Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

20fps WoT-TV

For more infomation >> Nerf T110E5 ur Gille 15. News from supertesta 9.17.1. 🔝 2⃣ 0⃣ 1⃣ 7⃣ #wot - World Of Tanks - Duration: 4:26.


EPIC USP-S ACE | 'Dat ACE #2 | CS:GO competitive match making | Living a meme - Duration: 1:49.

Only One Guy Left!

Counter-Terrorist win

For more infomation >> EPIC USP-S ACE | 'Dat ACE #2 | CS:GO competitive match making | Living a meme - Duration: 1:49.


The LEGO Batman Trailer

For more infomation >> The LEGO Batman Trailer


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Audi A4 2.0 TDI Pro Line S (NAV./Xenon/Climate/Cruise/PDC/ - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 TDI Pro Line S (NAV./Xenon/Climate/Cruise/PDC/ - Duration: 1:53.


EPIC USP-S ACE | 'Dat ACE #2 | CS:GO competitive match making | Living a meme - Duration: 1:49.

Only One Guy Left!

Counter-Terrorist win

For more infomation >> EPIC USP-S ACE | 'Dat ACE #2 | CS:GO competitive match making | Living a meme - Duration: 1:49.


ISTE 2016 Ignites | How to use Snapchat as an educator - Duration: 5:34.

hi I'm Bill Selak and I think I've

figured out how to use snapchat as an

educator. There's three things i love

about snapchat and how it helps me tell

my story. And for me that aha moment when

i finally got snapchat was when i was

thinking about of all things film.

I got a new underwater casing from my old

camera, went surfing with a buddy

then we dropped off the roll of film at Costco,

grabbed a hotdog and a soda

obviously and then came back and looked

at all 24 frames. Have you tried sharing

24 photos in a row on Instagram?

it's not gonna happen it's just

obnoxious, you're gonna get unfollowed

it's not the intent of the platform, but

snapchat right snapchat excels at this

and this is the first reason that I love

snapchat. you're in control over the pace

of your own story. when you take a photo

you can set the timing from

one to ten seconds

my favorite example of this so far was

the hillbrook school art show there was

so much amazing student work. So a year

ago I Instagramed two photos. they were

amazing photos but you didn't get a

really good sense of the exhibit so this

year I set the timing to one second and

you saw 24 photos in 24 seconds and they

all went here to my story. so my story

you guys know what a stream is right

instagram it's like that except my story

only shows the most recent 24 hours of

content and when someone taps on my

story they only see your stories

it's not interspersed with other people

in chronological order so it's a

powerful way to tell a story

you can also share videos but they're

limited to 10 seconds

you have to work hard to tell coherent thought in just 10 seconds.

so like an alchemist, snapchat

combines the best part of all these

different platforms. you get the visuals

of Instagram the chat of Twitter and you

get videos like on YouTube. but unlike

all of these, snapchat is meant to

capture this fleeting moment like me

trying a beat for the first time and

this is the second thing i love about snapchat

it's ok if the photos you take don't

last forever

it really is there's something

liberating about this

so when you open up snapchat you don't

see other people's photos you don't see

other people's content or thoughts you

see yourself a front-facing camera this

is a powerful bias because it prompts you:

what do you have to share?

what's your story?

so when you long press on your face you

get these ridiculous filters and this is

by far my favorite part of snapchat

it is fun

this makes it easier to get in front of

the camera and we just need more fun in schools.

snapchat about sharing moments in your school,

moments in your class

moments in your own professional growth

a moment that might not be Instagram

worthy because it's a little bit blurry

but a moment that really might inspire another educator

so when we think about

my story remember the two things it's

only 24 hours and it only shows your

snaps in a row it's not interspersed

with other people's content so think of

this is a challenge to create a mini

movie every day at your school two quick

examples here's an epic day at hillbrook school.

started off talking about what I

was gonna do then we set up a camera

some barn owls ended up living in our

tower so we're live-streaming that nest

and then our new playground opened so I

totally rode a tricycle.

these guys took it up a notch

literally they climbed Mount Everest and

snapchatted their journey.

They're EverestNoFilter you should follow them

they're amazing but there's no binge-watching

because it only shows the most recent 24

hours of their crazy and their dangerous journey.

so what might this

look like in the classroom

what if instead of writing a boring

report on Benjamin Franklin a student

were you snapped at to face swap be

Benjamin Franklin and give a 10 second

video synopsis so powerful

what does it look like for you for

educators a conference is the perfect

place to start using snapchat go to a

session share 10-second recap a friend

just on the hallway take a quick snap

throw a ridiculous filter on that

the time to start sharing your learning is now.

And when you take that picture if you swipe to

the side you get these fun little geo-filters that will show the city you're

in or the event that you're at.

so if your school is having a big event or if

you're an edcamp organizer totally

totally make your own custom geo filter

it's amazing

so this is your opportunity for us all

to get out of our comfort zones right

the silly filters help with that.

I challenge you with one of the next

twelve ignite presenters for you to

share your story share something you

learn on snapchat and it doesn't have to be

artsy here's something Laura York shared

her first snap was a picture of me

snapchatting talking about snapchat

while i was on snapchat and now is the

chance for me to share my epic moment

i'm gonna take a selfie with 5,000 of my

closest friends. are you ready?

awesome thank you guys

For more infomation >> ISTE 2016 Ignites | How to use Snapchat as an educator - Duration: 5:34.


Nouveaux Chefs In Da City / Ep.03 Racines - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Nouveaux Chefs In Da City / Ep.03 Racines - Duration: 1:38.


Russian Vagina - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Russian Vagina - Duration: 0:22.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


John Wick: Chapter 2

For more infomation >> John Wick: Chapter 2


Update (Eng Subtitles) - Metal Karaokes, PO Box, and more news | PACVlog 1 - Duration: 6:59.

Hello people of YouTube! Welcome to the first video of 2017

Today I want to do a little update

on the channel and what I'll be doing this year

I've got a several things to tell you, but

first I want to thank you all for your support

since just as the year started we reached 100,000 subscribers

This is a very important goal for a YouTube channel

and I'm very, very thankful with all of you who helped me reach it

and for staying on the lookout for new videos

sharing them and continuing to watch them

Now the channel is also verified

you can see a little check mark by the channel's name

and though it doesn't really make a difference

it's very motivating

to see you all caring about what I'm doing

I'd like to take a minute to send a shoutout to all the people that have helped me out with stuff

Starting with Didier and Sergio that recorded bass and guitars for several songs

Didier also helped me with the camera several times

Also to Sebastián Martinez who recorded the guitar solo for Uptown Funk

Victor de Andres and Melissa García with whom we did a couple of colaborations

The guys from Cuatro Kabbalah Studios

Santiago Aguilera, Julián Rodríguez and Marlon Valdelamar

that helped me shoot several videos

And of course, Mandarina Vanegas and Manuel Karakas that have helped me out so much

I'd also like to thank the people that have been supporting me on Patreon during this time

Specially Adriana Suárez, who has also helped out

with the stuff I wore on I Want to Break Free and...

for Uptown Funk as well

And obviously thank you all for watching my videos

and leaving comments and ideas

Like I was saying I'm very happy and with lots of motivation to work

So... let's go on to the stuff I wanted to talk about

First of all

Many of you have missed the last videos I've uploaded

during the last months of the year YouTube added some new stuff

and notifications changed a little

so a bunch of people didn't get notified of new videos I uploaded

Just in case, the best thing you can do

is to click on the bell that's by the subscription box (below)

So you get notified whenever I upload new videos

However, things have been getting better

and now notifications are being sent from channels you're subscribed to

even though the bell isn't activated, just like it used to be

In case something like this happens again in the future

I recommend you follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

I always post something there when I upload a new video on the channel

So you can find out through those other pages

Since a lot of you missed the last videos I uploaded

you might not have heard that I was sick during the end of the year

I took a little break during september, since I was a little burned out

and in October I was more focused on the SOFA concert

and we had to do a bunch of rehearsals and getting a lot of stuff ready

Then a little after that event I got sick

and I couldn't really record things how I wanted to

So I couldn't publish most of the stuff I wanted to publish towards the end of the year

I finally recovered during the first week of 2017

and I've been working a lot since

So for the people worried and asking

if I won't upload any more videos... or what's going on

Well... I'm okay now, and I'll be uploading more videos during this year

I've got a bunch of things ready

So this week you'll start to see new stuff

I hope to go back to a better working rhythm so I can upload new videos

Up to now, I've been uploading Metal Covers

Acoustic versions, and a couple of other videos

like this one... sort of Vlogs

I told you before that I wanted to do more vlog like videos, but it's not something that comes easy to me

But I will try to upload more things like this

The acoustic versions will also continue

and the metal covers will also continue

I'll be trying to improve on the time it takes to make the metal covers specially

since those require more work and

focus and all those things that don't come easy

But I'll also be trying out a new kind of video

Daniel Realpe, who is an excellent colombian guitar player

I used to play with him in the band Within the Hour

He's making some metal karaokes

of songs with a more latino vibe

I decided to try out recording some of these songs and uploading them to the channel

Singing them live with Daniel's karaoke

Maybe I'll start uploading one of those this week

stay tuned to check it out

To sum that up, on top of the metal covers I'm doing

I'll be uploading new metal covers... of songs I don't usually do

But for those songs I will only be singing... so that means

I won't have to work as much

In case you want to check out Daniel's channel, I'll leave it in the description

So you can take a look at the songs he's uploaded

and you can get an idea of what I'll be uploading in coming weeks

As with other videos, including this one

remember to leave a thumbs up if you like the content

or a comment or something like that

your feedback is very useful

and it's very important to me

though I don't reply to most comments

I'm always reading what you write

I don't get notifications from the comments that reply to a thread, but

I do read most of the new comments

When I upload a new video, I usually try to answer coments

if I've got time, I'll answer for a while

However, those first hours after uploading new videos

I usually get too many comments

so... I may not be able to answer them all

The other thing I wanted to tell you guys is that I now have a PO Box

In case you guys want to send me stuff

several people had been asking me to get one for a while

so finally I got a PO box a couple of weeks ago

I'll leave the info in the description

and on the channel's main page

and on my facebook page

If you'd like to send me something, you can do that now

The person that convinced me to get the PO Box was Mai Galicia

from Guatemala... let me show you

what Mai sent me

these little mini-Paulos that she made

she also started a fan club page on Facebook

I'll leave a link to the page in the description

in case you want to find out when more of these dolls are coming

maybe we can

do some sort of giveaway with these

in the channel or in a concert or something

in any case, thanx Mai

I loved these mini- Paulos

ever since I saw them in pictures

If you'd like to get one of these

leave a comment bellow and maybe

we can convince Mai of making more

Apart form the things you'll be seing on the channel

I'll also be on the look out for live shows

I'll probably try to schedule an even here in Bogota

during the first semester of the year

and see if there are enough people interested in it

and how things work out... see if we can prepare a longer show with the band

I know a lot of you didn't hear that I played at SOFA 2016 here in Bogotá

For the event I called several musicians

including Daniel, who I was talking about

Also Didier and Sergio were there, as well as Christian Gaitán

shoutout to Christian

and it was an amazing experience

very fun and very nice to share with people

in a different closer way

So we'll try to do more of that throughout the year

So stay tuned and remember to check

my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

So you can hear about all of these things

Well, the last thing is that I want to do more videos like this

I know a lot of you have asked for some things

like singing related stuff, vocal technique and that sort of thing

I'll try to upload a couple of videos with music related tips

but I also want to know what other things you'd like to see

You can leave ideas in the comments

so... I don't want to make this video longer, so

I think that will be it for now

That's again for watching

and for the support you've given during these past two years

new content is coming soon so

don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video

mata ne (see you next time)

(nostalgic music)

For more infomation >> Update (Eng Subtitles) - Metal Karaokes, PO Box, and more news | PACVlog 1 - Duration: 6:59.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 VOORZIEN VAN ZIJSCHUIFDEUR !!!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 VOORZIEN VAN ZIJSCHUIFDEUR !!!! - Duration: 0:59.


Nouveaux Chefs In Da City / Ep.03 Racines - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Nouveaux Chefs In Da City / Ep.03 Racines - Duration: 1:38.


Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark II External Microphone | Video Tutorial - Duration: 1:32.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms of course and look at what I

have here!

It's not a figment or a hologram.

This is an actual EM-1 Mark II series.

If the video helps you remember to hit us up with a like button underneath and

subscribe to this channel for future frequently asked questions tutorials and

unboxing such as this and when you're in Miami come say hello at Digital

Goja showrooms.

Can I use an external microphone?

I highly recommend it, especially now that we're

going to be doing some really good video with the OM-D E-M-1 Mark II.

Here is your microphone port standard 3.5 jack

so you can connect your favorite condenser microphone or lavalier,

whatever you choose to work with and again you have full audio recording

which will obviously be much better than if you work with internal microphones.

Well I hope I answered your question about the OM-D EM-1 Mark II.

If you have further questions don't forget to place

them below and I'll answer them as best as I can for you and don't forget to

share this video with fellow photographers and videographers.

Happy shooting!

For more infomation >> Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark II External Microphone | Video Tutorial - Duration: 1:32.


Sarcastic Book Haul - Duration: 4:10.

Welcome to my haul video.


The atlas.

This is a really good book for anyone who just feels lost in life.

I feel like every time I read it, it helps me find my way back home I guess and it also

helps me find m way to a lot of places actually.

Next book.

This is called the dictionary, specifically the english dictionary, I guess they have

it in a lot of different languages.

I really think before I read this book I was just confused about who I was and I didn't

know how to define myself, really.

So after reading this I definitely learned how to define myself…I learned how to define

a lot of words.

Next book.

This is thesaurus, clearly you can see no cover on this book and I've scribbles all

over it because I've had it for a really long time.

The reason being, it's just a timeless classic.

Every time I read this book I feel like I learn new words I didn't know before, so

why would I ever want to stop reading that.

This is great for anyone who finds themselves using the same words and wants to expand their


Next book.

This is called english to french french to english translator.

This is kind of one those more challenging books.

There are a lot of words I had to look up because I've never used them before or even

heard of.

It' almost like I was reading a different language, it was insane.

I had to read it a couple of times to kind of sort of get it, I don't know if I still

get it, so I'm going to say it's one of those open to interpretation books.

But if you're up for a challenge, this is the book for you.

Next book.

So technically this is a pocket book which basically means it's really small, but it's

too big to actually fit in anyone's pocket.

This however is actually pocket sized, look how cute it is.

This is called maths (with an s) formulae and it's perfect for anyone who doesn't

like to read word heavy books I guess.

Why would you read a book if you don't like words?

Anyway, the reason why it's good for people who don't normally like to read is because

it has so many pictures, this is basically a picture book.

Next book.

Speaking of picture books, this is definitely a picture book.

It's called classic human anatomy I think, I might be butchering that, it might be pronounced

in a different way.

Because of the nudity in this book, I'm going to say it's an adult picture book,

so be weary of that, but hey if that's what you're into.

Highly recommend this by the way.

So this is the last book, I actually havent read this yet, there's a lot of pages and

this is the fourth of the series.

I just figured I'd start in the middle instead of the beginning because that's different,

that's edgy right?

Also, I might not read this at all, I might just wait for the movie to come out.

Ok, so those were my books, I hope you enjoyed this book haul, please let me know if you've

already read these books, if you're planning on reading them, if you'd like more videos

like this.

And yeah have yourself a nice day, because mstiqe told you to.


Haha just kidding, I'm not that dumb.

You might want to use a dictionary to look up sarcasm in case you don't know what that


Apparently there are a lot of people on the internet who don't know what sarcasm is,

but hey that's ok, it was just a joke it's fine.

You know what's not a joke?

Subscribing to this channel.


For more infomation >> Sarcastic Book Haul - Duration: 4:10.


Disabled terrier mix Tigger starts water therapy as leg improves - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Disabled terrier mix Tigger starts water therapy as leg improves - Duration: 2:06.


Los Supergenios de la Mesa Cuadrada - Episódio 11 (1970) - Legendado - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> Los Supergenios de la Mesa Cuadrada - Episódio 11 (1970) - Legendado - Duration: 22:37.


Peugeot 208 OXYGO 1.2VTI 82PK 5-D 16INCH - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 OXYGO 1.2VTI 82PK 5-D 16INCH - Duration: 1:52.


Peugeot 308 ALLURE 1.2 PT 130 5-D FULL OPTIONS !! TREKHAAK !!! - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 ALLURE 1.2 PT 130 5-D FULL OPTIONS !! TREKHAAK !!! - Duration: 1:49.


Peugeot 208 ALLURE 1.2 PURETECH 110 5-D - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 ALLURE 1.2 PURETECH 110 5-D - Duration: 1:50.


Protocole - Pride Generators - HD presentation - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Protocole - Pride Generators - HD presentation - Duration: 2:16.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI 20TH ANNIVERSARY, 135 PK / Nav - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI 20TH ANNIVERSARY, 135 PK / Nav - Duration: 1:01.


EPIC USP-S ACE | 'Dat ACE #2 | CS:GO competitive match making | Living a meme - Duration: 1:49.

Only One Guy Left!

Counter-Terrorist win

For more infomation >> EPIC USP-S ACE | 'Dat ACE #2 | CS:GO competitive match making | Living a meme - Duration: 1:49.


Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...

For more infomation >> Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...



For more infomation >> Inventions


Military snipers # film about "Ghost Shooter" in 2017! # 2017 Military Movies! - Duration: 1:19:58.

Military snipers # film about "Ghost Shooter" in 2017! # 2017 Military Movies!

For more infomation >> Military snipers # film about "Ghost Shooter" in 2017! # 2017 Military Movies! - Duration: 1:19:58.


HOW TO: NorCal Mod on 04-08 Ford F150 - Duration: 6:32.

- Hey guys, Shawn again.

Custom Offsets. Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

We got another Nor Cal for ya.

These have been super hot,

so we're just gonna keep going with them.

This is basically the '04 to '08,

this one happens to be an '04.

It's got a two-and-a-half inch front level,

and then he's going 12 wides, and 305/55R20s

what basically pans out to be

a 33-and-a-half almost tall by 12 inches wide.

So it's gonna be a tight fit,

and we're gonna have to do a full Nor Cal on this one.

Let's go.

("Flex'd" by Handz Onn ♫)

(metal bass and drum beat)

(lift operating)

(heavy metal riffs)

(power wrench drilling)

(rubber tire bounces)

(heavy metal riffs)

(metal bass and drum beat)

(pressurized air washer blows)

(power tool saw cutting)

(hammer pounding)

(power tool saw cutting)

(power tool saw cutting)

(hammer pounding)

(power drill spins)

(power tool saw cutting)

(power sander/polisher buffs)

(heavy metal riffs)

(tire knocks)

(power wrench drills)

(heavy metal riffs)

- So if you saw what they did,

they went ahead and pulled that strut out of there,

dumped everything down,

put that space in there for that leveling kit,

and then buttoned everything back up.

Then we went on there with these 20x12 -44s,

so it's a 20 inch, 12 wide, negative 44 offset,

got a big old lift on there,

Moto Metal 962s,

and then he's got the DynaPro AT-m's.

This is a 305/55, remember,

so it's about 33.2 inches tall,

and then about 12 inches wide.

So you can see that,

I think it's actually, probably about 11.8 inches wide,

so you got a little bit of tire stretch,

on that size tire on there,

but nothing to be worried about.

And then for the Nor Cal,

what he did was,

because the truck's a 2004, it 's what,


13 years old, Junior? - [Junior] Yes sir.

- So he had to go in there and try to trim this out,

and what you run into,

is you start running into different corrosion

and other problems.

See dirt,

just really gotta be gentle,

and kinda make your way and cut out those relief cuts,

and then fold up what you can

while you're dealing with that rust.

And then try to take this liner and use that to cover up

any alterations that you've made,

and that's where you'll see that fresh screw in there.

So they went through and painted

some of this little come back and we'll touch these up, too.

And then this one's pretty well to go on the backside.

And then on the front,

you can see he took off the corner of this bumper,

you saw that.

And then he took off that bottom valance.

And that's what's gonna give him the clearance up front.

So now this truck can clear with normal driving.

Now always remember,

if you're goin' out jumpin' ditches,

and you're goin' this aggressive,

you're gonna smash right into the back of here,

because you've only cleared enough for that daily driving.

So that's the '04 to '08 body style only

Nor Cal mod on this vehicle to fit those 12 wides 305/55s.

You could have went with the 305/50,

which is a little shorter,

or a 33 x 12.5,


well, 12.5 wider,

so I bet you'da been doin' the exact same cuts.

So, on 33 x 12.5, you're lookin' at the same thing.

Make sure you comment

and let us know what you think about that one,

and don't forget to subscribe.


(heavy metal riffs)

For more infomation >> HOW TO: NorCal Mod on 04-08 Ford F150 - Duration: 6:32.


Trump Orders FBI To Raid CDC Over 'Vaccine Autism Cover Up' - Duration: 7:08.

Trump Orders FBI To Raid CDC Over �Vaccine-Autism Cover-Up�

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai.

On Monday morning President Trump ordered the FBI to raid the CDC headquarters in Atlanta

over claims that the agency were covering-up a link between vaccines and autism.

Just hours after Trump�s positive meeting with FBI Director James Comey, agents performed

a 3am raid at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention building, accompanied by Doctor

William Thompson � a government whistleblower who rose to fame after exposing the CDC�s

systematic cover-up of the link between vaccinations and autism. reports:

According to this report, almost a fortnight ago, President Trump appointed anti-vaccine

activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to become the Chairman of the Golden Vaccine Safety Task

Force, and whose scathing manifesto titled MERCURY & VACCINES shocked the liberal elites

in America who have for decades deliberately poisoned millions of children, while at the

same time, in 1986, President Clinton signed a law called the National Childhood Vaccine

Injury Act of 1986 that eliminated any liability to pharmaceutical manufacturers for their

complicity in this crime against humanity.

Nearly immediately after President Trump appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head this vaccine-autism

task force, this report continues, he then requested that Sally Yates become the Acting

Attorney General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) on 20 January when he took power�which

she accepted, and then nearly immediately afterwards returned to her home city of Atlanta

where she empanelled a secret Grand Jury.

To Acting Attorney General Yates connection to President Trump, this report details, is

through her �association/employment� with the international legal giant King & Spalding,

who in turn created a partnership called Health Care and Life Sciences, in June, 2014, with

Trump�s mammoth, and feared, global private law firm Jones Day�and coming just 3 months

after Trump Tweeted a series of cryptic warnings about vaccines that said:

�If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but not allow one time massive

shots that a child cannot take-AUTISM.�

�Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines,

doesn�t feel good and changes � AUTISM.

Many such cases!�

And three months after the King & Spalding-Jones Day Health Care and Life Sciences partnership

was created, this report notes, Trump further Tweeted:

�I am being proven right about massive vaccinations-the doctors lied.

Save our children & their future.�

As to Trump proclaiming that he was �proven right� about vaccines being linked to autism

in September, 2014, this report explains, was due to the King & Spalding-Jones Day Health

Care and Life Sciences partnership uncovering and protecting the CDC whistleblower Dr. William

Thompson the month prior.

With Dr. Thompson admitting to Trump�s lawyers that he worked on �fudged numbers� to

lower the number of black children who were adversely affected by a certain type of vaccine,

his telling how the CDC had committed research fraud with regard to manipulating the pivotal

study that showed a correlation between the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and

the onset of autism, and his revealing with secret documents smuggled out of the CDC how

they were destroying all evidence proving the vaccine-autism link, this report continues,

it was reported in early 2015 that the Obama regime had granted him protection, but that

was never proven.

Raising the suspicions that Dr. Thompson was not being protected by the Obama regime, this

report explains, was that right before the 2016 US presidential election that brought

President Trump to power, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden blocked Dr. Thompson from testifying

on scientific fraud and destruction of evidence by senior CDC officials in critical vaccine

safety studies regarding the causative relationship between childhood vaccines and autism.

Immediately upon taking power on 20 January, however, this report notes, President Trump

fired Dr. Tom Frieden and installed Rear Admiral Dr. Anne Schuchat as the acting head of the

CDC�who along with Dr. Thompson were the only two witnesses presented on Saturday (21

January) before the Atlanta secret Grand Jury called into session by Acting Attorney General


With the massive raid conducted by the FBI on the CDC headquarters just hours ago (3:00

am US East Coast time), this report continues, it is apparent that from her secret Grand

Jury proceedings, Acting Attorney General Yates was able to secure a warrant for this

to happen�though this SVR reports section on this subject is more highly classified

than this general report allows mentioning.

President-elect Trump�s views on the linkage of childhood vaccines to autism have long

been known, such as when he stated to CNN during a May, 2016 interview:

�Autism has become an epidemic� Because you take a baby in, and I�ve seen it, and

I�ve seen it, and I had my children taken care of, over a long period of time, over

a two or three year period of time, same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful

baby, and you pump � I mean, it looks just like it�s meant for a horse, not for a child,

and we�ve had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, two-years-old,

two-and-a-half-years-old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back,

and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.

�I�m in favor of vaccines [but] do them over a longer period of time, same amount,

but just in little sections.

I think you�re going to have � I think you�re going to see a big impact on autism.�

And the many (and growing) rumors that President-elect Trump made his decision to run for president

due to his youngest child, Barron, having been diagnosed with autism immediately after

receiving a childhood vaccine shot in late 2013, and that his wife, Melania, has vowed

to file lawsuits against anyone making such a claim�but who, nevertheless, will not

be moving to the White House in order to keep her child out of the �media bubble� that

surrounds all US presidents and their families.

The video link for the video is in the article below in our description.

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