For more infomation >> 5th G Spelling List: November 27-December 1 - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
4th G Spelling List: November 27-December 1 - Duration: 1:04.
Al Bano e Romina si amano ancora? Ecco la risposta inattesa di Loredana Lecciso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:02.
B.I.G Gunmin & Heedo THE UNIT EP9,10 Cut - Duration: 0:36.
- EP 9, 10 Preview: Position Battle -
- EP 9, 10 cuts -
Sunrise Weather: November 27, 2017 - Duration: 3:52.
Quanto guadagnano i concorrenti del Grande Fratello Vip: ecco le cifre ufficiali | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.
Uomini e Donne, De Filippi e Gemma al settimo cielo: una bella notizia per loro - Duration: 4:01.
Francesco Monte soffre ancora per Cecilia: 'Aspetto di vederla' - Duration: 3:56.
Ascolti tv 25 novembre: Cecilia Rodriguez fa il botto a Verissimo - Duration: 4:56.
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI BUSINESSPACK Nav. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 0:54.
Darum ist Daniela Katzenberger von ihren Brüsten genervt - Duration: 2:21.
푸조, 2008 유로6 모델 국내 출시..퍼포먼스 강화【24/7 카】 - Duration: 12:01.
쌍용차, 2016 Style New 코란도 스포츠 출시..상품성 강화【24/7 카】 - Duration: 6:28.
Chamak First Night Teaser (4K) | Golden Star Ganesh | Rashmika Mandanna | Suni - Duration: 0:42.
I thought you'd bring milk
Grandma said she'll get it
(Speaks to himself) The lights are out!
I thought you turned the lights off
No, Actually, the power went and came back
Oh! I'll wear the shirt back.
yo yo yo CPA strength here strongest CPA in the game strongest strongest person
with a mullet I don't think that's even there's gotta be there's definitely
stronger people with a mullet than me there's some country fed people some
farm boys or some farm ladies lady mullet Oh
anyways motivational Monday I hope everyone's gonna get motivated today I
am still on vacation and and I almost want to talk about the importance of
education for for a education of a vacation well we know about the Maya
please and education might surprise you but vacation I was just thinking I
looked I did I did a little bit of work today I've done a little bit of my
County work a couple times on this vacation I've been on vacation for is
nine nine days Thursday night about six o'clock or 9 o'clock I took off from
Fort Lauderdale and now it's Sunday and like 9 9 10 days later I haven't gone
all the a bit of more than a week vacation since a year and a half ago
summer like 16 17 months ago that was a little bit different it was it was it
was nice it was a but I wasn't driving you know I was just riding with my with
my family and a car and it was yeah it was all right
i I just totally went on my own vacation this this uh this past nine days and it
is it has been great I'm definitely I'm all about like Matt
productivity making making the most money I can and so I kind of you know
I've tried to change my ideas on a vacation now I'm thinking you know next
year for me my schedule I'm thinking that a vacation you know around
Thanksgiving time or November December for like Oh two weeks maybe it is good
for me because I don't just totally you know shut down everything but gosh I
just feel I feel like I haven't been in my office for a year you know I am I'm
raring to go back to my schedule I just got my second lift in I don't like nine
days which is cool because my back some of I think there was like a muscle
twisted I hadn't taken a break off from from lifting and I don't even know like
two years I haven't missed a day of lifting and I started going seven days a
week it just it's just awesome it's just nice to take a step back from my regular
life my lifting my work I haven't really sticking stuff back from YouTube but now
I have in a way and I it's been so so nice to me cuz just because I was kind
of just slog you know slogging along there slogging along doing day by day I
don't know it's just you kind of have to get away for I want to say you have to
get away for a week and let that second week is like really golden you know I'm
just really hmm I'm thinking a little different about things I don't I don't
know I don't know too much different but I'm just really like man I'm really
excited that I built my business up and I'm thinking about all the things I'm
gonna do like oh I said oh Christmas car and get everybody up to date on the
QuickBooks and then I'm going to do some 1099s next year then I'm gonna have the
best year all like I'm so excited about my uh my business and getting back to it
and growing it some more I'm excited that I've given my body a little bit of
rest and you know I'm excited to get back in the rhythm of lifting I think I
really think I should go back I really should go to five days a week lifting
and two days outside in the Sun like playing basketball or getting some
cardio here I'm really waiting things
what am i you know missing from this vacation I'm missing uh-oh like I I
really missed starting my day out or or at some part of the day I'm just getting
it putting my headphones on I'm just getting a nice sweat like that's what I
mean that's what I feel like I missed right now and I just had an indoor
workout here but I didn't get the I don't really got a full sweat that's
another thing too I was I have Moyes and LA Fitness and I'm thinking there's the
only Fitness around here too so I think I want to go there tomorrow I'm here I'm
here house-sitting for on vacation for let's see it's Sunday so I have Monday
Tuesday like all to myself private this is like an air B&B
basically don't Oh criminy they're gonna watch well I'm watching the dog so I
feel like they said I'm doing them a favor oh and the fish in the betta fish
so it's not an alpha fish hey you guys I hope you guys are having the best time
at Disneyland take pictures for uncle Dorne gosh I just adore a little miss
Lilly I hope she's having just the best time yeah yeah I'm house-sitting for my
for my family friend my friend my family I gotta make a board for that that
friends that are like family hmm I'll get back to you guys on that but they
went to where do they go uh I'm excited for I'm really excited for they went to
at Walt Disney World in Orlando I'm in Tampa right here and and yeah I I was
with them for Thanksgiving so that was just a few days ago so I just stayed
here and I'm watching the house and I mean yeah you can't beat this like this
vacation life so I feel like I've gotten away from my office
even though I have some even though I have something to to do tomorrow anyways
this is getting kinda this is getting kind of long here what I wanted I guess
what I wanted to say is I'm looking at I kind of before this vacation looked at
vacation as like oh you don't need it like I need to make money like I don't
need to go on vacation I need to make money uh you know and I just think that
it was nice it's a very nice break and I think if you go over a 52 week schedule
that's what I'm trying I'm not trying to play just for today tonight or tomorrow
I'm trying to play for five years ten years you know that's what's worked for
me because when I first went to Community College I was planning on CPA
and it took me seven years now I was like the best thing I've ever done and
so yeah I took kind of a risk you out on law a long chess game and so what I'm
saying is if you take a vacation I want to say two weeks because that
first week I'm kind of like oh like in like in the rigid you know like thinking
about work I should be at work and and it's somewhere in the second
week I'm just like like man yeah it's my life like what I want to do with my life
yeah like the second week so I I personally feel as an entrepreneur and I
think I'm mister goals and everything and that's why this vacation was hard
for me to go on and I kind of have I had to make myself go on this vacation
I almost didn't go a couple times I just wanted to I thought about how much how
much I could get done at work especially over the holidays he's everyone be their
family and I could just work and not be bothered so I had to push myself I'm
thinking over a you know what I'm gonna go I'm gonna play even more chess I'm
thinking over a five-year period no vacations over a five-year period how my
income I I really think my because I'm going to start doing I'm gonna start
going just just even harder than I ever have
for fifty weeks like crazy hard out of the year fifty weeks out of the year and
then I'm just gonna go on vacation for two weeks and buy my by vacation I mean
I still do what I need to do I still work a little bit my vacation is
probably different than somebody else's vacation but that's okay
get out of that I'll get out of it get out of an office and get out of my
normal schedule for me I can't just drop everything I feel like I'll make more
money with take in the next five years I feel like I'll make more money taking a
two-week break every year versus not taking any vacations at all so what's
that ten weeks like I'm saying I'll make more money vacationing for ten weeks
instead of working for ten weeks I'm gonna make more money going on vacation
which is kind of a minder thing but I feel so rejuvenated right now that yeah
that's just what I'm thinking and also I was thinking of God was lifting I was
thinking about this video I was thinking that oh I know there's gonna be some
people saying I can't go on a two-week vacation I can't afford that well then
do something different with your life I mean that's that's that's all I'm saying
like do something different why is it the money on vacation
you know I haven't spent much money on this vacation I'm having a great
vacation but I understand like you have bills so then you know you might not be
making money I'm just saying if you're living if you're living like that and a
lot of people don't really enjoy their day-to-day like a lot of people to go to
go to a job they do not like I go to a job that I love my I love my everyday so
that it was hard for me to go on vacation but I feel like maybe two weeks
is a little ambitious but maybe a long weekend with the people the people you
some people you care about you know if you don't care about anybody
along weekend by yourself along just something different you know maybe I
really feel this two weeks is great though you know so I I don't know if you
haven't been on vacation while then I think you're really I think you're
really missing out I feel like I'm kind of evolving a little bit I kind of just
want to get I kind of just want to get this out that's a new thought obviously
because I'm on vacation and I'm and I'm just and today I was thinking a little
bit like I was doing a little bit of work for my computer because wherever
there's Wi-Fi can it can work but I was doing a little bit of work and I was
thinking just how ready I am to get back to my life like my my business my
lifting my my eating just just my lifestyle I'm so ready for my lifestyle
and I did not have this much passion for my lifestyle nine days ago I was just
kind of like sometimes I would get a little depressed by it but I'm like gosh
I love my life I love my life but I kind of have to go
on vacation to see that and that's just an observation for me and you're nothing
a direction of this channel is going to go is why it's just a motivational
hard-working entrepreneurship anyways this is go
vacation to make more money CPA strength and I'm out dude
XOC DIA BIP||Bát tàng hình không tang-Dụng cụ xóc đĩa bịp mới nhất 2018 - Duration: 5:33.
Quelques fruits secs incroyables pour la santé - Duration: 9:16.
'We Can Shake Hands But I Will Never Forget' – Cassper Nyovest Tells Rappers Who Dissed Him|NVS News - Duration: 3:43.
'We Can Shake Hands But I Will Never Forget' – Cassper Nyovest Tells Rappers Who Dissed Him
Cassper Nyovest may forgive all his colleagues who made his life miserable when he began this journey, but he will never forget the pain they caused him.
Speaking to DJ Sbu on Massiv Metro yesterday, the Mama I Made It rapper said he was made the 'laughing stock' by those who felt he was beneath them, that they wrote diss tracks about him, but he did not let their hate bring him down.
Instead, he channeled all that energy into making better music, gaining more fans.
"I will never forget when I was the laughing stock, when they were writing diss tracks about me.
I used that as fuel to succeed.
We can shake hands but I will never forget," said the rapper on the radio.
And explaining how he endured the hate, he said, "People would say, 'you didn't finish school' and I would tell them; 'yeah, but I have R10-million.
Now, he doesn't need to brag about his wealth, because has become the first rapper in South Africa to fill up a major arena without international backing.
His haters have yet to achieve this feat!.
This comes two weeks after he disgraced rapper AKA who publicly begged to be featured at his upcoming Johannesburg stadium gig.
Recall that AKA had dissed Cassper for years, shamed him on Twitter, mocked him at every point and even once said he would not make peace with Cassper.
But earlier this month, AKA took to Twitter to beg Cassper, saying that he wants to put an end to their over-stretched feud that had rocked South Africa for too long.
He asked to be featured at Cassper's major upcoming concert, saying he wants to make money and make peace.
But Cassper refused.
"If [AKA] wants to help, he needs to buy tickets and attend the show," said Cassper.
"As far as the performances, best believe we got that covered.
Trust me.".
We now know why Cassper said a loud 'no' to AKA; he will never forget how much pain AKA and his ilk caused him.
2 manières naturelles d'éliminer les stries - Duration: 5:49.
안문숙 나이 뇌사판정 미스롯데 젊은시절 - Duration: 4:01.
'We Can Shake Hands But I Will Never Forget' – Cassper Nyovest Tells Rappers Who Dissed Him|NVS News - Duration: 3:43.
'We Can Shake Hands But I Will Never Forget' – Cassper Nyovest Tells Rappers Who Dissed Him
Cassper Nyovest may forgive all his colleagues who made his life miserable when he began this journey, but he will never forget the pain they caused him.
Speaking to DJ Sbu on Massiv Metro yesterday, the Mama I Made It rapper said he was made the 'laughing stock' by those who felt he was beneath them, that they wrote diss tracks about him, but he did not let their hate bring him down.
Instead, he channeled all that energy into making better music, gaining more fans.
"I will never forget when I was the laughing stock, when they were writing diss tracks about me.
I used that as fuel to succeed.
We can shake hands but I will never forget," said the rapper on the radio.
And explaining how he endured the hate, he said, "People would say, 'you didn't finish school' and I would tell them; 'yeah, but I have R10-million.
Now, he doesn't need to brag about his wealth, because has become the first rapper in South Africa to fill up a major arena without international backing.
His haters have yet to achieve this feat!.
This comes two weeks after he disgraced rapper AKA who publicly begged to be featured at his upcoming Johannesburg stadium gig.
Recall that AKA had dissed Cassper for years, shamed him on Twitter, mocked him at every point and even once said he would not make peace with Cassper.
But earlier this month, AKA took to Twitter to beg Cassper, saying that he wants to put an end to their over-stretched feud that had rocked South Africa for too long.
He asked to be featured at Cassper's major upcoming concert, saying he wants to make money and make peace.
But Cassper refused.
"If [AKA] wants to help, he needs to buy tickets and attend the show," said Cassper.
"As far as the performances, best believe we got that covered.
Trust me.".
We now know why Cassper said a loud 'no' to AKA; he will never forget how much pain AKA and his ilk caused him.
Super Beautiful Sisters Of Indian Cricketers | Who Look More Beautiful - Duration: 4:48.
Super Beautiful Sisters Of Indian Cricketers | Who Look More Beautiful
bangla waz Mufti Bazlur rashid ওয়াজ মাহফিল বজলুর রশিদ ২০১৭ নতুন - Duration: 1:02:57.
bangla waz Mufti Bazlur rashid ওয়াজ মাহফিল বজলুর রশিদ ২০১৭ নতুনqaz
Bangla waz
BD Waz
Voici les symptômes du cancer des ovaires que les femmes ignorent ! - Nouvelles Santé - Duration: 5:53.
Negocios Rentables de 1000 a 5000 parte 6, La era de los negocios - Duration: 2:18.
GB: Fünf Tote bei Unfall mit gestohlenem Auto - Duration: 3:04.
ATV Anniversary Special - Anvil Aerospace & découverte du Hawk - Duration: 44:51.
bangla waz Mufti Bazlur rashid ওয়াজ মাহফিল বজলুর রশিদ ২০১৭ নতুন - Duration: 1:02:57.
bangla waz Mufti Bazlur rashid ওয়াজ মাহফিল বজলুর রশিদ ২০১৭ নতুনqaz
Bangla waz
BD Waz
Chamak First Night Teaser (4K) | Golden Star Ganesh | Rashmika Mandanna | Suni - Duration: 0:42.
I thought you'd bring milk
Grandma said she'll get it
(Speaks to himself) The lights are out!
I thought you turned the lights off
No, Actually, the power went and came back
Oh! I'll wear the shirt back.
Passez vos PHOTOS au NIVEAU SUPÉRIEUR sur smartphone ! - Duration: 3:41.
How to Custom Huarache | V...
Speciál k erupci sopky na Bali - Duration: 0:54.
Holiday Card Series 2017 - Day 15 - Focal Point Color - Duration: 6:26.
(holiday instrumental)
- [Kristina] Hi everyone, Kristina here.
Welcome to Day 15 of the Holiday Card Series for 2017.
Today I'm using a limited edition stamp set
from Lawn Fawn and Simon Says Stamp.
This is called Friends Forever, and what they've done
is they've taken some amazing images
from previous exclusive stamp sets from Lawn Fawn
that were sold with Simon
and they combined them into one stamp set.
So if you've ever been sad that you missed out
on the chance to set some Lawn Fawn stamp sets
that were exclusive,
some of those images could be in this stamp set
and it's a limited quantities type of situation,
so if you want any of these images
or if you want the stamp set,
you might want to grab it as soon as you can.
So I started out by cutting and scoring some cardstock.
The cardstock I'm using today is Desert Storm from Neenah,
and this is the 100-pound version,
and I just scored that to create a top-folding card.
I then stamped the little mouse image
and the greeting "Merry Christmouse,"
instead of "Christmas," and I stamped that
in some Chestnut Roan Colorbox chalk ink
and what I'm doing, my plan is, is that I'm going to
color that one mouse that's perfectly straight
right above the greeting,
I'm going to color that one as usual.
It's going to kind of a white mouse
with a red and green present,
and then the rest of the mice will be a brown shade.
So they're going to sort of kind of fade in background.
Be sure to use some pretty bold lines
to fade completely in the background,
but by coloring them in all brown shades,
they'll kind of fade to the back
and then that allows the one mouse that's colored completely
to sort of be the focal point.
So I'm sort of calling this focal-point coloring
because by using the same tones,
kind of monochromatic tones elsewhere on the card,
it really helps that focal point stand out.
So as far as coloring all of the brown mice,
I decided to do that with a blender pen from Tombow.
This is one of their dual-brush pens
and this is just the clear color,
and I'm picking up some of that
same Colorbox Chestnut Roan ink from a block.
I just smushed that inkpad on the block
and I'm just dabbing one little dot
on the tip of this marker
and then bringing it over to my project
and sort of smearing and smudging that color on.
Now when you do this, you want to be pretty stingy
with what color you pick up with your marker
'cause it will go a really long way if you're not careful,
and when you're done coloring, you can just scribble out
onto some paper and it sort of uses up all of that color
that's in the marker and then it just leaves you
with a nice clean marker.
The tip of the marker will be stained
but no color should be coming out.
So now I'm going on to the main focal point coloring
and I'm just using some
Faber-Castell Polychromos colored pencils for this
and I'm starting out by coloring the body of the mouse
in all white, and I want to make sure
there's a nice white coating, and then I'm gonna go in
and color in the pink on the ears of the mouse
and I'm also going to add a little bit of a pink cheek.
So I think it's always really cute
that the characters have a little bit of a blush;
it gives him a little bit more character.
So I'm gonna bring in that white over that pink area
just to blend it out a little bit.
Then I'm gonna bring in a red colored pencil
and I'm going to color the ribbon on the gift
and I'm going to make sure I do the bow at the top
and also the ribbon coming down.
And then switch to a nice lime-green shade
and I'm coloring the actual body of the gift, the box area,
and I'm just making sure that I get all of that on there.
So I'm actually gonna go back
and add a little bit of shading around the mouse
because it looked just a little bit too flat for me,
so I'm just bring in a really light-brown shade
and I'm going to add a little bit of shading
exactly where I had it on all of the brown mice,
so kind of like his backside and under the present
and then on the ears.
And I'll come back in with that white and go over that area,
and that kind of softens out that color.
So I'm pretty much done with the mouse image.
I'm just going to add a little bit of a shadow underneath,
and I'm using a brown instead of a black
which is what I would normally use for a shadow
just because there is quite a lot of brown going on.
So I have these three pens from Sakura
that they sent to me; they're all Gelly Roll.
They're actually three different sizes
of white Gelly Roll pens.
So this is really kind of fun, these are brand-new,
to have multiple sizes,
and you can get these at Simon Says Stamp
or at other places where you would buy Gelly Roll pens.
I really like that there are three different sizes.
I'm using the 0.5, which is the smallest fine point.
And then I took a sparkle pen,
this is a clear sparkle pen
from Crafter's Companion's Spectrum Noir,
just added it on the red.
And I'm gonna take off this Post-It tape.
I just put that up at the top
so that I could stamp off the corner area or at the fold
and it would not go into the back of the card.
I then took some white embroidery floss
and wrapped that around the card
just for a little bit of interest.
I thought it kind of mimicked the present idea
of all of these mice holding gifts.
This is the card for today.
This is actually part of a Blog Hop
celebrating the stamp set release.
So if you would like to see more inspiration
all using that stamp set, please head over to my blog,
or if you're at my blog, just scroll down
and you can hop along to all of the other
inspiration blog posts.
Thanks for watching today,
and I will catch you guys on Wednesday
for Day 16 of the Holiday Card Series.
(string music)
[две кореянки vlog #1] Концерт у Маши ! - Duration: 7:46.
Graciously beautiful classic medley 【Overflowing sparkle ~ working BGM / studying BGM】 - Duration: 1:13:00.
Debussy: Beau Soir
Pachelbel: Canon in D
Couperin: Le tic toc choc ou Les maillotins
Liszt: Liebestraume -3 Notturnos 3 As dur S.541 R.211
Granados: Danzas espanolas 2. Oriental Op.37
Werner: heideroslein
Gluck: Melody from Orpheus and Euridice
Mozart: Requiem in D minor, K.626 11. Sanctus
Rachmaninoff: Prelude in D Major Op.23 No.4
Rubinstein: Melody in F Major
Debussy: Suite Bergamasque No3 clair de lune
Mussorgsky: Pictures from an Exhibition Duration: 9 10
Liszt: Annees de pelerinage S.163
Thais: Meditation from the Opera
Lange: Blumenlied Op.39
Chopin: The Waltzes No.13 in D Flat Major Op.70 No. 3
bangla waz Mufti Bazlur rashid ওয়াজ মাহফিল বজলুর রশিদ ২০১৭ নতুন - Duration: 1:02:57.
bangla waz Mufti Bazlur rashid ওয়াজ মাহফিল বজলুর রশিদ ২০১৭ নতুনqaz
Bangla waz
BD Waz
Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas November 2017 | Part 27 - Duration: 10:09.
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