Monday, January 23, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 23 2017

Naša integracija sa tehnologijom

treba da nam pomogne da budemo povezani

jedni s drugima bez potrebe za


Mogu uzeti telefon i koristiti ga za razgovor

sa vama, ali nam sveukupno pomaže

da se međusobno povežemo

srcem. Zbog toga nam i treba

komunikacija i ne postoji drugi razlog

za to. Ne vidim da je budućnost

ljudi da postanu zavisni od

mašina. Mi ćemo proći ovu fazu i počećemo da

preferiramo "srce-ka-srcu" vezu. Otkrićemo

prostranstvo naše kolektivne

želje i kolektivne misli, i tu

ćemo svi otkriti da smo

povezani unutar tog područja

misli i želje. I neće nam biti potrebni

bilo kakvi uređaji da to učinimo.

For more infomation >> Povezivanje s ljudima ili robotima? - Duration: 1:09.


Feedback von Vreni S. - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Feedback von Vreni S. - Duration: 3:44.


How Kristen Stewart Responds to President Donald Trump's Old Tweets| Splash News TV - Duration: 1:10.

Anything you can say Kristen?

About Donald Trump's obsession with you and Robert Pattinson?]

It's old news, but Kristen Stewart is being asked again about President Donald Trump's

former comments about Kristen and then boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, back in 2012.

Trump Tweeted his opinion after Kristen publicly cheated on her boyfriend, saying "Robert

Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart.

She cheated on him like a dog and will do it again – just watch.

He can do much better."

[00;41 Kristen any comment on Trump?

And the obsession?

No obsession comments, ok.]

While Kristen didn't have anything to say to us, she did tell Variety "I can't even

understand it.

I literally cannot even understand it.

It's such a far-out concept that I don't want to believe that actually is happening.

It's insane…

At that point, he was just, like, a reality star."

Now, of course, he's the President of the United States.

Kristen may not like it, but she can say that she's had the commander in chief comment

on her love life.

For more infomation >> How Kristen Stewart Responds to President Donald Trump's Old Tweets| Splash News TV - Duration: 1:10.


HSN | Tony Little Health and Wellness 01.23.2017 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Tony Little Health and Wellness 01.23.2017 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Czech videos? / Česká videa? - Duration: 1:53.

Yeah, that looks good just save..

Another video in english....


Do you have problem with that?

Well I think that she is trying to say that you are indeed a czech girl

so you could make a czech video once in a while many of you again....

well it is indeed your mother tongue

but..i don't know

I prefer english

yes i know that

but you have to admit

czech is still much easier for you

and you don't have to stop making videos in english

actually keep practicing




try making czech videos from time to time

you will get a little change

it will get a different course

yeah...ok... yeah..get it ...great...

but lot of foreigners are watching my videos now

they wouldn't understand

well you will add subtitles, obviously

and that way you can practice grammar

because that really needs an improvement

so you really think that i should do it?



of course



I will try..

but I don't know.... I prefer czech....

not czech.... english

For more infomation >> Czech videos? / Česká videa? - Duration: 1:53.


Doc Mcstuffins Gave Injections. Frozen Anna Visited Superhero Movie in Real Life - Duration: 2:18.

Help, Doctor Doc Mcstuffins help!

Hello, I am Doctor Mcstuffins. I am here for a checkup

Doc Mcstuffins: wow, your tummy has a lot of gas

Doc Mcstuffins: I am looking into your eyes

Doc Mcstuffins: Where is your eyes?

What color is Poopy's eyes

Doc Mcstuffins: white!

Doc Mcstuffins: What did you eat? Why did you have a tummy ache?

I ate a lot of beans and borritos and I fart a lot

Doc Mcstuffins: It smells so bad

Doc Mcstuffins: Nurse, give me the syringe

Doc Mcstuffins: I give you a shot

Doc Mcstuffins: Are you feeling better?

Doc Mcstuffins: Let me give you a bandage

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Gave Injections. Frozen Anna Visited Superhero Movie in Real Life - Duration: 2:18.


Motivational Video - Cross Th...

For more infomation >> Motivational Video - Cross Th...


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


Movie Special Effects You'd Never Guess Aren't CGI - Duration: 6:29.

Computer-generated effects are ubiquitous in Hollywood, so when something amazing happens

on screen, audiences usually assume they're seeing a digital fantasy.

But despite the surge in CGI, some directors are still committed to doing special effects

the old-fashioned way, before today's digital wizardry existed.

From puppets to prosthetics to old-school camera tricks, we've rounded up some of the

most insane scenes you'll never believe were created without computers.

Flipping out

Fact: director Christopher Nolan actively dislikes CGI, and believes that audiences

prefer the real thing as much as he does, so he uses practical effects in his films

whenever possible.

Remember that epic car chase in The Dark Knight that ended with a giant 18-wheeler going butt-over-teakettle,

right in the middle of an actual city block?

"He missed!"

Special effects genies used computers to edit out some of the equipment involved in the

stunt, but everything else was completely real, aided by a remote-controlled piston

that was installed in the truck to propel its rear off the ground.

The scene was filmed from seven different angles, because when you're making an 18-wheeler

do a somersault in the middle of the night in downtown Chicago, there is no such thing

as "take two."

Anti-gravity fisticuffs

The Dark Knight director didn't limit his commitment to practical effects only to his

Batman franchise... which, don't forget, also included blasting a plane in half, mid-air.

"Now what's the next step of your master plan?"

"Crashing this plane!"

In Inception, Nolan and his team created the gravity-defying dream-within-a-dream fight

scene by channeling none other than talented singer and hat-enthusiast Jamiroquai and built

a 100 foot-long hotel hallway on a rotating set.

According to actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the filming process required as much mental flexibility

as it did acrobatic balance, telling E! Online,

"I had to think of it like, 'This is the ground.

OK, now this is the ground.

And now this is the ground.'

It was just that the 'ground' was always moving under me.

That was the mind game I had to play to make it work."

With a camera mounted on a track that ran the length of the set, Nolan was able to create

seamless, stable shots even as the hallway itself spun 360 degrees.

But Nolan wasn't the one who invented the ol' rotating room...

The blood-barfing bed

CGI wasn't much of an option back in 1984, especially for a low-budget horror flick like

Wes Craven's Nightmare on Elm Street.

So when Craven's horror franchise introduced audiences to the original fedora-wearing monster,

it had to pull off its nightmarish special effects the old-fashioned way.

These days, the soul-sucking blood geyser that consumed Johnny Depp would probably be

done with computers, but for the original Nightmare, the effects team came up with an

inventive way to pull it off.

The bedroom set was built on a rotating axis which could be turned a full 360 degrees.

What you see is actually an upside-down set.

Once the bedroom was flipped, all they had to do was pour 500 gallons of fake blood through

the bed, and let gravity do the rest.

Uh, simple, right?

Men becoming wolves

An American Werewolf in London featured animatronic heads, prosthetic body parts, and the most

elaborate assortment of merkins in the history of film.

Werewolf's iconic transformation scene was achieved with nothing but good old-fashioned

practical effects and the magic of Rick Baker.

The effects guru created prosthetic versions of actor David Naughton's limbs, then fitted

them with air bladders to make them deform as Naughton's character turned from man to


For the facial transformation, two animatronic heads created the illusion of the actor's

head reshaping itself into something more wolflike.

And the furry overcoat?

That effect used latex "skin" threaded with thousands and thousands of wiry hairs.

Baker filmed the hair being pulled backwards through the skin, then reversed the shot to

simulate rapid growth.

The final result was so realistic and terrifying that it earned its creator the 1982 Academy

Award for Best Makeup.

And when the movie got its inevitable 21st century reboot in the form of An American

Werewolf in Paris, the terrible CGI effects couldn't hold a candle to this practical wizardry.

The killer T-Rex

Hold onto your butts!

There's a reason the lizard king of Jurassic Park was such an imposing presence: he was

a real-life, full-sized animatronic that nearly killed someone on set.

The T-Rex weighed 9,000 pounds and was built on a skeleton made of hydraulic motors and

moving metal parts.

He was also decidedly dangerous: during the production, a crew member was unlucky enough

to be stuck inside the belly of the beast during a power outage, sending thousands of

pounds of hydraulics crushing down on him.

Fortunately, he lived to tell the tale.

Even the digital dinosaurs of Jurassic Park were often a combination of CGI and puppetry.

For instance, the brachiosaurus that sneezed all over Lex was only a digi-saur from the

neck down.

The head was all real for most of its time on screen…as was the copious spray of dino

snot, much to the dismay of actress Ariana Richards.

Little Hobbits, big world

Rather than rely completely on post-production CGI to shrink Elijah Wood, or embiggen Ian

McKellen, Peter Jackson often used old-school optical illusions to make his Hobbits teeny-tiny

in comparison to all the wizards, orcs, and elves of Middle-earth.

Using camera angles, cropping, and the actors' relative positioning, the effect known as

"forced perspective" makes them appear to be differently sized than they actually are.

In theory, it's simple.

In practice, it meant that many shots had to be staged down to the millimeter throughout

the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as The Hobbit trilogy a decade later.

Liquid metal evil

In 1991, Terminator 2 was a groundbreaking example of the power of digital effects, boasting

CGI that went miles beyond anything else that had been done.

However, what made the movie so spectacular wasn't the CGI alone, but the way James Cameron

seamlessly integrated the computer-animated cuts with practical effects.

For every purely digital shot of T-1000 slithering around in liquid metal form, there was a scene

rendered the old-fashioned way, with puppets and expert camerawork, giving the film a sense

of real-world weight.

Most incredibly, every time the T-1000 was blasted apart, Stan Winston's special effects

team would bring in a mangled, metallic puppet, complete with a cast of actor Robert Patrick's

head, to thrash around.

In the T-1000's last moments, the blown-up puppet is so seamlessly intercut with motion-capture

effects that you can't even tell where one ends and the other begins.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Movie Special Effects You'd Never Guess Aren't CGI - Duration: 6:29.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT NAVIGATOR PLUS PACK | Naviga - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT NAVIGATOR PLUS PACK | Naviga - Duration: 1:37.


Here's My Canada: Proud To Call It My Home - Duration: 0:22.

For a century and a half Canada's been

to home for refugees, outsiders

and the outcast.

We've kept peace and security around the

globe through the United Nations.

Revolution of equality and justice for women,

the LGBTQ community and refugees.

I'm proud to call this country my home

and that is my Canada.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Proud To Call It My Home - Duration: 0:22.


emoji - Duration: 0:11.

As you can't see I'm an emoji...



For more infomation >> emoji - Duration: 0:11.


Welding 101 for Hobbyists (and Nerds) - Duration: 10:19.

I got something fancy for Christmas this year.

This is my new TIG welding machine, which I've already christened in the typical Practical

Engineering fashion.

I'm a welding newbie and currently absorbing anything I can on the subject, so while I

learn, I thought I would take the time to boil down some of that new knowledge and share

it with you.

Now, this is welding for the guys and girls at the front of the class who never set foot

in the machine shop You know who I'm talking about: the marching band members, the geeks,

the nerds.

We're not going to obfuscate things with bumblefudgery and Canadian syllogisms.

In other words, if you already nail the keyhole on your root pass, this video might just be

a bit elementary.

I'm Grady and this is Practical Engineering.

On this episode we're talking Welding 101 for hobbyists.

For our purposes, we'll define welding as a way to join metals using fusion.

That fusion is what makes welding different than brazing or soldering.

When you're joining metals, you have two parts, the base metal, and the sometimes optional

filler metal you use to reinforce the joint.

With brazing and soldering, the heat is only enough to melt the filler metal and not the

base metal.

This is the metal equivalent to how most glues work.

With welding, on the other hand, the base metals are melted so that fusion can occur.

The two metals actually become one.

"Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be…"

Little spice girls reference for you.

In general, and compared to other common building materials, metals have excellent mechanical


They are hard, tough, strong, and durable.

As someone who, and I hesitate to say it on a welding video, occasionally works the wood,

even I can admit that metals are a superior material in many regards.

So you can see why it would be advantageous to have a way to connect them together, especially

if you can do it in such a way that joint isn't the weakest part of your assembly.

That's the goal of welding, and luckily, this is not something reserved for industrial

factories and machine shops.

From my own experiences so far, welding is something you might be able to do yourself

as a hobby.

And stay tuned till the end for some tips for getting started.

Welding requires two essential ingredients: heat and protection from the atmosphere.

The heat, of course, is necessary to melt the pieces of metal being welded so that can

fuse together.

The shielding is necessary because molten metals easily oxidize and absorb atmospheric


These impurities will weaken a weld or prevent good fusion all together, so some kind of

shielding is usually required.

Now, there are a lot of ways to make heat.

That's actually a fundamental law of the universe, but it's also true in the more

specific sense here.

So, as you can imagine, with only those two basic requirements, a litany of welding methods

have been developed using different permutations of heat and shielding.

Luckily for me as the writer of this video, only a few of those methods are widely accessible

to hobbyists.

Today we'll talk briefly about five.

The first is oxy-fuel welding, also known as gas or torch welding.

In this method, the heat comes from the combustion of a mixture of pure oxygen and some other

gas, usually acetylene.

This combination creates an extremely hot flame which can exceed the melting point of

most metals.

The shielding comes from the flame envelope and gases generated by the combustion (mainly

carbon dioxide).

With oxy-fuel welding, you use the torch to generate a puddle of molten metal.

With your other hand you add filler metal to the weld.

It's a very simple process and one of the oldest methods of welding.

Advantages are that it feels really awesome to hold an oxy-acetylene torch, it doesn't

require any electricity, and the torch can also be used for other purposes like cutting,

so you can get a lot of uses out of a single tool.

Disadvantages are that you have to have two high pressure tanks of flammable gases nearby,

and the torch is kind of unwieldy which leads to slower and less-consistent welding.

For the next four types of welding, the heat comes from generating an electrical arc between

an electrode and the metal.

You've got the short I-sound nicknames: Stick, MIG, and TIG, and I'll sneak flux-core

in next to MIG, since you can usually use the same machine for both processes.

Probably the most common type of welding is shielded metal arc welding, also known as

stick welding.

This process uses a power supply to maintain an arc between the electrode and base metal.

In stick welding, the electrode is also the filler metal, and it's surrounded by flux

which melts during the welding process.

When an arc is struck, the heat generated melts both the base metal and the electrode,

causing them to fuse together.

The flux coating also disintegrates, generating both a shielding gas and slag which absorbs

impurities and creates a protective covering over the weld as it cools.

Stick welding is so popular because of its simplicity and versatility.

Constant current power supplies are fairly inexpensive compared to other welding machines,

and stick welding can be performed in almost any environment, including underwater.

Disadvantages are that it only works for certain metals (mostly iron and steel) and that it

can be a fairly messy process with lots of molten spatter and fumes.

Next up are the two wire-feed welding methods.

Gas Metal Arc Welding, also known as MIG, and flux core arc welding.

Both MIG and flux core welding use a constant voltage power supply to generate the arc,

and a wire feed mechanism for the electrode which is also filler metal.

Just like in stick welding, the arc melts both the electrode and the base metal, allowing

them to fuse together into a weld.

For MIG, the shielding comes from an inert gas (that's the IG in MIG) that surrounds

the arc during the weld.

Usually the gas shield is a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide.

As its name implies, flux-core welding uses a tubular electrode with flux in the center.

The flux shields the weld by generating gas and slag just like with stick welding.

You can use both an inert gas and flux-cored wire, a process known as dual shield welding.

Gas Metal Arc and Flux-core arc are two of the fastest welding methods in terms of deposition

rate, since you don't have to stop to get a new rod.

MIG and flux core welding are also considered the easiest methods to learn because there

are fewer variables to control during the process.

MIG is generally an inside process, since wind can blow away the shielding gas, but

flux-core can be used in most environments just like stick welding.

Finally, we have gas tungsten arc welding or TIG welding.

This process is much like torch welding.

In fact the business end of a TIG welder is also called a torch.

When TIG welding, the arc passes between the electrode and the metal, but unlike in the

other processes we've discussed, the electrode doesn't melt since it's made of a tungsten


Instead, filler metal is added to the weld puddle with your other hand.

The puddle and arc are shielded from the atmosphere by the IG in TIG, usually pure argon gas,

which is focused around the weld by a ceramic cup.

TIG is the most precise of the techniques we've discussed, because you have much greater

control over the length and current of the arc, the rate at which filler metal is added,

and other important variables which can affect weld quality.

That control also makes TIG the most appropriate method for welding thin materials and non-ferrous

metals like aluminum, magnesium, and even titanium.

For the same reason though, it's probably the most challenging process to master, and

usually the slowest.

To get started welding requires some equipment, most importantly a welding machine or oxy-fuel


Many machines on the market today can perform more than one welding process, so you don't

always have to choose a single one.

However, like many hobbies, there is some rabid brand loyalty when it comes to arc welders,

so make sure you choose the right color.

You don't want to come home with a Lincoln only to find out that your wife only goes

for Miller guys.

And don't forget safety.

Like any hobby that involves searingly bright lights, molten metals, and high voltages,

welding can be hazardous.

Consider the dangers before welcoming one of these machines into your home, and if you're

budgeting to get started in the hobby, don't forget all of the safety gear you'll need

as well.

Like I mentioned at the start, I'm new to welding as well, so I'm far from your best

resource on the subject.

Luckily for all of us, there are a few people on YouTube putting out incredible educational

content for free, two of whom were kind enough to share footage with me for use in this video.

Jody from Welding Tips and Tricks makes awesome videos about welding including beautiful arc

shots so you can see exactly what's happening when he welds.

This Old Tony makes extremely well-produced machine shop videos that are big on fundamentals.

Do yourself a favor and go subscribe to both of these channels.

I promise you will not regret it.

Huge thanks to both of these guys for letting me use some of their footage.

Finally thanks to the sponsor of this video: Great Courses Plus.

If your new year's resolutions included learning a new skill, consider this: at the

Great Courses Plus you can get unlimited access to a massive library of video lectures by

award-winning professors from around the world.

They don't have a welding course yet, but I love this one on Every Day Engineering by

Dr. Stephen Ressler which turns a technical eye to the things we use in our everyday lives.

Click on the link in the description or just type to

access high quality courses about science, math, history, literature, or even how to

cook, play chess, or become a photographer.

Thank you for watching and let me know what you think.

For more infomation >> Welding 101 for Hobbyists (and Nerds) - Duration: 10:19.


Dragons Lair Update - MSOC Howard CC vs Montgomery College Highlights - Duration: 6:07.

Howard Community College takes on arch rival Montgomery College in the seasons most highly

anticipated regular season matchup. 

Howard enters the contest with a four-and-four record, and the dragons are searching for

consistency in a season that has shown flashes of promise. 

  The Howard-MC rivalry is slowly regaining

its magic. The raptors and dragons battled to a draw last season.

However, Montgomery has 5 wins over the dragons dating back to 2012. Three of those were playoff


Soccer analyst David Awasum is back for this region 20 showdown. David, how can Howard

get its long-awaited win over the raptors?

David: Well when you come into a tough game like this against a team like the Raptors,

the way Howard's really going to be successful

Is they come in and they're very compact defensively. They can't leave spaces in the mid field or

the back line.

They also going to be, need to be very dangerous on set pieces when they win them, take advantage

of those corner kicks and free kicks

Gary: Montgomery college enters the match with 5 wins, 4 losses and two draws on the


Three of its losses, however, came against ranked teams. The raptors have won four consecutive

region 20 championships.

David, what do you expect to see from Montgomery?

David: Well Montgomery comes into this matchup as definitely the favorites.

What I look for them to come in with is just to establish that possession game. They have

very good mid fielders who are also very comfortable on the ball.

They also look to use the speed in those wide positions, and I, isolate the outside backs

from Howard, making it very hard

They've played tough competition all year long in a nationally ranked schedule, so it's

going to be very hard for Howard to get this win today,

But I expect Montgomery coming in full strength and ready to go.

Gary: Howard battles Montgomery College next. Let's go to the highlights.

David: On this build of play, MC is looking to switch the ball quickly so they can isolate

their winger in a wide position to see if they can get service into the box for their


Gary: Mama Bou Sessay with time on the ball. Here it comes from Sessay, eyeing Bryan Reyes-Aranda.

David: Very skillful turn from Reyes-Aranda and he got a quick reaction shot.

Gary: Set piece for MC. Chris Rivera will take it.

Finds Sebastian Soto, to Alejandro Avalos! Montgomery College jumps out to an early lead.

Avalos' diving effort gives the raptors control here early

David: What MC is looking to do here is look for the back post runner, and see if he can

flick the ball back across goal to any oncoming runners for a finish.

Howard's defenders fall asleep on the oncoming runners down the middle, so once the flick

occurs, it's an easy header. 

Gary: Throw-in deep in the final third for Howard. Oluwatobi Osifeso.

Christopher Rolon. Beautiful cross! The header gets it out of the box. Falls right to Colin

Serio. No! It's off the crossbar.

MC in possession. Ball is won by Osifeso, through to Izzy Ebenezer. Still Ebenezer,

makes him miss, Ebenezer! Not enough pace on that one.

But we're seeing Osifeso and Ebenezer starting to create chances for the dragons.

Gary: The momentum is starting to shift in favor of coach Draganov's side. Konstantinou

secures possession for Howard.

That's poor from the MC back, but he redeems him self in a crucial spot. Howard's playing

with belief.

Serio, high up the pitch, plays it to Ebenezer.

Will not be denied, it's all Ebenezer on the end line. Wins the ball, keeps it in, Ebenezer!

Off target, but he's turning up the pressure on that MC back line. 

Later in the first half, Daniel Morales. Izzy Ebenezer.

Through to Oluwatobi Osifeso. Sends it in. Not an effective clear from the MC center

back. Osifeso wins it back for Howard!

Osifeso! Deflected, and it's Shaheed Twyman! We're level. Stunning piece of work, David,

from the dragons.

David: The buildup starts with an excellent diagonal run from Osifeso, to put him in a

position to get service in the box.

What comes of it is a poor clearance from the MC center back, which allows him to win

possession back and keep MC right under pressure.

Also nice feet by Osifeso to beat the defender. Very hard working goal by Osifeso's persistence.

Gary: 30 seconds till the half, throw in for Montgomery college. Diego Melendez-Sosa doesn't

get it under control.

And guess who's there to make him pay. Osifeso leading the counter with 20 seconds remaining.

Stops and goes to Ebenezer.

Still Izzy Ebenezer! Sees the run of Edgardo Gonzalez! Gorgeous cross! Dragons take the


David Osifeso again with a tremendous switch of play to Ebenezer. This is a professional


Ebenezer, who then in a 1-v-1 situation skins the Montgomery defender and plays an excellent

ball in to be finished.

Gary: Second half now. Morales, on to take the set piece for Howard.

That's Ebenezer! 3-1 Howard. 

David: Tremendous service on the set piece by Morales. He puts the ball in a place where

the goalkeeper is indecisive.

And then just a cool finish by, from Ebenezer. Good finish

Gary: Howard beats MC for the first time since 2012. Dragons win it, 3-1

For more infomation >> Dragons Lair Update - MSOC Howard CC vs Montgomery College Highlights - Duration: 6:07.


Dragons Lair Update - WVOL Howard CC vs Butler County CC (PA) Highlights - Duration: 2:39.

It's time for some playoff volleyball.

Howard takes on Butler County Community College in the region 20 championship.

The winner moves on to play Columbus State Community College in the District G championship

for the right to compete at nationals.

The loser's season is over. 

Howard enters the contest on a nine match win streak, and Butler is coming off of an

impressive regular season.

The Pioneers won the western Pennsylvania athletic association title this season.

Butler is also the defending region 20 champ,

They're 20-and-two overall, and looking to advance to nationals for the first time since


Two 20 win programs, battling for a berth in the district final.

Let's go to the highlights.

First set, Butler serving Howard.

Sara Few, outside to Riley Forquer, bangs one off the defender.

Howard takes the lead. 

Later in the first set, three point lead for Butler.

Dragons get into their system.

Autumn Rodgers with the solo block.

Pioneers come back to win the opening set 25-22

Second set, free ball for Howard.

Sara Few.

Essence Holtzclaw!

Crushes one off the Libero.

Dragons race out to a 7-2 lead. 

Later in the set, Pioneers, once again, starting to close the gap.

Brittany Bianco, outside to Mary Romano!

Well placed hit.

Butler's back within three.

13-11 Dragons now, Allia Mostafa controls the serve.

Few, sets Alana Matson!

Pounds the ball. 

Later in the second set, Pioneers have reclaimed the lead.

Few, outside to Forquer!

Ties it up at 23 all with the pressure on  

We're going to extra points.

Howard serving butler.

Bianco goes to Romano on the right side!

Nails it through!

Pioneers fight their way back to win the second set.

Time is running out for Howard.

Sara Few, Riley Forquer, Butler's defense steps up yet again.

Pioneers win the region 20 title.

Butler advances to the District G championship.

For more infomation >> Dragons Lair Update - WVOL Howard CC vs Butler County CC (PA) Highlights - Duration: 2:39.


Dragons Lair Update - WVOL Howard CC vs Anne Arundel CC Highlights - Duration: 1:52.

Gary: The dragons are off to their best start since 2012.

Coach Troy's squad enters the match with an 18-and-5 record.

Howard is undefeated against fellow division three programs entering this contest. 

Anne Arundel is three-and-eight overall.

Finding its legs as of late however, as the Riverhawks are three-and-one in their last

four matches.

A d-3 region 20 win is on the line.

Let's go to the dragons lair.

First set, Kathryn Hawes sets Emelyn Wilkerson, and one of the nation's best setter-outside

hitter tandems gets rolling early.

Riley Forquer is ranked 9th in the nation, with 3.64 kills per set,

Sara Few is 13th in the nation with 474 assists. 

19-12 dragons.

Anne Arundel gets into its system.

Hawes outside to Emma Matheu.

Clean kill and the Riverhawks are back within 6 points.

  Later in the first, Howard's on a 3-0 run,

Few finds Essence Holtzclaw on the right side.

Precision kill from the sophomore captain.

Howard wins the first set 25-13.

  Onto to the second, Taylor Anderson on the

serve, Riverhawks can't control it, Alana Matson!

Dragons jump on Anne Arundel, taking the second set 25-8

  Howard, now going for its fifth consecutive


Forquer hammers the ball.

Few with the assist.

Riverhawks leave empty handed.

  Howard makes quick work of Anne Arundel.

Dragons secure a coveted region 20, District G win in the process.

For more infomation >> Dragons Lair Update - WVOL Howard CC vs Anne Arundel CC Highlights - Duration: 1:52.



For more infomation >> GÜNLÜK - OKULUN SON GÜNÜ ! KARNEEMMM - Duration: 10:33.


Taliyah Only - BO10 (Part 2) - Duration: 10:35.

Son of a b*tch. f*cking useless

(Before someone asks, no. Vayne was not Hastad)

(But she rages like him. lol)

Look at this fat, son of an augusta's prostitute.


F*ck off! F*ck off!

Motherf*cker! I'm going to Report!

All of you! All of you!

F*cking OP Champion!

~A Summoner has Disconnected~

For more infomation >> Taliyah Only - BO10 (Part 2) - Duration: 10:35.


Recipe for natural straightening with cornstarch and coconut oil - Duration: 3:42.

natural smoothing recipe with cornstarch and coconut oil

Straighten your hair naturally with this recipe

straight hair are difficult to maintain, especially when they insist on having their lives,

it is not?

There are some ways to straighten your hair, as chemicals or the use of planks

smoothers that make the hair fragile and dry.

This recipe will not only let your hair smooth but also healthy and strong. The ingredients

They are easy to find: - Coconut oil

- Lemon - Olive oil

- Maize starch

They all have properties that help keep flat wire and without frizz.

It will not work as fast as treatments chemical, but after several uses will

make a difference.

Olive oil and lemon work together to make stronger roots.

Also fighting the fall. These two are not straighteners, but will

help the hair to become silky and strong.

The olive oil helps protect the hair, when dryer or board are used.

The purpose of maize starch is to get rid the frizz.

Coconut oil is what really smooth.

All four combined form a cream natural and healthy.

Make sure the ingredients are organic.

How to prepare 1 cup of coconut oil

2 tablespoons olive oil Lemon juice

3 tablespoons cornstarch

Coconut oil, here is best be done naturally. To do this, remove the pulp

White organic coconut and grind with a glass of cold water.

With a sieve the liquid extract.

Place the lemon juice, olive oil, starch corn and coconut oil in a double pot,

to be under water for heating and the ingredients on top.

Place the pan over low heat, until the mixture creamy.

Remove the pan from the heat and let cool. Then put in a glass bottle


Let stand for about 1 hour before use.

Apply Mode:

Wet hair and squeeze any excess of water. Pass about 3 to 4 tablespoons of this

mixture on the hair and massage. Then cover your hair with a plastic or

cap, and leave it for 45 minutes. Rinse the hair and brush still wet.

Repeat 3 times a week.

Enjoy this video? If you liked the video, short, join the channel and share

with your friends.

For more infomation >> Recipe for natural straightening with cornstarch and coconut oil - Duration: 3:42.


Product Challenge: NYC Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence - Duration: 2:30.

So our challenge is posed by the Mayor's office, City of New York.

They have a department

under the office to combat domestic violence.

How might we create a mobile app

that will provide resources

and tools to victims of abuse,

both domestic violence and sexual assault,

while protecting their privacy.

I really want to make some sort of difference

no matter how big or how small,

and this was one of the challenges that

allows us that opportunity.

What really strikes me about this team is

their willingness to dig in on this issue that actually

not all of them knew a lot about,

and their real commitment to becoming more expert in it.

They were the ones that came up with the idea

to go on very specific tours of the Family Justice Centers.

The main thing that we learned from our case worker interviews

was that there was, you know,

kind of a link missing, right, there's

people that have the courage to walk into one of these centers

but then there's all the other victims

out there that don't understand what the centers can offer them

and what resources are available.

We needed to find a way to kind of bridge that gap, virtually.

This is a sensitive area,

and so there are certain steps that we need to take

to make sure that we do it as carefully as possible.

Mobile applications have some issues

with privacy and the security,

so we turned to a web application.

A web app will be much safer than the native app.

The goal for us for this program I guess

is really to prove out that this is possible

and to consider all of these little things

and do the research that really gets us to a product

that would make the most impact.

There are families out there going through the same thing that she is.

This work is real and concrete and I think

will be used in how, I don't know exactly,

but it will certainly be a really, really worthwhile project.

The Mayor's office is really excited about the work that we're doing

and we've actually been invited to

present at their office to the commissioner for

the Office to Combat Domestic Violence

as well as the DA's office and the NYPD.

So for us I feel like just being invited to speak

to those esteemed officials is validation in itself.

For more infomation >> Product Challenge: NYC Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence - Duration: 2:30.


Product Challenge: Google CIO - Duration: 2:15.

Our challenge is to apply natural language processing

to help the people who call Google.

The problem is that only 15 percent of the people

fill out those customer satisfaction forms.

What we see as our kind of narrative solution

is solving the problem that both the customer faces

in finding surveys annoying

and the company faces in having a low response rate

and using natural language processing to bridge the gap.

We are using sentiment analysis on the call to

help analyze

whether the customers are happy or not.

It's for the manager to train their agents to better

do the calls.

So we are excited about how it is received

at Google and beyond Google possibly.

The problem that we posed is

a bit ambitious, which is our nature at Google.

And I was curious to see how the students with

a fixed amount of time in their class schedule

and a fixed amount of time to complete the work

would tackle that and to what extent

they might pull back.

And they didn't, and I was a little surprised and impressed.

What we're working on really hard

is making this a good proof of concept

so that Google can look at this and say

there is value to this, this is valuable to us,

and it's feasible.

In the few months that we had together

we were able to take an idea from scratch,

pick an area of interest, explore it,

come up with design concepts,

and even implement a prototype.

We have a demo that we're really excited about

that kind of is a web application,

it uses some interesting technologies

to demonstrate the visualization of our

sentiment analysis model.

I'd love to build on that.

There's so much potential here,

and kudos to the team for taking on a big bold idea,

but it's something that I think we can do more with.

The Google CIO team has been extraordinarily generous

with their time with us.

We're impressed with the interaction,

we're impressed with the audacity of their ideas,

and it's been fun.

For more infomation >> Product Challenge: Google CIO - Duration: 2:15.


Jake the Cosmic Dog - Adventure Time Explained - The End of an Era - Duration: 1:31.

Adventure Time Season 8 begins

in 6 days

Today's theory comes from reddit user TopCat6712 I wonder if the show will end with Jake becoming

another cosmic entity and leaving into space to bring change to the next planet.

The creature that bit Joshua looks like it's from the same species as the comet creature

Finn talked to in space.

This could be how cosmic beings are born.

In son of mars when Lincoln tells Jake he'll be ejected out into space as cosmic dust Jake

says he's "way into that stuff" Jakes croak dream in space could be representative

of Jake shedding his dog form.

This would explain why Lich/Jake develops powers so quickly in Farmworld.

It would bring the story full circle as Finn was a comet in a past life.

Thanks for watching!

If you are into awesome star wars toy builds and unboxings, go check out youtuber robbie

bobbie, his channel is churning out some sweet content.

Hit that subscribe button and show him some love!

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