blackbear ‒ cybersex (Full Album Mix)
blackbear cybersex
cybersex full album
blackbear cybersex full album
blackbear cybersex album mix
For more infomation >> blackbear ‒ cybersex (Full Album Mix) ✨ blackbear Mix - Duration: 50:31.-------------------------------------------
Maybe just walking back to my channel and before I can start in this video
I would like to please ask everyone to go and subscribe to my vlog channel
Which is at the top of the description below biggest vlog miss is coming up everyone and as you can tell I am super
excited for Christmas this year and
So is Santa over here, but it's down in the description as I said, and I'm gonna be participating in vlogmas everyday
I don't know if it's twelve days or twenty five days like you go from the first is December until the 24th of December
I'm just gonna do it every damn day of the month and also I'm gonna be having a new schedule come out for all of
My channels, it's gonna be three main videos a week, then my whole vlog channel is gonna
Go every day of the week and then an ASMR video and then viewers voice and all that kinda stuff is going to be so
Amazing to be putting out that much content
But I'm super excited for it so with that said let's get into the story time so by the title of this video you guys
You know it's gonna be about the time that I sued my ex and his entire family
Literally entire fucking family for my little baby Hermes who was my Yorkie
And I was really like hot and heavy with this guy like we met and it was like instant attraction
instant love
It was fucking insane when I say it was like love at first sight probably
because I
Had never fallen so hard for someone so quick and we basically were inseparable we were together all of the time I would be always
At his house staying there. He live with his parents at the time. It was fine
He was younger who's going to college and all that kind of stuff didn't care and the mom got to talking to me about how?
She used to have a Yorkie
And how she really missed her cuz she passed away from
I think the dog had some form of cancer or something and just ended up passing away
So I would take my Yorkie over there all the time that would be like oh
I'm going to New York for a few days
Do you want to hold on to her for me because I know how much you miss yours and I'm literally gonna be back in
Two days you can watch her because I'm probably gonna be coming back over here anyways
And I will get my dog then - what. She said was completely
Fine well that happened a bunch of times my dog was not there 24/7 my dog was not there every day of the damn year
She was back and forth to my house and all that kind of stuff some there's a ticket to New York sometimes
I would leave her in Florida at 3rd place at my mom's place and everything was fine
Well this one fucking time that I went to New York
I was in New York for two days doing a shoot getting ready to fly back to Florida
A few days after cuz I was gonna stay and like see my agent and spend a lot of time going to meetings and all
That kind of stuff and my ex and I just like there was a blow-up
We broke up, and I mess his mom and I said you know I'm gonna be coming back to Florida
I want to come get my dog, and I need to get my other stuff. That's there as well is that okay, Baba?
She messaged me fucking back you guys
She messaged me back and said something along the lines of what actually your dog has been here more than this required amount of days
And I guess there's like something like if your dog is there for six months or whatever
Then something actually belongs to the person whose house
That's in
Which is not the case because this is not like my dog was just there by herself for the six months and definitely was not
There without my supervision for the six months so therefore you don't get to have my fucking dog
That law does not work
And I want to say this his father was one of the police officers that he was a hire a police officer in the town
They lived in in Florida, so they had fucking
Fucking eyes and ears on me at all fucking time when it came to this fucking matter. I just want to point that out I
Was on the phone with her and I said well, I'm coming to get my dog. You don't give me my dog
I am going to go to the police, and I'm going to sue your ass
And I will get my fucking dog back at the end of the day
I will get my fucking dog back don't even sit there and try to pretend like you're gonna be able to keep my dog for
The rest of her life because it's not gonna fucking happen she hung up on me
Didn't answer any of my fucking calls or anything so I fly back early to fucking, Florida
Get in my car with my friend and go over to their house and say I want my dog to it
We don't have your dog
where's your dog your dogs not here totally playing stupid like your dogs like here, but I was like you have a glass door the
Door to your house is fucking glass and I can see my dog
Looking at me and fucking barking
Give me my fucking dog didn't wanna give my dog went to the police police officers came back to the house with me
And they're like we don't have this dog even the cop is like man. We can see his dog right there
You're not allowed to enter the house and get the dogs not my house, but it is my dog so therefore
They're like you know just file with the paperwork at the police
and then you're going to basically have to go to court and get this dog back because this is bullshit like the sister and the
Ex were yelling at me on like their deck and all that like screaming obscenities and all that kind of stuff, and I'm like
This is fucking so dumb. You know I'm just gonna fucking honestly go to court about this because
Why am I wasting my time and breath on you fucking people cuz you're obviously fucking idiots
And this is obviously just being held against me because I broke up with your fucking son
Why are you so involved in our fucking relationship that you're trying to steal my dog
Bitch why I'm literally always happy to go back and forth from Orlando to where these fucking people lived
To where these fucking people lived and go to the police file new information and it got really fucking nasty
Bitch because if you think that I'm gonna allow you to slander my fucking name Oh Paige
Let me slander your name about how you stole shit from around that fucking town, and oh yes. Oh yes
Walked my ass into all those businesses and said oh by the way
This is the address of where your shit is you guys might want to go fucking get it?
And I reported it to the police, but do you wanna know? What do you wanna know? What since the fucking father?
Was part of that police force the fucking detective that took all the information?
Told him when the police were gonna go to his house to look for this stuff. Everything was fucking removed from the house
That was stolen including my fucking dog. They were trying to make it look like I was fucking lying well guess what bitch
That's when it got even fucking worst
That's when it got even fucking worse because I became really good friends with
The officer that I was fuckin working with and she was like why don't you just put like a flier up around town, so?
That's what I did. I went to fucking slate
What is one of that place called fucking home now Home Depot Office Depot with my friend Kim and we made these god-awful?
fucking flyers
And I just want to say this in the town that they lived in it's kind of live a really cute like downtown like old
school looking downtown and there is
no chance that if you live there that people aren't going to know who you are and
definitely know like what house you live in a lot of kind stuff these motherfuckers had a
pepto-bismol pink house on top of a fucking Hill in the downtown there was only one fucking
pepto-bismol fucking house on the top of a hill in downtown so I was like I can't put their address of
What it is because then they're gonna say?
I'm harassing them, so I found a picture of a fucking Pete cow sitting on top of a hill was it their house no
But I put it on this fucking thing and I said don't laugh scene at this place
With the house, please call me if you've seen anything and in this downtown
It's like little small businesses everywhere, and so I went with the flyer handed them out
And I'm out to fucking everyone like oh here you go. You've seen my dog
Please let me know please let me know please God. Just let me know
I really miss my dog and put them on every fucking tree in this downtown. I did not escape a fucking trip
This isn't like oh you're walking over
Here's wine and then maybe see one down the road know every fucking tree even on the posts around their house
There was a fucking flier of my dog is fucking missing. They even drove past me while I was fucking doing it. This is obnoxious
Greenish yellow like yard sale sign almost drove past me didn't fucking stop or fucking say anything finally here
We go after I paid to take these bitches to fucking court and this was a fucking first
I almost got mugged when I paid give these people a great ago, and this girl comes over to like the gas pump
And it's like yo somebody wants to talk to you over here, and I said, okay
I'll be right there got right in my car and sped the fuck off bitch. Do you think I'm stupid?
I'm gonna go be someone's pilot. Oh you wanted to talk to me. Hi
No, bitch, we go to court in the courtroom. I showed up with my entire fucking family mom father grandmother grandpa uncle
My friend Kim was saying there next to me
And we have to sit across the table this judge was a fucking dick wait
Just a dick like because and you know I understand why he was being a dick with
You know we're there because you stole my dog you stole my fucking dog
It's not like we're there because somebody beat someone which by the way in the midst of this
In the midst of this whole fucking thing
I'm out at a club with my friend Kim
He is there with his sister and some friends the sister walks up and punches me in the fucking face
And then they left the club because I like I'll bet you're gonna punch me the baseline pressing charges now
You're not helping your case because you stole my fucking dog quick so pressed charges against her whatever
We also have to go to court. I'm sitting there, and I shit you guys not I
Shit you guys not
The mother pulls out the flyer my friend Kim's fingernails went in to my leg because she knew that I was about to be like
Like sir what you have to say about this and I said
They stole my dog
What do you want me to say yes?
I put fires my dog is missing because these people fucking stole it like the judge was just an asshole and again
I get it because we're there because someone stole a dog
It's like we're not there because something horrible is happening in his world. Give me my dog
You know you're wrong by the way their defense was
We didn't steal his dog. We were looking after the dog for him
They never once said that they stole my dog. They bought the paperwork for the dog whose name is Hermes
The dog's name is now Duchess cupcake
Duchess cupcake
that they put a
microchip in and also
Took to the vet many times
So you're not stealing my dog, but my dog's name is no longer or mez it's now Duchess cupcake
And you put a microchip in my dog
But you're not stealing my dog does that make any fucking sense to anyone because that doesn't make sense to me
And then the judge is finally like well. You know sir
did take your dog to the vet a lot so you're gonna have to reimburse her for all of that and at that point I
Wasn't even gonna argue it. I just said okay. Thank you. I will pay her to take my dog to the vet
That was very nice of you to take my dog to the vet. Even though you got her microchipped
Even though you got her microchip like you fucking dumb bitch wait, but you didn't steal my dog
So now I have to leave the courtroom after winning. They drive by like flicking me off
I have my mom in my BMW with the roof down
I have to go to the ugly pink house on top of the fucking hill and wait outside for them after getting money out of
The bank Bubba, I think I had to pay them like
300 something dollars it wasn't like an astronomical amount so it's not even a fucking problem
They have this son walk out of the house, which by the way they moved
They moved because which is coming in another fucking story time cuz that one's just as fucking crazy as this one
Actually probably a little more crazy
Yeah, I think about it
But so they moved because you know what their excuse was they were scared of what I was going to do to them
No, you moved because you're embarrassed as I told everyone in the fucking town
You fucking robbed me and stole my fucking dog and put fucking flyers out
That's why you moved your pepto-bismol fucking house the Sun brings the dog out to me kind of like
Drops her on me, and I hand about like I literally
He's holding the dog at MERS he's like are you ever give me the money
Are you gonna doing my dog like this is gonna be a fair fucking trade
I'm not gonna hand you money, so you can fucking run away with the dog
meanwhile she's wearing a fucking tutu a
fucking tutu you guys
And I was like just give me the dog and I gave him the money got my dog back who was very happy was licking
Me all over. I snatched that outfit off
I said you can keep this motherfuckers and fucking sped away
And had my fucking dog when I tell you my dog was so happy to be home with me
She was sleeping on top of my head like all the time and these people are posting online
Get your own fucking dog suck it snatch they did get their own Yorkie, which looked like it
Just got run over by a car. It was fucking ugly as fuck. I've never seen a Yorkie as cute as my Yorkie
That's there people ask me all the time like why don't you want to get another Yorkie?
Why haven't you gone to the store and bought another one because I love your keys?
I've just never seen one as cute as her when I got her
she was the size of my hand and fit perfectly in my palm like so I just haven't I don't know if I could because
I loved that dog so much like she was pretty fucking bad out
That's the story about the time my ex and his family decided to steal my dog
And if anybody ever steals your dog take them to fucking court, and hope they didn't fucking microchip that bitch and call her Duchess cupcake
Judges fucking cupcake, so I hope you guys enjoyed this video
I have more story times coming and they are going to get us get crazier and crazier
Cuz I've had a pretty crazy fucking life
Just go throw that out there, but I love you guys all my links are down below
Please subscribe to my vlog Channel, and I will see you guys in my next video. Bye
Untitled Project282b82.autosave - Duration: 2:58.
The Release: Part One | Episode 68 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 1:14.
[Episode 68 - The Release: Part One]
Hey, so, I might just have made a huge mistake.
- You haven't.
- Okay, well, following Celia's advice and after I got everyone's permission,
I decided to publish the video online myself.
On Facebook and YouTube and anywhere else that I could think of.
I called it a "teaser for the upcoming documentary."
Yeah, it's going to be okay.
Probably. - Mmmmhmm.
- Maybe. - Definitely.
- Possibly.
- It's going to be fine.
More than fine.
- If you say so.
- I say so.
- Okay, well, it still might be a horrible idea, so...
- Which is why we have everyone monitoring the social media
so that whatever happens,
Dot won't have to go through this alone.
- Thank you.
- Oh my god.
Ray Conniff ft. Charly McClain - Oh lonesome me (HD) (CC) - Duration: 2:42.
Scanning and Sending Antminer Bitmain S9_14 / Goods Wholesale from China - Duration: 6:29.
unboxing of Aloe Vera Juice from Patanjali पतंजलि एलोवेरा जूस || ayurveda and panchagavya || - Duration: 2:37.
G'day it's Dash how are you all?
I'm just walking down,
heading down to the Geelong Revival Motoring Festival
Holy shit!!!
This is the crashed Audi!
If I can ever dream having one of these cars
Ok looks like it's starting to rain
It was a great day besides the crash earlier on
Thank you for watching
Feel free to like, drop a comment
share this video, share any of my videos or subscribe to my channel
Also check out my artwork channel
Karol G, Bad Bunny - Ahora ...
Menno de Jong | Trance - Creatures Of The Night - Duration: 5:01.
We are awakened by the darkness,
Roam the surface of the earth
We are the children of the restless,
The broken and the cursed
We are, we are..
We are awakened by the darkness,
Chasing shadows through the street
We are the spirits of the reckless,
We won't admit defeat
We are..
The rising moon, is coming soon,
We are immune!
We are the creatures of the night,
Patiently waiting for the light,
To subside,
It's where we thrive!
We are the creatures of the night,
Nothing can keep us from the fight,
'Cause tonight,
It's you and I!
We are the creatures of the night,
Patiently waiting for the light,
To subside,
It's where we thrive!
We are the creatures of the night,
Nothing can keep us from the fight,
'Cause tonight,
It's you and I!
We are awakened by the darkness,
Chasing shadows through the street
We are the spirits of the reckless,
We won't admit defeat
We are..
The rising moon, is coming soon,
We are immune!
We are the creatures of the night,
Patiently waiting for the light,
To subside,
It's where we thrive!
We are the creatures of the night,
Nothing can keep us from the fight,
'Cause tonight,
It's you and I!
We are the creatures of the night,
Patiently waiting for the light,
To subside,
It's where we thrive!
We are the creatures of the night,
Nothing can keep us from the fight,
'Cause tonight,
It's you and I!
Huge Backups Have Travelers Ditching Cars, Walking To Terminals At LaGuardia - Duration: 1:48.
CBC NL Here & Now Monday 27 2017 - Duration: 1:01:15.
Ray Conniff ft. Charly McClain - Oh lonesome me (HD) (CC) - Duration: 2:42.
Hard Rock Zombies: Review - Duration: 6:30.
Welcome back to my Dark Corner of this Sick World
'Can I give you a hand?'
Hard Rock Zombies opens as it means to go on...
I should warn you in advance, this is a comedy horror rock musical,
a sub-genre which has not produced a whole lot of classics
'Rock and Roll'
But wilfully bizarre can be entertaining so let's give it chance.
'Listen man, we are musicians not day camp counsellors'
A hard rock band
SINGING 'Shake shake - shake it oh baby!'
who for some reason have a keyboardist from Kraftwerk
and which the writers were too lazy to even name, have an audition for an agent,
in the small town of Grand Guignol
'Is this town kinda weird or something?'
'Nothing weird here'
Now that's a lie, but the weirdness starts before they even arrive
'They said in the middle ages they used this music to raise the dead.'
A rock band whose music can raise the dead, that would be worth seeing
but the townsfolk don't take a shine to them
'No rock and roll. No concert tomorrow night'
This seems to be the usual objection to the music of Satan
'My readers digest says that these songs have hidden messages'
but it's worth noting that they do also cause a traffic jam
The band stay with a pair of aging sex fiends
'You're 95 years old and you can still do it.'
and their midget grandchildren
'Can't we watch, please?'
And before they even get to the concert they are picked off by electrocution...
Grandma werewolf
a maniac with a strimmer
and a girl who likes to re-enact Hitchcock, shot for shot, in the shower
'How about Psycho!'
Presumably this is where Gus Van Sant got the idea
None are spared
'The whole band is dead sir'
and to make matters worse
'40 years I've been waiting and you are telling calm!'
'For long enough have been hiding behind a mask!'
'Oh my God!'
Bet you didn't see that coming '
'No more Mr Nice Guy'
But the lead singer's young groupie now plays the resurrection music
And the zombie marching band...
takes its bloody vengeance
To summarise: a rock band who can raise the dead visit that town from Footloose
to find that Hitler now lives there and fall prey to his entourage of
midgets, werewolves a maniac with a strimmer and a sexy psychopath.
'I wanna hold you hand.'
They're then resurrected and take undead revenge on their killers
That takes us to the halfway point.
After that, I'm afraid it gets weird
Actually it doesn't get weirder - it's hard to see how it could - it gets less coherent
'This is a delicate topic so brace up'
The first half is total crap but it makes sense in its own context;
the band come here, are murdered, are resurrected and take revenge.
That's a complete story, but there's still 45 minutes to go
'You are all doomed'
So all the bad guys now get back up again
and attack the town
while the zombie band go through with their audition
'This is the most incredible act I've ever seen'
We must be watching different bands
'Oh, bullshit young stupid'
I think it's important the audition's there, that feels like something that needed to be tied up,
but everything else in the second half is superfluous
'Ghouls hate heads the way Satan hates the church - you see ghouls are the antithesis of intelligence'
when your characters are talking this level of crap then you've got to be pretty desperate to fill 90 minutes
and it can only leads to some very odd places
but there's a larger problem -
Hitler and friends come back to life because they are already undead ghouls
'But how did they become ghouls?'
'How is very simple, they just...'
Someone thought that was funny
'You think that I am stupid?'
You can't deliberately make a film that's so bad it's good
'Ahoooo, Lord have mercy!'
It's just bad
Everything else wrong with this film... and they don't even spell the director's name write in the credits.
you could put to one side and just wonder at the sheer weirdness
'Strange town. Strange little girls'
But it's attempts to be funny are unforgivable
'Oh my God! Are you okay?'
Thanks for watching real hard corners subscribe simple question this time round
Have you ever seen a film weirder than this one let us know your bizarre films in the comments below
'Sloppy exit, but we'll work with alright.'
"سوف نظل أحراراً للأبد" - مهرتي الصغيرة : فتيات إكوستريا - أسطورة إيفرفري - Duration: 1:59.
No evento de ANIME pela PRIMEIRA vez @ Anime Friends | My 1st ANIME EVENT | 人生初のアニメイベントに行ってみた - Duration: 31:03.
Hey guys, genki?
This is Vivian from vivian uru channel! Welcome ^^
Guess where I'm going to take you with me today?
So yes, my first impression of the event!
The venue is huuuge!
However, I'm have a hard time finding the stages and attractions x3
I want to check the Ribbon Contest which is a Lolita contest,,
but I can't find the stage (T_T)
Let's see if I can find the stage in time!
Who have suffered from cyber bullying?
Everything you do,, like when you are going to tease someone or a friend,,
you need to do it with lots of responsibility,,
as things get to another level / dimension on internet..
when you face these life problems,
I suggest you to dance, laugh, laugh at yourselves,
don't let those things bring you down!
I'm going to call a guest to sing the song Rebirth with us!
Come on here, Edu Falaschi!
Help us! Please help us!
Edu, please stay a little more!
Do you guys want to Edu sing another song?
Now what? Let's sing that song!
Thank you!
Totoro! I found you! <3
Go there, go there!
It's much more soft than I was expecting! xD
Lots of lil stores,, let's see if I can find some souvenirs here!
Guys! I will try to punch a thing to test my strength now!
Let's see if I'm strong ot not! x]
Can I go?
Look! You did better than some kids lol!
Let me try!
Deadpool was impressed lol!
Holy cow!
There's one who is a bit gangling.
It's time to see Ajikan, guys! <3
Oh okay!
Got it lol! I've heard "radical" at first lol!
I thought,, what the ..... is that?! x]
Hmm, there's also this phrase!
Lindo = Handsome
What is it?
Difficult.. Portuguese is so difficult!
I can only hear ch!nkø {men's priate part}
Never mind, I'm sorry!
There's many more here, wait a sec
What? Wait a sec!
There's many phrases, like this one! Wait, wait, wait!
So what the heck is that?
I don't understand at all!
What are you saying?
V: Kakkoii = translation of Lindo/Handsome TM: I can only hear ch!nkø
I'm so sorry,, Sorry to the people who knows Japanese!
Aah! I think this phrase is great!
They are digging it,, surprisingly
Grande Fratello Vip, Cecilia umiliata in diretta a Domenica Live: ecco perché - Duration: 3:32.
Ciudadanos promete cerrar el Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya por ser "una herramienta sepa - Duration: 3:29.
La Junta electoral considera que TV3 "produce confusión entre la realidad jurídica y otra preten - Duration: 5:50.
Owl City - "All My Friends" Mu...
How Did Pilots Land A Roofless Plane? - Duration: 5:24.
Many of us have flown in a plane at least once.
In fact, some of you might even be regular flyers.
If you are then you know that passenger planes are actually very safe.
However, even the best safety procedures and regulations can only get you so far.
What do we mean?
Take a look at this plane.
This very real, untouched photo is of Aloha Airlines Flight 243.
When this jet lost a significant part of its fuselage in-flight, things looked bleak.
In cases like this, we as passengers want to know such things like 'what happened?'
'Was everyone safe?' and, most importantly, 'How on Earth did the pilots manage to fly
and land this thing?'
Stick around and we'll explain all the details behind this shocking image and just how likely
you are to make it through such a scenario.
Before we lift off, be sure to subscribe.
Also throw us a 'like' and leave a comment if you like what you see.
On April 28, 1988, Aloha Airlines Flight 243 was making its usual journey around the Hawaiian
The 737 carried six crew and 89 passengers – including Captain Robert Schornstheimer
and First Officer Madeline Tompkins.
Flying from Hilo on the 'big' island to Honolulu, Flight 243 had just levelled off
at its cruising altitude of 24,000 feet.
Everything was going as usual when the calm was shattered in a dramatic fashion.
In a flash, an 18 foot section of the fuselage tore away.
From the cockpit door back to around the sixth row of first-class, the upper 180 degrees
of the plane's fuselage was simply gone.
One flight attendant was lost and dozens of passengers were injured by flying debris.
Flight 243's engines were damaged and one actually ended up stopping.
The situation looked grim, yet, the pilots were able to maintain control and begin their
emergency landing procedures.
How was this possible when most aircraft likely wouldn't survive such a scenario?
To understand this we must first know what exactly happened to Flight 243.
This particular 737 had seen a lot of service flying between the various Hawaiian Islands.
Several times a day, the plane experienced the stress of pressurization and depressurization
as it climbed and descended during its journey.
This wasn't anything unusual.
However, on that fateful day in April, 1988, Flight 243's fuselage reached a critical
You see, over the years, the rivets holding the plane together had slowly started to fatigue
from the stresses that pressurizing the cabin causes.
Combine this with corrosion from the warm salt air and an already weakened plane faced
terrible odds.
At its breaking point, the final bout of pressurizing the cabin interior simply caused too much
outward force for the plane to handle.
The explosive decompression experienced by all onboard caused the 18 foot chunk of ceiling
to rip away – exposing them to the cold air and wind outside.
In many cases, such dramatic decompression and structural damage spells the end of a
Sure aircraft have been known to lose pieces of fuselage and keep flying – but Flight
243 was an extreme case!
Such a massive failure usually leads to the aircraft breaking up or disintegrating as
its airframe is weakened and exposed to the forces of drag thanks to the air whipping
by at hundreds of miles-per-hour.
Additionally, when such structural damage occurs, it can affect the various wires and
lines that connect the control surfaces and engines to the cockpit.
In instances like these, pilots are usually left helpless – but not the pilots of Flight
After the cockpit door ripped off, Captain Schornstheimer said he could see nothing but
blue sky behind him.
Instinctively, he took control, slowed the plane and began to descend as quickly as possible
while making a course for Maui - which was around 23 miles away.
Incredibly, the explosive decompression hadn't totally severed control to the plane and Schornstheimer
reported that the controls felt 'loose' and 'sluggish' - but they still worked.
There's no doubt that had the controls been more severely damaged the situation would
have been much different.
As the plane approached for landing, the damage to the systems became obvious when cockpit
gauges failed.
For instance, only two of the three landing gear lights turned on.
This meant there was no way to be sure if the nose wheel was locked in place.
Added to this was the problem that the plane had to land faster than normal because at
slower speeds control became impossible.
Despite all these problems, the plane landed safely at Maui with no further incidents or
loss of life.
So, how did pilots manage to land a 'roofless' Flight 243?
There are three answer to that question.
First, the skill and training of the pilots allowed them to keep cool and deal with the
Without a capable flight crew, it is unlikely the 737 could have made it safely to the ground.
Second, while it sounds strange, the build quality of the plane helped save the day.
Sure the fuselage failed, yet the plane was built in such a way that it could put up with
the incredible forces resulting from accident long enough to land safely.
Finally there was just plain old luck.
The fact that not all the controls were severed and one engine survived ingesting debris is
It's one of those chance events that enabled the crew and passengers to land safely.
Taken together, that's exactly how the pilots were able to fly and land this badly crippled
We hope this video helped convince you that even in a bad situation, the pilots and plane
you use to travel are more than capable should something unexpected happen.
For now, that's all from us.
Be sure to leave a comment below and give us a thumbs up if you liked what you saw.
Also, why not try checking out this next video on offer from TheRichest.
We'll see you next time.
Bye for now.
Saul Newman: Post-Anarchism from Revolution to Rebellion [Mirror] (french and english) - Duration: 3:23.
What is post-anarchism?
The first thing I'd like to say is the post-anarchism is not in any sense applying some idea of
being after anarchism or that anarchism is over or finished, post-anarchism is shorthand
for what I call post-structuralist anarchism and what I mean by that is my theoretical
attempt to renew 19th century anarchist thought through post-structuralist theory, in other
words through the theories of contemporary continental fingers like Foucault, Derrida,
Lacan, De Leus, but also old odd 19th century theorists like Max Stirner and Friedrich Nietzsche.
I think what the, I think the implication of all of these different thinkers is that
we can no longer sustain the revolutionary meta-narrative which is at the heart of anarchist
For a number of reasons actually, power relations today are much more dispersed, decentralized
than they were in the 19th century, so there is a symbolic target list, a central authority
Secondly because I think the subject of freedom, the individual, the notion of man who liberates
himself from power is no longer really thinkable today, what we find today is a kind of a plurality
of different struggles over a whole variety of different issues and so on.
So there's no way in which in which we can sustain this narrative of kind of one single
revolutionary event, so the way I think about post-anarchism today and the way which I think
it appeals to a number of different struggles is to think about much more pluralistic politics
which kind of coalesces around different struggles, for instance ecological struggles, struggles
on behalf of the rights of so-called illegal migrants for instance, struggles against austerity,
I think for instance the Occupy movement is a very interesting example of a kind of contemporary
anarchistic form of politics, so the way I would define post-anarchism or post-anarchist's
politics today is a form of, is a way of thinking about anarchism which starts rather than finishes
with anarchy and what I mean by this is that it starts with a certain kind of I suppose
ethical assumption that power or rather domination is never entirely justified, right?
So therefore relations of domination should always be challenged and resisted, I don't
think it can it be any longer determined or over-determined by some notion of a sort of
a universal revolutionary event which is going to transform social relations in their entirety,
I think it's much more interesting to look at a series of localized struggles which are
actually quite different from one another, which may intersect at certain points, but
which are no longer, which can no longer be seen as part of some kind of great Universal
revolutionary struggle.
I Learned Japanese From Karaoke! Driving Fast Cars and Singing Can Teach You Foreign Language Too! - Duration: 11:43.
I'm driving a Lexus RC F today.
Whenever I get into a new car, I always like to sing Japanese songs too!!
I like KOBUKURO a lot!
Here comes a cool car!!
Fukuyama-san: I love your music!! I really do!
I would love an invite one of your concerts!
Will you ever do a concert in the USA?
For some reason I start speeding singing all the good parts of the song!
SPITZ is ok, but....
Get out of the way!!!
Why are you driving like that!!??!!
What the hell are you doing?????!!!!!
JELLO: I like your music!!!
Here is my white guy version!! LOL
I gotta slow down!! This song makes me speed!!
I like Japanese traditional Enka songs.
If you know any great Enka songs, please tell me!!
There is so much traffic!!
I hate traffic!
But with Karaoke in the car, time passes fast!!!
X-Japan is cool!
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