Hi everyone welcome back to the sex Beauty channel if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet
Please hit that subscribe button down below, and if you've been watching me for a while. Thank you so much for tuning in
Today's video is super exciting. It's about the new
Breanna products
She just launched it is by fenty beauty and it is the stunner lip paint in the color
Uncensored it's the signature right there Rihanna always wears. Oh my goodness
I'm so excited to show you guys what this looks like I've already worn it today
And I'm just I just took it off
And I'm just showing you guys how it applies how it wears
And everything else so keep on watching this video if you want to see how this looks
Okay, so it comes in the packaging looks like this. I went to Sephora twice in two trips
My first trip, I bought this because I didn't want to forget about it it just launched about two days ago and
The packaging is super pretty it looks like this
it's black and it has her autograph on the front, and it says fenty beauty by Rihanna and
On the side it says one stroke intensity 12 hour Matte
wear, unrivaled precision. Now the wand is very interesting. I'm gonna show you guys
So you open it up it costs
$24 and
You get this
Everyone commented on a packaging that looks like nail polish. They didn't think it was a lip product, but it is mrs.
Fenty beauty on the side, it's like that
Then when you open it up
You have this wand the wand looks like this
And it's very unique because most if you guys have lipsticks and
Different lip colors and lip paints and all of that the one is usually like a dolpha applicator. It doesn't usually look like this
But this is very unique and the way it applies
It's it's beautiful, so I'm gonna apply it now for you guys, so I'm just dipping it in once
Getting a little bit of the excess off
I'm not gonna wear a lip liner. Just to show you guys how this would look
If you want to wear a lip liner I would suggest you do so
Now when it comes to the edges, I'm just going to turn it around so that the applicator is on this side
And I'm gonna outline
Now this is how it looks this is just one stroke notice
I didn't get back in from when I first stepped in for my first coat all of that
Was just one swipe
So it's amazing I've never seen a liquid lipstick
And I have plenty of liquid lipsticks that do that so I love the fact that the applicator does that
The packaging is beautiful. I mean we all know Rihanna made it of course, and I also love that
This is gonna dry down matte not if you want to wear it with like a lip gloss over it and look stunning
I'm not really into the Metra, and I'm kind of more of I know that gloss girl
But this is it's just beautiful
there is a little bit of transfer when you're like eating or drinking, but nothing too much and
The longevity of it, it's just amazing it
I wore it pretty much the whole day today from morning till I got home not too long ago
And it just looks amazing so let me zoom you guys in just to show you what it looks like
You guys back out I
Mean for $24 your I mean no one's gonna do red lips everyday, because
It is intense, and if you want to wear it with a lip liner
I do recommend you wear it with a lip liner
I didn't wear it for the purpose of this video because I'm not going anywhere now
So I just want to show you guys what its gonna look like on your lips. It looks the feel of it is amazing
It's not drawing like a lot of liquid
Lipsticks usually are but I should note that prior to this I did put on a lip balm
And then I just rubbed my lips together so it can soak up the product
And then I just took a piece of tissue and just dab the excess off
So if you do have really really dry lips which I do
Maybe you should do that prior to wearing this product, and you will be good to go. It's very comfortable
I'm pretty sure it does where I had it on for pretty much the whole day today. It does wear all day long and for
$24 you just you can't go wrong so if you guys aren't thinking about checking it out
I would highly highly highly highly recommend you buy this product. It is beautiful the color payoff is
Amazing, and I hope that she comes out with
More shades, maybe like a hot pink like this
Oh, I would die and would die I do maybe a nude. Oh my goodness
I would just a nude or a
Hot pink I like special occasions but like a like everyday nude on my goodness
I would wear it every day, so thank you so much for watching
I hope you guys enjoyed this review of the fenty beauty lip paint in the shade
Uncensored way looks and make sure you subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and check out my pictures
I'm gonna put up a post more pictures with the
Liquid lip paint on my social media so on instagram it's l.baldeo
Oh check out the description bar below. I have all of my social medias linked there and
Let me know do you guys wear a red lipstick a lot? Do you like the red lips?
This is something a product you're gonna skip on or if there's something that you would go to Sephora to buy
I should know also. I got the second to last one in Sephora, so I'm pretty sure every Sephora
It's sold out about this is the second to last one. I grabbed it up
For more infomation >> FENTY BEAUTY STUNNA LIP PAINT - DEMO & REVIEW - Duration: 8:01.-------------------------------------------
遭柯P彈鼻霸凌n+1次 熊讚臉書哭訴討拍拍 - Duration: 2:09.
Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Miercoles 29 Noviembre 2017 Loteria Nacional Numeros 29 de Noviembre - Duration: 1:16.
Free fut points: how-to
breaking news; PMLN's 4 MNA's and 5 PMLN MPA' s have submitted their resignation - Duration: 1:54.
breaking news; PMLN's 4 MNA's and 5 PMLN MPA' s have submitted their
breaking news; PMLN's 4 MNA's and 5 PMLN MPA' s have submitted
their resignation
breaking news; PMLN's 4 MNA's and 5 PMLN MPA' s have submitted their resignation
breaking news; PMLN's 4 MNA's and 5 PMLN MPA' s have submitted their resignation
RM Sotheby's : les premiers lots de Rétromobile dévoilés - Duration: 2:01.
3. Vasile Mardare - Am obosit - Duration: 3:12.
La camionnette Mercedes-Benz Classe X est décidément étrange - Duration: 2:43.
Johnny Hallyday : son producteur musical rassure avec de bonnes nouvelles - Duration: 1:44.
toString, repeat and padStart in JavaScript. Codingame: Chuck Norris - Solved - Duration: 4:41.
Programming shouldn't be boring.
Let's solve a Codingame's puzzle today.
[Music playing]
Let's play and solve a puzzle titled "Chuck Norris" by Codingame.
I'm Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the FrontEnd development.
[Music playing]
The story tells: Binary is good!
But unary is much better!
Test your encoding skills in this easy puzzle where you will be asked to transform a string
into a "unary" string.
This puzzle teaches you how to convert characters into their digital values and also digits
into binary values.
And how to deal with Bit mask, Bit shifts and ASCII table.
To win this game I must encode a string into a series of zeros.
The input message consists of ASCII characters (7-bit).
The encoded output message consists of blocks of 0, separated by a space.
Ok, let's solve this problem using the Functional programming approach.
The functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the evaluation
of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.
Considering all above, I need to convert an input string to a binary format.
For that I use toString method on a basement 2.
Every block should fill all the 7 bits of information, it can be done using padStart
After that, continuous sequences of ones and zeros in the string should be separated with
white spaces, using match method, as you can see in the following example.
This method returns an array of digits.
Then I need to print the same quantity of "zero"-s for each block.
I'll do that using repeat method.
Let's dive into the code.
[Music playing]
Start the program with "print" command.
Read an input string and split it into an array
For each character define its ASCII char code and convert it to a binary format
Join them into one string and split this string again into an array using the pattern mentioned
above Then decode the string as following: "1" >> "0"
(one becomes zero); "0" >> "00" (zero becomes double zero)
Join the array into a string and print the result
Let's run the test cases.
All tests are green!
That's pretty easy, isn't it?
Next time let's have a look at Defibrillators and mathematical operations in JavaScript.
[Music playing]
My code is available on GitHub Documentation is available in the Internet
Follow the links if you're eager to get more.
[Music playing]
If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the
channel and watch other episodes.
[Music playing]
This is all for this week.
Thanks for watching and dive deeper.
2. Vasile Mardare - Eu ți-aș scrie - Duration: 4:08.
Meet the female candidates ...
Kirpan dans l'avion, Marc Garneau, ministre fédéral des Transports à Tout Le Monde En Parle - Duration: 15:17.
Best Nintendo 64 Ever! (The Ultimate N64 Console!) - Duration: 3:41.
Hello and welcome to a special Cygnus Destroyer video!
As longtime followers of the channel might be aware, I've been on a quest to get the
best possible picture quality from all of my retro systems, and thanks to one of my
viewers who turned out to be a really talented modder, I'm now one major step closer to
completing that goal.
My friends, it's a great honor to introduce to you the beautiful & amazing new addition
to my console collection...the LJN64.
Created by Jarred of Retro Revolutions, the LJN64 is much more than your average fifth
generation Nintendo system.
It features a custom 3D printed shell with a two tone paint job highlighted by my favorite
color, a bright Blue LED power light & my LJN Defender 8-bit avatar displayed in all
its glory up front, but the true power of this awesome machine is contained within.
As I mentioned earlier, I've been on a journey to optimize my consoles in order to improve
the quality of the footage recorded for my reviews, and anyone familiar with the N64
most likely knows that Nintendo was the clear loser to Sony & Sega in regards to video options.
In stark contrast to the Playstation & Saturn, which both natively output a sharp RGB signal,
the N64 only offered composite & S-Video.
While the former looked great on the now obsolete tube TVs, it didn't hold up at all in the
jump towards the modern 1080p & 4K flat screens.
The S-Video cable, on the other hand, produced a noticeable boost to the picture quality,
especially when paired with a Framemeister upscaling unit, but I wasn't 100% satisfied
with the results.
I'd heard of the Ultra HDMI modification and how it pushed the boundaries of the N64
from a visual perspective, but the heavy price tag made me quite reluctant to invest in it.
As fate would have it, my hesitancy paid off, since Jarred not only wired the LJN64 to output
RGB, but he upped the ante by including the Tim Worthington de-blur switch.
The already impressive RGB image is raised to a whole new level with a simple slide of
my thumb and Banjo-Kazooie, Ocarina of Time & the rest of the fifth generation Nintendo
classics are now replicated in breathtaking HD that rivals even the fanciest emulators.
Combine that with the accompanying controller & its enhanced Gamecube replacement analog
stick, and we have the recipe for the ultimate N64 experience, bar none.
Needless to say, the LJN64 is a dream come true and I can't thank Jarred enough for
generously doing this for me free of charge, so the least that I can do to pay him back
is to ask all of you watching this right now to check out his video of the making of this
magnificent beast & subscribe to his channel if you like what you see.
I'll put a link in the description and there should be a card on the screen right now or
in the little circle in the upper right-hand corner, so you can click on those & be fascinated
by his awe-inspiring skills.
Anyway, now that I've shared my fantastic new present with you guys, I've got an appearance
in the IUPG court to prepare for.
Be sure to come back for that, but until then, this is Matt a.k.a. Cygnus Destroyer, signing out!
La segunda vida de los desechos: De la basura a estas hermosas construcciones - Duration: 7:15.
BREAKING NEWS Out Of Missouri – HELL YEAH!!! - Duration: 1:24.
St Louis, MO.
— A man shot and killed a suspect during an attempted home invasion Saturday in a suburb
of St. Louis, officials said.
The St. Charles Police Department told FOX 2 they were called to an apartment complex
around 5:45 p.m. after the suspect broke into the home while the man and two children were
The homeowner then shot and killed the man, who has not yet been identified by police.
He got what he deserved.
Freaking scumbag.
Lt. Chad Fisk with the St. Charles Police Department told FOX 2 the children were not
injured in the incident.
We can all thank God and our SECOND AMENDMENT FOR THAT!
"They were actually in a back bedroom, it's my understanding," Fisk said.
"They may have heard some things, so we'd like to speak with them obviously also."
The children are now under the care of family members, he added.
Authorities are investigating if drugs or alcohol were a factor in the incident, according
to KSDK.
Officials are also not sure if the suspect knew the homeowner.
Police are not releasing the names of those involved and say the investigation is ongoing.
Let's hope this son of a bitch rots in hell!
Thank you my Lord Jesus for keeping these children safe.
God Bless.
La camionnette Mercedes-Benz Classe X est décidément étrange - Duration: 2:43.
Triệu Hồi MA ĐÓI Nghi Thức Có Thật 100% - Yếu Tim Đừng Xem | 360hot REN Ghost - Duration: 10:37.
7 REMÈDES NATURELS POUR SOIGNER UN RHUME-remede naturel - Duration: 7:33.
새로운 연구 결과가 비타민 D 결핍과 자폐증 사이의 연관성을 밝혀냈습니다. - Duration: 7:21.
Les photos craquantes qui montrent enfin le ventre rond de Kate Middleton- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:16.
RM Sotheby's : les premiers lots de Rétromobile dévoilés - Duration: 2:01.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Hi everyone welcome back to the sex Beauty channel if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet
Please hit that subscribe button down below, and if you've been watching me for a while. Thank you so much for tuning in
Today's video is super exciting. It's about the new
Breanna products
She just launched it is by fenty beauty and it is the stunner lip paint in the color
Uncensored it's the signature right there Rihanna always wears. Oh my goodness
I'm so excited to show you guys what this looks like I've already worn it today
And I'm just I just took it off
And I'm just showing you guys how it applies how it wears
And everything else so keep on watching this video if you want to see how this looks
Okay, so it comes in the packaging looks like this. I went to Sephora twice in two trips
My first trip, I bought this because I didn't want to forget about it it just launched about two days ago and
The packaging is super pretty it looks like this
it's black and it has her autograph on the front, and it says fenty beauty by Rihanna and
On the side it says one stroke intensity 12 hour Matte
wear, unrivaled precision. Now the wand is very interesting. I'm gonna show you guys
So you open it up it costs
$24 and
You get this
Everyone commented on a packaging that looks like nail polish. They didn't think it was a lip product, but it is mrs.
Fenty beauty on the side, it's like that
Then when you open it up
You have this wand the wand looks like this
And it's very unique because most if you guys have lipsticks and
Different lip colors and lip paints and all of that the one is usually like a dolpha applicator. It doesn't usually look like this
But this is very unique and the way it applies
It's it's beautiful, so I'm gonna apply it now for you guys, so I'm just dipping it in once
Getting a little bit of the excess off
I'm not gonna wear a lip liner. Just to show you guys how this would look
If you want to wear a lip liner I would suggest you do so
Now when it comes to the edges, I'm just going to turn it around so that the applicator is on this side
And I'm gonna outline
Now this is how it looks this is just one stroke notice
I didn't get back in from when I first stepped in for my first coat all of that
Was just one swipe
So it's amazing I've never seen a liquid lipstick
And I have plenty of liquid lipsticks that do that so I love the fact that the applicator does that
The packaging is beautiful. I mean we all know Rihanna made it of course, and I also love that
This is gonna dry down matte not if you want to wear it with like a lip gloss over it and look stunning
I'm not really into the Metra, and I'm kind of more of I know that gloss girl
But this is it's just beautiful
there is a little bit of transfer when you're like eating or drinking, but nothing too much and
The longevity of it, it's just amazing it
I wore it pretty much the whole day today from morning till I got home not too long ago
And it just looks amazing so let me zoom you guys in just to show you what it looks like
You guys back out I
Mean for $24 your I mean no one's gonna do red lips everyday, because
It is intense, and if you want to wear it with a lip liner
I do recommend you wear it with a lip liner
I didn't wear it for the purpose of this video because I'm not going anywhere now
So I just want to show you guys what its gonna look like on your lips. It looks the feel of it is amazing
It's not drawing like a lot of liquid
Lipsticks usually are but I should note that prior to this I did put on a lip balm
And then I just rubbed my lips together so it can soak up the product
And then I just took a piece of tissue and just dab the excess off
So if you do have really really dry lips which I do
Maybe you should do that prior to wearing this product, and you will be good to go. It's very comfortable
I'm pretty sure it does where I had it on for pretty much the whole day today. It does wear all day long and for
$24 you just you can't go wrong so if you guys aren't thinking about checking it out
I would highly highly highly highly recommend you buy this product. It is beautiful the color payoff is
Amazing, and I hope that she comes out with
More shades, maybe like a hot pink like this
Oh, I would die and would die I do maybe a nude. Oh my goodness
I would just a nude or a
Hot pink I like special occasions but like a like everyday nude on my goodness
I would wear it every day, so thank you so much for watching
I hope you guys enjoyed this review of the fenty beauty lip paint in the shade
Uncensored way looks and make sure you subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and check out my pictures
I'm gonna put up a post more pictures with the
Liquid lip paint on my social media so on instagram it's l.baldeo
Oh check out the description bar below. I have all of my social medias linked there and
Let me know do you guys wear a red lipstick a lot? Do you like the red lips?
This is something a product you're gonna skip on or if there's something that you would go to Sephora to buy
I should know also. I got the second to last one in Sephora, so I'm pretty sure every Sephora
It's sold out about this is the second to last one. I grabbed it up
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