Thursday, January 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2017

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary has touted the importance

of Washington maintaining strong military alliances.

Speaking at his Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday,... James Mattis said history

shows that nations with strong allies thrive and those without them wither.

His comments don't fit that closely to remarks made by Trump on the campaign trail,... when

he said the U.S. should make its allies pay more for an American troop presence or consider

ending protection for them.

The retired Marine Corps general also said he doesn't know of any plan to pull U.S. troops

out of South Korea and Japan.

But he did say that he looks forward to U.S. allies acknowledging their obligations.

Watchers say his remarks suggest Mattis is against a pullout of U.S. troops, but might

want host countries to contribute more to defense burden-sharing.

He pledged to work closely with South Korea and other allies in the region so they can

counter growing nuclear and missile threats from North Korea.

For more infomation >> No plans to pull U.S. troops out of S. Korea: Mattis - Duration: 1:09.


Woman dies after showing up at CHKD with gunshot wound - Duration: 1:38.

























<C0029 17:54 I SAW A LADY













<C0029 19:36 SHE WAS LIKE






DIED. <C0029 19: I CAN'T








SHE SAYS. <C0029 20:16 I
































For more infomation >> Woman dies after showing up at CHKD with gunshot wound - Duration: 1:38.


Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDi 150 pk S tronic Ambition - 5 jaa - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDi 150 pk S tronic Ambition - 5 jaa - Duration: 1:31.


Crazy Hubelino Marble Race - Duration: 2:00.

I play marble race.

Please come play with me.

Marble from Hubelino is fun.

Yeah, I love to play Hubelino marble race

Help me assemble this marble race please

Please come and play with me. This marble run is fun

I love to play with this marble race!

Go ahead! Run marble run

For more infomation >> Crazy Hubelino Marble Race - Duration: 2:00.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


ReDoc Testimonial by Physic...

For more infomation >> ReDoc Testimonial by Physic...


Mitsubishi Grandis 2.0 DI-D INSPORT 7 pers leer pdc 4900 € export - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Grandis 2.0 DI-D INSPORT 7 pers leer pdc 4900 € export - Duration: 1:21.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D UPGRADE EDITION UPGRADE NAAR 194 PK € - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D UPGRADE EDITION UPGRADE NAAR 194 PK € - Duration: 1:47.


University of Hawaii at Manoa's Fashion Design and Merchandising Program - Duration: 2:00.

Fashion design and Merchandising, or FDM, is an undergraduate program

here at the University of Hawaii at Manoa that prepares students for fashion careers all around the world.

FDM is the only fashion program in the Pacific that offers a bachelor's degree.

The curriculum teaches cutting-edge digital 2D and 3D fashion design,

apparel development, retail buying, and entrepreneurship.

Students interested in the design aspect of fashion can take courses such as

fashion illustration, textiles, apparel construction, and pattern-making.

Those more interested in the business side focus on

merchandising, marketing, and management.

Topics range from small business startups to international trade issues.

In their final year, students do internships that provide opportunities to gain practical experience

and network with industry professionals.

With these skills, FDM graduates are well prepared to enter the workforce.

The program's annual student-run fashion show provides hands-on experience

in both creating a fashion line and producing a major fashion event.

The popular show captivates an audience that includes

prominent players from the local fashion scene and members of the media.

FDM faculty provide expertise in product life cycle management,

historical and cultural influences, fashion journalism, and costume collection management.

If you're interested in fashion, the faculty and students here at FDM could help you

to develop the skills you need to connect with professionals

and to help you find your place in the industry.

For more infomation >> University of Hawaii at Manoa's Fashion Design and Merchandising Program - Duration: 2:00.


How to Maximize User Research Insight (Jakob Nielsen) - Duration: 16:58.

(HOA LORANGER) Here's part of Jacob Nielsen's keynote

address at the NN/g UX conference in

Las Vegas

(JAKOB NIELSEN) Now we can turn to the second topic which

is how do we maximize the insight we get out of

doing user research and they're really

kind of two things that one typically

looks at when doing research which is

reliability and validity of the study. So

reliability is a question of if I do the

same study a second time will I get the same

result? If I do third a time do I still get the

same result, if I do it 10 times do I get the

same result all 10 times?

Yeah, this is really important because

if you get a different result every time

we try then it's just random. We might as well flip a

coin and it's not of any good. So we do

want reliability but we also want

validity. Validity is do the findings mean anything for

the real world not just for the research

world but for the real world and

reliability we can operationalize based

on these probabilities and the people

who are going to the measuring user experience

course we have a lot of details about

how to do this, but we have very good

formulas and ways to operationalize

reliability to say with whether something's

statistically significant or just

random. Validity, on the other hand, you don't really

have. So I would like to operationalize validity by saying if we

make a business decision based on this

research recommendation are we actually

going to make more money in the company?

Is it actually going to work, does it move the needle

and one of those clichés and I think

that is at least as important as

reliability because if you study

something that doesn't translate to

the real world is also falls for nothing and

there's so much attention to

reliability I think it's because we do

have great formulas for calculating

it and so people forget about the

validity and I think this is very similar

to this old anecdote about the drunk guy

who's looking for his lost car keys

under the streetlight and the police

officer comes around and says

what happened? Oh I lost my car keys. And the police

officer tries to help him find the keys

and they can't find it. Finally the police

officer turns the drunk guy and says are you sure

you lost your car keys is here under the

street light?

And the drunk guy says no... I lost them over at the park but

you know, it is easier to look here, because there's light.

I think it's the same here, it is easier to

think about reliability because we have

a very firm handle that concept really

great formulas for looking at and then

people often forget about validity and

you know particularly when you think about

the way that reliability is usually

thought about, it's usually thought about

as things like statistical

significance which we usually like to

say well if the P is the probability is

less than five percent then we'll say

this is a good research finding but

think about that really means P as a

probability is just a random outcome

So this means that if i do a study is if I

do 20 studies and 19 of them

is the right finding and one time is

the wrong finding well if I'm doing it for

website or for my project and then this is

pretty good odds right? 19 times out of

20 studies I'm going to give you the

correct recommendation for what to do.

One time out of 20 I'm going to give you the wrong recommendation. This

is still so much better than just guessing

which means half the time I'm giving you the

right recommendation half the time I'm giving you the wrong

recommendation, so for any individual


those odds are good this is why 5 percent into

something useful recognized number you do

for reliability. If you think about the world

not your product, but the world, right?

There are thousands upon thousands of user

research studies being done every year and both

people do the confidentially but also people

do them for publication in various places. That

means that one out of every 20 research

papers you read is a bogus finding and now

is now it is much worse, and it's actually even worse than that

because what you hear about so all in

all the people who do a research study and

their finding comes out the same as

what we already know and expect. You're not going to

hear about that. So let's return to let's say banner blindness

so somebody else does a study about

banner blindness and say oh banner blindness this is there.

That is not going to get kind of big hyped up and be

covered everywhere and get millions of

tweets and everything, right? You don't

hear about those studies but you do hear

about to studies that come out with some

weird unknown, or previously unexpected

finding which is very often wrong. Like for

example take the question of response

times and how fast let's say your web pages

appear so basically almost every study

ever done this shows that response times

are important. The faster the website

the more you do your business

e-commerce site they can see that the sales go up

Google can see people do more searches

and everybody that studied this almost will find

this finding so if one more place goes and

does response time studies and say

faster webpages are better, you're probably not going

to hear about it. However, I think about

10 years ago somebody did a study that says

response times don't matter and that

got a lot of attention at the time and so that's one

of the problems about just kind of relying on the statistical

analysis because if the P number

says it is only very rare that this would be a bogus

finding, yeah if it is only your own project, fine

but it is you're looking at all over the

world tens of thousands of studies there's going to be a

lot of bogus findings there. You're going to

hear about often the wrong ones

so my recommendation for how to deal with

that is if you kind of imagine one of these old kind

of balanced scales and you put all the research

findings that say one thing on one

scale. Like say all the findings that say response

times are important, this big list. Over here

you have the other balance scale, you put

that one study that says response times

don't matter, maybe let the balance scale come out that says

woah this is so much more

heavy evidence.

This is the evidence you should trust not this

little tiny one thing. So that's one

of dealing with that and so you can

very easily be led astray if you think

about only about statistical

significance so let me ask you what I

just talked to talked to you about the

study we did about websites in 2016.

What makes that an interesting

study? Why did I tell you about it?

Is it because we had more than 1000 data points?

Is it because we had more than 200, more than 200

tasks 43 websites or we tested in 2 different

countries. Which of these numbers

makes this a good study? Well the 1,000 data points

means that our statistics and numbers are

reasonably tight so that's good

but what I think really makes this study

where the results are

interesting is actually the 43 websites

and the 215 different tasks because

its diversity that makes this

generalizable this is not just like I

just one website for some weird unknown reason

you know people couldn't find what they were

looking for this is across a broad set of

websites of different industries and

when people tried many different things

it's not just try one thing and they couldn't find it

they tried many things and they often

couldn't find it that's what's made it

believable. So I really want to encourage more

diversity in research and trying

different things not just kind of

trying one thing with an enormous huge N

so N is kind of like the number of users

typically and that's what a lot of

people think, that almost like the only thing many

people care about. I think that's the

least important. You want to look at how

many different things we're trying, how

many different designs. Another example

from another thing we did

five different studies of mobile text

comprehension. Kate Meyer led that

project. So what is the best of these studies?

A remote study with 20 users and 4

articles another remote with 25 users and

6 other articles, and lab study with

37, 8 focus groups or

another remote study with more than 200

users. Well this is a bit of a trick question

here because actually what makes this the best is

all of them because what happened is that they

all came out with the same result and

the result was that text comprehension is

actually either the same or slightly

better on mobile than it is on

regular computers which was a big

surprise to us because back in 2010 other

research had found that text

comprehension was much when reading from

mobiles than when reading from desktop screens

and so when we did our first study with

like the 20 users and the study came back

saying, the results came back saying

completely opposite result of the

old research I just said I don't trust this

let's go and do another study with some other articles

maybe these 4 articles there was something

weird about them. Let's do another study.

OK same result.

Now I thought, so we did these two

studies with Userzoom which is a

platform for remote studies that we use

a lot and we've had good results with

but that said I was just thinking well

maybe there is something wrong with Userzoom

in text comprehension, maybe it works for like

e-commerce studies but not for

text comprehension studies so we dragged people

in the lab and we watched them while

they were reading these articles, it was a rather boring study, but we watched them

while they read the articles and same result

and then the focus group is more like talking to people of

how they read stuff so that give us a sense of oh it's

really nice to read a book, like I usually do

that, I like reading from my phone.

And then finally, a more big sample size to

see if we could nail the statistics down

and again same result. Now so why is this? Well

I think one big explanation is that if you

think about what was a phone in 2010 and what's a phone


Current phones have six and a half times

more pixels on the screen so you know

one this comprehension on this little crummy screen

another one is on this kind of still not

big but much bigger much better screen

so that's at least one possible explanation. In any

case, my general point was our result

was like the opposite of the old research.

You should not trust that. When

something is like it used to be A

and you do a study and now it's B that is usually


Usually you're going to be one of 5 percent

cases where you happen to

be wrong but it does happen from time

to time. So if you do a study and it's the

same as you expect, then you can kind of be

ok let's move on to the next thing

because you can't spend endless

resources and every single problem you


but if you just study and it comes out

opposite of what all previous studies

show then worry that maybe something's

wrong with your study and then I said

then do it again do it a little bit

different way and see if you still get the

same. After a while you know

yeah we can trust that things have

changed the world but not the very first time

you do a study that's different than

anything else

Ok, so I wanted to emphasize this point

about diversification in the research

that we don't just do one thing and kind of go by that

so there's a variety of ways in which we

can diversify. So one of them is just

different people and we do want to do

that because we do know people are

different. So if I just take one person and

have them use a design

can we go by that what happened in that

one session? Probably not, he could be just a

werido. That happens. So want to have more

than one person but if you got to crank

it up hundreds of people thousands of

people usually it's not worth doing. It is

more important to have different personas, than just different

individuals. So in other words, different types of people

and what we say if anybody went to the

personas class today that Kim taught is

that it's more important to have

behavioral differentiations, have personas

that are defined by people's

behavioral characteristics than their

demographic characteristics because

usually the type of things that we look

at the user experience is usually not

that much difference between demographic

characteristics let's say like a or

gender or location if they are in one city or

another city they usually tend to become

about to see for other types of market

research type of things, that could be important, but for our type

of interaction research, behavioral

characteristics that says their job, their computer

experience, their technical skills. They

tend to be more important, but also


Not just for the users but also what you're testing so

test different designs, not just like

your one best idea, but test your five best

ideas. I have five different

designers each come up with their best

idea and test that. That's a much better

way of getting insight into what's going

to be the best solution to your design

problem. Try to have people do different things

not just one thing but variety of

different things and finally also try to

employ different methods so I'm you know

such a super advocate of usability

testing and putting a user down in

front of the computer have to see what

they do

yes but there are also a variety of other methods we

also want to use and use, you know

measurement methods use qualitative

methods use a bunch of different things

and they all kind of together will help you

get a much richer insight and rather than do

the same thing and again and again and

so pouring you know the gold into

this one pot or this one

one approach try to spread it out a little

bit and get a little bit more of different

types of insights. It is also worthwhile

having good with methodology, so here is a

chart that shows a project I did a while

ago where we actually had 20 different teams

do the same study, which is not something we usually

do but in this case 20 different teams all

tested the same software product which

had 8 serious design problems in it.

The dots show on the Y-axis how many been usability problems that team found

and on the X-axis we have kind of rated how well they

did the study in terms of the recommended

ways of doing usability testing that people

would have heard if they went to the

course we had a few days ago, I think.

The course on usability

testing anyway and what you can see is there's a

pretty strong correlation that the

better you run, the more you follow

the methodology advise the more you'll actually

learn about your software. That said, it's

not a 100 percent correlation and also even the

worst teams that only did one-fifth of what


that's really a bad study, they still found

2 out of the 8 things, they still found a

quarter of the things and if you think

about if you're doing a product

development and you can remove a quarter

of the really bad things in your design

that's still worth doing. I mean, it's certainly more worth doing

to a better study which is why we do

have courses on how to usability testing

right, but even a bad study will still be

worthwhile and still find something so really

go and do this stuff. So to conclude I

want to show you a painting that I saw in London

here, we had our conference in London a few weeks ago. The

title of the painting is "Man Proposes,

God Disposes" and it's from 1864 and

it shows what the artist imagined happened

to Sir John Franklin's polar expedition and

so that was lost and never heard from


and so the artist imagined, you see that the

polar bears are like gnawing on the remains of Sir

John and so that's what happened so the

man, in this case Sir John,

proposes we'll go and explore the

Arctic regions but God says no my polar bear

should have something to eat.

So that's a nice little bit moral lesson

there for you from the Victorian age, but

I want to use this sort of as a little

metaphor to think about our world

because our world, you know

the similar slogan would be designers

propose, but users dispose. So you

propose something and say this is gonna be such

a wonderful design yay! And then users say

man I can't just got to go elsewhere and

so we still have that

kind of reality check of facing up with nature.

In this case, nature being the users not the polar

regions and we have to design for

reality. So designers proposed, but

users dispose. So better do your user

testing or your design will be eaten by polar


For more infomation >> How to Maximize User Research Insight (Jakob Nielsen) - Duration: 16:58.


Korea's political parties welcome return of former UN Secretary..... - Duration: 2:54.

Korea's political parties were quick to respond to Ban Ki-moon's return.

Some welcomed the possibility of him running for the presidency, while others raised their


Park Ji-won has the details.

Korea's main political parties welcomed the return of former UN Secretary-General Ban

Ki-moon to his home country,... but with no clear indication whether Ban will run for

president and under which banner, parties showed some mixed reactions regarding Ban's

future moves.

The ruling Saenuri Party,... currently undergoing a serious internal turmoil, and most importantly,

lacking a popular candidate for the presidential election, said it welcomes the former UN chief

to Korea.

"Let us not forget that former UN Secretary-General Ban represents the nation's pride and is a

national asset.

We expect Ban to show a dignified and sophisticated leadership in this harsh time Korea is living


The Righteous Party,... a new party formally set to be launched later this month,... formed

by former Saenuri lawmakers,... also welcomed Ban's return, but urged him to show the general

public his own policy goals and visions for the future.

The party also said it will first focus on preparing for its official launch.

"Regardless of Ban Ki-moon,... we will focus on officially launching our party,... and

on taking procedural steps for our party's own presidential candidates."

The main opposition Democratic Party of Korea's floor leader Woo Sang-ho,... meanwhile,...

expressed his regret over Ban's possible run for the presidency.

He said he'd like to advise the former UN Secretary-General from taking that political


"I think it would be better for him to live a respected life as a world peace leader.

Running for the presidency could ruin his image,... one of a respected leader."

The minor opposition People's Party,... which has been conveying mixed messages regarding

the possibility of joining hands with Ban,... welcomed Ban's return.

The party's floor leader Joo Seung-yong said the welcoming remark was addressed to Ban

the former UN Secretary-General, not to Ban the politician

"On behalf of the People's Party, I thank former Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,... who

committed himself to world peace and international cooperation, and honored Korea,... through

his work at the helm of the UN in the last 10 years.

"But the People's Party also expressed some worry about Ban's next moves.

It said he's long been out of step with the public on many issues,... such as his praise

for the 2015 agreement on Japan's wartime sex slavery,... which has been controversial

in Korea,... and urged him to listen to the voices of concern.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Korea's political parties welcome return of former UN Secretary..... - Duration: 2:54.


Davinci IQ Review & Tutorial [4k Video] - VaporizerWizard - Duration: 16:47.

Hey guys Buzz here with and today I'll be reviewing the Davinci

IQ portable vaporizer.

The IQ is a dry herb conduction vaporizer made by the company Davinci.

It uses a ceramic zirconia vapor path, features a full temp spectrum, offers a replaceable

battery system and comes with a 10-year warranty.

The IQ's compact size, recessed mouthpiece and haptic feedback make it very easy to use

while on the go and the pure taste from the ceramic vapor path make it very enjoyable

to use at home as well.

The IQ is also currently my highest rated conduction vaporizer for overall enjoyment

of use, and vapor quality.

I use the IQ most for outdoor activities because it fits anywhere with its compact size, it's

easy to use in group situations, and it works for short or long trips with replaceable batteries.

The Davinci IQ ranks highest in categories like overall portability, vapor quality, and

overall control over sessions.

At the time of this video the Davinci IQ retails for $275.

You can click the links below in the about section or in the top right corner to get

the current price directly from Davinci and a full review on my website.

In this Davinci IQ review, I'll go over the features and how to use the IQ with and

without the APP.

I'll go over the battery info, charging options, mouthpieces; Jump into a quick vape

demo and finish up with my pros/cons.

So let's jump into my full Davinci IQ review.

Ok guys so here is the Davinci IQ vaporizer.

It's very small and compact with a good weight to it.

It's easy to pocket, easy to conceal and I can pretty much completely palm it for discretion.

The buttons feel nice.

They are easy to push and very responsive.

The LEDS are precise and very bright with an option to dim them if needed.

The outer shell is a smooth brushed aluminum finish and it's available in Stealth, which

is the color I'm using in this video, Copper, Gunmetal and Blue.

The main components of the IQ are the top lid with mouthpiece.

Below that is the flavor chamber and battery.

The buttons are located along the side, followed by the lower lid, the pearl, and the chamber.

With the IQ you get two mouthpieces, one recessed and one raised that doubles as a 10mm water

pipe adapter.

You get one 18650 3500mAh battery and a micro USB charging cable.

You get one carry can, a keychain tool, some cleaning items and lastly, the Davinci smartphone

app available for both iOS and Android.

Davinci sells quite a few accessories for the IQ and here are the ones that are worth


First would be an extra battery.

Davinci is currently selling them for $10.95.

Next item is the 10-14mm water pipe adapter.

This is definitely not needed but works perfect if you already have glass at home or planning

on picking some up.

The glass option I have been using most is the Nectar Collector HoneyBird Combo.

Once again this item is not needed but I'm very impressed with the results.

This will fit directly over the included 10mm mouthpiece and I'll use both of them in

the vape demo towards the end of this video.

The last item that comes in handy is the soft padded Carrying Case.

This case easily fits the IQ with some extra batteries or the Honeybird Combo.

The Davinci IQ is 3.54 inches tall, 1.65 inches wide and .94 inches deep.

It weighs roughly 145 grams which is a little heavy for its size but overall it feels good

in the hands.

By comparison the Pax 3 is 90 grams and the Crafty is 135 Grams.

Both the Pax 3 and IQ can easily be pocketed for use on the go but the IQ is one of the

only vaporizers that I can completely palm for discretion.

The Pax 2 and 3 come close but the height causes it to stick out.

The Davinci IQ comes with two ceramic zirconia mouthpieces.

One is a recessed flat mouthpiece that makes the unit easy to palm and conceal.

The next is a raised mouthpiece that doubles as 10mm water pipe adapter.

I personally feel like I get better air flow and slightly less draw resistance with the

10mm raised mouthpiece.

But you also lose out on the concealment factor.

So I tend to use the raised mouthpiece at home and swap to the flat mouthpiece when

I head out.

The mouthpieces are easy to swap in and out.

First, flip up the top lid and pull out the silicone gasket.

Remove the mouthpiece from the mold and swap in the one that you want.

The end of each mouthpiece will have grooves that slide into the silicone gasket.

After you lined up the groves, make sure the vapor path is lined up and place the mouthpiece

into the top lid.

The vapor path will line up right over the flavor chamber and we're ready to close

the lid.

I'll go ahead and swap back to recessed mouthpiece so you can see how to replace it.

The IQ comes with a ceramic zirconia chamber insert called the Flavor Chamber.

The flavor chamber increases the vapor path surface area helping to cool and smooth the


You can also place dry herbs into the chamber and the vapor will condense on the herbs potentially

increasing potency for a later session.

I have tried throwing some small nugs in the flavor chamber and running a few sessions

but I didn't really notice much of an increase in potency.

It decreased the overall enjoyment of the session because the herbs didn't taste as

good and it added additional draw resistance.

You could try something like Mint for some added flavor but overall I prefer to just

leave the flavor chamber empty.

Now it does stop a lot of the materials that would normally build up in the mouthpiece

which cuts down on overall cleaning time.

To get to the Flavor Chamber just lift up on the top lid and if it's a new unit it

should just pop right out.

It almost comes out too easy when it's clean and I've launched it out on accident so

be careful of that.

If you've been using the unit and it's a little dirty like mine, grab the included

tool that comes in the top, place it inside the center hole of the flavor chamber cap

and lift up with the lip.

It should come right out.

Now you can also use the same tool to remove the cap.

Keep it placed inside the hole, rotate and pull up.

Rotating it helps it come out easier if it wants to stick.

When you're done you can just push the lid back into place and drop the flavor chamber

back into the vapor path.

You can also use the unit without the flavor chamber but I've found that it increases

the vapor temperature and harshness while making cleaning more difficult.

So I just prefer to keep it in place.

Don't forget to slide the cleaning tool back into place!

The Davinci IQ uses a ceramic zirconia chamber which is the same material as the mouthpieces,

flavor chamber and the pearl.

The Pearl works by slightly decreasing chamber space and reflecting heat.

This will increase vapor production and helps with the overall consistency of the chamber.

Technically the pearl is able to twist up and down but I strongly recommend just leaving

it fully screwed in because it's very easy to lose and you can possibly break the silicone

post with over adjusting.

I've been getting about .3 grams with an average grind and a medium tight pack from

my Santa Cruz Shredder and as much as .5 grams with a very fine grind from the MFLB finishing


My personal preference is to use the Santa Cruz Shredder and grind upside down to get

a finer consistency.

A medium tight pack will give you the best results and a quick stir with the included

tool does help, but is not needed.

A finer grind and tight pack will increase draw resistance and overall cleaning but produce

bigger clouds.

The Davinci IQ uses a replaceable/rechargeable 3500mAh 18650 sized battery and the IQ charges

via a micro USB charging cable.

The battery is charged within the device and it does NOT come with an external charging


At the time of this video, you can pick up extra batteries for $10.95/piece.

The average battery life is pretty decent at about 50-80 minutes per full charge but

the IQ battery takes roughly 240 minutes to fully charge a dead battery within the unit.

You can mitigate this by picking up an external charging dock which will charge two batteries

at the same time in about 150 to 180 minutes instead of the 240 minutes that it takes to

charge within the unit.

I recommend either the EFEST SODA which will run about $10, or the Nitecore I2 which is

about $16.

I'll have links to both down below in the about section.

The battery is located under the mouthpiece and you can get to it by opening the top lid,

pulling back on this latch, and it should pop right out.

To get it back in, open up the door, the slightly raised end goes in first, push down the lid

and over to secure the latch.

The IQ offers better battery life than the Crafty but not quite as good as the Pax 3.

Both the Pax 3 and Crafty will charge faster than the IQ.

But only the IQ offers a replaceable battery system.

The Pax 3 averages 100 minutes of use on a full charge and 100 minutes to charge from


The Crafty averages 30-45 minutes of use and takes roughly 120 minutes to fully charge

a dead battery.

To turn on the IQ, press the control button 5 times.

The control button is the single circular button at the top.

The device will show your current battery life and begin heating to your last set precise

temp or smart path.

From here you can choose between three different heating options…

Smart Paths, Precision Mode, and Boost Mode.

With Smart Paths, you get four fully customizable session options.

Each path can be set with an exact session duration, starting temp, middle temp and ending


Now you can only customize these smart paths with the Davinci APP so I'll get more into

the app functionality in a minute.

The default Smart Paths run from 350 to 430 degrees Fahrenheit with the first path starting

at 350.

From there, the temp will gradually increase to 370 at the 5 minute mark and maintain 370

degrees for the remainder of the session.

Smart Path 2 runs from 370-390, smart path 3 is 390-410 and the fourth default smart

path runs from 410-430 degrees Fahrenheit.

The next heating option is Precision Mode.

Precision Mode allows you to select any temp between 250 and 430 degrees Fahrenheit.

In order to get to Precision Mode from Smart Path Mode, push the control button one time

and quickly select a temp to stay in this mode.

After selecting a precise temp, the display will show the current temp as the device heats


Press the up or down arrow to change temps and press the control button one time to get

back to the Smart Path Mode.

The Last option is Boost Mode.

Boost Mode is activated by pressing and holding down the control button.

Activating boost mode will rapidly increase oven temperature all the way up to 430 degrees

Fahrenheit and maintain that temp until you let off.

Letting off the button puts the device into a rapid cool down mode and places it in standby.

Press the control button or the up down arrows to return to your previous setting.

You can also activate stealth mode which dims the LEDS by pressing the Control button and

the down button at the same time.

The control button and up arrow will bring it back to full brightness.

It's definitely nice to be able to dim the LEDS without needing the app.

Click all three buttons at once to switch between Fahrenheit and Celcius and the Up/Down

Buttons together will check current battery life.

The first thing I'll go over is how to use the device with the app and walk you through

how to set up a custom smart path.

When you first open the app, it will show you the current status of the device in the

top right corner with the current temp and the target temp towards the bottom.

If you just wanted to select a default smart path and be done, click the "select smart

paths" option at the very bottom.

From here, you can select any default smart path, the device will turn on and automatically

begin heating.

It will also display the path you selected in the top right corner and how many times

you've used this specific smart path.

Lastly, the unit will vibrate once the device reaches temp.

If you just wanted one precise temp, you can press the plus or minus button and the heater

will automatically begin heating to that temp.

You can turn the device off by pressing the standby button below the target temp.

Now to edit a Smart Path we're going to click on the menu option in the top left,

select smart paths and then select which path we want to edit.

I'm going to pick smart path 4.

From here you can pick a name if you want…and then select "edit path".

I'm going to edit this path for the vape session coming up shortly so I'll be starting

higher than I'd normally prefer.

I'll demo the mouthpieces first, then the nectar collector combo followed by the WPA

and Bubbler combo.

My first starting point I'll set to 380 degrees Fahrenheit at one minute for the dry

mouthpiece hits.

I'll then quickly climb to 420 degrees over the next minute while I begin to the use water


I'll set the last point to 430 degrees which will have it gradually climb 10 degrees over

the next 8 minutes.

You could also set the last point to something below 10 minutes if you wanted a quicker session.

Once you are satisfied with your selections, press the save button and from here you can

either click done to go back to the smart paths dashboard or click start and your session

will automatically begin.

You can do this for all 4 smart paths and once they are set you can change between them

with the up/down buttons.

You'll just have to remember what number corresponds to what path.

Some of the other settings within the app include turning off and on vibration alerts

which is something you can't do without the app.

You also have access to device information like total usage time, average session length,

average temp and favorite path.

You also have access to a complete plant guide, tons of walkthroughs, the full user manual

in pdf form, a few troubleshooting tips and frequently asked questions.

The cleaning and maintenance is pretty easy with the Davinci IQ.

All of the components can be easily removed and for the most part you just drop them into

some ISO.

Routine maintenance for me consists of emptying the chamber and brushing out the bowl when

I'm finished with a session.

The biggest indicator that the IQ is getting dirty and needs to be fully cleaned will be

the draw resistance.

You can also clearly see buildup forming around the holes of the mouthpiece and the flavor


The top mouthpiece will get the dirtiest the fastest but it's also the easiest to remove

and clean.

So for a full cleaning you'll remove the mouthpiece from the silicone housing.

Drop the mouthpiece in some ISO, and you can clean the silicone gasket with warm soapy


Next we'll remove the flavor chamber from the IQ and remove the gasket from the lid.

Drop both glass pieces into some ISO and clean the gasket with some warm soapy water.

Next, grab a q-tip and throw a small amount of ISO on the end of it.

Flip the IQ upside down to make sure that we don't get any liquids in it and swab

out the oven.

Like I mentioned above, I don't remove the pearl from the chamber so I just wipe it down

with an ISO soaked paper towel or q-tip.

The easiest spot to overlook is the space underneath the flavor chamber and between

the bowl.

For this, I'll use the brush that came with the IQ, flip the IQ upside down and run the

brush through the chamber.

You'll want to push it up against the silicone stopper at the bottom.

This way the brush can get to the materials underneath.

Rotate the brush a few times and you're good to go.

Overall the Davinci IQ isn't too hard to clean, but lack of cleaning will cause increased

draw resistance.

So now that we've covered pretty much all the basics of the Davinci IQ, let's go ahead

and jump into the vape session.

So for this vape session I will be loading about .3 grams using my santa cruz shredder

but grinding upside down so I can get a little finer consistency.

Finer grinds will increase draw resistance but produce bigger clouds, whereas an average

grind will produce better air flow but the vapor will not be as dense.

Be sure to load the entire chamber for best results.

I'll select the custom smart path 4 that I created earlier.

Now I usually start out a typical session on smart path 1 or 2 and end my session on

smart path 3 which is a longer more casual session.

So this demo will be a more sped up session to show you what kind of vapor density the

IQ can produce.

I'll use the recessed mouthpiece first, swapping out for the raised mouthpiece, followed

by the Honeybird Nectar Collector Combo and finishing up with the 10-14mm Water Pipe Adapter

and d020-d bubbler.

I would say that I average between 10 to 30 draws in a session and sessions will typically

last anywhere from 5-15 minutes depending on your herbs, starting temps, lung capacity,

and if you will be using any glass attachments.

It's also important to note that the IQ chamber is pretty large.

At the time I made this video, the word from Davinci is that they are working on a ceramic

chamber spacer.

But in the mean time I have a quick modification for shrinking the chamber size which you can

check out in my full review at . I will also update my article and this video

when the spacer is released.

The IQ has about average draw resistance for a conduction vaporizer and I find that I get

slightly more air flow with the raised 10mm mouthpiece.

The IQ also has some good weight to it which makes it easy to grip and pass around.

It works great for long slow draws or short sips, so I find that the Davinci IQ works

very well in group settings.

One last thing you can do with water pieces is activate the boost mode after you start

your draw.

So the first pro would have to be the extremely compact size of the IQ.

It's easy to grip, pass around and I can pocket it easily on the go.

The IQ is also the best tasting conduction vaporizer that I have tested at this point.

I found that the Davinci APP is the most enjoyable to use and quite possibly the best app for

a portable vaporizer.

I also really like the replaceable battery system.

It's definitely not the fastest at charging batteries but you can pick up some great external

charging options for cheap and extra batteries currently run $10.95 from Davinci.

You also get multiple mouthpieces, one of which doubles as a WPA.

The custom smart paths provide all the customization that you could want.

You get a full temp spectrum via the precision mode

Lastly, the Davinci IQ comes with a 10 year warranty.

CONS The first con would have to be fact that it

takes 240 minutes to fully charge a dead battery within the unit.

It's easy to pick up an external charger but now you're spending more money to get

the most out of your vaporizer.

Next would be the draw resistance and it's not bad.

It's just not as free flowing as models like the Crafty or Mighty.

I also wish that the pre-heat time was in the 20-30 second range instead 40-60.

I wish the Davinci spacer was out now I wish the vibrate had a low setting (keep

either one or both) Overall the Davinci IQ will work perfect if

you're looking for a very pocketable unit, a replaceable battery system, and the purest

tasting conduction vaporizer that I have tested to date.

You also get full control of your sessions without the need for the Davinci IQ smartphone


I can safely say that the Davinci IQ is one of the most enjoyable session vaporizers that

I have used.

The replaceable battery system is perfect for both long and short trips, plus it works

great at home especially with the Nector Collector Combo or the WPA option.

You can buy the Davinci IQ or check out my full article with more pictures by following

the links down below in the about section.

If you have any questions about the Davinci IQ or any other vaporizer, feel free to leave

a comment below or contact me on my site

Don't forget to like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video.

I'll be working on The Best Portable Vaporizers for 2017 video next.

So stay tuned, thanks for watching and take it easy.

For more infomation >> Davinci IQ Review & Tutorial [4k Video] - VaporizerWizard - Duration: 16:47.


Crazy Hubelino Marble Race - Duration: 2:00.

I play marble race.

Please come play with me.

Marble from Hubelino is fun.

Yeah, I love to play Hubelino marble race

Help me assemble this marble race please

Please come and play with me. This marble run is fun

I love to play with this marble race!

Go ahead! Run marble run

For more infomation >> Crazy Hubelino Marble Race - Duration: 2:00.



For more infomation >> Silence


Styx: Shards of Darkness

For more infomation >> Styx: Shards of Darkness



For more infomation >> Lexus CT 200h 1.8 HYBRID F-SPORTLINE LEER SCHUIF/KANTELDAK - Duration: 1:51.


Guia de Pintura - Warhammer 40k: Black Legion Chaos Space Marine - (ENG-Sub) - Duration: 32:12.

Greetings Wargamers & Players, Welcome to Miniature War I'm Meinkopt and in this painting guide we shall see how to give fast color to a Chaos Space Marine, with the scheme of the Black Legion.

In this case I used as a model one of the marines that comes in the Dark Vengance Starter Box.

We start painting all the zones that are going to be in a off gold tone. For this we use a medium size brush with a fine point or slim and we are using for the layer base Balthasar Gold.

When we painted all the zones, thn we give a few layers of Agrax Earthshade.

In this step we mix Gehenna Gold with Balthasar Gold and softly start giving more color layer by layer, but trying to keep the toasted gold tone.

I my case I use a smal flat pointed brush that's more comfortable for this step, cause I'm interested that this part of the layer keeps without alterations of the deepest parts.

For this last layer, we add a little of Auric Armor Gold to the last mix and profiled the edges and the higher zones of the golds.

In this way we are going to have a more off gold and reddish tone that's what we're looking for this scheme.

The rest of the powerarmor will be in black tones, I used the set of Blacks from Andrea Colors, from the shade 3 till the first light. With the Citadel colors, will be like using Abaddon Black for the layer base and adding Codex Grey little by little to the black to get the lights.

Once the black of the armor it's painted, with a fine pointed brush we add Agrax Earthshade to all the rims and unions with the golds.

For the zones where the armor shows corruption, I used Ratskin Flesh. It was mixed with the medium tone of the base black in a proportion of 30/70, being the black prevailing the black. Then we give more tone and light, adding more Ratskin Flesh.

The Bolter it's going to be of two tones, the first one it's the one in the protector, with layer a layer of Warplock Broze, following with a wash with Null Oil and lights with Hashut Copper, to finally profile adding a little of Ironbraker Armor to the last color.

For the rest of the bolter, the chain and the coat of mail we shall paint it with metal gray. The layer base it's a mix of Boltmetal Gun with Abaddon Black. Following a wash with Nul Oil and light with Iron Braker Armor.

For the cover of the sword and the bolter glove it's going to use a dark leather tone, for this we start with a layer base of Rinox hide and then mix this one with Mourfang Brown for the next lights.

The rest of the fabric that we can find, except the tabard we use a layer base of Kherni Brown and then a wash with Agrax Earthshade.

For the tabard, we start with a layer base with a mix of equal parts of Incubi Darkness with Abaddon Black. Then, we shall give some volume to the piece with soft strokes and mixing tones adding everytime more Incubi Darkness to the mix.

For the demon eye that's in the middle, we use a layer base with Khorne Red, then we get up the tone mixing the base with Mephistone Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet.

. It is important that the part that's more near the metal shall be more dark, that would be the tone of the layer base and as we get closer of the center this one will be more vivid.

Now using two tones of yellow, one light and one dark, in my case I used Iyanden Darksun as a light tone and Tausept Ochre as the dark one we shall paint the center of the eye. With this two tones that don't exist, but you can find equivalents easily in this intensity in any brand.

When we apply the yellows, with Abaddon Black and a detailed fine brush we paint the black line where the center it's a little more thick in the eye.

And that's it with this steps and some extra detail when you paint that will change depending on the miniature that you use, your Black Legion Marine will be ready to participate in the Black Crusade.

Hope that you liked and serve this new painting guide, give it a Like if you do so it will get to more Wargamers, Suscribe if you're not so you can keep up to date with our publications, thank you for watching. Till next time!

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