Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 14 2017

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For more infomation >> disco fry egg street fast food मसालेदार अंडा फ्राई - Duration: 14:18.


[BLACK]▼レイジ、よろしく逝キまくる (with English subtitles) - Duration: 16:13.

You're losing your breath only this degree…

How disappointing.

Who on earth will hear that hoarse voice of yours?

You look all resigned.

It seems that you no longer have the power to resist.

I'm not satisfied at all.

If anything...

... I want to torment you even more.

I need to overwrite the wound that was made by that other guy.

You should atone with your blood.

So delicious.

How many times must I teach you, before you will be able to understand?

I'm not asking for apologies.

Could it be...

... are you trying to make me angry because you want me to do more?


... what do you want me to do?

I'll do just as you wish.

Goodness gracious...

You're going to give yourself air?

You're a guilty woman.


You should do as I say.

Never act selfishly.

I won't treat you badly.

I'll give this to you.

Now, hold out your hands.

Don't keep me waiting.

What are you doing idly?

Hurry up and move your hands!



You are doing a good job…

That's enough.

You're giving me a longingful look.

I don't dislike women who are honest about their desires.

Open your mouth.

Hurry up.


Why are you hesitating?


Don't make me say it twice.



Drink it all.

Swallow it.

This is an order.

Do it quickly.

I'm telling you that this is an order, right?

Drink it all.

If you spit it out...

... I'm not going to forgive you.


Could you drink it all?

Good girl.

Very well.

How does it taste?

I'm cruel?

I want you to thank me.

I have no reason to be blamed.

If anything...

... it's reasonable that you thank me.

You should be honored.


Shall we get started?


Hold out your arms.

Did this hurt you?

It did…?

... Then it's good.

Don't resist me.

If you move...

... you'll suffer more.

You're quivering.

If you want me to be gentle, you should be a little more clever.


I'll have you learn through your body.

No matter how much you struggle...

… you can't get free.

I hope you'll regret it, so that you wish you had done as you were told.

Hm? What's wrong with you?

You're uttering a feeble voice.

It's ironic that you're being given pleasure at least for a mere, worthless vessel.

Who on earth were you thinking about?

You don't have to be scared like that.

That man…

You should forget.

This is...

... a punishment.

It's a penalty for being careless about other men.


... where do you want this?

Say it.

What's your problem?

I still want to make you say it, even more now after seeing that you take on that attitude.

That's a good reaction that tickles my sadism pretty well.

You should just obey me. Give up your heart and mind, and your humanity.

That's because...

... you belong to me.

Despite your body being so obedient…

Shall I make your mouth be honest, too?

I don't care that I make you say dirty words against your will.

You've been looking at me wistfully for some time, and your eyes are like those of a cat in heat.


Be faithful to your desire.


"By who…?"



I won't stop.

My body is screaming that it wants more.

I can't hold back any longer.

No matter how much you cry out.

Please don't seduce me.

You've grown to say quite a commendable thing.

But I…

… I love that you're like that...

... and...

... I cannot contain myself for hate.

Your body and mind are mine.

And of course...

... your life.

I'll be sure to kill you with these hands.

If you try to escape...

I'll run down slowly and carefully...

... and I'll catch you at the last moment when you are tired out.


... tear off your wings mercilessly.

Moan as much as you can…


... all of yourself...

... to me.

I'm still not going to be done with only things like this tonight.


It's an opening for a long night.

For more infomation >> [BLACK]▼レイジ、よろしく逝キまくる (with English subtitles) - Duration: 16:13.


Roast veal with vegetables in pots, baked in the oven, delicious recipe! - Duration: 3:53.

Roast beef with potatoes and vegetables in the pot, baked in the oven (a recipe)

Hello my dear, my name is Dina

And I welcome you here in the kitchen and on the channel "Collection of Recipes"

Today prepare roast beef with potatoes and vegetables in the pot, baked in the oven

This delicious dish turns out very tasty and fragrant, it can be prepared completely from any kind of meat or poultry

I will cook this dish of beef helpful

For the preparation we need: beef, potatoes, mushrooms, onions, carrots, fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, celery, parsley, garlic, chili pepper, butter, bay leaf, allspice, salt, broth

Products take on your own, based on the number of servings and volume of your pots

To start prepare all the vegetables

Potatoes cut into large cubes

Mushrooms cut into 4 pieces

Carrots cut into slices

Dice onion shinkuem

and a large celery sticks

In tomatoes remove the stalk and cut into small cubes

Chili and garlic arbitrarily shred

Finely cut greens

The flesh of beef cut into slices, about 2x2 cm.

All products are prepared, we proceed to the assembly of pots

At the bottom of each pot put on a small piece of butter

and on top decompose pieces of meat

prisalivaem it, we add one laurel leaf and pour onion

onions on top of the potato spread

a mixture of garlic and hot pepper,

carrot slices,

fresh mushrooms,


sweet bell pepper

In each pot put 2-3 pea allspice

sliced fresh tomatoes

and fill any broth - meat, vegetable or mushroom (to your taste)

Top prisalivaem a little more and a little sprinkle herbs

Part of the chopped green leave for decoration

Cover with lids and pots set in the cold (!) Oven

150 ° C set temperature and bake for two hours

Our pots are ready!

The roast looks very juicy, tasty and extremely fragrant

With the preparation of this dish handle even the novice mistress

If you do not have pots, the roast can be easily prepared in any refractory ware - glass, ceramics, cast iron or stainless steel

You can use the kettle, pot, utyatnitsu or deep frying pan with a lid, it will be delicious anyway!

Roast ready and I wish all the traditional bon appetit!

In order not to miss new interesting video - subscribe to my YouTube Channel - "Collection of Recipes" - a reference to the description

If you liked this video - share it with your friends, put a finger up and leave a comment!

See other recipes meat dishes on my channel links on the screen and in the description

Since you were Dean Until we meet again, to new recipes!

For more infomation >> Roast veal with vegetables in pots, baked in the oven, delicious recipe! - Duration: 3:53.


Watch Alexander IRL

For more infomation >> Watch Alexander IRL


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


vlc record 2017 01 14 00h49m55s D - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> vlc record 2017 01 14 00h49m55s D - Duration: 8:03.


DIY HearthStone GLOW IN DARK -By Skech - Duration: 5:53.

welcome to skech's spray painting crafting and do-it-yourself Art.

Hey guys today

I'm gonna make Hearthstone out of this

piece of stone for my night table

because "HOME is wear the Hearthstone is.

so first thing that I'm going to do I'm

gonna sended up the bottom of this stone

so it can sit well on my night table.

I'm drawing with pencil Hearthstone shape.

and make it more visible with sharpie.

i'm carving this rock with my rotary

tool and diamond.

Here are my GLOW IN DARK powders and as u already know if you follow my works

I so love to use them in my project and

for this one I'm going to use green one

and blue one i'm gonna mix it because

green one have much brighter effect of glowing in dark.

And for more information about this glow in dark powders and where u can find them on internet

check down below in description box i'll put the links links where you can find them.

i'm adding transparent spray paint

with brush so my glow in dark powder can stick on it.

I'm sticking this glow in dark powder

with few more layers of transparent spray paint.

i'm adding green glow in dark powder so it can bright more in dark.

and I'm finally glaze it with few more layers of transparent spray paint

honey I'm home

hey guys thanks for watching this video

if you like it and if u want to support me

click like down below, share with your friends if you have some questions be

free to ask me down below in the comment box

I love to read your comments and to answer on it.

And if u didn't subscribe yet consider subscribing for more futuring videos

stay tuned!

For more infomation >> DIY HearthStone GLOW IN DARK -By Skech - Duration: 5:53.


Drawing Yellow Diamond and Yellow Pearl from Steven Universe (Tutorial) - Duration: 35:34.

either welcome to today's livestream

tutorial today we're going to be drawing

yellow diamond and yellow pearl from

Steven universe so as you can see I've

already got some gotten somewhat started

on this drawing by doing a rough sketch

of where everything is going to be on

this side on a small paper that i'm

using here

so what he started his first ahead and

work working my way around with the body

she has big shoulder pads

my costume is uh basically that of I

she's sort of a warrior type so she's

got big shoulder pads they're always

taking somewhat upward

there we go make the shoulder pads even

with one another

otherwise you look weird


and i have a given the placement of the

shoulder pads i'm having them a line

with like the design of her chest plates

maybe show a bit of like to mention with

like shoulder pads since she's got

looking more to the left

i'm having some shoulder pads show more

on this on the side on the right side or

maybe just hold off the side

maybe it's just yes looks fine like this



and then I used a plus here plus sign

that so much plus sign basically this

right here using a plus on the face it

helps me get a guideline as to where the

eyes nose and mouth will be

and I just smooth out the face give her

long cheekbones she got very strong

cheekbones here and adding the hair

which is interesting her hair uh if you

could call it that her hair almost also

kind of looks like God like a medieval

Knights helmet you know

which is interesting i'm wondering if

like the Diamonds knew about medieval

times armor or b or Stephen university

just like humans copy what the Diamonds

looked like and that's how the humans

got their armor set from just looking at

yellow diamond

maybe curve

so I'm just going to add her eyes here

I'm gonna have her be looking somewhat


she has giving her somewhat of a and

elongated nose or a long nose basically


some lower eyelashes and mascara getting

her eyebrows she's got 20 eyebrows get a

good look though they're curved the

curved and sharp eyebrows as she have

these little this little indents it's

similar similar to how i like sasuke

brother's eyes used to be this little

section of like on the face

I don't know that could be some other

form of like mascara that I'm not fully

aware of yet but anyway now that the


i'm adding a couple of these like what

was it called down signs of age because

like she seems to be the more aggressive

type of gym so I'm sure that her so that

she should look a little more tougher

more hardcore than a blue diamond

ok now i'm going to move onto the blue

yo girl we pull up a reference

ok so the best way to figure out the

exact size of your pearl when you're

drawing a diamonds with Karl to think of

that think of a pearl should be as tall

as at the Diamonds head

this way the character looks big enough

and you can add enough detail for other

people to see that this is the little

pearl you know yellow pearl on yellow

diamonds shoulder forgot to bring up


so yes a little guideline here

adding her little hair

her here somewhat of like it's your drop

your pearl is always like confident and

somewhat a snarky


return shoulders but just make them

I makers then looking at possible but

dad has been making but also give her

some meat you know get some meat on her


and little feet

she has little shoulder with colic that

shoulder pads like it's really shoulder

fully camping of the world were at the

moment but you understand what these

eyes just like this little like as well

as for show it's not going to protect

your shoulders you know that pads or

anything it's just like a type of

karmiss and a little room for Pearl to

be shown

she just has her arms behind her hand

I mean behind her back

and just adding a little shoes which is

interesting somehow for some reason

yellow pearl shoes but blue Carl does

not some interesting there

and i am not sure pearl of pearl or if

yell apparently has ears yet doesn't

look like it or maybe I guess because

i'm looking at front view her ears are

not showing I just give us some years

yeah after she is you know I was like

we're just we're just gonna give her

ears in this trunk

ok and with that we are good we can get

started on ink at our drawing start by

using my favorite tip sharpie

I decided to add a little bit of a

little sharp jaggedness to like ends of

her hair this way so you can tell that

it's not that it is hair and not just

pure like some sort of helmet that she's

wearing or good be helmet i mean like

I'm not sure it's not like any she's

actually had to brush her own head and

you know I'm throughout the series so it

it is possible that like this whole time

just been mistaking her around her hair

to be helmets or it's not a helmet and

it is hair so who knows maybe in one of

the future episodes the gender gonna

knock for knock off her hair / helmets

sort of thing so far it's a mystery

maybe somebody will make a theory on

that just like is yellow diamonds head

pieces of hair or is it a helmets and

maybe we'll get an answer some day it'd

be hilarious if like it like it was it

was a helmet and she and it falls off

and she just bawled

let's switch on over to my senses

sharpie do the finer details

and is almost forgot

yes yellow diamond does have and I got

the peoples of her eyes are actually


okay i'm going to do some quick racing

to help me see where I'm at and missed






okay this is good enough for now gotta

go back to doing the other detail my do

it this morning here

ok so the best way to do the shadows for

here for tony is that I should probably

have the shadows two curved a little bit

because if she because if you have an

object on top of like a round object

then the shadows obviously should be

around you know roundish or curved onto

the object

ok ok I've got a bit of like texture to

the hair here going to have it follows

the exact tips point edges of the here

here and have it somewhat curves like as

I'm going around the objects

of having breaks in between each line

so having these here is curve around the

objects so then you follow a certain


keep each one of these lines as close to

each other as possible and having each

break go

yeah going after every other line i

don't have the brakes like the line

breaks be at the same same one as the

the first one that i did have to break a

little separately

ok got a bit of toning here and wait

going for that the batter browse here

having a little bit under here under the

shoulder pads

he's gonna have to curve around the edge

here the edge of the shoulder pads here

got a little bit of shine to diamonds

part-time and diamond here

a little bit under the chin here

forgot this little neck muscles you get

a little bit here as well

Mabel give a bit of detail too little

yellow pearl here give her some hair

texture as well

help her stand out a little bits

you know a little something here little

dot textures on her dress or whatever

I don't know what you would call this

house is like similar to like ladies

bathing suit or whatever our ballerina

tutu or no not a ballerina tutu of

ballerinas outfit or whatever to be



let's see what else we might add a

little bit here i forgot the eyelashes

yes then a couple down to you as well

ok good ever get me we had a little bit

here as well

ok and with that I yeah I believe we are

good we are good on this drawing i hope

you enjoyed this drawing we may be added

texture here

okay yeah i was a little something a

little something that may or may not

have needed to be out but you know it's

always it's always good to come come

back and maybe just think of something

to add that as a little something

special little details like this to help

show even more dimension besides turning

it's a bit of like the texture it helps

your helps the viewer added any viewer

who looks at this drawing like huh so

that's how our body sort of form that's

like the shape so yes we are officially

good at this point so i hope you enjoyed

this drawing tutorial this drawing

livestream i hope to see you again on

the next live stream you can find a

skinned version of this drawing in the

link in the description below when I

scan it i will end up putting it on my

Twitter and or tumblr at some point in

the near future so keep a lookout on

that you look out for that like a be

sure to check out my comic Dawn the mask

thought vol.1 and bind to you can find a

link to that that complicated in

description below as well you know if

you enjoy comics about a digitech

detectives going out stopping bad guys

solving mysteries or whatever maybe

discuss who comments for you if you

enjoyed my style of drawing so yes thank

you for coming out if you enjoyed leave

a like subscribe for more for more how

to draw tutorials live streams and such

and i'll leave a comments anything you

would like to see me draw from Steven

universe anymore characters from Steven


be sure to check out that the previous

video when i draw blue Carl that was


great as well so thank you for your

support i hope to see you again real

soon bye

For more infomation >> Drawing Yellow Diamond and Yellow Pearl from Steven Universe (Tutorial) - Duration: 35:34.



For more infomation >> Silence


Make Your 1st Million Online

For more infomation >> Make Your 1st Million Online


disco fry egg street fast food मसालेदार अंडा फ्राई - Duration: 14:18.

Subscribe For More Recipes And Food

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