South Korea's intelligence agency says it does not rule out the possibility of North
Korea conducting another nuclear test following its missile launch.
It also analyzed that the missile fired in the early hours of Wednesday morning was the
most advanced ICBM the regime has ever tested.
Kim Min-ji reports.
South Korea's intelligence agency says North Korea's latest missile is the most advanced
ICBM that it has tested so far.
At a parliamentary briefing on Wednesday,... the National Intelligence Service was quoted
as saying that it was an upgrade from the ICBMs the North has launched previously -- flying
higher and faster.
"The NIS said the distance flown was about 960 kilometers with an apogee of around 4,500
Given the high altitude and speed,... it appears to be an improvement on the Hwasong-14."
The spy agency's analysis is in line with Pyongyang's own statement which it made hours
after the test,... claiming a successful launch of the Hwasong-15.
The NIS said there were several likely reasons for the latest provocation -- to show that
the North can hit the U.S.,... to protest the sanctions against it,... and to solidify
internal unity.
It also said the test was foreseen given that Pyongyang was recently relisted by the U.S.
as a state sponsor of terrorism,... and that the regime has historically launched a provocation...
70 percent of the time when it has warned of a response.
(Stup) The spy agency added it cannot rule out the
possibility of another nuclear test either -- noting that North Korea's nuclear and missile
capabilities are progressing.
It said tensions could get higher,... should Pyongyang's provocations continue amid stronger
pressure from the international community.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> S. Korea's intel agency says North's latest missile most advanced ICBM tested - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 350 CDI LANG PRESTIGE PLUS AMG STYLE - Duration: 0:54.
My Life / S.1 EP.1 - Duration: 1:17.
MINI Clubman 1.6 COOPER S CHILI - Duration: 1:01.
THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN - Duration: 1:32:01.
To Imagine Your Life Perfect - Duration: 10:09.
It's possible
to live in a world
where everything you try to do is successful.
There is a world like that.
The sky is blue somewhere in this world.
There's a different way to live.
You can…you can have everything.
You can have…what money you want, you can have.
And you don't have to fight,
get exhausted.
You don't have to live like that.
There's a blue sky,
but you have to try to imagine.
You can have a—
any relationship you want.
If you already have a relationship,
you can make it perfect.
"No, no, Geshe Michael, I'm married for 20 years;
"nothing's going to change now.
"It's not possible now.
"I tried to fix my husband for 10 years,
"and for 10 years, I just gave up.
"It's too late.
He's not going to change now."
Then, in this system,
you can change anything.
You can remodel your husband completely.
You can do it.
You can have blue ocean at home.
Then people say, "I feel… I'm getting older.
"I feel heavy.
"I used to work late, you know,
"2 o'clock, and now I'm too tired.
"I used to do... hundred different things;
"now I'm so tired, I can't do it, you know?
"I'm getting older.
"My face is changing.
"And, I cannot…
Now it's too late."
Then that's also not truth.
You can change your body.
You don't have to get older.
You can have the energy that you had
when you were very young.
Okay? I'm in Shanghai.
I came to visit Shanghai.
I'm telling them about the blue sky.
They don't believe me 100%.
I say there...there can be a blue sky in Shanghai.
Then they are like,
"I don't think so.
"It sounds nice.
"We would like to have a blue sky,
"but I don't think it's possible.
"I'm happy to come to your program.
"I would like to learn a few things about…
"to be more successful.
"But a complete change in my world—
"I'm very successful financially;
"my husband or wife becomes perfect;
"my body feels like I'm twenty years old;
"all my doubts and all my worries are gone;
"I'm totally peaceful;
"I'm totally happy;
"excited all the time—
"you know, I…
"I don't think really that that's possible.
"And especially the world—
"you know, I understand it would be nice
"if there's no war;
"I understand it would be nice if everybody…
"not just not hungry, but wealthy;
"I understand that;
"I can imagine it,
"but I don't really believe it's possible—
there's not enough resources for everybody to have a Ferrari."
Then you believe that.
So you are like Shanghai people with the brown sky.
And from the beginning,
my job
is just to get you to imagine
your life,
What money you want, you have.
Your family, your husband, wife, perfect.
Your body feels young.
Inside you are extremely happy all the time.
And in the world,
Relationship between countries.
Hunger is gone.
There's no unhappiness in the whole world.
Everybody treats everybody like a family.
Then is it possible?
You see, this is the goal.
That's what we are doing here.
I don't want you to think, "Oh, if I use this system,
maybe next year I can make $10,000 more, you know?"
That's not the goal.
Can we learn a system which makes the world perfect?
Can we make the whole world have unlimited resources?
Is our life up to now,
is the system up to now,
in the world,
is it broken?
It's just broken.
There's a something we didn't understand.
All countries, all people—is there something we don't know?
And if we learn it,
can we make the ocean blue again?
Can it be a perfect world?
So that's…please, that's what I want you to think about, okay?
We will make you successful financially.
You will have a lot of money.
And you will be super-healthy.
And your married life will be like heaven.
And all day long, even in Moscow traffic,
you will be like a Buddhist monk—very...
But that's not the real goal, okay?
If you learn this system,
you can change the whole world.
You can make the whole world successful.
And that's…that's much more exciting.
But you cannot do that,
you cannot make the whole world
happy and successful,
if you cannot do it for yourself.
So our first job:
we…each of us must become successful.
As much money as you want.
Young, health.
Beautiful partner.
Inside, extremely peaceful.
Our job,
in these three days:
teach you how to start.
You become super-successful yourself.
And then we can change the world.
But don't forget the goal.
We want to make the whole world bring back the blue sky.
Make the whole oceans clean again.
And the whole world's like one family.
That's the goal.
The way to get there—
you must become successful.
And that's fun.
Okay? It's fun to be successful.
The prayer of the comet - Duration: 3:43.
The prayer of the comet
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
The perpetrator of sins and disobedience is asking
Allah, who honors him with forgiveness
Allah, forgive all my sins
and do not let my work be atonement
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Asking from others is a reason for two humiliation
humiliation in first life for asking a human
and Humiliation in afterlife when Allah ask,
was it a pride for you not to extend your hands to pray?
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Ask and you are sure to answer
Allah does not spare in giving of all kinds of blessings
If you will, ask for all kinds of graces
you will find an unexpected graces
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Lift your hands and eyes with tears
and join your prayer with sincerity and faith
and praise your prophet and all his household
the supplication for the Prophet is a pray address
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Meet the female candidates ...
Susanna Reid reveals exactly what she'd 'do for a man': 'How is she single?' - Duration: 3:11.
Susanna Reid reveals exactly what she'd 'do for a man': 'How is she single?'
The 46-year-old telly presenter let loose about what she would and wouldnt do for her hubby if she was married.
The mum-of-three dropped her eye-opening bombshell when she debated with co-host Piers Morgan about whether a wife should pick up her partners dirty socks.
Piers asked the Good Morning Britain presenter: What would you do for a man? He quickly explained: In terms of just menial tasks that youd voluntarily do because you were married to a man?.
Susanna replied: I think its about a partnership and about equality. Would you iron his shirts? Would you pick up his socks? Piers asked.
Susanna slammed: No.
No not if he could do it himself.
I thought it was about loving each other, making each other laugh, having each others backs, supporting each other, being there for each other – I didnt realise it was about housework..
"What would you do for a man?" Piers Morgan Piers rambled: The pure joy of dumping a pair of socks and then discovering two hours after that someone has picked them up… that is true love. And that is the pure joy of not being married to you, snapped Sus.
Thats Piers told… GMB viewers had a lot to say about sock-gate and some even begged Piers to find Susanna a new man.
One person tweeted: Totally with Susanna, why do men need looking after by a women? Relationships are a partnership - if a man needs mothering he should stay with his mother!.
Awww leave poor Susanna alone Piers, blasted another.
A third asked: How is Susanna single? Your task Piers find her a date live on GMB. Go Susanna – girl power. Catch GMB weekdays from 6am on ITV.
MINI 1.5 COOPER D CHILI SERIOUS BUSS Navi /Clima/16"LM/Xenon - Duration: 1:01.
The Mick 2x09 Promo "The Divorce" (HD) Fall Finale - Duration: 0:16.
How you doing Chip?
You okay?
Fox Tuesday, be warned.
The Mick Fall Finale will go where it's never gone before.
Don't worry.
I will not let this night be tarnished by incest.
All new Tuesday on Fox.
Preview: Don't Worry, The Night Won't Be Tarnished | Season 2 Ep. 9 | THE MICK - Duration: 0:37.
Finita con Fulco, Cristina Chiabotto avrebbe ritrovato l'amore: "È Giuseppe Poeta" - Duration: 3:19.
Selvaggia Lucarelli condannata in primo grado: ha diffamato Barbara D'Urso - Duration: 4:18.
Beth Chapman Cancer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 3:42.
Cessez de manger ces 8 aliments qui causent le cancer – les médecins vous avertissent ! - Duration: 6:55.
Questi 7 Segnali Mostrano Che il Vostro Fegato è Pieno di Tossine - Duration: 4:27.
The prayer of the comet - Duration: 3:43.
The prayer of the comet
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
The perpetrator of sins and disobedience is asking
Allah, who honors him with forgiveness
Allah, forgive all my sins
and do not let my work be atonement
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Asking from others is a reason for two humiliation
humiliation in first life for asking a human
and Humiliation in afterlife when Allah ask,
was it a pride for you not to extend your hands to pray?
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Ask and you are sure to answer
Allah does not spare in giving of all kinds of blessings
If you will, ask for all kinds of graces
you will find an unexpected graces
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Lift your hands and eyes with tears
and join your prayer with sincerity and faith
and praise your prophet and all his household
the supplication for the Prophet is a pray address
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
The hearts went to Allah
during prayer after every call to prayer
the faces of all creatures look down
to His majesty and pride and forgiveness
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
Baps Sunshine - Introduction | English subtitles - Duration: 1:31.
Hello, I am Baps Sunshine.
On this YouTube channel, you will find
Content on albinism,
How to build quality relationships
My crushes and events
This channel's goal is to
learn evolve and grow together.
And also to tear down every biases,
fake beliefs on albinism.
Totally inform you on this subject
in order to leave you fully informed of the latest news.
Whether you are a parent child
closed one of blond child or a blond person (blond = with cutaneous albinism here)
You are fully aware of his/her features
beyond all the fake beliefs and nonsense you can hear.
Make yourself comfortable,
Visit the channel.
If you have any question(s)
I created the video Ask Baps Sunshine,
where you can ask your questions in the comment section.
Otherwise, you can follow me on my other networks:
Facebook: Baps Sunshine.
Instagram: Baps Sunshine too.
Plus my incoming website.
Have a very nice day!
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