Friday, January 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 21 2017

I'm probably one of the oldest lashers

that you have. I am in the U.S. I'm

in Pennsylvania i've been working at a

high-end salon for about 13 years going

on 14 years. The very first year eyelash

extensions came out I went to Las

Vegas to the tradeshow,

bought the kit

signed up for the course and it was

classic lashes and it was through 3d

lashes so they were so different back

then but my lash extension business

wasn't really strong. So as lashes

started to evolve and I found out about

volume lashes not too long ago that

really caught my interest and it was a

volume lash class and my business started

to take off i started to promote them i

like the way they looked and then

shortly thereafter I found you on

YouTube and I was probably also one of

the very first ones to join the Lash

Tribe. I was so excited about it

wanted more knowledge and I wanted to

talk to someone and I didn't know anyone

else who did them and so, I was so

excited and I was also probably one of

the first ones that signed up for the

class, for your course. So I did

the volume course. So... em, my

my lash business has really taken off.

Really quick: I did do another online

class and i'm not going to bad-mouth

anyone she seemed like a really nice

lady but I was really disappointed in

the class it was like a refresher , it did

not even compare to your class

I mean it wasn't in the same league, truly

this is what I was really looking for

is what i was looking for i really found

in your class. So much detail. A to Z. I think

you really covered everything superbly.

probably my biggest challenge

is even though I've been lashing for so

long i think i got into a lot of bad

habits and throughout the years because

I wasn't excited about last extensions I didn't

keep up with some classes and

advancement and everything so I got in a

lot of really bad habits

For me it's the convenience because I do

work a lot and I have some home clients

also and just the fact that i could do

it at my convenience, I would just like

get in bed in the evening and go through

a lesson or two

that was so wonderful and I could stop

and replay it again

sometimes. .YES, that was the best. "And what

were some of your concerns before you

signed up? Or did you not have anything

that held you back to sign up?"

"Well erm, I was hoping it was gonna be

more detailed than the other online

class I did because you know it's a lot

of money to then not really get a lot of

information so I was... I felt.... I felt that

it was worth every penny !" "And what do you


where was your lashing at before you

started the course as to comparison to now

seven of eight weeks in?" "So.. em, gosh I would

probably say I was that about a c-minus

you know on a grading scale.. and now i

would say i'm a high B. I'm not an A

yet but I believe I will be because

i have the desire and I believe in time

i will be an A. When I'm an A i will

post a photo!

"Yes please do! " "what would you say to

someone who's looking at the course but is still a little

bit on the fence? "I would say if you want

to improve i would highly recommend

doing the class, doing the course I

think that absolutely you will

improved if you take the course.

For more infomation >> Traci J. Testimony - Duration: 4:43.


The Lion Chronicles - Episode 3 - Clash of Forks - Duration: 3:27.

Who the heck are you?

Uh... my names-

You didn't answer fast enough.

Where did you come from?

Um, i came out of that-

Not a good enough answer!

Its a laser fork!

Prepare for an epic battle!



epic spaceship woooo

Come on, mate! Get in here!

For more infomation >> The Lion Chronicles - Episode 3 - Clash of Forks - Duration: 3:27.


President Trump slammed with ethics complaint moments after inauguration - Duration: 2:58.

A government ethics watchdog welcomed Donald Trump to the White House by filing a formal complaint accusing the new commander-in-chief of violating the Constitution.

Noah Bookbinder, a director for the nonpartisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, alleged in a complaint sent to the General Services Administration that President Trump violated his lease for the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. the second he was sworn in on Friday.

"The lease bans elected officials from benefitting to avoid conflicts of interest with their duties," Bookbinder said in a statement.

Both Democrats and Republicans on the House Oversight Committee raised concern over Trump's downtown hotel ahead of inauguration, noting that maintained ownership would pose an obvious conflict of interest.

The Trump International Hotel is located in the old post office building, which Trump leases from the government.

(© Kevin Lamarque / Reuters/REUTERS)

The hotel is located in the old post office building, which Trump leases from the government.

"We know Trump likes to renegotiate contracts for better deals," Bookbinder said. "If that happened here, it will be the President negotiating against the government he leads. His best interests are not the same as those of the American tax payer."

The Trump White House press team did not immediately return a request for comment.

"His best interests are not the same as those of the American tax payer," Noah Bookbinder said.

(Courtesy of Noah Bookbinder)

In addition to that alleged conflict, Bookbinder claimed Trump is violating the so-called emoluments clause of the Constitution, which prohibits sitting Presidents from accepting "any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatsoever, from any king, prince or foreign state."

"He just swore on the Bible to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,' but by continuing to accept payments from foreign governments, he has already failed," Bookbinder said. "We do not yet know just to what extent this violation goes — because he is the first person elected to the presidency in decades to fail to clear the ethical bar of Richard Nixon and release his tax returns."

The General Services Administration did not immediately return a request for comment, but said earlier this month that it was looking into the situation in light of Trump's plans to not retire ownership of his sprawling business empire — a move that has also been blasted by government ethics experts.

Trump plans to not retire ownership of his sprawling business empire, which includes the luxurious Washington, D.C. hotel.

(© Mike Segar / Reuters/REUTERS)

The Trump team, however, has rejected the criticism.

"Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present and it has nothing to do with an office. It's not an emolument," Trump's conflict of interest lawyer Sheri Dillon said at a press conference last month.

Also on Friday, Bookbinder's ethics group filed a suit against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration after it failed to turn over possible questionnaires from the Trump team seeking names of government staffers working on climate change.

"We know that NOAA received our request, but have not heard anything since. The law is simple, they have to respond," Bookbinder said, citing the Freedom of Information Act. "If they have information about the Trump team's search for climate scientists, Americans deserve to know; and if they don't a simple 'no' would suffice, but there's no reason to withhold that information."

For more infomation >> President Trump slammed with ethics complaint moments after inauguration - Duration: 2:58.


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us



For more infomation >> Silence


Japanese Movie Actresses 1950s 1960s 1970s Subtitles - Duration: 1:41.

Kimiko Tachibana

Junko Kano

Yoshiko Kuga

Ruriko Asaoka

Takiko Mizunoe

Fujiko Yamamoto

Chiemi Eri

Hizuru Takachiho

Meiko Kaji

Ayako Wakao

Miwa Takada

Yoko Minamida

Hanayo Sumi

Ineko Arima

Mayumi Ozora

Nobuko Otowa

Keiko Kishi

Mariko Okada

Fujiko Yamamto , Kyoko Enami

Ineko Arima , Fujiko Yamamoto , Yoshiko Kuga

For more infomation >> Japanese Movie Actresses 1950s 1960s 1970s Subtitles - Duration: 1:41.


Real English #23: Voiceless stops - Duration: 1:43.

Hi, and welcome back to Real English.

I'm Darcy and today we'll be taking a closer look at the voiceless stops; [p], [t], and [k].

These sounds can be pronounced differently depending on where they are in the word.

For example, before a stressed vowel which usually happens at the beginning of a word, there's a puff of air released when you say these sounds.

If you put your hand in front of your face you can feel this.




Here are some words that have voiceless stops at the beginning:

In the middle of a word, this puff of air doesn't happen.

For example, in the words:

Here's a tongue twister to help you practice these sounds. Watch out; this one's tricky.

See how you can do with that one and we'll see you next Friday.

For more infomation >> Real English #23: Voiceless stops - Duration: 1:43.


2017: Motivácia & tipy ako dosiahnuť všetky ciele | Boncamila ♡ Motivation & tips - Duration: 5:42.

Motivation and tips for 2017

Hello and welcome in my new video !

This video is going to be about new year

But before I start with intro I would like to wish you a Happy New Year !

I wish you good health, happiness, to be successful, content and also full of positive energy

And mainly to be surrounded by people you care about and the people you love

New Year comes with expectations, dreams and plans we would like to turn into reality

And therefore I decided to create this video to show you some motivation tips and tricks that help me

This would be the end of my intro

And let's go to the video !

My first tips is definitely sorting out your closet

After last year we all have clothes we don't wear anymore or we don't want to wear or your size has changed

This is a good way of how to sort out what you want to wear and what you don't want to wear

And you can either give it to someone or sell it

You can also sort out your cosmetics bag or purse

What usually happens is that you may find yourself keeping all the bills in your purse

Even if you don't need them anymore

And after whole year you may often have things that are off in your cosmetics bag

or when you travel and carry them they get dirty

and this way you can clean them and sort them out


Organisation is also very important

And what helps me is either diary or notebook I carry with me and when somethings comes to my mind

I write it down and try to make it happen

Talking about organisation I decided to show you how to set your goals so you can reach them

First things things, it is important to devide them into short term and long term goals

Short term goals can be accomplished in one week f.e. your homework or go for a run

And long term goals require more time - months or even a year

What happens is that people think they will be fit in one week or "over night"

And that will not happen ...

We need to be real, patient, work hard to reach our goals

We all struggle with how to organise time sometimes

If you want to organise it better you can create a plan

Then you write everything you have to do before leaving

such as time for make up or shower

and you will get required time for you to prepare

and that is a simple way of how to find out how much time you need to get ready

We all have plans we want to make happen

My tip is to take time to learn foreign languages

Because it will definitely pay off

Next very useful tip is to save money

Wheter you have pocket money or have a job

it is important to know on what you spend the most

And what I suggest is to take one week where you fully realize or write down where your money goes

And then you will see where you spend the most and in my case it is always coffee

And so I decided that this year I will try my best to make my own coffee at home and take it with me

Because at the end you actually save a lot and you can spend the money on something better or save them

Last plan is fitness plan

I made myself this inspirational folder

and I am going to fill it with recipes and motivation for workout

And it is also important to have fitness plan

My tip is if you are starting with working out

don't exercise everyday because your body is not used to it at the beggining

to get used to it properly start slowly with exercises each third or second day and you will get into it

find your favourite outfit for working out

because it can get you motivated as well

and go for it !

This would be all for this video

If you made it all the way here, thank you for watching

If this video inspired you you can give a thumbs up

or write in a comment what motivates you and makes you not want to give up to reach your goals

And at the end I would really like to thank you for support in 2016

Because despite the fact I wasn't posting regulary you were very supportive and that means a lot

because it motivates me to continue even after this little break from Youtube

And as you have probably noticed I got new camera

This is the first video with it so I am really trying it out right now

Especially the lens because I have never used it for filming before

And I am very very happy about it

Because I started filming my Youtube videos on ipod and somehow I finally made it to this camera

And beside new camera, the new update on my channel is adding english subtitles

so the videos can be in two languages

the subtitles are compulsary so you do not need to watch it with them unless you want to learn english

or if you are watching from other countries, now you will be able to understand what I am saying

you can set it up on here

this would be the final end for this video

thank you again for watching

and I will see you soon in my next video !

Bye !

Last video and social media can be found in the box below :) hope you liked my subtitles and sorry if the english is not as perfect

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