Thursday, January 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2017

What are some of the challenges that One Belt,One Road

and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are likely to face?

Governance is a very broad term

concerning all aspects of management of a country,

including its economic, social and political development.

The World Bank publishes its World Wide Governance Indicators, or WGI,

which converts its measurements on dimensions such as accountability,

political stability and corruption, into an index.

For example, in 2014, for the dimension of government effectiveness,

a lot of countries along the belt and road score in the rather low percentile rank,

such as below 50.

It is quite easy to find various headlines in the news

on weak governance and corruption in the Belt-Road countries.

Weak governance, such as weak, inconsistent law and corruption,

makes the contract enforcement difficult.

Some countries have been trying to improve governance

in an effort to attract foreign direct investment.

Can you think of such examples?

Another challenge that the Belt-Road is likely to face is

how the infrastructure projects will affect the environment.

For example, China has wanted to build a dam in Myanmar.

The construction of the hydropower dam is to generate power,

of which most of it would go to China.

The project encountered strong opposition from locals

due to ecological reasons and resettlement issues.

Another headlines raises the concern of pollution

caused by coal power plants in Vietnam.

Yet another headline shows

how China's attempt to create a port city could threaten local industries.

The Sri Lanka government approved the port city project initiated by China in 2014

even though this project could have great environmental impact.

For more infomation >> S2.2. Opportunities and Challenges of Infrastructure Development - Duration: 4:07.


Doping uncut Primobolan - Duration: 2:39.


Are you without doping SPORT SCIENCE denominations: simple to the complex.

The idea of ​​this release We suggested Yuri "Moto"

for which a special thank you to him.

Primobolan, also known as methenolone, Depot and is primover

digidroboldenona derivatives, It refers to prolonged steroid

action and has the lowest androgenic effect.

This means that when receiving the drug you will not have

no side effects, associated with the flavoring.

The activity of the drug after observed before the introduction of

14-16 days.

Produced as oral and injectable forms.

The substance is characterized weak anabolic effects

Low risk side effects, a small

retracement level.

No effect blood pressure

and cholesterol.

Side effects can be suppression of isolate

natural testosterone, little accumulation

fluid, the effect on liver.

Individually reduces the tone of voice and

there is body hair body, acne, insomnia,

aggression, irritability.

Also highly injection painful.

During long-term rates observed testicular atrophy.

Typically used in drying times as

because of their weak anabolic and androgenic effects

it is poorly suited for massonabornyh periods.

However, it should be noted muscles recruited at

use Primobolan They have excellent quality.

The drug can increase the relief of muscle.

Increased vascularity, reduced levels of subcutaneous

fat, the rise power performance.

Typically, the drug is not It used solo and combined

to other steroids.

If you have had the experience of receiving Primobolan, write

about their experiences in the comments below the video.

There, as well as in our pablike vkontakte email

topics for future issues.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will really help the development of our channel.

On our site are gathered all editions and text

articles to them.

In order not to miss the following Video - subscribe

to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references herein to


And yes, one more thing.

If you still do not did, then press the bell

near the subscribe button.

Put a tick "report me all the news of this

channel "and click save.

So you will not miss our new release.

For more infomation >> Doping uncut Primobolan - Duration: 2:39.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3



For more infomation >> Silence


BMW 5 Serie Touring 520 D AUTOMAAT EXECUTIVE PDC V+A VOL LEER - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie Touring 520 D AUTOMAAT EXECUTIVE PDC V+A VOL LEER - Duration: 1:20.



For more infomation >> GONE CHARACTERS WE'D LIKE TO SEE AGAIN IN STEVEN UNIVERSE. - Duration: 4:44.


Why I Stopped Making Poi - Duration: 2:45.

Hey gang.

I am no longer selling contact poi nor double staves in my online store.

Actually, let me back up a second here and first offer an apology.

If you've ordered poi from me in the past six months there's a pretty good chance

that experience wasn't a great one for you.

I was perpetually backlogged and behind schedule.

I had issues keeping a full stock of parts and my customer service was pretty abysmal.

I'm really sorry.

A lot of you were a lot more patient with me than I think I would have been in your

shoes--which I really appreciate.

But I also know that you guys deserve a lot better.

Making poi has never been something I was super stoked about.

I always considered it to be something that I did to subsidize the thing I really wanted

to do: make videos to share with the wider world.

Unfortunately as I got deeper into it I discovered that the time commitments necessary for posting

one or more videos to YouTube every week as well as maintaining a prop selling business

are pretty much in direct competition.

It also should be said: I made a couple mistakes in the past year that contributed to the mess

that business became for me.

But things have changed a lot since I started selling poi: there are now many other businesses

selling sets that really are more or less identical to what I make.

I know that if I wanted to, I could buckle down and do the necessary work--find ways

to distinguish what I make from the rest of the crowd and make sure my customers have

the best experience I can give them.

I can't do all that and run my YouTube channel at the same time.

I don't love making props.

I love making videos and helping people to discover the art of poi for themselves.

Now that I have Patreon and the videos are paying for themselves, there's no reason

for me to work twice as hard at something I like half as much.

Plus which, there's an opportunity there.

A lot of the people who own other companies making contact poi are friends of mine.

I think it makes for a stronger community when you let people play to their strengths

and support them in doing so.

I'm happy to let other people make poi.

I want to get better at making content for you guys.

Now, I know a lot of you guys out there have bought poi from me in order to support me

as an artist and I really appreciate that.

If you're still interested in doing so, here's how you can continue to support me.

First, you can contribute to helping me make this channel on Patreon.

That site has been an absolute blessing to me in the past year.

You can sign up to help for as little as a dollar a month--think of it as you're buying

me a cup of coffee every month.

My Patrons also get a lot of access to what I do on here.

They get to see scripts for videos before I shoot them, behind the scenes and video

production information, as well as voting on which tricks I tackle next in my 1-minute

tutorial series from the list of requests I get.

If you don't want to sign up for a monthly donation, you can also support me with a one-off

donation through YouTube.

When you view my channel you can click on the support button on the right side of the


You can also help me out by using my different promo codes at other companies whose hardware

I use and support.

Use the promo code "drexfact0r" with a zero instead of an "o" at both LanternSmith

as well as Flowtoys.

I get a commission on any sale that I refer to them, so buying from them helps me out,


Finally, my online store is still going to be open.

It'll just no longer feature any poi or double staff hardware.

You can still buy Tech Poi T-shirts, extra video content, and more.

There will also probably be stickers, mugs and some other things coming there in the

next few months, too.

So...that's it.

I really want to thank everyone who's bought poi from me these past five years.

You've helped to keep me and my work afloat and I really hope that you've enjoyed spinning

with your props.

Enjoy the flow and peace.

For more infomation >> Why I Stopped Making Poi - Duration: 2:45.


Simple Nude gelenaglar + rabattkod nagelgiganten! - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Simple Nude gelenaglar + rabattkod nagelgiganten! - Duration: 7:03.


HeroesOfTheStorm -Greymane (葛雷麥恩) -by風車 /HF - Duration: 26:13.

For more infomation >> HeroesOfTheStorm -Greymane (葛雷麥恩) -by風車 /HF - Duration: 26:13.


How to open a debate on Aliexpress if the goods did not come. - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> How to open a debate on Aliexpress if the goods did not come. - Duration: 3:58.



For more infomation >> Silence


Brand New Progressive House

For more infomation >> Brand New Progressive House


how to download youtube without any software in urdu hindi - Duration: 2:41.

how to download youtube without any software in urdu hindi

For more infomation >> how to download youtube without any software in urdu hindi - Duration: 2:41.


how to download facebook without any software in urdu hundi - Duration: 3:26.

how to download facebook without any software in urdu hundi

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