Is it okay with you?
I hope so!
Today we will see, how to remove the Google account from, Motorola G 4.
The procedure is very fast, and easy to do
Make sure you have all the mobile phone units installed in the computer.
First turn off the device and turn on the recovery mode
Select the Factory Mode option.
Connect the cable u s b in the cell phone.
Select the Android option, A D B.
Check the Qualcomm option!
In the Windows device manager, the modem unit has been assigned in the Windows device manager.
Now Crick in the box, connect Motorola Android Phone
Wait a bit until you get to the start screen of the initial configuration.
in recovery mode, again.
Select the option, Factory Mode, once again.
Connect the U S B cable, in the cell phone.
In the Windows Device Manager.
will be displayed in, Android U S B devices, and then below.
Moto composite a d b, interface.
In the menu, in Windows, again select the option to remove FRP.
Mark accept on the phone screen, and Crick on OK ..
Wait to finish, take a little bit.
The phone will be ready to be used again, without any blocking.
To do this, you will need the Sigma key box, the link is in the following description.
Good luck, until the next ..
For more infomation >> How to remove the Google account from the Motorola G 4 - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
Have YOU SEEN The WORLDS LONGEST BANDIT DASH in Clash Royale!? - Duration: 8:12.
Clash royale by far the most perfect game ever no bugs. No glitches
No complaints in the game never have I broken an iPad in half due to rage never have I ate an iPhone because my two
Versus two partner was a dumbass and never ever ever
Have I stolen my mom's credit card to supply a gem opening video? I'm just being honest here guys clash Royale is by far
Perfection and just in case you suck at detecting sarcasm
Let me just tell you everything I said previously was a big big lie now over the last few weeks
Or so you guys have been sending me a lot of emails with cool glitches
So I figured I would save up all the glitches and just compile them into one big massive
Glitch video now the fluence glitch we are gonna be taking a look at is something
I have mentioned in previous videos
But I never really had
Gameplay to back it up also
Whenever I usually reference this topic the video does really bad and not a lot of people tend to see it so hopefully I can
Get this point across one last time and never talk about it again, so we're gonna be talking about this weird glitch right here
I call this the good old classic reverse tower glitch
Essentially what happens is when you're searching for a battle you hit the cancel button but shocker
It doesn't really work in clash Royale
Throws you into like two
Matches at the same time your towers are really glitchy the Kings are jumping up in the air
You can't place troops down and overall it's just a bunch of bullets. Okay, right here
We can see the glitch from the very beginning of a battle the Kings up top are just hopping around the Kings on the bottom
They're just straight-up chillin. Also look at the level 9 icon for some reason
It's drifted way off to the left now the person who sent me
This is trying to place troops down, but literally they can't do anything
And then if you caught that
The health bar was really really stretched over and then out of nowhere like the game
Just made him three crowns
And there's a another factor that makes this entire thing way more funny and way more
strange so my friend Dylan sent me this screenshot right here, and as you can see he's in a battle against a 7ex Abaddon and
quotation ow however you say that name
But as soon as that battle ends the opponents who beat him are now named Jay and Dwayne the rock Johnson
Let's just look at that for a second Dwayne the rock
Johnson the rock is not taking any in clash Royale
He's coming over here
Glitching your device taking those three crowns and pretty much pissing you off and on top of all that
BS when you're looking at your attack log it actually counts as two battles so right here
You can see the top battle in the second battle
And if you're looking at the times the times are two minutes ago
And one minute go so like I said clash royale glitches puts you in two battles at once you can't do anything and overall it
Just really screws with your game now guys the next glitch
I'm gonna show you is top secret never have I ever seen this happen in the entirety of clash Royale
I'm not gonna say anything. Just watch it on your own
Did you guys just see that the cancel bought in worked. I've never seen anything like that
How how did this even happen look let's just watch this one last time he's battling
He is searching searching forever the battle is canceling he does not find any opponents and somehow
The game brings him back to the main menu
Gracefully and peacefully never have I ever witnessed something so beautiful guys
Please give the video a like down below for this gamebreaking glitch
it is just it's insane and while you're giving the video a like down below if you're new you might as well drop a
Subscription it may be a good idea or you may regret it later
Either way drop us up now that dude has really really good luck
So let's take a look at another person who seems to have some pretty damn crazy luck
This dude is in the shop looking to buy some chests and the game is telling him that he has enough gems to buy these
Chests as you can see the amount is highlighted meaning that he has the opportunity to buy the chest
But the problem is he doesn't even have the proper amount of gems in the first place
I don't know. What supercell is on, but they're giving this guy a great deal
Well that last guy has pretty good luck with chests
Let's take a look at someone who should probably delete clash and never play again, so this dude is named
Ike a 9 he sent me this email awhile ago, and I thought this was the funny
But I've ever seen
So he's opening up an epic chest so the cards he's getting should all be epic a rarity well no first off
He gets a mega minion
That's a rare card so right off the bat this does not make any sense at all
But if he goes on to the next card. It's actually a knight
What in the hell is this guy's luck and moving on to the final like card screen of the chest you can see he got?
78 gold 2 gems 1 mega minion and 10 nights
What kind of look is this this poor dude man and since that last guy had such bad luck?
Let's take a look at another person who has very bad luck as well
So this dude is in the shop, and it says you must be level 7 to unlock this
And if you're looking up top this guy is level 7, so essentially super sells like hey dude piss off
You're not getting anything today. Well honestly. I'm out of breath right now. Maybe I'm talking too fast
Let's tone it down a bit and move on to the next glitch this guy is in a regular battle
But he has two mirrors
Can you just imagine how much power you can have with this like imagine putting a car down and mirroring it?
And then you put another of that same exact car down
I do have one question like whenever you mirik hard the elixir cost goes up by one so if you
Mirror your mirror does the elixir cost go up by two, or does it stay the same as that first mirror?
These are some questions that I'd like to know the answer to
Speaking of questions that we want to know answers to what the hell happened to this guy's bottom-left hour
It's just like ask where there's no debris. There's no remains of any Tower there
It's as if this battle started without a left tower where the hell did it go. Okay, okay?
Let's mix it up a bit and look at something a little bit more exciting right here
We have abandoned approaching the tower
She destroys the tower now if you're looking on the bottom right he loses that tower, but here
I want you to pay close attention to what happens to the bandit, so you can see a wizard is pushing off
There's a hog rider abandoned you tornadoes everything back, but look at the range of this bandit
It literally dashes like halfway across the arena and of course he ends up getting the three crown
But the clip ends like right here, so we don't get to see him get the three crown
But you guys get the gist of things really really far bandit
- don't know how she did that and it is now time for the final glitch of the video
This isn't touchdown in the filming isn't the best but regardless it is still pretty funny
so I want you to pay close attention to the bottom half because a minor is about to get sent in but just look at
The minor so he's walking
But it looks like he's digging a path still so essentially it's like the miners farting or pooping as he's moving
Looks really weird honestly a useless glitch
But I've never seen it before so I'm hoping you guys thought it was funny cool
I don't know, but guys that was the good of the video, so hopefully you found everything interesting. My name is eclipse again
Hopefully you enjoyed and peace out
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Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse 500 E 4MATIC *EX BTW* / 14% BIJT. / PANORAMADAK / LEDER / NAVI / CAMERA / H - Duration: 0:57.
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Getting Over It
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BY Makia Freeman,
20 and Back is the standard phrase use to describe the tour of duty undergone by recruits
into the SSP (Secret Space Program). The term 20 and back refers to the 20 year commitment
that these military men and women make when they sign up to go into space � or the amount
of time they are forced to serve as slaves. Recent whistleblowers to divulge their involvement
in the SSP are Tony Rodrigues (who went public in 2016) and Michael Gerloff (who went public
this year in 2017). Their testimonies are remarkable, and echo the accounts and experiences
of many other whistleblowers who have recalled lost memories and/or gone public with their
story of having been part of the SSP. These include Michael Relfe, Arthur Neumann (aka
Henry Deacon), Andy Basiago, Bernard Mendez, Michael Prince, Max Spiers, Randy Cramer (aka
Captain K or Kaye) and Corey Goode. Their accounts vary in credibility, however the
similarities are striking. Many of these men talk about having set foot on Mars, but only
some (Relfe, Cramer and Goode) specifically refer to the 20 and backmilitary program � as
Rodrigues and Gerloff do.
20 and Back = Time Travel and Age Regression
One of the alleged hallmarks of the 20 and back program is that it involves highly advanced
technology (time travel and age regression) whereby the recruit, at the end of his/her
service, is actually brought back in time to the point at which he/she signed up � plus
they are age regressed to be brought back to their age at that time. This means, in
effect, that they gain a whole extra 20 years� experience in life (although often those memories
are inaccessible and buried deep within their subconscious). In other words, they live that
same age range/period in their lives twice over, in different places doing different
things, and only one of those timelines remains active.
20 and Back: Tony Rodrigues Worked as a Slave on a Cargo Ship in the SSP
Tony Rodrigues was abducted as a young boy and eventually ended up in the 20 and back
program. He claims he was abducted by 5 aliens after teasing another kid in his grade whose
father was high up in the Illuminati. He had Grey ETs in his house. He met a funny Reptilian
who joked around with him and did a Bruce Lee impersonation. He ended up in a situation
where he was used with other children as sex slaves in Seattle at age 13. He underwent
brutal training, including sexual abuse and being forced to attend Satanic ritual and
engage in cannibalism. He or his group tested as �theta� (psychic). Later on at age
16 in 1988, he went to the Moon.
During his time in the SSP, Tony was treated as a slave and had to work incredibly hard.
He and the other recruits were treated with a �carrot and stick� mentality, i.e. either
rewarded or punished. He worked as cargo officer on a ship within the Solar System dropping
off cargo at various bases (including moons of other planets e.g. Enceladus on Saturn).
He reveals how some of the cargo was advanced alien technology (nuclear missiles far more
sophisticated than terrestrial nuclear weapons). He mostly worked on Ceres (the largest asteroid
in Solar System, in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter). There was a large base
concealed in darkness at a location on Ceres where the sun doesn�t shine. Tony recalls
visiting many Earth-like planets during his SSP time.
The fact that he recalls so many details (some minor, some major) from his time working in
the SSP lends credence to his account. For instance, he saw the Nazi eagle a lot on the
uniforms of officials who commanded him (sometimes with a swastika below, sometimes with other
symbols); he saw Ahuna Mons out of his spaceship window; he saw other spaceships in hangars;
he describes a giant train station in Ceres with giant horses (built with scaffolding)
in an underground cavern; the slave workers were constantly spied on, but no one could
see the cameras; despite being a slave, he occasionally got paid small amounts (e.g.
$20) in a currency called �Franks� which looked like an old Germanic currency; there
were facial recognition technological devices for shopping there; there were automatic translators
(English <=> German) so he could converse with some of the (grumpy) middle-aged female
German shopkeepers there; there was artificial telepathy (with a machine, as opposed to natural/organic
telepathy); and he used an incredibly fast train system there for transportation. This
train system used magnetics. You could get anywhere on Ceres within 30 minutes, despite
the fact that it�s 580 miles in diameter.
You can watch some of his interviews here and here.
Above: these documents were released by Gerloff to prove his military service.
20 and Back: Michael Gerloff Watched from a Young Age
Michael Gerloff is a Marine whistleblower who claims he was recruited into the SSP at
age 18 in 1978. He displayed psychic abilities from young age, e.g. at age 3 he had left
his body and had a OBE (Out of Body Experience). Gerloff later found out that his DNA doesn�t
match that of his parents. Gerloff doesn�t have as much memory recall as Rodrigues, but
the way he describes being recruited into (and returned from) the SSP is fascinating.
He claims he was training to be a Marine when, in the middle of a test, he was taken aside
by a captain and invited to be part of the space corps (this is in line with Randy Cramer�s
claims of working for the UMSC s. s. or the United States Marine Corps special section).
Once Gerloff accepted, he was taken to a room with a load of paperwork, and recalls Lockheed
Martin being part of that paperwork. He asked the captain if he could make a call, which
the captain denied, but the captain did say he would send Gerloff�s family a military
telegram (a �Marsgram�) to let them know that Gerloff was safe. Gerloff remembers being
told about the 20 and back program, and being promised that he would be brought back in
time at the completion of his tour of duty.
After the 20 years had passed, he was taken right back to the very moment where he signed
up, into the same room, into the same chair, with the same captain sitting there. He was
very dazed and discombobulated, and he couldn�t quite work out what had happened. He went
to serve in the regular Marine corps for some time. He recalls that there was something
about that Marsgram telegram, and about conflict with North Korea (topical in the news now),
that may have been intended to trigger his memories. He also recalls some interesting
details: after his time in the SSP, when he went to serve in the regular Marines, he sustained
a calf injury and noticed (during Boot Camp) that it began festering as though his body
were rejecting something. He pulled out a small, mucus-like sphere (the size of a BB
gun pellet). He flushed it down the toilet at the time, but now in hindsight thinks it
was a tracking device. He also recalls volunteering for experiments with a new Big Pharma drug
called halcyon in a military program.
In his interviews, Gerloff displays a strong commitment to the truth. He states that �secrecy
has made us less as a nation.� Was he officially sanctioned to come forward at this time with
his disclosure testimony by a USMC Intelligence Group running the Space Marines?
You can find some of his interviews here.
How Credible Are These Whistleblowers?
The big question with these whistleblower testimonies will always be: how credible are
they? In Gerloff�s case, he has some documentation, but it relates to his time in the regular
part of the military, not the space branch. Dr. Michael Salla, a leading expert in the
area of Exopolitics and a man to whom many new whistleblowers turn, states that he vetted
Rodrigues (with the help of 2 of Salla�s colleagues) for over 1 year before publicly
interviewing him. In general, I trust Salla�s judgment, although it should be noted that
another great researcher in the field Bill Ryan (co-founder of Project Camelot and current
moderator of Project Avalon) vehemently speaks out against the credibility of whistleblower
Corey Goode, whom Salla believes and whose information Salla uses. Bill Ryan outlines
his grave concerns about Goode�s truthfulness in several places including this interview
with �Dark Journalist� Daniel Liszt.
In discussing how credible Goode (aka GoodETxSG) is, Salla writes:
�In my own database of whistleblowers, contactees, leaked documents and breaking news on the
secret space program(s), I have found nothing awry in GoodETxSG�s claims. His claim of
separate space programs is consistent with Randy Cramer�s claims that he served with
the Earth Defense Force (a multinational alliance) for 17 years on Mars to defend five civilian
bases belonging to the Mars Colony Corporation. In his alleged 17 years on Mars, Cramer claims
he never once ventured into the Mars Colony Corporation facilities, even for R & R. That
appeared strange to me when I first heard of it. That degree of formal separation between
military and corporate bases on Mars, however, supports GoodETxSG�s claims of separate
space programs. GoodETxSG claims that he served a 20 year
tour of service with the secret space program(s) before being age-regressed back to a time
shortly after his duty began. Essentially this allowed him to live a 20 year time-span
twice. Also, his memories were wiped or �blank-slated� and GoodETxSG, now a civilian, was encouraged
not to rejoin any military service in case that triggered memory recall of his prior
20 year service. This is consistent with the claims of Michael Relfe (The Mars Record)
and Randy Cramer (Earth Defense Force) who say they went through a similar security process.�
Final Thoughts
With any kind of whistleblower testimony, you have to develop your own discernment filter
to attempt to gauge the truthhood of it. The above 2 whistleblowers may be pioneers pointing
the way to a parallel breakaway civilization which is developing and unfolding in staggering
ways, right as we live our normal lives on Earth. Certainly, there are similarities among
what 20 and back whistleblowers Michael Relfe, Randy Cramer, Corey Goode, Tony Rodrigues
and Michael Gerloff are telling us. In Relfe�s case, the information was drawn out over a
long period of time by Stephanie Relfe (later his wife), a professional therapist who conducted
hypnotherapy sessions with him. In so many ways, truth is stranger than fiction.
Do you think the 20 and back program and SSP exist? Let us know in the comments below.
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