Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 29 2017

E: Hey what's up hello my name is Emma and today I'm here of course the lovely

Cassandra Clare. We are here in Charleston South Carolina at

Blue Bicycle Books for Yallfest and I'm extremely excited to have you back on my channel.

C: I'm happy to be back on your channel E: I'm so lucky I'm like I didn't think it would be so soon

but I'm not gonna complain about it. *laughs*

So if you want to check out the two others videos that I filmed with Cassie,

I will definitely leave them below but today

we're gonna do a little bit of a change of pace and talk about something that

Cassie has recently announced that I'm sure has everyone shook.

So you have recently announced a completely new non-Shadowhunter's project C: That's true.

E: that is the world in how many years? C: It's not gonna come into the world until 2021.

E: Oh my goodness. Well we're all waiting already but I want to start like right from the beginning,

so what inspired you to do something totally new, like where did this idea start?

C: It's a high fantasy and it's an adult project so it's not YA

and it came from literally a story that I've been working on for like 15 years

that like before I started working on City of Bones I started this high

fantasy project and then I sort of put it aside cuz I decided I wanted to work

on urban fantasy but I've always sort of percolating in the back of my head and

I was it existed like as a world but it didn't have a story and that was

the problem with it um and so I think it was earlier... late last year in the winner

I was, I suddenly had the idea for the book which is called SWORD CATCHER and

it was the idea for sort of the central characters conflict which is that he is

taken as a child from his home and brought to the palace in his country

where he is forced to be the stand-in for the Crown Prince because he looks

like him and so he goes out in public he basically he lives with the Prince he

trains with him he learns all his mannerisms he learns how to talk like

ham he grows up with him and he impersonates him in public

because of the high risk of assassination and as this is happening

he's basically is one of the few people who spends a lot of time with the Crown

Prince because the Crown Prince has so much power doesn't really have friends.

What he does have is this guy who is sort of legally required to always be

with him and the Crown Prince as I turns out to be incred- complicated and

really difficult person and so our main character's name is Callian, his conflict

is partially I know what this guy is like almost nobody else knows what he's

really like and for him to become King would be a terrible thing so what do I do.

So that's only like sort of the conflict that kicks off the book.

E: It's still so you, it's still so you. C: It is super me! It's super me, I know.

But like it has all the stuff that I love you know it has like the intense you

know these intense relationships these like a group of like really tightly knit

friends and a lot of really intense you know conflicts and so and all of that

stuff is just stuff that I like. E: Yes. Absolutely.

So I'm just curious, how do you plan to balance this with all of your other works?

C: That's what my publisher said. *laughs*

Well basically, the hope is all of my books, THE LAST HOURS, the Magnus books will all be

turned in before I start really working on SWORD CATCHER or full-time then I'm

gonna have SWORD CATCHER come out in 2021 and its sequel which is called the

THE RAGPICKER KING comes out in 2023 so in between those hopefully I'm gonna have

the first WICKED POWERS book. So it's definitely like you know as we go

forward there will be a year where we have probably one SHADOWHUNTERS book

and then in the fall, the SWORDCATCHER book and so I'm hoping that you know

people you know, since the Shadowhunter books are continuing that people aren't

gonna feel like it's like taking their place. E: Yeah that's something to think about.

C: It's more like, you know once I finished Magisterium with Holly which we finished this year I

started feeling like I needed to have balance you know because it's been so

long for me that I've had two different projects so it had Shadowhunters and all

of its you know attending you know spin-offs in short story collections and

everything and then I've also had Magisterium and so I realized when I was

done that for me it was really hard to only write in one world it's just

something that I'm not used to anymore and so I was like well maybe I can

bounce back over to something else and I actually called Holly

even though we're no longer working on Magisterium, she is still my critique partner and I was like

I had this idea you know for this fantasy novel and what do you think like

this would be the central conflict and she was like oh I would I think you

should do it so she's like, "write me up an outline so I can see what it's like"

and I wound up writing the 17,000 word outline because you know I

never write something short when I can write something long E: You're such an overachiever

So I bring it to her and she's like," you have to show this to your agent" I showed it at my agent I mean he was

just like, "I love this like so much like let me show it to people" and so it went from there.

E: That's so exciting. That's so interesting that you say like you can't write in one world because you're so like

notorious for writing so many stories in the same world. C: I know!

E: But that's such an interesting fact C: I think that I need to have the balance though to be able to do it.

E: So while we're talking about like the Magisterium and everything like obviously

you have successful works outside of Shadowhunters. So obviously I'm sure this

is like so exciting for you embarking on totally new journey,

Is there anything that is particularly challenging about it at this point?

C: I think for me the fact that it's an adult project. You know I've

written for so long about teenagers and then for Magisterium I had to learn a

kind of a whole new language of writing to write middle grade then you have to

learn another whole new language of writing to write adults not because,

everyone's always like is it gonna be really filthy and I'm like I think

that's not it's the the characters being older have a completely different set of

priorities they're at different places sort of in their life everything they

care about different things they're invested in different things you know

they have different relationships to the world and that is a challenge because

it's a not something I do. E: I'm so excited.

And so to bring things back to Shadowhunters,

today at Yallfest we got a very very exciting new piece of info

for Shadowhunters, including c: the cover of QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS

which is my favorite cover so far I love it I do I love LADY MIDNIGHT but this

one is I think has surpassed it. E: So like were you involved in the process of this

cover like did you say like "I want Annabel to be on the cover" or just like

come in front of you and you said, "This is perfect!"?

C: Um yeah I mean I was I was pretty involved we knew we wanted Emma for our

first cover. Doing Julian for the second cover was actually torture because

it's so hard to film a guy underwater because they-

they don't have the same thing where the clothes floating and the hair floating

around looks really cool and romantic and just looks really weird so we had

incredible trouble with that and my artist, Cliff, was like "No more dudes." *laughs*

It's like okay so we can't do what I had thought we would probably do which was Mark.

E: That's what I was originally speculating. C: Exactly.

E: So it can't be a guy so I have too much trouble picking what girl

you know like could be Cristina. It could be Dru. It could be somebody it couldn't be. *my heart breaks internally*

but it could be Diana and all of them would be totally viably awesome you

know women to put on the cover and I thought oh I think in this case

we go for Annabel because in a lot of ways the villain stands outside that

circle of characters and I think also having her like I really love the way

that it's come out because I think our idea was that sort of she would seem to

be kind of rising and rising in power and rising in like you know sinister-ness

if that's a word and so then it would be like it would carry with it

like this sense of being beautiful but also a little scary

E: And so while we're on the topic of Shadowhunters 'cause I clearly can

only go a specific amount of time without talking about it. I mean my project is not

C: We can talk about Shadowhunters! I mean, my project isn't even started writing so...

E: This is true, we are just picking the surface of your brain at the moment.

So I started this game on BookTube or like I brought it to BookTube called R.I.P it or Ship it.

C: Oh my god. E: Essentially you take characters and you think of them

as a pairing so you either rip it, like r.i.p the ship is dead it's never

gonna happen or you ship it. So I printed out a bunch of your character

names from all series that we have so far including THE LAST HOURS.

So clearly only you like have the insight on that so I figured we could

pick a few pairings what'd you think of them?

C: Okay, let's do it. E: As a note I did only include ones that were aged like 16-19

C: That's probably wise.

Otherwise, you're just like "OH no, rip it" *laughs* No 12 year olds.

E: Yes, so you want to do the honors?

C: Okay so I'm just gonna pick out two. I kind of love this. E: Yes pick out two and we'll see what happens.

Maybe we'll get her to have some spark of like an alternate universe. C: I love an alternate universe.

Oh god, Zara Dearborn...

and Simon Lewis. *laughs*

I have to rip this one, Zara's a horrible person.

Like she's one of the few characters, nothing about them that I like yes and I

feel and I love Simon so I feel like he would be able to tolerate Zara for about

two minutes before... fleeing and maybe in arranging her E: That's a stretch

assassination so I think we're gonna have to say no on that one.

E: I think it's like like shipping Umbridge with Ron Weasley. C: YEAH exactly

C: Somebody probably does do that though. E: Oh my god, there's Harry Potter Fanfiction for everything.

C: Like Harry and the Giant Squid. E: Oh my goodness, there's too many.

C: I could totally do this all day, this is so entertaining.

Malcom Fade...

and Clary Fray. E: Oh my goodness. I tried to put some interesting characters in there.

C: I think what's interesting about Malcolm is that we

meet him in THE LAST HOURS and he's so totally different because he hasn't had

these huge betrayals in his life that I'm like majorly changed him so I feel

like Clary and Malcolm of THE LAST HOURS could probably make it work for a little

while but I don't think current Malcom with Clary would work.

E: I'm gonn have to read THE LAST HOURS like with this in my mind.

C: Well it would be interesting. E: So do you ship it?

C: No, I don't think I ship it.

Sorry Malcolm but I know what happens to you in the future.

Aline Penhallow...

Raphael Santiago. *laughs*

Well Aline is a lesbian. Raphael is an aromantic asexual so they will never

ever have a romantic relationship but I think they can be a totally awesome

buddy-cop team yeah I'm like take down bad guys and you actually will see them

interact with each other in THE RED SCROLLS OF MAGIC so that's something to look forward to.

So I guess I would have to rip it but with no prejudice.

E: Yes, I think we can expand the word "ship" to maybe like "friendship". C: Yeah, I "friend" them. I friendship them.

E: Let's pick out a few more. I'm actually really enjoying this

C: I know this is really fun. E: And you just have so many to choose from.

C: Okay so we have Cordelia Carstairs...

C: And Gideon Lightwood. E: Hm...

C: Are they related? No. E: At this point, how many of your characters are not-

E: somehow related? C: I mean, they're all a little related.

C: Um... Gideon... He's a little older than Cordelia. E: This is very true.

C: And I feel it probably- it wouldn't work out but I think that they could

have a lovely friendship. I feel like I need to get to one where I'm gonna ship it though.

E: I feel like you're very set in the relationships that you have formed in your head.

C: It's possibly true. Matthew Fairchild and Christopher Lightwood.

Okay you know what, that could totally happen.

C: I'lll ship it, I'll ship it. E: You ship it? C: I ship it.

E: I think from what we do know of them with the published works like Tales From Shadowhunter Academy,

and the things that you've shared, I could see it. C: I ship Matthew with most people, I see it. So it's fine. E: Yeah, he's a cutie.

E: Okay wanna go for the last one? C: Okay. James Herondale...


C: You know I feel if it told this story. E: Oh my goodness, yeah. C: We've already done the incest.

E: I was like this is just going like right back to the beginning.

C: I know! It was so funny when we did the panel that we were we

were just doing about expanding world so it was like well sometimes you know you

have to, you set up, you know a pair of characters and then later you wish

that you could get them in relationship you can't because they're like brother

or sister or something and I was like I really don't see why that's a problem. *laughs*

I really feel like you can just fix that one.

I gotta say that they are super close brother and sister they're super supportive.

Lucy is super supportive of James. James loves his little sister super protective of her,

chases off all guys that are around her yes they're not good enough for her. She is super protective of him

because you know people judging because they believe that you know his ability

to see the sort of see the shadow world is like a devilish power and all that so

I would say that I "relation-ship" them as family like super hard. I think they're a great brother-sister relationship.

E: Aw I'm so excited to learn more about them. I feel like that was the perfect one to end on. C: Yeah the perfect one to end on!

C: I was like "AHAHH"

E: Well, Cassie, thank you so much for being on my channel again.

C: Of course! I always enjoy. E: It's always a pleasure to have you.

Don't foget to look out for the release of QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS coming...

C: December 4th 2018. E: I'm so so excited.

C: I'm so excited for you guys you get to read it and I'm sure I will talk to Emma again

before that and we will have more exciting things to tell you.

E: Of course, I will leave all of Cassie's information, her website, social media links though I'm sure you already all follow them.

But that is it for this video, thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you soon for a new one. Bye!!

For more infomation >> NEW SERIES Q&A with CASSANDRA CLARE. - Duration: 15:02.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-LINE PAN. DAK - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-LINE PAN. DAK - Duration: 1:03.


Opel Meriva BERLIN 1.4T120PK S/S - NAVIGATIE - PARK ASSIST - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva BERLIN 1.4T120PK S/S - NAVIGATIE - PARK ASSIST - Duration: 1:00.


次期ポルシェ911ターボS 約640psを発揮か 画像55枚 - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 次期ポルシェ911ターボS 約640psを発揮か 画像55枚 - Duration: 4:53.


Mazda 2 1.3hp S-VT Touring Km Uniek - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.3hp S-VT Touring Km Uniek - Duration: 1:02.


The Gift of ADHD | Quantum Consult #35 - Duration: 8:54.

Okay well that's a fun topic right there. So you're saying one of your children

has been diagnosed with ADHD.

Oh, no. All of them have been. I was ADHD as a child. I'm bipolar now.

Okay well is that something that you would like to

hold on to or something that you want to maintain?

Alright. So for me, I was you know I was given adderall in college. I went

to a doctor and I guess you could call me ADHD according to the doctor's visit

and when I took that to mean what is my a my attention is dialed into a

higher dimension and then I even made my own acronym of an ambitious defiant

happy Danimal that maybe isn't meant to be domesticated by education and be told

when to talk and when to sit down and when to stand up and when to shut up and

when to play. Maybe I decided to maintain my wild inner child and set

the truth free beyond diagnosis or beyond labels so I I don't know about

all your children and you being diagnosed with ADHD but I trust that

y'all think of it as a gift.

Hey, yea, the way I see it sometimes as planet Earth is showing right now there's a

volcano erupting in Bali and sometimes - sometimes our nature erupts I think -

there's like eruptions. There's a fast flow of energy. Sometimes it's more

mellow. Right now it's cloudy and foggy in San Diego. That's like it being sunny

in Seattle. There's always times - nothing is always - nothing is ever

the same in my opinion. So energy is always moving and emotion is energy in

motion and I think when we let that free flow as I talked about in the book it's

much more of a natural state to be in rather than letting someone

else's diagnoses about our nature dictate how we behave.

I love your honesty that you're - I love your honesty about how you're not always

honest and I - if we're gonna down that rabbit trail, I believe the moment

that we give an attempt to describe what's happening in the fragmented

reality of words it becomes - it's a bit of a deception.

I don't know if we can truly explain everything that's

happening when we're using one world. "Om." I like "Om." I like "God." I like "I", "Am."

It seems that the smaller words hold the most power funny enough and I think

that what you said right there - when I hear someone say oh I'm honest all the

time, I'm like "I doubt it." I doubt it because you're not even being

honest of how you might be deceiving yourself hence why there's the little

child that's maybe in a self-imposed prison by his own choice

hence the Pinocchio picture and I think that's cool. I think that's the first

step of honesty is getting finding out how we're not being honest and then

admitting that to ourself. So thank you for doing that. Thank you for - I think

that's a hero's journey in a way like if you were raised by someone - I like

those little bunny ears you're getting - but if you were raised by someone that

wasn't willing to admit that I love that you're doing it now.

That's evolution. So I wonder what your kids are going to be doing that they may

have thought that you didn't do. What do you think that might be?

Exactly. That would be normal - or that's what we people think as normal but I agree that - I like that you

said that's a future untold. If you had to guess, is there anything that you have

done in the past that you might be able to upgrade so that your children don't

have to upgrade it for you. They can be like "wow." So like you can look at your

mom be like wow my mom used to be not as honest with herself and now she's

becoming so much more honest. I'm not sure where this situation with your mom

is, but I'm wondering what's your own version of that story from your

children's perspective if that makes enough sense, with three minutes left.

Is there anything your mom is that you think could be done better that

you want her to see her do better and you're like come on mom do this better. You're like "c'mon, mon. I

want to see you do it." or "I want you to be more honest." or "I want you to

be more playful." Is there anything like that right now?

Exercise. Okay, so awesome.

I'm curious is there a way that you think your daughter there might see you

when will she might see you become exercise more or will that happen have

you spent much time hiking in Montana there's some good bears well do it now

keep doing that let's do that let's change that story well maybe one day at

a time it's a it's hard by the yard but a cinch by the inch so maybe start

skating for twenty minutes one day twenty one minutes the next day twenty

two minutes a year later you're skating for two hours with your daughter and all

of a sudden she doesn't have to tell the story well maybe your new job is to play

more maybe your new job is to play more with your children so they don't have to

tell the story that I wish my mom played more instead they can be like wow my mom

the older she got the more playful she got

For more infomation >> The Gift of ADHD | Quantum Consult #35 - Duration: 8:54.


¿Puede EGIPTO convertirse en un país LAICO? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:59.

For more infomation >> ¿Puede EGIPTO convertirse en un país LAICO? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:59.


Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Unge Ferrari - Duration: 1:27.

'Hologram' is the song I did on this project.

It's about reaching for someone, but you just grab right through them.

Their body is there, but their mind is somewhere else.

And I think a lot of people experience this nowadays.

Music is my most perfect form of creating something.

Go in the studio with nothing, and you can leave with something

that can make people cry or make people dance.

The link between 'Hologram' and 'Peer Gynt',

is maybe just that he does whatever he wants to,

and I did that to when we sampled Grieg.

And we did that, but I wanted this to be my song,

not just something I got told to do.

For more infomation >> Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Unge Ferrari - Duration: 1:27.


Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Drippin - Duration: 1:53.

I don't really like to think about my music as a certain genre,

it's more like a pallet of sounds.

I guess.

Maybe the restless feeling in my music is from my short attention span.

Your ideas are purer when you have less time to make it pretty and glossy.

And when you just vomit it out on the computer.

And it's like, it's there.

That's appealing to me in music.

Like honest, raw music.

Grieg is almost like, for me the first Norwegian pop star in many ways.

Really simple catchy melodies, and he put more weight into the ideas,

the feelings, the colours of the music.

I wanted to work with 'Hall of the Mountain King' because of the structure.

Where the waveform looks like this.. you know?

Peer Gynt is so Norwegian that it is almost funny.

And I think Grieg also contributed to this ultra Norwegianess.

We can hear birds chirping, and like.. I don't know.

It just sounds like Norway I guess.

You can see similarities between how Grieg worked on music,

and how you make electronic music.

It's a solitary way of working.

Making music from either a blank sheet, or a new project-file.

And everything can happen between when you start and finish.

For more infomation >> Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Drippin - Duration: 1:53.


Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Fight The Fight - Duration: 1:27.

Would you like to say something, Fredrik?


We are 'Fight The Fight'.

It's Peer Gynt... I don't know.

It could be a modern pop song.

There is no vocals or lyrics on the original songs.

We took the script from the play, and made that into a lyric instead.

The actual lyrics of the play is very easily adopted to the modern scene.

We just need to update some parts of it.

And it works pretty fine actually.

This is the guy.

He's the black Peer Gynt actually.

You travelled from Ethiopia to Norway.

If he was alive and a real person, he would have a TV-show by now.

And it would be better than 'The Kardashians'.

For more infomation >> Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Fight The Fight - Duration: 1:27.


Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Dennis Storhøi about Henrik Ibsen and Ibsen's iconic play Peer Gynt - Duration: 4:49.

I think Ibsen is a genius because he captures –

the man or the woman perfectly at all times.

I've heard that he used many of his own family and friends as characters in the play.

That's the same way we actors work. When we portray a person,

we have to get inspiration from something we know and can relate to in people we know.

He must have had a huge insight in how peoples' weaknesses and strength worked.

It's fascinating.

You beautiful earth, don't be too cross, that I trampled your grass for nought worth telling.

You beautiful sun, it was so much loss was your radiant touch on a folkless dwelling.

There was no-one at home to be warmed and provided; — the owner, they say, had never resided.

Beautiful earth and beautiful sun, to cherish my mother was stupidly done.

The spirit's a miser, and Nature's free-giving.

It's a stiff price, to pay for one's birth with one's living.

The problem with Peer Gynt is that the moment you think you understood the play,

you haven't understood a shit.

Because Ibsen wrote that play as a dramatic verse, a 4,5 hours poem, to say to people:

what's the difference between being yourself and being yourself enough.

The atmosphere at Gålå is…

Peer is from that area,

and with all the fjords and mountains and the exceptional nature.

It gives the perspective of a boy that is out hunting, not giving a shit, getting drunk, getting girls.

And also the mysterious things which I think is vital in the play.

You stand there at the outdoor stage with 2000 people watching –

and you have a huge orchestra doing Peer Gynt's music. It's so powerful.

I've met people like Bjørn Kjos, who is running the Norwegian Air Shuttle.

He is so fascinated by Peer Gynt who inspires him to make everything he does.

He was so crazy that he invited us to do Peer Gynt on our way to Bergen.

Mother Åse and I were doing "Bukkerittet" at the counter,

and on the plane we were playing Peer Gynt in the aisle.

And Peer was the captain saying: This is captain Peer Gynt. We are landing in Bergen in approximately 20 minutes.

In Bergen Solveig was waiting for Peer Gynt, singing. It was fantastic.

You can do it in so many ways and so many people are inspired by it.

I don't know how many countries are doing Peer Gynt right now but it's many.

I think Ibsen is played in around 140 countries every year.

And now for home! What though the way Be steep and narrow what though Fortune

Be still malicious old Peer Gynt Will go his own way, and remain,

poor but virtuous.

I think Ibsen in 2017 was the same as he was 150 years ago.

Because he's always up to date whatever time.

That's the brilliance.

For more infomation >> Peer Gynt 150th Anniversary | Dennis Storhøi about Henrik Ibsen and Ibsen's iconic play Peer Gynt - Duration: 4:49.


Knitter's Pride Zing Needles - Duration: 6:41.

In this video, I am going to show you a new needle product from Knitter's Pride, it's

their new Zing Needles.

And if you saw the video a couple of weeks ago, I introduced a bunch of new wood accessories

that Knitter's Pride has put out, and you can click the little eye in the upper right-hand

corner to see that video.

And I've been working with Knitter's Pride since the early days of VeryPink for several

years now, and their products are really good.

Their products, actually, are the ones I use in my own business and for my own knitting,

and I feel really good about promoting them because the quality is so high and the value

is so good.

And there's no exception here with these needles.

These are the Zing Needles, and I had a bunch of people asking me about my thoughts on the

Zing Needles before I even knew they existed, so I knew we had to get at least one video


This is the full interchangeable set here.

These are superior-grade, metal needles, very, very lightweight, and you can see that each

size is a different color, so you always know you have the same size needle in your hand

when you're putting the set together.

Vibrant colors, really pretty, I'm gonna give you a close-up look.

And with Knitter's Pride, we always get an awesome case with the needle sets.

So, you have the card with the needles here, in the back there's a zipper pouch where you

have the different cord lengths, and the stoppers, and the keys, and everything else that you


And this is the full set with the cord lengths from 24, 32, 40-inches long, and there are

also some connectors in here I believe, so you can make a longer cord if you need to.

I'm pretty sure, let me check.

Yep, the connector's in here, so you can connect two chords together if you want to make a

really, really long cord.

Okay, so I wanna show you the other sets that we have before we go in for a close-up here.

This set, this cute little thing...well, let me tell you first, the sizes on this set are

from US...the sizes are actually etched into it, US 4 all the way up to US 11, so we have

a pretty broad range of sizes in this set here.

And this 16-inch circular set has shorter needles that are appropriate for 16-inch circulars,

good for knitting hats or sleeves.

I'm a big fan of 16-inch circulars, and just like with the big set, you have the card of

needles and the zipper pouch in the back.

And these go from 4 to 10.

And here we have the double-pointed needles in their awesome case, and these go all the

way down to a very, very small size for sock knitting, US 0, which is, how many millimeters?

Two millimeters up to US 3, which is 3.25 millimeters.

And the last set I have here is the straight set.

These are so pretty, aren't they nice?

And these go from US 2.5, which is 3 millimeters, up to US 11, which is 8 millimeters.

All in the zippered cases, making it really nice to keep track of your needles, you always

know where they are.

So I wanna give you a close-up of these needles, you can see exactly what they look like and

how the interchangeable set works.

Okay, here are the needles in the case.

I'm gonna go ahead and pull out these size 8s because I like the pink.

These are, again, superior-grade, lightweight metal, and you can see there's a color change

here, but there's nothing to feel, it's completely smooth.

They're warm to the touch, very, very lightweight.

They're hollow needles, very lightweight, and the...I've got it upside down, the size

is laser printed on the needle, so you can see what they are without using a needle gauge.

And I just need to get a little key.

You have end stoppers here and a key.

I don't end up using the end stoppers very much, but they're handy if you wanna take

the needles off and preserve your stitches.

So, I am going to pretend here that I need a 24-inch cord for the project I'm working

on, and size 8 needles.

I'm just going to screw the needle onto the cord, and then you take the key and put it

through the hole at the base of the cord, so you have something to hang onto, and then

hand tighten it.

And that's all you need to do.

After that, you have a beautiful, smooth join on very lightweight needle, and these have

a pretty long taper and sharp point.

They're not as sharp as the Platinas.

They're fast needles though, I found...I've been using these since I got them a few weeks


They're not as fast as a Platinas that are chrome-plated, these are still very fast needles,

great all-purpose needles, and not such a sharp tip that I hear from people that...they're

good all-purpose in the way that the tip is not super sharp, but it is good for working


When you're finished with the project, you put the key back in so you can unscrew the

needle, and go back to your case.

And put everything away very neatly so that you can find it again next time, and you don't

have, you know, like, a Ziploc bag full of needles.

You have something that looks great and is very organized, and that is it.

That these are all of the sets of the Knitter's Pride Zing Needles.

If you click the little eye and go to my website, I will have information about where you can

find these needles.

They're available through Knitter's Pride in the US and in Canada, and KnitPro outside

of the US and Canada, and there'll be more information on my website.

For more infomation >> Knitter's Pride Zing Needles - Duration: 6:41.


Eric Cantona mis en examen après ses propos diffa­ma­toires contre Didier - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Eric Cantona mis en examen après ses propos diffa­ma­toires contre Didier - Duration: 1:58.


Audi SQ5 3.0 TDi 313 pk Quattro S tronic / B&O / panoramadak / 21" - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Audi SQ5 3.0 TDi 313 pk Quattro S tronic / B&O / panoramadak / 21" - Duration: 0:43.


Kareena Kapoor Khan looks FIERCELY ELEGANT in this BRIDAL OUTFIT ; see pics - Duration: 2:13.

Kareena Kapoor Khan looks fiercely elegant in this bridal outfit; see pics

For more infomation >> Kareena Kapoor Khan looks FIERCELY ELEGANT in this BRIDAL OUTFIT ; see pics - Duration: 2:13.


OBS Studio 136 - Multi-Monitor Streaming & Recording - How to automatically switch multiple monitors - Duration: 11:54.

Most discussions about OBS, streaming, game recording, and so on tend to focus on a specific

use case - one monitor, one screen of computer desktop or gameplay.

One console input, one 16 by 9 image.

But what if you use multiple monitors for work you wish to stream or record?

What if you display your game across two monitors at once and want to stream that?

What about switching between monitors?

Let's discuss this in today's course video.

Any high-tier live production needs a variety of scenes to show and quick, precise switching

between them.

The Elgato Stream Deck gives you 15 keys with customizable LCD screens behind each, that

can execute macros, application launchers, scene switching and source muting for OBS

- and you can nest folders for more actions and UNLIMITED POWAHHHH.

Grab yours today via the link in the video description.

I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun, and welcome back to my OBS Studio

tutorial course.

I have many, many more videos on the software in the playlist linked in the description.

Check that before asking questions, and check the introduction video to learn how this course

works, if you get confused.

There's 3 different scenarios that I can imagine applying to multi-monitor streaming:

Just streaming with multiple monitors and sometimes needing to show what's on your

side monitors like I do, running games through surround gaming across multiple monitors at

once, or wanting to automatically switch between different monitors as you record or stream

a multi-monitor workflow.

Let's tackle these.

Timecodes will be in the video description for the 3 main topics here.

Multi-Monitor Gaming First, let's start with multi-monitor gaming.

This will depend a little, depending on how you have this set up.

Right-click your desktop and go to "Display Settings" or "Screen Resolution."

Or, open up your Nvidia or AMD control panel if you have surround set up that way.

You're looking here to find out whether your system is treating your multiple monitors

as one big monitor for gaming, or just multiple monitors with the game stretched across them.

Take note of this.

If your monitors are treated as one big monitor, then you also need to take note of the resolution

it reads.

For example, 3 1080p monitors combined into one horizontal virtual monitor would be 5760

by 1080 resolution.

If you just have multiple monitors side by side, just do the math for how they're set


If they're 3 wide, just add up the horizontal resolutions (i.e. 1920 times 3) and then take

note of the vertical resolution (i.e. 1080).

You'll need this for OBS.

In OBS Studio, you need to set your resolution to this weird resolution.

For our example here, 5760 by 1080.

Leave the base and scaled resolution the same in the "Video" settings tab.

For your streaming settings, you'll wanna scale it down a bit.

For example, for our current test resolution, I'd recommend streaming at half resolution

of 2880 by 540.

Now you'll need to set up the rest of your scenes to properly utilize this wider canvas

than the traditional 16:9 format.

You can probably have fun with placement of your overlay elements, facecam, and so on.

Here's the kicker, though.

Your stream WILL have what's often referred to as "black bars" on the top and bottom

because of this.

This kind of setup, obviously, produces a much wider image than what a normal 16:9 or

even a 21:9 ultrawide can display fully, so this is unavoidable.

While you can technically stretch your image to fill a 16:9 box, it will completely trash

your video and no one will watch it, so don't do that.

If you're going to commit to streaming this kind of super-wide format, you need to fully

commit and just deal with the issues.

Unfortunately, YouTube currently doesn't like streaming with oddball resolutions so

it won't take advantage of the new player's capabilities.

But if you're just recording and uploading this way, the new YouTube player will actually

adapt to your video's aspect ratio and display it nicely on your viewer's screens.

Just MAKE SURE if you're editing the video before uploading, you edit AND render in the

specific resolution of your recording, or you will ruin the viewing experience for EVERYONE.

I have a dedicated, admittedly ranty, video about this subject linked in the video description.

We'll also touch a bit more on this in the next video talking about Ultrawide recording

and streaming and using oddball resolutions.

Multi Monitor Workflow If you just happen to utilize multiple monitors

and just want to be able to switch between them sometimes, depending on what you're

doing - things are much easier.

Simply make new scenes for each of your monitors and add them via Display Capture.

Add your facecam, if needed, and any overlays.

If you don't want to have to reposition and configure your overlays again and again

for this, you have two primary options.

Either you can start by duplicating your main Display Capture scene and then replacing the

actual Display Capture source with respective monitors, keeping all other sources in the

scene in tact.

OR, my preferred option, is to actually create a dedicated scene specifically for your overlays

and to "nest" that scene as a source in your other scenes.

So duplicate your main scene and remove any non-overlay elements.

So remove your facecam, display capture, whatever.

You're left with just your overlays.

Rename the scene to "Overlays."

Now, remove your overlays from your main scene, add a new Source - Scene Source, and choose

your new "Overlays" scene.

Now you have them all in one source that you can add to any scene, without having to mess

around with repositioning or anything like that.

Super handy!

If your monitors are different resolutions, simply use the transform tools to scale them

all to match your canvas resolution, and whammo.

Then you can set up hotkeys or use something like the Elgato Stream Deck to switch between

your different display scenes as desired when recording or streaming.

Automatic Multi-Monitor Switching There's another neat trick for multi-monitor

streaming and recording that I like to use from time to time - automatic scene switching.

This will let you automatically switch between your different Display Capture-based scenes

depending on where your cursor goes on your computer.

This is super handy for when I do editing streams and need to quickly switch between

my multi-monitor workflow.

Unfortunately, the built-in "Automatic Scene Switcher" tool in OBS Studio kinda… sucks.

Or rather, it doesn't work in the way I see most optimal.

So instead, I use an "Advanced Scene Switcher" plugin which I will have linked in the video


Open the zip file, open up to the Windows folder, then the "obs-studio" folder and

copy the "data" and "plugins" folders to your OBS install directory.

In Windows, the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\.

Approve any prompts asking if you're sure you wanna copy to a program data folder, and

re-launch OBS Studio.

Now the Advanced Scene Switcher should be available under the "Tools" menu in OBS.

Open it up.

Now for setting up automatic monitor switching based on your cursor position, we will be

using the "Screen Region" tab.

Here, we need to set up our different "screen regions" to be detected by OBS for your

cursor positioning.

To get this to work properly, the numbers are going to be a little complicated.

This is only made worse if your monitors are different resolutions, like mine are.

Firstly, right-click your desktop and open up "Display Settings" or "Screen Resolution."

You need to know which monitor is number 1 for you, as this affects cursor positioning


You'll want to have your scenes set up again for your multiple displays, see the earlier

part of the tutorial for this.

Take a look at your Scene Switcher dialog box again.

You can see for each scene switching command, you need two sets of X and Y coordinates.

We will use the "Cursor is currently at:" feature to get these numbers, just keep in

mind it's a little delayed in showing your cursor location.

Now, this can be finicky.

Before, you would often need to min coordinates from the bottom-left corner of your screen

and max at the top right.

But now I need the top-left coordinates for min, and bottom-right for max.

So if it doesn't work consider re-doing this with these coordinates.

The numbers you want to pay attention to first come from the top left corner of your screen

and the bottom right.

Write these down from the display on the Scene Switcher dialog.

So for my main monitor, we want to say "If cursor is in" Min X: 0, Min Y 0 for my display,

then Max X: 3839 and Max Y: 2159 our numbers may be different.

Then, select the scene you wish to assign to this screen.

For me, that's "Desktop Facecam Overlays" or "Screen 1."

Then you can choose the transition.

For this, cut works best.

Once that's set, hit the plus sign at the bottom and it will add that command.

Now, you want to do the same thing for the next monitor.

Find the coordinates for the top left and input them into the dialog, and then the top


For me here, the min is 3840 and 0, with the max being 6399 and 1439.

Choose the scene to assign to this region - don't skip this step, I do that sometimes

and it screws things up.

Make sure you're assigning the right scene!

Then hit the plus at the bottom to add it.

Repeat this for however many screens you're switching between.

When you're done, click back to the "General" tab.

Towards the bottom it says "Scene Switcher is:" and should say "Inactive" if it's

turned off.

If so, hit "Start" to turn it on, and close the plugin dialog.

Once it's running, your scenes should automatically switch between your Display Capture scenes.

If it doesn't work the first try, don't panic!

Be patient.

Double check that you have the right coordinates, and that you chose the correct scenes for

it to switch to, and that you hit "Start" on the General tab, of course.

And again, if this set of coordinates isn't working, try inverting to the bottom left

and top right instead.

Something will work, you just have to be patient with it.

Now, this isn't going to work out well if you wanna keep using other scenes.

Switching to a webcam scene will put you right back at the scene where your cursor is.

There's some minor tweaks you can do for this.

In the "Pause Scenes" tab, you can pause the Scene Switcher if you manually switch

to specific scenes.

You can also go to your Hotkeys Settings and set up dedicated hotkeys for starting and

stopping the Scene Switcher, too.

You have some flexibility here.

The plugin also gives you lots of options for switching based on windows, switching

back after a certain amount of time, customizing transitions, and so on - but this is the basic,

main functionality here.


So you actually have quite a few solid options available to you when it comes to recording

and streaming multiple monitors with OBS Studio.

Pick what works best for you.

I hope this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course has been helpful for you.

If it was, drop-kick that like button and subscribe for awesome tech videos.

If you like game streaming, come follow me on Twitch and drop a message in chat.

Until next time, I'm EposVox, Happy Streaming!

Thanks for watching this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course.

More videos like this and a full master class are linked in the playlist in the video description.

Click to learn more.

Also consider joining us on Patreon to help keep tech education free.

Go to to sign up.

For more infomation >> OBS Studio 136 - Multi-Monitor Streaming & Recording - How to automatically switch multiple monitors - Duration: 11:54.


Decorative Concrete How to do Decorative Concrete Resurfacing Acid Stain | Lake Ozark Osage Beach Mo - Duration: 4:26.

all right this week we're at Mystic Bay condos in Osage Beach Missouri this is

Rick with custom concrete design at this back deck we're gonna start with will

open area right here seems to be in pretty good shape few stains and goes

into the screened-in porch area I think we've got about five or six cracks that

we have to repair there pretty small hairline cracks so they're not bad

there's one of them we're just getting ready to grind we've got everything set

up so we're going to go ahead and start grinding

okay we have the texture on got everything tapered off and we are ready

to spray the antique stain we're gonna darken this down just a little bit and

the sun's kind of creating a whole lot of shadows for us so it's probably gonna

distort this a little bit but you can see the Tuscan slight texture a darker

base lighter top coat it's already got a little bit of marbling going on on our

top coat and of course you know there's variation between a the base and top

coat that you can already spot so make it look a little bit different here in a

minute okay this job at Mystic Bay is now complete yesterday we put our

antiquing stain on it and got it cleaned up today and put our

sealer on get to coach of the acrylic sealer so that colors just poppin real

nice now looking good nice and shiny

and the sun's gonna play with us a little bit again

shadows kind of make it look a little different here and there but it looks

good turned out great

if you get closer shot of some of this without the sunlight affecting it that

way you can kind of get a look at the texture

remember we had about five or six cracks in this that we had to repair to and as

you can see they have disappeared

and as always if you guys are watching this on my youtube channel please

subscribe to my channel if you like the videos that way you won't miss anything

that I do in the future and if you like this video hit that little like button

down below and also comment you know if you guys like the job or don't like the

job just let me know you guys is opinion I'd like to like to hear from you as

always see you guys on the next project

For more infomation >> Decorative Concrete How to do Decorative Concrete Resurfacing Acid Stain | Lake Ozark Osage Beach Mo - Duration: 4:26.


어벤져스: 인피니티 워 AVENGERS: Infinity War 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 어벤져스: 인피니티 워 AVENGERS: Infinity War 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:25.


L'Angleterre VS La France - Duration: 5:10.

Donc sur le menu on a des entrées, des plats, et des desserts!

Je reviendrais plus tard!

Donc voilà votre emploi du temps, tous les jours vous commencerez à 9h et vous finirez à 15h30

j'espère que se ne sera pas trop dur, et que vous ne serai pas trop charger

Passer une bonne année!

alors, nouvelle musique....

Ah Daft Punk!


Ma chérie l'heure du dinner!

Ok j'arrive

OH il est déjà 6h et on a pas encore manger, j'ai trop faim!

For more infomation >> L'Angleterre VS La France - Duration: 5:10.


Learn colors with Toy and balls

For more infomation >> Learn colors with Toy and balls



For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I VOLAUTOMAAT / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 0:55.


Comment remplacer des changer un coupelle d'amortisseur sur une FORD FIESTA 5 TUTORIEL | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:35.

Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15

Use a socket №15

Use a combination spanner №13

Using a special tool to compress the spring

Use a socket №19 and a hex wrench №6

For more infomation >> Comment remplacer des changer un coupelle d'amortisseur sur une FORD FIESTA 5 TUTORIEL | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:35.


Citroën Jumpy 1.9 D Comfort - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy 1.9 D Comfort - Duration: 0:43.


Soleil Sorge, l'incredibile dedica d'amore a Marco Cartasegna - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Soleil Sorge, l'incredibile dedica d'amore a Marco Cartasegna - Duration: 2:49.


Mitsubishi L200 2.5 DI-D CLUB 4X4 CAB INVITE Airco/Central-Lock - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi L200 2.5 DI-D CLUB 4X4 CAB INVITE Airco/Central-Lock - Duration: 1:01.


Une messe organisée pour permettre à Johnny Hallyday de guérir - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Une messe organisée pour permettre à Johnny Hallyday de guérir - Duration: 2:07.


Alain-Fabien Delon furieux après sa dernière interview sur Alain Delon - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Alain-Fabien Delon furieux après sa dernière interview sur Alain Delon - Duration: 3:05.



For more infomation >> HAVA ATAYIM DERKEN REZİL OLMAK ! - Duration: 7:10.


HKU MedMe assignment Responsible - Duration: 1:02.


What percentage am I responsible -

- for negative influences from my work to users?

At first I thought 70%

Because I do think that..

.. That you can have a impact on your users through the experience you give them.

At the same time -

I think that..

I can't be directly - your influence when..

Players drive eachother to do something between themselves.

For example when players exchange experiences or thoughts about your game.

And jump to negative conclusions or something.

In the end..

I think that I am 80% responsible.

Because you don't want your media to influence the players too much to think that way.

But it can't always be helped..

For more infomation >> HKU MedMe assignment Responsible - Duration: 1:02.


Nicole Croisille recalée à l'Eurovision : "Ils ne m'ont pas choisie" (Exclu vidéo) - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Nicole Croisille recalée à l'Eurovision : "Ils ne m'ont pas choisie" (Exclu vidéo) - Duration: 2:58.


NEW SERIES Q&A with CASSANDRA CLARE. - Duration: 15:02.

E: Hey what's up hello my name is Emma and today I'm here of course the lovely

Cassandra Clare. We are here in Charleston South Carolina at

Blue Bicycle Books for Yallfest and I'm extremely excited to have you back on my channel.

C: I'm happy to be back on your channel E: I'm so lucky I'm like I didn't think it would be so soon

but I'm not gonna complain about it. *laughs*

So if you want to check out the two others videos that I filmed with Cassie,

I will definitely leave them below but today

we're gonna do a little bit of a change of pace and talk about something that

Cassie has recently announced that I'm sure has everyone shook.

So you have recently announced a completely new non-Shadowhunter's project C: That's true.

E: that is the world in how many years? C: It's not gonna come into the world until 2021.

E: Oh my goodness. Well we're all waiting already but I want to start like right from the beginning,

so what inspired you to do something totally new, like where did this idea start?

C: It's a high fantasy and it's an adult project so it's not YA

and it came from literally a story that I've been working on for like 15 years

that like before I started working on City of Bones I started this high

fantasy project and then I sort of put it aside cuz I decided I wanted to work

on urban fantasy but I've always sort of percolating in the back of my head and

I was it existed like as a world but it didn't have a story and that was

the problem with it um and so I think it was earlier... late last year in the winner

I was, I suddenly had the idea for the book which is called SWORD CATCHER and

it was the idea for sort of the central characters conflict which is that he is

taken as a child from his home and brought to the palace in his country

where he is forced to be the stand-in for the Crown Prince because he looks

like him and so he goes out in public he basically he lives with the Prince he

trains with him he learns all his mannerisms he learns how to talk like

ham he grows up with him and he impersonates him in public

because of the high risk of assassination and as this is happening

he's basically is one of the few people who spends a lot of time with the Crown

Prince because the Crown Prince has so much power doesn't really have friends.

What he does have is this guy who is sort of legally required to always be

with him and the Crown Prince as I turns out to be incred- complicated and

really difficult person and so our main character's name is Callian, his conflict

is partially I know what this guy is like almost nobody else knows what he's

really like and for him to become King would be a terrible thing so what do I do.

So that's only like sort of the conflict that kicks off the book.

E: It's still so you, it's still so you. C: It is super me! It's super me, I know.

But like it has all the stuff that I love you know it has like the intense you

know these intense relationships these like a group of like really tightly knit

friends and a lot of really intense you know conflicts and so and all of that

stuff is just stuff that I like. E: Yes. Absolutely.

So I'm just curious, how do you plan to balance this with all of your other works?

C: That's what my publisher said. *laughs*

Well basically, the hope is all of my books, THE LAST HOURS, the Magnus books will all be

turned in before I start really working on SWORD CATCHER or full-time then I'm

gonna have SWORD CATCHER come out in 2021 and its sequel which is called the

THE RAGPICKER KING comes out in 2023 so in between those hopefully I'm gonna have

the first WICKED POWERS book. So it's definitely like you know as we go

forward there will be a year where we have probably one SHADOWHUNTERS book

and then in the fall, the SWORDCATCHER book and so I'm hoping that you know

people you know, since the Shadowhunter books are continuing that people aren't

gonna feel like it's like taking their place. E: Yeah that's something to think about.

C: It's more like, you know once I finished Magisterium with Holly which we finished this year I

started feeling like I needed to have balance you know because it's been so

long for me that I've had two different projects so it had Shadowhunters and all

of its you know attending you know spin-offs in short story collections and

everything and then I've also had Magisterium and so I realized when I was

done that for me it was really hard to only write in one world it's just

something that I'm not used to anymore and so I was like well maybe I can

bounce back over to something else and I actually called Holly

even though we're no longer working on Magisterium, she is still my critique partner and I was like

I had this idea you know for this fantasy novel and what do you think like

this would be the central conflict and she was like oh I would I think you

should do it so she's like, "write me up an outline so I can see what it's like"

and I wound up writing the 17,000 word outline because you know I

never write something short when I can write something long E: You're such an overachiever

So I bring it to her and she's like," you have to show this to your agent" I showed it at my agent I mean he was

just like, "I love this like so much like let me show it to people" and so it went from there.

E: That's so exciting. That's so interesting that you say like you can't write in one world because you're so like

notorious for writing so many stories in the same world. C: I know!

E: But that's such an interesting fact C: I think that I need to have the balance though to be able to do it.

E: So while we're talking about like the Magisterium and everything like obviously

you have successful works outside of Shadowhunters. So obviously I'm sure this

is like so exciting for you embarking on totally new journey,

Is there anything that is particularly challenging about it at this point?

C: I think for me the fact that it's an adult project. You know I've

written for so long about teenagers and then for Magisterium I had to learn a

kind of a whole new language of writing to write middle grade then you have to

learn another whole new language of writing to write adults not because,

everyone's always like is it gonna be really filthy and I'm like I think

that's not it's the the characters being older have a completely different set of

priorities they're at different places sort of in their life everything they

care about different things they're invested in different things you know

they have different relationships to the world and that is a challenge because

it's a not something I do. E: I'm so excited.

And so to bring things back to Shadowhunters,

today at Yallfest we got a very very exciting new piece of info

for Shadowhunters, including c: the cover of QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS

which is my favorite cover so far I love it I do I love LADY MIDNIGHT but this

one is I think has surpassed it. E: So like were you involved in the process of this

cover like did you say like "I want Annabel to be on the cover" or just like

come in front of you and you said, "This is perfect!"?

C: Um yeah I mean I was I was pretty involved we knew we wanted Emma for our

first cover. Doing Julian for the second cover was actually torture because

it's so hard to film a guy underwater because they-

they don't have the same thing where the clothes floating and the hair floating

around looks really cool and romantic and just looks really weird so we had

incredible trouble with that and my artist, Cliff, was like "No more dudes." *laughs*

It's like okay so we can't do what I had thought we would probably do which was Mark.

E: That's what I was originally speculating. C: Exactly.

E: So it can't be a guy so I have too much trouble picking what girl

you know like could be Cristina. It could be Dru. It could be somebody it couldn't be. *my heart breaks internally*

but it could be Diana and all of them would be totally viably awesome you

know women to put on the cover and I thought oh I think in this case

we go for Annabel because in a lot of ways the villain stands outside that

circle of characters and I think also having her like I really love the way

that it's come out because I think our idea was that sort of she would seem to

be kind of rising and rising in power and rising in like you know sinister-ness

if that's a word and so then it would be like it would carry with it

like this sense of being beautiful but also a little scary

E: And so while we're on the topic of Shadowhunters 'cause I clearly can

only go a specific amount of time without talking about it. I mean my project is not

C: We can talk about Shadowhunters! I mean, my project isn't even started writing so...

E: This is true, we are just picking the surface of your brain at the moment.

So I started this game on BookTube or like I brought it to BookTube called R.I.P it or Ship it.

C: Oh my god. E: Essentially you take characters and you think of them

as a pairing so you either rip it, like r.i.p the ship is dead it's never

gonna happen or you ship it. So I printed out a bunch of your character

names from all series that we have so far including THE LAST HOURS.

So clearly only you like have the insight on that so I figured we could

pick a few pairings what'd you think of them?

C: Okay, let's do it. E: As a note I did only include ones that were aged like 16-19

C: That's probably wise.

Otherwise, you're just like "OH no, rip it" *laughs* No 12 year olds.

E: Yes, so you want to do the honors?

C: Okay so I'm just gonna pick out two. I kind of love this. E: Yes pick out two and we'll see what happens.

Maybe we'll get her to have some spark of like an alternate universe. C: I love an alternate universe.

Oh god, Zara Dearborn...

and Simon Lewis. *laughs*

I have to rip this one, Zara's a horrible person.

Like she's one of the few characters, nothing about them that I like yes and I

feel and I love Simon so I feel like he would be able to tolerate Zara for about

two minutes before... fleeing and maybe in arranging her E: That's a stretch

assassination so I think we're gonna have to say no on that one.

E: I think it's like like shipping Umbridge with Ron Weasley. C: YEAH exactly

C: Somebody probably does do that though. E: Oh my god, there's Harry Potter Fanfiction for everything.

C: Like Harry and the Giant Squid. E: Oh my goodness, there's too many.

C: I could totally do this all day, this is so entertaining.

Malcom Fade...

and Clary Fray. E: Oh my goodness. I tried to put some interesting characters in there.

C: I think what's interesting about Malcolm is that we

meet him in THE LAST HOURS and he's so totally different because he hasn't had

these huge betrayals in his life that I'm like majorly changed him so I feel

like Clary and Malcolm of THE LAST HOURS could probably make it work for a little

while but I don't think current Malcom with Clary would work.

E: I'm gonn have to read THE LAST HOURS like with this in my mind.

C: Well it would be interesting. E: So do you ship it?

C: No, I don't think I ship it.

Sorry Malcolm but I know what happens to you in the future.

Aline Penhallow...

Raphael Santiago. *laughs*

Well Aline is a lesbian. Raphael is an aromantic asexual so they will never

ever have a romantic relationship but I think they can be a totally awesome

buddy-cop team yeah I'm like take down bad guys and you actually will see them

interact with each other in THE RED SCROLLS OF MAGIC so that's something to look forward to.

So I guess I would have to rip it but with no prejudice.

E: Yes, I think we can expand the word "ship" to maybe like "friendship". C: Yeah, I "friend" them. I friendship them.

E: Let's pick out a few more. I'm actually really enjoying this

C: I know this is really fun. E: And you just have so many to choose from.

C: Okay so we have Cordelia Carstairs...

C: And Gideon Lightwood. E: Hm...

C: Are they related? No. E: At this point, how many of your characters are not-

E: somehow related? C: I mean, they're all a little related.

C: Um... Gideon... He's a little older than Cordelia. E: This is very true.

C: And I feel it probably- it wouldn't work out but I think that they could

have a lovely friendship. I feel like I need to get to one where I'm gonna ship it though.

E: I feel like you're very set in the relationships that you have formed in your head.

C: It's possibly true. Matthew Fairchild and Christopher Lightwood.

Okay you know what, that could totally happen.

C: I'lll ship it, I'll ship it. E: You ship it? C: I ship it.

E: I think from what we do know of them with the published works like Tales From Shadowhunter Academy,

and the things that you've shared, I could see it. C: I ship Matthew with most people, I see it. So it's fine. E: Yeah, he's a cutie.

E: Okay wanna go for the last one? C: Okay. James Herondale...


C: You know I feel if it told this story. E: Oh my goodness, yeah. C: We've already done the incest.

E: I was like this is just going like right back to the beginning.

C: I know! It was so funny when we did the panel that we were we

were just doing about expanding world so it was like well sometimes you know you

have to, you set up, you know a pair of characters and then later you wish

that you could get them in relationship you can't because they're like brother

or sister or something and I was like I really don't see why that's a problem. *laughs*

I really feel like you can just fix that one.

I gotta say that they are super close brother and sister they're super supportive.

Lucy is super supportive of James. James loves his little sister super protective of her,

chases off all guys that are around her yes they're not good enough for her. She is super protective of him

because you know people judging because they believe that you know his ability

to see the sort of see the shadow world is like a devilish power and all that so

I would say that I "relation-ship" them as family like super hard. I think they're a great brother-sister relationship.

E: Aw I'm so excited to learn more about them. I feel like that was the perfect one to end on. C: Yeah the perfect one to end on!

C: I was like "AHAHH"

E: Well, Cassie, thank you so much for being on my channel again.

C: Of course! I always enjoy. E: It's always a pleasure to have you.

Don't foget to look out for the release of QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS coming...

C: December 4th 2018. E: I'm so so excited.

C: I'm so excited for you guys you get to read it and I'm sure I will talk to Emma again

before that and we will have more exciting things to tell you.

E: Of course, I will leave all of Cassie's information, her website, social media links though I'm sure you already all follow them.

But that is it for this video, thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you soon for a new one. Bye!!

For more infomation >> NEW SERIES Q&A with CASSANDRA CLARE. - Duration: 15:02.


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L'Angleterre VS La France - Duration: 5:10.

Donc sur le menu on a des entrées, des plats, et des desserts!

Je reviendrais plus tard!

Donc voilà votre emploi du temps, tous les jours vous commencerez à 9h et vous finirez à 15h30

j'espère que se ne sera pas trop dur, et que vous ne serai pas trop charger

Passer une bonne année!

alors, nouvelle musique....

Ah Daft Punk!


Ma chérie l'heure du dinner!

Ok j'arrive

OH il est déjà 6h et on a pas encore manger, j'ai trop faim!

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For more infomation >> Mireille Darc : son époux met les choses au clair sur sa rela­tion avec Alain Delon - Duration: 2:47.


OBS Studio 136 - Multi-Monitor Streaming & Recording - How to automatically switch multiple monitors - Duration: 11:54.

Most discussions about OBS, streaming, game recording, and so on tend to focus on a specific

use case - one monitor, one screen of computer desktop or gameplay.

One console input, one 16 by 9 image.

But what if you use multiple monitors for work you wish to stream or record?

What if you display your game across two monitors at once and want to stream that?

What about switching between monitors?

Let's discuss this in today's course video.

Any high-tier live production needs a variety of scenes to show and quick, precise switching

between them.

The Elgato Stream Deck gives you 15 keys with customizable LCD screens behind each, that

can execute macros, application launchers, scene switching and source muting for OBS

- and you can nest folders for more actions and UNLIMITED POWAHHHH.

Grab yours today via the link in the video description.

I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun, and welcome back to my OBS Studio

tutorial course.

I have many, many more videos on the software in the playlist linked in the description.

Check that before asking questions, and check the introduction video to learn how this course

works, if you get confused.

There's 3 different scenarios that I can imagine applying to multi-monitor streaming:

Just streaming with multiple monitors and sometimes needing to show what's on your

side monitors like I do, running games through surround gaming across multiple monitors at

once, or wanting to automatically switch between different monitors as you record or stream

a multi-monitor workflow.

Let's tackle these.

Timecodes will be in the video description for the 3 main topics here.

Multi-Monitor Gaming First, let's start with multi-monitor gaming.

This will depend a little, depending on how you have this set up.

Right-click your desktop and go to "Display Settings" or "Screen Resolution."

Or, open up your Nvidia or AMD control panel if you have surround set up that way.

You're looking here to find out whether your system is treating your multiple monitors

as one big monitor for gaming, or just multiple monitors with the game stretched across them.

Take note of this.

If your monitors are treated as one big monitor, then you also need to take note of the resolution

it reads.

For example, 3 1080p monitors combined into one horizontal virtual monitor would be 5760

by 1080 resolution.

If you just have multiple monitors side by side, just do the math for how they're set


If they're 3 wide, just add up the horizontal resolutions (i.e. 1920 times 3) and then take

note of the vertical resolution (i.e. 1080).

You'll need this for OBS.

In OBS Studio, you need to set your resolution to this weird resolution.

For our example here, 5760 by 1080.

Leave the base and scaled resolution the same in the "Video" settings tab.

For your streaming settings, you'll wanna scale it down a bit.

For example, for our current test resolution, I'd recommend streaming at half resolution

of 2880 by 540.

Now you'll need to set up the rest of your scenes to properly utilize this wider canvas

than the traditional 16:9 format.

You can probably have fun with placement of your overlay elements, facecam, and so on.

Here's the kicker, though.

Your stream WILL have what's often referred to as "black bars" on the top and bottom

because of this.

This kind of setup, obviously, produces a much wider image than what a normal 16:9 or

even a 21:9 ultrawide can display fully, so this is unavoidable.

While you can technically stretch your image to fill a 16:9 box, it will completely trash

your video and no one will watch it, so don't do that.

If you're going to commit to streaming this kind of super-wide format, you need to fully

commit and just deal with the issues.

Unfortunately, YouTube currently doesn't like streaming with oddball resolutions so

it won't take advantage of the new player's capabilities.

But if you're just recording and uploading this way, the new YouTube player will actually

adapt to your video's aspect ratio and display it nicely on your viewer's screens.

Just MAKE SURE if you're editing the video before uploading, you edit AND render in the

specific resolution of your recording, or you will ruin the viewing experience for EVERYONE.

I have a dedicated, admittedly ranty, video about this subject linked in the video description.

We'll also touch a bit more on this in the next video talking about Ultrawide recording

and streaming and using oddball resolutions.

Multi Monitor Workflow If you just happen to utilize multiple monitors

and just want to be able to switch between them sometimes, depending on what you're

doing - things are much easier.

Simply make new scenes for each of your monitors and add them via Display Capture.

Add your facecam, if needed, and any overlays.

If you don't want to have to reposition and configure your overlays again and again

for this, you have two primary options.

Either you can start by duplicating your main Display Capture scene and then replacing the

actual Display Capture source with respective monitors, keeping all other sources in the

scene in tact.

OR, my preferred option, is to actually create a dedicated scene specifically for your overlays

and to "nest" that scene as a source in your other scenes.

So duplicate your main scene and remove any non-overlay elements.

So remove your facecam, display capture, whatever.

You're left with just your overlays.

Rename the scene to "Overlays."

Now, remove your overlays from your main scene, add a new Source - Scene Source, and choose

your new "Overlays" scene.

Now you have them all in one source that you can add to any scene, without having to mess

around with repositioning or anything like that.

Super handy!

If your monitors are different resolutions, simply use the transform tools to scale them

all to match your canvas resolution, and whammo.

Then you can set up hotkeys or use something like the Elgato Stream Deck to switch between

your different display scenes as desired when recording or streaming.

Automatic Multi-Monitor Switching There's another neat trick for multi-monitor

streaming and recording that I like to use from time to time - automatic scene switching.

This will let you automatically switch between your different Display Capture-based scenes

depending on where your cursor goes on your computer.

This is super handy for when I do editing streams and need to quickly switch between

my multi-monitor workflow.

Unfortunately, the built-in "Automatic Scene Switcher" tool in OBS Studio kinda… sucks.

Or rather, it doesn't work in the way I see most optimal.

So instead, I use an "Advanced Scene Switcher" plugin which I will have linked in the video


Open the zip file, open up to the Windows folder, then the "obs-studio" folder and

copy the "data" and "plugins" folders to your OBS install directory.

In Windows, the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\.

Approve any prompts asking if you're sure you wanna copy to a program data folder, and

re-launch OBS Studio.

Now the Advanced Scene Switcher should be available under the "Tools" menu in OBS.

Open it up.

Now for setting up automatic monitor switching based on your cursor position, we will be

using the "Screen Region" tab.

Here, we need to set up our different "screen regions" to be detected by OBS for your

cursor positioning.

To get this to work properly, the numbers are going to be a little complicated.

This is only made worse if your monitors are different resolutions, like mine are.

Firstly, right-click your desktop and open up "Display Settings" or "Screen Resolution."

You need to know which monitor is number 1 for you, as this affects cursor positioning


You'll want to have your scenes set up again for your multiple displays, see the earlier

part of the tutorial for this.

Take a look at your Scene Switcher dialog box again.

You can see for each scene switching command, you need two sets of X and Y coordinates.

We will use the "Cursor is currently at:" feature to get these numbers, just keep in

mind it's a little delayed in showing your cursor location.

Now, this can be finicky.

Before, you would often need to min coordinates from the bottom-left corner of your screen

and max at the top right.

But now I need the top-left coordinates for min, and bottom-right for max.

So if it doesn't work consider re-doing this with these coordinates.

The numbers you want to pay attention to first come from the top left corner of your screen

and the bottom right.

Write these down from the display on the Scene Switcher dialog.

So for my main monitor, we want to say "If cursor is in" Min X: 0, Min Y 0 for my display,

then Max X: 3839 and Max Y: 2159 our numbers may be different.

Then, select the scene you wish to assign to this screen.

For me, that's "Desktop Facecam Overlays" or "Screen 1."

Then you can choose the transition.

For this, cut works best.

Once that's set, hit the plus sign at the bottom and it will add that command.

Now, you want to do the same thing for the next monitor.

Find the coordinates for the top left and input them into the dialog, and then the top


For me here, the min is 3840 and 0, with the max being 6399 and 1439.

Choose the scene to assign to this region - don't skip this step, I do that sometimes

and it screws things up.

Make sure you're assigning the right scene!

Then hit the plus at the bottom to add it.

Repeat this for however many screens you're switching between.

When you're done, click back to the "General" tab.

Towards the bottom it says "Scene Switcher is:" and should say "Inactive" if it's

turned off.

If so, hit "Start" to turn it on, and close the plugin dialog.

Once it's running, your scenes should automatically switch between your Display Capture scenes.

If it doesn't work the first try, don't panic!

Be patient.

Double check that you have the right coordinates, and that you chose the correct scenes for

it to switch to, and that you hit "Start" on the General tab, of course.

And again, if this set of coordinates isn't working, try inverting to the bottom left

and top right instead.

Something will work, you just have to be patient with it.

Now, this isn't going to work out well if you wanna keep using other scenes.

Switching to a webcam scene will put you right back at the scene where your cursor is.

There's some minor tweaks you can do for this.

In the "Pause Scenes" tab, you can pause the Scene Switcher if you manually switch

to specific scenes.

You can also go to your Hotkeys Settings and set up dedicated hotkeys for starting and

stopping the Scene Switcher, too.

You have some flexibility here.

The plugin also gives you lots of options for switching based on windows, switching

back after a certain amount of time, customizing transitions, and so on - but this is the basic,

main functionality here.


So you actually have quite a few solid options available to you when it comes to recording

and streaming multiple monitors with OBS Studio.

Pick what works best for you.

I hope this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course has been helpful for you.

If it was, drop-kick that like button and subscribe for awesome tech videos.

If you like game streaming, come follow me on Twitch and drop a message in chat.

Until next time, I'm EposVox, Happy Streaming!

Thanks for watching this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course.

More videos like this and a full master class are linked in the playlist in the video description.

Click to learn more.

Also consider joining us on Patreon to help keep tech education free.

Go to to sign up.

For more infomation >> OBS Studio 136 - Multi-Monitor Streaming & Recording - How to automatically switch multiple monitors - Duration: 11:54.


1K Subscribers Special - Duration: 5:10.

Hello, guardian! I'm Olrik Mac Leod, and is Flynn the Brave!

Can we have 300 rubies?

No, but you have won this wonderful consolation gift!

When winter arrives, dug up your potatoes!

This is not my question...

I know, but at the druid school, I followed the vegetable garden option.

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