Saturday, January 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 8 2017

Sjećam se kao danas, došla mi je tajnica, cijela uzrujana.

Kaže da me zove Plenković na telefon, da se odmah javim.

Pita zašto su studenti ljuti.

Kaže da su svi portali eksplodirali, da potpisuju peticije i prijete prosvjedima.

Kažem mu da smo uništili rad na studentski ugovor.

Nema više na ugovor, hahaha!

Gotovi su!

Oni bi radili, a ne plaćali porez!

Meni netko da ne plaća porez!

Oporezujemo sve dvostruko i stostruko, uništavamo ugostitelje, a oni da ne plaćaju ništa!

Što sam ja od jučer?

Ako uništavamo sve drugo, možemo i njih!

Ne plaćaju porez!

Došla maca na vratanca!

Odrerat ću ih do zadnje pare!

Neće imati ni za slanac!

Ide harač!

Evo im sad reforme!

I uvest ćemo taj porez bez da im kažemo!

Samo ćemo objaviti Pravilnik pa neka se snalaze!

Radili bi bez poreza!

Svi na svoju plaću daju još jednu državi, samo oni ne!

Ali dobro, oni su osjetljiva kategorija.

U ovoj krizi puno ih studira tako da rade uz studij.

Ne mogu si priuštiti studij inače.

Reći ćemo da je ovo bolje za njih.

Napisati ćemo priopćenje.

Nešto ćemo smuljati.

Zbrojiti neke brojke koje nitko ne zbraja i reći da im je sad

Reći ćemo da će...

Dobiti pare...

Dobiti pare nazad...

Kroz povrat poreza!

Koji neće prije kolovoza 2018., ako još nešto ne uništimo do tada!

Smuljati ćemo tako da neoporezivih 60,600kn godišnje izgleda više od dosadašnjih 81,200kn!

20,000 manje?

Da, 20,000 manje nego dosad!

Nitko živ to ne računa na taj način!

Podijeliti ćemo i reći da imaju 5,000 kn mjesečno.

Sredili smo ugostitelje, kumice na placu, samo su oni dosad uspjeli pobjeći.

Jesu li nova pravila spremna?

Ma kakvi, staviti ćemo neki Pravilnik online čisto da ih malo uzbudimo, za par mjeseci ćemo napraviti pravi.

Te tekstove ionako nitko ne čita, svi čekaju RRIF da im razjasni.

Novi porez, baš sam uzbuđen!

I reći ćemo da je to bolje za njih!

Još ćemo zaraditi na kaznama kad budu radili na crno.

Još da nađem načina da im ukinem iksice, neka svi idu u Irsku!

For more infomation >> Šokantni intervju s ministrom financija! - Duration: 3:41.


대만 의 위안부 기념관, 할머니의 집에 다녀오다. 대만 타이베이 여행 방문지 추천│취미탐험 #11│HobbyAdventures #11│Taiwan AMA Museum - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> 대만 의 위안부 기념관, 할머니의 집에 다녀오다. 대만 타이베이 여행 방문지 추천│취미탐험 #11│HobbyAdventures #11│Taiwan AMA Museum - Duration: 8:53.


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap



For more infomation >> Silence


Volvo XC60 2.4D 175pk Aut Summum Navi Pano'dak 18'' - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.4D 175pk Aut Summum Navi Pano'dak 18'' - Duration: 1:27.



For more infomation >> Silence


Wes Good Covers BMTH

For more infomation >> Wes Good Covers BMTH


17 IS MY NUMBER! HAPPY NEW YEAR [CC] - Duration: 4:06.

Hey guys happy New Year! happy 2017! I

just want to take a quick minute to hop

on the camera here and say hi and check

in and get back to this YouTube thing

video-making I've had a great holiday

vacation. Did much needed rest and relaxation.

Unfortunately my husband got a cold

at Christmas so the last week between

Christmas and New Year's was even more

restful as he was trying to recover and

I was trying to keep not getting the cold.

Knock on wood I have not gotten it.

Although I feel like my body still kind of fighting it a little bit.

Umm, what else did we do? We had

time with friends and family, cooked,

baked, got to do some crafting, so-- I'm

actually going to do a little Christmas

rap-up video I'm working on right now, so

I'll share a little bit more about our

holidays then. But like I said I just

want to come on and say I'm excited for

the new year.

You know I was born on the 17th, so I kind

of feel like 17 is my number. And in fact

I did t a movie or a video about that that

I will link if you want to check it out. One of

my earlier vlogs. It's going to be a busy

year following up on a lot of things

that I started in 16 including this

youtube channel. So i'm looking forward

to that. I should say another thing about

vacation that Andrew and I get into is we

get in the habit of staying up late and

then sleeping in.

Why? Because, well number one neither one

of us are morning people and two, well

when you're on vacation it's like come

on there's no reason to set that alarm

clock. So we've been kind of trying to get our

you know body clocks back and sync.

Oh and one update about our dear Alton.

Unfortunately he was diagnosed over the


as being hypothyroid or having


And we're still learning about exactly

what all that means and what that means

for him. But we're a little concerned

because he's fairly young to be

developing this. But the vet tested his

blood and sure enough his thyroid

levels are very low so we're starting him

on a synthetic hormone and luckily it's not

life-threatening, but it is going to be a

chronic condition for him. He'll have to be

on medication and I think Andrew and I still need to

figure out, are we going to try to

kind of figure out why his thyroid stopped

working. Is there something else maybe

going on? But yeah so that's something

new in the family that we're dealing

with. And we've noticed that he's been

a little lethargic but he's a very

mellow dog. He's always been a very

mellow puppy, so it was really hard to

tell you know, that that was going on and

it wasn't until actually just a routine

blood test showed that his thyroid was

low. So anywho, uh that's something else

knew that we're dealing with. But I don't

want to take too long here, I just want

to say hi. Say that I'm only three

subscribers away from a hundred so I'm

super-excited about that. I have a lot of

video ideas coming and I'm gonna do my

best to get them uploaded as soon as

possible. And keep connecting with you. It

really is the best part of YouTube.

Putting the you in YouTube where you can express

yourself and then meeting other awesome

people in the creative community or just

in the world at large who you know match

with what you're thinking or have

feedback or you want to be supportive.

It's just really really cool. I could go

on and on and on about it, but I won't. I'm

gonna wrap this I need to go have some

lunch get this uploaded, and get on with the

rest of the day. So I hope you're doing well

again like I said, Happy New Year and

I will see you soon! Bye!

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