Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15
Use a socket №15
Use a combination spanner №13
Using a special tool to compress the spring
Use a socket №19 and a hex wrench №6
For more infomation >> How to replace suspension strut top mount on FORD FIESTA 5 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:35.-------------------------------------------
GF VIP:cos'è successo tra Ignazio e Cecilia al termine della semifinale? - Duration: 3:57.
introduction video
hey, there personal beauty
with another video
This personal video I will show
shows here rom miui 9, miui global official beta
Xiaomi redmi in note 4 mtk
this one and the new version v7.11.16 beta
and the official global beta
then I'll show more personal here rom miui 9
global beta ofcial in Xiaomi note redmi 4 mtk
the new global v7.11.16 beta
then this one personal and rom miui 9 global official beta
in xioami redmi note 4 mtk
if you liked this video leaves his like in the video is part of the channel
comment and share this video and this video is also favorite can to help the channel
Kia Sorento - Duration: 0:52.
GFVIP: Daniele Bossari, dalle frasi osé alle rivelazioni di Filippa Lagerback - Duration: 3:47.
Selvaggia Lucarelli condannata: la risposta dell'opinionista | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:43.
Gossip Grande Fratello VIP: Belen Rodriguez super ospite della finalissima | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:58.
Tampa mayor vows to get 'son of a b—h' serial killer - Duration: 1:52.
Tampa mayor vows to get 'son of a b—h' serial killer
Tampa's mayor is vowing to hunt down and catch the "son of a b—h" serial killer who has been terrorizing the Florida city.
"We need you to call us and let us know what's going on. That's how we're gonna catch this guy.
And we will hunt this son of a b— down until we find him!" Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn said at a community meeting Monday night, where about 400 people gathered to hear about the investigation into three deadly shootings, CBS News reported.
Police said they're not ready to dismiss anyone in the normally quiet Seminole Heights neighborhood as a suspect yet.
"This pains me to tell you that if you're out there walking alone, that you're either a suspect or a potential victim," said Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan.
"There's a very good likelihood that someone in this room knows who's doing it," he added. In the past two weeks, three people have been shot to death while walking alone within a 1-mile radius in the same neighborhood.
Police urged residents with security cameras to turn over any footage of suspicious activity and said they were intensifying their search, with dozens of officers patrolling around the clock.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE LEER/CAMERA/NAVI - Duration: 0:59.
BNSF at Ancient Railroad Crossing - Duration: 4:56.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, so I'm over here at
State road 60
at the old Seaboard crossing
over here
and there's a train rumbling down the tracks
right over there
These gates are about to come down at any moment now
I wanted to catch a glimpse of this guy over here
You can already hear the crossings
in the distance there
but yeah i wanted to
Look at this old US&S relay case over here
train horn
train horn
there you go
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
I can actually walk down to the next
there's 5, 1 2 3 4 5 crossings
at consecutive streets here
There's a lot of train activity in this area
That over there is an ungated crossing
and lets see
this ancient crossing in action here
this is a WRRS
mechanical bell
and signal base over here
with safe tran gate mechanism
guess the bells don't sound on the way up
ill take it
alright guys, please Subscribe or Like
Thank you very much for viewing, over and out
Self-balancing scooter EcoDrift G2 - Duration: 5:56.
Weekly Chit Chat 11-29-17 - Duration: 3:17.
this is Cheo with another chit chat way to go lady Lobo basketball team the team
is currently undefeated with 7-0 as you may have heard Edith Shelton at the
student union building is retiring after 41 years of service to the University of
New Mexico I joined several other people at her
retirement celebration yesterday please help me wish her well with her future
plans and just a reminder that if you haven't donated a toy to our drive to
benefit Los ojos de la familia there's still time to do this we are collecting
toys new toys through Friday December the 1st and please see the written
version of this chit chat for donation locations we're also in the middle of
the staff council happy tails drive this annual drive benefits the animal Humane
Society of New Mexico and donation locations are included in this chit chat
the annual ASUNM arts fair and crafts fair starts today at 10:00 a.m. and
runs through this Friday at 6 p.m. this is one of my favorite arts fair it's
always a popular event and features local artists so please stop by and
support the local artists and ASUNM the oldest tradition on the UNM campus is
hanging of the greens and it will be held this Friday December the 1st
beginning at 5:45 p.m. the annual tradition features hundreds of actually
thousands of luminarias and begins out in front of the UNM bookstore with
caroling around the campus and it ends and Hodgin hall so please join us for
this festivity event and next Tuesday December the 6th UNM will host the UNM
ring ceremony this event is hosted by ASUNM Lobo spirit in collaboration
with the Student Activity Center the ceremony is
for students who have 60 hours plus and who have purchased a UNM ring during the
ceremonies the students were asked to dip their hands in red dye and with this
red hand they can visit several discount places or get discounts at local
businesses throughout the city and finally dr. Kim Kloeppel all will once
again be teaching the annual popular student transition and the engagement
program or steps class in the spring of 2018 and this is a beneficial life
skills class and helps students plan for their careers additional formal
educational training or graduate school and a pathway to be global citizens
please see the attached flyer for more information on this class until next
week this is Cheo
Top 5 Preshow Interviews: From the 'Stranger Things' Cast to Jay Leno | Lip Sync Battle - Duration: 4:38.
(upbeat rock music)
Hey there, Lee and Elliot here.
Did you miss us?
Because we missed you.
Oh my gosh, so much,
and honestly, we just really hope that it's mutual.
Yeah, I just need you to miss us.
Yeah, so much, in fact,
that we're actually going to revisit some moments
that, you know, we hope would've made you miss us more.
(chuckles) Yeah.
That's why today we're reviewing our best interview moments
right here on the Lip Sync Battle In Between Show.
Should we do, maybe, I don't know, another countdown?
Oh, I would love to.
Oh, wonderful.
(funky urban music)
Coming in at number five is definitely
when Lee interviewed the Jay Leno
and talked about cars.
Can we go and just roll some footage of the clip, please?
If you were gonna put up a pink slip to a car?
It would be your car.
My Geo Prism?
Yeah. Oh!
Your Geo Prism? No.
Then I would hope I would lose.
Oh, I won a Geo Prism.
Oh, thank you. It's a dream.
But I have a boat anchor.
But he also did steal my car at the end of it.
Jay Leno stole my car!
Lee, if anybody, though, is gonna steal your car,
you're gonna want it to be Jay Leno.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
'Cause that way it's like, "Oh, Jay Leno stole my car,"
and you can say that at like the bar,
or wherever you hang out. You can also sue him.
You can also sue him.
You're gonna need to sue him.
At number four, let's recap about the time
that Amber Tamblyn mentioned her really big butt.
Heck yeah.
What are you gonna bust out
that's gonna win you the belt?
I have a really big butt.
That's-- (clears throat)
(missile soars and explodes)
Speaking of butts, let's talk about when you
and Don Cheadle discussed my favorite invention,
uh, butt hats.
Oh, yeah.
(chuckles) I'm not wearing a hat.
Not on my head.
Oh, a butt hat.
A butt hat.
A butt hat? A butt hat.
Hey, sometimes you wear a hat on your head,
but sometimes you you don't.
Oh, gosh!
Got steamy, it got real sexual, didn't it?
That really went in a different turn,
and I was not expecting to take a right,
but I took a right.
(sensual jazz music)
We're still rolling, we're still--
Oh, mm, sorry. (laughs)
Welcome back. (chuckles) Okay,
It was good, though.
It was good. Ooh!
At number two, let's revisit a time
when Sir Ben Kingsley just completely lost his mind
while I interviewed him.
What's your process like for preparing
for this Lip Sync Battle?
I, uh, I went to the men's room--
I have brushed my teeth. Good.
And I've done 17 of Shakespeare's plays.
For the boys and girls at home!
Gold for Britain!
For the boys in-- (coughs)
He didn't lose his mind, Elliot.
He's an artist.
His mode of expression is just different than ours.
Okay, I'm an artist.
Okay, well, then you should understand it
better than anyone.
Okay, finally at an outstanding number one,
let's revisit that wonderful time
when the cast of Stranger Things sat down with me
actually inside the Upside Down.
Do me a favor, Finn, and try to get in the heads
of the other guys.
Gaten, you played on Les Miserables.
Your character died every night,
and that's gonna happen again tonight.
'Cause I'm gonna murder you.
I hope you don't cry
because I don't want you guys
to embarrass yourself on camera.
I think I might win.
I feel very confident.
But I think you guys might win, too.
So we'll see who wins.
Hey, what's up, guys?
Do good out there.
It will be okay.
I feel better.
That was definitely my favorite interview to do.
Whoa, Elliot!
God, that is ballsy to pick just one.
I know, but that's what I'm kinda known for
in, like, the lip sync world,
is bein', uh, ballsy.
I don't think you should stutter over ballsy
if you're known for being ballsy.
If I had a dime for every time
I stuttered over ballsy. (snickers)
Well, that about wraps it up
for this episode of Lip Sync Battle In Between Show.
Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel
to learn more about when the next Lip Sync Battle
In Between Show is comin' your way.
Yeah, and like the video, leave us a comment below,
and, you know, stay tuned,
because there are many more life-changing interviews
that are coming your way.
Yeah, life-changing, Lee.
God. (snickers)
I'm startin' to think that you don't think
it's a life-changing process (mumbles)--
Can be life-changing.
I don't know, though, 'cause I did see that Don Cheadle one,
and that was pretty life-changing. (chuckles)
Toot toot, all aboard!
Hart of the City - The Comedians of Detroit Welcome Kevin Hart - Duration: 2:09.
There's some very talented comedians that
are going to represent Detroit.
Alton "Boogie" Williams, Mike Geeter,
Jeff Horste, and J Bell.
In Detroit, how long have you guys have been doing comedy?
- 13 years. - 13 years.
This chose me.
I didn't-- you know, I found a way to, you know,
make money doing it.
You know what I mean?
I was like, this is actually an art.
This is actually-- you know, because I didn't know.
I just knew what funny was.
I personally feel like you can't teach funny.
I feel like either you have it or you don't.
Do you guys feel the same?
You can't force it, and you can't fake it.
Like, you can't fake being funny.
[interposing voices]
Right here in Detroit.
That's not funny. - Right.
Thick skin.
You've got to have it.
I can believe it.
this crowd slaps people.
I don't know if you heard the history [inaudible]..
[inaudible] and stuff? Yeah, man.
We'll see you in the parking lot, cuz!
What about the comedy scene here in Detroit?
I like a lot of the independent.
There's a lot of independent shows
that have been going lately.
Like, we had a recycling center, an ice cream shop.
So I feel like there's never ending amount of stage time
around here.
Especially if you're not judging the room, then you can go up.
The people love comedy here.
Yes, they do.
Are the comedians close?
Are you guys a tight-knit group?
You want people to succeed.
Because if they succeed, that puts Detroit
even further on the map.
Look, you're representing Detroit comedy.
So you go out there, and you do it.
You bring it.
You know what I'm saying?
100%, man.
it's the D.
Was there ever a moment where you guys were like, you know,
this ain't-- this ain't it.
This is-- this is all I have.
This is like, I ain't got--
I don't have no plan B [inaudible] You
know them eggs in that basket?
They all in that basket, brother.
If that basket break, I'm going to be out there
washing cars or something.
Man, this is it.
This is it.
This is it.
What I really like and respect,
I mean, the love that you obviously have for your city.
Oh, absolutely.
There's a sense of urgency for you guys
to bring attention to Detroit.
You want to bring that light, and you want it to shine.
And so I think you should seize the moment.
Make the best of it, all right? - Absolutely.
Do it.
L'Angleterre VS La France - Duration: 5:10.
Donc sur le menu on a des entrées, des plats, et des desserts!
Je reviendrais plus tard!
Donc voilà votre emploi du temps, tous les jours vous commencerez à 9h et vous finirez à 15h30
j'espère que se ne sera pas trop dur, et que vous ne serai pas trop charger
Passer une bonne année!
alors, nouvelle musique....
Ah Daft Punk!
Ma chérie l'heure du dinner!
Ok j'arrive
OH il est déjà 6h et on a pas encore manger, j'ai trop faim!
AGAR--久違的棉被x慢速航母x雙開第一O3O ※開啟CC字幕! By~Yuyeh❤ - Duration: 9:11.
About the crystal slipper. Elena Blaginina. Cartoon #verse How the girl read about Cinderella. - Duration: 1:51.
Elena Blaginina
About the crystal shoe
Cricket in the corner cricket, The door is closed on the hook.
I'm looking at the book About the crystal slipper.
In the palace a merry ball, The shoe fell off his feet.
Very Cinderella hurt Come out of the high hall.
But she went home, fluffy dress lifted
And again I got dressed in rags And work began ...
It became quiet and dark, The moonbeam fell into the window.
I hear the voice of my dear mother: "It's time for you to sleep!"
Cricket in the corner.
I turned on my side - I'll dream in a dream
About the crystal shoe
Idées de cadeaux - fin d'année 2017 - Duration: 6:34.
Nacho, Yandel, Bad Bunny - ...
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 K / A.GARDE / NAVI / PDC / AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:48.
WŚCIEKŁE ISLANDZKIE KONIE - Reykjavik #105 - Duration: 5:36.
(not) Reykjavik #105: Geysers, holes and horses
We're going for a trip!
We're about to be picked up from a hotel where we don't live.
It's gonna be fun.
They'll take us to the car rental that's in the middle of nowhere
to ride a car that we don't own!
For money we don't have.
And watch things that don't look
so stunning at this time of the year? Dunno, we'll see.
vroom vroom
Good morning.
We're on a crater. Show them the crater.
- Hole in the ground. - Nothing mind-blowing really.
You can turn it off. Kisses!
(chuckles) How am I supposed to edit this?
I'm kinda laughing at the fact, that we're the only white guys on this trip.
Droneflyers are taking off.
And they didn't.
Seems like the drone got ducked.
Take a look! A hole in a ground, again. Wow.
- I would slide on a sleigh here.
- Go ahead then.
To be honest I was expecting a bigger geyser.
- Dang, I've just turned off the recording!
It might seem that it's warmer here but nope - it's freezing as hell.
Come, come. We'll take a picture.
Can I pet you? Are you a nice horsie?
Nice bangs you have there. Like I did when I was 15.
That's funny.
The sheep rolled into tiny fluffy balls
and they chill there looking like hanks.
That's it for today!
It's not better, but at least on time. Tell your parents to subscribe!
See you next week!
BNSF at Ancient Railroad Crossing - Duration: 4:56.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, so I'm over here at
State road 60
at the old Seaboard crossing
over here
and there's a train rumbling down the tracks
right over there
These gates are about to come down at any moment now
I wanted to catch a glimpse of this guy over here
You can already hear the crossings
in the distance there
but yeah i wanted to
Look at this old US&S relay case over here
train horn
train horn
there you go
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
train horn
I can actually walk down to the next
there's 5, 1 2 3 4 5 crossings
at consecutive streets here
There's a lot of train activity in this area
That over there is an ungated crossing
and lets see
this ancient crossing in action here
this is a WRRS
mechanical bell
and signal base over here
with safe tran gate mechanism
guess the bells don't sound on the way up
ill take it
alright guys, please Subscribe or Like
Thank you very much for viewing, over and out
"55 BATTALION" # Military films about TANKISTS! Military Movies 1941-45! War Cinema 4K Video! 🔫 - Duration: 1:17:21.
"55 BATTALION" # Military films about TANKISTS! Military Movies 1941-45! War Cinema 4K Video! 🔫
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