Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2017

Some days of school are extra fun…

Like any day the cafeteria serves your favorite hot lunch...

Or like…any field trip…

Or maybe a snow day, where you didn't have to go to school at all!

Though…we suppose that last one doesn't really count.

But you know what our personal favorite is?

Any day we get to dig into to our very own homemade s'mores!

That's pretty much the next best thing to a snow day, right?

And if you're watching this video, you're in luck…today, you'll be building your very

own solar oven!

…or maybe you just randomly clicked on this video, and you won't be getting any s'mores.


That'd be a bummer.

But if you are going to be building a solar oven and chowing on s'mores, then let's get


Oh, and before you start thinking, "Sweet!

A Shmoop video with zero educational purpose," Well…


There's definitely a lesson today, but there's also s'mores, so…c'mon.

This is a sweet deal.

Pun intended.

Anyway, the lesson today is all about solar power.

Solar power is a popular form of alternative energy used all over the world, and it uses

both the sun's light and heat to create energy.

If you've ever seen a solar panel before, you've seen solar power in action.

But if you haven't ever seen a solar panel, don't fret, because through the magic of video…


There's a solar panel.

The solar ovens you'll build today will be another shining example of the power of solar




So get excited!

First things first, open up that pizza box.

If there's any pizza left, eat it.

Or save it for later.

But do not, under any circumstances, throw the pizza out.

There is nothing worse in this world than wasted pizza.

Once you've done that, close the box back up, take a ruler and measure one inch from

each side of your pizza box.

Then use those points to create the outline of a square, like so.

Now, using scissors or the utility knife, carefully cut three of the four sides of your

square – but not the side closest to the hinge of the box.

The hinge is where the pizza box flips up, and if you cut this side, well, the whole

thing won't work, and that means no s'mores.

You've been warned.

Oh, and speaking of warnings – be super careful with your knife or scissors.

A trip to the hospital would also put a damper on the whole s'mores thing.

Once you've cut the three sides, you'll want to fold the flap back just a bit on the side

that you didn't cut.

This is our lid.

Enter our aluminum foil – or as they say in England, "al-you-minny-um."

You don't need to know that, but we just like saying it.

"Al you minny um, al you minny um."


You're going to want to line the inside of the cardboard flaps with the foil, making

sure to fold the edges of it over the top of the flap before gluing it all into place,

so that the inside of our opening is totally metallic.

This is going to reflect heat from the sun down into our oven.

Oh, and try to keep the foil as flat as possible.

The more crinkles and cracks you have, the s'less s'more cooking will go on.

Okay, now take a look at that gap created by the flap in the box, right by the lid there.

You'll want to cover that up with plastic wrap and black electric tape.

We don't want any holes or gaps in this thing when we close it up, so don't be shy with

your use of tape here.

This is kinda like how a car gets super hot when it's out in the sun with the windows

rolled up.

The sunlight goes through the windows and heats the air up, and then the hot air can't

get out since the windows are sealed shut.

Now back to the foil.

Just like we did to our lid, we'll want to do to the inside of our box.

So whip out your aluminum foil and glue and get to work, covering up every square inch

of the inside with the shiny stuff.


When we close our box, we want the entire inside to be lined up and down with foil,

like so.

Once you've glued foil all up in that box, we need to take our black piece of construction

paper and glue it to the bottom of the inside of the box.

This is where the actual cooking is going to take place – so we'll call it a heat sink.

Now all that's left to do is tape our pencil, or skewer, into place like so, just in the

right position that it props up the top of our box about 90 degrees.

Once you've done that, your solar oven is all done and ready for cooking.

So ask your teacher for the cabbage and beets and we'll have a nice vegetable roast going

on in no time at all!


Just kidding.

Bring on the s'mores!!!!

For more infomation >> Science 5: How to Build a Solar Oven - Duration: 4:27.



sometimes I slip and fall

I have to dig and crawl

And feel so frustrated that I slam my fist on walls

…. I spent years in the shadow … doubted myself!

And no one came to my rescue when shouted for help

And I always knew what too do but I didn't do what I knew

Today I win or I win cuz I have nothing to loose

pay your dues and you'll reap the benefits

Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit

Don't compare yourself it might scare you it s an obstacle

Only use others greatness as a proof that its possible

Competing with none other the man in the mirror

Because only when you achieve to surpass yourself you re a winner

Your talents and ideas are a gift from god

and throwing away that gift is like dissing god ! No I don't disregard the fact that this is hard

That's why I start my day with my toughest challenge, I eat that frog ( Bryan Tracy Book )

Open books laying next to my bed, on my shelf

'cause like a Polaroid picture I develop myself

I was realist, but who decides what real is

Like definitions of words who decides what fear this

What could F.E.A.R mean ? let me try

Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise

Ignite fire in your heart and just keep it burning

New definition of F.A.I.L First Attempt In Learning

It's a choice to say no or scream loud yeah !!!!!

Opportunity is nowhere or now here

Impossible or I m possible

If u want to grow mind that comfort zone

It seems so far away, you need more time you wait

but know that you assassinate your dreams when you procrastinate

The richest place in world is the cemetery

People now dead and buried that could have been legendary

Dreams never lived ideas never shared

Never created, innovated out fear never dared

as long as you lean from your errors it is not a mistake

you don't have to be great to start but have to start to be great

So start today, and say I will not delay

And every obstacle in my way will be knocked away

Put on hand on your chest feel your heart beating

And say I m scared I want to run but I am not leaving

I might fall and get hurt but will not stop dreaming

because I know eventually every wound stops bleeding

And till I stop breathing I will not stop to grow

And always remember that I am possible

And till I stop breathing I will not stop to grow

And always remember that I am possible

that I am possible

that I possible

( Dare to be great )


Start today and say I will not delay

For more infomation >> IAMPOSSIBLE / BEN OUATTARA / MOTIVATIONAL POEM - Duration: 4:13.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Styx: Shards of Darkness

For more infomation >> Styx: Shards of Darkness


BMW 3 Serie 2.0D BUSINESS LINE | Upgrade naar 194PK voor €300 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 2.0D BUSINESS LINE | Upgrade naar 194PK voor €300 - Duration: 1:01.


Bastille // Lethargy [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Bastille // Lethargy [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:26.


EP032: Comic Book Origins - V for Vendetta - Duration: 6:53.

[Main theme]

Hello again!

And welcome back to the MajestiComic channel.

Today's video comes as a special request from viewer Ross Delman, and is about V for

Vendetta, the British graphic novel about an anarchist in a dystopian future.

If you'd like us to profile one of your favorite characters, let us know in the comments!

Most viewers know V for Vendetta from the 2005 film starring Hugo Weaving and Natalie


This video, though, will focus on the V for Vendetta graphic novel written by Alan Moore,

with art by David Lloyd, which got its start in a British anthology called Warrior in 1982.

The comic first appeared in black and white, and, surprisingly, was not one of the more

popular titles in the series.

However, when Warrior went under in 1985, several different comic book publishers clamored

to try to talk Moore and Lloyd into signing with them to finish the story.

DC Comics won out, and republished the original V for Vendetta series in color as a part of

a ten-issue series.

New material began in the 7th issue of the series, and the entire set was collected and

published by DC's Vertigo imprint in 1988.

The series eventually took off, and the protagonist's signature Guy Fawkes mask has since become

a cultural icon, not only in Britain, but around the world.

V for Vendetta is a peculiar comic in many ways, mostly due to the fact that it is unlike

any other popular comic book published by DC or its contemporaries.

Its hero, simply called V, isn't a dashing, handsome superhero with impeccable morals

– he is an anarchist, who wants to destroy the government by any means necessary.

His story, too, is a strange one.

No one really knows the true identity of V, but what we do know is that his story takes

place in a post-apocalyptic world in the 1990s, after a nuclear war in the UK.

A fascist governmental regime called Norsefire has taken control of Great Britain, and has

exterminated its opponents in concentration camps not unlike the ones in World War II.

V himself was once an inmate at the Larkhill Resettlement Camp, where Jews, Muslims, homosexuals,

and other people that the regime deemed to be "undesirable" were kept and subjected

to gruesome, deadly experiments.

The as-yet-unnamed V is a part of a group that is injected with a serum that soon kills

all of its test subjects… except for the unnamed patient in room 5, marked with the

Roman numeral V. As a result of the serum, an untested injection

of hormones, the patient gains increased physical skills, reflexes, and strength, along with

a genius-level intellect.

However, in spite of the fact that he still seems able to function, the doctors theorize

that the drugs have warped his mind, making him insane.

Whether he was insane before the injection or insane after (or if you can even call his

desire to free himself from such a terrible place "insane" at all), the patient's

madness soon reaches its peak.

After being allowed to grow roses at the camp, the patient begins bringing copious amounts

of ammonia-based fertilizer back to his cell.

Eventually, he also secures some grease solvent as well, and mixes the two together to form

a mustard gas bomb.

Then, the man who would become known as V waits until the night of November 5th, known

as Guy Fawkes Night, to detonate his bomb.

The night is so called because its namesake, Guy Fawkes, was arrested while guarding a

pile of explosives that, if detonated, would have destroyed Great Britain's entire House

of Lords in 1605, if Fawkes had not been caught.

V, though, was not caught.

He set off his homemade bomb, and he escaped the concentration camp, killing most of the

guards he left behind, and sustaining severe burns.

From that night on, he donned a Guy Fawkes mask to hide his identity and his scars, and

began to plot his revenge.

He compiles a list of over 40 people who worked at Larkhill Resettlement Camp, and he kills

them all, making most deaths look like an accident.

Over the course of his revenge mission, he becomes almost a folk hero to a nation who

has lost all hope, and all faith in the government that controls their lives.

He makes them believe that a revolution is possible, and so, finally, one begins.

Beginning with the first issue of the series, V takes on a protégé, a sixteen year old

would-be prostitute named Evey, whom he saves from the government's infamous Fingermen,

who were about to rape and kill her.

V takes her back to his lair, which he calls the Shadow Gallery, and Evey tells him about

her own terrible past.

Although V soon lets her go back out into the world above, he later kidnaps her and

makes her believe that she, too, has been put into a prison camp.

He manipulates her emotions by allowing her to discover a handwritten account of another

female prisoner, who was abducted for being a lesbian, and who died in the cell next to

V. Even though Evey later discovers that her own experience at the camp was entirely orchestrated

by V as a sick sort of mind game, the experience changes her, and she joins him in his cause.

Eventually, V's crusade comes to a head and he destroys the buildings and facilities

that control the government, officially breaking its hold on the British people.

Unfortunately, though, in the pursuit of this final blow, V is fatally wounded.

He dies in Evey's arms, and, as per his request, she puts him inside of a train filled

with roses and deadly explosives, and she gives him a Viking funeral that destroys the

government's surveillance buildings, and finally frees the country from its oppressors

for good.

It is a sad ending to a heavy story, but the reader is not left without hope.

As the graphic novel tells us, V is more than a man, he is a symbol.

He is, in his own words "an idea," and, as he says in his final moments: "ideas

are bullet-proof."

What are your thoughts on V for Vendetta?

How would you categorize V?

An inspiring anti-hero?

Or perhaps something more like a do-gooding terrorist?

Take the poll on the screen and let us know, and tell us your thoughts in the comments!

You can put your character suggestions there too.

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, and make sure to subscribe to

our channel for more comics videos and entertainment.

And be sure to go to next Friday to check out our upcoming contest.

Who knows, one day maybe we will be making a video about a character YOU created!

Thanks for watching!

Until next time.


[Credits theme]

For more infomation >> EP032: Comic Book Origins - V for Vendetta - Duration: 6:53.


SSS - twenty one pilots [Türkçe Altyazılı] (Bölüm 1) - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> SSS - twenty one pilots [Türkçe Altyazılı] (Bölüm 1) - Duration: 5:47.


Volvo V60 1.6 D2 R-Design - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 1.6 D2 R-Design - Duration: 1:44.


Bastille // Snakes [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Bastille // Snakes [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:18.



For more infomation >> Silence


Make Your 1st Million Online

For more infomation >> Make Your 1st Million Online


My Body Image Issues - Duration: 10:42.


[Classical music.]

Good morning everyone!

It is a rainy day! Like a real rainy day. Here I'll show you really quick.

So, I'm scared because I'm from California so rain is terrifying.

And welcome. Very welcome and needed.

See? Water in a puddle.

Water dripping from trees.

Water dripping from house parts.


Therefore... fireplace.

And the kids are having a snack.

A yummy snack!

Let me see this snack.

How's this work, Parker?

You stir it into--you stir this into this.

Like... like... like this...

And then you eat it.

Mmm... Nice!

Peanut butter, apples and almonds.

Let's see, you've got your left almost left.

Since these apples are so ripe it's more like peanut butter, pears and almonds.

Oh. Good one.

Bailey is highly motivated.

She has a spelling book that she's been working on

and we have a rule that when the kids

finish their whole like curriculum book

not just like a little work but like the

real book for the year they get to take

a trip to the frozen yogurt place and get some frozen yogurt.

And Bailey's almost done with spelling book so she

wants to work really hard to finish it today.

Do you know the reason?

Because they have crushed Andies candies and candy canes

that I want to put on my thing in time.

because I think it's just a Christmas special .

Bailey's favorite flavor is mint.

and our frozen yogurt place has Andies candies and candy canes

that are crushed as toppings. so she's

So she's concerned that those flavors will go away soon

because like she thinks it's seasonal. Which, I don't know.

The candy canes didn't used to be there but they have a ton of them.

Look at...

Oh, you're messy?


Do you need a napkin?

What do you say?

Thank you, mommy.



I have an idea... can we both switch back and forth?

What does that mean?

Instead of you doing Bailey all day... Switch?

Oh now you want to do your reading program.


One super-cute thing that the boys did this morning

was they declared that it was "Brothers Day"

And then they went together into Parker's room

and Jacob's room and dress themselves matching together.

Like they found all the clothes and they matched themselves

So it's super-cute.

Let's see. Stand next to your brother.

I'll pull him out here. Watch your toes.

Okay, be models!

ok model

whoa brother models

Okay, model a different pose


Wait do that pose again.


Uh, do this.

Happy Brothers Day baby brother!

Happy Brothers Day, brother.

Happy Brothers Day, big brother!

Happy Brothers Day tiny brother.


Bailey, what were you doing your whole quiet time?

I was reading.

and if you were just reading, what happened with your tooth, miss?

I wiggled it a little bit.

And now what does it look like? Let me see.

Wowee kazowee

That is a wiggly tooth

oh my goodness i have not been in the

vlog at all today but here I am and

we're going to take the kids to

their Awana and I'm going on a date with this beautiful!

It should be noted

What a rugged mountain man you in your sweater jacket

you look so handsome when it's cold.

Jessica likes it when I cover myself up

That's her favorite.

No! You look all rugged.

"Oh, would you like a nice to large overcoat?"

"Would you like to wear something that covers those arms?"

Oh, we lost a child.

Where are you going?

I'm getting a pencil.

I've been editing all day and you can

check out the video that I edited it is

the disneyland special which was such a

fun day because forgot to write a whole

bunch of new ride but he's never written

on and it's so fun watching his like

experience because it's all new to him

and exciting

Did you have fun?


Yeah? You big boy!

What was your favorite ride?

Are you going on a mountain date?

A mountain date?

No, just a regular date.

Are you going on a date to disneyland?

No. Parker, what was your favorite ride yesterday?

The plane one.

The Soarin' Around the world?

Soaring over the world?

Yeah. I loved riding that one with you, sweetie.

Are we going on a mountain date with my mountain man?

Yeah, well, I'll be wearing this.

For some of it. So...

You can look forward to that.

What's going to happen after you're...

Maybe I'll put on another jacket on to p of that.

Oh! What are you taking it off for though?

'Cause it... what if we go somewhere warm?

You don't want to go somewhere warm?

Speaking of which, the door to our car is just open.

Where's Bailey? What's going on?

What's happening?

She's getting a pencil!

Oh, Thanks for the update.

She's getting a pencil.

You look a lot like Uncle Jim sometimes.

Can you do an Uncle jim? What would uncle Jim say?

Can you clap like Uncle Jim? Do you know how Uncle Jim claps?

He claps and he nods his head at the same time.

Almost. Almost. Here. Mommy's going to vlog it.

Like that.

Oh, there you go. Jacob's got it.

I'm done with this breakfast and I'm going to check if we have any views.

I'm done with this breakfast and I'm going to check if I have any views.

The kids are in class now and we are on our date.

We're going to eat some food. But the place we wanted to go is closed.

Do you see Christopher's intense lean to try to get down to my level?

We're here. Here we are.

He like crouches when he takes pictures with me.

I'm still not standing up straight. If I'm standing up straight I'm like here.

And I'm on my tiptoes.

I'm like-- I'm usually like in this stance when I take pictures.

When he takes pictures with people he gets into this squatting stance.

It's amazing. So look for any like...

meet and greet photoshoots with Christopher and try to get full body ones.

Well no, because then you're doing the selfie mode.

Look for some full body Christopher squatting photoshoot pictures they're amazing.

Just... making fun of my body today.

I'm not making fun of your body.

You sacrifice. I couldn't get into those lunges every time

I took a photo. It's amazing.

And you think about it. That's so thoughtful of you.

We're having a fancy meal.

I ordered a coffee because I'm like 93 and I'll fall asleep otherwise.

Jessica ordered a Shirley Temple because she's 12.

But I'll also fall asleep.

We're a sleepy bunch.

I dropped my cherry!

Should I do the stabbing method?

You're going to go for a stab?

Maybe I should try to...

Yeah, the stem pick up is always a good move.

Did it get all over your hear?

I got--my hair got into my mouth.

I'm going to tie it into a knot is what.

It's a short stem, but I'm going to do this.

It's pretty broken up.

Should we ask for another cherry?

No. It's also a tough one. I keep getting it in a knot and it pops out.

We'll order you another cherry.

No, I'm going to do this right now. I'm going to tie my cherry stem into a knot.


Let's talk about what we learned today.

We learned that Californians are both scared of and greatly appreciate rain.

We learned that both my boys have a bright modeling career ahead of them.

And finally we learned that nothing gets Jessica more determined

Than trying to tie a cherry stem into a knot.

Thanks for watching everybody.

We'll see you next time.

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