While exploring Australia I've had the opportunity to eat at many restaurants, cafes, and takeaway shops.
Especially on the New South Wales south coast.
Now when you think of a road trip, what Australian culinary delight spring straight to mind?
That's right!
Meat pies are synonymous with trips to the south coast, particularly in winter.
It's a Canberra tradition, up there alongside fish and chips at Batemans Bay.
But where to stop en route to the coast to get your pie fix?
Who makes the best, and what recommendations can this Yowie Man make?
I'll have my trusty knife and fork,
plus a bottle of tomato sauce, as we hit the road to check out 8 of the recommended best.
So come with me as we see what awaits in the gastronomic world of pies!
We will first head through the Southern Highlands before descending through Kangaroo Valley.
Entering the picturesque Shoalhaven Coast, we will then head to Batemans Bay before returning
homeward via the township of Braidwood for some tasty tablelands pie.
But first, we start our meaty adventure in a little township called Robertson.
Robertson is located on the edge of the Illawarra Escarpment, about 35 kilometres from the south coast.
With a population of just over a thousand, it was once known for its cheese production.
This is Robertson's Big Potato.
Arguably the most underwhelming of all Australia's big things,
it was built back in the 1970's by a local potato farmer,
and it looks just like a giant shi-
This is the famous Robertson Pie Shop, and you can tell it's famous, because it says so...
right here!
Alright. Let's do this.
Incidentally, for all those film buffs out there,
Robertson is also the place where the Australian movie Babe was filmed back in 1995.
Do you remember that cute little pig?
[Pig squeal]
Now allow me in to introduce my Pie Chart™.
I'll be rating each pie based on 3 main categories:
Crust, filling, and value for money.
The pie with overall highest score will then be adjudged the 'Champion Pie',
and they will receive a special limited edition, only one made,
'Tim Yowie Man - The Series' A4 commemorative plaque.
Okay, for the Robertson pie:
Crust: Was a bit flaky.
Filling: A little bit too much gravy for my liking.
Value for money: At $5.20, not too bad.
Overall score: 20 out of 30.
A good start.
Moving towards the coast, and one pie down,
we come across the historic Old Barrengarry Store, claimed to be home to 'The World's Best Pies'.
A bold claim indeed, and one I'm about to test!
Set amongst green pastures grazed by cows so fat,
you'd think all they'd done for the last 9 months was feast on pies.
This very nice, quaint country store exudes that old-country charm.
However, I'm here for one reason, and one reason only!
Great crust.
Hearty filling.
But a bit pricey, at $6.90.
It's doing well.
Just five minutes down the road from Barrengarry is the hamlet of Kangaroo Valley -
an irresistible magnet for day-trippers in search of a country village experience.
However, it's not the country experience that we seek, but...
Although Southern Pies might be a recent addition,
Kangaroo Valley itself has changed very little over the last 130 years or so.
Testimony to this, is the historic Hampden Bridge.
It's one of Australia's oldest suspension bridges and it still marks the entrance to this village.
Did you know, that just before it was finished in 1898, the old bridge was washed away by floods.
Oh, and if you're also touring in the area, don't forget to check out Fitzroy Falls.
Just a few kilometres up the road, and absolutely magnificent after heavy rain.
Hang on!
You're not my normal sign holder!
Three pies down, and I've already had to loosen my belt.
However, the day is young.
Let the pie quest continue!
Our next pie takes us to the coast, and into the township of Nowra, around 160 kilometres south of Sydney.
Our entrant here is one for the books, holding a 2012 record for serving up Australia's Best Plain Pie!
With expectations high on my taste buds, it's my turn to check out the East Nowra Bakery.
No pressure.
Can I at least have a salad with one of these?
Okay, judging the East Nowra pie.
Crust: Pretty good.
Filling: Beautiful! Great meat, great seasoning.
Value: At $4.30, it's the cheapest by a mile!
We have a new leader!
Soooo full...
Oh, g'day viewers!
Locals around here tell me there's only one way to start the day,
and that's with Hayden's pie from Ulladulla.
So I'm gonna give it a go.
Hey, are you awake?
Let's rate this pie.
A very nice crust, very nice crust.
Filling: Very spicy, a nice spicy.
Value for money: $4.70, about middle of the road.
So it comes out the same as Kangaroo Valley.
A good breakfast for champions.
Five pies down, and back on the road.
We find ourselves heading south on the Princess Highway toward the historic village of Milton; founded in 1860.
And if my senses don't desert me, I reckon we'll find a pie somewhere on the main street.
This is it.
Milton's Heritage Bakery, a wooden two-story landmark building which takes pride of place in the centre of town,
is strangely decorated inside with a giant pike on the wall.
However, it's the pie that counts, and I'm here to test it.
Apparently, the coastal strip of the Milton-Ulladulla district was observed by Captain James Cook
as he sailed up the east coast of Australia, towards Botany Bay back in 1770.
Cook named the nearby prominent peak the 'Pigeon House Mountain'.
And I can confirm that there is no truth to the rumour that he was tempted to name it the 'Piehouse Mountain'.
Nope, none at all.
Six pies down, no duds yet.
All strong contenders.
But it ain't over until the fat lady sings.
Oh, I bet she had a few pies in her day.
Batemans Bay is situated on the shores of an estuary, formed where the Clyde River meets the Tasman Sea.
Indeed, as it is the closest seaside town to the National Capital, during summer and public holiday periods,
one would think that half of Canberra's population is down here as well.
But before we get to the bay, there's one little entrant whose pies are renowned for their quality and charm,
but whose name is not well known.
East Lynne is a small semi-rural area located just to the north of Batemans Bay,
on the busy Princes Highway; the main road linking the town centres along the South Coast of New South Wales.
Apparently, this roadside bakery has pies which are irresistible!
Somebody's already beaten me to it!
One local was so addicted to the pies here, that when he landed a job on an oil rig in Bass Strait;
he had eskies chock-full of pies sent over to his remote workplace.
Although this is now a fuel station, it has also been a bakery for the last hundred years.
Think about that; over a century of expertise in pie making.
[Sexy music]
Okay, so the crust: Pretty similar to the other pies.
The filling: Fantastic!
On par with East Nowra.
But we got that little piece of information out of the chef here,
that the pies here have a secret ingredient; chocolate in them.
I'm gonna give him an extra half for that.
Value: Pretty good value for money, particularly for a fuel stop.
If my maths is correct, I think we have a new leader!
Interestingly, despite the attention this topic has received,
sources have failed to nominate an appropriate candidate for Batemans Bay.
But before this tasty adventure finishes, we have time for one more stop to make.
Braidwood sits in the New South Wales Southern Tablelands,
straddling the busy Kings Highway linking Canberra to Batemans Bay.
Its heritage listed streetscape has been the backdrop of many feature films,
including Mick Jaggers 'Ned Kelly', back in 1970.
I bet Mick didn't mind the odd pie or two.
But it's also a very popular spot for hungry travellers, for just behind me is the towns excellent bakery.
Here we go.
The current population of Braidwood is a little over 1,000 people,
but back in 1851 at the start of the gold rush the population swelled to almost 10,000 just in this district.
That's food for thought...
Or should that be; pies for thought.
Well, here we are.
I've eaten some magnificent pies, and visited some beautiful locations.
And I have to say, every single pie was worthy of a winner.
However, in the true champion competition, there can be only one winner.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Boys and girls...
Pie connoisseurs of the world...
The champion pie is...
East Lynne!
I'm Tim the Yowie Man.
Thanks for watching!
[Crickets chirping]
For more infomation >> TYM The Series - The Great Aussie Pie Adventure - Duration: 16:08.-------------------------------------------
アウディがレアルマドリードの選手に車を提供。Q7が一番人気、ロナウドはRS7を選択 - Duration: 2:23.
Christmas ball made of paper. Origami Christmas decorations with their hands - Duration: 3:16.
Lichen Sclerosus - Physical &...
Audi Q5 2.0 TDI 170PK AUTOMAAT QUATTRO S-LINE - Duration: 0:59.
Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI BIT 313PK Quattro S-Line / Bose / Memory / Keyless / Pano / LED - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI S-Tronic S-Line PANO 18" NAVI - Duration: 0:54.
i'm leaving... - Duration: 3:30.
hello and you can tell because I'm feeling like tired that I'm a little bit
stressed out with all the changes I've been living in Dubai now for a few
months feels like longer but it's been a few
months and I love Dubai I love the city I like the country I like the people I
like the restaurants I like the beaches I like the weather I like a lot I like
everything about Dubai I didn't get on so well in my job so as of today I've
decided that call us enough is enough okay so I'm gonna just try something
different okay now where does that leave leave me I could go back to England I
could go back to Oman I could go to Kuwait I could go to different country
I've decided to go to Bulgaria so I'm going to live in Bulgaria for a few
weeks so you may see some vlogs of Bulgaria I mean it's not like an Arabic
country but if you want to see some vlogs of some vlogs of local our vlog
area some vlogs of Bulgaria then let me know in the comments if you'd like to
see other videos then again let me know in the comments the purpose of this
video is to give you a very short two-minute update into my situation I
can tell you more about everything but just not right now
so if there's any particular questions you have then let me know
get in to contact with me but for now I just wanted to tell you I am leaving
Dubai it makes me sad but I have no choice I really I really don't and it's
this whole thing of do I go into details do I not are they gonna
am I gonna just cause unnecessary and pointless and unfruitful us and
frivolous and superfluous attention to myself
and to the subjects if I do so my feeling is just best to say I've come to
Dubai I like this country I like this city I like the people I like everything
about it I like I even like the kids here they're great I mean they're not
great us that's actually incorrect but they they're great people one on one to
teach them as a class isn't great but the kids are great
they're great people so I'm leaving I'm going to Bulgaria and I will see you all
soon I'll be regularly updating this channel and my other channel Mike's
still youtube.com/MikeStillUK so I'll be in touch and to be honest I'll
be in touch more than I have done because now that I'm jobless I will be
trying to increase my time online and my time on YouTube and my time teaching
online look how much weight I'm losing I'm skinny right now hey I'm gonna start
eating more okay that's all for now and I'll see you all again soon
lots of love ma3 as-salaama
Johnny Hallyday : les fans du chanteur sont de plus en plus inquiets - Duration: 2:17.
BanglaVision News 1 December 2017 Bangladesh news Today Bangla Breaking News all Bangla HD - Duration: 42:08.
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Johnny Hallyday : sa fille Joy future artiste ? Elle suit les traces de son père - Duration: 3:03.
Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSi 122 pk S tronic Amplified - uniek - - Duration: 0:51.
Trump's Biggest Lie About His Tax Plan Exposed By Corporate CEOs - Duration: 3:15.
When you listen to the Republicans and Donald Trump try to sell their tax cut package to
the American public, whether it's through press conferences, or meetings, or on Twitter,
they keep telling us that this is going to be a huge boon for the middle class in the
United States.
We're going to give more money to corporations and with that money, these good-hearted, kind
corporations are going to create more jobs for you guys.
Or, if they don't need more jobs, they're going to use it to give you a raise.
Because corporations are just that kind-hearted, and they always have been, right?
Well, as it turns out, that claim, pushed by both Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, and every
other member of the Republican Party is an absolute lie.
And we don't just have to look at history to know that.
All we have to do is ask the corporations themselves.
Recently, CEOs of companies like Coca-Cola, Pfizer, Amgen and Cisco and many others have
actually said that once they get those massive tax cuts, they're not going to use that money
to pay workers higher wages.
They're not going to use that money to expand their businesses and hire more workers.
They explicitly said they're going to take that extra money that they get from tax cuts
and redistribute it to their shareholders.
The rich are going to use their tax cuts to put even more money in their own pockets.
And again, anyone with half a brain knew that that was going to happen, because we can look
at the history and that's what's happened every time we've done this.
But for these CEOs to finally come out and at least be honest with us for a few seconds
and say, "Yeah, it's kind of funny, because we're really not going to hire anybody.
We're just going to keep that money, because it's money and we're greedy little pricks."
That's what they told us.
That's what they're going to do.
The Republicans understand that and they knew that from the beginning.
The only reason this tax cut package is going through is because they want the wealthy to
put the money back in their pockets.
Because eventually some of that money's going to make its way into Republican campaigns.
That's what this is about.
That's what this has been about from day one.
Everything else the Republicans have told you is an absolute lie.
They do not care about the middle class.
They do not care about American workers.
They do not care about our wages, our healthcare, our Medicare or Social Security or the astronomical
drug prices we're paying every day.
They don't care.
What they care about is preserving their political future, because they know if they pass this
tax cut package, they're going to have a hell of a fight in front of them next time they're
up for reelection.
But it's going to be a fight that's going to be a little bit easier because they're
going to have more money in their pockets because they gave all that money to rich people.
That's how the systems works today.
And until we get money 100% out of American politics, it will never change.
[Tuto] Réparer un chargeur d'ordinateur portable (ASUS) - Duration: 14:42.
"Вставай! Мой ангел!" Новые Крылья Архангела | Люди Икс: Апокалипсис (2016) 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 2:20.
Or should I say "piss off"?
This is the guy?
He used to be.
I didn't know his wings were...
Let's get out of here.
His fighting days are done.
No, they're not.
What the hell is this?
I want to give you something.
There's nothing you can give me that I want.
Yes, there is.
Yes, my son.
Rise, my angel.
...Ready for it? - Taylor Swift (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 4:20.
Knew he was a killer First time that I saw him Wonder how many girls he had loved And left haunted
But if he's a ghost Then I can be a phantom Holding him for ransom
Some, some boys are trying too hard He don't try at all though Younger than my exes But he act like such a man, so
I see nothing better I keep him forever Like a vendetta
I see how this is going to go Touch me, and you'll never be alone Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night, in my dreams I know I'm going to be with you So I take my time -Are you ready for it?-
Me, I was a robber First time that he saw me Stealing hearts and running off And never saying sorry
But if I'm a thief then He can join the heist And we'll move to an island
And he can be my jailer Burton to this Taylor Every lover known in comparison is a failure
I forget their names now I'm so very tame now Never be the same now, now
I see how this is going to go Touch me and you'll never be alone Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night in my dreams I know I'm going to be with you So I take my time -Are you ready for it?-
Oh, are you ready for it?
Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
I see how this is going to go Touch me and you'll never be alone Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night in my dreams I know I'm going to be with you So I take my time
In the middle of the night Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
-Are you ready for it?- Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
Are you ready for it?
Christmas ball made of paper. Origami Christmas decorations with their hands - Duration: 3:16.
Excision, le plaisir interdit : Mireille Darc, l'ultime combat sur France 2 - Duration: 3:04.
Canon Rebel EOS T6 Review - Duration: 2:10.
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Thanks for watching
Kim Kardashian Stole Kourtney Kardashian's Dog and She Wants Her Back - Duration: 2:18.
Kim Kardashian Stole Kourtney Kardashian's Dog and She Wants Her Back
They say a dog is a mans best friend, or in this case, Kourtney Kardashians.
On Sundays all-new Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourtney tries to get her dog back from Kim Kardashian, who seems to have taken little Honey hostage.
Where is my dog? This is not funny anymore, Kourtney whined.
Kourtney begged and pleaded with her sister to return the precious pet, but Kim insisted that Honey has adjusted to her new life.
I swear she likes me better now.
Shes like, adjusted.
Look how calm she is, Kim gushed. .
After chasing each other around the kitchen, Kourtney was done messing around and just wanted to return the pup back to her daughter, Penelope Disick.
Its Penelopes, its not yours, Kourtney said, scolding her sister.
At long last, Kim returned Honey to Kourtney, accepting defeat and her own barking dog.
I mean, whatever I guess.
She can have her dog back and I will just have to deal with Sushis barking forever, Kim joked.
Jack Torosian of No Limit Gy...
Daveigh Chase, la Samara di The Ring in manette per furto d'auto - Duration: 1:24.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 200 d Estate Avantgarde Business Automaat - Duration: 1:01.
Volvo V50 1.6D EDITION I Leer, Ecc, Pdc, Zeer luxe en Netjes! - Duration: 1:01.
[Tuto] Réparer un chargeur d'ordinateur portable (ASUS) - Duration: 14:42.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 220 d Estate Ambition Avantgarde Automaat - Duration: 1:00.
Sacrificio d'amore, anticipazioni prima puntata: l'incontro di Brando e Silvia - Duration: 4:02.
Fiançailles du prince Harry : la drôle de réaction du prince William - Duration: 2:09.
هاتف بأربع كاميرات و شاشة بدون حواف Huawei Mate 10 Lite | +GIVEAWAY - Duration: 7:15.
Élodie Doua - ambassadrice du bec - Duration: 3:20.
The Forge Glossary: Tap Ins - Duration: 1:08.
We just have a regular Tap In here.
If you look at it you can see that there's a little hem flange here.
On the bottom you have these notched ends.
So let's say you wanted to tie this into the side of a piece of trunk duct or something
like that you would cut hole prior to you know obviously the size of what this is and
you put these tabs within that hole and you just bend them over.
That allows it to sit in place while you get your screw gun and that way you can screw
to these flanges.
Then you can take off your other trunk line from there.
This one, in particular, is a Pittsburgh tap in.
You can see it has a little Pittsburgh joint here.
This one over here is a snaplock; two different seam joints.
Sometimes you need things smaller and sometimes they're even smaller than this; little shorties.
And we'll just weld them together and that way everything is all good to go.
Every job is different!
People Who Might Just Be From the Future?! - Duration: 11:52.
Here are some folks who may have done some serious case of time traveling!
10 - Navigation for everyone In the 1948 John Wayne movie, Fort Apache,
there just might be a little hint of the future.
In a clip from the movie, you can see Lt. Col. Owen Thursday – played by Henry Fonda
– and his daughter Philadelphia – played by Shirley Temple –riding in a stagecoach.
However, since the dawn of time people have been getting lost, GPS or not.
Getting around has always been troublesome for many, and in this clip it looks like Henry
Fonda pulls out a black iphone 7 and checks where they're supposed to be going!
I hope he added a protective screen on top, because those iPhones are slippery, and they
crack like crazy!
9 - The time-travelling hipster Hipsters are everywhere – even in the past
This time traveling hipster is a mysterious man photographed in 1940 wearing what seems
to be modern-day hipster clothes and carrying a camera.
I mean, you guys can see why this photo gained so much notoriety right?
While the identities of the photographer and the people shown in the image are unknown,
the location and year WAS written on the back of the photograph.
The writing says quote, "Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in Nov. 1940."
he image belongs to the virtual collection of the Bralorne Pioneer Museum in British
Columbia, Canada.
In April 2010, another picture from a different angle was found, with the inscription "Opening
of the new bridge at South Fork."
The hipster guy remains visible in the photograph, and at least proves that the previous photograph
most likely hasn't been doctored!
8 - Greatest Investor Ever In 2003, a man named Andrew Carlssin was investigated
by the FBI, at the request of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The investigation began because Carlssin SOMEHOW managed to increase his portfolio from 800
dollars to three hundred and fifty MILLION dollars in just TWO weeks!
Yeah, I'd say that'd warrant an investigation.
Even WITH insider trading, I just don't see how that's possible.
In his interrogation Carlssin, 44 at the time, said that he traveled in time from 200 years
in the FUTURE.
He said that it was too tempting to resist insider trading because with his knowledge
about the movement of the stock market, he HAD to take advantage of it.
Carlssin also provided some predictions, such as the exact date of the invasion of Iraq,
and offered to give Osama bin Laden's location and cure for AIDS in return for letting him
"return to his ship".
Hmmmm okayyyy…..In addition to his inexplicable story, there was no record of him ANYwhere.
Even though the FBI found his story to be incredulous, even they had to admit that they
couldn't find ANY record of him before 2002.
Does this all sound too good to be true?
That's cuz it WAS!
It originated with the Weekly World News, an entertainment site devoted to satire, a
la The Onion.
Yahoo decided to reprint this Weekly World News articles under the heading of "Entertainment
News & Gossip," a title that didn't exactly convey fake news to its readers.
After it showed up on Yahoo, it showed up in other magazines and newspapers, reprinted
verbatim as a "real" news item.
The FBI and SEC officials probably weren't too happy, as they had to answer a bunch of
questions from random journalists seeking comments about Andrew Carlssin!
7 - Charlie Chaplin's The Circus In October 2010, Northern Irish filmmaker
George Clarke uploaded a video clip to YouTube called "Chaplin's Time Traveller".
The clip analyzes bonus material in a DVD of the Charlie Chaplin film The Circus.
At one point, a woman is seen walking by, holding up an object to her ear.
Clarke said that, on closer examination, she was ACTUALLY talking into a thin, black device
that appears to be a cell phone.
The clip received millions of hits and was the subject of televised news stories.
Judging by her demeanor, it's possible she was dropped in the wrong spot and is actually
calling for someone to get her out before she's discovered walking in front of the
But I'll let you guys be the judge!
Also, in another scene of The Circus, Chaplin's Little Tramp character is chased into a funhouse
which is briefly interrupted in one shot by the appearance of a large man in sunglasses
who's carrying a shotgun.
This doesn't fit in with the rest of the film, as not only would the inexpensive mass
production of sunglasses not begin until the following year, but the dude in question bears
a striking resemblance to the Terminator, who wouldn't be popularized in advertising
until wayyyyyyyyy later.
I think not!!!
6 - Mummy with Three Stripes Back in 2016, the body of a woman was discovered
in the Altai mountain region of Mongolia.
Experts from the Centre of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia believe the woman lived around
1,100 years ago after somehow suffering a serious head wound.
However, this is where it gets fun: when the images were first released, one of the pictures
in particular caused quite a stir online after comparisons were drawn with Adidas snowboarding
Could it be that this lady went back to the past from the future?!
Okay, okay, I think we all know the answer to that one.Her body and possessions has remained
remarkably preserved even after hundreds of years have passed.
The woman was found buried with a number of things, which included a handbag and four
different sets of clothes.
In 2017, her "Adidas" boots have been cleaned and polished and pictures were released
to the public again, which clearly showed that she wasn't actually wearing Adidas
snow boots, surprise surpris.
However, some people still argue that they're still way ahead of their time and would be
quite unusual to wear for her time period.
Who knows, maybe she was the Lady Gaga of back then?
5 - The Dupont Experiments This clip of a woman walking around back in
the 30's is nicknamed, the 'Time traveler in a 1938 film'.
The video shows a young woman dressed in a stylish, but old fashioned dress walking alongside
a crowd of people who are also dressed in outfits from the same period.
She seems to be talking excitedly into what looks like a cell phone that's held to her
ear, which she then brings down to her chest.
Was she Facetiming?!?!
As she brings her arm down, you can see that it's pretty much the same size and shape
as a modern cell phone.
The footage is claimed to have been shot at a factory owned by US industrial giant Dupont.
The footage was shot more than 40 years before the first cell phone appeared.
Here's a fun fact: the first mobile phone call was made in 1973.
Supposedly, this lady was actually a factory worker for DuPont, and she was given wireless
phones to test for a week along with a few other coworkers.
However, there's no documentation of this anywhere, and if there was a working prototype
by Dupont in the 30s, way before anyone else had any one, why didn't DuPont ever get
into the industry?!
4 - Surfer dude from 1917 Here's another interesting possible time
This black and white photo shows a surfer type dude sitting on the rocks at the beach
just like everyone else.
However, this guy looks like he could have from the 80's or some random hipster from
LA in 2017!
If you take a look at the people around him, it's an understatement to say that he's
dressed differently from everyone else.
He looks as though he's wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of knee-length board shorts that
he bought from Pac-Sun!
The guys around him are in traditional brimmed hats and wearing shirts and long sleeve shirts,
the usual attire back then for a sunny day on the beach.
The two dudes sitting next to him also seem to be staring at him like, "c'mon man,
what're you wearing?!".
Why yes gentlemen, this is what your grandkids are gonna dress like decades later!
They don't seem none too impressed with the idea though.
3 - John Titor Back in 2000 and 2001, during the infancy
of the internet, a person named John Titor posted on several internet forums claiming
to be an American military time traveler from 2036.
Titor made numerous predictions regarding disastrous events from 2004 and beyond, all
of which began attracting world-wide attention.
In his online postings, Titor claimed that he was assigned to a governmental time-travel
project, and sent back to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer which he said was needed
to debug various legacy computer programs in 2036.
Any of this make sense yet?
Some of his predictions described the aftermath of a nuclear wore, where plenty of countries
around the world were devastated, the United States were broken into five smaller sovereignties,
and the global environment and infrastructure were devastated in general.
Interestingly enough, someone actually took the time to hire a private investigator on
this guy.
That 2009 investigation concluded that Titor was likely the creation of Larry Haber, a
Florida entertainment lawyer, along with his brother John, a computer scientist.
Guess what guys, John Titer dot com is still up!
2 - 350 year old iPhone Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks it MAY be possible
there's an iPhone hidden in a painting from 1670.
Hey, even Tim Cook vaguely believes in time travelers here!
The painting is called "Man Handing a Letter to a Woman in the Entrance Hall of a House"
was painted by Pieter de Hooch in 1670.
Well, it looks like a letter but it obviously wasn't to Tim Cook!
Tim Cook said while he was visiting Amsterdam for Startup Fest Europe, he visited the Rijksmuseum
with retired Dutch politician Neelie Kroes, when he spotted the oil painting masterpiece.
Cook actually thought the painting was a Rembrandt, but let's focus on the time traveling part
for this one, shall we?
Other people have said that the man in the painting could be holding an "old school"
iPod with a click wheel.
Cook joked that "I always thought I knew when the iPhone was invented, but now I'm not so
sure anymore," Cook said.
Just to be clear, the first official iPhone was released in 2007, just in case you're
on the fence with Tim here.
1 - He Can't Be Bothered A mural made back in the 1930s appears to
show a Native American man holding what looks like basically like an iPhone!
I mean look at this…..his thumb just in the right position to send that latest text!
It isn't not clear exactly who this guy is, because of course, there wasn't exactly
a description written on the back of the mural, but he might as well be popping off a selfie
or thumbing through his news feed, looking at the worst story of Woah Vicky on Instagram,
all while not being bothered by anything going on around him!
The multi-part, New Deal-era mural is titled "Mr. Pynchon and the Settling of Springfield,"
and it pre-dates the iPhone by seven decades.
The painting was completed in 1937 by the late Italian semi-abstract painter Umberto
The painting is loosely based on actual events that occurred around a pre-Revolutionary Wore
encounter between members of two prominent New England Native American tribes, and English
settlers in present-day Massachusetts in the 1630s, some 200 years before the discovery
of electricity.
How could Romano have known about the existence of smartphones so long before they were invented?
I'll tell you how.
And you already know, because it's the same old story.
Time tourists, yet again violating the number one rule of time travel: No cell phones.
Or, as at least one historian has posited, the object depicted in the mural could be
a mirror or small book of some kind.
They're not fooling me, though.
Here's what's next!
A New Direction - Duration: 0:24.
It doesn't matter where you've been in your past.
It doesn't matter what path you're on.
You can always change your direction.
Start today.
Right now.
And create the future that you want for yourself.
All it takes is one small step in a new direction.
Do that each day and soon you'll find you're on a completely different path.
Don't let your past control you.
You determine your destination.
Write your own story.
Start your journey today.
...Ready for it? - Taylor Swift (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 4:20.
Knew he was a killer First time that I saw him Wonder how many girls he had loved And left haunted
But if he's a ghost Then I can be a phantom Holding him for ransom
Some, some boys are trying too hard He don't try at all though Younger than my exes But he act like such a man, so
I see nothing better I keep him forever Like a vendetta
I see how this is going to go Touch me, and you'll never be alone Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night, in my dreams I know I'm going to be with you So I take my time -Are you ready for it?-
Me, I was a robber First time that he saw me Stealing hearts and running off And never saying sorry
But if I'm a thief then He can join the heist And we'll move to an island
And he can be my jailer Burton to this Taylor Every lover known in comparison is a failure
I forget their names now I'm so very tame now Never be the same now, now
I see how this is going to go Touch me and you'll never be alone Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night in my dreams I know I'm going to be with you So I take my time -Are you ready for it?-
Oh, are you ready for it?
Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
I see how this is going to go Touch me and you'll never be alone Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night in my dreams I know I'm going to be with you So I take my time
In the middle of the night Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
-Are you ready for it?- Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin
Are you ready for it?
Hey...it's your BIRTHDAY!! - Duration: 3:32.
They say that you are getting old,
'cause you're always saying you are cold.
They say your hair is getting gray.
How would they know you color it away?
Hey, it's your birthday. Happy birthday.
They say that you repeat yourself.
Now you've got ginkgo on your bathroom shelf.
They say that you will wear depends.
Are the old jokes ever going to end?
Hey, it's your birthday. Happy birthday.
You've got spanks, to hold you tight.
You've got readers for your sight.
And when you're gone. Yes, when you've passed.
Will they be happy, that you're gone at last?
They'll ask if you have bought your plot.
Just say you're sorry that you have forgot.
Oh, let them laugh, let them tease.
Just make sure you spend your cash before you leave!
Hey, it's your birthday. Happy birthday!
You've got time to have some fun.
Fast, before your time is done!
When you stand it hurts your knees,
and you're leaking when you sneeze.
You've got time to take a snooze.
You've got nothing else to do!
When you listen you don't hear.
Fix those hearing aids on your ears.
Just let go, don't put up a fight.
It's okay, move closer to the light.
It's your birthday, happy birthday.
It's your birthday, happy birthday!
It's your birthday, happy birthday!
It's your birthday, happy birthday!
It's your birthday, happy birthday!
Why are you doing that?
Britney Schools Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber - Duration: 2:15.
- Hello, class.
- [All] Hello, Pop Princess.
- Let's get started.
Taylor, pretend that Kim Kardasim has upset you
with a tweet, what do you do?
- I sue her.
- No.
- I sue the (bleeping) out of her.
- No.
You take the high road.
Say it with me.
- Sue her. - High road.
We'll work on it.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Do better.
(Britney laughs)
Yes, Nicki?
- What if Nicki Minaj--
- You don't have to say your name.
- Excuse me, Nicki Minaj is speaking.
- Don't do the third person.
- And it upsets Nicki Minaj when you interrupt.
- What's your question?
- What if Nicki Minaj doesn't want to be featured
in every song anymore?
- That's a good homework assignment.
Tonight, I want you to go to the studio and I want
Nicki Minaj to feature Nicki Minaj.
- Can I call someone like Drake to be a part of it?
- No just you.
- Katy? - No, just you.
- Fergie? - Just you.
- Beyonce?
- Only you.
No one else.
Now, Justin.
- I think I should be the Prince of Pop.
- No.
- Princess of Pop.
- That's me.
- King of Pop.
- That's taken.
- Justin the Prince of Pop.
- How many times do I have to tell you,
the fans name you, not you.
- I'm the new Princess of Pop.
- That's it, go to the Principal's office
and tell Madonna what you've done.
- Young money.
(dramatic music)
- Mmm (belches).
- You just ate the janitor.
- Yeah, so what?
- So, what?
You just ate the freaking janitor.
- You said I could.
- We were talking about the vending machine.
- Look, it was a mistake anyone could've easily made.
- Not really.
- Wait, wait, wait.
That thing about Hades, are you really his daughter?
- Maybe.
- You've gotta be (bleeping) kidding me.
- Hades is your dad.
- Yeah.
- Shouldn't you be like in hell or something.
- My dad said I could come up to Earth
and, you know, experience what it's like to be human.
- Oh, you're doing great so far.
- Please don't tell anyone.
If my dad finds out, I'll be banned from Earth forever.
- Like anyone would believe us anyway.
- Guys, what are we gonna do about the body?
(ominous music)
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
♪ SIM ♪
♪ GM ♪
♪ Production ♪
PHOTOS Qui sont les people les plus recherchés sur Internet ? - Duration: 1:35.
St1ka's Retro Corner - Senran Kagura Peach Beach Blast PS4 review - Duration: 9:27.
Environmentalism in Chile - The Beagle - Duration: 53:03.
Issac/18 Cap.01 y 02 - El partido más emocionante de tu vida - La historia de Isaac - Duration: 7:19.
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
Oven-Fried Ranch Chicken | Food Network - Duration: 0:47.
Turn your photos into videos using Photoshop - Duration: 10:39.
Hey guys
In today's video, you will see how a photo like this
You can stay like this.
Roll the intro !!
Few know but in Adobe Photoshop it is possible to create animations
It has a basic video editor, and a timeline very similar to that of Premiere or After Effects
And today let's animate a photo by creating an effect called Parallax Cinema 2.5D, or Plotography
First, you need one where there is element that could be in motion,
A waterfall works great for this purpose.
The first thing we will do is select water from the waterfall and copy it into a new layer
I'm going to use the Photoshop masking system for this.
So we create the new layer only with water from the waterfall
Go to Window and then to Timeline
In your timeline click on create video
The timeline will use your layers with references to your video tracks
By clicking on the edges of the tracks you can control the duration of your video
Convert Waterfall Waterfall Layer to Smart Object, so you have access to more options in the Timeline
We will basically work with the Transformation of the layer to create the effect of movement
Increase the size of the layer in the direction of possible movement, so the effect will look much better
By clicking the Clock next to the transformation menu you activate the change points, so you can use different values during the layer size transitions
Create two transition points, one start with the original size, and another near the end of the lamination with the larger size to give the sensation of movement
Include the FADE effect to make the transition smoother.
If you want other things to move, create more layers and work them the same way you did the previous one.
With all layers in place and adjusted, it's time to create a repeating tradition
Group the layers of motion and make copies of them
Adjust them to the Timeline so that the second track starts in the middle of the first and third in the middle of the second and so on
Click export video, arrow in the lower left corner of the timeline
Set the video output the way you prefer
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and leave your like in the video
DONE! Now just import your new video to Premiere and your photos will move!
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