Thursday, November 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 1 2017

she asked me son when I

grow old

will you buy me a house of

gold and when your father

turns to stone

will you take care

of me

For more infomation >> House of Gold cover | Stephanie Johnson - Duration: 0:17.


Something Huge Has Just Gone Missing From Trump's White House And People Are FURIOUS About It - Duration: 4:43.

After eight years of the White House being closed to the public for tours at Michelle

Obama's disgusting demand, President Donald Trump immediately opened the "People's

House" back up to the people as soon as he took office.

This is special all year round, but especially at Christmastime as Americans come to celebrate

the season and see Melania Trump's stunning Christmas decor plan for themselves.

The Trump's aren't just spending their first Christmas in office, they are also celebrating

the end of an incredible first year and an end of the Obama era.

However, it's been discovered that something huge has gone missing from the White House

during the hustle and bustle of this busy time of year and people are furious about


The White House looks a lot different today than it did this time last year when the Obamas

were living in the place.

Trump's predecessor abused the presidential position and honor of living in this historical

house, for his own gain, while the former first lady took advantage of the status to

live out her dream of being a socialite and become best friends with rappers and their


Although Michelle shut down tours to "peasant" citizens, she and Barack hosted a number of

events for their racist celebrity events and acted like rap stars themselves.

The Obamas basically desecrated this American monument with Barack's un-American presidency

and his disgusting parties that you had to either be black or a rapper to be invited


The rock star attitude and disrespect for the highest position in the land was humiliating

and infuriating, but his supporters celebrated these unacceptable soirées as the "change"

that Obama brought to the nation.

However, now that Trump is in charge and he's brought class back to the White House, liberal

Obama lovers are furious over what else he's removed that hasn't been recognized until


Elle previously praised the Obamas for their Black Entertainment Television (BET) party

they hosted before leaving the White House, despite Barack and Michelle going full-ghetto

during the racist all night rager.

The White House has hosted many fancy affairs full of formalities and buttoned-up attendees.

When BET came over to throw a celebration for the Obamas, however, the President and

First Lady LET LOOSE.

The event happened on October 21–before the madness–but aired last night, November


"It's with a little bit of bittersweetness that this is our final musical evening as

President and First Lady–it's gon' be alright," Obama told the audience.

It was a star-studded evening including hosts Terrence J and Regina Hall, speakers Samuel

L. Jackson and Jessie Williams, and performances from Usher, Common, Michelle Williams, Janelle

Monáe, and more.

Obama joked in his opening remarks at the party where he finally felt like the cool

kid when he said, "There will also be no twerking tonight–at least not by me.

I don't know about Usher."

Obama couldn't help himself when the beats started thumping and he got a little ghetto

groove in as seen here:

It's hard to see that and realize this is who the president of the most powerful country

in the world was for eight years.

However, that's just a bad memory now that he's out and the Trumps are in and took

out the trashy parties when they arrived.

BET, Jay Z, Beyonce, and a long list of other stars who shared the same racist values as

the Obamas partied all year long in the People's House that was closed down the "regular"

American people, but are now nowhere to be found since Trump won't let them in.

In fact, he's making an all new guest list for his Chirstmas parties this year and checking

it twice, crossing off who has been naughty, not nice, such as the fake news network who

loves to hate the president.

"President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested boycotting CNN after it announced it would

not be attending the White House Christmas Party," Politico reported.

"'Great, and we should boycott Fake News CNN.

Dealing with them is a total waste of time!' the president wrote online in a retweet of

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders' tweet praising CNN's decision to not attend

the White House Christmas Party."

"CNN said Tuesday that the network will not be attending the party, adding that 'in

light of the President's continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not

feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests.'"

Trump can and does do what he wants no matter who it offends and has every right to respond

to CNN in the way he did after they disrespected him.

He is not a president who panders to anyone and it only concerned with making America

great again and did so when he let citizens back into the White House and kicked the racist,

disrespectful rappers out that Obama only partied with.

For more infomation >> Something Huge Has Just Gone Missing From Trump's White House And People Are FURIOUS About It - Duration: 4:43.


Getting Over It

For more infomation >> Getting Over It


Kim Yongjin - After the Breakup | 김용진 - 이별 그 후 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 6:16.

("After the Breakup" by Kim Yongjin)

(The lonely end,)

("After the Breakup" by Kim Yongjin)

Thank you.

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