Thursday, January 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2017

I made the wings detachable with MPX connectors

Some people mount them to the fuselage

and keep the other side unmounted

I just did it like this because

it then has low drag

I made some hatch from a piece of plastic

and in the holes the MPXs can be fitted

If you then close the hatch

it is fastened by the velcro

and you´ve got a very low-drag option for mounting the MPXs

No cable is hanging around in wind or rain now

It works quite well like this!

I also thought about the transportability

I´m detaching the small carbon rod here

I would not recommend to glue the carbon rods to the fuse

because you don´t need to

and if you want, you can detach them both

and thus gain some more space in your trunk

or on your bike or whatever

Now you can place the two wings

above each other on top of the fuselage

Like this

and then fasten it

Here´s the finished package

It´s nice and compact

I just got myself a strap from an old backpack

You can clip the two ends together like this

and place the thin carbon rod into the loop like this

If you now tighten it, it can´t break loose

I think it´s quite handy like this

And like this, you can throw it into a small trunk

or take it with you while hiking

or when riding your bike or whatever

Well, that´s about it

for the Mini Talon

If you´re having further questions, please leave a comment

and I´ll do my best to answer them.

Alright, see you!

For more infomation >> X-UAV Mini Talon - Building for Portability - Duration: 2:54.


I fished out another SHOCKING video of the 90's ... - Duration: 2:39.

I know this part of the solo, but I need to revise it!

For more infomation >> I fished out another SHOCKING video of the 90's ... - Duration: 2:39.



Listen you have to tell all the Suriname and Netherland people to watch this video.

My God, my dutch is bad, My mom is going to be embarrassed.

I am drinking a Gallon of water every day so I can lose weight!

My Dutchhhh is not so good, My Goodnes.

I am going to apply Becca Primer all over my face first.

The primer is going to keep my makeup on longer.

I wish I knew more Suriname and Netherlanders people here in America.

Because I don't speak Dutch often. I don't speak it with my mom as she mostly speaks English with me.

You know what, I am not going to say that my Dutch is bad anymore, I am going to say that it is good OK.

Ok, so after I apply the primer, I apply Black Opal Liquid foundation all over my face.

I am putting it on my hand.

I am taking my E.L.F sponge, I have a tutorial with this sponge.

I will leave it in the description bar or in a card above that you can click to see the tutorial using this sponge.

My dutch is good man!! shiiitttt

When I was younger I had a dirty mouth, My Goodnes

I used to cuss people out!

My mother is going to be so upset when she sees this tutorial

Because I am saying all these dirty things out of my mouth

Now I am taking Concealer from Kitoko cosmetics & I am going to place that underneath my eyes,

My nose, what this thing right here is, What this here is. What is this, a chin?

How do you say ching in Dutch? I dont know.

& my......My goodness I don't know howdy you say forehead in dutch?

So, now I am taking powder and putting it underneath my eyes.

Now I am going to do my nose

You guys have to share this video & tell everyone from

Suriname and Netherland to come and watch this video

& then you must tell me if I speak good dutch still.

You know what, When I go to Holland I can't understand people.

Because in Holland they sound like

I can't understand good in Holland because they talk too fast.

Ok, So now what I'm going to do is take the ABH foundation stick..No no no stick in Earth.

Then im going to ummm... office..Office? no thats incorrect

Office (Kantoor) is like a office right? My Goddd. How do you say CONTOUR in dutch?

& I would also like to know, If you live in Suriname are there a lot of MUA'S' there?

Because one time, I was in Suriname to do my cousins , I think thats how you say cousin.

to do her makeup in Suirname, Girlll That another storytime!

But Yea, are there a lot of mua's in Suriname?

Is there a lot of MUA work in Suriname?

I would love to come and live in Suriname, but I don't think that I would make money

But idk , Idk how Mua's do in Suriname.

Because when I had my class I was in the ummm Surinamese... How do you say that?

Newspaper, How do you say newspaper in Dutch?

However I was in the Suriname Newspaper, advertising my classes

& my class was not expensive, because its SU, so I am not going to make it expensive.

Because that is my country and I love MY COUNTRY

So, it wasnt expensicve but no MUA's came.

only ummm regular woman.

& here in America, when I have a class!, My whole class is full of Mua's & ofcourse woman who just want to learn too

So now I am going to use the black Opal setting powder..ayyyyeee Powder

I am going to put that under my eyes

I am also going to put it here.

Also here

going to put it pretty on my nose.

OK, The first thing that we are going to do with our eyes right,

Your going to need a primer for your eyes.

Ayee My dutch is good boiii

& I don't speak it often but,...

One time I was I really bad, because I didn't visit Suriname in a long time

I couldn't... I just forgot, So I told everyone

Listen, If you are from Suriname or Holland then you must only speak Dutch to me

Because I want to learn it.

It is Beautiful, to be a black woman & speak another language.

When people ask me where I'm from.. I say I am from.. I am from Suriname.

They Suriname? I have never heard of that.

Then I say, yes I am from Suriname, I speak Dutch.

They say AYEE, You are really Foreign

I say No I am a black woman that speaks Dutch. Shit

Ok, So now I am going to take a brown eyeshadow

from this Palette, You guys know that I love that Palette.

I love Hidden treasure palette from Dose of Colors.

Then I am going to ummm put that in my crease.

Now I am going to take a brown ummm cream eye liner.

and put that on my lid

So I am going to take the Brown

Then place it on my lid.

Because this is going to be a good base for the color that I'm going to put on my eye.

Placing that on my lid.

& then you must also tell me Suriname

Do a lot of people in Suriname like makeup? Is it the same like America?

& You must also tell me if Makeup in SU expensive is.

That's what I want to know. Leave a comment down below.

& in the Netherlands too, is makeup is Netherland expensive?

When I was in SU for the 3 months

I went to a store, I forgot the name of the store

But they had Black Opal & all kind of things in that store.

They also had Milani.

I am going to add a little black & add it there

Then you must really blend it, because you don't want it to be too dark.

Because I am going out tonight, I am going to the movies.

Just a little there to make it a bit dark. not too much.

Now, I am going to take this brush

Then I am going to blend away all the powder.

Now I am taking the Black Opal powder in another color in a different color...

& this one is in ummm Deep. 05 deep.

I know that you can find this in Suriname, Thats why I Black Opal products.

Because I know that you can find these things in Suriname.

& Black Opal is really Good

You Don't have to have MAC and all these other products.

I am going to take a blush, thats wrong, I know thats wrong.

How do you say blush?

Listen, Leave me a comment down below & tell me how to say Blush, because I know that I am saying it wrong.

Then I am going to take ummmmm Highlight from Lena Lahes

This one is the Lemonade Highlight palette.

I am going to use that one

Mama, please don't be mad at me ok, I want my Dutch to get better.

& if I want it to get better I have to speak more dutch.

Its these two colors here.

Hey Suriname, I have returned, well Suriname, Netherland, Belgium

& you speak Dutch, I have returned.

I am speaking english

OK, I did my lipstick on snap live, so you have to follow me on....

Not snapchat, Instagram

You have to follow me on Instagram to see it

Umm well not to see it anymore because it is already gone.

But it you follow me on instagram then you will see that I ummm often do makeup tutorials on Ig.

So follow me on IG, I will leave that info down below

AYE AYE, My dutch is good ok!

You can understand me right, Look I can hardly move.

But umm

This Necklace

I will ummm

the Information of this down below

Ummm THANK YOU, Thank you so much for being here with me today looking at this tutorial.

My God, that was bad.

But I'm trying ok,

Umm, Thank you so much, I love you

I always see my Suriname, Netherland people!!

You guys give me so much Love!

& I love it, Thank you

It gives me strenght

That I know that


My people, My family

Strengthen me so!

& I love, Listen you guys should only speak dutch to me.


On Snapchat,



On youtube, If you can write and speak Dutch, that what you should speak with me, ok.

Because I want my Dutch to get better.


For more infomation >> GODDESS MAKEUP TUTORIAL SPEAKING DUTCH FAIL!!! - Duration: 15:25.


The Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) - Duration: 7:35.

NARRATOR: As incidents in Newtown, Boston, Charleston,

Roseburg, San Bernardino, and other locations have shown,

terrorism or mass violence tragedies

can strike anywhere, at any time.

Though every incident of mass violence or terrorism

is unique,

the United States Department of Justice,

Office for Victims of Crime-- or OVC--

and other Department of Justice agencies

can provide resources to help victims.

Probably one of the most essential components

to a response is being able to plan and prepare.

NARRATOR: One resource, OVC's online toolkit,

Helping Victims of Mass Violence and Terrorism,

enables communities to plan for these events

or help support traumatized victims in the aftermath.

HERMAN MILLHOLLAND: The toolkit, as we call it,

is structured in a way that really helps communities,

should an event happen.

But before an event happens,

we're providing you with some guidelines

on how to prepare.

NARRATOR: One of the primary tools OVC has at its disposal

is the Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program--

or AEAP.

Each year, OVC has access to up to $50 million

from the Emergency Reserve

that is available beyond the appropriation

from the Crime Victims Fund

that Congress establishes annually.

The OVC Director can use the Emergency Reserve for AEAP

to support victims of terrorism and mass violence.

OVC provides funding from the Emergency Reserve

to federal agencies, including the FBI,

to provide an array of services to these victims.

Grants are also available to states, tribes, public agencies,

and victim and nongovernmental organizations.

KENT BURBANK: And our goal is to work

with the victims and survivors

so that they're able to begin to address and think

about what their most pressing needs and concerns are.

NARRATOR: OVC can fund a wide range of mass violence-

and terrorism-related victim services such as

crisis response, longer-term victim assistance,

and victim support during investigations or prosecutions.

We look at the responses

and the experiences of victims after these events

on kind of a continuum,

from the really acute, immediate phase

to long-term issues.

NARRATOR: In events where the FBI is leading

a federal terrorism investigation

or is supporting state or local law enforcement

in the response and investigation

of a nonfederal mass violence act,

the FBI Office for Victim Assistance,

funded largely by OVC,

can also be a valuable victim resource.

Emergency victim assistance,

which is administered through our program at the FBI,

provides for those immediate needs

that can't be met by other resources in a timely manner.

NARRATOR: FBI Victim Specialists can help with activities

such as crisis response, death notifications,

family assistance centers, victim and family briefings,

personal effects management,

and select short-term emergency expenses

such as travel for out-of-area next of kin

who need to support victims or their families.

Through AEAP, OVC also has the ability

to activate a toll free number

on behalf of states, communities, and public agencies

to perform a number of victim services.

The 1-800 number was activated in 2009

when a gunman fatally shot 13 individuals, wounded 4,

and unlawfully imprisoned 40 others

at the American Civic Association

in Binghamton, New York.

Most of the victims were from foreign countries,

and this service allowed them or their families

to get information in many languages.

A domestic toll free line

provided referrals for crime victim services

such as crisis counseling

or referrals for compensation assistance,

including medical expenses, lost wages,

or mental health counseling.

An international line

assisted family members from other countries

to make travel arrangements to Binghamton.

Interpreters were also available

to assist victims' families from other countries.

Additionally, the toll free number

provided information for people who wished to donate money

to support services to victims of this tragedy.

AEAP grants to state victim compensation programs

can supplement their funding to compensate victims

for out-of-pocket expenses

related to their terrorism or mass violence victimization.

This funding, provided to state programs,

public agencies, or other organizations,

may cover expenses not traditionally covered,

whether in amount or type,

by state crime victim compensation programs.


Mass violence and terrorism events

not only cause immediate damage

but can leave serious

and sometimes lifelong physical and emotional wounds,

as well as devastating financial costs,

as a result of these enduring injuries.

Survivors in all contexts

heal from being with other survivors.

So we asked for funding to create a Resiliency Center--

a one-stop multidisciplinary program

to access navigation assistance, behavioral health assistance,

but also community.

NARRATOR: Through OVC's Training and Technical Assistance Center--

or TTAC--

OVC can deploy consultants and trainers

to assist communities before, during, or after an event.

Consultants may offer support with pre-crisis planning

and identifying victim resources.

They can also help coordinate victim services,

facilitate collaboration among stakeholders,

administer victim needs assessments,

and help draft an AEAP grant application.

LIAM LOWNEY: The consultants were exceptional

at validating our understanding of what we needed to do,

giving us some guidance about what we needed to do,

connecting us with others

who have responded to mass violence before,

and addressing many issues

that we don't deal with on a regular basis.

NARRATOR: AEAP also allows the OVC Director

to fund assistance services

to victims of international terrorism.

OVC's International Terrorism

Victim Expense Reimbursement Program--or ITVERP--

provides support to United States citizens,

or those working on behalf of the United States Government,

who are victims of international terrorism.

Support for international victims

can extend to funding emergency medevac

and other essential victim services,

including participation in foreign trials

in coordination with Department of Justice components

and other federal agencies.

Research suggests that exposure to mass violence

can have significant short- and long-term psychological impacts

on survivors

and may affect the wider community as well.

However, through AEAP,

victims can receive the services they need to begin to heal,

transition into a new phase of their lives,

and learn to cope with a changed reality.

For more infomation >> The Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) - Duration: 7:35.


Winter Makeup Tutorial | PATRICIA - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Winter Makeup Tutorial | PATRICIA - Duration: 8:43.


我的英文學習歷程-挫折和轉折|教育制度是不是出了什麼問題?|改變工作室|柏格 - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> 我的英文學習歷程-挫折和轉折|教育制度是不是出了什麼問題?|改變工作室|柏格 - Duration: 8:23.


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare part 6 - Đại Náo Vê nút!! - Duration: 21:47.

For more infomation >> Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare part 6 - Đại Náo Vê nút!! - Duration: 21:47.


Con dâu RÊN SUNG SƯỚNG với cuộc sống làm dâu 3 năm của mình - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Con dâu RÊN SUNG SƯỚNG với cuộc sống làm dâu 3 năm của mình - Duration: 4:17.


The LEGO Batman Trailer

For more infomation >> The LEGO Batman Trailer


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


S. Korean government holds meeting on Seoul-Tokyo ties - Duration: 2:12.

From war criminal honoring, recalling of diplomats, and staking wrongful territorial claims by

Japan, to the installation of a statue dedicated to wartime sex crime victims by Korea... nothing

positive could be reported on Seoul-Tokyo ties in recent weeks.

The Korean government discussed ways to soothe tensions between two sides.

With the details we turn to Kwon Soa.

The recent installation of a statue in front of the Japanese Consulate in South Korea's

southeastern city of Busan has caused ties between Seoul and Tokyo to deteriorate.

The statue of a young girl represents the victims of Japan's wartime sexual enslavement

of Korean women.

In protest, Japan recalled its Ambassador to Seoul and General Consul in Busan.

According to a government source,... as concerns mount that the row could worsen,...

...the South Korean government has established a task force with related ministries,... and

the group held its first meeting on Wednesday.

But according to the foreign ministry's spokesperson Thursday...

"Issues concerning the general state of Korea-Japan relations have been examined.

Some media outlets reported the response was a step behind, but we've frequently held meetings

on the 'comfort women' issue before."

That appeared to be a response to criticism that the government should have dealt with

the latest developments more quickly,... especially given the longer-than expected absence of

the Japanese ambassador to Seoul.

According to an official, Wednesday's discussions focused on the so-called 'comfort woman' statue

in Busan, as well as additional installations that civic groups are planning,... including

ways to communicate with those groups.

There are reportedly plans in place to install around a dozen more statues both in and outside

of Korea.

"A foreign ministry official told reporters there's no reason to prevent people from using

monuments to remember history,... but added that, by international standards, it's inappropriate

to place them in front of diplomatic facilities.

The official said the Korean government will review the locations and discuss the issue

with Japan.

Kwon Soa, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> S. Korean government holds meeting on Seoul-Tokyo ties - Duration: 2:12.


S. Korea, France issue statement condemning N. Korea's nuclear program - Duration: 2:04.

Although France is not a member of the six-party talks aimed at denuclearizing the regime,...

it continues to play a key role in raising the issue within the European Union.

Connie Kim has the latest on diplomatic efforts to pressure the communist state.

South Korea and France are urging North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program and

abide by its international obligations.

At their first high-level meeting solely on Pyongyang's nuclear issue... that was held

in Paris on Wednesday, Seoul's representative for the six-party talks on the denuclearization

of North Korea Kim Hong-kyun and senior French Foreign Ministry official Nicolas de Riviere

issued a statement against the North's nuclear threat.

The two countries acknowledged the seriousness of the threat and condemned North Korea in

the strongest terms for its disregard for UN Security Council resolutions.

"This joint statement is the first of its kind in 2017 stemming from bilateral or multilateral


The two sides also evaluated that South Korea's foreign minister's visits to the European

Union and NATO have been an important stepping stone in strengthening South Korea-EU cooperation

on seeking resolutions on Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program.

Kim also expressed gratitude to his French counterpart for taking the initiative in adopting

independent EU sanctions on North Korea and the recently adopted UN Security Council Resolution


"This meeting was significant as these were the first high-level talks on North Korea's

nuclear weapons with a nation that's not part of the six-party denuclearization talks."

The French official also vowed to continue helping the European Union adopt additional

independent sanctions in the near future.

"Seoul's foreign ministry said France has also pledged to raise its voice against North

Korea's nuclear weapons at a series of upcoming meetings, starting with a gathering of G20

foreign ministers set for next month in Germany Connie Kim, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> S. Korea, France issue statement condemning N. Korea's nuclear program - Duration: 2:04.


Die besten Trading-Chancen erkennen - So geht´s! - Duration: 18:53.

For more infomation >> Die besten Trading-Chancen erkennen - So geht´s! - Duration: 18:53.


Verratti''s yellow card - Duration: 1:09.

we have some other technical players like Marco Verratti, in the same style & spirit

and Marco Verratti , you may have seen it, went through a strange situation when he received an unlikely yellow card

and nobody understood what had let's look again...

He took a yelllow card...voila...he does this header .... and the referee blows the whistle and gives him a yellow card...

so, we looked for answers why you received that yellow card ...well, this is considered teasing or anti-sportsmanship behaviour....

so, if we can't tease anymore, we are in trouble..especially myself.I am going to get red carded all the time

but you need to know , that for Marco Verratti, this is not his first time ...remember, he tried to tease already in the past , remember this images

look.....hop...dribble....hop...another one...bottom line...yellow card...voila...

but we have worse...

pay attention........he dribbles one player

hop....he dribbles a second one....

he sees a partner far away.... goes through few other players and kick a deep pass

but there, this is too much...2nd red card ...thank you

For more infomation >> Verratti''s yellow card - Duration: 1:09.


Audi A1 Sportback 1.8 TFSI SPORT PRO LINE S * 11.641 Km * - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback 1.8 TFSI SPORT PRO LINE S * 11.641 Km * - Duration: 1:07.


Audi A8 D3 buying advice - Duration: 9:40.

This A8 was introduced in 2002. It's the second generation.

The counting is a bit off. They call this the D3 or type 4E, but D3 makes you think it's the 3rd one.

The first top model by Audi was called V8.

Later, for consistency's sake, they wanted everything to start with an A.

Moreover, it'd be handy to have more than V8 engines.

The aluminum body stayed. Audi was the first to use it for a top limousine.

It saves weight. This weight advantage is lost because a lot of versions have quattro AWD.

That adds weight, but in general the A8 is lighter than its rivals.

There's a wide range in engines. A lot of diesel engines: a V6 and V8 TDI.

There was also a V10 in the S8 between 2006 and 2009.

Another special engine is the W12. Not the V of Victor, but the W of Wouter.

It's a compact engine, more so than the 4.2 V8.

This has the advantage that AWD was also possible with the 12-cylinder engine.

The rivals didn't have that for a long time.

ENGINES gasoline, diesel

There is an ample supply on Marktplaats for such an expensive car.

80 of this generation Audi A8 are for sale.

The diesel-gasoline distribution is about 50-50.

The occasional car runs on LPG.

Prices vary, starting at 6,000 euros for the older high-mileage cars.

Sometimes they have a shady history. This goes up to 20,000 euros

for the freshest cars that look nice and have a good maintenance history.

PRICES minimum, maximum

Speaking of maintenance history, it's very important with this type of cars.

Look for the car with the most extensively documented maintenance history.

They're expensive cars to keep running, so that's the first thing you save on when you don't have money.

That explains why some cars are so cheap.

Sometimes it's no longer possible to keep it running.

Parts are expensive. These cars cost 100,000-200,000 euros or more.

Prices for parts are comparable.

A thing to watch out for is the A8's air suspension.

Every car with air suspension starts leaking at some point.

I don't know how many miles or years this takes, but the struts will need replacing at some point.

If you wait too long, the compressor dies as well.

If there's still a leak after replacing the compressor, you have to replace the strut as well.

This is relatively pricey.

The transmissions... This A8 has the "multitrauma" transmission; the multitronic.

It's a smart stick. It didn't have a good reputation during the first years,

but that's not relevant for this generation A8. Still, it has the CVT effect.

Sometimes the revs go higher than you'd expect.

This annoys some people. I think it's not that bad.

A "normal" automatic transmission needs no maintenance according to Audi.

The supplier (ZF) says it does, so change the oil at some point.

A flush can help to prevent or solve problems.

There are a number of things to watch out for with the engines.

The TDIs will have more miles on the clock.

The injectors can make sounds when starting the engine.

This isn't a reason to replace them. You will have to when you receive more errors.

They're relatively expensive. With a V8 TDI you'll need 8, so it can mount up.

Speaking of TDIs, the 4.0 TDI was only used in this A8.

You don't often see this engine.

Parts are rarer and more expensive, so keep that in mind when you get to choose between TDIs.

You can take this into account.

The chain tensioners are a thing as well.

It's not as bad as with some 4-cylinder Volkswagen engines,

but you have to keep an eye on it with the V6 engines.

If you hear sounds during a cold start, maybe get some warnings on the dashboard,

the chain may be stretched or the chain tensioner is defective.

You have to replace this, or else the engine gets destroyed.

Unfortunately, replacing the chain isn't very cheap.

The diesel engines' swirl flaps...

It's not a big issue, but they can get stuck, causing an error.

Just so you know.

There can be a lot of electronics in an A8. A lot.

Everything. For example, a fingerprint sensor.

It's not susceptible to errors, but you have to test it, just like everything else.

Try pushing all the buttons. Make sure the dealer empties the fingerprint sensor.

There are 5 positions. Only the Audi dealer can delete profiles.

The fun thing about this fingerprint sensor is that when you touch it, it puts the seat right,

it starts playing your favorite music, etc.

I think it can start the car as well. This car doesn't have it, so I can't test it.

The early versions of the MMI folding screen don't fold in and out smoothly.

There's a modification kit for this.

Make sure it works.

The MMI buttons are located at the cup holder.

Guess what goes wrong sometimes. Indeed.

Test all the buttons to see if they're not sticky or do strange things, because coffee gets spilled.

The facelift models have LED taillights. That's super pretty.

Check if all the LEDs work.

One may have stopped working.

The electronic parking brake can stop working as well sometimes.

The annoying thing is: often when it's engaged. It'll be hard to leave then.

The powered head rests don't always work. Let's see if this one has them.

Yes, and it works. That's fantastic.

A power trunk lid... The hinges can break.

The motor pulls very hard and can blow.

Check this as well.

The final thing is rust; in only one place. The trim on the trunk lid can corrode.

It's not very dramatic and you can paint it.

Still, check this.

We found this car at a dealer you all know if you drove on the A2 between Utrecht and Amsterdam.

A dealer there parks his cars outside.

This is Vossestein. I've never been there, even though I looked 100x at what was parked outside.

Nice, an Aston Martin, Porsche 911, things like that.

That is their exclusive branch. This one is at the normal Vossestein, where they have cars like this.

It's a pretty late A8 in black on black with a bit of wood.

It may be a bit old-fashioned. The 3.2 with FWD makes it special.


If you're looking for a second-hand car and want our help, or if your company has a nice car for sale

of which we may shoot a video, please send an e-mail to

Subtitles - Maru's Text Support

For more infomation >> Audi A8 D3 buying advice - Duration: 9:40.


I fished out another SHOCKING video of the 90's ... - Duration: 2:39.

I know this part of the solo, but I need to revise it!

For more infomation >> I fished out another SHOCKING video of the 90's ... - Duration: 2:39.


Chronique | WHERE TO INVADE NEXT | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Chronique | WHERE TO INVADE NEXT | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:43.


Vluchteling Mohammed: "Nederland en Groningen bedankt voor alles!" - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Vluchteling Mohammed: "Nederland en Groningen bedankt voor alles!" - Duration: 2:48.


Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI QUATTRO S-TRONIC *NAVI+XENON+PDC+LED - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI QUATTRO S-TRONIC *NAVI+XENON+PDC+LED - Duration: 0:43.


Audi A4 Avant 2.7 TDI Pro Line S - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 2.7 TDI Pro Line S - Duration: 1:17.


Číslovky Numbers - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Číslovky Numbers - Duration: 0:47.


TEST DRIVE: 2017 Porsche 718 Cayman S - Duration: 6:43.

in our previous reviews of the stable

mates for this 2017 4718 k minutes the

box-to-box direct and they came in

already detailed the transformation from

the previous naturally aspirated

six-cylinder engine to turbocharge flat

for towels in short the new engines are

more powerful but sound completely

different this transformation Thursday


he's a forced-induction four-banger that

makes more power better than former

naturally aspirated flat-six that needed

to be run out to red line to make

powerbook down that so beautiful while

doing it

the new to dot 5 litre turbocharged

four-cylinder generates 350-horsepower

25 more than the old we got four liter 6

but it does not create operatic music

even admits the raspy uncool sounds that

strike some drivers it's unpleasant and

grading in the way people can't figure

out how that natively different

character landed and about prize for


it's just so heartless they complain in

the case of this as models and Bob Dylan

for that matter

they've got a point about the singing

voice but they're wrong about artistry

with zero dot five leader more

displacement and is variable vane turbo

charger that comes into play earlier in

the range vs doesn't suffer the turbo

lag noted in our testing the base


manual transmission it makes left buth a

maximum 14.5 pound per square inch vs

20.3 for the two dot 0 Lisa and its

specific output of 140 horsepower really

very lower than the two dot 0 leader

models 151 which means depending on

treating either that it's let's trap

door that there's more room for

aftermarket tuning enhancement the

larger point is that there's a linearity

to the engines response that will argue

makes it worth considering an F model

with fewer options first floating a base

came in with portions notoriously pricey

ad on despite 12,400 dollars captain

their base MSRP look at a graph of the

torque and power curve depicted in this

review of the 2017 718 box direct and

you can see one below two thousand

revolutions per minute the two gods hero

leader engines or gaps with fags like a

loosely strong power line before it

rises steeply towards the broad flat up

from to thousands of 4,500 revolution

for me in the ass version by contrast

the two dot five leaders or curve makes

a straight line to retire but similarly

broad peak output turn your attention to

horsepower and the new cayman s shows up

straighter smoother line from idle to at

6,500 revolution per minute power

crested to 2014 2 2016 k minutes with

the flat 6 to peak at 7,200 revolutions

per minute

the latter had an agreement with split

personalities mildly entertaining at low

RPM but the pulse quickening right to

redline once the variable intake valve

system came into play around for

thousands revolutions per minute this on

the cam sensation can be delightful in

the right circumstances and the auditory

results 1 page from drivers of our

long-term 2014 k monistic that the ideal

power curve wouldn't have it all but

rise on a constant upward slope with

each additional 100 revolutions per

minute accompanied by exactly the same

portion of added pounds the new canvas

engine comes closer to that ideal than

the old one did in practice coupled with

our test car 7-speed pdk dual-clutch

automatic transmission

this results in a more nearly perfect

came to mind you that's in the context

of the car we've been putting on our 10

best cars list pretty consistently for a

decade admits joining a boxer in 2013

only due to a model year changeover

hiccup getting closer to perfection when

you're almost there is an instrumental




For more infomation >> TEST DRIVE: 2017 Porsche 718 Cayman S - Duration: 6:43.


John Wick: Chapter 2

For more infomation >> John Wick: Chapter 2


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 d Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 d Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


BMW 5 Serie 520 D Touring Exe M-Pakket Aut,Navi,Pdc - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 520 D Touring Exe M-Pakket Aut,Navi,Pdc - Duration: 1:21.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8) VOORZIEN VAN DUBBELE ZIJSCHUIFDEUR - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8) VOORZIEN VAN DUBBELE ZIJSCHUIFDEUR - Duration: 1:09.


Laurence inc. - Extrait épisode 5 - Saison 1 - Monsieur Flanagan - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Laurence inc. - Extrait épisode 5 - Saison 1 - Monsieur Flanagan - Duration: 0:22.


BALD - Duration: 0:08.

My hair is thinning a bit.

Oh your highness, I'm sure it's not that noticab-



For more infomation >> BALD - Duration: 0:08.


Chronique | WHERE TO INVADE NEXT | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Chronique | WHERE TO INVADE NEXT | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:43.


Money to Burn: $14 Million Trip Around The World - Duration: 2:59.

















$1500 MACHINE.



























































For more infomation >> Money to Burn: $14 Million Trip Around The World - Duration: 2:59.


I fished out another SHOCKING video of the 90's ... - Duration: 2:39.

I know this part of the solo, but I need to revise it!

For more infomation >> I fished out another SHOCKING video of the 90's ... - Duration: 2:39.


René Martin o festiwalu Szalone Dni Muzyki | natura - Duration: 1:48.

Nature is the greatest of musicians.

Singing of birds, the sound of the waves, the sound of thunder during a storm -

since the dawn of history, nature was an inexhaustible source of inspiration for composers.

I believe that this theme has enormous potential and I could show music lovers how nature is present in the music.

First of all the Polish edition of the festival is indeed Polish.

Many Polish artists and students of music schools from across Poland are performing.

Particularly noteworthy is the program of concerts for our youngest listeners.

Polish edition of the festival is very important to me because the concept of La Folle Journée implemented here has a completely unique character of its own.

It's a great advanture.

It's a truly Polish La Folle Journée.

What I find particularly valuable is the interest from young people. A lot of people aged between 18 and 25 come to the concerts, many families with children.

I think that the Warsaw edition of the festival plays a very important role,

because it attracts people who don't normally come to concerts.

The theme of next year's edition of the festival will be dancing. However, this will be dance without dancers, exclusively performed by the musicians.

Why? Because in the history of classical music dance, and folk dance in particular has always played a very important role.

By listening carefully to the famous concertos and symphonies, we can find elements of dance everywhere. Folk tradition had a huge impact on the work of all composers.

I think this theme is perfect for La Folle Journée.

For more infomation >> René Martin o festiwalu Szalone Dni Muzyki | natura - Duration: 1:48.


New video series launching next week and I NEED YOUR HELP! - Duration: 2:31.

Ok! Let's chat, shall we?

So I've had this idea, I've had it for a

while actually, of trying to find a way

to combine my vlogs with my more sit-down

parenting-y kind of videos. To enable us

to have conversations about parenting

and motherhood and just raising kids

and life in general, that's more caj. So we

can have conversations about more of the

things that are important to you. So....

Drumroll please!

It's not that exciting. Maybe doesn't require a drumroll.... BUT

I am going to start a new Q&A series starting next week

that I'm going to call "Coffee with Kelly." Just a

super caj Q&A answering those

questions, giving my take of things that

are on your mind. So whether it be

bedtime battles or tantrums or dawdling or

whining... All the things! I just want to

talk about all the things. Soooo, keep an

eye. Next week I'm going to have my very

first "Coffee with Kelly" Q&A and I would

love to hear from you! I would love to

know what's on your mind and we can just

chat about it. So leave your questions

in the comments below or I'll leave the

link, you can email me if you don't want

to put it in the comments. Or you can

also use the hashtag #coffeewithkelly

across social media. You can tweet at me or

tag your Instagram posts if you're having

a particularly stressful day -- or not

stressful -- if you just want to celebrate

something I would love to hear from you!

So that's what I'm thinking, that's what I'm thinking. It should

be fun! It'll be different -- I don't really

know how I'm going to set it up or what

it's gonna look like. I just know there's

going to be coffee, there's going to be me, and there's gonna be

your questions. Should be a good time!

I might actually just do it right here... in my kitchen?? See, I

haven't worked out any of these details, I just

wanted to let you in on it. And I am, I don't know,

I'm like crazy excited to get this going!

I don't know... Whenever I try something

new it's just like that extra added fuel

to get a move on and get 'er done. So I

think that's what I'm gonna do. I think

I'm going to end it here, shut 'er down for

the day and just really sit down and

focus and start planning out content and

getting everything going. So -- yay! So


Leave your comments below, I will add

them to the queue and stay tuned!

I'm gonna have some awesome stuff comin' for ya

next week. [Muah!]

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> New video series launching next week and I NEED YOUR HELP! - Duration: 2:31.


Tutti i colori del buio - Campagna Lasciti Lega del Filo d'Oro - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Tutti i colori del buio - Campagna Lasciti Lega del Filo d'Oro - Duration: 0:30.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RL 55 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RL 55 - Duration: 0:57.


Adolescente apprenante au Mali - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Adolescente apprenante au Mali - Duration: 0:34.


Mali Adolescente - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Mali Adolescente - Duration: 0:20.


Beware! The Eyesaur!! | One Night At Flumpty's 2 HARD-BOILED MODE - Duration: 21:02.

feel like you have to get a pattern down

or they're going to get yeah because

they all come so quickly

giggity hello everyone im jayskibean to

welcome back so why not put these two

now this episode we're going to do

hard-boiled node and just like I always

say it let's jump right on into it now

I've had a lot of practice because I

have fallen in love with this game it i

don't know like I i just played it for

fun recently my pc something died in it

and i was playing around with it for

awhile OG set charges way that goes down

way faster no I say I've had a lot of

grandmas but I'm doing way worse than I

did when I wasn't doing or boil mode

that is closed so we good so all right

so I played hard working out a few times

i have eaten it but I've tried a few

times on my own time and a lot is it

speeds up a lot it feels like all the

mechanics see at 12am between 12 and one

and see how much more exposure you get

just what they are she's crazy already

everything moved so much faster and our

goal will notice it's urgent

that's insane and I'm probably not going

to be that on my first try i highly

doubt it highly doubt it

it's a check way more frequently it's

crazy lot more mechanics

and now for the clown dude and plum be

in the birthday guy probably eyesore now

yeah alright so I'm kind of getting it

like I kind of got the hang of it kind

of getting of it not a little and

charged check the cameras real fast

check this one again right so you're

pretty much just have to stay aware of

everything that's going on everything

that's going on the clown the Redman

flunky you know where everybody is at

all times

yes and somebody's got to have thought

he was

I don't know

yeah good thank you

thanks for that don't people up the


yeah there is and it's crazy because

it's only one am I feel like the night

goes by a lot slower and hard-boiled


Oh to keep an eye on the canal and oh i

was so close

oh ok so much to juggle

oh yeah that was just a warm-up we're

good now

how did you guys noticed but the

background music playing no it's

actually like a symphony version of the

five nights at Freddy's team i'll let

you listen to it for a minute

okay we all good we good

I didn't last very long only lasted like

two am crazy crazy it's so fast-paced I

feel like the birthday guys coming soon

yeah there is ah she's white knight a

it's getting intense being real is clown


crazy crazy oh it's so much feel like

you have to get a pattern down or

they're gonna get ya

because they all come so quickly Getty

clothes and off because now i got him

and he has a birthday dude cum birthday

dude come on come on

yeah and then that eyesore

come in come on Emma Emma Emma 33

yeah all right through this thing up

check that quick

Oh nearly okay three two one hand

yeah okay awesome starting to get it

started to get it

uh you're going to do

she's you can see fluffy as he pops up


so as long as I look at your camera you

won't get you it seems like a very soon

and now no scary already already we just

started in say as far as I make it and

make it like 40 and last time I think I

made the for slacking is what I was

doing I wasn't paying attention i was

too busy to use EG too busy yapper in

the afternoon off

aah SI like I'm doing now and not paying

attention haha oh god it's so much

ok ok no oh no some clothes

Oh Lois

hello know of i will

oh my clickers forkin board rockin

clickers not clicking the way it should

be clicking and I thought oh come on ice

or we know you're coming

you know you're coming come on dude come

on dude

yeah trying to find him I could find him

and Lou didn't it's getting so intense

it's getting real been really real

come on he was still out there i was

there i was at 5am or at least I was


so if you can't tell i sort of developed

a new strategy of only checking the kind

of keeping him on a timer in my head and

only checking the middle camera lovely

an eyesore and then yes I cash it left

light off that was my fault

so you can only check the middle camera

cam 2 and cam seven sometimes because if

you keep the camera down you can tell

it's Lumpy's about the parts here comes

to clown

and you only really have to check the

other two like no and now that eyesore

is going to attack

I know he is he's coming and I'm good

glad the clown got out of the way

because i lost my timer in my brain

about the ground so don't really look

for fluffy just make sure you keep your

camera down as much as possible

you got me a little bit got me a little

i still figuring out the timing in my

brain along clown class should be coming

soon hopefully i will doesn't get me I

was gonna get me no he's not okay

honestly you just got to be conscious

okay well I thought I saw him I wasn't


and now perfect and here comes the

eyesore and probably birthday got you in

the clown birthday guy and I saw awesome

thats all of them wipe the slate clean

and bloody again check out our awesome

good stuff

the strategy's working way better than

checking everything cool camera and

whatever how much should I wonder how

much time you actually have to check

that a third two flashes green up and

down with with golden slumping and the

clown and birthday guy away for birthday


yeah i'm not seeing the eyesore them so

every once in a while I check on him

make sure he's in his little hidey-hole

block we good

still it's like the old

here comes the cloud

yay learning and him all right at him

and I for and break a guy's birthday guy

and here comes the ice or come up bring

it on and check on the clown gonna get


come on come on come on yeah awesome

whoa all clothes oh so close to 20,000

to that's good its cold you can turn the

light on and off to catch them to

birthday birthday birthday birthday

i'm not paying attention i pay attention

or they're going to get me I thought

come on i thought you just move it just

move there we go

maybe friday guy

no not the guy we're good we're good

we're ok now for the cloud and the

birthday guy are about to pop come on

mr. clown

yeah okay i'm shakin shakin in my boots

and i'm so excited this maybe it is

maybe it fell out

come on oh oh oh my god that was so are

getting that person when something about

the game after countless citizens of New

dork have been abducted by the

mysterious lumpy bumpy to play his

survival hide-and-seek game one is best

is lumpy and earn the privilege of

becoming slut these new best friend

allegedly fluffy has constructed a

skinless committee headed monster of the

corpses of his games unfortunate past

contestants that's the Isar oh do that

was intense

let's recently because you can just like

blurt out but thorax invested fever


again to the left cerebellum of a to go

lucky printing unit smokes pot like

pincode dog and trailing part welfare

that you guys can read all this is crazy

have you ever wondered what it would be

like the swallow a human baby oh it's

written some something ancient scroll

the fluffy once presented a heartfelt

speech about the importance of life and

probably about passing stranger

interface okay yesterday somebody killed

approximately a hundred billion birds

with one stone who that's told was on

radio right and yesterday was the

apocalypse Johnny crome here that's the

desk development and thankful for my

response and one nights like these

received without support of the five

nights at Freddy's community I would

never have made a sequel awesome

Yeah right there on the left side or the

right side the left side the right side

and now i'm pointing to the other way

probably i don't know how it's going to

be it but yeah that's awesome so good

that was hard-boiled mode now I have a

car i think you can only get one

starting this down footnotes also that

was so difficult

hope you guys enjoyed make you slap that

like button on this video subscribe

about the age gap and already and tell

your friends about me after you guys


For more infomation >> Beware! The Eyesaur!! | One Night At Flumpty's 2 HARD-BOILED MODE - Duration: 21:02.


10 Penampakan Malaikat Paling Nyata Di Dunia TERBARU - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> 10 Penampakan Malaikat Paling Nyata Di Dunia TERBARU - Duration: 9:09.


The Day of the Lord

For more infomation >> The Day of the Lord


The S.P.Joy - Need

For more infomation >> The S.P.Joy - Need


Myth: There Is No Difference Between VPN and Tor | Mythbusting - Duration: 3:13.

Hello! My name is Mikko.

Many people don't know what is the difference between

VPN services and Tor.

So what is the difference? They're both used for anonymizing your connections and encrypting them.

Well, Tor is based on open source and it's run by volunteers,

which means it's a free service. You pay no money to use Tor.

It's also based on a layered approach.

So let's say you use your computer and you want to do a Google search,

but you want to do it over Tor.

That means that the traffic from your computer will hit one Tor layer,

which encrypts it and gives it to the second layer, third layer, fourth layer,

and then it finally exits the layers and hits Google search.

Well the results of that layered approach are several.

One is that it's slower. There's multiple layers, so it takes a little bit of time.

Another thing is that anybody can run those layers.

So if there are bad people running the first or last layer,

they will be able to see some unencrypted traffic.

Another thing that affects Tor is that

since it's so popular, there's all kinds of people using that service.

That's why some websites will not let you access their services

if you come from the Tor network.

For example some online stores or some streaming services

simply will not work when you use Tor.

VPN providers don't use a layered approach.

They typically have dozens of data centers around the world

and you pick one data center and all of your traffic will be

encrypted and routed through that data center.

Its going to be much faster, because there's no layers.

And if you trust the VPN provider, in that sense there's not going to be an enemy

who could possibly look at some of your traffic if they happen to be the first or last node.

And since most VPN traffic is by corporate users for business purposes,

these don't really get filtered nearly as badly as Tor traffic does.

However, Tor can also be used in a different way.

There are services where you can run a website inside the Tor network.

And this is known as Tor hidden service.

And most likely the best known Tor hidden service website was the Silk Road service,

which was providing illegal services including

selling drugs and guns over the Tor hidden service network.

We shouldn't get the misconception that everything on Tor is bad,

because that isn't true.

All kinds of people use Tor, I use Tor myself.

And Tor is especially important for dissidents living in totalitarian countries.

In a nutshell comparing Tor and VPN:

Tor is slower and gets filtered more, but it's free.

And VPNs give you better performance and they work better, because there's less filtering,

but you have to pay money for the service.

And that is the difference between Tor and VPN.

For more infomation >> Myth: There Is No Difference Between VPN and Tor | Mythbusting - Duration: 3:13.


Rainy Portraits in the Studio: Take and Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey - Duration: 10:30.

In this video I create a rainy window

portrait in a small home studio

hello I'm Gavin Hoey and you're watching

AdoramaTV. Brought to you by Adorama - the

camera store that's got everything for us

photographers! And today you join me

inside my small home studio which is

lucky because outside it's cold wet and

rainy except we are actually going to make it rain in

the studio, and I'm going to create a

rainy window portrait, after this I need

a few bits of kit. It all starts with

flash and I've got my Streaklight 360 on

a glow softbox up there, but also need a

small speedlight as well! And that's just

the lights, that's all we're going to use. The window

well no actual windows involved in fact

it's this - this is a sheet of three millimeter

perspex and that is going to

become our window, once we set everything

up. So! Well let's get a model in, let's

get shooting. Today I've been joined in

the studio by Beth, who's gonna be the

model for this shoot. Now she's already

positioned behind our window, but for the

light, well I've got a large softbox and

a Streaklight 360, so just a single light

source. I want to try and create the look

and feel of an overcast cloudy day, so a

big soft box is the way to go, and also

an elevated light source, because of

course the lights going to come down from above.

Now we got Beth in front of a black

background. I want it to be dark in the

background because if she was inside it

would be darker inside than outside. That

kind of works. I've metered this out at f/11.

Let's just take a picture with the

single light and see how it looks.

Beth are you ready? And get here we go.

And that's great, we get a nice well exposed

shot behind a rather tacky looking piece

of plastic, but it works. So to create

the rain, I'm going to use a water spray

and just going to spray the glass in

front of Beth. You ready? Here we go. Now

how much of this you put on is entirely

up to you, because it's going to change

the look and the feel. I think I want

quite a wet day - we're in the UK her

we are used to a bit of rain, so let's get

quite a bit of water on there.

Now you can add as much water as you

like to this, it's going to affect the the

look and feel of the shot, so maybe add a

little to begin with, and then build it

up as you go through. Ok, let's take a

test shot see how this looks.

Here we go! And it's lovely, it doesn't

affect the exposure at all. Of course it

does affect the look and feel of the

picture and f/11 - that means I've

got enough deputy of field to get the

water drops and Beth's face in focus, at

the same time, if you want to do a

variation of this you could just change

the depth of field, reduce the flash

power, go for a shallower depth of field

and maybe just have the water drops in

focus or just the models face in focus.

Now I talked about depth of field in

another video but for now I want

everything in focus, but I also want a

bit of detail in the background! To light

the background, I'm going to use a second

light, so your little speed light, so this is

just a Flashpoint Zoom Lithium Li-on speed

light, just pop this around the back.

I want to be careful that it doesn't

actually hit the back of Beth I'm going

to aim this at the background like that.

Let's take a shot like that, see how that


Here we go, now that looks really good, but

maybe it's not bright enough!

Well I can actually change the power of

the speed light remotely, using the remote

control and get a bit brighter here we go!

I think maybe that's just a little bit

too bright, so I think in the end I'm

going to go somewhere in the middle. That

just helps to separate that out from the

background and give this a bit more

depth to the image.

Ok so that's the basic step. Lets take some pictures.

Brilliant, ok there we go, so we got some

nice little shots there. We had some nice

little things set up, some props for Beth

to interact with that worked really well.

But I reckon there is another shot, if, we just

rotate everything 90 degrees. Now that's just

going to take a moment. Hang on their.. Beth if you

would step out for me.

For the second set up what I've done is

I've literally just taking the entire

set turned it 90 degrees, but you will

notice one thing has changed. It's the

background. I've swapped from the black

background to the gray background. Now

the only reason I've done that, is

because I'm working in a small home

studio, and space is at a premium, and I

don't have any room to get a second

flash in there and separate out the

light. So to make sure that the

background doesn't go pure heavy black I've

gone for a grey rather than black.

That's the only difference, however in

moving things around I've lost a bit of

water, so we'll just add a bit more water

onto the background. There we go

I'm going to shoot this in a different

direction. So where before I was shooting

this way I'm going to turn myself 90

degrees as well, so I'm going to shoot from

the side, and have a sort of glancing

shot down through the side here. Now in

order to get this to work, I want a

shallower depth of field, because shooting

at this angle is really going to lend

itself to a shallow depth of field. We'll

have some in focus and out-of-focus

areas, that means I need to re-meter

this light to f/2.8, which is as wide open

as this lens will go. Let's just check the

meter reading for that, here we go,

and that is f/2.2 so it almost there.

we just need to pop it up slightly f/2.8

Ok, so correct exposure. Beth are you ready? Let's

take a few shots like this. So Beth I'd like you to

look out the window, that's it.

Brilliant! Ok, so there we go, we've

got some great photos there, This was a

really simple but so effective technique.

Now to make this really work as a

window, we got a little bit of photoshop

work to do, and I'm going to do that

right now. There's really only one thing missing from

my fake window, and that's the outside

world, because when it didn't exist it

was a fake window in a small home studio!

That's what I'm going to add in

Photoshop - the outside world, and to do it

you can use the most any image.

Let me show you what I mean, so this is

the picture I want to add in my

reflection of the outside world, and this

is the outside world, I want to add it.

Now, it doesn't have to be this image but

this is a previous AdoramaTV, where I did

a 15 minute photo challenge.. in this

location. I kind of thought it'd be good to

use it again now! The first thing I'm

going to do - is just go to select, and all

and then go over to edit and copy, so

this gets copied into the computer

memory, go back to the main image and

choose edit again and this time paste.

Now when I paste it it's going to fit

perfectly, because they were taken with

the same camera. But it doesn't really

allow me to see through it because I

need to change the layer blending mode.

So over here on the right-hand side

where it says normal, I drop that down.

I'm going to find screen, and screen is

going to be the blending mode that's

going to make the magic happen. Now this

stage it still doesn't look quite right.

So let's come over to the opacity and

on the opacity going to drop it down

probably two roundabout 30 to

40%... something like that.

Now at this point, you could stop here

because in a way it does kind of look a

bit like a reflection, but for me just a

bit too sharp, a bit too defined and my

reflection needs to be a lot blurrier, and this

is why you can use almost any image


Let's have a look.. so I'm going to come

back to my menu at the top and choose

filter and then I'm going to come down

to blur and Gaussian blur.

I'm going to blur this a lot, and I do

mean a lot, the more I blur it the less

distinct it becomes, I don't see that

line here for example, I could keep it in,

there is no reason why not, but i think I just

want to sort of a generic blurry mess, so

probably something at around about s

the 80's I think ... 70 to 80...

that looks fine. I'll click ok, and that

gives me that lovely misty blur that's a

reflection. But it's not a reflection, I

could even perhaps just drop the opacity

ever so slightly lower, just to bring

that down, so it doesn't affect but it's

not overly clear what it does. So that's

without, and that's with. Then you can

see how that just makes it feel a lot

more like a real window, because that's

how real glass windows work, and there you

go! There's my final rainy day picture

completed. I'm really pleased with how

that came out, and it was incredibly

simple to do. What we needed was a bit of

water and a sheet of perspex. Now if you want to see

more videos from myself and the other

amazing presenters right here on

AdoramaTV, you know what you've got to do

you want to click on the subscribe button.

And of course if you like this video

please leave a comment below, or

check out the Adorama Learning Center for

loads more photography tips and tricks.

I'm Gavin Hoey, thanks for watching.

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