Korea's presidential office has responded to a petition on its website demanding that
abortion be legalized along with the so-called "morning-after pill."
The petition, submitted on September 30th, gained the support of more than 235-thousand
(Korean) "The abortion survey that was last carried
out in 2010 will be resumed starting 2018.
We expect that more precise research on abortion and the reasons for it will lead to a more
progressive discussion on the topic."
The Presidential Office added that the rights of women do need to be considered as the current
law places sole responsibility on women,... and not on the men involved or the government.
Petitions with more than 200-thousand signatures are entitled to an official response and this
is the second response released so far from the government.
For more infomation >> S. Korean gov. responds to petition on Blue House website on legalization of abortion - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
S. Korea and China to initiate negotations for FTA - Duration: 1:29.
After being put on hold for some time now... it looks like Korea and China could resume
talks on their free trade agreement.
Natural progression, following a thaw in a relationship that turned frosty over Seoul's
defense upgrade.
Park Hee-jun fills us in on how things could be taking a turn for the better.
South Korea and China are expected to start a new round of negotiations on their bilateral
trade deal during President Moon Jae-in's state visit to China next month, according
to a high-level diplomatic source in Seoul on Monday.
Seoul and Beijing signed a Free Trade Agreement on December 20, 2015, mainly focused on tariff
barrier elimination for commodities.
The two sides had agreed to negotiate terms for the service and investment sectors within
two years since the implementation of the deal, but talks have been stalled due to China's
unofficial economic retaliation against South Korea over the deployment of THAAD on the
Korean peninsula.
The upcoming round of negotiations is mainly expected to concern restrictions on South
Korean companies operating in China and vice versa,... which would prove beneficial for
South Korea's entertainment, tourism, IT, communications and finance sectors.
With the recent extension of the two countries' currency swap agreement and a steady resumption
of diplomatic exchanges,...the planned FTA talks could signify a stepping stone towards
improved and strengthened economic ties between Seoul and Beijing.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.
Wire Spiral | Table Card Holder | Place Holder | Loomahat - Duration: 2:02.
Hey guys it's Denise from Loomahat.com this time I want to show you how
to do a wire spiral with no special tools. But I do want to give a special
thanks to Promise Learning and Shanti Styled Me for covering the cost of
closed captioning. Alright so we grab our 26 gauge wire and some kind of round
tool, you don't need any special tool. I'm using a pencil and I'm gonna bend the
tip and create like a round hook with the wire. Then with two fingers I'm going
to start to bend that wire and I'm gonna create like a circle. So just bend grab
and bend and you see that it's creating that spiral. Now because you're using
your hands it's not gonna be a perfect circle so you may find yourself having
to reshape some of the wire. It's no big deal, in fact I kind of like it that it's
not perfect. It gives it that handmade look. Because the wire is such a soft
material it's easy for you to bend. If you need it tighter just, you know, in my
case I grab that pencil and I just with that made it tighter and just keep
spinning it until you have the size that you want. Then give the wire a slight
bend in the opposite direction to give it a nice look. With those home
scissors that you have, just cut to the length that you want and your wire
spiral is done. Now all you have to do is place it where you want it. Alright let
me know what you think, liked the video if you liked it and if you haven't
already done so first sure subscribe.
Elle met des gousses d'ail au micro-ondes ! La raison va vous étonner ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:21.
JUEGO DE TABLERO CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 1:48:03.
Porsche Panamera 3.0 S Hybride 333Pk Aut/Tiptronic (VERKOCHT!) - Duration: 0:58.
New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing - Duration: 15:25.
in terms of Jurassic Park and check out our awesome dinosaur zoo
to t-rexes particular eggs we gotta wait till they leave so we get the big
indominus rex mommy
New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing
okay before they come back I gotta get to dance
coming hurry
never gonna get to show that I help somebody help he's got me
okay so we have to get these eggs together quickly before the mom and dad
dinosaur come back and realize we have taken their eggs Wow
let's get started
okay so we got our awesome dinosaur zoo all set up we're gonna go ahead and take
a look at the Dino sets we built and set them up in the zoo cool
so the first going to be half so the first time we have is this awesome
velociraptor with some type of leaf growing out of his back so let's go
ahead and set that guy up over here and then we have this dragon Velociraptor
breathing choir cool set this guy off over here and then we have the brand
Dominus rag with red tea been eating something go ahead and we're gonna set
him up here outside the Animal Planet then we have yellow indominus rex oh
cool go ahead and set this guy up right next to the dragon
meow Lego t-rex
and this guy we're gonna set up over here
in front of this Animal Planet PD and then from the Lego Dino sets we
have this awesome green t-rex which we're gonna set up in the back over
there and then one more big one we have what we built is this awesome huge
Triceratops so we're gonna go ahead and set this guy up over here by the volcano
and then let's see the other little guys we built we built this red one here cool
so this guy's gonna be here on the island
you built this green they'll officers here ah
these guys got weird stuff that came with this so I just detached it they're
back this is true I bought these from a company in China
and I have no idea why they had debt added the different stuff but I mean it
looks kind of cool red and blue lights and of each spider and talked with this
baby and um this Rex then we have this little green t-rex here this got to
new lights against to chase down the bad guys that he's eating some type of
chicken bone or maybe an arm of a dinosaur or something and then we have
this awesome white brown Triceratops with the blue and red light so he is
working for the police he's gonna join the t-rex on the island and then we have
this brown t-rex with blue light in the back and he is he mom he was eating
something I guess now he's just roaring because we
took his food away and then we have a few more we have this awesome brown and
white Triceratops we built with the red and blue light so we're gonna go ahead
and set this guy up here back here in the plants we got a few more so we got
this awesome Dilophosaurus with the red light and he has a holder here holding a
bone I have no idea absolutely no idea why they would put
that in there and then we have this green Pteranodon with clear Stan and
black lego beets for the base and go ahead and put that guy back in the tree
over there and then we have one more Pteranodon here with the dark gray and
red colors to do so we're gonna go ahead and place him back here on the volcano
like he's coming out of the plane Wow okay that was totally awesome I had
so much fun building these dinosaur LEGO sets for you and thanks for helping me
guys you guys were great help give yourselves a big hand and if you enjoyed
this video please go ahead and click like and also subscribe to see more fun
videos I do have over a thousand videos the majority are dinosaur King Kong
Godzilla and Power Rangers also keep watching to see more fun videos and
check out the cool playlist I got at the end of this video you guys are totally
awesome and I will see you tomorrow click the subscribe button below for a
waffle fun video also click the Bell button to be notified every time I make
a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun
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Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI PRO LINE + S-Tronic 16.000 km! PANODAK CAMERA FRONTASSIST NAVI '17 - Duration: 1:02.
Ça me regarde - 9 décembre 2017 - Duration: 0:16.
S. Korea commemorates those killed by N. Korea's artillery attack on Yeonpyeong-do Island - Duration: 2:16.
Seven years ago on November 23rd.
Pyongyang fired artillery shells at the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong-do near the western
sea border,... killing two soldiers and two civilians.
The Marine Corps held a ceremony to honor the young men who died serving their country.
Oh Jung-hee files this report from Daejeon.
Placing flowers and paying tribute to the two loved sons, friends, and comrades...
November 23rd is a solemn day for South Korean citizens.
It was on this day, seven years ago, that North Korea bombarded South Korea's Yeonpyeong-do
Over 200 people gathered at Daejeon National Cemetery on Thursday for a commemoration ceremony,...
and heavy snowfall added to the somber atmosphere.
(Korean) "It's already seven years ago, but I remember
that day was very cold just like today.
Today we miss and pay respect to the two soldiers who died while carrying out their duty.
I hope the whole nation remembers them with one heart."
On November 23rd, 2010,... North Korea fired 170 artillery shells at South Korea's Yeonpyeong-do
Island,... located south of the Northern Limit Line, and 110 kilometers west of the capital
The attack left two soldiers and two residents dead, and 16 injured.
It also damaged military facilities and civilian structures.
(Stand-up) "Seven years have passed... but the bombardment
of Yeonpyeong-do Island is still vividly recollected and is seen as one of the worst inter-Korean
clashes after the Korean War."
The Marine Corps honored the brave deeds of the soldiers who fought this tough battle
against North Korea,... and promised to secure peace for the South Korean people.
(Korean) "Still, North Korea is raising tensions with
its unpredictable provocations and continuous nuclear and missile tests.
We, the Marine Corps, are well aware of the security situation,... and are maintaining
the highest level of military readiness to protect South Korea and the northwestern islands."
To remember this day, the Marine Corps also held a special drill on Thursday afternoon,...
at the exact time when North Korea launched the attack on Yeonpyeong-do Island.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News, Daejeon.
Nick vs Mr. Hyde | The Mummy (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:03.
He was chosen as her ideal candidate.
A thief, physically capable, compulsively devious,
and utterly devoid of soul.
What? What?
That's insane.
You want to put the stone in the dagger and stab him with it?
Well, the dagger will allow Set to enter his body,
and then, we obliterate it.
Wait, wait, wait.
You wanna stab me with that thing?
Precisely what the Egyptians should have done.
You see, they interrupted a ritual in process,
and that is a mistake we cannot...
...afford to repeat.
That's the plan?
Henry, you can't possibly do this.
That's your plan?
The dominoes are already falling.
We haven't much time.
Unfortunately, it is a risk we must take.
That's really your plan?
You heard Ahmanet.
Your curse cannot be broken.
I am truly sorry, Mr. Morton.
No matter what I do, you are going to die.
Yes, evil is a disease.
A pestilent, pustulant infection
burrowing its way into our souls.
The world needs a cure.
You can be that cure. Stop.
A sacrifice for the greater good! Just stop.
I'm not interested in that at all.
Don't! Give me the injector.
Okay, we're just gonna take a minute,
and we're all gonna come up with a new plan.
We have to go. You don't know what you're doing.
Really? I know exactly what I'm doing.
Oh, my dear Henry Jekyll,
if ever I've seen Satan's signature upon a face,
it is on that of your new friend.
Okay, hey, hey, hey! Take it!
Run, Mr. Morton. What?
Nick! Open the door!
You don't want that.
Stop! Jenny!
They won't let me out, Nicholas.
They never do.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's happening?
Did you just shut down the mercury?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You are a younger man,
but you'd best learn to be wary of a man like me.
It's not me that wants to kill you, it's Henry.
I have something more collaborative in mind.
Oh, nice.
I'm offering you a partnership.
You, Evil Incarnate.
Me, your good friend, Eddie Hyde.
Think about it.
Oh, come on.
Jenny, stop!
Come on, son. Think about it.
Mayhem, chaos, destruction.
The ladies will love us.
Come here.
I do enjoy the countenance of pain.
Well done, Mr. Morton. Well done.
China 'partially' lifts tour ban on S. Korea - Duration: 2:11.
After months of hurting South Korea's tourism sector with visible retaliatory measures to
express dissatisfaction over Seoul's defense upgrade, China is partially lifting a ban
on sale of group tour packages to the nation.
As of now, it only affects brick-and-mortar travel agencies in Beijing and Shandong.
Oh Jung-hee explains further.
China's tourism authorities decided to partially lift their ban on tours to South Korea on
The decision comes over eight months after the tour ban came into effect in mid-March
this year...
reflecting Beijing's opposition to Seoul's deployment of the U.S. anti-missile battery
But, it's (quote) "partial."
Only tour agencies in the capital Beijing and in the eastern Shandong province... are
allowed to sell group tour packages to South Korea.
According to industry insiders,... agencies in other provinces are still not allowed to
do so... but will eventually be allowed on a gradual basis.
And several more conditions are tied to the authorities' partial ban removal.
Only offline tour agencies can sell Korea-bound tour programs,... meaning online agencies
The use of chartered planes or cruise ships is not allowed... and tour programs shouldn't
be of a low price.
Package tours can't include visits to hotels or duty free stores owned by Lotte -- Korea's
retail conglomerate that offered the land for the THAAD battery.
When asked whether group tours to South Korea are now being sold... or will be sold again
soon,... a few major tour agencies located in Beijing refused to give a clear answer.
A local branch of a Korean tour agency vaguely said... they have tour programs to South Korea
and the local atmosphere has loosened up a little quite recently.
The news comes a month after South Korea and China agreed to end their dispute over THAAD...
and move on.
South Korea's foreign affairs ministry said... it expects Seoul and Beijing to fully recover
bilateral human exchanges... and expand interaction in other areas as well.
Regarding the ban still in place for Lotte,... the ministry said it would look into the matter...
and take the necessary measures.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Uzbek president's state visit to S. Korea to include bilateral summit, Nat'l Assembly speech - Duration: 1:21.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in will host the president of Uzbekistan this week as his
second state guest since taking office in May.
The Blue House unveiled President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's four-day itinerary on Tuesday...
describing the Central Asian country as a key strategic partner both in the realm of
economic and security issues.
(Korean) "President Mirziyoyev's visit carries extra
significance in that this year marks 25 years of diplomatic relations between South Korea
and Uzbekistan as well as 80 years since the settlement of ethnic Koreans in Central Asia."
The Uzbek leader will officially kick off his state visit to South Korea on Thursday,
the day after his arrival, by attending a South Korea, Uzbekistan business forum...
followed by a visit to the Seoul National Cemetery.
Later in the afternoon, Presidents Moon and Mirziyoyev will sit down for a bilateral summit
and adopt a joint statement on their comprehensive strategic partnership... before heading for
a Blue House state dinner.
( ) During his stay in Seoul, President Mirziyoyev will also address the National Assembly becoming
the first Uzbek president to do so, receive an honorary Seoul citizenship and meet with
Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon.
The Uzbek president will fly back home on Friday concluding his maiden trip to South
Uzbek President lands in S. Korea, reaffirming strong 25 year partnership - Duration: 2:16.
The two nations established diplomatic relations a quarter century ago... just after Uzbekistan
gained independence with the fall of the Soviet Union.
Seoul and Tashkent forged strong ties in commerce and industry... helped by historical links
between their people.
Won Jung-hwan sheds light on how far the two sides have come, and the road ahead.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Uzbekistan.
Through Uzbek President Mirziyoyev's state visit, officials from the two nations hope
to further strengthen those ties.
"Undoubtedly the state visit of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Korea Republic will give
the most powerful impulse to future development of both countries,…and the future development
in all the fields in economy, including the pharmaceutical field."
Today, Korea is one of Uzbekistan's most important investment partners, and Uzbekistan is Korea's
largest trading partner in Central Asia, with annual trade consistently exceeding 2-billion
U.S. dollars in recent years.
President Mirziyoyev's visit coincides with a Korea-Uzbekistan business forum, which was
held in Seoul on Thursday, aimed at strengthening economic ties between the two countries.
"We believe this is going be a remarkable visit as we signed a huge package of documents
amounting 10 billion U.S. dollars,... among those 10 billion, 4.2 billion, we expect,
is going to be a direct investment in various areas in our economies such as infrastructure"
As well as economic ties, Korea and Uzbekistan have close cultural links too.
2017 marks the 80th year since the settlement of Korean migrants in Central Asia.
Among the 500-thousand ethnic Koreans, also known as Goryeoin, who migrated to Central
Asia, more than 180-thousand settled in Uzbekistan.
Korea and Uzbekistan have this shared history, as well as their shared economic interests.
The Uzbekistan President's state visit will help the two countries develop this relationship
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.
S. Korea designates Aug. 14 to commemorate victims of Japan's sexual slavery - Duration: 0:35.
The National Assembly designated a new annual observance to commemorate the victims of Japan's
wartime sex crime.
It passed a bill Friday designating a day to remember the sufferings of the hundreds
of thousands who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese military.
The new law provides for a range of events to be held on August 14th... to educate people
about the issue.
It's aims to ensure any policies that affect the rights of the survivors of the atrocity
shall be decided only after active consultation with the victims.
Also, the main clauses of any such policies have to be revealed to the public.
S. Korea commemorates those killed by N. Korea's artillery attack on Yeonpyeong-do Island - Duration: 2:19.
Seven years ago today,... North Korea fired artillery shells at the South Korean island
of Yeonpyeong-do near the western sea border,... killing two marines and two residents.
South Korea's Marine Corps held a ceremony to commemorate the two young men who died
serving their country.
Oh Jung-hee files this report from Daejeon.
Placing flowers and paying tribute to the two loved sons, friends, and comrades...
November 23rd is a solemn day for South Korean citizens.
It was on this day, seven years ago, that North Korea bombarded South Korea's Yeonpyeong-do
Over 200 people gathered at Daejeon National Cemetery on Thursday for a commemoration ceremony,...
and heavy snowfall added to the somber atmosphere.
(Korean) "It's already seven years ago, but I remember
that day was very cold just like today.
Today we miss and pay respect to the two soldiers who died while carrying out their duty.
I hope the whole nation remembers them with one heart."
On November 23rd, 2010,... North Korea fired 170 artillery shells at South Korea's Yeonpyeong-do
Island,... located south of the Northern Limit Line, and 110 kilometers west of the capital
The attack left two soldiers and two residents dead, and 16 injured.
It also damaged military facilities and civilian structures.
(Stand-up) "Seven years have passed... but the bombardment
of Yeonpyeong-do Island is still vividly recollected and is seen as one of the worst inter-Korean
clashes after the Korean War."
The Marine Corps honored the brave deeds of the soldiers who fought this tough battle
against North Korea,... and promised to secure peace for the South Korean people.
(Korean) "Still, North Korea is raising tensions with
its unpredictable provocations and continuous nuclear and missile tests.
We, the Marine Corps, are well aware of the security situation,... and are maintaining
the highest level of military readiness to protect South Korea and the northwestern islands."
To remember this day, the Marine Corps also held a special drill on Thursday afternoon,...
at the exact time when North Korea launched the attack on Yeonpyeong-do Island.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News, Daejeon.
Uzbek President spends last full day in Seoul, cultivating friendship with S. Korea - Duration: 2:17.
It was a busy Friday for the visiting President of Uzbekistan.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev... focused on activities to help cultivate the foundation of friendship
between the two nations.
Hwang Hojun fills us in on what he managed to get done on the last day of his trip to
South Korea.
A day after he was welcomed at the Blue House,... Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited
Korea's parliament Friday morning to meet with Chung Sye-kyun, the speaker of the National
During the meeting, Chung pledged to actively share South Korea's development experience
with Uzbekistan, cementing the idea of a "mutually beneficial partnership."
In return, President Mirziyoyev commented that he quote "forged trust with President
Moon" during the bilateral summit on Thursday.
President Mirziyoyev also met with Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon in the afternoon and received
honorary citizenship in South Korea's capital city.
The Uzbek leader expressed his gratitude and said he hopes Tashkent will also get to witness
its own "Miracle on the Han River,"... a term referring to the period of rapid economic
and industrial growth in South Korea after the war.
He also pledged to create a "Seoul Street" when he returns to Uzbekistan's capital.
Later on in the day, President Moon Jae-in once again met with his Uzbek counterpart
and joined him in what the Blue House called a meeting to build their personal friendship
and trust.
The two leaders visited the National Museum of Korea together, where a replica of a mural
discovered from Uzbekistan is on display,... a mural that President Mirziyoyev mentioned
during the bilateral summit with President Moon,.... saying it portrays what are believed
to be two Korean men from the Goguryeo Dynasty having an audience with the king.
(KOREA) "The two envoys of the Goguryeo Dynasty depicted
in the mural of Afrasiab tepe in Samarkand prove that bilateral relations have existed
for over 14-hundred years.
President Moon said Korea will participate in work to preserve the mural."
The leaders also shared a cup of tea together at the museum, and committed to further cultivate
their friendship and exchange their cultures.
The Uzbek President, who leaves on Saturday, invited President Moon to Tashkent to become
the first state guest of Uzbekistan since Mirziyoyev's inauguration last year.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
S. Korea designates Aug. 14 to commemorate victims of Japan's sexual slavery - Duration: 0:41.
Korea's National Assembly has designated a new annual observance to commemorate the victims
of Japan's wartime sex slavery.
It passed a bill Friday designating a day to remember the sufferings of the hundreds
of thousands of women and girls who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese military during World
War II.
The new law provides for a range of events to be held on August 14th... to educate people
about the issue.
It aims to ensure any policies that affect the rights of the survivors shall be decided
only after active consultation with the victims.
Also, the main clauses of any such policies have to be revealed to the public.
S. Korea looking into rescheduling of joint drills with U.S. during Olympics: source - Duration: 0:34.
The South Korea may reschedule joint drills with the U.S. next March... as they'll coincide
with the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Pyeongchang.
According to Government sources the military may consult with Washington to change the
date of Key Resolve, a computer-based wargame.
North Korea has long denounced the exercises, calling them a rehearsal for invasion.
Seoul is hoping Pyongyang will take part in the winter Olympics as a way to ease tensions
on the peninsula.
The nation's presidential office says nothing has been discussed or decided on changing
the date for the drills.
Cooking an Egg on the Grou...
Elle met des gousses d'ail au micro-ondes ! La raison va vous étonner ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:21.
Mexico vs. South Korea | Group D | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 23:54.
The debut of Group D of the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany: Mexico against South Korea.
Hello, Hello! How are you. I am JCA and they are watching JCATV: a real virtual world.
We are in Frankfurt, in the Commerzbank-Arena, hoping to enjoy the first meeting of this group.
As you know, in Group D we have Mexico, South Korea, South Africa and Hungary.
Tonight will debut the Aztecs, who are presented after a somewhat irregular participation in the qualifying round.
They will face the South Koreans, a fast and agile team.
It is clear that the main figure of Mexico is Javier Chicharito Hernández.
The Aztecs tend to be strengthened or weakened according to the team in front of them and the result of the encounter.
We are going to see what they present for Germany 2017 and, what we have today, against South Korea,
who will surely force them to play at a faster pace than they usually have.
South Korea may be presented with a 4-2-3-1, with defensive laterals open and the central ones at the ends of the area.
It gives us to think that they will focus the exit of the ball by the ends,
forcing the central pivot of the opposite side to request the ball while the pivot of that end adds to the attack.
Already passing the midfield could close the gaps of the defense and push the team forward
to enter as a wedge in the Aztec defense.
So here we are, on this beautiful cold night in Frankfurt, waiting for the start of the match.
As always, do not forget to thumb up, subscribe, comment and share.
And if you want to see your comments on the show, do not forget to use the #SubscribersSay.
I leave you with Christian Martinoli and Luis García.
A bittersweet match.
Mexico scored the fastest goal of the tournament, until now.
However, South Korea reacted fairly quickly and tied thanks to a rebound in the Aztec area.
Then the game stalled.
The two teams did not have clarity in the plays, except for some other exception.
Lukewarm start of both nations that must now face South Africa and Hungary,
who, although they are not powers, although South Africa has a title of world champion,
could give some surprise.
Chicharito, as we expected, was the best of a somewhat poor game.
This is all friends! This is the 2017 JCA World Cup Germany.
I'm JCA and you're watching JCATV: a real virtual world.
Thumb up, subscribe, comment and share.
See you soon!
JOGUEI CONTRA UM CHEATER??? - Duration: 12:06.
What's up guys?
Before watching the video
I'm gonna give you a nice tip of a website
that improves your skins with a certain risk
it's very easy to use this website
you enter, log in with your steam account
click on the deposit part
and you deposit the item you want to upgrade
so in that case I'll try to turn this P250 into a M4A1-S Golden Coil
let's see if we can do this
click right on upgrade skin
nice, we did it
See ya
The school is nice
The good thing about school is that we are always shooting enemies,
but the end is always the same
- we lose the match -
Can you go to the school, Boltz?
- of course -
because it's not the usual for you
- Is someone falling here? Yes it is -
Yes - yes, there's one there -
I'm with lag, a lot
- Ok, he took a pistol in front of me -
- One of them is here -
Oh my, he went down there
What? This guy doesn't die, man, what the f
- where? -
- I killed, I killed another one -
- Oh my God, Boltz, you're such a killer on that game -
Damn man, you're killing everybody
- Thanks -
Anytime, bro
You're playing very well
- Thanks -
Anytime, relax
- Thanks -
- Let's go to the apartments there? -
- I wanted to find a Rifle -
Please, jump the window, you loser
Yeah, man
I have to click with both hands to do it - who's there? -
I'm going without you, guys
- Wait -
No, I wasn't born to wait
One of them down at 100 - There he is -
- Nice -
He's dead, I need healing
- I think there are more of them here -
Yes, there is on the building in the S direction
- I'm coming - - Running -
- He's down -
- I don't know, man -
- You just give it a shot -
- Oh my - - Here, they're here -
- Did you kill him? - He's dead
I need a cap
~The 50% cap holds more than a 100% one ~
Really? Maybe
- Oh the left, right there, on the left -
- I'm out the car - - I'm out -
Oh my, you're all tilted
- You ran over me, baby -
Look, they're are over there
- I'll heal her -
- 3 of them - - Don't die, please -
- Fer - - Nice bomb man -
- One of them is already dead -
- What the hell was that? -
He's on the tree, over there
- I'm here now, I was healing her -
- Be careful with the car -
I'm out of ammo, this is my last bullet -
- There are to behind the tree -
1 HP
- I put them down, they're 10 HP -
- I'm healing myself -
- Where's the other? -
In the car
In the car
- He's down, over here -
- The last one, he's down, there's one left -
- I put them all down -
On the left, he's down
Oh my, I saw him, but I thought he was crawling
- Everyone is dead -
He was crouching and I thought he was crawling and I didn't shoot him
son of a
- Your car ran over me -
- what was that? -
- There's one car coming -
I need to heal myself, I'm f*ed
I'll shoot
- I'm dead, I'm dead, I'll die
- They got out the car -
- Did they? -
- There's one down but he can shoot - - Behind the car -
I'm healing myself here
- I can't see where they are shooting from - - I killed one -
On the W direction - Both are dead -
They throw a grenade oh themselves
There are no items on this part
Let's get out of here or not?
- Where? - - Another car on the 75 -
They passed honking, what a loser -
- what are we gonna do? -
I would get a car here and we should follow these guys
what the hell? What happened to the car? It's bugged
I swear to God
- It's stucked -
Okay, now it's normal
- To much height -
You're too heavy on the passengers seat
The car is not even taking the right pressure
The car is shaking
Do you guys want to drive?
If someone wants to drive the car, I'm out
I don't have anywhere to go, I'm searching enemies only
I think there's someone here
There's one here right over there
- Okay -
- I saw him there -
It wasn't a guy - It was a tree -
I thought it was someone, too
So what are we gonna do, guys?
Do you have an idea or what?
- If you don't kill us first -
Well, that could happen
There's a big chance of it
I'm changing the direction to the abysm and pray to God
- Look - Look the airdrop
- There's a car - - Look the car over there -
- They are the same guys from before
Let's follow them
let's g, you suckers
- the car is not working properly -
The car is driving alone
I'll pass them really fast, I don't care
Be ready, guys
- I''ll be quiet here -
- There's one behind the stone -
We'll stop here
- There are some of them on the left, Fer -
- Be careful -
- You're close - - Where? -
- Got shot - - Behind the tree -
- I put him down, on the left -
No idea where's the other one -
I'll go over them, too, I don't care - He's down over there -
- Behind the stone - - Close to the stone, I killed him -
- Both are dead - - They're all dead -
- I shot well -
* I should've rushed *
- Where are they?- - On the 105 way -
- Can't see anyone -
- You already killed him -
One inconcious, on the 120 way
They're behind the stone, but I can't say what number they are
- I'm seeing them -
- You one them is down -
- I kill the one who was down, I killed - - On our back -
- Another one is down - - what's happening? -
- I put four down -
- I'm on the right side, shoot them that I'm coming -
I'm going over there, come over here if you want, baby - I killed one -
- There are two on your side-
- They are going to the house -
They are on the fence on the 120 way
- They are on the house -
Oh my, I was shot, a nice shot
I'll have to run here
- They are shooting a lot over there -
I think they are..
Is he being shot by you?
He's shooting the others, right?
- He's shooting me, a shot came right now -
Oh, right
There's one over here
- I killed one at 73 -
Knock down
He got knothing this pieace of s
He was f*ed
Run, don't stop running
- I'll die, please someone heal me -
I was shot, I'm f*ed too
and I tired to run
- When the match ends up in the city is a bulls* -
- The enemies just hide and wait - Yes man, that's disgusting
No if you don't have, it's ok - Over there at 345 way on the building -
- In front of us -
- He's dead -
- Damn man - Damn
We'll have to walk over there - We'll have to walk -
- Where are my fellow? - Let's go
Let's go
- Let's go over him, here - Where?
Okay, I saw him, go
I killed him, he's dead
- Nice, instakill, he's probably friend of that guy -
- We're safe here -
- You can come here -
Ok, I'll go there in a few seconds - I think you're safe where you are too, right? -
Here? Yeah, it's ok here, too. - Yeah, you're good -
- In the building over there, in the middle window that's broken -
- There's one on the left running, rushing on our left -
I'm seeing
I'll throw a grenade, relax
- I'll throw one, too -
- Oh my, I did it wrong - - Oh my -
He's right on our left, on B
He's down, I'm healing myself
- There's one over there - This one is dead
Oh my, get out of there, come over here
come over here
Oh man
That was funny
Let's go left, come here
to the right, actually
- that building over there -
I'm in the corn plantation
- I'm sure they're here, that's the only place they can be - - Watch out -
- Oh man, one more, behind the car on the left -
- Behind the car -
he's the only one
F* this thing
Nice - Nice one -
- How many did you kill? - 9 only
- And you, how many did you kill? -
- I killed 8 - Nice, very good
You know that we're going right over the school, everybody will fall there
That's complicated
They're all going over here
I'll go on their back and kill them
- I fell over here - I'll kill 3 guys at once
Get out newbie
son of a *, he ran
- There's a guy here, right over here - - I'm searching -
- Over there -
Oh no, man
He shot me with a 12 gauge
damn it
I died - Did you kill him? -
Showtime came to my house, he stayed here a while
and he stayed in my room
Then, whay happened? I left a new headset on the box
that I was going to use when I come back
I was going to Brazil, take a vacation and would come back using my headset
that was new on the box, that I left in my room
When I arrived there, I started to search for my headset and I couldn't find
I said, damn man
It was on the most obvious place of the room
It was on my nightstand
I said what the hell I didn't leave it here, but ok
I took the headset and went to the living room
I opened the box, and it was only the headset there
no mic, no sound card
I said he stole the sound card and the mic
and I've got only the headset without nothing else
So I was thinking, I asked myself "Damn, I didn't take this box"
I didn't care so much
where is he?
- here on the stairs, help -
- I was with a cap level 3 -
- I wanted a kit -
What the hell?
They're all dead, their squad are dead
So that's it, Showtime stole my headset equip, he opened the box that was new
took the sound card and took the mic went home and didn't say anything
I arrived home to use, where was it?
no headset for me
So I started to think "Man, what happened?"
Then I thought "I'll send a message to Showtime"
he was in my room, maybe he knows what happened
maybe my house was stolen by some thiefs and I didn't know
I asked him "Showtime, did you see a sound card and a mic on my room from my headset"
and he was like
"it's here"
I said "how? how did they get there?"
I needed, you know man?
my team is starving, you know?
And I said "alright, then, ok you son of a b*"
he stole my headset accessories
Now it's locked, everybody can try to come to my room that it's locked now, they can't come in
What's that? My character can't get out of here - Do you have some painkiller? -
Yes, I do
I'll drop for you - Come here -
I'll drop a painkiller, ops, I dropped 2
I dropped one, so I won't I'll take it all back
Showtime didn't play, man
No one played
Showtime played and stole, man, that's what he does
Even Showtime don't come to my room anymore
If you come here again, Showtime, I'm letting you know, you'll have to share bedrooms
- I went there again already, man -
You went there again? So that's why some painting on the wall are missing
I was thinking, but I thought I took 'em out
but if you came here again
- You'll fall -
Oh my, what a lag
He'll appear and I'll give just one shoot
what the f*?
Take that, on your head
- there are a lot of bodies here, man -
yeah, man
lootie men
nothing here - nothing here -
another one is here
vest level 2. just kidding
- oh my -
I'll run over them
- Oh my God - - what did you do? -
- What did you do Fer? -
- Behind us, kill 'em -
- Congrats, Fer -
- Very good, well played -
My fault? I run over 2 and everybody got out the car when our car was moving
you got out the car while our car was moving
So you hit in the car
- we died, we didn't got out the car -
- we died inside the car, man -
- you hit the car -
- I didn't shoot anyone -
- Neither, did I -
Congrats, you played what you know, man
You have to understand that I'm not used to that low quality of playstyle, my bad
- you played really bad, Fer -
and here's the thing, man
every time you play what you can
the result is already known
that's it
I got out the car and it seems like I'm holding 3 cats as puppies
what the hell
you crawl like babies, man
Didn't you learn how to walk yet?
- there's a guy using cheat here -
- oh no -
- cheater? - - where? -
- Yes, he's running as a retarded up there -
Let's kill him - right over here? -
- yes -
where is he? I'm coming
No, let's kill him
Is that you on the 12 way, GuNike?
I was shot as hell on my back
on my back, I died, goodbye
I played what I know
FengKuengDeTuFei, that's his nickname
Go, Boltz, you can do it
- He's a cheater, man - - Right up there -
Nice bro
- Look that he's shooting everybody, giving only HS, look that -
- He's a cheater - Oh my God, I saw it
Report him, let him kill you and report him
- look on my screen - F* this, man
Report him
Die and report him - what an idiot -
- son of a b* -
He's cheating on PUBG, man, are you kidding me?
- did you see that, man? -
Oh my God, man
I can't understand, cheating to kill you
that's the worst, man
you didn't need that, my friend
if you're the cheater here against us, you don't need that
against our squad you don't need that
you didn't see, but the guy that killed you was running fast
mine, he was invisible
you needed to see that
man, he started to shoot, punch and he didn't appear on my screen
this is crazy
did you see that guy, Showtime?
I was in front of him, I gave 3 HS on him and his cap got out his head 4 times, man
he has a lot of cap on his head
he's cheating, man, he lives forever
Man, I'll giveaway a knife to my chat here, and f* you all
- oh my god -
- I'm on the chat - No, it's just for my subs -
Are you my sub?
No, you're not my sub
Only subs will win
- I am -
Showtime, gave me sub
you suck, Showtime
You know what I'll do, Showtime? I won't giveaway anything
And you'll have to pay the sub
Thank you all that watched the stream
Thanks to watch until the end
If you liked, make some noise
if you didn't, f* you
See you, bye
Volvo V70 2.5D Luxury-Line Automaat / Clima / Nwe APK - Duration: 0:54.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI Plus Pack NAVI - Duration: 0:43.
Nissan Almera 1.5i 16V 5-D TEKNA | CLIMA | NW. APK | TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:42.
Toyota HiAce 2.5 D-4D KWB - Duration: 1:02.
Laetitia Milot : Quelques jours après l'annonce de sa grossesse, l'actrice déjà d - Duration: 2:23.
Les chargeurs d'ordinateurs portables sont-il blindés? - Duration: 3:34.
Quand Brigitte Macron remet à sa place un maire qui avait parlé d'un dîner de - Duration: 2:15.
JuntsxCat hará campaña para "ganar" con la "máxima participación" de Puigdemont - Duration: 3:13.
Chicago's Inclusive Economy and the Creative Sector: Julia Stasch, MacArthur Foundation, President - Duration: 1:18.
There are many ways to think about
how the arts create value.
They also create value by improving the quality
of our personal lives and the fabric of our communities.
Now once again on the theme, the personal theme,
that I think is so important.
The arts cultivate empathy.
They support the search for identity.
They support the individual expression of creativity
and passion and curiosity.
They provide meaning.
They help individuals understand other cultures better.
They offer a positive experience in a troubled world.
And they allow people to feel more connected
to each other in their city.
And I think it's imperative to understand
that these are skills that people will need
to navigate an economy that we actually
don't know the contours of today.
So we have that double challenge of helping people be ready
for an economy that we want to be more inclusive
but it is not fully shaped and we don't know
what it's actually going to be.
New Intro! - Duration: 0:08.
Astuce : Voici comment vous débarrasser des cheveux blancs naturellement - France 365 - Duration: 5:10.
Jean-Claude Camus défend Johnny Hallyday : "On l'a fait passer pour un benêt" - Duration: 2:59.
Incroyable talent : un candidat reconnaît avoir inventé une victime du Bataclan - Duration: 2:36.
TOP Obama Official Just Dropped SCORCHING HOT NUKE On Hillary, Sessions CAN'T IGNORE - Duration: 2:13.
A top official from the Obama administration has broken his silence after years of being
forced to keep quiet about what he discovered about Hillary Clinton.
Former Intelligence Community Inspector General under Obama Charles McCullough III was tasked
with determining what kind of information was jeopardized by Hillary when she used an
unsecured email server while Secretary of state, and what he revealed should be enough
to put the woman in prison.
According to McCullough, not only did he find at least 22 emails that were above Top Secret
classification, but he was threatened by Obama administration officials to keep his mouth
shut about them.
The bombshell interview revealed that Obama and his cabinet, including the Director of
National Intelligence James Clapper, actively worked to mislead the public over Hillary's
server, despite the fact that McCullough said the emails "absolutely" endangered lives,
sources, methods and operations.
However, "senior officials" warned him that if he pushed too far, he'd either be
fired, or worse.
"All of a sudden I became a shill of the right.
I was told by members of Congress, 'Be careful.
You're losing your credibility.
… There are people out to get you,'" he said.
McCullough further criticized Obama over his statement that "there's classified and
then there's classified," saying that if he had done the same as Hillary, he'd
be "sitting in Leavenworth," the federal prison.
Further, he was told by "a source directly from the campaign" that if Hillary were
to win last year's election, he and one other person investigating the emails would
be the first to be fired by her administration, ostensibly to cover up Hillary's egregious
McCullough's interview appears to reinforce the video purporting to have Hillary stating
that if then-candidate Trump were to win the election, "we'll all hang from nooses,"
as she knew her years of corruption and malfeasance would come to light.
Hopefully, Attorney General Jeff Sessions watched the interview last night, and calls
McCullough in as a material witness.
But then again, Sessions hasn't exactly shown any spine, so we may be waiting like
forever for that to happen.
Grande Fratello Vip 2, ecco alcune anticipazioni e il ritorno di Cecilia - Duration: 3:53.
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:51.
NEW Sam Smith - I'm not the only one (drum cover of a cover) Luciana Zogbi & Bobnar Simon (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:56.
Sam Smith - I'm not the only one drum cover of a cover
You and me we made a vow
For better or for worse
I can't believe you let me down
But the proof is in the way it hurts
For months on end I've had my doubts
Denying every tear
I wish this would be over now
But I know that I still need you here
You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one
You've been so unavailable
Now sadly I know why
Your heart is unobtainable
Even though you don't share mine
You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one
I have loved you for many years
Maybe I am just not enough
You've made me realize my deepest fear
By lying and tearing us up
You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one
And I know, And I know, And I know, And I know, I know
I know I'm not the only one
I know I'm not the only one
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