Spicy and Sour Soup with Chicken and Young Tamarind Leaf
Chicken 300 g
Water 3 cup
Galangal 2 tbsp
Lemongrass 2 tbsp
Shallot 1 tbsp
Kaffir lime leave 1 tbsp
Straw mushroom ¼ cup
Fish sauce 2 tbsp
Salt 1 ½ tsp
Young tamarind leaf 1 cup
Lime 1 tbsp
Dried bird's eye chili 1 tbsp
2-3 serve
For more infomation >> ต้มไก่ใบมะขามอ่อน - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Mustard Oil Benefits│Sarson Ka Tail Ke Fayde│عضو کی ٹوپی کو موٹا کرنے کا نسخہ - Duration: 9:04.
Mustard Oil Benefits
THIS RUINED MY LIFE - SUPERHOT #3 - Duration: 7:01.
no! My one chance to shine is ruined by my stupid actions. G'day guys it's me
AussieAidan and today welcome back to SUPERHOT. so let's just get into the
recent mission.
"leave this body"
boom! so this aspect of things seems easy enough
just, Oh what the f**k! guess we can like transform to bodies now! Son of a bi**h got me from behind.
but yeah, that's a pretty good aspect. so now we can
teleport I think well basically but today I'm in full focus mode
S**t!! But, you know what I mean I will like hammer through these missions. But so far, so...
s**t okay I'm so stupid I'm just like trying to do something cool
Ahh, Get wreck!!
bulls**t, I swear to god! okay this time I won't be stupid.
"What do you mean this time?". okay I just need to calm down, I'm being too stupid.
ah now you won't kill me I think I'm being so stupid I just need to calm down
take it slow just like a silk that's all I need to do I'm paying you super super
tank in here I see it all you get up and go pull it my s**t
hang on boom too easy I finally get it up tear up the Aidan stone oh it's know
what sounds like towaway okay this seems like an easy issue mission probably
won't be though cuz I'm a s**t again as what I just said this time as a gun and
we can do dis waist-level
what people is getting they keep cluttered maybe it's not bulls**t
okay Ashley just stop I'm f**ked now
okay I need to like turn up my static guys ready make sense
bye you don't mean I'm vertical die soon and I'm scared s**tless yay
who is laughing now what is it drill don't see way for this orange guide to
appear in nowhere it's Arabic no but one chance a shine is ruined by my stupid
actions hang on be dead hey Bob - easy now like I'm this down
I'm gonna vote him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh Lola
okay well okay maybe I don't want to listen I'm dead ticket
it's half day okay cool beans that's looking pretty good
because I was actually so smooth oh my god almost like I said I'm aside I just
need a breather diam salve a bi**h ah
okay Kiwi he's cooland son of bi**h it was stupid because I was selecting a
body but didn't Betty do anything okay I'm like in serious concentration right
now because I don't want to die yes I did it all that he's poised me I'm
sweating like balls over here and I'm very triggered what's this it's a gun
the brain so it's a complex assessing of to think of less coal okay tomato trash
boom that's just a distraction
awesomer Becky coming from behind QQ bastard son of a bi**h
I swear to God like I shot him but clearly I'm stupid and didn't work I am
is going polyglot die in two seconds
that actually worked it actually work and it did boom
Oh with um with already blessed two days I think oh f**k okay I'm good idea on
this one cuz I'm about playing this one for guess I get hot which is ready now
okay this time I'll do dis this thing doesn't work anyways
boom boom doesn't work but today I'll be like this size to a s I'm sorry for
using MEMS boy I did it I did it I did it okay
thank you guys so much it's working if you like to double your tailoring like
button and throw the comments and everyone salute the room from the gaming
Cecilia Rodriguez a Verissimo: le clamorose affermazioni su Francesco | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:48.
[현장포토] "따뜻함을 나눠요"…'행복얼라이언스', 훈훈한 겨울 - Duration: 2:19.
2. Vasile Mardare - Eu ți-aș scrie - Duration: 4:08.
1. Vasile Mardare - Am să te iubesc - Duration: 4:40.
Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I have a
brand new Call of Duty well not Call of Duty actually it's actually a Fortnite video for
you guys I'm so used to saying call of duty by anyways guys today um I was
playing a lot of world war two and after you play a lot a lot of it you get bored
and I was like you know what I just want to record a different type of videos
today just to switch it up a little see if you guys like this or not if you guys
enjoy watching it then obviously leave a like and comment down below that's the
main part I want you have to comment and tell me if you I do like it but
basically it's gonna be a four night video it's just me and some of my
friends just playing Fortnite so if you guys enjoy it comment down below and
you want to see some more this and leave a like it show support and uh yeah I'll
do my best been raised guys hopefully you guys did a video again support if
you want to see more so yeah but how was your 94 people already it starts like
that yo yeah I can watch you man we went to these houses I don't know why and I
got here let's go I was just run out even know if we
were chosen or not there's another show pushing you and I can't carry it whoa
just drink it drink I already got one it's like a blue hey okra
hey let's go to these houses down here - real quick before the storm comes in
- also got your trip ocean liner
and I gotta make you to say you know if y'all did get we just tell me we gotta
go you got a dit no like the stars I got
excellent it's alright I got another RPG wants it I'm gonna come get it come get
dance I had a grenade launcher - you
already got RPG but see i'ma drop this make it if I grab this that's what you
forgive me make a odana make it make it that's a problem some date cause I make
it nicer better than man just ya know
that's what I'm saying bow well I don't know if I can carry these
but i'ma have to drop something I guess you got extra spots for bandages there's
something yeah I'd have some in this little cabinet I see there's two others
you three I'll go meet em let's go meet him up
here like a meter I could any my gosh oh no more
oh my god meet him right here watch it watch this watch this definitely come
and an RPG wonder to go get ready
they all died did they didn't die one of them went down
if you shoot we'll walk you down there game over no more down there
what char they ran yeah yeah they just did huh
dokkan dokkan eats we're worthy you're right here close the right here
did you Stern look right here mm-hmm our choo-choo-choo
I know more of them now you steam your in know that I fall down there where it
will ship watch all that the bridge see wait to get our pink clothes yeah that
closed on I don't see what the circles and even go build some we're sorry we're
only doing either of my kids so no I want to use them seventy year lower I
was at y'all just wish elements yeah that was me all right
you sure hold down the bill right up on top of is over here okay Zelda if you
want you guys come on come on yeah trying to bill you fool
they're getting
mmm I'm back I'm back I hope you like can you edit this shit oh yeah there you
go Oh what the hell sorry what the hell are we make you right now somebody's
pushing us right on there is somebody right now my god there's oh hold that
feel good I was up can't we just block me I can't
somebody has RPG we're done it should bounce right off for me to do that
yeah yeah bounced right off for the stairs eh where they at though he's
right here he's right here awesome hey butter slapping us - from the look
these are Bush I got it good stuff no sir we need you to watch
out for these guys behind us both nailed it
that's too scared to but I like scream my head but these other guys are gonna
cyclists man yes no sickness what is that noise
hey guys we Freddie see me I kept them you did the one over here Southwest look
at the guy is a dusty fuck oh why there's still one do alive over there
it's two people over there she was in my way hey watch over here please commander
come at us that is s okay shit damn but let me get a kill Oh what his t he's
teammate who see me was crawling up to us but I don't have a sniper but I can't
do nothing right now that was close oh it's right there where he's right
there he's right there
I got both yeah I got both of them they both dish score hell yeah
yeah let me get that purple let me get that purple go cyber hey color let me
have some of the markets too
yeah meat only got two hey over here hey there's only like five people
what do you ever in it there's still those people southeast washer from lift
the left there holding a flanking us make the last two people I say be better
coconuts I'm weak I got one I'm out of ammo with
that junk that a jump at it
I'll get them all good shit let's go first game homeboy I've been in the
heels fucking superstars feeling like a pop star drinking any bad bitches
jumping in the pool inang I don't know bro get in front of bat pulling on a
treasure not just screaming out no
Relieve neck and shoulder p...
Korean government to provide customized housing support - Duration: 2:46.
Following a wave of new measures to cool Korea's overheated real estate market,... the government
is now rolling up its sleeves to provide more practical support for those actually need
a home.
The government and the ruling party met on Monday to fine-tune the details of the new
Kim Min-ji reports.
The government says it will provide customized policies to support people in dire need of
During a policy meeting between the government and the ruling Democratic Party of Korea on
Monday,... the two sides discussed the direction of a roadmap for "housing welfare" to benefit
youths, newlyweds and the elderly.
"The roadmap will provide an insight into the housing welfare support the new government
will pursue over the next five years.
The package will consist of different support for people in different stages of life."
For starters, the government plans to expand the number of rental homes,...and also provide
financial support.
Some 300-thousand rental homes will be set aside for those under the age of 39 who are
not homeowners.
For newlyweds,... the government will ease the criteria to expand the number of people
eligible for housing support.
Currently, they need to be married for less than five years,... but this will be extended
to seven years for childless couples,... as well as soon to be married couples.
The government also plan to offer some 70,000 homes for newlyweds.. at about 80 percent
of market prices.
For old people who own homes, but don't have a stable income,... the state-run Korea Land
& Housing Corporation plans to buy housing from the elderly and renovate the properties
to rent out to young people,... and pay the money in the form of a pension.
The government will also provide an additional one million rental houses... for regular citizens
that do not own homes.
The ruling party and government hopes the new roadmap will reduce the burden on young
people who have put off marriage or having children,... due to difficulties getting on
the property ladder,... and that it acts as a bridge for the low-income class to break
into the middle class.
"Solving the housing problem is the best measure for people's livelihoods -- and this will
determine the success of the Moon Jae-in administration as well as the fate of the ruling party.
Housing support is the basis of achieving the government's people first drive.
We will continue to manage the housing market,.. and persuade the opposition parties to revise
any relevant laws."
The latest measures are focused on giving *practical support to those in need,... following
previous policies put forward to cool down the real estate market,... including stepping
up regulations and curbing speculation.
The government will fine-tune the details before unveiling the full package on Wednesday.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
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