Sunday, January 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 22 2017

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I'm going to show you a quick and effective way to replace a burnt out sky in a photo.

This is an update of a tutorial I did on an earlier version of Photoshop.

Open a photo with a sky you'd like to replace.

If you'd like to use this one, I provided its link in my video's description or project files below.

The first step is to separate the sky from the rest of the photo.

There are many ways to do this, but for this example, I'll use the Quick Selection Tool.

If you're using this tool, as well, I generally find a radius of 5 to 15 pixels works fine.

Drag the tool over your landscape to select it.

To remove the selection over the sky, press and hold Alt on Windows or Option on a Mac

as you drag your tool over those areas.

To check your selection to make sure it included all of your landscape, press "Q" on your keyboard

to change the selection into a quick mask.

We'll refine the edges in a moment.

Press "Q" again to revert it back into a selection.

At the top, click the "Select and Mask " button if you're using version CC 2015.5 or later

or if you're using an earlier version, click the "Refine Edge" button.

You could also go to Select and click Select and Mask or Refine Edge in this list.

I did in-depth tutorials on Refine Edge and Select and Mask, so if you'd like to watch

them, I included their links, as well.

Click "Smart Radius" and drag the radius a bit to the right.

If you want to make your tool bigger or smaller, press the right or left bracket key on your keyboard.

Drag the tool over the edges of your landscape to refine their edges.

Check "Decontaminate Colors", which removes color fringe of the sky that may bleed into our landscape.

Output it to "New Layer with Layer Mask".

Then, click OK.

Make the background visible and make the top layer active.

Open your Gradient Tool.

Make sure the Linear Gradient icon is active and click the gradient bar to open the Gradient Editor.

Click the "Black, White" preset and click the lower, left Stop.

Click the color box and in the hexadecimal filed, type in 0151FE.

Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.

Click the lower, right Stop and the color box.

Type in A7CAFF.

Then, press Enter or Return twice to close both Windows.

Place your cursor a little above halfway up the sky and press and hold Shift as you drag

the Gradient Tool a little above the horizon.

Then, release.

You'll notice that the gradient colors are inside your landscape instead of behind it,

so we need to invert the layer mask.

To do this, make the layer mask active and press Ctrl or Cmd + I.

Make a copy of the top layer and its Layer mask by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Click off the chain-link to unlink

the layer and the layer mask.

Doing this, allows us to resize and reposition either of them independently of the other.

If your foreground and background colors aren't black and white, respectively, press "D" on your keyboard.

Go to Filter, Render and Clouds.

Change its Blend Mode to "Screen".

Zoom out of your image by pressing Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard a few times.

Go to Edit, Transform and Perspective.

Go to a top corner and drag the Transform Tool out approximately this much.

To accept it, click the check-mark at the top.

To fit your image back onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

The clouds actually extend beyond the visible area of our canvas, so we need to crop them off.

To do this, press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select the visible area of our document and go to Image and Crop.

To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D. Open your Transform Tool and go to the bottom of

the Transform's bounding box.

When you see a vertical, double-arrow, drag it up to the bottom of the sky.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Lastly, we're going to make our clouds a little less feathery and the blue sky a bit more vibrant.

Double-click the thumbnail of the clouds to open its Layer Style window.

The "Blend if" feature essentially clips one layer into another

based on the tones of the active layer and the layer below it.

The slider of "This Layer" is always linked to the active layer.

In this case, our active layer is the clouds layer.

Our gradient color is the "Underlying Layer".

Place your cursor directly on the icon on the slider of "This Layer"

and Alt-click or Option-click it.

This splits the icon in two.

By dragging the right half of the icon to the right, it feathers out the clouds over

the darkest areas of the gradient color, thereby revealing more of the color and less of the

clouds in those areas.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial: How to Replace a Burnt-out Sky in a Photo. - Duration: 6:49.


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Photoshop Tutorial: How to Replace a Burnt-out Sky in a Photo. - Duration: 6:49.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I'm going to show you a quick and effective way to replace a burnt out sky in a photo.

This is an update of a tutorial I did on an earlier version of Photoshop.

Open a photo with a sky you'd like to replace.

If you'd like to use this one, I provided its link in my video's description or project files below.

The first step is to separate the sky from the rest of the photo.

There are many ways to do this, but for this example, I'll use the Quick Selection Tool.

If you're using this tool, as well, I generally find a radius of 5 to 15 pixels works fine.

Drag the tool over your landscape to select it.

To remove the selection over the sky, press and hold Alt on Windows or Option on a Mac

as you drag your tool over those areas.

To check your selection to make sure it included all of your landscape, press "Q" on your keyboard

to change the selection into a quick mask.

We'll refine the edges in a moment.

Press "Q" again to revert it back into a selection.

At the top, click the "Select and Mask " button if you're using version CC 2015.5 or later

or if you're using an earlier version, click the "Refine Edge" button.

You could also go to Select and click Select and Mask or Refine Edge in this list.

I did in-depth tutorials on Refine Edge and Select and Mask, so if you'd like to watch

them, I included their links, as well.

Click "Smart Radius" and drag the radius a bit to the right.

If you want to make your tool bigger or smaller, press the right or left bracket key on your keyboard.

Drag the tool over the edges of your landscape to refine their edges.

Check "Decontaminate Colors", which removes color fringe of the sky that may bleed into our landscape.

Output it to "New Layer with Layer Mask".

Then, click OK.

Make the background visible and make the top layer active.

Open your Gradient Tool.

Make sure the Linear Gradient icon is active and click the gradient bar to open the Gradient Editor.

Click the "Black, White" preset and click the lower, left Stop.

Click the color box and in the hexadecimal filed, type in 0151FE.

Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.

Click the lower, right Stop and the color box.

Type in A7CAFF.

Then, press Enter or Return twice to close both Windows.

Place your cursor a little above halfway up the sky and press and hold Shift as you drag

the Gradient Tool a little above the horizon.

Then, release.

You'll notice that the gradient colors are inside your landscape instead of behind it,

so we need to invert the layer mask.

To do this, make the layer mask active and press Ctrl or Cmd + I.

Make a copy of the top layer and its Layer mask by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Click off the chain-link to unlink

the layer and the layer mask.

Doing this, allows us to resize and reposition either of them independently of the other.

If your foreground and background colors aren't black and white, respectively, press "D" on your keyboard.

Go to Filter, Render and Clouds.

Change its Blend Mode to "Screen".

Zoom out of your image by pressing Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard a few times.

Go to Edit, Transform and Perspective.

Go to a top corner and drag the Transform Tool out approximately this much.

To accept it, click the check-mark at the top.

To fit your image back onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

The clouds actually extend beyond the visible area of our canvas, so we need to crop them off.

To do this, press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select the visible area of our document and go to Image and Crop.

To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D. Open your Transform Tool and go to the bottom of

the Transform's bounding box.

When you see a vertical, double-arrow, drag it up to the bottom of the sky.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Lastly, we're going to make our clouds a little less feathery and the blue sky a bit more vibrant.

Double-click the thumbnail of the clouds to open its Layer Style window.

The "Blend if" feature essentially clips one layer into another

based on the tones of the active layer and the layer below it.

The slider of "This Layer" is always linked to the active layer.

In this case, our active layer is the clouds layer.

Our gradient color is the "Underlying Layer".

Place your cursor directly on the icon on the slider of "This Layer"

and Alt-click or Option-click it.

This splits the icon in two.

By dragging the right half of the icon to the right, it feathers out the clouds over

the darkest areas of the gradient color, thereby revealing more of the color and less of the

clouds in those areas.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial: How to Replace a Burnt-out Sky in a Photo. - Duration: 6:49.


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Американец говорит по-русски! - Влог - Duration: 12:45.

Hi from America everyone. My name is Sean and this is my first video ever.

It will be in Russian because I want to practice speaking.

I returned to the US from Russia about 1.5 years ago. I studied there and taught English.

I've already forgotten a lot of words and expressions.

I don't really have any chances to speak Russian therefore I thought it might be useful to make a video.

If anyone is even watching this video...probably no one is watching

But if anyone is watching and you are interested in helping me,

You can write in the comments where my mistakes are with grammar and pronunciation, etc.

Today is Saturday. Yesterday I was with my friends at a club almost all night

Therefore I woke up really late today and didn't want to do anything.

I was just in bed all day, watched some shows, played with the cat, and ate.

That's pretty much all I did. Not a productive day at all.

But I believe that sometimes we need such days when we don't do anything.

When we just relax and come into ourselves.

Here I have a map hanging. Who knows which city it is?

This was a gift from my host mother with whom I lived on Nevskiy Prospekt. It's really beautiful.

Now it is 4:20 in the afternoon and what have I done today? Absolutely nothing.

We don't have any food whatsoever at home therefore when I came home and got hungry it was a problem.

You know when you have some products that don't really go together but you have to use them so they don't spoil?

I had such a situation today and I looked at what I have and thought of what I can do with it

You need to be creative because you want to make something delicious but you don't know how it will turn out

You need to just try to mix different ingredients so that it turns out okay.

Therefore I decided to make some kind of soup and I'll show you that now.

Here is the soup that I made. It doesn't look good at first glance

But I promise you that it is very delicious.

In the beginning I just used some vegetable stock. Then I added water and almond milk to make it creamy.

Then I had some pasta, this kind

Next I made some potatoes, red bell peppers, onions, and carrots.

And at the end I added some beans for some protein

and spices I used salt, pepper, chili

Just add whichever spices you like, whichever flavor and I promise you will be delicious.

It's a standard soup, it's not delicious like borscht

But it's good because today is a cold day, and it's nice to just eat soup when you're cold.

Yesterday we had the inauguration of the new President of the US, Donald Trump.

For me it was a strange day yesterday because..there is just a weird feeling now in America

If someone watching is currently in the US you understand what I'm talking about

There is just a weird feeling because Clinton...won in terms of numbers.

More people voted for her. But we have a system in that she didn't win just because more people voted for her.

Therefore, yeah, Trump won and many people are upset

There is some kind of conflict between political parties

That space that exists between republicans and democrats has gotten bigger after Trump's victory.

People are demonstrating in the streets today

A lot of women are now demonstrating. If you are interested you can google "women's march"

Women are gathering in Washington DC and also in other cities around the country.

They are simply saying that they don't like what Trump said about women's rights

People are afraid that he will do something bad, like cancel out everything Obama has done.

He has control of nuclear's very scary. Yesterday he was simply a businessman and now he is the president of the US

It's a very strange thing in my opinion but I'm interested in what you believe.

What do you think about Trump? Does it seem to you like the relationship between the US and Russia will get better

I'm just interested in knowing what you're seeing on TV in Russia, or Ukraine..

It doesn't matter where you're from. I'm interested, so please write in the comments

Because this is a really weird time for Americans

I don't know what will happen. I hope that everything will be okay, that he won't ruin anything

and that he will be a good president.

I want to say that I'm an optimist but I truly don't know.

I don't know what I want to do tonight. I know there will be some parties but I'm a little tired and don't want to go anywhere.

Therefore, yeah, I'll probably stay home and watch some film

The problem is that I don't know which, and I don't know what kind of mood I'm in

It's always the same situation and it's really annoying. How many good films are there? A lot.

I just can't decide which I want to watch and the process of choosing a film is longer than the film itself.

Yeah, it's quite funny. Therefore if you have any recommendations, please write it in the comments.

Even some films in the Russian language. I would be interested in knowing your recommendations.

Maybe someone is interested in knowing what this thing is.

This, by the way, is for alcohol. You put the bottle here, hold your cup like this. Then you need to turn this.

Yeah, it's amusing. It holds 4 bottles.

Well, guys, it's the end of my first vlog. I hope you liked it, thanks for watching.

Honestly speaking it was a little weird for me but that's okay. It was my first experience.

If you have some recommendations for the next video, definitely write them in the comments.

If you want me to talk about some specific topics - about America, American life, if you're interested in hearing about my experiences in Russia

I have some amusing stories that happened in Russia.

In the next video I'm planning to at least go outside. I understand it was probably boring for you that I was just at home all the time.

And didn't show you anything. But next time, I'll probably show you a little bit of my city.

I live in Philadelphia. It's not far from New York, and not far from Washington DC.

Well, that's it. Thanks again and goodbye.

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