Thursday, January 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2017

Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about CDL air

brakes in the state of California. I had a request from Josahandy that she wanted

me to go over the manual in the similar fashion that I had done for New York

state. Josahandy a was working towards her CDL license and wanted some more

information about the airbrake portion of it and I do apologize if Josahandy

is a woman because Josahandy can be either female or male. Today what I'm

going to do is, I'm going to go through the manual for the state of California

for CDL air brakes, which is chapter 5 and go into the trailer section which is

in chapter 6. And I'll go over that and give you some more clarification and some

more information about air brakes. Just as a note - students find air brakes

challenging and there's no doubt that air brakes are challenging. It's a

technical course. There's lots of terminology that you have to learn and

some of the terminology you have to learn, it's only for the purposes of the

license. Because California, New York state and all the provinces in Canada

are still teaching a forty-year-old air brake course. So unfortunately, there's

some stuff that you just have to learn for the purpose of the license. A wig wag, for

example, which haven't been on trucks or buses since the nineteen

eighties. Everything now for low air warning devices is a light and buzzer. So, we'll

be right back to talk to you about CDL air brakes in the state of California.


Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about

CDL air brakes in the state of California. This is going to be a 4

video series: the three sections in chapter 5 of the California CDL manual

will be three separate videos and then I'll go into the trailering on chapter 6

and talk to you about trailers. Air brakes have been fitted on large

commercial vehicles since the 1920s. Air brakes were first on trains in

the 1800s to stop them. And during that period of time--almost a

century now that they've been on trucks and other commercial vehicles--they have

proven reliable. Second, air brakes are able to transmit large powerful forces--

braking forces--over long distances. Think of a semi-truck, for example. The driver

sitting at the front of the truck and the trailer brakes are able to be put on

75 feet away. So large distances are able to be covered with air brakes. Finally,

air brakes are tolerant to significant leaks in the system and will continue to

operate normally. Unlike hydraulic brakes, where if you get a leaking hydraulic brake

fluid those brakes are not going to work.

Fortunately there are fail-safes in place for both for hydraulic brakes and air

brakes that will allow them to work properly or at least work and allow the

driver to bring the vehicle to a complete stop safely and efficiently. So

both air brakes and hydraulic brakes have a fail-safe in them and we'll talk

about that in greater detail later in the video.

No doubt, air brake courses are technical and difficult to understand because the

terminology that goes along with air brakes makes it difficult. We talk about

service brakes, parking brakes, and emergency brakes on an airbrake equipped

vehicles. That for some, can cause confusion. Now the way to think about it

is that the brakes on an airbrake equipped vehicle are no different than

the brakes on a car or light truck. The car or like truck that you parked in

your driveway and you drive everyday, the brakes on an airbrake equipped vehicle

are exactly the same on your vehicle. When you go up and down the road, you

push down on the brake pedal, which are essentially the service brakes. The

vehicle comes to a stop and the brakes are released when you take your foot off the

pedal. Essentially these are powered by hydraulic fluid. The brake pedal is attached to the

master cylinder, which is essentially a pump. You push down on the pedal and

create pressure and the brakes apply and it comes to a stop. When you park the

vehicle--for those that use the parking brake when you park the vehicle--you apply the

parking brake. The same thing on an ai rbrake equipped vehicle. You simply

pull the buttons out on the dash on a large commercial truck,. Some buses you

have to push it in - its reverse. But if you're driving a transit bus, you'll know


However, for the purposes of this, we're going to pull them out and evacuate the air

from the system. The large powerful springs expand and apply the brakes and

the vehicle is left parked indefinitely. On your vehicle, it's a handle--either

with your hand or with your foot--you push down on it. It's a rachet system that

locks into place and is connected to the rear brakes via a cable. The vehicle

has its brakes applied and the vehicle is secure against movement indefinitely. If

you're going up and down the road and your unfortunate enough to lose your brakes,

you can use that lever and pull up on it and use it as an emergency brake.

Essentially what you're doing, is taking the parking brake and applying the

brakes using that for an emergency. Air brakes are exactly the same - in the event

of a catastrophic air loss in the vehicle, you lose enough air that those

powerful springs will expand and the spring brakes will come on. And we call

them the emergency brakes So the only difference between air brakes and the

brakes that you find on your car or light truck

is the power source. For the service brakes on your car, or light truck its

hydraulic power or hydraulic force.. push down on the brake pedal to activate the

pump and you apply the brakes. On a big truck, its air. The parking brake on a car or light truck -

it's simply mechanical power that comes out of you. You pull up on that ratchet...

click click click click click and it locks into place. On a big truck, it's the

large powerful springs...the same thing on your car to use that parking brake as an

emergency brake you simply pull it up using mechanical force, and on a large

commercial vehicle those large powerful springs--that are usually used and best

use for parking--are also the emergency brakes. In the state of California, when you

show up for your road test, you have to bring a vehicle that is equipped with

air brakes. And in the state of California, they designate air brakes as

the vehicle having a low air warning device and having air gauges. If it

doesn't have those two components, then you will have a restriction on your

license. The restriction on your license will say "no air brakes" and you won't be

able to operate a commercial vehicle that has air brakes. And in this day and

age, it's going to be tough to find a commercial vehicle that doesn't have air

brakes. So you're going to need air brakes in your bid to get a job. Make

sure you get your brakes - make sure you bring the correct vehicle to your road

test. You must have a low air warning device and must have air gauges.

The air compressor on a large commercial vehicle is exactly the same as the one you

would find in a shop or garage.

It pumps air into the tanks. When the tank pressure reaches a maximum, the air

compressor shuts off; when it goes to a minimum, the air compressor comes back on

and fill the tank up to maximum. On a large commercial vehicle, the air

compressor is either belt-driven or gear-driven. They're not belt-driven

anymore... they have been belt driven since the nineteen seventies. They're all

bolted right to the side of the motor and they're gear driven. For the purpose of

the license, you have to know they're belt driven. And if it is belt driven, the way

you check the tension on the belt is at the midpoint between the two pulleys, push

down on the belt. It should not go more than its own width. As well, the air compressor

uses the engine lubrication system, sometimes it's cooling system--but I've

never seen one that uses the engine's cooling system--most of them are

air-cooled. As well, it draws air in from the engine's main filtration system. So

the air compressor is truly parasitic. If it does have its own lubrication system--

which most likely it will not--you need to check it as part of your pre-trip


The difference between an air compressor in a shop and the one on your commercial

vehicle is that the compressor runs the entire time that the engine is on, so we

need some way to control it. We control the compressor with the governor and the

governor puts it into the cut-out phase or the cut-in phase. In the cut-out phase, the

compressor is pumping air into the atmosphere and in the cut-in phase, its

pumping air into the system. And the maximum pressure of the system is around

125 pounds per square inch, which is the cut-out phase. And the cut-in phase--when

it pumps air into the system--is approximately a hundred pounds. When the

system goes down to approximately a hundred pounds,

the governor will put the compressor into the cut-in phase. There's a complete

video on the governor - you can find that here. Check out that for the complete

details on the governor.

The air tanks--sometimes called reservoirs--store compressed air. The air

tanks are the first fail-safe in an airbrake system. If the compressor stops

working for some reason or falls off the side of the engine, the air tanks hold

enough air for 10 to 12 full brake applications. On older systems, there qwill be

three tanks: 1) the wet tank; 2)the primary tank; 3) and the secondary tank. On newer

systems--the ADOS systems (AIr Dryer Integrated Systems)--they're will only be two

tanks - the primary and secondary tank. And how you know it's an ADIS system is

because the governor will be located within close proximity to the air dryer.

Air dryers have proven really good at ridding compressed air of water and

other contaminants. Therefore the air dryer has made the wet tank redundant and no

longer needed on these systems. Air tank drains: most of the air tank drains on

trucks are going to be manual. If you get low clearance vehicles--buses and RVs and

whatnot--they may be automatics, but for the most part they're manual. The question on the

test is: "how often do you drain air tanks?" Daily, daily, daily - every day! That will be

the question on the test. The reason for that is that water and other

contaminants collect in the tanks and you have to get rid of that. If there's

water in the tanks it could potentially freeze and cause failure of the air brake

systems, especially if you're working in colder climates - not so much California,

but if you're working in Alaska, that is definitely a risk. That the water could

freeze inside the airbrake system and potentially cause it to fail. So daily,

daily, daily, - drain the air tanks on the system. The drains on the tanks can

either be one of two types: 1) a stopcock, which is just a tap that you open and

allow the tank to drain. 2) Most of them on big trucks have pull cords and you pull

the cord and hold it until the tank drains completely.

It's not likely you're going to find an alcohol evaporators on an airbrake

equipped vehicle in the state of California. Maybe in Duluth, Minnesota,

maybe in Alaska, but for the most part you're not going to find them on

vehicles in California.

However, the alcohol evaporator introduces methyl hydrate into the

system and lowers the freezing point of water. So therefore, there's less risk of

it freezing inside the system. Question on the test is: "what kind of methyl

hydrate do you put into the alcohol evaporator?" Answer: 'manufacturer-approved methyl

hydrate.' If you want to think of another analogy, the reason they put salt on the

roads in the wintertime is to lower the freezing point of water. And this only

works down to about -8°C (18°F), so methyl hydrate inside an alcohol

evaporator works the same, but like I said - in the state of California, you're not

going to worry about one. And the answer to the question on the test is "manufactured

approved methyl hydrate is what you use to refill the alcohol evaporator. All

tanks that are pressurized have a safety valve on them. In the event that the

pressure gets too high and potentially could cause damage to the vehicle or

danger to people in and around the vehicle, the safety valve will let off

the excess pressure. On an air brake equipped vehicle, it is set 150 pounds per square

inch and you'll know it's the safety valve and that you have excess pressure

in the system because it makes a very distinct sound! The sound of a machine

gun - if you hear that sound & you look down at the air gauge and note that it's

around 150 pounds, which is too high for an airbrake system because most of them

run at a hundred twenty-five and a maximum of 135--so you'll see that it's a

hundred and fifty pounds. And when that happens, take it to a mechanic and say

authoritatively that the governor has failed.

Maybe the compressor, but for the most part, it's usually the governor. Safety

valve... hundred fifty pounds per square inch.

The brake pedal controls the service brakes. It can also be called the foot

valve or the treadle valve, but for our purposes we're going to call it the

brake pedal. The brake pedal controls the service brakes. You go up and down the

road, you push down on the brake pedal, it applies the brakes - the harder you push

the harder of the brakes apply. There is-- on a large commercial vehicle that has

air brakes on it--a delay from the time that you put your foot on the brake

pedal to the time that the brake apply, and conversely when you release the

brake to the time that the brakes release. That is called brake lag and

it's a term that you will need to know for the purpose of license. It's a very

slight delay--it's less than half a second, but there is brake lag in an

airbrake equipped vehicle. As well, when you release the service brakes on a

large commercial vehicle, the air that you use to apply the brakes is exhausted

into the atmosphere. So if you pump those brakes, you're going to lower the air

pressure in the system. And if you pump them hard enough - if you fan them down

or pump them hard enough, eventually what you're going to do is lower the air

pressure in the system and it could get dangerously low, which you'll know

because the low air warning will come on. And your brakes won't work. So in a large

commercial vehicle, especially if you're going downhill or are doing hard braking,

don't hold the brakes and then release them, release and apply, release and apply.

Hold the brakes down, so you have constant pressure going to the brake

chambers. That way you're not going to lower the air pressure inside the system.

So don't pump the brakes on a large commercial vehicle.

The foundation brakes: the foundation brakes are the components of the

airbrake system that actually bring the vehicle to stop. The brake drums, the

linings, and the shoes are all located on the axle and the tire and rim are

mounted onto the drum. Inside the drum is the brake shoes and linings and when you

activate the brakes or push down on the brake pedal

the shoes are forced out against the drum. These create friction and slow the

vehicle and the tires. And if you have traction with the road, the vehicle will

come to a stop - at least that's the hope and dream. The most common types of

foundation brakes are: 'S' cam brakes, wedge brakes, and disc brakes. Probably in

this day and age, you're not going to find wedge brakes. Question on the test

for wedge brakes is: "how many brake chambers will wedge brakes have?" 'may have

one or two is the answer to the question on the test. Disc brakes are beginning to

make inroads into the commercial driving industry and the reason for that is

because disc brakes don't experience brake fade. And if you want the complete

video on brake fade, you can find that here. I'll put a card up here for you, for the

complete video on brake fade. The 'S' cam brakes do experience brake fade. There's

heat generated from the friction, because you convert forward motion of the

vehicle into heat energy. That heat is dissipated into the atmosphere via the

drum and to some extent the rim. But if you put too much heat to the drum and

rim, eventually what's going to happen is it's going to catch fire and you're

going to experience brake fade. Because it expands and moves away from the brake

shoes and the brake shoes will no longer come in contact with the drum. So brake

fade is another term that you need to know for the purposes of your CDL

license test. And brake fade--not only for air brakes, but any braking system is the

one and only weakness that is left and driver error will cause brake fade. So

there's no reason to experience brake fate. As well,

downhill braking - you need to know how to do that correctly. There's a downhill

braking video - I'll put up a card up here for you - for the complete video on

downhill braking so you don't experience brake fade.

"S' cam brakes are the most common type of foundation brakes. These are mostly found on

semi trucks and buses. As well, on a lot of newer buses you're going to find disc

brakes but the 'S' cam brake, as you can seehere in the image consists of the brake

chamber, the pushrod, the slack adjuster. And all slack adjusters are automatic, unlike

this image - it's a manual slack adjuster. The 'S' cam and it goes into the

brake shoes and forces the brake shoes out against the drum. And you can see

that there's an 'S' on the end of the 'S' cam, thus it's called the 'S' cam

because it's shaped like an S and it basically rotates when you apply the

brakes and forces the shoes out against the drum. Friction is created and it and brings the

vehicle to a stop.

The other type of brakes are CamLaster, and the difference between 'S' cam brakes and CamLaster

brakes is that CamLasters are self adjusting and

they also apply the brake shoes against the drum evenly. So on an 'S' cam,

it forces the top out and essentially there's a bit of a lever there so the

brakes don't wear evenly. On a CamLaster, there's some sort of slide incline

inside of the brake mechanism, which evenly pushes the shoes out against the

drum. So the CamLaster is another type of foundation brake that has advantages

over the 'S" cam type foundation brake.

The other type of foundation brake is disc brakes and disc brakes are

beginning to make inroads into the commercial industry the reason for that

is because disc brakes don't experience brake fade and you'll find disc brakes

on most cars and light trucks now. Especially on high-end sports cars and

motorcycles. And the reason for that is because when you heat up disc brakes

they actually work better than a conventional drum brakes. And the reason

for that is because when you heat up the rotor--the plate in the middle--it

actually expands into the brake pads. So when you heat them up, disc brakes become

more aggressive. The problem on large commercial vehicles is that there's too

much heat generated and when you have too much heat generated inside the disc

brakes the whole assembly kind of melts into a pile of goo and your vehicle

careens down the road. crashes into a tree and you die in a fire inferno. So

they're coming, but they're

not quite there yet! Because the materials aren't there to absorb the

sheer amount of heat that is generated on large commercial vehicles. But you'll

see in the next 10 years that disc brakes will become prolific within the

commercial driving industry.

Supply pressure gauges: all air brake systems will have pressure gauges to

tell you how much air pressure is in the system air pressure gauges. There will be

two pressure gauges inside the system because there's a primary and a

secondary system. These haven't been single circuit system since the nineteen

seventies. So all systems are going to be a primary and a secondary system and

you'll either have two gauges--one for the primary system and one for the secondary

system--or you'll have one gauge with two needles and one will be green and

one will be red signifying the pressure in the primary and secondary

systems You'll need to operate the system above a hundred pounds per square inch

and also need to monitor maximum and minimum pressures as the system's going

up and down. This is to note that in fact, the governor is working and putting the

compressor into the cut-in phase or the cut-out phase. Application pressure gauge

tells you how much pressure you're putting to the service brakes when you

push down on the brake pedal. In the manual, it says that the harder you push

down on the brake pedal--if you're going downhill and the brakes aren't applying any

harder may indicate that you are experiencing brake fade or a other

mechanical problems. Perhaps an air leak in the system and whatnot - that's not

necessarily true. Howeverm if you are pushing down harder on the brake pedal

and the brakes don't seem to be braking any harder and you are going downhill

or you have been using the brakes excessively could indicate that you have brake fade.

However the application pressure gauge is really good for training students in

terms of air brakes and pre trip inspection for the purposes of a license.

But going up and down the road - let's really hope that you're not looking at

the application pressure gauge while you're going up and down the road. Most

normal brake applications are going to be made at less than 10 pounds per

square inch. If you're making a harder brake application than 10 pounds per

square inch

there could be something wrong with the airbrake system, but for the most part

it's the application pressure gauge tells you how much pressure you're

putting to the service brakes.

The low pressure warning device is a buzzer and a light on all modern vehicles.

On some older vehicles you may find a wig way which is essentially this little arm

that drops down in front of your face when pressure drops below 55 pounds per

square inch. Wig wags haven't been on vehicles since the nineteen eighties. What

happened was the pressure dropped in the system a couple of times & this

thing drop down in front of drivers. It scared the living daylights out of them,

they drove off the road, crashed into a tree and died in a firey inferno. The

engineers thought, "you know, maybe that's not such a great idea - let's just go with

a light & a buzzer. So a light and a buzzer in the state of California must come on

above 55 pounds per square inch. On a lot of vehicles, it's going to come on well

above 55 pounds, as it says in the manual. On a lot of buses it's going to come on

between 80 & 85 - a lot of trucks it will do the same thing as well. Low air warning - all

vehicles are equipped with a low air warning and on modern vehicles they're going to

be a light and a buzzer. Stop light switch: which simply means that when you push

down on the brake pedal, the brake lights aregoing to come on. And as part of your

pre-trip inspection, you need to check the brake lights on a commercial vehicle

when you're doing your license and every day as part of your pre-trip inspection.

Stoplight switch - the brake lights come on when you push down on the brake pedal.

Front brake limiting valves: all vehicles are equipped with automatic front wheel

limiting valves and on newer vehicles you're not going to know that they're


However if you make a hard brake application over 60 pounds--

ok let's hope that if you make a 60-pound brake application on an

airbrake system you got your seatbelt on

because, if you make a 60-pound brake application, you're going to be doing a

bug impression on the inside of the windshield. Let me tell you that vehicle

is going to come to a hard hard stop. As I said, most normal braking is done at

less than 10 pounds per square inch on a vehicle equipped with air brakes.

Automatic front wheel limiting valves reduce braking to the front axles by 50%

fore most normal braking because steer axles are used for steering. And are not used for

braking. However, over 60 pounds--as it says in the manual--it's going to come on

equal to the the rear brakes, but that's a really hard brake application. On older

vehicles--if you're driving something 1970s--it's going to be a manual switch.

It's going to be on the dash, as you can see here in the image, "slippery" "dry".

Most driving is going to be in the dry position. If it is raining or you're on

snow and ice - put it into the slippery position to reduce braking to

the front axles by fifty percent.

Spring brakes: prior to the advent of spring brakes a few semi-trailers got

pushed over hill and killed a porta potty and engineers and other officials

thought, "you know, maybe we need some way of applying the brakes indefinitely!?!" So

they came up with large powerful springs to apply the brakes mechanically.

Therefore, the brakes were applied indefinitely while left parked. These large

powerful springs inside the spring brake chambersare piggybacked onto the

service brake chambers They're almost always on the rear of vehicles because

they also work as emergency brakes. Because the springs are held in the caged--in the

off position--with air pressure. If the air pressure drops too low--between

20 and 45 pounds--the springs will activate automatically, expand and apply

the brakes. And we like to have the steer tires for steering, so spring brakes are

not on the steer tires - the steer axles rather. Rather they're on the back of the

vehicle. So they're used for parking

most of the time. And they're also used for emergency brakes in the event that

the air pressure drops to low. And again, as it says in the manual, when that

low air pressure warning comes on, you'd better be looking for a safe place to

get that vehicle off the road and determine why you have an air leak. Also,

question on the test is: "if the service brakes are out of adjustment, the parking

brakes are also out of adjustment." So if the parking brakes are not working

properly, your service brakes are not going to be working as well. So you need

to get them adjusted up.

That's the question on the test. If the service brakes are out of adjustment, so too

are the parking brakes and the emergency brakes. Parking brake controls is a

four-sided yellow button on the dash. Push it in to put air into the spring

brake chamber and cage the spring.

This releases the parking brakes; pull it back out to exhaust the air from the spring

brake chamber and the spring expands and applies the parking brakes. Also, if you

lose air in the system, the spring will expand and apply the parking brakes as

an emergency brake. In the manual it says not to compound the brakes.

That's what it's called when you have the parking brakes on and make a service

brake application. All modern vehicles are equipped with an anti-compounding

valve, so you can apply the service brakes when the parking brakes are on & it

just exhausts the air into the atmosphere. Rather than putting air into the service

brake chamber when you compound the brakes. You're making a service brake

application plus the pressure from the spring brakes could potentially damage

the components inside the system. So that's what they're talking about when

you apply the service brakes and the parking brakes at the same time -

compounding the brakes/

Modulating control valves: I've never seen a system that has a modulating control

valve. They're out there somewhere. They're in the manual and it allows you to apply and

release the spring brakes in a similar manner that you would do with the

service brakes. If your vehicle is equipped with that, there's a lever and

there's a locking mechanism on the lever, so that the parking brakes can be held

on. But modulating control valve allows the spring brakes to be applied and

released in the same way that you would with service brakes. Dual parking control

valves: what they're talking about there is a separate air tank to release the

spring brakes in the event that you weren't paying attention and sleeping,

which you really shouldn't be doing while you're driving. Anyway, the spring

brakes applied and the vehicle is stuck somewhere that is not desirable.

There's a separate air tank and there's a deadman switch on the dash. The deadman

switch means that you gotta hold it down in order to put air into the spring

brake chamber and release the spring brakes. There's a limited amount of air,

so use it wisely to release the spring brakes and move the vehicle to a safe

location as quickly as possible.

Again, I've never seen this on an airbrake system, so it's unlikely that

you're going to encounter it. Most of these vehicles are going to have a

four-sided, yellow button on the dash to activate and release the parking brakes.

And if you're driving a semi truck, there will be an eight-sided red octagon

button that activates and releases the parking brakes on the semi-trailer. So

again, it's a deadman switch - extra air tank to release the spring brakes in the

event that you weren't paying attention and the spring brakes activated in the

event of a catastrophic air loss. All modern vehicles have ABS brakes & the

way that you know that the truck or bus has ABS brakes is when you turn the key to

the on position and wait momentarily the ABS light will come on on the dash--

it's usually orange--and it will come on momentarily and then go off. That means

that your ABS is working normally. If you're not sure that you have ABS on

your truck or trailer, the way that you can tell is you go out to the unit. Locate

the brake chamber - the airline that's running out to the brake chamber will

have an electrical line zippy tied to it and that is

the way that you know you have ABS brakes on your vehicle. The way that you

brake with an ABS system - you brake normally in normal situations. It's just

going to have normal brakes on it in normal braking situations; in hard emergency braking situations, it's

different than normal brakes because what you do is you hold down on the

brake pedal and hold hard and look in the direction that you want to steer.

Essentially ABS brakes stop the wheels from locking up because when the wheels

lock up, you lose steering and lose control of the vehicle. So you hold the

breaks down hard--

shutter, noise, pushback all of this is normal in ABS equipped vehicles. On older

vehicles, the ABS light on the dash may not go out until you obtain five miles

per hour. After you obtain five miles an hour the ABS light will go out. On

trailers, oftentimes the ABS light is near the rear of the trailer on the

driver's side. You can usually see it in the driver's mirror. One of the things to

keep in mind about ABS brakes is that ABS brakes will not stop you in a

shorter distance. ABS brakes are designed for you to keep control and keep

steering in the event of an emergency situation. So an emergency situation:

hold the brake down, hold it down hard. You may have to post off the steering

wheel and look in the direction that you want to go. That way the front wheels

won't lock up. Another component on your air brake equipped vehicle might be a ATC

--automatic traction control--automatic traction control diverts power from a

spinning wheel to another wheel on the rear axle so that you can regain

traction. In some cases, it will actually cut power to the motor. ATC uses all the

same components as the ABS, but simply tries to regain traction usually when

you're on slippery conditions in parking lots and that sort of thing in the

wintertime or in mud conditions where traction is compromised. So ATC uses the

components of the ABS system and piggybacks on that The other thing to

keep in mind is if you got a combination vehicle--truck and trailer--where one unit

has ABS and the other unit doesn't - this is particularly prone to with trucks where you will have

ABS and the trailer won't, so if you're in an emergency situation with the truck

and trailer, just keep an eye in the mirror because you may be braking with


on the truck, but the trailer is actually normal brakes and if you're pushing down

hard on the brake pedal - the trailer brakes are actually locked up. Make sure

you're having a look in the mirror there because if the trailer starts coming


you're going to have to release the brakes to try and get that unit

straightened out.

Anti-lock braking systems are designed for you to keep control of the vehicle

and to keep steering. As I tell students all the time,

the reason that we lose control of the vehicle is because of over-braking,

over-steering, and over-acceleration. Any one of those will cause the wheels to

lock up or to spin. And a spinning or locked wheel always leads, which means

that the back end is going to come around or the front end's gonna kick out. So

over use of the primary controls is going to cause you to lose control and a

tractor-trailer unit could potentially cause you to jackknife. So keep your eye

on the mirror and use the ABS correctly. Review questions: turn the video off,

answer the questions -come back and we'll go over the review questions together!

First question, why must air tanks be drained? Air tanks must be drained to rid

the system of water and other contaminants in the system. Water in the

system could potentially freeze if its cold and cause the system to fail.

Question on the test is how often do you drain air tanks? Daily, daily, daily -

everyday drain the air tanks.

What is the supply pressure gauge used for? The supply pressure gauge is to tell

you how much pressure is in the system. Question on the test:

What do the air pressure gauges tell you? They tell you how much pressure you

have available for a service brake application. For example, if you have 40

pounds in the tank, the maximum brake application you can make is 40 pounds; if

you have a hundred pounds in the tank, the maximum brake application you can

make is a hundred pounds. Next question: all vehicles with air brakes are

equipped with a low air warning device? TRUE. All airbrake equipped vehicles must

have a low air warning device and it will either be a wig wag or a light and

a buzzer. In the old days they were wag wags but they haven't been since the nineteen

eighties. It must come on above 55 pounds per square inch. If it is a wig wag and

it does come on - in order to reset it--once the system pressure goes above

55psi--you just push it back up above the visor there and it'll stay up. What are

spring brakes. Spring brakes on large commercial vehicles equipped with air

brakes are used for the purposes of parking and emergency brakes. When you're

going up and down the road, these large powerful springs are held in the released

or caged position by air pressure. if you lose air pressure in the system, the

springs will expand & apply the brakes and work as an emergency system to apply the

brakes and bring the vehicle to a stop. When you park, you pull the four-sided

yellow button out on the dash to exhaust the air from the spring brake chamber.

The spring expands and applies the parking brakes. The spring brakes are

best used for parking -

that's the question on the test. Next question: front wheel brakes are good

under all conditions? FALSE On slippery conditions, you don't want the steer

tires to lock up.

Thus there aren't spring brakes on the steering axle. So therefore, we have front

wheel limiting valves. Most of the time they're automatic and the drivers does not

even know that they're there and they reduce braking to the steer axles by up to

fifty percent. Over 60 pounds per square inch - you're going to get an equal brake

application to the front and rear axles on the vehicle. As I said previously

though, you make a 60-pound brake application at any speed in a

large commercial vehicle - you'd better have your seatbelt on

because you're going to do a bug impression on the inside of the

windshield. A 60-pound brake application is a really, really hard brake application.

If you're driving an older vehicle with manual front wheel limiting valve and

it's just "slippery" "dry." Most conditions you put it in dry - if it's raining or

you're on ice and snow, you can put it in the slippery position to reduce braking

to the front axles by up to fifty percent. Last questionL how do you know if

your vehicle is equipped with anti-lock brakes. You know that it's equipped with

anti-lock brakes because you turn the key to the on position - the orange ABS

light on the dash will come on momentarily and then go out. If it's an

older vehicle equipped with ABS brakes, after you obtain five miles per hour the

light will go out. If the trailer has ABS brakes, down the side of the trailer there

will be a light on the driver side near the rear of the trailer which you can

see in the driver's mirror. If you're not sure,

go out to the brake chamber - the airline running to the brake chambers will have

an electrical line

zippy tied to it. That's the other way that you can know that you have ABS brakes.

So in this video we've gone over section 1 of the CDL airbrake manual for the

state of California. I'll put a card up here for you for the second video for

section 5.2 of the airbrake manual. I'll go over that. Section one essentially

covered the parts of an airbrake system: the air compressor, the governor, the air

gauges, application pressure gauge, spring brakes - most common types of

foundation brakes: 'S' cam brakes; CamLaster, wedge brakes, disc brakes and

those types of components. As well we went over ABS brakes and whatnot.

This is section 1 of the CDL manual for the state of California. Section two is

available and the rest of it as well. And chapter 6 ,which goes over semi-trailers.

If you like what you see here share, subscribe, leave a comment down in the

comment section. If you're going for your CDL license and embarking on a career as

a truck or bus driver, check out the videos below. All of those will help you out

in the bid to get your license and be successful in a truck driving career. As

well, check out the cards in the upper right-hand corner. All those will give you

great information to be successful on your CDL license exam and as a career as

a truck or bus driver. Question for my smart drivers: was there a question on

the CDL airbrake exam that tripped you up?

Leave a comment down in the comment section - all of that helps us out. I'm Rick

with Smart Drive Test. Thanks very much for watching. Good luck on your road test.

Remember, pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer.

Have a great day. Bye now.


For more infomation >> CDL Air Brakes S. 5.1 | California State - Duration: 36:28.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI Ecoflex S/S Edition 5drs, Navigatie, Airc - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI Ecoflex S/S Edition 5drs, Navigatie, Airc - Duration: 1:21.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse AMG C 63 S Estate Automaat, Distronic-Plus,Head-Up - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse AMG C 63 S Estate Automaat, Distronic-Plus,Head-Up - Duration: 1:41.


[ENG SUB/VOSTFR] Around Us (Dujun, Junhyung, Yoseob, Gikwang, Dongwoon) channel is open! - Duration: 0:44.

- Hello! - Yoon Dujun! - Yang Yoseob!

- Yong Junhyung! - Lee Gikwang! - I am Son Dongwoon!

Wow, this is kind of new!

- It's kind of strange. - It's fresh.

It's really nice to see you guys!

We would just like to announce that we've opened up our new, "Around US", channel on V LIVE.

- "Around US"! - Yes.

We've created our new channel on V LIVE

to interact with our fans.

We will try very hard to communicate with you guys more.

We hope to see you guys there.

We will return to you guys very soon. Please look forward to it!

- I am Yoon Dujun! - Yang Yoseob! - Yong Junhyung!

- Lee Gikwang! - I am Son Dongwoon!


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB/VOSTFR] Around Us (Dujun, Junhyung, Yoseob, Gikwang, Dongwoon) channel is open! - Duration: 0:44.


MUSÉONAUTE #5 - Le Portrait à la Renaissance - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> MUSÉONAUTE #5 - Le Portrait à la Renaissance - Duration: 9:17.


Smart Forfour ForFour Line Passion 52Kw - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour ForFour Line Passion 52Kw - Duration: 1:40.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI 110PK S-TRONIC/ADRENALIN-SPORT/ - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI 110PK S-TRONIC/ADRENALIN-SPORT/ - Duration: 1:17.



For more infomation >> COMMENT AVOIR BEAUCOUP DE FOLLOWERS SUR INSTAGRAM ? (Postbas,Fitness..) - Duration: 5:51.



Good morning, Morrigan.

What am I going to do with all of this now?

But we have to look after the family.


Does not smell like burning?

Who is it?


It looks delicious, eh?

Blanca, stop giving food to the dog.

It's always begging.

Well, am I going to have any presents today or what?

There you have the one grandmother sent for Christmas.

More sweaters.

The Heritage, I hope.

What? She could kick the bucket.

with all the dough she has.

I don't even know how she still loves us.

That's what I ask myself.

That's what I ask myself

And what about the motorbike?

That also depends of your grandmother.

Of how much she lasts, right?

Hey. We love grandmother very much.

And where is she?

She had rather stay at the Nursing Home.


She doesn't like that place…

Don't touch it with your hands.

Can I open it, please?

Whatever you like.

She sent us grandfather.

Agata, Don't you diner tonight with the family?


It isn't that bad in here.

For more infomation >> O FORTUNA CORTOMETRAJE (ENG/FR SUB) - Duration: 5:41.


Dragon Ball Super Episode 74 " Gohan vs Evil Barry " - Preview Breakdown! - Duration: 15:10.

On Dragon Ball Super Episode 73, Mr. Satan vs Saiyyaman movie battle was overshadowed

by the Gohan vs Barry coolness contest.

Cocoa was riding Gohan but just before shit could get real Jaco shot Gohan suspecting

that he was infected by the mental parasite Watagash.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 74 is going to be interesting, and it will have some intense

actions as Watagash infected Barry attacks Gohan.

The main attraction of this episode is that Pan will get involved in this chaos.

Let's check out the spoilerish preview summary 'Dragon Ball Super Episode 74 '. Title-

"For Those, He Loves" The Indomitable Great Saiyaman!!!"

The Vile Criminal Watagash commits evil on Earth!

Gohan hears the Earth has been infiltrated by the mental parasite Watagash, who infects

the darkness in his host's heart, giving them superhuman power.

Meanwhile, Barry Karn hates Gohan and tries to catch him with honeypot trap but fails.

Watagash then appears and infects him.

Pan This Week: kidnapped by the bad guy and in trouble!

Pan is abducted by Watagash, who's been taken over by Barry Karn!

But despite Gohan and co.'s worries, Pan herself is more than fine….?!

Great Saiyaman's greatest Crisis!!!

Lots of information revealed.

Now, let's take a closer look at the episode 74 trailer!

Okay, I am not a big fan of The Saiyyaman, but he is looking lit in this trailer.

We haven't quite seen him doing serious stuff in this form you know.

This shot looks like some cool Superhero movie poster material, and this shot looks really

cool too.

The background is dark, I assume that's because of Watagash, and this fucked up mutated

weird science experiment gone wrong type of Dragon like creature.

I don't know what to say about this thing, what the fuck is wrong with its face.

It looks like some weird fanart or the type of shit character GT would show.

It has a lot of resemblance with the shadow dragon or black smoke Shenron I guess.

We see this fuckface using heat vision and the trailer showed it as if the ray hits the

wall on the next shot, but it's actually Barry who breaks the wall.

Barry is totally on fire, ripped AF and looks like he is ready to eat Gohan alive any moment


Watagash is basically attracted by the darkness in people's heart, and once this mental

parasite infects someone, it starts giving them superhuman abilities, the eviler they

are, the more powerful they get.

Now they did a fascinating thing here, deep message from my perspective!

First, Watagash infected a Bank Rober who had encountered Saiyyaman once before.

He did gain a lot of power, but from what we see in Episode 74 trailer it looks like

Barry got way more powerful obviously meaning he has more evil in him than a Bank Robber

or a Criminal essentially.

That's an interesting display that sometimes actors filled with Vanity like Barry can have

more evil intentions than a Robber.

You know Barry is the kind of guy who is the definitive asshole, and it goes on to highlight

how the cheapest of mind can hide behind fame and attractiveness.

It's mentioned in the preview, that Barry will try to Honey Pot trap Gohan.

I actually had to search for what Honey Pot means, and according to the Urban Dictionary

it's using Woman to seduce a man into a trap or extracting secret or things like that.

In general understanding, it could also mean trapping someone by baiting him with something


I wonder if that Cocoa chick was actually working for Barry.

In this shot, she looks confused and as if she is feeling guilty maybe because she didn't

know what Barry really wanted, but this again is just a pure far stretched speculation.

It looks odd that Barry can beat up Gohan like this even provided he is under evil powers.

I bet Gohan wasn't resisting or trying to keep his power low so that Barry doesn't

get killed.

Gohan's mask is off, and there's a lot of camera around this place.

Do you think Gohan's Superhero identity will get exposed in this episode?

Comment your prediction down below!

This looks like the face fucked Shadow Dragon; he is also infected by Watagash as you can

see that antenna sign of Watagash, but the question is what is he?

Is that the original form Watagash can take or is that an alien who just happened to appear

there just to get infected?

Or is there a wild possibility that Watagash turned Barry into that abomination.

We never saw them in the same room or place in the trailer.. so you know what I mean..

Coming to the most interesting part of the next episode, Pan!

We already know from the spoilers that Pan will get in trouble; this will surely panic

Gohan and might end up being one of the reasons that trigger him to concentrate on fighting

once again.

Anyways it sounds like, Pan will sort the problem out by herself.

We already know that Pan is born with immense potential, and in episode 43 she was able

to fly back to her home while carrying the pilaf Gang from outer space!

This is something we haven't seen any Saiyan baby do before, except of course for The Legendary

Super Saiyan Broly.

Broly escaped from a planet busting attack while protectively carrying his father.

DBS must be hinting a potential return of Broly by teasing all these.

Just Kidding!

Anyways, back to the episode, Pan will probably be kidnapped, and the action will take place

high in the sky.

We can see Pan in these shots, and it looks like she is in some high spot.

This picture isn't clear we see something like a yellow blast, but it looks like Saiyyaman

Gohan is kind of floating in front of that in a weird way, but all that apart the major

fact here is Pan is going to show off her power for the first time to Gohan and others.

Last time they had no idea about Pan's mini adventure, now they'll know what she is

truly capable off!

Overall, it looks like the next will have a variety of materials and the fans will probably

enjoy that.

Top of the tower action, while being surrounded by so many humans, cameras would feel really


' Universal Survival Arc' however is going to start in February.

We got Spoilers up to Episode 77; which is the first episode of the arc.

On Episode 75, Goku will have a fun training session with Gohan.

Then, on 76 Goku and Krillin under Master Roshi's order will go to get the paradise

grass, but will be confronted by Frieza, Cell, Buu and other enemies from the past most likely

in some illusion sequence.

Episode 77, will have some big news for us, as it reveals that Bulma is pregnant with

her second Child.

We will see a nervous Vegeta as the tournament is coming.

Episode 77 will also be the first episode of ' Universal Survival' Arc.

So, we might get some more information importance before the ending.

The fans, of course, can expect some episodes highlight the training sessions of the Z fighters,

the return of Android 17 and the reasoning behind the formation of this ten fighter team.

Lastly, even though we are getting some Gohan centric episode, it's still plot insignificant

as Gohan is not really changing his ways to train.

So, we might need some Gohan episodes showing how he gets his inspiration to fight back,

but when the tournament is about Survival itself, there's nothing really to think

much about.

Gohan will have to fight for the sake of his loved ones at least.

Contrary to Goku and Vegeta, Gohan isn't the type who loves to fight for the sake of

it, but when the back is against the wall and u challenge his rage.

He might as well become the top player.

Well, guys, that's about all for now, Comment your theories and predictions down below.

Like Our Facebook Page- Dragon Ball Fanverse

See you


the next, Dragon Ball Video!

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super Episode 74 " Gohan vs Evil Barry " - Preview Breakdown! - Duration: 15:10.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


Disney's Pinocchio

For more infomation >> Disney's Pinocchio


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Ambition Line Style Automaat - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Ambition Line Style Automaat - Duration: 1:27.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Ambition Line AMG Automaat - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Ambition Line AMG Automaat - Duration: 1:32.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Ambition Line Style Automaat - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Ambition Line Style Automaat - Duration: 1:34.


Air Liquide se transforme - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Air Liquide se transforme - Duration: 1:38.


TheNitroZyniak Trafia Rękawiczki na Live - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> TheNitroZyniak Trafia Rękawiczki na Live - Duration: 1:11.


[LCKMMS AK - LCT] Review | Airsoft FR - EN subs - Duration: 9:26.

Hi all and welcome to this presentation of the LCKMMS AK from LCT

Regarding the packaging, it is very light, a simple cardboard box with a sticker about the French legislation on airsoft, a second one with the references of the bb gun and a last ith with the LCT logo

Inside, there is a 4 pages French written user manual

This one is very simplistic regarding design and writing but you will find the essential usage informations

Then, perfectly capped and protected, you will find first, a high-cap metal magazine

As well as the LCKMMS AK bb gun

Externally, this bb gun of an excellent finishing, is mainly composed of steel, only the hand guard and the pistol grip are made of polymer

The firing selector markings and the serial number are engraved

On the hand guard, no trace of molding and on the pistol grip, it is very light

A sling attach is available at the base of the stock

The firing selector is very well marked and as often on the AKs, this one scratches the body

On the other side, there is no accessory rail but I am not an AK specialist and I do not know if there is an alternative

The false cleaning rod at the front can be manipulated

The flash hider can be removed showing a 14mm anti-clockwise thread

You will then be able to see the end of the inner barrel

The aiming sights are conventional for an AK and the rear sight can be height adjusted

To fold the stock, first press the side button under the sling attach

This last one is very hard to fold, out of box, be sure to lubrify this one if you plan to manipulate it regularly

Magazine ejection is perfect

This last one does not drop if you press the ejection lever

The supplied magazine is a metal high-cap with a capacity of 600 bbs and has a very good quality

To reach the hop-up adjustment mechanism, it will be necessary to pull the cocking lever which does not remain blocked

The adjustment mechanism is a rail type, it is simple to manipulate but it can move while moving thus check that the different screws are tight

To connect the battery, like many AKs, remove the top cover

The battery connection is mini Tamiya type

Given the location, prefer stick-type batteries

To conlude, LCT offers us an LCKMMS AK bb gun that is very nice

LCT is known for the excellent finish of its bb guns and this model does not deviate from the rule

Its construction is robust and very realistic

Its standard reinforced internal parts is also a significant asset and the shooting performances are very good

In game, the bb gun is nice and I was not embarrassed by its weight, only lack of additional sight system missed me

This LCKMMS AK will be perfect for players and collectors who like this style of guns and who look for realism, robustness and good performances

Thank you for watching this video

A big thank you to Minsi who lent me its bb gun before even being able to play with it

Do not forget to put a little like on this video if you appeciated it and share it

Be sure to subscribe to the channel to not miss any future publication and show your support for my work and the channel

See you very soon in a next video

For more infomation >> [LCKMMS AK - LCT] Review | Airsoft FR - EN subs - Duration: 9:26.



For more infomation >> Volvo V60 D5 TWIN ENGINE SPECIAL EDITION **VOORRAAD 15% BIJT - Duration: 0:44.


Szalone Dni Muzyki 2016 - Robert Trevino o festiwalu - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Szalone Dni Muzyki 2016 - Robert Trevino o festiwalu - Duration: 0:42.


BMW 5 Serie 520D EXECUTIVE + Navi Leder - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 520D EXECUTIVE + Navi Leder - Duration: 1:41.



For more infomation >> COMMENT AVOIR BEAUCOUP DE FOLLOWERS SUR INSTAGRAM ? (Postbas,Fitness..) - Duration: 5:51.


In Real Life Episode 18 - I Don't Wanna Be in Love - Duration: 5:35.

Hey I'm Amanda Vernon in this episode I

shared my song "I Don't Wanna Be in Love"

keep watching after the performance to

hear my top five reasons why being in

love is the worst

♪ Curled up in my comforter As a young girl ♪

♪ I dreamed that it would be sweet ♪

♪ To think of someone special as I fell asleep ♪

♪ I always heard / That love is a verb ♪

♪ But I didn't know it went hand in hand with ♪

♪ Getting hurt ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love anymore ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love ♪

♪ I'd rather show his face to the door ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love ♪

♪ He shows up / In my mind / At inopportune times ♪

♪ I find him in my heart / Even when I'm not trying ♪

♪ I always heard / That love is a verb ♪

♪ I didn't know it went hand in hand with / Getting hurt ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love anymore ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love ♪

♪ I'd rather show his face to the door ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love ♪

♪ When love takes the shape of a cross It's not / So romantic for any of us (x3) ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love anymore ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love ♪

♪ I'd rather show his face to the door ♪

♪ I don't wanna be / In love ♪

♪ Anymore ♪

Here are my top five reasons why being

in love is the worst reason number five

you cannot stay angry at the person

you're in love with let's say you're

super upset your initial tendency is to take

out your emotion on this person because

they're close to you but when you look

at the other person you're filled with

this deep-seated joy that diffuses your

anger and you cannot stay upset even

when you want to be

reason number four you feel what the

person you're in love with feels we used to

sing a song about it at church growing

up it went like this

♪ I will weep when you are weeping when you laugh I'll ♪

♪ laugh with you ♪

what kind of emotional roller coaster

is this reason number three you are stuck

with the person you're in love with even

if she ignores you for years even if he

leaves the country you will always carry

this person in your thoughts and in your

heart forever

reason number two being in love really

puts you in your place you find yourself

asking like why me who am I to be in

love and you realized very quickly that

being love does not depend on the good

things that you have done or the bad

things you've avoided doing it just is

it's like being in love is this gift

that you've been given clearly not

dependent upon your own merits and that

is really humbling isn't it

and the number one reason why being

in love is the worst is because you will

die for the person you're in love with

I'm not talking like

♪ I'll step in front of a train for ya ♪

no Bruno Romeo I do not

play about suicide but there will come a

time when you must choose between what

you really want and what is best for the

other then even when you're like dying

inside that will not stop you from

choosing what is best for the other why

because you are in love as a side note I

believe that love is strong enough to

transform even the worst things into the

best things but that is a discussion for

a different day

This episode is made

possible by my patrons I'm so grateful

for their support that empowers me to

share my gifts and to support my family

at the same time

For more infomation >> In Real Life Episode 18 - I Don't Wanna Be in Love - Duration: 5:35.



Good morning, Morrigan.

What am I going to do with all of this now?

But we have to look after the family.


Does not smell like burning?

Who is it?


It looks delicious, eh?

Blanca, stop giving food to the dog.

It's always begging.

Well, am I going to have any presents today or what?

There you have the one grandmother sent for Christmas.

More sweaters.

The Heritage, I hope.

What? She could kick the bucket.

with all the dough she has.

I don't even know how she still loves us.

That's what I ask myself.

That's what I ask myself

And what about the motorbike?

That also depends of your grandmother.

Of how much she lasts, right?

Hey. We love grandmother very much.

And where is she?

She had rather stay at the Nursing Home.


She doesn't like that place…

Don't touch it with your hands.

Can I open it, please?

Whatever you like.

She sent us grandfather.

Agata, Don't you diner tonight with the family?


It isn't that bad in here.

For more infomation >> O FORTUNA CORTOMETRAJE (ENG/FR SUB) - Duration: 5:41.


Pokémon Lune #28 - ALYXIA LA DOYENNE & HANO-HANO ! - Duration: 17:26.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Lune #28 - ALYXIA LA DOYENNE & HANO-HANO ! - Duration: 17:26.


VLOG | Show Danse Phénoménale à Paris #handball2017 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> VLOG | Show Danse Phénoménale à Paris #handball2017 - Duration: 1:54.


No Peace For The Wicked I THE GREAT WAR Week 129 - Duration: 10:19.

Food shortages, strikes, assassinations, covert attempts to end the war, covert attempts to

expand the war, the situation in Russia by now was dangerously unstable.

It wouldn't get any better this week, though as there was yet another political shakeup

in Petrograd.

I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to the Great War.

Last week, the New Year rolled in, and with it, the Central Powers forces continued rolling

in Romania.

In neutral Greece, the Allies listed humiliating demands that the Greeks must accept before

the Allied blockade would end, and both sides had for weeks been issuing "peace notes"

and responses, none of which seemed like they had any chance to stop the war.

There was more of that this week, too.

On the 10th, came the Allied reply to US President Woodrow Wilson's peace note.

It stated that the allied war aims are "necessarily and first of all, the restoration of Belgium,

Serbia, and Montenegro, with the compensation due to them; the evacuation of the invaded

territories in France, in Russia, in Romania, with due reparation".

It went on to demand a reorganized Europe based on respect for nationalities, the liberation

of Italians, Czechs, Slovaks, other Slavs, and Romanians from foreign domination, and

turning the Ottomans completely out of Europe.

Germany responded that the Allied concern for small states is pretty hypocritical and

pointed out the Irish and the Boers as British examples, the subjugation of North Africa

by France, Britain, and Italy, the suppression of foreign nationalities in Russia, and "the

oppression of Greece, which is unexampled in history".

There was a lot more to the notes from both sides, about international rights, but you

get the general idea.

Each side claimed to be the noble one and the injured party, but this was all going

to become totally academic soon, anyhow.

On January 9th, 1917, Kaiser Wilhelm held a crown council that would finally address

the question of unrestricted submarine warfare.

The Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Henning von Holtzendorff, told him that by bringing

it back Britain would be forced to sue for peace within six months.

He had actually written that in a memo last month, but he reaffirmed those words.

The Kaiser wondered what the Americans would think of this, and Holtzendorff replied, "I

will give your Majesty my word as an officer that not one American will land on the continent."

German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg had always been against the move, as he still

was, since he believed it would in fact bring America into the war, but with all the military

against him he withdrew his opposition.

The Kaiser gave the green light - submarine warfare against all shipping, whatever flag

it flew, whatever cargo it carried aboard, would begin February 1st.

Gotta point out here that the reason this discussion was coming now and not last fall

was Denmark.

Yep, Denmark, remember them?

Germany had been stretched so thin with sending so many troops to Romania that if they had

begun unrestricted submarine warfare in October or November and had sunk a bunch of neutral

Danish ships, the Danish army could've taken Berlin in an afternoon or two with little

or no opposition.

It was only now that Romania had been dealt with that the issue could be again raised.

And speaking of Romania being dealt with; that campaign was still in its later stages.

Cossack cavalry and Romanian infantry were fiercely fighting off the German Alpenkorps

and Austrian mountain brigades this week as they slowly advanced, 1000m high on the Magura

Odobesti Massif, west of Foscani.

On the 6th, the Erwin Rommel detachment took Height 617, which proved to be the key to

taking the massif.

They carried heavy machine guns up the heights on their backs, since pack animals couldn't

make it.

To the southeast, the Central powers advanced on the Putna and Sereth Rivers.

The Russians attacked, though, on the 6th, opening a gap southeast of Foscani.

The next day, the Germans not only plugged that hole, but drove the Russians back across

the Sereth.

By January 10th, with his men on one side of the Putna-Sereth River line and the Russians

on the other, German General Erich von Falkenhayn issued orders to adopt a static defense.

The Romanian campaign had come to an end for now.

This winter, there were three Russian armies, numbering 40 divisions, in Romania.

These troops took over most of the front lines and had their own static defense opposite

the Germans.

This allowed the French military mission to Romania to make plans to re-equip and re-train

the Romanian army over the spring of 1917.

Romania could maybe make up a force of 15 divisions, but it would take months to put

them together, and of course some of them had to remain on the front lines.

So 6 divisions, under General Alexandru Averescu would stay in the Eastern Carpathians and

carry out operations there, while the other 9 would either train in Romanian Moldavia

or provide relief for Averescu.

This was a pretty good setup for the Romanians, and it may result in them continuing the fight,

but it left the Russians with the lion's share of the defenses of unoccupied Romania.

Russian Army Chief of Staff Mikhail Alexeev had said five months ago that Romania's

entry into the war would prove a liability for Russia, and for the moment, he appeared

to be right.

Since August, the Romanians had lost over 73,000 men killed, 147,000 captured, and around

90,000 missing in action; I'm not really sure of the number wounded.

The campaign that many had believed would re-start the Brusilov Offensive and bring

down the Central Powers had pretty much the opposite effect.

Russia had been forced to send so many troops down to Romania to guard the Russian flank

that all Russian offensive movement on the Eastern Front had stopped.

The Central Powers had gained over 2 million tons of Romanian grain, 250,000 head of livestock,

200,000 tons of timber, and Romania's oil output, which was around a million tons a

year (Brusilov).

Considering that this winter was the worst of the war, known in Germany as the turnip

winter since the potato harvest had failed, and many people in Central Europe were actually

starving to death, there are sources that question whether Germany and Austria-Hungary

would have been able to even continue the war without this bounty.

They'd also need the will to continue it, of course, and morale was dropping everywhere.

Like on the Western Front this week, which had been fairly quiet since the end of the

Battle of Verdun last month.

But on the 10th, British troops attacked the German lines north of Beaumont-Hamel.

Now, rain and sleet had been falling for days and the battlefield was made up pretty much

of swamps and tiny lakes.

The British penetrated the German positions half a kilometer, taking 120 cold, wet, miserable

German prisoners, a larger number than the British raiding party itself.

The next day, in snow up to their knees, the British took another trench there and the

majority of the Germans there did not even put up a fight, but surrendered at once.

Around another 180 prisoners were taken.

You could see how morale was by this point in winter.

But over in Russia, there was a bit of hope.

Rasputin had been murdered only days ago and there was hope that his machinations would

die with him.

But Interior Minister Alexander Protopopov simply stepped into Rasputin's place.

(Story of the Great War) "He maintained his hold over the Tsar by means of spiritualistic

séances in which he pretended to have communication with the spirit of the dead monk."

Yeah, that's not going to end well.

All Russia was against Protopopov.

In fact, at the palace's New Year reception, Rodzianko, the President of the Duma, refused

to shake Protopopov's hand and turned his back on him, which caused a sensation in the


Also, when Protopopov entered the rooms of his club in Petrograd, all of the members

stood up and walked out.

Alexander Trepov, the Prime Minister, who was - like everybody but the Tsar and Tsarina

- against Protopopov, resigned this week and replaced by Prince Nikolai Golitsyn.

Golitsyn too insisted on Protopopov's resignation, but the Tsar refused.

Minister of War Dmitri Shuvayev was also removed, and replaced with General Mikhail Belyaev.

And here are a couple of notes to end the week.

On the 9th, the Allies sent an ultimatum to Greece demanding they accept last week's

conditions for lifting the blockade.

That same day, the British took Ottoman positions at Rafah, and 1,600 prisoners.

The Whole Sinai peninsula was now under British control.

And the week ends, and with it the Romanian Campaign.

Minor actions in the west reveal German despair, while there is yet another government shakeup

is Russia.

In September 1915, Tsar Nicholas had taken over personal command of the Russian armies.

After that, the Tsarina had assumed more and more control of internal affairs in Russia.

In the nearly 16 months of what some call the "Tsarina's Rule", there have been

four Prime Ministers, three Foreign Ministers, three Ministers of War, and five Ministers

of the Interior.

People called this "ministerial leapfrog".

It repeatedly removed competent men from power, and didn't give anyone a chance to really

master their job.

The internal disorganization that had resulted by this time was staggering, and it was being

intentionally fanned by the one man who kept his job, Alexander Protopopov.

Dark times lay ahead.

For more infomation >> No Peace For The Wicked I THE GREAT WAR Week 129 - Duration: 10:19.


Steins;Gate [VN] VOSTFR : Episode 8 : Le meilleur entretien d'embauche du monde! - Duration: 25:52.

For more infomation >> Steins;Gate [VN] VOSTFR : Episode 8 : Le meilleur entretien d'embauche du monde! - Duration: 25:52.


7 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - Duration: 7:24.

A common household ingredient that also provides many health and beauty benefits is apple cider

vinegar (ACV). Historically, this product has been used for many, many years.

It has been traced back to 400 BC when Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used ACV as a treatment

for his patients. ACV is rich in many vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It is also high in

acetic, citric and malic acids.

It has been found to kill germs, kill viruses, reduce swelling, kill funguses, treat the

common cold, reduce muscle pain, reduce arthritis pain, assist with diabetes, reduce high cholesterol

and control weight issues.

Besides all of these essential health benefits, ACV has been added to many beauty regimes.

To obtain the best results with ACV, you should only use the raw, unfiltered version.

That is because this type is not pasteurized and contains all the original enzymes.

Here are some of the beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar:

1. Prevents Acne and Pimples

Acne and pimples are a common nuisance to everyday life. However, ACV can assist with

this because it can kill germs and clean your pores. Doing so, it helps to prevent acne

and pimples from forming. It also helps to balance your skin's PH levels, which in

turn helps breakouts from occurring.

- Mix 1 part raw, unfiltered ACV and 2 parts filtered water in a bowl.

- Soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply it on the affected skin.

- Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

- Reapply a few times daily for a few days.

2. Works as a Skin Toner

Because ACV helps to keep your skin clean and your pores clear, it is beneficial to

people who have oily skin. It has a high amount of alpha hydroxy acids, which help your blood

to rise up to your skin and reduce the size of your pores.

- Mix ½ cup each of apple cider vinegar and distilled or filtered water.

- You may also add a few drops of an essential oil, such as lavender oil.

- Apply this solution on your skin using a cotton ball.

- Leave it on for a couple of minutes. - Rinse well with cool water.

- You can use this solution once or twice a day.

- Shake well before each use.

If you have seemingly normal and not sensitive skin, use one part ACV to two parts of water

to make this skin toner. However, if you have sensitive skin, use more water (1 part AVC

to 4 parts water) and use this mixture a little less frequently.

It is important to test this mixture on a small part of your skin before using.

3. Say Goodbye to Dandruff

Dandruff is a common, but embarrassing, issue that affects many people. It is especially

common in the winter season because of the dry air. Dandruff is a medical condition that

causes your scalp to create dead skin flakes on your scalp and hair.

This can also cause you to become quite itchy and to drop white skin flakes on your clothing.

Luckily, ACV can help with this, as its ability to kill fungus and germs can fight the dandruff.

It also will help to restore your pH levels within your scalp and clean your hair follicles.

- Mix 2 tablespoons each of ACV and water. - Add 10 to 15 drops of tea tree oil.

- Apply this solution on your scalp and massage for 5 minutes.

- Leave it on for another 5 minutes. - Rinse your hair with water, then shampoo

as usual.

Use this natural treatment 2 or 3 times a week until you see your dandruff has cleared


4. Freedom from Smelly Feet

Another common, but embarrassing problem, is foot odor. It can be unpleasant for you

and those around you. However, ACV, can assist, with its anti-microbial characteristics. ACV

can help to rid your feet of smelly germs and bacteria.

Prepare a foot soak:

- Add 1 cup of ACV and 4 to 5 cups of warm water to a basin.

- Soak your feet in this solution for 10 to 15 minutes.

- Finally, wash your feet thoroughly with an antibacterial soap and water.

- Use this home treatment once daily for a few weeks.

5. Makes Hair Shiny and Healthy

ACV is very beneficial to the health of your hair, since it helps to keep your hair clean,

strong and shiny. It can remove any build-up left on your hair and scalp from hairstyling

products, as well as keep your scalp free of dead and dry skin.

Prepare a hair rinse:

- Mix ¼ cup of ACV with 2 cups water. - After shampooing, pour this solution onto

your hair. - Massage it into your scalp and allow it

to sit for 5 minutes before rinsing it out. - Use this home treatment only once a week.

6. Brightens Yellow Nails

An unsightly issue can be yellow or stained nails that can occur when you work with chemicals

or dyes. However, stained nails can also be from an infection, smoking or a poor diet.

No matter the reason for the discolored nails, you can bring them back to life with ACV.

ACV contains malic and acetic acids that can help with the discoloration. The ACV can also

help in treating any nail infections and preventing any from occurring.

Prepare a nail soak:

- Add ½ cup each of ACV and lukewarm water to a basin.

- Soak your stained fingernails in this solution for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse it off.

- Massage a small amount of olive oil into each nail bed.

- Use this treatment twice daily until your nails are no longer discolored.

7. Reduces the Appearance of Cellulite

One problem that most everyone has and most everyone wants to get rid of is cellulite.

A little known fact is that apple cider vinegar can help with this. Because AVC has the ability

to cleanse your pores and tone your skin, it can help get rid of cellulite. Cellulite

is described as fat cells that are floating just beneath your skin's surface.

ACV can also help reduce the amount of toxins and rid your body of excess water in order

to reduce bloating and the appearance of cellulite. Because of this, ACV is an effective tool

in weight loss and skin toning.

- Mix 1 part olive or coconut oil with 3 parts ACV.

- Apply it on the affected skin and massage gently for 15 minutes.

- Repeat twice daily.

You can also mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered ACV and 1 teaspoon of honey in

a glass of water.

Consume this mixture twice per day on a regular basis. This will help your body fight any

hormonal changes within your body, which is one of the main issues of weight gain.

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