Surprise! I'm back with another Dollar Tree haul for November! [laughs] I ended up having
to go into Brampton to speak with a job agency there, so of course since I was already in
the area, I had to go to Dollar Tree! I also picked up a couple things at the Your Dollar
Store With More that's right there as well, so I'll show you those first, cuz there's
literally only three things.
I got this ridiculously adorable set of stickers, because, well… look at them! Look at that
fox and that bear and that hedgehog… it's just so cute! I did just notice the teepee
here, which is a little bit cringey, but the rest of it's so cute, I'll ignore the
teepee. [laughs] So this was $1.25.
I grabbed this set of enamel dots for $1.50…
And finally I grabbed this Premium Craft Glue for $1.25, because I had just seen people
in a crafting Facebook group that I'm in raving about this glue, saying it was the
best glue they'd ever used… so of course I had to try it!
So that's it for Your Dollar Store With More, so we're moving on to Dollar Tree
now, and I… I got some stuff, guys. [laughs]
Grocery-wise, I finally found my bread there! This Villagio Classico white bread runs between
$3.00 and $4.00 at Walmart and at my local grocery store, so I was thrilled to finally
find it at Dollar Tree for $1.25. I picked up two loaves; this actually isn't one of
them, this is one that I just pulled out of my freezer yesterday. I put the two Dollar
Tree loaves in the freezer right away because they were only two days away from their best
before date, so I wanted to lock in the freshness, so to speak. So those are actually in the freezer...
… as were these Dempster's hamburger buns, which I just pulled out of the freezer to
show you [laughs]. They were only a day away from their best before date, so… into
the freezer they went!
I picked up another bag of the Go2Snax original chips…
As I was browsing the cookie aisle, and bemoaning how quickly the pumpkin spice Voortman's
cookies have disappeared, I found these Dare brand pumpkin spice cookies, so of course
I had to pick those up.
I grabbed another bag of these Nature's Bounty cheese-flavoured Bits & Bites, because
they are very good, and they're actually a better value than the name brand packs that
they have there.
I finally found the Moritz Premium Icy Cups that I've been seeing people hauling, so
I got one package of the cappuccino flavour and one of the mint.
I went a little crazy in the value candy aisle for some reason [laughs], so I got these Chocolaty
Maroons [Macaroons], the milk chocolate raisins, and both the milk chocolate and the dark chocolate
And finally, the leftover Halloween candy was on clearance for 25 cents each, so I figured
I might as well help them get rid of it! So I grabbed one bag of the Plumpkin Pals, which
I've bought before; one bag of Double-Crisp Googly Eyes; and then two bags of the little
chocolate balls.
I picked up all of four things that were not Christmas crafting related [laughs]… I got
this plastic portfolio with a zip pocket on the front… it's already been used. I got
it for carrying my resume around to interviews and such, since I realized that all I had
for that purpose were a couple of really old, worn out folders. So I grabbed one with the
zip pocket, thinking that I could put the resume in the actual pocket, which would stop
it from falling out of the folder, and it would also kinda act as like, some weather-proofing.
But the zipper part doesn't come down far enough to slide an 8 ½ x 11 paper into, so
that was kinda disappointing. But it works well for my purposes otherwise!
I found this little April Bath & Shower gift set; it's got two-ounce bottles of body
wash, body lotion, and shampoo; I thought that was interesting. So I picked it up in
the Vanilla Sugar scent.
I grabbed this set of birthday stickers…
And I was very happy to have found another one of these Good Dog notebooks with this
particular cover on it. I think I've already posted my original haul where I picked one
of these up, but if you haven't seen it, I did mention that this dog looks a LOT like
my first dog ever. He was an English Shorthaired Pointer, and he had the same sort of markings;
like he had dark spots here, dark ears... So it had occurred to me that this would likely
be a good Christmas present for my mother if I could find one, and I did!
Okay, so on to the Christmas stuff... I swear, you guys, I did not expect to be buying this
much Christmas stuff! [laughs] I mean, I know I'm not going to go as hard on the Christmas
stuff as I did with the Halloween stuff - I'm not buying multiples of everything, and I'm
not going out looking for stuff as often as I did with the Halloween goodies, but… I'm
still managing to buy a bunch of stuff. [laughs]
I managed to find some loose 12x12 Christmas paper, which was awesome. They were lying
on the bottom of one of the Christmas racks, just lying on the flat metal part, like at
the very bottom of the rack. And in my case they were hidden under a bunch of ornaments
and stuff that people had just thrown down on the bottom of the rack, so you might have
to hunt for them. I just happened to notice them; I would have walked right past them
So all of these sheets are double-sided; I got two of this pattern…
I picked up one of these gift card holders, because I saw tutorial the other day about
making a mini album sort of thing out of them, so I'm going to give that a try - plus I
just thought this reindeer was really cute.
I picked up these two packs of festive ribbons… I got these two sets because they both have
a couple of designs that aren't necessarily Christmasy… like this one has the one ribbon
that says "Merry Christmas" on it, and then it's got this one with the snowflakes,
which could be used for Christmas or winter. And then it's got this one with flowers
on it, for some reason [laughs], and then a plain red one, and a patterned one.
And then this pack has the Santa hats and another snowflake pattern, but then these
other three designs can just be used anytime, so I liked that a lot.
I grabbed these handmade stickers - I got this really cute one with the gingerbread
men and the gingerbread house, and then I grabbed two packs these presents and stockings
and stuff, because I'm just a sucker for the newsprint pattern.
I picked up two packs of these gem & pearl stickers…
I got one each of these silver foiled sentiments stickers; they look a lot the set I got at
Dollarama earlier in the fall. I just thought they were cute, and... quite frankly I couldn't
stop laughing at this sticker that says "Jingle Balls". Because I am an adult.
I grabbed one set of these puffy stickers…
I picked up one set of these really pretty gift tags that I keep seeing everyone hauling…
I grabbed this set of sentiment stickers…
… and these really cute little snowglobe stickers.
And finally, I went a little nuts with this 3D style of gift tags, because I've seen
a couple of tutorials now where they get used as embellishments on cards and mini albums
and stuff, and they are super cute, so I grabbed a bunch of them. I grabbed two packs of this set…
… two packs of this set…
… two packs of THIS set…
… and two packs of this set.
So that's it for this haul! I hope you enjoyed, if you did please give me a big thumbs up;
please subscribe if you haven't already, and I will see you guys in the next one.
For more infomation >> SURPRISE DOLLAR TREE CANADA HAUL! Plus A Tiny YDSTWM Haul - Nov 2017 - Duration: 7:28.-------------------------------------------
Y!mobile「リズム縄跳び部」篇 - Duration: 0:31.
Ming Xi Breaks Down in Tears After Falling During 2017 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show - Duration: 4:32.
Ming Xi Breaks Down in Tears After Falling During 2017 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
First we saw the photos, and now we saw the whole thing go down.literally.
Despite previous reports that model Ming Xis fall during the 2017 Victorias Secret Fashion Show, which was filmed on Nov.
20, would not be televised, thats exactly what happened during tonights broadcast on CBS.
During the VSFS, all eyes were on the Chinese model, who has walked in the show four other times, when she took her tumble on the catwalk in Shanghai, China.
It seemed as though the Chinese fashion model fell to her knees when she got tangled in her flowing, sheer ensemble.
Despite the runway flub, the 28-year-old model handled the whole situation like a pro.
Even if the fall was an embarrassing moment for Xi, she didnt let any humiliation show on her face.
She maintained a smile throughout the experience and wasnt afraid to laugh at herself.
After adjusting her hair and wings, she got up and proceeded to walk.
She even received applause from the audience and her fellow models.
But tonight, viewers saw that backstage the scene looked different for Xi.
As soon as she got away from prying eyes of the audience, the model burst into tears.
Cameras also caught models coming to comfort the beauty after the obviously upsetting hiccup.
Ming was really upset when she fell on the runway.
It was a hard fall, a source told E! News at the time of the fall.
She got up as gracefully as she could.
She was shaken up after that fall.
All the models made her feel better after though.
She is OK now. The source also said Xi is one of the favorites to walk the Victorias Secret runway and that its always a models worst nightmare to fall. Thankfully, Xi could count on her fellow models for support.
The source said the models embrace each other if a fall or anything unexpected happens on the catwalk and that they are all a team. The model later addressed her fall on Instagram.
As many of you may already know, I fell during my 5th year walking at the Victorias Secret show yesterday.
It was no doubt one of the hardest moments I have ever had to go through in my career, especially since the show was taking place in my hometown, in front of my mothers and my peoples eyes, part of her post read.
However, the support I received from everyone yesterday was incredible and I am truly grateful to everyone who was there for me. Upset or not, its a true testament to her professionalism that she didnt show her feelings until after she got up and continued to walk it out.
Never let them see you cry, Xi! At least, not on the runway.
Meet the female candidates ...
BMW X3 1.8D sDrive Business Chrome Line Edition LEDER/PANORAMADAK/SPORTSTOELEN/18"ALU./XENON - Duration: 0:59.
BREAKING! Trump Just Got Pissed OFF And Dropped A Clinton Bombshell…. HELL YEAH! - Duration: 3:37.
BREAKING! Trump Just Got Pissed OFF And Dropped A Clinton Bombshell�.
It�s no secret that President Trump and Hillary Clinton aren�t exactly what you�d
call �besties,� heck they aren�t even on speaking terms for that matter, however
it looks like an already soured relationship is going to plunge even further down in the
Fox News is reporting that the president is furious over new revelations about Hillary
and claims that her presidential campaign from last year worked with the State Department
to �downplay� the presence of classified information on her private email server.
Hillary�s use of a private server to conduct official state business and to pass along
classified information was a huge topic of discussion last year, as such actions are
This, as you can imagine, was not the kind of scandal one wants to have blown up in the
public spotlight during an election year.
However, after an �investigation� by the FBI under former Director James Comey, it
was determined there was nothing indicating illegal activity so no action was taken.
This, of course, is a perfect example of how helpful it is to have friends in high places.
Here�s the president�s tweet on the controversial claim:
Here are a few more details from Fox:
In an exclusive interview with Fox News Monday, former Intelligence Community Inspector General
Charles McCullough III said he suffered �personal blowback� over his pursuit of the email
McCullough claimed the Clinton campaign put out word that he would be fired if the Democratic
nominee won last year�s presidential election.
�I�m well aware there was strategic coordination between the [Clinton] campaign, the State
Department, certain officials in the State Department, certain law firms in [Washington
D.C.] and people on Capitol Hill and I think that bore itself out in the Podesta emails,�
McCullough told Fox News� �Tucker Carlson Tonight.�
In January 2016, McCullough told Republican leadership on the Senate intelligence and
foreign affairs committees that emails beyond the �Top Secret� level passed through
Clinton�s unsecured personal server.
�The [intelligence] agencies were quite unhappy about what was going on.
They were not happy that their information was not protected the way it should have been,�
McCullough told Fox News� Tucker Carlson.
� � When we heard about this to begin with, that there was an unsecured server,
frankly, we looked at each other and said, �Who does that?
What rules even apply to that?'�
Would it really be that surprising to find out that Hillary was colluding with the State
Department to bury her indiscretions?
After all, Clintons and burying the truth are like peanut butter and chocolate.
We�ve seen Hillary brag about getting a child rapist off the hook back when she practiced
We�ve seen her make politically motivated decisions that left Americans dead in Benghazi.
Hell, we�ve even seen her try to silence sexual assault victims who accused her husband
of misconduct, simply to further her own ambitions.
Is there any low this woman won�t stoop to?
If the answer is no, and it is, it�s definitely possible she worked with a corrupt government
agency to attempt to give herself a leg up in the election.
And to think, the colluding she�s been looking for all this time was right in front of her
Hondo-ji Temple - Chiba - 本土寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:25.
If you have been living in Japan for a while, Chiba is a synonym for Narita Airport, Disneyland and other mega factories.
However, this is just one side of Chiba! Indeed, the sister prefecture of Tokyo has in fact many secret hidden gems
that are worth your attention, like for example the Hondo-ji Temple!
Built in 1277 the Hondo-ji Temple belongs to the Nichiren sect of Buddhism and was founded by Nichiro, a disciple of the famous monk Nichiren.
Alongside its strong cultural and spiritual past, Hondo-ji is also famous for
its amazing autumn colors as well as for its iris and hydrangea garden which blooms the first half of June.
BREAKING! Trump Just Got Pissed OFF And Dropped A Clinton Bombshell…. HELL YEAH! - Duration: 3:36.
BREAKING! Trump Just Got Pissed OFF And Dropped A Clinton Bombshell�.
It�s no secret that President Trump and Hillary Clinton aren�t exactly what you�d
call �besties,� heck they aren�t even on speaking terms for that matter, however
it looks like an already soured relationship is going to plunge even further down in the
dumps.Fox News is reporting that the president is furious over new revelations about Hillary
and claims that her presidential campaign from last year worked with the State Department
to �downplay� the presence of classified information on her private email server.
Hillary�s use of a private server to conduct official state business and to pass along
classified information was a huge topic of discussion last year, as such actions are
This, as you can imagine, was not the kind of scandal one wants to have blown up in the
public spotlight during an election year.However, after an �investigation� by the FBI under
former Director James Comey, it was determined there was nothing indicating illegal activity
so no action was taken.
This, of course, is a perfect example of how helpful it is to have friends in high places.
Here�s the president�s tweet on the controversial claim:
Here are a few more details from Fox:
In an exclusive interview with Fox News Monday, former Intelligence Community Inspector General
Charles McCullough III said he suffered �personal blowback� over his pursuit of the email
McCullough claimed the Clinton campaign put out word that he would be fired if the Democratic
nominee won last year�s presidential election.
�I�m well aware there was strategic coordination between the [Clinton] campaign, the State
Department, certain officials in the State Department, certain law firms in [Washington
D.C.] and people on Capitol Hill and I think that bore itself out in the Podesta emails,�
McCullough told Fox News� �Tucker Carlson Tonight.�
In January 2016, McCullough told Republican leadership on the Senate intelligence and
foreign affairs committees that emails beyond the �Top Secret� level passed through
Clinton�s unsecured personal server.
�The [intelligence] agencies were quite unhappy about what was going on.
They were not happy that their information was not protected the way it should have been,�
McCullough told Fox News� Tucker Carlson.
� � When we heard about this to begin with, that there was an unsecured server,
frankly, we looked at each other and said, �Who does that?
What rules even apply to that?'�
Would it really be that surprising to find out that Hillary was colluding with the State
Department to bury her indiscretions?
After all, Clintons and burying the truth are like peanut butter and chocolate.
We�ve seen Hillary brag about getting a child rapist off the hook back when she practiced
We�ve seen her make politically motivated decisions that left Americans dead in Benghazi.
Hell, we�ve even seen her try to silence sexual assault victims who accused her husband
of misconduct, simply to further her own ambitions.
Is there any low this woman won�t stoop to?
If the answer is no, and it is, it�s definitely possible she worked with a corrupt government
agency to attempt to give herself a leg up in the election.
And to think, the colluding she�s been looking for all this time was right in front of her
Audi A8 4.2 FSI QUATTRO PRO LINE+ FULL OPTIONS Navigatie 21"LM-velgen, Originele Nedeerlandse auto D - Duration: 0:59.
Napoli, rapina con pistola in faccia a D'Amato: colpo da 25mila euro - Duration: 2:40.
The Forest of the bloody Jack - Duration: 40:51.
Gamer Joe intro
Thanks for watching!
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
What is BAD Animation? - Duration: 10:06.
If you head onto Google and search "bad animation", you'll be greeted by endless
images from Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and countless other shows.
While you'll find some genuinely valid examples of poor animation, the vast majority demonstrate
that there's a real issue in the anime community: a lot of people lack even the most basic understanding
of what 'bad' animation is.
Let's start with what bad animation isn't.
Screenshots of in-betweens are not bad animation.
There's a very frustrating habit in the community of pausing during sequences and
passing off funny looking in-betweens as examples of poor work.
Inbetweens exist to facilitate motion, they are not the key frames within a sequence.
Even the most outstanding of scenes can be packed with funny looking in-betweens, but
that doesn't somehow make the overall scene bad.
In the vast majority of cases, you cannot see them in motion, and that's perfectly
They've introduced the required fluidity into a scene, and that's all they exist
That's not to say inbetweens get a free pass.
They are perfectly capable of being bad, and bad in-betweening can absolutely ruin a scene.
For example, this dialogue scene in "Just Because" has the character's entire face
change shape as it moves between key frame and inbetween.
There's certainly something to be said about the general transition of the inbetweening
role moving from young animators within a studio to outsourced factory farms, but let's
be very clear and honest: that's not at all where the conversation is when these shots
are brought to light.
Time and time again, in-betweens are used in genuine attempts to discredit scenes, and
I think it's time to challenge that, and help foster more nuanced criticism.
If tweens very obviously break a scene, then sure, talk about that, and talk about it in
But there is nothing of worth found in posting stills with zero context.
Next: exaggeration is not bad animation.
Two of the founding 12 principles of animation are "squash and stretch", and "exaggeration".
The purpose of the former is to give a sense of weight and flexibility to an object or
person, while the latter exists as a powerful tool for creativity, as imitating reality
is... pretty dull.
Squash and stretch has been in use for decades and decades, and yet despite this, scenes
including it are some of the most commonly cited as examples of 'poor work'.
Whether it be the exaggerated face as Sasuke takes a punch, Android 17's extended limbs,
or Satoshi (Ash)'s face as he gleams with excitement.
They've all come under fire from certain parts of the various fandoms.
Again, it's an issue with fans pausing animation in motion and commenting on what they apparently
don't understand, or it's a bizarre hatred that their cartoons dare to look like cartoons.
Squash and stretch is essential – if you ignore it, you end up with animation that
looks like weird sentient puppets.
Exaggeration is equally critical.
In live action, actors can convey a number of emotions through micro-expressions.
A voice can only do so much though, so some of most exemplary examples of character acting
often elevate a performance through wonderful exaggeration.
The same goes for action scenes, too.
Horrifying facial expressions can do wonders of selling the impact of a punch.
Ugly is often equated with bad, but ugly can make an audience feel uncomfortable, and that's
very much the intent.
Art evokes emotion, and it's okay for those emotions to be negative.
Negative emotions can elevate the most dramatic of scenes.
It's also okay to find "exaggeration" and "squash and stretch" too extreme in
certain places.
Naruto vs Pain is one of the most spectacularly animated episodes in the entire show – it's
filled to the brim with some of the best animators in the industry – but it's also one of
the most divisive episodes because these animators are hugely idiosyncratic, taking these techniques
to the extreme in very overt ways.
For some fans, the extreme visuals are breath-taking, and hugely memorable.
For others, they're taken entirely out of the show, and wish for a more grounded approach.
Both viewpoints are perfectly fine, but it would be outright disingenuous, and frankly,
incorrect to say it's 'badly' animated.
Idiosyncratic expression is commonly mistaken for bad animation.
Episode 4 of Gurren Lagann and Episode 7 of Kemonozume are from Osamu Kobayashi, who has
an incredibly distinctive style.
He was personally invited aboard by the director, Hiroyuki Imaishi, in Gurren Lagann, and allowed
to do his own thing, despite Kobayashi asking whether his drawings would be corrected.
Fans kicked up a huge stink, which lead to a co-founder of Studio Gainax, Takami Akai,
coming out and quite bluntly saying, "The quality hasn't dropped, the style changed.
The staff really shouldn't listen to comments from amateurs who don't know any better,
but only from 'anime industry people'".
It's unfortunate that this had to happen, but it was necessary.
Loose, minimalist, or even just deviations from a set style are often met with hugely
negative reception.
Naoki Tate's loose style, and extreme use of smears are criticised regularly, for example.
Many fans don't like change, and struggle to separate their distaste for a style with
an accurate assessment of its quality.
So with all that said, let's look at what exactly bad animation really is.
One of the most obvious examples would be a scene that entirely disregards how form,
impact, and momentum works.
Episodes 5, 24, and 33 of Dragon Ball Super are the three worst in the series.
They're packed to the brim with anatomically incorrect forms, which contrary to what a
lot of people say, do actually matter when it comes to animation.
You can separate art to some degree – things in movement or in the distance will often
be lower detail and thus excused – but if the form falls apart, well outside of intentional
exaggeration, then your animation falls apart, too.
The movement itself is incredibly clunky.
The poses, even if you take them as stills, lack any sense of dynamism.
In movement, they defy the principle of inertia, which leads to very awkward and stiff animation,
and with little use of follow-through, the impacts just feel hollow.
Another example would be limited animation.
Limited animation is not necessary poor in and of itself, but it absolutely can be done
poorly, and I think the most recent example comes from a show ironically named DYNAMIC
Whether it be the horrendous band sequences or the infamous bike scene, the animation
relies heavily on digital key framing, moving components of stills around to create bizarre
puppet-like movement.
It's distracting… very disturbing at times… and definitely not good.
And it's fine example that well-drawn art can never sit in place of animation.
Moving well away from the specifics of actual movement, it's perfectly fine to levy criticisms
at episodes as a whole, even if they do contain one or two good sequences.
If an episode's supervision is lacking, leading to characters changing styles drastically
from scene to scene, it might not necessarily mean the episode is badly animated, but startling
inconsistency within an episode is not a great sign of polish.
It's fine for idiosyncratic animators to strut their stuff in key moments, or even
entire episodes as we mentioned earlier, but if you can literally see the key animator
change from cut to cut to cut, there's a real issue.
There are so many different ways to criticise animation fairly.
You don't need to result to pausing on in-betweens, or zooming in on low detail characters in
the background.
There are so many hilarious examples out there, and I do it and laugh about it with friends,
that is fine.
But passing them off as legitimate evidence for your criticisms is a great way to get
nobody to take you seriously.
This video isn't about telling you to shut up and just enjoy things, it's about challenging
how you view your anime.
It's about making you question whether something's bad or just different, or whether you're
really being fair when you're pausing on something intended to be seen in motion.
I am 100% sat up on my high-horse right now, and that's absolutely going to get under
some people's skin.
But I really hope it doesn't because I don't have better eyes than any of you.
My opinions on what's good and what isn't aren't facts.
I just want to be able to have discussions where we're being reasonable, and we can
talk about why something works or doesn't work, without resorting to examples that should
be reserved for comedy.
No more 'lazy' talk, no more 'budget' talk, let's focus on the 'who' and the
Once we're comfortable with that, we can shitpost in peace.
Thank you so much for listening and putting up with Mr. Negative over here.
I hope this was at the very least something useful to pass around, if not informative
for yourself.
I know that in a lot of communities this isn't much of an issue anymore, but in many of the
larger series mentioned throughout this video, it's unfortunately still rampant, and I
really wanted to play a small part in attempting to oust it.
Let me know what shows, episode, or scenes you find to be badly animated, weigh in on
what I've mentioned in the video, and feel free to ask any questions.
Be sure to rate the video, and I will see you next time.
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