With flamboyant red-orange beaks, white-feather caps, and peach-colored feet, gentoo penguins
stand out against their drab, rock-strewn Antarctic habitat.
Hi, welcome to Animal Facts, today we discuss the Gentoo Penguin.
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The Gentoo Penguin is easily recognised by the wide white stripe that goes across the
tops of their heads from one eye to the other.
Gentoo Penguins have a very bright orange beak.
Chicks have grey backs with white fronts.
Gentoos are partial to ice-free areas, including coastal plains, sheltered valleys, and cliffs.
They gather in colonies of breeding pairs that can number from a few dozen to many thousands.
Like all penguins, gentoos are awkward on land.
But they're pure grace underwater.
They have streamlined bodies and strong, paddle-shaped flippers that propel them up to 22 miles an
hour (36 kilometers an hour), faster than any other diving bird.
Gentoo penguins are a favored menu item of the leopard seals, sea lions, and orcas that
patrol the waters around their colonies.
On land, adults have no natural predators other than humans, who harvest them for their
oil and skin.
Gentoo eggs and chicks, however, are vulnerable to birds of prey, like skuas and caracaras.
They pile stones, grass and sticks to create a circular nest.
Like the Adelies and Chinstrap penguins, the Gentoo will also fight over stones for nesting.
The gentoo penguin is the third largest species of penguin in the world behind the king penguin
and the emperor penguin, with adult gentoo penguins reaching heights of up to 80cm in
the southern parts of their range.
The gentoo penguins found further north, are on average, slightly heavier and taller than
their southern counterparts.
The gentoo penguin is a carnivorous animal, that like all other penguin species, survives
on a diet that is only comprised of marine animals.
Krill and small crustaceans make up the bulk of the gentoo penguin's diet along with larger
organisms including squid and various species of fish.
On average, the gentoo penguin breeds once a year, forming pairs that usually remain
faithful to one another.
The female gentoo penguin lays two eggs which are incubated by both parents for just over
a month, when only one of the eggs will usually hatch.
The chicks stay in the nest for about a month at which time they form nursery groups or
'creches', while their parents hunt for food.
After about 3 months (usually in January) the chicks grow their adult feathers and are
able to head out on their own.
Today, the gentoo penguin is a near threatened animal as they are easily affected by changes
in the water, both pollution and temperature.
Gentoo penguin populations in some areas have also been depleted through human hunting.
Well, there we have it, a quick list for a the world's fastest penguin?
What is your favourite penguin species?
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