I'm Fiona.
He might seem like a good guy,
but I thought the same thing when he was my fiancé.
And one day, he's gonna burn you, too.
And if you're ever f***ing and you notice
track marks on his arms,
maybe don't keep f***ing.
And don't believe him when he says that he doesn't want chaos.
He lies. And he steals from his job.
And he doesn't just use drugs. He uses people!
[Sean] Fiona?
You're back on drugs? Oh, my God.
You bastard! Hey, you didn't stay sober.
God damn you, get in that room.
[man] I don't even know her.
I'm not using... I'm not using drugs.
Oh, my fuck.
- [man] Can you just stop? - [door closes, engine starts]
What the...?
For more infomation >> 'He Doesn't Just Use Drugs' Ep. 4 Official Clip | Shameless | Season 8 - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
The Truth About Derrick Rose's Career, What Move Does He Make Next - Duration: 15:06.
Man's about us money
Right the men's very much about his money. He talks more
It's all all the time in regards to his son PJ and his family and to be quite frank with you
He probably got the whole hood on
Boom we are live, baby. We are so live and it's your boy woof
Again dog yo
Farfel our audio tours
Misery seems to be the state that their roses currently in right now. Will you consider retirement or perhaps? Well that just make things worse?
A soft butter, this is the truth
about their pros and
It will be in a permanent bliss
The demand for permanence in every area of our existence is because of human misery
There is no such thing as permanence at all what I mean happiness
What exactly do you mean by happiness if you translate a particular sensation as happiness?
You call it happiness a particular sensation that is there you separate yourself and use that knowledge that rule says miss eleven
The Cavs 18 games at the time of this recording
After all he's ankle on told xx again some more key bucks
And since then
Rose has alluded to retirement, you know he's expressed that you know him being hurting things has
Taken a toll and mentally and you know that's you know that's a completely understandable me the guy's been injured for
lord knows how many
Total games I let it be compared
The total games are just that they're gross has played in
Compared to the games that he's sat out here in the past
What let's say five years ago
She's definitely sat out more games in play
I think we could easily say that so you know he's been expressing that that's taking the talkin immensely
And you know that's understandable
Currently there are reports that is
Saying that they're uncertain
You know the Cavaliers. They're uncertain on whether or not he's gonna return to the team or not
You know you heard Tyler ruling that he'll be heard and brought James in the interview
Derrick Rose may not return
We don't know yet, he's seriously seriously seriously
Contemplating retirement you know he was the youngest AVP ever I like what between two years old
he wasn't ready to go to Chicago Bulls, but that injury just
derailed the motors
She's never the same
And you know it
the language that he's using in the reports it seems like he's fed up, and he's ready to throw in the towel but uh
My questions you guys his folks
Is it time for Derrick Rose hang up gym shorts or?
Should he return you know it's a very very very very
Contemplative issue, so let's look at the timeline of Derrick Rose's injuries
Dating back to 2012
Roses we're gonna have knee issues even during his MVP campaign
during 2010 2011 NBA
In the first round of the 2012 NBA Playoffs against the Philadelphia 76ers ropes
Tore his ACL and it's left knee
Then injury the injury occurred when the Bulls were leading by 12 points with about a minute 22 left to play
Rose came up short of
A triple double finishing with 23 points nine assists and nine rebounds and 37 minutes of action
An MRI later revealed that Rose Torres a CEO who's left me, and we missed the rest of playoffs
He had the surgery performed on him on may 12 2012
What that estimated recovery time of eight to twelve months he would miss the entire
2012-2013 Mb season rolls returns of late for the
2013-2014 NBA season however on November
22nd 2013 during emergencies and games at the Portland Trailblazers ropes
Injured his right meniscus, which caused him to miss the remainder of that season
Rose underwent surgery on discus his right knee
Turned again once again the following season with injuries
The knee injuries continue to continue to riddled remember that time remember
When uh when he returned he kept complaining about you know his knee bothering him. This is what?
This is about
It caused him to miss about 30 games and on February 24th
It was announced that Rose required another round of surgeries left knee or his right knee
rather and it was ruled out with definitely a
Subsequent Mirai confirmed a mini medial meniscus meniscus tear
Tear on the right knee and that was the same injury he sustained on his on the 22nd two of their TMS Blazers
After undergoing a successful knee surgery who's ruled out for six weeks
They're gross, we miss 30 games
New York, New York
Me some New York Knicks
We had a pretty good season this was just last year
However remember on October October April 2nd 2017
He was ruled out for us the season after tearing the meniscus. It's left
This assess it ated a fourth round of surgery
This was
This was another devastating blow to roast a nine-year career for time
So Rose has always seemed to be mentally and emotionally distraught
Distraught rather and as openly express these things to his teammates
privately and publicly
As a member of the Knicks last season he had told teammates he was playing to play only three of the four seasons
my saying
He had told teammates he was playing to play only
three or four more seasons
at most and
Then he would look to retire
Running the record a quote that held his the top of his priority list making sure my family is financially stable because he said this
or Express this in 2015 I
Feel I've been managing myself pretty good, I know a lot of people get mad when they see me sit out
But I think a lot of people don't understand them when I set out. It's not because of this year
it's because I'm thinking wrong -
I'm thinking about the double basketball
African graduations the building heavy meetings to go to I
Don't want to be in all my meetings all sore
Or my son's graduation all solar
Just because of something I did in the past
I'm just learning
being smart
On January 10 2017 roses find an undisclosed amount after you reportedly flew to Chicago
To be with his mother
But did not notify team officials ahead of their games get some fighting against the pelicans On January 9th
This was went out. You know when heroes just went missing at me, so he died or got kidnapped or something
That man so so someone if they're crows the tires right
His adea's deals reps if he retires. He's gonna be leaving an excess of 80 million on the table
He still has about seven years left on its deal
And considering the fact that you know the D roses don't sell the same way that they used to
Perhaps maybe adidas can work out some fun deal with him
So they both save money in the long term right because you know the shoes aren't selling the same
He doesn't want to play seven year. She knows he can't play something else perhaps
Maybe you know they work out some sort of a deal, but you know that's really up in the air
That's extremely speculative and you know
conjecturing at this point
Well, yeah me at this point. There's just no way as we just there's no way they're crows played seven more seasons
I don't think his body can take it physically, and I don't think it take it mentally or even emotionally
So does this affect the Cavs it makes them extremely extreme extremely vulnerable
You know that he wins the season expecting to have Derrick Rose he was their son a boy guard
You know even with the you know even if
If I see it Thomas comes back this still increases the bronze workload you know Eric
Gross is brought in to potentially alleviate some of that work below, buddy, but now it's like
It doesn't even seem like they're Rosen gonna come back so at this point. It's like okay now
We have the widow at Thomas, and we don't know that Thomas is gonna be hundred percent
You know he's a five eight point guard with his problem. He's coming off for surgery. Maybe he's never the same who knows
Who knows many many many many many athletes don't come from a hip injury?
It's extremely excruciating and difficult injury to return from that derailed
One of the greatest athletes of our generation bo Jackson so you know the whole Isiah Thomas thing, that's that's up in the air
That's extremely that's an extremely
difficult one to assess
They deaf, I'm gonna have to you know work him back very assiduously if they want to come back
at full strength
You know
And in the evident of not coming back to full strength
Certainly certainly certainly that would put them at a majorly high risk of potentially being bounced
Celtics hit a cone 76ers here, they come, you know I don't know I don't you know I don't want to
Jump on the bandwagon too quickly, but the Sixers are looking extremely formidable even though. They're young
And the stimulus drilling beat RMA's stars
right now
Right now the enemy stars especially joylynn be and you know you got sharp shooters
Like like JJ Redick coming off the bench we have Dario Soros
Who's an another good additional piece?
76ers are the future of the Eastern Conference
And with the advent of all these things happening, surrounded their growth it just makes you realize like wow the Cavaliers
They're old and broken-down like this maybe LeBrons last
You know last run with the Cavaliers. I don't even see Evan coming back of the season you know that's an extremely extremely
Badly managed franchise
They just don't see him returning, and if he does return, you know is it gonna be one hell of a ride for
LeBron James
Realistically, there's 0% chance his hero could set chance that Derrick Rose retires
Derrick Rose been playing this game for a very long time ever since he was in Chicago heiresses in Chicago. I'm sitting now I
Know I don't know that uh
Have cold feet Derrick Rose although with all due respect the situation. I know this is an extremely
extremely serious
situation Derrick Rose this is zero percent chance
from one
Although I do think he's being extremely genuine and it probably is taking a psychological toll on them absolutely, but let's be real here
Demands about us money. Hey write the men's very much about his money
He talks about this all the time in regards to his son PJ and his family and to be quite frank with you
He probably got the whole hood on payroll including his family
So who knows how much money you really got left in the bank. You know me Francis
Huge entourage that he has to take care of so um their girls leaving
81 million dollars on the table to retire
You know cuz it's taking a mental toll on him
Don't think he does that and if it does that's extremely alarming. That's extremely extremely alarming
About how serious his state of depression?
so to speak may actually be
You know that would make me uncomfortable
I'm sure it would make a lot of other you look on if he were to leave that much on the table
Considering his situation that would be shown any longer so
That does seem to be the case. I will pray for the for maybe being I hope a lot of you guys out there watching
will also
Say Amen
That's the truth about Derrick Rose
Seat Leon 1..8 TFI Businessline*2 EigenarenNavi/DEALER ONDERHOUDEN* - Duration: 0:59.
Adyashanti - Opravdová Láska - Duration: 9:37.
Kettleman City Supercharger. 40 Stalls, Lounge & Barista!! - Duration: 7:41.
I'm just about getting ready to head over to Wisconsin's newest supercharger
which is Oak Creek Wisconsin south side of Milwaukee Milwaukee County and a
little bit too close to Pleasant Prairie and it's also gonna be Wisconsin's
largest supercharger at ten stalls one more on that coming later why don't we
shift over to my friend Alex from efore electric he has just traveled to
Kettleman California which is between San Francisco and LA
that is where Tesla has opened up their newest 40 stall supercharger but there's
a little bit more to it not just being a supercharger
it is also a lounge they got a coffee shop a little place to work and they
also sell merchandise in there so Alex why don't we shift it over to you and
tell us a little bit more about the new Kettleman supercharger hey k man this is
Alex gruberman thanks for having me on your channel for those of you who are
not familiar with me I also have a youtube related to Tesla and electric
cars in general it's called efore electric you can find a link to that
channel down there but today I'm here in Kettleman City California
if you don't know where it is that's perfectly fine I didn't either until a
few days ago when they opened up the largest supercharger in America with 40
stalls and so it's half way from Los Angeles to San Francisco I drove from
San Jose it only took about two and a half hours but this is a treat there's
this rows and rows and rows of superchargers and the best thing is
their solar panels all over the place above the superchargers feeding the
energy to the cars being charged at Saturday today so normally it would be
pretty crowded but there's just so many of them there's just not enough Tesla's
to fill all the spots so it's really cool it's just a kind of a separate
location it's not a but part of another property a part of another parking lot
but best of all there is an owner's lounge here that's right you can
actually come in there's a lounge and you to code in your car when you get in
before you're getting out to charge your car there's a code that you can punch in
so you can actually get in there because it's exclusively for Tesla owners and
it's a pretty nice and spacious place actually there's kind of two areas there
there's also a kind of a coffee shop there we
can get some coffee and some snacks you can buy some Tesla merchandise it's
really nice and quiet you can you can snack you can catch up on your emails
there's even a place for kids to hang out and play
there's also another section where it's kind of just for individual people just
kind of sit in there kind of a half cubicles bathrooms are really clean I
mean it's just a really nice and clean place I'm really excited as you know
many other to supercharge your locations are somewhere they're a part of these
shopping malls or they just have like one or two restaurants now in this area
there are plenty of restaurants around as well and a lot of gas stations
ironically so but this is just kind of an exclusive property for Tesla owners
so that's pretty exciting I walked around here I mean I spent some time
catching up on my email because we I barely made it here with just two miles
left the the other supercharger was probably about 30 miles north from here
and it was it was you know we didn't really need to charge so that was pretty
cool on the way here we saw a model three charging and the Guillory
supercharger which was also a treat
all right well I am so glad I drove all over here from San Jose this is really
kind of a playground for our Tesla owners and everyone's just mingling and
talking to each other so it's really really cool actually I've met a guy who
I've already seen that the Earth Day in Santa Cruz is the second time on my
channel welcome back yeah thank you so much of what a coincidence I I you just
drove in I know this this is what I'm talking about guys everyone kind of meet
needs here whether we like it or not right all right so what do you think so
far have you been here before what do you think no I have not and it's a
really nice charging station here a lot of open spaces and I think alone puts
really his actions to where his mouth is I guess you say and you know and yeah
two days ago they at the semi truck event the announce is going to be mega
charger so I wonder if this is a mega charger already location I it could be I
mean from a location perspective it's highway 5 is right next to it I love it
and my wife is in the lounge and waiting for me and I'm sure they have a good
char and I'm sure she's comfortable it's really nice inside we love it we love it
and I only need it 15 minutes to really get to my oh you can't just spend 15
minutes here I mean you gotta hang out man all right came in so I hope you
enjoyed this report I hope you actually stopped by one of these days when you're
here it was super nice meeting you at the semi truck event we had an amazing
time other than that see you next time and
remember to stay charged thanks Alex that was rather awesome and I can't wait
to stop by the kettlemans supercharger and take a peek unfortunately I did not
have time during the last trip to LA for the Tesla semi event but you know me I
always got a road trip of some sort coming up and that would be definitely a
high on my list of priorities to stop at and I know Shao lei definitely wants to
visit Los Angeles and San Francisco again so obviously that's right smack
dab in the middle and yep that'll be right there and I also want to see what
happened to Tesla's old battery swap facility at a Harris ranch
so yeah I'm really exciting to see that and it was
interesting to see how they took the the idea now some of you might might not
have known but the Cincinnati Ohio supercharged location is inside a
service center there's really not too much within walking distance so what
Tesla did and that was kind of a pilot to the Kettleman location and they have
a 24/7 lounge at the Cincinnati location which is also has the pass code on your
Tesla map screen and they had coffee in there at one time they actually had free
snacks but people kept cleaning them out of their snacks and just stealing them
all so they had to just downgrade it to bottled water and coffee and lifesavers
which is good but it's I'm glad they saw the potential of that and expanded it
and it'd be great to see what they do in the future for more locations like that
so if if you are interested in seeing more from Alex you can check out his
channel information and link below efore electric and I know he does a lot
of live streams for you all daily live stream and I hope to work with him more
in the future and it was great seeing him again at the Tesla semi event and
see you all later
VW Golf - Duration: 1:06.
Meghan Markle voudrait être une "princesse Diana 2.0" - Duration: 2:20.
messy hair, ginger tea & chats aka a q&a - Duration: 13:40.
David Hallyday : le chanteur et sa famille déménagent au Portugal - Duration: 2:04.
Nick vs The Undead | The Mummy (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:27.
I don't know what we're doing here.
This isn't the right place.
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.
The main crash site is up that way, and so is my artifact.
And that's where we're going.
What the hell?
How did I...
No, seriously...
I'm sorry, what?
Oh, God.
No, no, no.
No, please.
Run! Run!
Come on! Come on!
[Tuto] Ouvrir un chargeur d'ordinateur portable Asus - Duration: 4:44.
L'effet de contraste : le génie marketing de Sébastien Cerise (formation Enfin-Rentier) - Duration: 8:00.
Eric Cantona mis en examen après ses propos diffamatoires contre Didie\ - Duration: 2:02.
Dr. Ashley Joves' Why (The 8E8 Show Ep81) - Duration: 10:17.
- On episode 81 I sit down with doctor Ashley Joves
and discuss her why.
Hey everybody, what's up and welcome to the 8E8 Show.
This is the internet's only dental show where we're talking
about what matters most to you in marketing, I am your host
Joshua Scott and this episode 81 happening here live
well not live, I mean we're live, I'm live here
with the 8E8 crew, by the time you're watching it's not live
but it's yeah we're just gonna say it's live here.
And we're in episode 81 this month's topic is the why.
It's the why behind what we do and if you missed last
episode, episode 80 I talked about a little bit of my
personal journey behind studio 8E8
and why we started all this.
This episode I'm really really excited 'cause it's a little
bit different, we're going to be going in on an interview
with a brand new client of ours, this is doctor Ashley Joves
from Smile & Company in Folsom California a little bit
outside of the bay area, Sacramento area and we recently
the team was there we flew out for our project, doing
some photography and video and during that visit I had
an opportunity to sit down with her and talk about
the why behind her branding, behind our project
we were working on for her and overall just the practice.
And I think what you'll find out here is the story
underneath it is so important that it drives everything else
and you're gonna see that come through with Ashley
and her approach that before, the practice even opened
it's doors, her why, her story was very defined.
It was very targeted, it was the motivating factor
that was driving her and so yeah, I'm excited about this
episode we're gonna cut over to it, guys enjoy the
interview with doctor Ashley Joves.
Hey guys, what's up I am here with doctor Ashley Joves,
Smile & Company in Folsom California and we've been here
with you today capturing amazing content.
Video, photography 'cause we're getting ready
to put together your website.
You really believe in brand, and establishing that story
from the start, which I love 'cause you know how many
practices we come into on the back end of it.
Like they built the practice, and this is what they
say to me, they're like I've had this website for six years
and I hate it, I hated it when it went up and I hate it now
and I finally wanna like do something.
But that seems to be the case, most people, the weight
of starting a practice is a lot.
So this gets thought of later, you had a really clear
vision on your brand in the whole, dentistry differently
dentistry, comma differently - different, yeah, differently
- Period, where did all that come from?
- In the back of my mind, I always told myself, well you
know what we're in California it's a saturated market
why don't you just purchase an existing practice?
And I got on the list for all the brokerages in northern
California and I would tour the space and it was just
so not anything that I would ever want to buy, especially
buy at top dollar so I said you know what, I have a vision
of how I want my practice to be, I have vision of the
experiences that I wanna create for my patients
and the only way for me to achieve that is to finally
step out of my comfort zone and put fear to the side
and just do it from scratch.
So that's where that Facebook video came from
and it's just been an amazing journey
from start to fruition.
- So when you, I mean when you start thinking about
a website right, was that overwhelming trying to communicate
trying to think about that, I want this thing so different
and how are we gonna communicate that.
- Yes, so confession, I watched a lot of YouTube videos
about how to DIY a website, I took a lot of notes
and I spent so much time--
- 'cause you thought you were gonna do it yourself?
- 'cause I was going to do it myself because when you're
a startup you have to watch your cash flow and I said okay
well you know what I'm gonna do this myself.
I went to dental school, I'm pretty smart I can figure
this out, oh my goodness my husband finally said
can you please just delegate this.
You are wasting so much time, and it's so true.
You don't realize the intricacies that goes behind
a website until you're actually doing it.
Even WordPress, like they have, they say you, they have
the template that you can just plug and play, that is so
not the case so there is a lot that goes behind having
just a beautifully designed website.
- I'm sure you got other offers to do websites,
what was it that made you kinda come back to us
and say lets do this?
- Oh gosh I think it was everything, so when I first
logged on to your website, video and just the editing
and just how beautifully designed your website was.
I said this is a company that really understands brand
and culture and standing out.
And I looked at all the other agencies that offered
to take on my website and I said, this looks exactly
like every other website I've seen, and that's not
what I wanted to create in my dental practice
and I knew that the website for the most part is your
first impression to the practice.
Because today's patient is very educated, they know
exactly what they want, what they're looking for
in a dental practice so if you are not already
standing out on your website you're missing a
huge opportunity for patients to come in and meet you.
- Yeah and I think you're right on because you told me
earlier this is somewhat of a saturated area,
you probably have people telling you like, don't do this.
- Every day. - Yeah, in this area
but what I think they're missing, you can do a startup
when you can compete with everybody else, you know if
you're going in at the same level then yeah there's
gonna be a lot of competition,
people already fighting over it.
But I feel like you came in, almost you know people
talk about marketing that's disruptive or industries
that disrupt industries, I feel like that's a little bit
of your approach, come in set the bar, it's not even
in the same league.
- Thank you. - You know it's almost like
it's just a whole different space, it's like an Elon Musk
going into electric cars and just being like
I know what you guys are doing but I'm gonna do this.
- I just honestly, I just merged what I loved
and what I was passionate about into how I wanted
to define dentistry on my terms.
So for me, I love hanging out with friends
and I love seeing smiles on everyone's faces
and it wasn't about rushing patients in and out
as fast as you can like it was about that wine bar
experience where you can come to the table,
and have a casual conversation between friends.
Where there are no judgements, no white coats,
no preconceived notions of how a dental visit should be
and that's what I ran with.
And I literally just took what I hate about going
to the dentist and I flipped the switch on it.
- From that first phone call I could tell, I think we were
speaking the same language, you didn't have to explain
a whole lot, I feel like we were on the same page
and honestly that's what we do, that's why we started this.
Like this is our passion, to make this look beautiful
so thank you for letting us be here.
- Thank you. - You're killing it.
This place looks amazing. - Oh my goodness.
Thank you, thank you so much for coming,
it means the world to me that you and your entire team
flew out here just to document Smile & Company
and I couldn't have chosen a better partner
to capture what we're trying to achieve here,
so thank you so much.
- oh it's our pleasure, yeah thank you.
Alright alright, that wraps up--
Matthew Maconaughey or something, alright guys that
wraps up episode 81 I hope you enjoy the interview.
So question of the episode before I let you go.
What is your why?
What is your why, I feel like all month we've been
leading up to that, but man what's your why, number one
I would love to hear it so if you want to leave it
in the show notes, hit me up on social media, I would love
to hear your story, your why behind what you're doing
what you started what you're a part of.
Secondly, if you need help with it, it's completely fine
it's okay sometimes we get into stuff, before we even
realize it and then later we go, what is my why?
What am I doing?
And then other times we know right from the start.
So if you need help with it, it's no problem get some help
start thinking through that, give us a call reach out,
find somebody that can help you 'cause it's so important
to have that as the anchor, as the navigation of your
practice, and look for next month's article topic
coming out in December I think we're going to close the year
talking about budgets and really creating an effective plan
for 2018, last but not least best place to find me
online is Instagram @joshuascott, it's gonna float over here
J. Moore's gonna make that happen, the voodoo magic
of video right here, and you're gonna see that
and that's it, I need to wrap it up,
alright guys I'll see you next episode.
Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile
Very Relaxing Zen Music - Soft Ambience Music - Serenity - Harmony And Wellness - Duration: 4:11:08.
Very Relaxing Zen Music - Soft Ambience Music - Serenity - Harmony And Wellness
Volkswagen Polo 1.4-16V 5DRS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 0:56.
Opel Astra GTC 1.8 SPORT CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 0:58.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 d Ambition Automaat | Trehaak | COMAND | LED | Dodehoekass - Duration: 0:54.
Mitsubishi L200 2.5 DI-D 4WD CLUB CAB INVITE - Duration: 0:54.
Brigitte Macron joue la maitresse d'école à l'Elysée - Duration: 3:34.
[Tuto] Ouvrir un chargeur d'ordinateur portable Asus - Duration: 4:44.
Des cadeaux de Noël pour toute la famille – Justine - Duration: 0:17.
La respiration cellulaire - Duration: 4:41.
Meghan Markle voudrait être une "princesse Diana 2.0" - Duration: 2:20.
Comment se présenter à un sourd? - Duration: 6:18.
Condannata per aver diffamato la D'Urso, Lucarelli: «Ricorrerò in appello» - Duration: 2:59.
Critique BD by Funenbulles #16 - Batman par Enrico Marini - Duration: 5:12.
Nature Goddess makeup | Marion Cameleon - Duration: 6:00.
Today I wanted to do something
more poetic and creative so I invented
the Nature or end of Autumn Goddess
I hope you'll like it!
I will do my brows first with some lipsticks from Lime Crime
I start with the shade Squash
and do the inner part of my brows
and then the shade Pumpkin on the tail
to create an ombre brow
I put some black on my waterline
with a pencil from Eyeko that I love
I put a bit on my lower lash line too
to do the base
Very important : the upper waterline
To do the base I use Black Hole from NYX
in the Faux Blacks collection
I do the outer part of my lid
and then my inner part
I smudge to make it smokey
I use the shade Rowdy
on top of the pencil
this color is a bit powdery
but you can easily take off the fall out
with a massive fluffy brush
I blend it in 160 shadow from MUFE
I use 230 brush from Zoeva
I do the lid and put Rowdy
on top of the crayon
I do the crease with 231 brush
from Zoeva and 160 shadow from MUFE
As my transition shade I use
Hashtag from the Holy Grail palette
I apply it with 231 brush from Zoeva
and start with the lower lash line
and do the crease
I use the KS07 khôl from Black Up
on the center of my lid
and smudge it with my fingertip
I do the same in the inner corner
I apply Star Powder 922 from MUFE on top with a flat brush
I blend the it in the other shades
to avoid a gross effect
I start my eyeliner in the center
to the outer corner, and go into the inner corner
little by little
I draw a straight line from the outer corner in direction of
the top of my ear and then I
thicken the shape
I apply my lashes
I mix the real and fake lashes together
I use the lash glue from HOL
I put some glue dots where I want to put the stars after
I use some stars glitters from MUFE
And I put them with a tweezer on top of
my glue dots
I use hot glue to
create some tears and put some glitters
on it before it dried
I fix them with some lash glue
I apply Potion from ABH on my lips
I apply a lot of clear lipgloss
because I wanted a wet effect
Here is the final result of the makeup
To finish the look I put a wig from
Hem Hair on
and put a black flower crown I got at a random NYX event
Thank you for watching
I hope you enjoyed it!
Give it a thumbs up if you like it
see you very very soon
for my first Advent Calendar look!!
Des cadeaux de Noël pour toute la famille – Antoine - Duration: 0:22.
Eestis lõksus olevad pagulased | Delfi TV minidok - Duration: 29:37.
GIRLFRIEND TAG || LGBT || Vart träffades vi? - Duration: 15:04.
''Do you guys hear me?''
''You look so nice!''
''Yeah yeah yeah''
''Are you having fun tonight?''
Now you became a bit red
Hello everyone and welcome back to our channel!
First of all we would like to thank you for the incredible response to our last video!
We're so happy and excited to do this now that we see that there are a lot of you who like to see this
Thank you to all the subscribers and to everyone who watched the video, that was a lot of views!
My name is Beri and this is my lovely girlfriend Nicole
and today we're going to do the Girlfriend Tag, that a lot of you requested
and we're going to tell you a little bit about us and.. yeah! That's what we're doing.
Let's get to the questions!
I have the questions here so excuse the phone
Well I already know the first question soo..
Okay, first question:
Where and when did we meet?
September 2014, we met at a mall where we both were performing!
We're going to do a separate video where we go into detail because it's such a long long long story :)
It includes traveling, pauses etc..
it's far too dramatic to put in this question
and it's also a video you guys have requested, so we're going to do a full video on how we met.
When was our first date?
Our first date was on my 18th birthday, the official first date that is
we had been on a bunch of mini-dates
yeah, official first date was on your 18th birthday
but that was almost a year after we met
Our first date was more or less the first day we met
Okay, next question
What's a bad habit that I have?
Well, you can't wash the dishes, you can't close doors or cabinets behind you.. you throw your dirty socks everywhere
because you take them off on the couch and they end up on the floor or in between the cushions
that's all.
Oh, you don't have a fourth one to announce?
I said ONE bad habit
But babe, there's nothing wrong with your personality!
It's just things you do
Alright, something I do that bothers you?
You ehm..
You have a hard time cooking food
N: that bothers me
B: but when I do cook, it tastes good
I'm never cooking for you again..
She just doesn't understand that like, if you make a casserole
with like potatoes and tomatoe puree
everyone who knows how to cook knows this
If you put the stove on the highest degree now when it's supposed to simmer
then the bottom is going to get burnt!!
because the heavy content will sink to the bottom
If the stove is too hot the food will burn
and there's going to be a layer of burnt food
It's happened like 50 times!
B: No NO! N: Every time she cooks
So my last casserole was foul?
and she's like ''oh shit! Did i have to stir the pot?''
So my last casserole was no good?
No! Not that one..
But.. yeah you're getting better
You play too much.
well, that's something that bothers me.
Just one thing?
Oh no babe, now I feel bad
N: Why? B: I babbled on about you just now
When did we meet each others families the first time?
I met yours for the first time the 6th of April
She had been away on a trip for 4 months and I was staying over at her's the evening she came home
And when we came to her house I saw and greeted her family for the first time
Her entire family, what's that, 9 members?
The first time I met your family was a little spread out
I had met her siblings
or at least one of her brothers, before we even met
And I met the father before we got together in 2014
and I met the rest of the family when we got together.
Like at home, chilling
The only time I actually met your family at an official gathering, was your mothers side of the family
Yeah that's right
I met them the first time as her girlfriend
That was the official ''I'm bringing home a girl'' type of thing
N: That was so nice B: Yeah thats was so cool
Okay, when was our first kiss?
It was at my house, when we were living in cottages. We had 3 of them
And my family was out of town so I had one of the cottages to myself
so I invited her over
But she didn't think I would actually show up
Yeah I got like cold feet inside myself but I didn't let it show
But yeah, she came over my place that night
the TV was showing the movie ''Colombiana''
And I had bought potato-gratin and grilled chicken
Everything was pre-cooked, I couldn't cook anything
and during the first commercial between the movie, we kissed
And this was October 2014, so we had been dating for a month
It felt like forever!
We had kept ourselves from doing this for what felt like a year
Who said I love you first?
me me ME!
She said it the first time after a fight
and we were had moved in together for the first time
and she wrote a letter, a beautiful letter
where she listed all the times she had said it without actually speaking the words
Basically all the times I had told you without telling you
Yeah, and she ended the letter with '' I love you''.
But I didn't say it back. Not because I didn't love her
But because I'm a coward
And this was a while into the relationship
We had seen each other for 2 years and been together for 1 1/2 years
but the thing is we had told each other before, without saying it straight out
but that was the first time.
And the first time I said it was on my birthday
a month or so later
and she said it again
I was like COME ON!
The next question is:
do our families support us?
do you want to start?
My family support us, very much. She's family now.
But in the beginning they had a hard time, like many other families
Olive Red Smoky Holiday Look | Cruelty Free Makeup Tutorial w/ Urban Decay, too Faced & Colour Pop - Duration: 5:29.
Hey everyone.
Welcome back.
I'm Courtney.
And today I'm gonna be bringing you this holiday sort of smokey golden olive red type look.
I feel like it's not your typical holiday look, so just keep watching.
I've already applied my eyeshadow primer.
I'm taking Too Faced Peach Sangria on a Sigma E25 brush.
This is gonna be the main color for this look.
And then starting to shape out a crease.
Also gonna put this along the lower lid, and connect it on the outer crease.
Not gonna go more than around halfway or slightly more than halfway with this color at the lower
Don't worry about the shape being too exact at the outer corner, 'cause I'm just gonna
clean it up later with some makeup-remover.
Going to use Too Faced Peach Butter with another Sigma E25 brush, and start blending out the
edges in the crease.
I'm gonna use a Q-tip to shape along the lower lash line.
Going to use Too Faced Chocolate Dip with the Sigma E47 brush to deepen this color.
I'm basically going on the outer socket of my eye.
So if you have hooded eyes like mine, you can basically just pop the brush like right
in here, to figure out where to put the accent color on the outer V.
I'm going to use the Real Techniques Powder Bleu brush to blend.
And I'm really just kind of keeping the brush inside the red so that it's diffusing the
dark brown.
I still feel like I need a little bit of another transition color for the crease.
So I'm going to go to Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette, and use this shade right here,
which is Instinct.
I'm taking this on a Nyx Concealer Brush, just so that I have more control as I try
to blend this out.
I'm also gonna put this at my inner-lower lid.
I'm going to use a tiny little bit of the Urban Decay Blackjack color here to deepen.
I'm gonna use this very small Sigma E36 brush to do that.
Doing the outer V the same as I did with the dark brown.
Now for the fun part.
I'm going to use Colour Pop Moonwalk on my lid, and applying it with the Urban Decay
Moondust Brush.
So I'm taking Instinct and Nudie, and blending out this edge so that it's just not as harsh
as it was.
So the next color I'm gonna use is So Quiche by Colour Pop, and I'm gonna try to put this
on with my fingers.
I don't find it easy to put colors on with my fingers.
I'm layering it on top of Moonwalk to create sort of like an olive color, but with some
more depth.
Yeah, hopefully you can see how that just adds more depth than just this color.
I put on Huda Beauty FauxFilter Foundation in the shade of Milkshake.
I love this foundation.
It's one of the few foundations I don't have to add white to.
I also love that I don't need to set it, because it dries down to sort of like a radiant matte
I used Nyx Ombre Blush in Mauve Me, or Mauve Me, however you wanna say that.
I highlighted with Nyx Snow Rose.
I did a little bit of contour with the Nudestix Contour Pencil, and this is Contour Medium,
Highlight Luminex.
I put Urban Decay's Ex-Girlfriend lip pencil on my lips.
And I topped that with Kat Von D's Everlasting Glimmer Veil stuff in Thunderstruck.
Oh, and my brows today are Wunderbrow in Jet Black.
So I'm gonna finish the rest of my eye makeup.
I'm gonna try out this liquid eyeliner.
It's Stila Stale Day waterproof, a liquid eyeliner in Intense Black.
Never used it before.
And I'm just drawing like little dashes along the upper-lash line to line my eyes.
I'm gonna put on Buxom's Waterproof Mascara in the shade Intense Black.
I am going to highlight with Kat Von D's Opal.
Oh, let me zoom in so you can see my finished eye look.
I really like the two Color Pop colors that I used to layer to create my lid shade.
I hope you enjoyed my smokey olive and red holiday look.
Please be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below.
If you have a tutorial request, I definitely wanna hear it.
If you found this video fun and informative, entertaining or helpful, please give it a
thumbs up and share.
I really appreciate it when you do that.
It really helps me out.
And if you haven't already, you should consider clicking on the little subscribe button down
below so you never miss a video from me.
That means you'll never miss out on seeing my poodles or any of the crazy things that
I'm up to.
Thanks so much for watching.
MWW S2E4: Trash Islands - Duration: 1:39.
Welcome, to Mr. Weather's World.
Where does your garbage go?
Do you throw it away?
Recycle it?
Or maybe even litter?
If you are one of the 75% of Americans who admit to littering in the past 5 years, you
are part of a huge problem.
9 billion tons of litter end up in the oceans every year, which is more than the 250 million
tons of trash generated each year.
Where does all the trash in the ocean end up?
In 'trash islands'.
'Trash islands' are usually within a gyre, a rotation of the water resulting from currents,
that swallow up debris.
The Pacific Garbage Patch is one of the largest of these masses and consists mostly of plastic.
The pieces of trash are relatively small, however, the patch covers an enormous area
about twice the size of Texas.
The main problem with the debris is that it can harm ecosystems and marine life.
The debris absorbs chemicals and when digested they poison the fish in our oceans, often
killing them.
There are numerous ways to prevent pollution from occurring.
Volunteering for beach cleanups, using fewer products containing plastics, and most effectively
you can recycle.
Even companies can use biodegradable products that would be safer for the environment.
In supporting organizations working to protect the ocean and educating yourself about marine
life are the first steps towards progress.
The oceans are important and what we do impacts all levels of life from the fish in the sea
to the family at the dinner table.
Des cadeaux de Noël pour toute la famille – Laurence - Duration: 0:22.
Let Your Call Tracking Syste...
The Flash 4x08 Crisis on Earth-X Parte 3 | Sub. Español - Duration: 2:50.
Previously on "Crisis on Earth-X"...
- To Barry and Iris. - To Barry and Iris.
Are you asking me to marry you?
- I am. - Just forget about it.
- Felicity. - I don't want to marry you!
I just called off my engagement.
To making things go away.
Does anyone have just cause
why these two should not be married?
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Why would Nazis want to crash my wedding?
There's a 53rd earth called Earth-X.
Basically our Earth with one difference.
The Nazis won the war.
I call it "Calm After the Firestorm."
No powers for either of us?
The other archer and flying woman
are Oliver and Kara of Earth-X,
and Thawne is working with them.
The general is dying.
All we need is a new heart.
And we found the perfect donor.
I don't think this is our Earth.
Eyes front!
So this crap-hole's Earth-X.
- Wells was right. - He usually is.
It's hard to believe a place like this actually exists
on any Earth.
I wish I shared your sentiment,
but in all my travels to distant times,
one thing which sadly remains constant is men's ability
to feel hatred for other men.
Keep moving.
All prisoners, stay away from the gate.
Stars and triangles...
Badges used to identify
purported crimes these people have "committed"
to land in here.
What's the pink triangle for?
What did you do?
I loved the wrong person.
We got to get out of these things.
- Transmute us out. - With pleasure.
I can't vibrate through them either.
Power-dampening collars.
Well, why are we wearing them, then?
Doesn't matter.
There's too many guards here anyways.
They're gonna kill my sister.
Look, we're not gonna let that happen,
Alex, I promise you.
We're gonna get back to our Earth before then.
How? We don't even know how we got here.
No, we don't. We're gonna figure it out.
Then we're gonna find a way to get out of this place,
and we're gonna get back to the people we love.
I hope everyone else is okay.
The Flash 4x08 Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3
Rip Van Ramon awakens.
This doesn't look like a wedding.
You missed quite a bit, Cisco.
All you need to know is that you are locked
in one of your fabulous anti-meta-human cells
with the rest of us.
- We can't escape. - Of course we can't.
That's what I designed them for, genius.
Good command of the obvious.
- Boys. - Is that a ball?
Why? Is it bothering you?
God. Hey!
Are they gonna do that the whole time we're in here?
- Ow! - Probably.
- It hurts! Cut it out! - Cut what out?
S.T.A.R. Labs.
It feels like old times, doesn't it?
You know, I, uh... I built this place...
with my own hands and called it home
for 15 years, and do you know what?
I hated every minute of it.
Where are my friends?
Your friends, they're on Earth-X.
I wouldn't worry about your friends too much because...
they're not going to be alive much longer.
Oh, honey.
It's because of the red sunlight.
And trust me,
it'll make you weaker than you can possibly imagine.
You did all this just... just to get me?
Do you know how many innocent people you killed?
Their lives to save mine?
Well, they should feel honored.
It's a strange sensation, isn't it...
feeling vulnerable?
And it's just gonna get worse
because this red sunlight,
it's softening you up
until pretty soon,
I'm gonna crack you open like a walnut.
Then I'm gonna take your healthy heart.
I'm gonna put it in her.
Which means we should probably get you going.
That'll give me time to talk to...
Did you hear that?
- Everyone else is on Earth-X. - And Kara only has a few hours
before they go full Mengele on her.
- We gotta stop them. - Got any ideas?
I don't know. Give me some time to think.
Iris, I'm all for girl power and everything,
but how are you and I gonna stop the meaner, Nazi version
of my whatever he is right now and...
People with superpowers?
We don't have to.
We just need to get to the pipeline and get Cisco.
He could turn off all the power to the building
and breach us out of here.
Do you know w to get to the pipeline from here?
I think so.
Lead the way, McClane.
I don't like the looks of this.
- What's going on? - I don't know.
- Keep moving! - What are we doing?
- It's roundup time. - Roundup for what?
In line, now.
So these are...
the heroes.
Yes, Sturmbannfuehrer.
Blonde hair...
blue eyes... This is Nordic perfection.
Why would you align yourself with the unpure?
Because I like men
and I like women.
You know, I had a daughter who looked just like you,
with similar compulsions.
And I expunged that filth
from my family line forever.
Bring them all.
And him!
Move! Now!
Not to be an alarmist, but if we don't have an escape plan,
I suggest we get one immediately.
Turn around.
I know you are not him,
but I cannot stomach the sight regardless.
I'm sorry, Kara.
I hate "fire."
About time!
Kill them all!
Take cover!
Hey, you're cutting it close.
I thought that was great timing.
I really enjoyed the pun.
So you're Leonard Snart's doppelganger.
No, I'm Leonard Snart, but you can call me Leo.
That is a fantastic outfit.
Did you make that?
- Leo. - Right.
Time to make you shine, buddy.
Uh, you, uh...
You might want to close your eyes.
Well, I believe he just answered your question.
Come on, let's go.
Where are we going?
- To our base. - Your base?
- And... and who are you? - I was thinking exactly
the same thing about you all.
You might have to tell us on the way.
You're looking more human.
Scared, helpless, pathetic... inferior.
We're not that different from them.
Oh, please. We're everything they want to be:
blonde, white.
Aryan perfection.
I'm not like you.
I don't think I'm better than everyone else.
You should.
You are.
You're a god to them.
You could have been living like one.
Like you?
Yes, like me.
They want someone to bow to,
to worship, to lead.
What you're doing is not leading.
It's ruling.
Yes, it is.
They're like ants, Kara.
They shouldn't fear us for what we can do.
They should rely on us when they need us.
Oh, spare me the Good Samaritan crap.
I'm not gonna take advantage of anyone,
just because I can.
The world isn't made better
by protecting the weak.
It's made better by getting rid of them.
You really are pathetic.
You know, I saw you at the wedding.
By yourself.
Poor, lonely little Kara.
Can't even find a date to a wedding.
You don't know what you're talking about.
It's written all over
that pouty little face of yours.
You spend so much time on your planet
taking care of everyone but yourself.
No wonder you seem so utterly miserable.
It's not going to work.
You're not gonna get what you want.
Why do you care if I take your heart?
You're not using it.
At least I have one.
We're almost ready.
I know bad guys have inopportune timing,
but this is, like, the worst timing ever.
Yeah, tell me about it, sister.
Barry and I were just about to get married.
At least you guys left on good terms.
The last thing I said to Oliver was, "I don't want
to marry you," and now he's stuck in Nazi world.
I mean, what if we never see them again?
Hands in the air!
That was extremely badass.
Same to you.
- Cisco? - Hey!
Guys, we're trapped in here!
We're gonna get you of here!
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
- What? - I can't open the blast door.
You mean they're trapped?
I'll send an SOS to the Legends.
How long will it take for them to get it?
Depends where they are in time.
We can't wait that long.
It's up to us to save Kara.
I guess we're in Earth-X's Star City.
I have to say, that's one hell of a story.
You're a speedster. Yeah.
Okay, you two turn into the burning man.
And you're the good doppelganger of the Fuehrer.
"Good" might be an oversimplification.
You still haven't told us which Earth you're from.
Clearly, it's not this one.
We're from Earth-1.
Earth-1? Well...
Am I missing something here?
I'm from Earth-1 too.
If you're from our Earth,
then you know how we got here, don't you?
Yeah, I have a pretty good idea.
I think you guys...
came through this.
- A temporal gateway? - Same physics as a breach,
- just more stable and larger. - Yeah, much larger.
So we have a way to get back.
So where is this thing?
It's actually not too far from here.
22.3 kilometers, to be exact.
- Well, we'd drive there. - Good.
So take us to it.
- Can't do that. - Why?
Because the gateway's in a facility guarded
by a not-so-small army of Nazis.
Yeah, well, we've faced worse, so...
Look, it's our only way home.
We're going through it.
Nobody's going through anything.
Because we're blowing it the hell up.
- Winn? - Please,
- Freedom Fighter General Schott. - General Schott?
Yeah, and who are you?
New friends from Earth-1.
They're on our side.
Except for the part where you guys
want to blow up our only way home.
We don't exactly want to.
Everyone we care about is on the other side
of that gateway, imprisoned by Nazis.
The Nazis that want to cut open my sister.
- We have to get back. - Eliminate that facility,
and you eliminate our only chance
of saving our friends from your enemies.
I'm sorry, but we've been waiting
for an opportunity like this for years.
We cannot wait any longer.
This is our only chance
to separate the Fuehrer from his army.
We are trying to turn this war around.
You are gonna leave our Earth at the mercy
of the three psychopaths who have ravaged yours.
Wait, why does this man look exactly
like the Fuehrer I am trying to kill?
Look, fingerless gloves, all we are asking
is for a little bit of time.
Let us get into the facility and through that gateway.
The gateway is guarded by 30 Panzer Xils,
50 Sturmtigers, and 100 Schutzstaffel officers.
- Not the best odds, maybe. - I'll take them.
No, you will not.
We are blowing up that gateway right now.
Final order.
Sorry he's a little rough around the edges.
But he is the general, and he's issued his commands.
Hey, hey, hey.
You won't change his mind. No one does.
Look, on my Earth, he and I are like family.
And he would do anything to help my sister.
Ray, let her try.
You don't seem tooknow how to take an order.
That's because I'm used to giving them.
You can't do this, Winn.
General Schott.
Look, I don't know where the hell you think you are,
but this planet has been at war for generations.
We are tired.
There are men dying
for the same causes their grandfathers did.
We're not asking you to surrender.
Hey, just... just let us get back home
before you destroy that thing.
I-I'm just asking for a little time.
Time is what I can't give you.
They have a weapon...
a doomsday weapon powerful enough
to affect other worlds.
It has to be eliminated.
The Fuehrer on your Earth,
the people that you hate,
they're going to kill my sister
if you don't let me get back to save her.
On my Earth, my sister is your closest friend.
She's saved you countless times.
You would do anything to help her.
You would do anythiig to help each other,
no matter the risk, without question.
So all I'm asking for is a chance.
I am sorry about your sister
and about your Earth.
I truly am.
But today I have the chance
to protect my people,
my Earth.
My decision stands.
Uh, Grey, I'm busy, man.
Yes, I can see that, but I was hoping
you might take a moment away from your ruminations
on dystopian lternative history to accept my apology.
I may be a learned man,
but I am not always an astute one.
I think I was just so thrilled
with the reality of my imminent departure
that l neglected to consider your feelings.
Look, man, I'm not trying to take you away from your family
- or nothing... - You are my family.
Long before I unexpectedly found myself with a daughter,
I found myself unexpectedly with a son.
- Yeah, I know. I ju... - You know.
You know, do you?
Look around you. We're standing in one of the...
darkest places imaginable.
Yet somehow I'm optimistic. Do you know why?
'Cause you're a crazy old man.
Yes. No!
Because I'm standing here with you.
You are a better son than I could have ever hoped for.
And no length of time or distance
will ever change that.
A'ight. Apology accepted. Come here.
What are you doing?
Looking for a gun...
or knife... anything.
Okay, I don't care how many Sturmtigers
they have out there.
I'm gonna go save Kara,
with or without the help of these people.
No, you're not.
I'm a government agent
certified in over 30 military weapons.
And you're impressive, I'll give you that.
But you still can't fight your way
through an army of Nazis alone and scared.
I'm not scared.
No, not for you. For yoor sister.
I should've done more.
I mean, if I hadn't gotten so... distracted.
Well, sorry to be a distraction.
You don't understand.
I can't lose her.
I understand more than you think.
I lost my sister.
The anger and guilt that I felt
for not being able to save her
took me down a dark path.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
How could you?
I mean, the only thing we know about each other is...
what we look like with clothes off.
Beautiful, by the way.
You also don't know that I protect my team,
and you, Danvers, you're on my team.
And I promise you, we're not gonna let
what happened to my sister happen to yours.
I'm sorry.
I just want to... I want to save Kara,
and I want to get back to Maggie.
- Maggie is? - Complicated.
Yeah. I had a Maggie too.
And I think about going back to her...
all the time.
Look, Alex.
You seem like a pretty thoughtful person.
And if you thought it wasn't gonna work out
and had to end it,
I'm sure that reason was valid.
Trust your instincts.
Ray, please, let's talk to him.
Look, you said to let Alex try.
I let her try.
- She didn't succeed. - So that's that?
We just let these poor strangely dressed individuals
lose their one way home?
Look, it's what Winn ordered,
and I am not in the habit of defying generals on any Earth.
And what abouttyour family back on Earth-1?
What about them?
You'd be giving up any chance of ever seeing them again.
why are you pushing this?
- Pardon? - We have fought
and bled and sacrificed for this war.
And then these strangers show up
and you're willing to throw everything away for them?
The fate of the world is at stake.
So are the lives of their loved ones.
Come on.
Tease me all you want for being sentimental.
These heroes would risk everything
for the people they love, just like I would...
for you.
You know I can't say no
when you look at me like that.
That is why I look at you like that.
We talked to the general, and after a lot of arguing,
- he agreed, so... - We're gonna help you out.
Now, you referenced 100 guards.
I assume most of them are around the perimeter?
- Correct. - All right.
We fight through them outside.
We access the main corridor.
What is security like inside the hangar?
I'll do some recon.
So the entire facility
has meta-human dampeners.
Okay, we can't take that hangar with no powers, man.
These satellites indicate a control room off the hangar.
That must be where the dampener is.
Okay, well, we definitely can't take
the main control room with no powers.
It's not like we blend in here.
I think I know how to get in.
I'm allowiig this mission against my better judgment.
You have one hour.
I appreciate it. We all do.
Yeah, I know. I know what you're thinking.
If you don't make it through the gateway,
I am not giving you more time.
I will blow that place to kingdom comm.
Red light saturation...
is complete.
She's cooked.
And you will wake up stronger than you've ever been.
I love you.
I love you.
Unfortunately, Miss Danvers,
we need you awake for this procedure.
My... my cousin...
he'll find you.
Your cousin.
Really? Fun tidbit.
I fought your cousin once. In the future.
He is fast.
I'm faster.
They're starting the surgery.
I'm working on it, and...
Just have backup power, and it's not enough.
Well, everyone in the building has been accounted for.
Where might people be hiding?
Take that you, Nazi mother...
Hey, hey, hey.
Comm with me if you want to live.
Get me to the sun.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
- I got her, I got her. - Okay.
We gotta go.
I don't believe Mr. Thawne is done with you yet.
Your papers, Sturmmann.
We don't have papers.
This is a special visit.
Your papers. Now.
Suit yourself, but, uh,
I think you better talk to our boss.
As you were.
Mein gott. My apooogies, sir.
Let them through!
Let them through!
Thank you, mein Fuehrer.
Hail, Fuehrer.
Mein Fuehrer, we were...
We were not expecting you.
Nor was I anticipating being back so soon.
Thanks to your incompetence,
the Earth-1 doppelgangers...
My doppelganger...
Escaped his execution.
Yes, he did.
We are exhhusting every possible means
to locate them.
Would you like us to delay deployment until we do so?
She is inbound and ready.
The doomsday device.
The Wellenreiter is fully operational
and at the ready, mein Fuehrer.
Shall we send her through?
As scheduled.
The Wellenreiter is on its way.
Hail, victory!
Hail, victory!
Hail, victory.
- Report. - Good news.
The Wellenreiter's made the transition to this Earth.
Kara is all that matters.
That red sunlight we're flooding her with,
that's burning off.
So pretty soon, her cells will be so desaturated,
we cannot perform the surgery.
- Fix it. - I can't.
This is your city. This is your facility.
So turn the power back on.
I can't because the system has been encrypted.
By who?
By Miss Smoak.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
No, that'll be all.
Very well.
Before I go, I have something for you, mein Fuehrer.
A gift...
to celebrate your return.
Well, I know how much you enjoy executing rule breakers,
and this one has broken many of them.
We discovered this Jewess
handing her rations to the work camp children.
Strictly against camp rules, of course.
Those children were starving.
Well, this must be hard.
I hear your doppelganger on Earth-1
loved a woman who looks just like this.
Did you really think I would hand you a loaded weapon...
Before verifying who you are?
Hey, hey, hey, you're okay.
No, no, no, you're fine. You're fine.
Just take this and go.
Why are you doing this?
It's the strong's duty to protect the weak.
Take it and go.
How did it... Oh.
Barry, we have a problem.
The gateway control's been damaged.
We can't turn it on?
We can't turn it on here,
but there should be a manual override at the platform.
All right, we're gonna have
to fight our way through.
What do you mean? Call it back!
Too late. It's been programmed.
There's no changing course now.
You said we'd have an hour.
Yeah, well, I changed my mind.
The team hasn't gone through the breach yet.
That team has nothing to do with us or saving our planet.
And everyone who can threaten it
is on he other side of that breach.
They are not coming back through.
- General! - Leo, enough!
I'm not risking any more time.
We are blowing it up.
Guys, we have a problem.
What kind of problem?
A weapon is heading to blow up the facility.
A weapon? You mean a missile?
Not exactly.
Felicity Smoak.
Turn the power back on.
He said...
"Turn the power back on."
Sorry, Eobard. Eobard?
- Eobard. - Eobard.
My Goo, the future sounds weird.
That's funny.
Sometimes we think we're more clever than we are.
Because where I come from,
the history books are filled with stories
of this Age of Heroes:
Green Arrow,
Black Canary,
The Flash.
And yet no one...
no one has ever heard
of Felicity Smoak.
Stop. Stop.
You came here for me, so just ake me, please.
Please don't hurt anyone else.
Give them the code.
- If I dd, they'll kill you. - It's fine.
Nobody's gonna die because of me.
Latte, Ada, Jonas, 1-1-9-0-0.
Let's go.
In ten minutes, Red Tornado's
gonna bring down this entire acility,
and there's nothing we can do to stop that robot.
Then we need to reopen the gateway
before that happens.
- Barry, Ray... - We know.
Stop a flying robot somehow.
Good. The rest of us will open the breach.
That's the whole plan?
Well, as a Snart we know used to say,
"Make a plan. Execute the plan.
Expect the plan to go off the rails.
Throw away the plan."
Wow. That is... that is terrible advice.
I always have a plan, down to the second,
so nothing ever goes wrong.
No, no, no, the only plan now
is not to leave this Earth... without me.
Right. Ready for Tornado watch.
Let's do it.
I thought it'd be fun if we put on our costumes.
Where'd you get the bow and quiver?
The general collects weapons.
Let's go to war.
No one gets to the gateway!
No one!
Move! Move!
Here we go.
Okay, we're Nazi-free. Let's go.
Hold on. That's an automated power cell.
We need to activate it before using the control console.
I can hot-wire it, no problem.
Then I'll turn on the console.
You want to split up? You sure?
It's our most favorable odds.
Let's kick some ass, Jefferson.
Grey, we got power.
Whoa! Hey!
A little help here!
Oh, crap.
Well, that's not very fair.
I'm pinned down!
Grey! No!
- Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- www.Addic7ed.com --
Why Can't You Put Pineapple in Jello? - Duration: 6:29.
Unless you've managed to make it this far in life without setting foot in a store, you're
probably aware that jello, popularly known as jelly by my British compatriots, is a genericization
of the brand Jell-O which itself was derived from the word "gelatin".
(See: The Jiggly History of Jell-O) Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen via a process
called hydrolysis, which breaks apart the bonds of this protein with water.
While hydrolysis may sound complicated, it's simply a matter of boiling collagen rich animal
byproducts, usually bones, connective tissue and skin, in water for many hours to break
it down.
The resulting broth is then carefully strained before the water is evaporated, leaving behind
gelatin which can either be pressed into sheets or sold as a powder.
Given that it is made from animal byproducts, gelatin and products containing it aren't
considered to be vegetarian and as a result, there are several plant-based alternatives
such as Agar (derived from algae) and carrageenan (derived from seaweed) available on the market.
(See: Why Seaweed is Sometimes Used in the Making of Ice Cream)
Though commonly thought of as being modern, gelatin based foodstuffs have existed since
at least around the 15th or 16th centuries.
Notably, in the late 17th century a Frenchman called Denis Papin invented a device he dubbed,
"The Digester of Bones" (marketing genius that one).
Papin's original intention was to create a device not too dissimilar from a modern
pressure cooker which utilized steam to boil down bones either for thickening gravies or
creating a paste that could be readily consumed by the poor.
Despite his noble intentions for the less affluent among us, the device ended up being
too expensive for all but the wealthiest individuals to afford.
In the end, the French (and eventually English) elite became enthralled with the jellies it
produced, with one English observer noting: "The hardest bones of beef and mutton were
made as soft as cheese, producing an incredible quantity of gravy and for close of all, a
jelly made from the bones of beef, which makes a good relish, the most delicious I have ever
The English are also credited with creating one of the earliest known recipes containing
gelatin – a dish called "calf's foot jelly" – which was, unsurprisingly, made
from calf's feet, though the feet of deer, sheep or another similar animal could be substituted
if necessary.
The exact recipe states: "Take two calf's feet, and add to them one gallon of water;
boil down to one quart; strain, and when cold, skim off the fat; add to this the white of
six or eight eggs well beaten, a pint of wine, half a pound of loaf sugar, and the juice
of four lemons, and let them be well mixed.
Boil the whole for a few minutes, stirring constantly, and then strain through a flannel.
This forms a very nutritious article of diet for the sick, and for those recovering from
The wine may be omitted or added according to choice."
Originally designated as a food for "invalids", like many other gelatin-based foods, the dish
became something of a delicacy amongst the upper classes.
Later, its supposed high nutritional value saw various gelatin-based foods become popular
with soldiers during the Napoleonic wars.
So where do pineapples come into this and why can't you put them in jello?
Well, to begin with, it's not true you can't put any pineapples in jello.
You just shouldn't put unprocessed pineapples in it, unless you like the jello to stay in
its liquid form.
You see, since gelatin is a protein, it is very susceptible to breaking down into its
amino acid building blocks when it encounters enzymes known as proteases.
As a result of this break down, the proteins are unable to tangle together to create a
partially solid structure.
Bottom line, without this linking, the jello never sets up.
In regards to pineapples, they contain bromelain which itself contains sulfhydryl protease
As such, gelatin with unprocessed pineapple added to it will not set.
However, since heating typically renders the protease enzymes in bromelain inactive, canned
pineapple can be added to jello, as it is heated sufficiently as part of the canning
You might be wondering at this point if there are any other common foodstuffs that similarly
prevent jello from setting?
Well, the short answer is yes- anything containing protease enzymes is a no-no in your jello.
This includes several fruits such as papaya, mango, guava, pawpaw and kiwi as well as figs
and ginger root.
In addition to this, protease enzymes are also found in broccoli, mushrooms, spinach,
wheat and soy beans, none of which you're likely to add to jello, but hey, at least
now you know.
Finally, meat tenderizer, which is usually made from either the aforementioned bromelain
or papain (derived from papayas) will, of course, stop jello from setting.
As with the pineapple, however, if the food items in question are first heated sufficiently
to inactivate the offending enzymes (in the case of bromelain, heated to above 70°C or
158°F), they will then be fine to use in your latest jello creation.
J-E-L-L-O, it's alivvvve!
Well, actually, technically, jello is alive – at least according to a 1974 experiment
performed by Dr. Adrian Upton.
Dr. Upton attached an EEG, electroencephalogram, machine to a dome of lime green jello.
The jello produced alpha waves in much the same way an awake and alive human would produce.
This experiment set the science world aflutter.
But what Dr. Upton was really trying to prove is that an EEG should not be the only method
used to determine if a human is alive or not.
Since chemicals like bromelain break down protein, they're remarkably effective at
tenderizing meat and there's "some" evidence to support the idea that eating them
can aid in the digestion of protein.
Whether there is actually any positive effect or not, pineapple and similar protease rich
fruits have become popular with bodybuilders for
this reason.
Arizona Senator John McCain is unloading on Hillary Clinton over her excuses-making over
the election.
McCain has plenty of insight on the situation, losing the 2008 election to Barack Obama,
and he is sick of hearing Clinton�s inability to let it go.
In an interview with Esquire, McCain didn�t hold back, stating �The hardest thing to
do is to just shut up,� and �What�s the f�king point?
Keep the fight up?
You�ve got to move on.�
McCain�s tough talk on Hillary just might put him back in the good graces of President
Donald Trump, who has made a nice side hobby of criticizing Clinton and her election-loss
Mark Moore of The New York Post reports.
Sen. John McCain said Hillary Clinton erred in writing her account of the 2016 presidential
race so quickly and noted her problem is that �she doesn�t have anything to do.�
�One of the almost irresistible impulses you have when you lose is to somehow justify
why you lost and how you were mistreated: �I did the right thing!
I did!� The hardest thing to do is to just shut up,� the Arizona Republican told Esquire
magazine in an interview published Sunday.
McCain, who announced last month that his memoir �The Restless Wave� will come out
in April and cover parts of his 2008 presidential run, said Clinton cannot rewrite history.
�What�s the f�king point?
Keep the fight up?
History will judge that campaign, and it�s always a period of time before they do.
You�ve got to move on,� he said in the interview.
�This is Hillary�s problem right now: She doesn�t have anything to do.�
�What Happened� was released in September, less than a year after her stunning loss to
Republican Donald Trump.
In it, the former first lady and President Barack Obama�s secretary of state blames
a number of people for her loss, including herself.
�You can blame the data, blame the message, blame anything you want � but I was the
It was my campaign.
Those were my decisions,� she writes in the book.
She also casts blame on challenger Bernie Sanders for his personal attacks on her, former
FBI Director James Comey for his handling of the private server investigation and Russian
WHO WATCH MY VIDEOS ☠ STATISTICS # 3 - Duration: 24:00.
Nature Goddess makeup | Marion Cameleon - Duration: 6:00.
Today I wanted to do something
more poetic and creative so I invented
the Nature or end of Autumn Goddess
I hope you'll like it!
I will do my brows first with some lipsticks from Lime Crime
I start with the shade Squash
and do the inner part of my brows
and then the shade Pumpkin on the tail
to create an ombre brow
I put some black on my waterline
with a pencil from Eyeko that I love
I put a bit on my lower lash line too
to do the base
Very important : the upper waterline
To do the base I use Black Hole from NYX
in the Faux Blacks collection
I do the outer part of my lid
and then my inner part
I smudge to make it smokey
I use the shade Rowdy
on top of the pencil
this color is a bit powdery
but you can easily take off the fall out
with a massive fluffy brush
I blend it in 160 shadow from MUFE
I use 230 brush from Zoeva
I do the lid and put Rowdy
on top of the crayon
I do the crease with 231 brush
from Zoeva and 160 shadow from MUFE
As my transition shade I use
Hashtag from the Holy Grail palette
I apply it with 231 brush from Zoeva
and start with the lower lash line
and do the crease
I use the KS07 khôl from Black Up
on the center of my lid
and smudge it with my fingertip
I do the same in the inner corner
I apply Star Powder 922 from MUFE on top with a flat brush
I blend the it in the other shades
to avoid a gross effect
I start my eyeliner in the center
to the outer corner, and go into the inner corner
little by little
I draw a straight line from the outer corner in direction of
the top of my ear and then I
thicken the shape
I apply my lashes
I mix the real and fake lashes together
I use the lash glue from HOL
I put some glue dots where I want to put the stars after
I use some stars glitters from MUFE
And I put them with a tweezer on top of
my glue dots
I use hot glue to
create some tears and put some glitters
on it before it dried
I fix them with some lash glue
I apply Potion from ABH on my lips
I apply a lot of clear lipgloss
because I wanted a wet effect
Here is the final result of the makeup
To finish the look I put a wig from
Hem Hair on
and put a black flower crown I got at a random NYX event
Thank you for watching
I hope you enjoyed it!
Give it a thumbs up if you like it
see you very very soon
for my first Advent Calendar look!!
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