Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2017

this George our JT news will Jim Jones

shit talker that he is he got on i guess

he was on Instagram live or something

like that and he's talking shit Jim

Jones talks a lot shit stuck a lot of

shit you know we've known for his

problems we have a camera on camera and

him can going back forth cameras telling

everybody he's not from harlem and Jim

Jones just he just talks too much shit

his key just can't fuck with Jim Jones

well another person Jim Jones has

problems with his can't i'm sorry is

damon dash ok he's called out Damon Dash

for being a real culture vulture and not

doing proper business he doesn't like

the way David is just business

ok now Cameron has maintained his

relationship with damon dash ok now care

jim jones was on there talking shit you

know in talking shit back to people

people were talking things out from

harlem and stuff on his Instagram live

and he was responded to all that but

then someone brings up his whole damon

dash problem

okay and he said all david ash got them

shatter bones you know you know he got

problems you got that diabetes you got

weak bones kit

don't hit him too hard otherwise he'll

break in half now that this is where Jim

Jones always goes too far

ok like you know like why you may

confront somebody for something like

diabetes which I mean come on man you

know it's this person as a real problem

you know and this is why I see Cameron

can't totally fuck with Jim Jones

because Jim Jones just he just be doing

shit that's just crazy man like like the

whole beef with 50 cent that camera went

through and then Jim Jones took 50 side

and that she was weak to you know like

Jim Jones be doing stuff that that that

makes the crew look weak sometimes like

having all the public peace for camera

camera is stated that he doesn't want to

fuck with Jim Jones but Jim Jones keep

liked Roland camera on to fuck with them

i know these guys were brothers I want

for you okay but sometimes I think

Cameron came to a point and I've come to

this point with certain people in my


now this relationship even those person

my brother and I don't want to talk bad

about so I'm gonna distance myself from

them because I feel like they're toxic

for my life and that's a decision you're

allowed to make his human being right

well Jim Jones doesn't want Cameron to

make that decision

it's like he won't allow him to make

that decision keep strolling about

everything you know Jim Jones be doing

he playing the tough guy role too much

when like you already did that broke

people already know you about it you

know you got hard and all that you know

and I even said Jim Jones of the day

going through harlem and asking all the

bodega owners you how long has been

seeing me Cameron never said you didn't

go to Harlem he said you went from

Harlem that doesn't matter anyways I

mean Jim Jones reps Harlem to the


okay but I don't know man you know I

just thought the whole comment about

Damon Dash is a little weak but I

respect Jim Jones when he does I respect

carefully does and saluted wells for out

here making moves again Jordan towel JT

news directive videos you know for

everybody manual incredible new source

out here actually in the music business

a lot of music lot of these sources are

not in the music business i'll talk

about just because you interview

somebody doesn't make you in the music

business like actually partook in the

music business had a label with carillon

/ Sony understand the inner workings

multiple platforms ok so what you want

it's credible over here make sure you

like comment and subscribe i appreciate

you checking on the next video

Jordan Jordan tower familes


Jordan towel film

For more infomation >> Jim Jones: Dame Dash Has Diabetes and Cant Take a Punch! Jim Jones Makes Fun of Diabetes! | JTNEWS - Duration: 4:16.


"La La Land" Movie

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Movie


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Ford S-Max 2.0T Navi Pdc2 17"Led2 Ecc Sport St. Ecoboost Tita - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Ford S-Max 2.0T Navi Pdc2 17"Led2 Ecc Sport St. Ecoboost Tita - Duration: 0:43.


Travel Professor - Film Tourism - Duration: 3:28.

Right, film tourism - it's where people

travel to different sets and locations

and destinations because of a

movie, film or TV series. Sometimes

it's called movie-, film-induced tourism

or movie-induced tourism. Sometimes even

screen tourism.

Well, here we are: Tomb Raider made

famous by Angelina Jolie in the Lara Croft

movie from the computer game. Here we are -

the real name of the temple is Ta Prohm.

You see it's where the jungle

has engulfed over the temple. Still,

what a great atmosphere. So film tourism:

people coming to different destinations

to come and see the sets.

So quite interestingly here we have the

humans taking over nature to build the

temple and then thousands of years later -

8,000 years later - we have nature again

taking back over humans. So this is

around about the spot where Angelina

Jolie picked the jasmine and fell

through the floor magically down into

Hollywood studios but film tourism is really big these days. People

going many destinations. Think of Lord of

the Rings. Think of Harry Potter in the

the UK. Lord of the Rings in

New Zealand and many other destinations.

Cambodia's now on the map, on the movie film

tourism map because of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider.

The Travel Professor is the Tomb


Many destination marketing organizations are now realizing they can

take advantage of films being shot in their destinations but the scope of film-

induced tourism goes beyond just

visiting locations with films shot. It

also includes other film based

attractions as can be seen in the figure

on the screen from Connell's 2012 review

paper. Let me know if you've been

motivated to attend a film based tourist


Have you ever visited a film-based tourist attraction? If yes, which one?

Let me know in the comments below.

Here's a brief look at where films have had an

impact on tourism from Hudson & Ritchie's

paper in 2006.

For more infomation >> Travel Professor - Film Tourism - Duration: 3:28.


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 X-tra - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 X-tra - Duration: 0:50.


Europe Day 4 : Porto Venere - Duration: 3:50.

Day 4 in Italy.

This morning we are still in Florence.

We have to get back the vespa keys and then we take the train to La Spezia.

It's at Cinque Terre.

Smalls fisherman villages by the sea.

It will be great!

Street names are sometimes well hidden.

Instead of installing them by the edge of every street corner.

They are always on a building quiet high.

But sometimes there is something in front of it.

Thats the way it is in Italy.

So we just arrived in Porto Venere, it's disgusting.

It was ironic of course.

It's so boring to have pizza here.

With full of people in front of us it's awesome.

''to laugh''

It's so boring to have pizza here.

There is some things that I dont understand about Italy.

This sign here in my head does not make sense.

Area pedonale.

In my head I think it's a pedestrian zone.

Why there is a bar on the pedestrian?

I don't understand.

So that conclude day four.

We are in La Spézia, we just visit a small medieval village, it was nothing like yesterday.

That was cute but... Not worth a detour.

Tomorrow we visit Cinque Terre...

This should be awesome.

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Europe Day 4 : Porto Venere - Duration: 3:50.


Everyone has a story: Meet William - Duration: 2:46.

So my troubles with finances, or financial problems with this one company, an artist

I was working for whose business manager provided me with a card on his account as an authorized


In actual fact they had used my social security and my credit to take out a card, an account,

so to speak.

Maybe two and a half years later I get contact from the credit card company to let me know

that my account was overdue, seriously overdue.

I asked them what account was that?

they explained it to me.

And at that point this was my first knowledge that I actually held this account in my own


This started a saga that continued for four, maybe four and a half years.

I spoke to over a hundred and twenty counselors from this credit card company.

None of them could do anything else except tell me that I had to pay the $8,500.

My credit was ruined.

I had been denied a refinancing of our house… until I finally got help from the CFPB.

When I got to the website, there was a section where there was people's stories.

You can upload information, documents to the CFPB website and within 24 hours I had received

an acknowledgement that the CFPB was looking at the situation.

And within 7 or 8 days, I got an actual letter back from the credit card company that intimated

that they were apologetic about what they had been doing to me.

And then the next day I received another letter from them telling me that they were removing

everything that was adverse from my credit report.

That just felt good.

It was a solution.

In a situation for me that was seemingly endless and hopeless, the CFPB helped me to find resolution.

It's a new day.

For more infomation >> Everyone has a story: Meet William - Duration: 2:46.



For more infomation >> Silence


Can America Come Together?

For more infomation >> Can America Come Together?


Ice Fishing: Hardcore - Duration: 45:47.

For more infomation >> Ice Fishing: Hardcore - Duration: 45:47.


JUST TIME FOR A QUICK HELLO [CC] 😀 - Duration: 3:50.

Hey guys happy Wednesday I'm doing

something super spontaneous, just jumping

in front of the camera to say hi.

I've had an extremely long day then a lot

of work today so I haven't had time to

do any editing or uploading or anything

like that but I wanted to keep on my

momentum of posting something every day.

So I thought why not, wondering maybe if

you guys have any new year's resolutions

because that's one of my new year's

resolutions which is to try to get

more content on my channel and typically

I don't really like resolutions because

I think that they don't really they're

not always lasting I look at more

developing good habits and really

thinking about your life and how it

flows and what you think you can

incorporate in and what may be things

you need to not do so much so yeah but

this year I would say my goals are

continuing to build my channel

continuing to declutter and kind of

clear out the house a little bit that's

just thinking last year there's too much

stuff and I don't know about you but

when there's a lot of stuff that clutter

in my mind and I can't think it's

clearly been going through papers and

books don't read and sees that I wasn't

to stuff like that so much now as

digital that you know you don't need to

have all this stuff because you can just

go to Google or like now I have that

Apple music service which is really cool

because for a few bucks a month you can

have access to their whole library

you don't have to deal with CDs anymore

even and then I just have some projects

i want to try to finish this year so

kind of exciting wondering like I said

you have any resolutions

thankfully already pre well and my

metabolism is so fast I don't need to

lose weight

those are some common ones and I don't


have I mean you could say the one thing

I'm kind of addicted to with soda like I

love my coke but I'm not willing to give

that up so I just try to moderate so I

don't drink as much but yeah so anyway

like I said not a lot today but i wanted

to say hi and hope you're doing well and

I will see you tomorrow hopefully for a

longer video thanks guys and hey also I

have some new subscribers thank you for

watching thank you for tuning in

thank you for checking out what I have

to say obviously my name is Jody. You

haven't gotten that and I do daily--

almost I tried to daily videos on my

life about on different perspectives of

living with a disability and being you

know I'm married and having a fur

son Alton Golden Retriever you'll see

in my youtube channel banner and my

volunteer work and crafting and home

stuff so yeah I just have a lot of a stuff

and I love being creative and sharing my

life. So thank you for watching. If you're

interested to stick around see what else

I get up to please hit that subscribe

button right at the very least. If you

could give this video a thumbs up, I'd

really appreciate it helps boost the

visibility of my videos. So thanks again

guys. Take care and I'll see you

hopefully tomorrow!

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