-I grew up in a culture that really says you can't be gay and Christian,
feeling like I was someone unworthy of God's love.
'Cause that's the message that I got.
-All right, I think we're going to get started here.
Well, I wanted to start out by thanking you for having me here today.
I'm a church nerd. My dad was a pastor.
That was my life growing up; that was my community.
You know, most of my life before coming out was a lot of shame.
I grew up feeling unwanted by my church, feeling unwanted by my faith.
My dad passed away before I came out.
So I say, you know, he knows now.
My dad was always a big fan of road trips. I made it a goal to honor him.
So, I am currently exactly halfway through a three-year world record road trip
to all 417 National Park Service sites.
I'm headed to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
I'd spent a decade as a professional singer, so I'm fundraising on the road.
Basically, every Sunday I'm at a different church across America singing for my supper,
and sharing a gospel or word of acceptance for LGBT Christians.
As much as I was getting this message that I wasn't wanted in this community,
I didn't have any choice.
It was still such a part of my existence that,
rather than run away from it, I worked through it.
As I'm singing "Give Me Jesus" and I reach the final verse,
which is "Oh when I comes to die," I often think about my dad
and how so much of this journey is trying to make life out of death.
I remember in middle school, "fag" was spray-painted on my mailbox three times.
And every time my dad would go down with spray paint and spray paint over it in black,
and a few days later there'd be a giant red "fag" on there again.
We didn't talk about gay people.
-Thank you for your words and song.
- Thanks, Bob, I appreciate that.
-We have a gay grandson.
- Thank you.
I feel so fortunate to have come to a place
where I accept who I am as a gay man,
I accept who I am as a gay Christian.
Screw it if people are offended that I'm gay and they lose the forest for this gay tree.
If it was not for America's Christians,
this gay man would not be completing this world record.
One thing I've learned from my dad, it's to live passionately.
I think he'd be proud that his son is at least pursuing that.
For more infomation >> He's Singing In Churches To Fund A World Record Road Trip [Insights] - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
레인지로버 스포츠 SVR 국내 출시..가격은 1억7980만원【24/7 카】 - Duration: 8:04.
Grande Fratello Vip, colpo di scena dopo la diretta di ieri: ecco perché | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:29.
clip bao hanh tre em quan 12_Bảo mẫu mầm non Mầm Xanh dùng dao dọa trẻ khai gì tại cơ quan công an? - Duration: 1:35.
yo yo yo CPA strength here back again with another video for the morning this
is gonna be your your idea ain't nothin unless you actually do something about
it now yeah you got to act on your idea I feel like Shia LaBeouf right just do
mood yeah cuz he was an actor and stuff so he just did it you know so many
people are just going around floating through life I did it for so many years
never you know having an idea how many times have you heard oh I had that idea
yeah we didn't do anything you got it you gotta have action you
gotta have action with your idea okay you gotta have actually look soju say
now you gotta have action on your idea
so I'm gonna tell you my ideas that I act on okay I wanted to be I wanted to
be a professional sports player never really went all the way in on that never
Amit made it to college athlete was it a total waste no because I can see how and
I used to practice really hard like on the tee and stuff I got better so I
could see how hard work overtime pays off so I don't think I was a waste you
know did I fail yeah I failed but okay so at least I tried I didn't really
fully commit but you know what I'm saying at least I got on the field a
little bit the next thing was a I was being a rapper I told everybody I knew I
wanted to be a rapper and you know I was just a colossal filler I was not good
I could not ride the beat at all but I had a lot of fun you know I'm asked a
lot of I'm asked equipment saved up so I can't I don't have money for equipment
yeah was gonna save up you know took me I think a year or a couple years
to get everything I didn't get everything I want all the equipment at
once but yeah it was not a good rapper and I never made a dollar off and all I
did was spend money spend money I wasn't even smart enough back then to
make it as a hobby I'm a tax return but I wasn't really making anything more
taxes who cares anyways yeah I failed at that too but like I get an idea in my
head and I want to do it was it a total failure I don't know because look I
never really stopped doing anything I think I'm gonna come around I'm gonna
drop a ha ha drop a hot Jim but it taught me that you know I kind of have a
knack for getting the equipment together I guess being a sound engineer or a
producer I really I think I have an ear for like who's good and stuff so but in
my in my future I definitely wanna have like a recording studio maybe be an
engineer and and sell recording time or just do a recording time with my friends
again and so I jumped on an idea I went for it I mean it was a total failure I'm
sure I'm sure there's a ton of people well no I mean I'm sure there's some
people going head dumb ass you know it's not I could be a rapper he he showed him
he sucked you know but it's like yeah ok they can say all that
I mean I I hope there's some people that how I feel about it was at least I tried
at least I didn't just watch from the bleachers you know like I thought hey I
love rapping I loved the art for I want to do that and so I tried and it wasn't
for me I mean I but I learned some other stuff that is for me and what I'm saying
is to failures professional professional athlete and rapper both failures
both ideas I had that I wanted to be I don't care it doesn't bother me and
shouldn't bother you to fail because then you've got someone else you know I
would think if I knew somebody said they want to be a rapper and they actually
tried for a little bit and then moved on to something else I wouldn't laugh at
them for trying I think oh that's cool I would maybe get inspired to try my own
thing well after after the rapping I never really said I would you know stop
that but anyways I wanted to be a certified public accountant with my own
business and that's what I wanted and that was a dream I had that was an idea
I had I went for it I didn't let the other maybe our failures maybe help me
because I've went for other stuff before didn't get it
life goes on but at least I tried the difference here is between the other two
times I really believed in myself I started believing myself the other two I
don't know why I would even announce I really wouldn't announce to everyone
in the world that I was a rapper but I don't know why weird announce it to
anybody if I never believed in it myself I don't know if I announced that I would
be a professional sports player that's maybe the problem is I didn't announce
tutor because I didn't believe in myself but I believe that could be a CPA and I
announced it to everybody and that was a big idea a big dream and I went for it I
got it because I'm not afraid to fail and you shouldn't be either another
another and so I got my CPA and then another step was you know opening my own
business now I've been opened that was another idea crazy idea but I did it now
I've been open for two and a half years and I'm turning away clients
this YouTube thing of course this YouTube thing even after all those
failures but then I had a couple wins but I said hey I don't care I want to do
the e time i watch the each of them I wanted to youtube so I tried the YouTube
and now so I've given you two things I've been failures at and I guess two
things three things I've been successful at I am happy that I tried all five
things you know it's a learning experience I'm I'm upset that I didn't
try more stuff or really give it my all but you know it feels so good so
liberating to have an idea and just go for it just go for your dreams you know
just try it just try it one time just try it one time you know there's five
different things that you know people told me oh you can't do that thing no
one was like oh that's a great idea except being a CPA of course that was it
that was the one thing out of the five that was a good idea although when I
said I wanted to quit to do YouTube so I could YouTube and lift more and then
make a and and make a little bit of money yeah everyone thought that was
crazy but that's what I that's what I that's the idea that I had in my head
right and I want to act on my ideas because you asked you definitely you
asked an older person you know they're more they're not sad about what they
tried you make it or you don't and and you can change your ideas and and not
like it but when you look back it's it's what you haven't done
you know knowing and and and there are going to be some people say you say you
start something up but I think it's the fear of failing most other people don't
really want to see you do better so they'll tell you oh yeah it's hard don't
do that you know a lot of people are like oh no he'll leave us or something
contentment life anyways yes sir there gonna be some people that talk mess but
you don't need to worry about those people it's I don't know why I see I
have this analogy in my head that only only one set of exercise will work good
for you yes there's gonna be certain like did there's gonna be certain people
say no um only only the exercise that I do is good and so they'd make fun of
somebody for doing a different exercise you know I wouldn't make fun of anybody
for exercising just the same just the same way as I wouldn't make fun of fun
of anybody for going with their idea you know trying to get a pad and trying to
get their idea selling a couple ideas so um and whatever your idea is just make
it happen just try it so much it's so much fun
just think of mmm think of all the people that watch football on Sundays
like but versus the amount I've actually played it's almost like life like um
most of people that I know that played football in high school or whatever
played football don't really watch it all day long some do but me because
that's they're bitter or something or they have other things to do but you you
you could look at the amount of people that play football versus like
professionals what a thousand maybe versus a
millions and millions and billions of people who watch I probably wouldn't
extrapolate it that much to other life but you know how many people actually
participate in in life and with the internet anybody you know you can do
anything these days you can learn anything do anything there's no excuses
you know there's no excuses in this day and age you know you you can go to the
library and get on the Wi-Fi and make things happen you can do that for free
you can go to a library anywhere in the US so I don't I don't know what anyways
excuses but you you know get off get off the get off the bleachers and go play
that's what I'm saying it's so much more fun you know cuz yeah like I gave you a
a couple big fails in my life and then I've given you some successes and I
don't know I just this fails I just who cares
but the successes are awesome so it's like shooting shooting a three-pointer a
basketball I love shooting three-pointers in basketball and you
know when I'm on a runway and I'm hitting feels good and when I'm missing
I gotta have amnesia but the thing is you're not you're not gonna it doesn't
feel the best when you miss but hey it's it feels so good when you win so step
out of the bleachers and get on the field what's your idea what's your
what's your thing that you think you can't do what's your thing that your
family's gonna say it I don't do you then I don't do that all your friends
yeah don't do that you know I'm just you know you got to live for yourself but
anyways run with your idea cuz your idea is nothing without some action this is
it for today until tomorrow CPA strength I'm out
7 Serious Effects Of Passive Smoking During Pregnancy! Health During Pregnancy! Health Life Tips! - Duration: 4:54.
레즈바니, 초경량 스포츠카 '비스트 X'..제로백 2.5초【24/7 카】 - Duration: 2:39.
Loredana Lecciso a Domenica Live: le parole su Romina Power | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:18.
Biggest Hit From DMW!! Dremo & Mayorkun Set To Release A New HIT Single Titled 'Issokay'|NVS News - Duration: 1:06.
Biggest Hit From DMW!! Dremo & Mayorkun Set To Release A New HIT Single Titled 'Issokay'
The Davido Music Worldwide acts, Mayorkun & Dremo set to drop a new single which they said its gonna be the biggest single ever from the label.
The both most talked artistes announces the title of the song in a snippet posted online and its titled Issokay.
According to Mayorkun, he said this will the biggest single from the DMW which Dremo also said the same thing.
South Africa's Nel-Peters crowned Miss Universe 2017|NVS News - Duration: 1:27.
South Africa's Nel-Peters crowned Miss Universe 2017
Miss South Africa, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters has been crowned Miss Universe 2017.
Nel-Peters 22, beat out first runner-up, Miss Colombia – Laura González and second runner-up, Miss Jamaica – Davina Bennett for the crown on Sunday night in Las Vegas, United States of America.
Stephanie Abasi, who represented Nigeria was not among the top 13 finalists for the night.
The competitions top 13 finalists were Thailand, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Spain, Ireland, Croatia, Great Britain, USA, Brazil, Canada, Philippines, Venezuela and China.
극본 김한솔·김정애, 연출 김한솔·박성주|K-News - Duration: 3:44.
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5 remèdes aux herbes pour lutter contre la douleur des reins - Duration: 8:20.
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iPhone X'un Yüz Tanıma Sistemini Maske ile Kandırmayı Başardılar (Maske ile Kandırmayı Başardılar) - Duration: 4:02.
How to Draw Vegetables #h | Coloring Book for Kids | Drawing for Children - Duration: 12:15.
How to Draw Vegetables #h | Coloring Book for Kids | Drawing for Children
FountainTV Essen "The Reading One" Deerlandplace Jul,22.17 PM 17 - Duration: 0:24.
Hello, welcome to fountainTV.
Now I#ve found a fountain!
What is that for a fountain for?
What is that for a fountain?
Niice fountain is that,
niiiiice fountain.
Niiiice, niiice, niiice.
Should You Warm Up Your Engine Before Driving? Scotty Kilmer, S11 E48 - Duration: 3:13.
one, two, three, four!
Rev up your engines!
It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel
today I'm going to help you answer the question, should I warm up my engine
before I drive it or not, and to answer that question correctly, we're going to
have a little history lesson here, when I was young everything had carburetors on
them, and I'm so old they actually had hand chokes on them, and chokes make them idle
faster, when you pulled on them, they idle faster, and once they warmed up you
turned to choke off, so you had to warm them up before you drove them, and then
they had carburetors that had electronic chokes on them, you didn't have to pull
any cable, it was all done automatically, but you still want to start it up let it
warm up a little bit then hit the gas, it would idle down some, and then drive,
but even with modern carburation, it still wouldn't get the air fuel ratio
perfect, so the car would run well and wouldn't damage the engine by running
too rich or too lean, then the game changer came, which was fuel injector, now
this is a 24 year old Toyota Celica, it's got electronic fuel injection but
it's an older system, it doesn't have a MAF sensor to measure how much air is
coming into the engine, and it only has one oxygen sensor to monitor the
air-fuel ratio, the modern cars have many different sensors, some as many as four
and the modern ones don't even call the front one oxygen sensor, they call them
air fuel ratio sensors, they're much faster and much more accurate, so the
engine will always get the right amount of fuel no matter what the temperature,
humidity, or whatever, it finally got cold here in Houston, so I can show you the
difference, here's the 24-year old one when I start it up cold,
you can see it's idling pretty high as it warms up, but here's it more modern
Toyota Matrix, and watch the difference when it starts up ice-cold, you can see
even though it's ice-cold, it's idling much lower than the older one was,
because it's got a much more complicated fuel injection system that can meter
things better, and this is still a ten year old one, the newer ones are even
more sophisticated, so in any modern day car, you don't need to warm up the engine
before you drive, but of course, you have to be logical about this, if your car's
covered in snow and ice, you got to let it warm up, so you're warm inside and
you get the snow and ice off, and I know some guys will say, well I want my
engine to warm up, so the oil flows, modern cars use very lightweight oils
they flow immediately, unless you live where it's 50 below or something, you
don't have to worry about the oil not flowing in any modern car, so now you
know, unless you're driving some old antique that's got carburetors on it, you
don't need to warm up your engine before you drive, and remember if you've got any car questions, just visit the Scotty Kilmer Channel.
Dosimeter Polaron Pripyat - Дозиметр радиометр Припять РКС 20.03 - Duration: 9:56.
Radioactive gas mantle
Only Gamma measurement
Beta and Gamma measurement
Radioactive Optimus gas mantle
Out of range
Second range 1 - 200 µSv/h
Uranium glass
Uranium glass again
Scalar energy - Quantum pendant
Smoke detector - AM241
Old uranium glaze
Xaçapuri Adjarski - Duration: 10:00.
Secret Story 11 : le frère d'Alain : " Si tu vois qu'elle a un conflit avec quelqu'un,.." - Duration: 1:54.
Luis Fonsi Despacito cover by J Fla - Duration: 2:43.
Grey - Crime feat. SKOTT
극본 김한솔·김정애, 연출 김한솔·박성주|K-News - Duration: 3:44.
지니뮤직챌린지|K-News - Duration: 2:02.
สูบซาบ่ | Best Music Mix 2018 (New Melody Break Mix 2018) By Mrr Thea ft Mrr Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 1:43.
สูบซาบ่ Best Remix 2018
สูบซาบ่ Best Remix 2018
Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 214 - Duration: 15:13.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
And fluke fluke
You sure about that Hoonah to capture the other tide
Luke crack me up who wants to watch me juggle sea urchins
It sure feels good to be back at merroway
Cove shames you got my bathing suit all wet isn't that what it's for that is the last thing
It's for your beverage and Sun spectacles princess amber
Wonderful baileywick. There's just one problem your Majesties. How do we invite the merpeople?
Ah good point none of us can really dive all the way down there to tell them
Can you guys spread the word about the party yeah sure
Well that takes care of that let's go find my friends Sofia they didn't get to meet you last time okay this way
What's it like having legs, what's it like living on land?
It's much drier up there excuse me is anyone going to introduce me
Oh, sorry are they all human. What else would they be I don't get it slim. What makes her so special
Probably being human if I had to guess or we could play a song for them
We have a band you do that sounds like a terrific gift. Hey, let's play one of our songs for Sofia
Do you want to hear one sure?
Know I'll get the Pearl out of that giant clam now, that's a gift fit for a king and queen
It's no use I won't budge hmm. Oh, let me try this
I'm sorry flip it was the only way to present klonopin. Yeah, I know it's okay
Oh, it's a big scary manta ray with a really sharp horn sticking out of its forehead
Mantacorn shut their horns every year and grow new ones
But they keep the old ones and a special cake I'll swim in and grab one of his old horns before he even wakes up
That doesn't sound like a good idea not if you're slow, but if you're quick like me
It's no problem back in a flat. Where's fluke
He already wasn't thought we should go in after him, but we might wake up the mantacorn
I concur the best course of action is to stay right here where it's perfectly safe. He's right
They can eat like a whole heart in one fitting like a floating pink super. Yeah, maybe there's another way out of here
I'll take a look
The entrance is blocked look
Don't worry about it. I'll figure out a way to get us out. There's one
I'm agin it no way you'll wake them up for sure. Let's just go
Boom is right. Everyone follow me. Oh you. I'm the leader of this pack
Why did you try to take that horn we could have gotten away ah don't sweat it princess I've got it all under control
Here's the plan I'll swim out there and get the mantacorn to chase okay fine
There's gotta be a back tunnel that leads out of the caves. We just have to find it follow me everyone
No way fluke
Is that what you tried to take the horn because everyone started paying attention to me instead of you whoa
I guess you're right good because I think we should find that bathtub lead the way Sofia
There's nowhere to sleep
Wait we go this way
There's too much seaweed I know I have a plan you're not just doing this to show off
Are you why are you stopping there? They are the entire stash of mantacorn wards fluke?
Don't worry flip you can't get us he's stuck in the seaweed that was your plan
Yep, so where's faith. We're safe. I was just minding my own business
Takin a nap and you try to steal me on
Now what kind of horn do you need I've got a bunch of tenors a few Altos really what do they eat puffer fish?
Let's give them a little more time shall we
Something's happening
Welcome everyone, but where is Sofia mom yeah?
I guess you found Oona uh-huh and we have a special surprise for everyone
May I present to you the Martins performing a special song in honor of the king and queen of enchancia
Two princesses and a baby
My surprises are both of the birthday twins of course it is
Awesome paper more in the kitchen. I'll go get them. Hey I know what'll cheer you up
I'm your twin. You're my twin. We sit you're always stuck with me
That was great. It's our royal twin song. We made it up when we were little kids and James still sings it every year
Why don't you read it?
Where are the birthday twins?
Happy birthday you too
hmm breakfast smells gift, or will we have to share you'll just have to wait and see see you at the party I
Have to take Rex for a walk and here we are morg. I just picked them out myself this year
Well that wouldn't be fair to your brother. It's his birthday, too
Enjoy your breakfast princess amber
This is supposed to be my special day
But I have to share everything with James my card my party even my pancakes
Sharing can be hard. I can't but
Those are great pancakes, thanks Sofia gotta go bring
Wormy how are despised Cedric I know just we can get me for my birthday
mm another tiara
I presume tempting but no I need you to cast a spell that gives James a different birth to do a magic show later
Yes, yes, yes. It's a deal now. Let's find that spell
No that's perfect all to myself now, let's go find the
To myself
Buddy this has got brains aplenty come on well. They'll probably take them a while to get that spell book
So in the meantime, let's pick out the games for the party. Oh, hey might as well. Enjoy it even baby James approves. Let's go
That's a good game of chase, where's the spell book? Oh? Hi Barry did?
That's our niche. Getting me anywhere. I need a more magical way to find that spell book
You find that Gazoo, I don't know it was his favorite toy. He used to blow it all the time my
Face so one day. I hit the kazoo in a place. He'd never find it special day amber. Help me calm him down
Think he wants you to hold him
If you have a sister or a brother
James is just as much trouble big or small I think he's kind of fine fine come on
It's time to pick out my birthday cake Gambhir mom and dad could be back lovely cakes
I'm going to need total concentration to choose my favorite may I have some privacy
Coconut Oh
James wants to Chuck a kick every year
First let's see if we can change James back to normal Sofia
We don't even know if Cedric's found the spell book yet and both of us need to get cleaned up come on
It's my turn hold on
Unless you want to take my turn you bet I do oh
Wait a minute wait wait yours pitching it beg for scraps
No, no wait oh
I'm never gonna find. This spell book. I have an idea you do if Rex gets a bone
He'll have to take it to where you buried the spell book all right Lee. Let's do it
You can please the skin little guy
A little we have the best water fights debate great now. Let's see where he's taking it
Each other you're welcome
James it's a drawing of us from our birthday left here
great oh
But we don't have to change him back right away if you still want to have the party all to yourself Princess amber
No, brother to share it with you
Come out come out wherever you are James are you?
Here oh
I should never have asked Cedric to do that spell. I was just being subtle all right
here goes
I'm your twin. You're my twin. We stick together through thick and sin
No matter what?
Cédric right bigamous
Brilliant I'll give you your gift to the party there you are it's party time come on
Cedric I need one more birthday favor. I do not remember choosing this game. Oh, I have your present
Here you found my old Gazoo. I always loved this thing
Happy birthday James, it's like a unicycle but with two wheels hmm we call it a
bicycle and
For you amber
Amber can I take a ride on your unicorn you can try my bicycle, okay, but only for a few minutes
Those twins I know isn't it great
💎 LIP ART 2017 💎 LIPSTICK TUTORIAL COMPILATION 💎 PART 28 💎 - Duration: 10:17.
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