's really a great achievement. The

first part of the story, is going to go

to guy called John Pierre Savauge for

figuring out how to put molecules

together but have them interconnected.

This is basically a technique that he

developed, that he was able to join two

molecules together into an interlocked

ring, and so why is this very important

or why the big deal in chemistry, is

because normally if you think about

chemical reactions, or what chemists do,

we break molecules apart, we join them

together, we form, you know, different

types of molecules. But these molecules

are still very, very much joined together,

much like, you know, we make a chair or

make a table, right. Those are very good,

useful object they have their functions,

but they're not machines. So, the very

important thing is to have parts that

can move independently to each other, but

still connected. And that's what's really

important about his synthesis, is that he

was able to create these two ring

molecules that have absolutely no covalent bond to each other, but is able to

move freely around each other in this

fashion. With this advancement, he was

able to create an array of different

types of molecules, but different shapes

that are all interconnected, but not exactly

connected by a covalent bond. The next

big step is done by Sir Fraser Stoddart

where he was able to create linear

motion of two molecules. And what he did,

was basically created this molecule


"rotaxane" where you have this ring

molecules on top of this dumbbell molecule

where the rain can freely move around

but without falling off, right.

So that's very interesting, because now

instead of, you know, two molecules just

simply interlocking, you can actually move

this thing linearly and to be able to use this

more cleverly he was able to create a

control mechanism where you can actually

move a ring by control to different

locations on this molecule, any time

you want. And so this forms, kind of, the basic

building block, or basic unit of

developing more complex molecular

machines. So, later on what he did was

create a molecular elevator where, you

know, if you put three of these guys in a

shaft and connect all the molecules

together, you can sort of, he was able to

lift this platform up and down, which is

really neat, right. This is very very very

small it's elevated up, it can only elevate

something, by something like, uh, you know,

less than a nanometer, but still, you know,

it's a very small mechanism but allows

you to really manipulate molecules at

the nanoscopic scale. The next one he

created his is called

a molecular muscle, right. So to do this,

what they did was joining the, the blue

rod, instead of to a ball, but to another

red circle, right. So by doing that, if you

can control this type of motion, he was able

to basically allow the molecules to

shrink in size, and that shrinkage in size

allows the molecule to actually pull

something, and they were actually able to

put this on the surface and see that, you

know, they can actually control the

contraction of a macroscopic object,

which is really neat.

That is the first two, the third one, the

third big step, really comes from a guy

called Bernard Feringa and his team,

where he created the first molecular

motor that actually spin, right. So in his

design, this is the molecular motor that

I showed you, it has this double bond here,

carbon-carbon double bond here, and so

when you shine light to this molecule

that carbon-carbon double bond and go

photoisomerization, and that will spin

around, and a certain position where you

then heat it up, it's going to undergo a

thermal relaxation, so it spins around


roughly 90 degrees, and then you repeat that

process over and over again, this

molecule spins around in one direction

constantly. And this is actually a very

big achievement, because when you think

about molecules in a very small

scale, they're pretty much all undergoing

random motions and that motion cannot

usually be controlled. Whether you have a molecule

go left, or right, or in a spin forward or

backwards, you know things just happen

in very astute pathways, so being able to do

this thing in one direction consistently

is really marvelous. And so, you know, guys

like these guys are really creative, once

they build a small part, they want to build

something that's more interesting and so

there goes nano car. So once you have

one unit that can spin around,

why don't you build, you know, an

all-wheel drive car with four of these,

right. So basically, that's the molecule

they created, and it's only two nanometers in

size, and that's about a million times

smaller than my car, and my car is only

two wheel drive. And so, that is the


if you look sideways, you know, it looks

kind of funny, you probably don't want to ride on this car, it's quite

bumpy, but you know being able to create

something that's only two nanometers

in size and that propels itself forward

is a really amazing achievement. So that

was done in in 2011, just like, you know,

five/six years ago.

2012 they were able to reverse the

direction of the motor, and in 2014 they were

able to create a motor that spins as fast as

12 megahertz. And so, to put that in

perspective, you know, twelve megahertz is 720

million rpms, and that's way faster than

any of your motors, right. So a car

motor runs, you know, 2000rpm or so, your hard

drives spins at seven thousand to ten

thousand rpms, these guys can spin like way,

way, way faster and that's, that's

something that's really only possible when you

shrink things down to the molecular

scale. So, you know, the physics and lost

governing things are quite different

when you go from, you know, macroscopic world,

down to the nanoscopic world, and that's

really one of the key things in

nanotechnology. And so, to kind of summarize, you know,

there are a lot of technologies

throughout the years from the 1960s all

the way to the present day, you know. In

the very early stage of uh, development you

have people, you know, doing very basic

chemistry reactions and reaction

mechanism, just really trying to figure out

the basics of things. And if you just go

back in time and ask, you know, do you

foresee, you know, all of your research

going to have all these applications, people

will be like, hmm I don't know what's going

on, I just doing this for fun, right?

But, but it's really these fundamental

research that's, you know, allows

scientists to take baby steps and

eventually learn to walk and taking

bigger and bigger steps, uh, that drives

this transport, transformation from

fundamental research to application. So,

you know, over the years people begin to

understand the molecular architecture of

how to put these molecules together, how

to make different shapes, their

interactions, and how to actually control

the molecules to do whatever they want,


Once you have all of these, that's

basically the foundation for scientists

and engineers to actually go forward and

develop applications in health energy

materials and electronics. And so, you

know, all of these applications are

really possible owe to, owned to the uh, the

breakthrough of these pioneers in nano

chemistry, and they basically laid the

critical foundations, and for that

achievement they were awarded the Nobel

Prize of Chemistry this year.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Nobel Night 2016 Chemistry Prize - Duration: 11:59.


Nobel Night 2016 Peace Prize - Duration: 8:13.

President of Colombia, Juan Manuel

Santos is the winner of this year's Nobel Peace

Prize in 2016. This is a prize that has been

awarded since 1910, to 85 men and 15 women.

Some years have not had any winners

awarded at all, and in some years

institutions have won. In 1910, for

example, the permanent and international

Peace Bureau of Switzerland won, and in both

1917 and 1944 the International Red Cross won. In

2009 Barack Obama won the Peace Prize,

not because of any specific action that

he had taken or any specific event, but

rather to offer hope in that his

presidency would bring a new era of hope

and change to US Race Relations. And this

year, very similarly, the prize has been

awarded, in encouragement, and in the

spirit of optimism around Columbia's

peace process. It's been a very

difficult struggle for President Santos to bring

peace to the table. It has not gone

particularly well, as of late.

However, this is an award that's been

given to encourage the Colombian people

to make the significant compromises and

changes that would be required

for a lasting peace.

Most people in Canada, have probably not

travelled to Columbia, um, which is a real

shame. It's probably one of the most

beautiful and ecologically and

culturally diverse places in all of the

Western Hemisphere. Um, and in

addition, uh, people probably don't know a lot about

Columbia. It's mainly known for some of its

primary exports such as wonderful rich

dark coffee, tropical flowers and of


Shakira. Uh, unfortunately it's also, however,

known, one of the few things it's known

for, is violence and it's been home to

one of the longest civil wars in the

Western world. Uh, officially is the longest

civil war in the Americas lasting for 52

years, this year. And as Jen has already

mentioned over 200,000 dead and up to

around 7 million people have been

displaced or dispossessed. Uh the groups

that are responsible for this long war

are many,

but in particular I'm going to speak

about the FARC, which is the Revolutionary Armed

Forces of Colombia. The FARC has long

civil wars, and coldwell, Cold War

origins, uh they emerged originally as the

armed wing of the Colombian Communist

Party. Um, if you can think back to the

nineteen forties and fifties and put

yourself back in that moment in

time, uh they were responding to pressures of the

Colombian state to respond to the

concerns of an increasingly marginalized

peasantry that weren't finding their

issues being resolved in public forums.

The Communist Party thought the militant

struggle would be one way to bring those

issues to the for. The FARC have had a

number of different public faces, uh since

they were first originated, which

included links to kidnapping, drug

trafficking, and extortion.

But it also has provided social services

in very remote areas such as economic

supports, social security benefits,

emergency medical care, and other

valuable things to communities that

otherwise were seen as not important to

the Colombian state. It stood as a very

strong force of resistance to US

intervention, in particular in the

long-standing war on drugs campaign,

which had severe consequences both for

small farmers & for civilians in

Colombia, but also had broader economic

implications for the country, making it

more difficult for Columbia to compete

for foreign investment dollars, for

grants from World Bank and the IMF, and

for tourist dollars to otherwise

beautiful place to visit. By the nineteen

eighties, the FARC's ongoing conflict

against the State led to arise in

proliferation of Private Security Forces, uh

they're often referred to as Paramilitary

Forces. Groups that were funded by

predominantly large private landowners,

sometimes with this sanction of the

state sometimes, without. And these Paramilitary Groups were used in many

cases to help expropriate peasants and

very strategic resource areas, to which

Canadian companies have sometimes

benefited. Uh, this long and outstanding

struggle illustrates that it's a very

complex, uh with a, for a broad number

of different dimensions struggle, long

and ongoing.

And so, why does Santos belong in this group

of other Nobel Peace Prize winners? I

have four reasons that I wish to offer

today. Predominantly that was a very

courageous act, uh, to begin to confront

these issues, first and foremost, because

striking a deal of any kind with the

FARC was a tremendous risk. The FARC

enjoys probably a less than five percent

approval rating in the public, at

large, and most Colombians and others see them

as criminals, uh people who have constantly

broken ceasefires and have continued to

use extraortive methods to get what

they needed, and so any kind of

compromise solution with this group is

seen by a broad public and by outsiders

as unjust and unfair, it's rewarding

criminal activity.

Secondly, Columbia has had a very

difficult position vis a vie the US, one of the

most important regional powers in the

region, and uh in order to prevent having to

take the US's recommendation to have

a strong military solution to the

conflict, Santos has had to stand up and

argue that for his people this would

involve too many civilian casualties,

which became very unpopular position to

defend. The third part of why this is

such a big risk for him, is, and,

probably this is a very opportune moment to

bring this up, Peace by Referendum. It puts a

tremendous amount of faith in democracy.

Those of us coming from faculty council

meetings as well, but broader

democracy is not something that everyone

is feeling entirely uh, unskeptical

about at the moment, and in fact

President Santos did not get the Peace

Process through the first referendum, but

he hasn't stopped. And forth, and this is

probably something that as a historian

interests me the most, peace here in this

region means reintegrating former

militants back into civil society, not

leaving them out in the cold. Giving them

options for having careers that they

could get back involved in, being active

participants in civil society and public

life in different ways. And more

critically, it means bringing the FARC

into the historical record, giving them a

place and recognizing what part of their

struggle was legitimate, and which parts

were perhaps in excess. Showing and

acknowledging that the Civil War had

more than one side for a broader

public. Santos was elected in 2012,

he was not given a popular mandate to

bring the peace process back into the

table but he did so, and the FARC

continued throughout this process to

remain militant, in many cases, and so

this was a very difficult moment to

continue forward. He's made very slow but

deliberate progress and the FARC, uh, which

has very deep roots and in many ways

acts as a pseudo government, has in fact

also made significant strides in

working towards peace. Santos has needed

to address the reasons why the FARC has

enjoyed its popularity in these

places, and he is also needed to hopefully

continue to align the priorities not

only of his government, but also of all

of the other institutions of the

state, that also have their own relationships

with various actors in the field.

This is very tricky work, but if he's

successful he will have ended the

longest and bloodiest Cold War struggle

in all of the Western Hemisphere, and

for that he deserves the Nobel Peace

Prize, but he also needs to be awarded

this prize, together alongside his people

for home, for whom we see this as a

gesture of hope but also one re-

quiring responsibility, and I personally

wish them all much success.

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