Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 14 2017

How do you keep your 3D printer in perfect working order?

It's certainly a lot less work than servicing a car, but most machines do require a bit

of care every now and then.

Let's make sure you get all the important spots.

AprintaPro reached out to me for this sponsored videos series to be featured on their PrintaGuide


Launching this month, it'll be home to 3D printing tips, tricks and guides.

Check out AprintaPro and the PrintaGuide site at the links in the video description below!

So i like to think of 3D printer maintenance as an incremental job - there are a few things

you should check before every print, and then there are some that deserve a bit of attention

roughly every time you finish a spool of filament.

Let's start with the things you should check before starting a print and during its first

few layers, just gloss over these points to make sure you're going to have a successful


First, cleanliness.

Check the hotend for any boogers that might have been picked up from earlier prints, especially

around the nozzle, and pull them off with some tweezer, if necessary after heating the


If you're careful not to burn yourself, you can also use a cloth rag to lightly wipe

down the nozzle.

Check for debris or small bits of the previous print still stuck to the printbed and remove


Transparent filament is particularly tricky here.

Also make sure that there are no plastic bits stuck in the belts, on the linear rails and

if your machine has good view of the hobbed gear, check that it's also clean and not

clogged up.

Next up, give the bed surface a quick look.

While you can find the full episode on how to get your prints to stick up here, this

is the compressed version: If you're using a bare surface without any additives, make

it sure it's clean and not damaged, and especially after touching the surface to remove

a print, a quick wipedown with alcohol won't hurt.

Spray-on or wipe-on adhesives can last many print, but in either case, make sure they

are still providing a smooth surface without any gaps or holes, and in case of doubt refer

to the manufacturer's instructions for your particular adhesive.

What is also a good idea and only takes a quick glance is checking the wiring situation,

especially around the hotend and the joints of moving elements.

Check that everything is still in the correct places, can't get caught in the print you're

about to start and that the insulation of the wires is still intact, meaning that it's

neither frayed nor cracked.

And before you hit that print button, take a glance at your filament spool: Is it the

right material, is the filament tangled and is there enough filament on the spool?

If all those questions have the same answer, fix those issues before committing to a print.

Fun fact: If you're having issues with your filament unwinding improperly and you're

using a separate spool holder, try giving your printer and the holder a bit more distance.

That will smooth out the printer's movements and make sure it's not pulling the filament

off sideways.

So with these thing covered, you're basically ready to start a print.

As soon as the first layer starts, pay attention to how well the lines stick - if you can already

see individual lines lifting or curling inwards, chances are your print is going to fail down

the road.

The same goes for the nozzle digging through earlier lines.

This is mostly a thing of experience, try and learn what a good first layer looks like

and your should be able to confidently leave your 3D printer to itself while it finishes

the job.

Of course, i'm not going to judge you if you prefer getting hypnotized by the machine

and watching the entire thing.

So there are a few deeper checks you should do roughly whenever you finish a spool of

filament, and those mostly cover mechanical wear on belts and rails.

The first "service" of a new machine should be a bit more thorough, as many parts break

in, so let's start with that.

Particularly screws that tighten down onto plastic parts can often use a re-snugging

after a few weeks of use.

The grub screws in the belt pulleys and in the hobbed gear are also likely candidates

to loosen up over time, and diagnosing these can be tricky, so why not give them a bit

of torque and make sure they are tight.

Now, when it comes to belts, we're also talking about parts that will slightly stretch

over the first few prints, especially on cheaper machines that use cheaper belts.

They will have completed the largest part of their stretching over the first few weeks

under tension, but it doesn't hurt to periodically check their tightness.

Now, what exactly a tight belt should feel like is entirely dependent on what machine

you're using - longer belts will always feel sloppier under the same tension as shorter

ones, and depending on how your machine is built, the tension you want is also going

to vary.

But as a starting point, you can tune your belts like the E-string of a base guitar.

Next up, bearing, and these will vary in quality and type from printer to printer.

But any bearing should fit two core parameters, that is that it actually guides whatever it's

carrying and doesn't just wobble around, and also does so smoothly and without creating

a ton of drag.

If you grab the moving parts of your 3D printer, typically the hotend and the bed, and try

to rock them back and forth, you might feel a bit of slack.

While, ideally, the bearings should have zero play, a small amount of slack is usually acceptable.

If you - carefully, this might damage the electronics if you go too fast - move teach

axis back and forth, the movement should be smooth and not have any tight or jerky spots.

Now, if you find that the bearings are too loose, jerky or just don't feel right, there

are a few things you can do: One, check the alignment of the bearings.

If they run smoothly on their own, but seize up as you tighten their holders, it might

simply be due to the bearings being forced out of axis.

Two, regrease everything.

And yes, even drylin bearings profit from some extra lithium-based grease, but linear

ball bearings are the typical candidate here.

I prefer thicker grease, which is what quality, linear bearing that seal against the shaft

come with, though when regreasing cheaper ones, you do have to make sure that it actually

gets to the bearing balls inside the bearing, which usually means taking them their shaft.

Or you can use an oil, anything that's labeled as a machine oil and isn't too watery should

work and be able to make its way through the mostly useless seals on most linear bearings.

Though keep in mind that you'll have to re-oil the bearings more often that way.

And if none of that helps, you might need to replace a bearing or two or a shaft that

is worn down, and while neither of those are particularly expensive parts (links in the

video description), it is usually a bit of work to replace them, so keep them in good

shape before you have to do that.

And one last thing to check is the hotend itself, first off whether it's leaking or

not, if it is, assuming it is a quality hotend, it's probably just assembled slightly wrong.

And after you've cleaned off that nozzle, give the nozzle's bore a good look, and

preferably compare its size and shape against a fresh nozzle.

While even brass nozzles last a long, long time if you're only printing PLA, you might

find the bore becoming asymmetrical or enlarged if you've printed any sort of particle-filled

materials, even wood-filled filament can wear out a nozzle.

If you're seeing anything wrong with it, just swap it out, it's guaranteed to make

your prints crisper and more accurate.

So, let's quickly recap, before every print, check for debris, make sure the bed surface

is usable, glance over the wiring and make sure your filament is in working order.

Once the print has started, inspect the first layer and you should be able to confidently

leave the printer to itself.

And after each spool you use up, check the bolts, belts, bearings and bore and you should

have your 3D printer in a great spot for the next 100 hours of printing.

Now if you think i've missed anything, let me know in the comments below, again, this

is just the stuff that i think applies to any printer.

If you thought this video was helpful to you, give it a thumbs up, if not, let me know what

i can improve,also consider subscribing to the channel, and because Youtube is still

being weird about it, remember to also click that bell next to the subscribe button or

you might end up missing some videos altogether.

Also check out the affiliate links from the video description to shop on Amazon, eBay,

Matterhackers and iGo3D, those don't cost you a single penny extra, or if you want to

support this channel with a spare dollar or two, head over to Patreon and get access to

monthly Q&A hangouts and more.

And that's it for today, thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> How and when to service your 3D printer! - Duration: 8:24.


Martica 'la del café' es reconocida por Univision - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Martica 'la del café' es reconocida por Univision - Duration: 6:57.


Dryer Repair, Celina, TX, (972)525-7052 - Duration: 0:36.

Dryer Repair, W Walnut S, Celina, TX, 75009, (972)525-7052, Specializing in Dryer Appliance Repair services. Servicing Dryer Refrigerator, Dryer Oven, Dryer Stove, Dryer Washer, Dryer Dryer, Frigidaire Dishwasher, Microwave, Cooktop, Dryer Freezer and Ice Maker. Dryer commercial appliance repair service as well. Same day appliance repair, appliance installation, ac repair, offering best pricing, affordable pricing, emergency appliance repair and weekend repair.

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For more infomation >> Dryer Repair, Celina, TX, (972)525-7052 - Duration: 0:36.


Audi A7 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Audi A7 - Duration: 0:49.


VW Touareg - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> VW Touareg - Duration: 0:49.


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


[Sub][Episode 41] Future Card Buddyfight Triple D Animation - Duration: 26:26.

The greatest Buddyfighter in the world!

The WBC Cup World Championships will determine who's the Buddy Champion,

and it's time for the final match, B!

The fight the world has been waiting for has finally begun, B!

While everyone expects Kyoya Gaen to win,

Gao Mikado comes back from the brink by calling Balle Soleil!

Link attack!

Balle Soul Blade!

Dragon Force!

That's another 5 damage!

Moreover, Balle Soleil can attack a second time!

Bal will finish you off, bal!

Link attack with Balle Soleil!

Ability of the Retainer of the Demonic Dragon, Cursed Dragon Jr.!

When I'm attacked, I can nullify that attack by discarding this card!

He's blocked the attack! Kyoya has managed to cling to 3 life!

Then, how about this to end my turn?!

The fourth Dragon Force attack hits the mark, but it falls short of winning!


Kyoya Gaen will probably use his ace card in his next turn.

This is your moment of truth, Gao Mikado, Balle Soleil!

That was a splendid attack.

Thanks to that, I'll be able to reveal my true strength.

I'm ever so grateful.

I pay 3 gauge and Buddy call to the right!

-What on earth is happening now?! -Meow!

This sensation is nothing I've felt with Azi Dahaka before.

Does that mean he's gotten that much stronger?

With the power of the black sun...

Guide the world to its demise!

However! He's blocked at the last moment, and the most powerful monster in the world,

Azi Dahaka Daeva, finally makes its appearance!

So, how will this fight end?!

It's finally time for the climax, B!


And now the fight resumes!


Whoa! Super Sun Dragon Vs. Black Sky Sun Dragon!

Black Sky Sun Dragon... Azi Dahaka Daeva...

Are Gao and Bal really going to fight such an incredible monster?!

Go for it! Gao! Bal!


It's nothing. Just a shoulder injury from too much drumming.

Besides, we've got to cheer on Gao!

Azi Dahaka Daeva...

If I fight Azi Dahaka in my current state...

Don't think of anything else!

Right now I have to think only about becoming Buddy Champion, Bal!

When Azi Dahaka attacks a monster using 1 life, it can attack however many times it wants.

But Kyoya has 2 life right now. He can only attack twice.

By sending Rock Dragon Emperor, Vragos from my hand directly to the drop zone, I can gain 2 life.

Master Kyoya now has 4 life!

This means that Azi Dahaka Daeva can now attack 4 times!


Now, let's begin the endless disaster.

To achieve our ideals, now is the time to return the old world to nothingness.

Attack Grow Dragon Jr. with Daeva.

Then activate the ability of Daeva, Endless Disaster!

Attack again, against Balle Soleil.

Activate the ability of Daeva, Endless Disaster, using 1 life.

It's said that a battle between Balle Soleil and Azi Dahaka

would be so fierce that it would tear apart heaven and earth, B!

I certainly didn't think I would fight you again in my current form!

However, the destiny that has long been coming since ancient times

shall finally be concluded today!


Resurrect, bal!

Attack Balle Soleil again.

Then, using 1 life, I activate the ability of Daeva, Endless Disaster!

This means Daeva can attack again right after his last attack!

I will win this fight!

And thereafter bring the world to its end!

Die once again!

Balle Soleil!


Azi Dahaka can only attack one more time, bal!

You have to win this with the next card in your hand, bal!


Let's become Buddy Champions, bal!

All of Gao's monsters are destroyed! And Azi Dahaka still has an attack left!

This is a desperate situation for Gao!


It's not over yet. I can see it.

The one card Gao has left in his hand is that card!

It's useless however many shields I load it with.

The monsters will all be destroyed as soon as Azi Dahaka Daeva makes its appearance.

Is that right?

Endless Disaster is an ability that, as long as there are life points remaining,

enables repeated attacks against monsters.

That's why Soulguard and Defense spells aren't guaranteed to counter it.

Are you saying that Kyoya's new Buddy is that powerful a monster?

Yeah. Even Dai Kaido's Revolted was instantly defeated.

And he's got 20 life, to boot.

Kyoya's flag, Dragon Zwei, allows him to start with 20 life.

And the thing is, his deck only has monsters.

Wait... A deck with only monsters?

What's the matter, Baku?

Kuguru, let me see that card list!


If I remember correctly...

There! This one!

What is that card? I've never seen it before.

It's a pretty old card. But this may be the card that saves Gao.

Are you serious?

Baku, do you have it?

Yeah! I've got it stored away in my card vault.


Card vault?

I'll go get it right away!

Baku, we're in America.


What're you going to do?! There's no time to go back to Japan to get it!

How am I going to find that card over here?!

Can you get it sent over from Japan?

I think only Baku would be able to find it in that vault.

Is there some other way?

That's the only card I can think of!

What's all the fuss?

Don't be having your strategy meeting for the final in the open like this!

Sorry, Gaito. But could we ask you something?

All right, then. There's no time to be sitting around.

Where're you going?

I'm going to scour all the card shops in this city.

Gaito's got the right idea.

But it's an old card. You might not find a shop that has it.

And how many shops do you think there are? I wish I could get some cats to help out.


I can help out!

A cat!

A cat that can talk?!

I understand your predicament.

And we'd rather see Gao Mikado win this anyway.

This is also a matter of a cat fighter's pride! We'll be happy to lend a helping paw!

I will stake my honor as a cat fighter and do everything I can to find that card!

All right. We should get going, too.

Huh? Hey, where are you going?

It's not very efficient if we stayed together.

Abygale and I will search that way.

Oh. Uh, I was going to suggest that myself. Okay! You guys go that way!

Don't you have to tell Gao about this?

I don't want him to worry needlessly.

The only thing I can do now is to find that card and put together the best deck that I can.

Excuse me...

I'm looking for a card.

I see.


I heard that someone there has a card collection...


Are we destined not to find it?

-Meow! -A cat's honor is at stake!

There's no time left!





Meow! Meow!



Sorry to keep you waiting, meow.

Will this do?


A tailor-made deck for the final is now complete!

This is the best deck I could possibly put together for Gao and Bal right now.

Will Gao be able to avoid Azi Dahaka's last attack?!

If you consider yourself my rival, then try to overcome this desperate situation.

I want to enjoy myself some more. Attack the fighter!

Farewell, Gao Mikado! Ha!

Cast! Dragonic Fortune!

Dragonic Fortune?!

Meow! Meow!

I told you the cat will be doing the commentary.


Dragonic Fortune is a spell that can only be used when the fighter is attacked.

It nullifies the opponent's attack and places the top card of each player's deck to the drop zone.

If a card happens to be a monster, then the fighter will receive damage corresponding to the monster size.

I never would've thought you'd have such an old card in your deck.

I'm impressed, Gao Mikado.

This is the card that Baku and the others searched so desperately for us.

Normally, it would be too risky to put it in the deck.

After all, you could end up only damaging yourself if things go wrong.

But it's a different story if we're up against Dragon Zwei.

Every card in the deck is a monster.

Kyoya reduced his life points to 1 thanks to Endless Disaster.

As long as a monster of 0 size isn't revealed, it would be hard to avoid any damage.

Oh, my goodness!

It appears that the fight will be decided by the top card of each player's deck!


So, what is Master Kyoya's card?!

Black Sky Sun Dragon, Azi Dahaka Daeva!

It's the size 3 Daeva!

Master Kyoya's life is gone!

It's now your turn.

All eyes are on him! What does Gao have as his top card?!

Gao is going to win, right?

Yeah! Gao has 3 life points left, after all!

As long as it's a magic or item card, or a monster of size 2 or less, Gao will win this!

There should be almost no size 3 cards in his Bullets of the Sun deck!

He's practically won this!

What will destiny choose?


Super Sun Dragon, Balle Soleil!

What on earth?! It's the size 3 Balle Soleil!

Gao is hit with 3 damage and his life is down to 0 too!

Incredibly, this fight ends in a draw!

I don't believe this.

Of all the cards...

It was Balle Soleil?!


Daeva might've called Balle Soleil.

The Super Sun Dragon and the Black Sky Sun Dragon...

This could be their destiny, going way back to ancient times.

Gao! Bal couldn't win, bal!

Bal, don't get so down about it. It's not like we lost. It's just a draw.


Do you really believe that?

You're finally going to use it?

What is it?!

They're both already at 0 life, so what does Master Kyoya intend to do with the card in his hand?!

The flag that follows Dragon Ein and Dragon Zwei, the third flag, Dragon Drei!

What's going on?!

The flag's changed!

Dragon Drei?! From his hand?!

What's the matter, Abygale?!

Are you all right, Jack?!


This fight isn't over yet.


I shall lead you all to a new world!

The flag exploded?!

Meow?! Meow?! Meow?!

Are you all right, Kyoya?

Senior Aragami?

It seems like Dragon Drei was incomplete.

I did warn you.

If you were in the same position that I was in, I'm sure you would've used it, too.

Even if you knew that the card was incomplete.

Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but we're okay with the draw, right?


And we can just say that both players are winners. Okay?


Let me explain.


Give me the microphone, Paruko.

Yes, Master Kyoya!

Everyone, as you saw in the last turn,

life points for both Gao Mikado and myself were reduced to 0 simultaneously.

According to the rules, that would mean the fight is a draw.

But I don't think anyone wants it to end like that.

That is why I want a re-match of this final battle.

I promise that we will hold a deciding match for the Buddy Championship!

A deciding match for the Buddy Championship?!

Deciding match, turtle?!

Does that mean he has to fight that monster again?

That's pretty tough on Gao.

Who would've thought it would turn out this way?


I'm fine now, Gaito.

He's going to win next time for sure! Gao!


Do you agree, Gao?

Yeah! Of course!

That's what I want too, bal!


Bal loves Buddyfight, bal!

So if there's a strong opponent, I want to fight him as many times as I can, bal!

You insignificant trash! Are you serious?!

I'm serious, bal!

Shall we go, my friend.


Well, we'll be excusing ourselves now.

Hang on! Why is Senior Aragami here?!

I've abandoned that name.


Super Sun Dragon, Balle Soleil!

When we meet again, I will be sure to eliminate you forever!

Be prepared to meet your fate!

Make sure that you train and become stronger for the deciding match, Gao Mikado.

Meow! Meow! Meow!

What! You found it hard to do the commentary for the fight?

I suppose you now understand the struggles I have to endure!

Dragon Drei...

Maybe it's connected in some way with that strange episode you experienced.

You think?!

We need to get to Cho-Taiyo Island and check things out right away.

I'm sure a secret still lies there.

A mystery behind the Dragon Force and Balle Soleil hidden on Cho-Taiyo Island.

This, right here. I'm sure Kyoya is calling out Dragon Drei right here.

That's what I heard, too!

Drei is the same as dry in English.

I bet you're going to see some kind of dragon that looks like it's been hung out to dry.

That's amazing, Kitten Shirt, bal!

You're really picking up on your English!

Just ask me anything about English.


No, I don't think it means dry.

You trying to make a fool of me?!

The flag that Kyoya used before was Dragon Ein.

Ein means one in German. And the flag he's using now is...

Dragon Zwei! Zwei is two in German!

Drei means three in German!

So, Dragon Drei is a new flag that Kyoya intends to use.

Then, back there Kyoya was trying to change his flag?!

Hang on a second! Can you even change your flag in the middle of a fight?!

I don't know!

Perhaps Dragon Drei is a card that can change Buddyfight, or rather, can change destiny itself.

Uh, I'll get it.

Who is --


Someone you know, bal?

I am the director of the U.S. Western Area Competition Administrative Bureau.

I've come to notify you of the competition headquarters' decision.

Competition headquarters' decision?

The deciding match of the Buddy Championship will be held in two months' time.

Two months, huh?

That's quite a lot of time in between.

Please keep up your training. We look forward to some wonderful fighting.

What're you going to do?

Bal, we're heading back to Japan.


With 2 months to go, I'm sure that Kyoya Gaen will be able to complete Dragon Drei.

In order to beat it, all we can do is to train hard!

All right, bal!

Let's go for it! Buddy Champion!

I heard that Gao Mikado has returned to Japan.


We should go back to Japan as well.


Project Triple D is in its final stages.

I will complete Dragon Drei, and be sure to achieve my objective.

The world will be re-born in 2 months' time.

Today's winning card!

Dragonic Fortune!

That was super-amazing, bal!

Bal wants to see it again, bal!

When sending the top card from each player's deck into the drop zone,

if a card happens to be a monster,

then that fighter will receive damage corresponding to the size of the monster.

If it's a spell or item card, then there's no damage.

Bal can't wait to see what comes up, bal!

Let me look at your fortune!

Good luck will come if you put it in your deck, bal!

Gao, who's this, bal?

Kiri Hyoryu? Grim Reaper? Miserea? What's his real name, bal?!

Next episode: Seriously?! Mind-Blowing 20,000 Defense?!

Buddyfight, bal!

For more infomation >> [Sub][Episode 41] Future Card Buddyfight Triple D Animation - Duration: 26:26.


Mercedes-Benz CLS-Klasse CLS 220 d Shooting Brake AMG Line Automaat - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLS-Klasse CLS 220 d Shooting Brake AMG Line Automaat - Duration: 1:51.


Bunji Garlin - Whine Up Your Body "2017 Release" - Duration: 3:36.

Bunji Garlin - Whine Up Your Body "2017 Release"

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