Grilled Catfish Curry with Gotu Kola
Grilled catfish 300 g
Coconut cream 1 cup
Yellow curry paste 2 tbsp
Coconut milk 2 cup
Fish sauce 2 ½ tbsp
Salt ¼ tsp
Palm sugar ½ tbsp
Gotu kola 100 g
For more infomation >> Grilled Catfish Curry with Gotu Kola | Thai Food | Gang Ped Pla Duk Yang - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Benefits Of Onion│Health and Sexual Benefits Of Raw Onions│Onion Health Benefits│پیاز کے فائدے - Duration: 10:21.
Benefits Of Onion
Vario Zulu G-Shock Conversion kit - giveaway & review - Duration: 10:22.
Hi and welcome to another Watch Geek video.
As the title screen says, today I will be doing a review and a giveaway of a couple
of Vario Zulu straps and their G-Shock conversion package, so let's dive into it.
Vario is a Singapore based company and they recently approached me asking if I would be
willing to do a review of their Zulu straps and also the full G-Shock NATO or more exactly
ZULU conversion package.
Since I am always open for new things, I agreed and they sent me a G-Shock NATO conversion
kit and 2 additional straps.
Since they told me I don't have to return these and you the viewers are the reason I
got these in the first place, I figured it would only be fair for me to give them away
to you.
The only catch is that the blue one I already decided to give to my work colleague that
I mentioned numerous times in my videos as the guy who went thru 3 sets of G-Shock straps
in 6 years, so one every 2 years.
He was sick of rubber straps failing due to his work and activities, so I mentioned this
option to him and he's had his bond ZULU for 3 years now, without any problems.
Since he has a black and blue GA100, I decided to give him this blue strap with the black
PVD buckle as it would complement his watch and to give him the ability to change them
up from time to time.
So I will be giving away this conversion kit with these 2 straps, the Bond and the grey,
which I believe will also work with G-Shocks very well.
All of these together will go to one viewer.
So how's this going to work?
To participate, you have to be Subscribed to my channel, so if you are not, make sure
you click the subscribe button.
Also pressing the little bell icon next to it will inform you of my new videos every
time I upload, so if you don't want to miss any, make sure you press that as well.
Once you are a subscriber, just add a comment in the comments section that you want to participate
in the Giveaway.
All comments posted by next Monday, December 4th at 23:59:59 will participate.
I will then print all the names that commented and cut them out in little squares.
Then in my next Wednesday video I will place them all in a bowl of some sort and mix them
Then I will randomly pull one out with my eyes closed.
So pretty transparent and truly random.
The person that gets selected will get a LOVED comment status and will be contacted for their
full name and address so I can ship the package.
The reason I want to do it this way is that I believe people will feel more excited this
way and have absolute certainty it is truly random.
Now let's get back to Vario and their straps.
They offer a great selection of 1 and 2 piece Nylon straps, both NATO ones that have rectangular
buckles and keepers and ZULU like these that come with rounded thick buckles.
They also offer TWEED straps which I have to admit look awesome although I haven't
handled one in person.
They even have their own watch, but you can check all that by visiting their website,
and I'll put a link in the description.
The Zulu straps they sent me are of very high quality and are really nicely made, but the
real star of the show is this set.
When you order a set, you get naturally a ZULU strap of your choice, plus, one pair
of NATO adapters, a strap changing tool and a new set of springbars.
It saves you the hassle of buying 3 different things (well 4 if we include the springbars)
at different places.
To watch people, this might seem unnecessary as we usually have a couple of these tools
laying around and count spring bars in dozens, but we often forget not all people, are watch
Many are regular people that just happen to have a watch or a G-Shock but have trouble
with their straps disintegrating, like my friend from the beginning of the video, or
they simply want to change up their strap choices.
For those people this kit is great as it contains everything you need to complete the job, and
I am always a big fan of products where everything is included.
I have to mention that the adapters are actual Casio factory adapters, not some third party
product, so you can count on Casio quality.
There are many clips on the actual installation of these so I will skip that and the adapters
are gonna magically appear on my watch.
The straps are like I said of very high quality and feel like that.
All the holes are very precisely cut and all the edges are smooth.
The whole strap is very supple and soft, especially compared to the only other ZULU strap I own.
And this one actually costed me the almost same as this whole set.
This strap was advertised as high quality and came from the US, but it just doesn't
feel as refined as the Vario ones, making me thing it is just a generic ZULU produced
and shipped to the USA, where it gets repacked and sold as a premium strap, at a premium
If we look at the holes on this, vs. the Vario one, you can see that each hole looks a little
different, while on Vario they all look the same.
That gives you the feeling of quality.
There is one more thing that I like about Vario, it's the fact the buckle is actually
This might seem like a very small detail, but it gives you this feeling like it is not
just another $1 strap being resold at 15 times it's value, like this one does.
So it's a nice touch.
I have to mention briefly the history behind these and the more famous NATO straps.
These single piece straps are actually older than the NATO or G10 strap, as original NATO
straps were first designed and commissioned by the British Ministry of Defense in 1973.
They were, and are, still produced to this day by a UK company called Phoenix.
Single piece straps like these on the other hand have been around since World War I, when
soldiers found pocket watches impractical in combat, so they started welding pieces
of wire to the ends of the watch making loopholes and used a simple piece of leather or cloth
to strap the modded pocket watch to their wrist.
Later, these pieces of cloth were replaced by Ballistic Nylon, that's used even today.
It was invented by Dupont company and used as a protection material against shrapnels,
for Bomber plane crews.
So it's a very tough and durable material, making these straps virtually indestructible.
This toughness and a really interesting history, gives an additional charm to these straps,
which adds to their current popularity.
When it comes to pros and cons of NATO and ZULU straps, The main advantage to most people
today is the fact there are so many colors and styles to choose from, which, combined
with an easy way of switching them out on a watch, gives you a lot of styling options,
and you can basically switch them out every day as you change your wardrobe, because it
doesn't require any tools, and it's done in the time needed to tie your shoe laces.
The second advantage, is the security these straps offer in case one of your springbars
You might say that a chance of that happening is very low to none, and although it's true
this happens rarely, it DOES HAPPEN, I can attest to that, as I had a springbar fail
on my SNK805, that resulted in a broken watch that had to go in for a repair, which I mentioned
in my Long term review of that watch.
Although many believe this additional safety was the original reason these were invented,
I believe that was not the case, as most military watches, even the famous Seiko 7A28 that the
Royal Air Force commissioned during the 1980's, had a fixed bar for the strap, meaning it
was welded to the lugs and not spring loaded, making it impossible to fail.
And the reason these straps were made this way, is that it was simply the only way to
put a strap on a watch with only fixed loopholes.
I personally don't wear NATO or ZULU straps, I do love and use 2-piece NATO straps, or
to be more correct, 2-piece nylon straps, like the one on my SNK805.
And although I know I am losing the additional safety in case my spring bar fails, AGAIN,
the 2 piece strap solves the 3 cons of 1 piece straps.
The first is that they make watches sit high on your wrist making them appear even thicker,
not so much with these ZULU or one piece NATO straps, but with true NATO's, where you
basically get 2 layers of cloth between your wrist and the watch.
The second thing that I dislike is the excess strap that needs to be looped back.
Since I have a relatively small wrist, and these straps tend to be extra-long, I do get
a whole lot of strap to be looped, creating this huge lump on my wrist.
There is a solution to this, as you can simply cut away the excess strap, so that issue is
fixable, with a little effort.
And the final problem is something I never see mentioned, and it's the fact that NATO
straps do tend to leave marks on the caseback of your watch.
To show you what I mean, here is my 1960's DOXA that was worn on a perlon strap like
this one, and it has left marks on the caseback.
Now these are not going to affect the functionality or durability of the watch, as the damage
is purely cosmetical, but it's just something I like to avoid, if possible.
To conclude, nylon straps are great, affordable, durable, and come in many colors and styles.
The only thing you have to decide is whether you are a true NATO person, or more a ZULU
one piece person.
Or, like me, you prefer a 2 piece solution, each one has its own pros and cons, and I
am in no way saying which one to choose, I am simply showing all the good and bad things
of every type to make it easier for you, the user, to decide what's right for you.
For people like my friend from the beginning of the video that destroys regular G-Shock
straps, I definitely recommend investing in this kind of set, as it will help you wear
your watch worry free for years.
This pretty much completes this weeks video, so I would like to thank you for watching,
I hope you enjoyed, if you did, Please like and subscribe by pressing this button right
here, and don't forget to participate in the giveaway game.
Stay tuned for the next video, when we will find out who won the G-Shock conversion set…so
until then, bye!
Grande Fratello VIP: uscite tra fischi e rientri a sorpresa - Duration: 4:07.
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A note to Eric Trump: Many found Disney's 'Pocahontas' offensive, but not for its title - Duration: 2:18.
You are watching the quick news update from top daily breaking news
Since it's released 22 summers ago Disney's animated hit Pocahontas has sparked divisive opinions on
One hand the g-rated film took extreme narrative liberties painting the 17th century
Teenage icons brutal story as romantic
kid-friendly fair on the other hand the studio received praise for finally after six decades of fictional
uniformly pale princesses depicting a real-life woman of color
Yet for all the debate Disney never drew a prominent twist of criticism over using the name of
Pocahontas in its title until now on
Tuesday Eric Trump tweeted an apparent attempt at defending his father's renewed use of Pocahontas as a term of derision when
Criticizing senator Elizabeth Warren de masse and her claims of American Indian heritage
At an event Monday saluting three Navajo code talkers who helped the Marines in the Pacific Theater during World War two?
President Trump said you are here long before any of us were here
Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago
they call her Pocahontas a
Navajo Nation spokesman called such remarks
Inappropriate stating that no member of a tribal nation should be reduced to the punchline of a joke
later Monday
Jonathan Karl of Disney owned ABC News asked White House press secretary
Sarah Huckabee Sanders why did Trump
Feel the need to say something that is offensive to many people while honoring the Navajo code
talkers these genuine American heroes
Sanders replied that
Pocahontas as a slur was not the president's intent and that the real offense was Warren's lying about her
heritage to advance her career on
Tuesday morning Eric Trump tweeted the irony of an ABC
Reporter whose parent company Disney has profited nearly half a billion dollars on the movie, Pocahontas
Inferring that the name is offensive is truly staggering to me
Is all from the NewsCenter, thanks for watching top daily breaking news
GF VIP: Luca Onestini vs Raffaello Tonon al televoto, per la finale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:17.
After a development process with more leaks than the Titanic, the all-new 2018 Jeep Wrangler is finally here, and we can finally spill the beans on the original SUV.
Get a drink, get comfortable, and strap in, because there are a lot of beans to spill.
Let's start with the bones.
It's still a boxed ladder frame, and it still rides on solid axles at both ends, but that frame has been augmented with judicious applications of high-strength steels.
The updates are said to have taken 100 pounds out of the frame alone.
Even still, two-door Wranglers get a 1.4-inch wheelbase stretch, and the four-doors pick up 2.4 inches between the wheels, all of which goes to rear-seat room.Sitting on top of the new frame is a conservatively but artfully updated body with a number of historical callbacks.
We can finally put to rest rumors of an all-aluminum body because that's not the case.
Jeep studied it and decided that using aluminum for the hood, doors, and windshield frame and magnesium for the tailgate was the right approach while making the main body shell out of high-strength steel.
The fenders, such as they are, are plastic, so you won't feel bad about bashing them on rocks.
In total, the new Wrangler is as much as 200 pounds lighter than the old model.
Up top, the "sports bars," as Jeep calls them (you and I would call them roll bars), are completely redesigned.
Rather than a collection of tubes, they're now one piece of hydroformed ultra-high-strength steel and painted the body color for the first time.
Don't worry, though.
They're still bolted to the frame rather than welded if you want to take them off and install a custom cage.
Moving to the muscles, the standard engine is the 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6 you know but also with internal updates meant to improve fuel economy, which is up 1–2 mpg city, 2–3 mpg highway, and 2 mpg combined on the four-door Unlimited model, depending on transmission.
The automatic option is Fiat Chrysler's eight-speed, and the manual is a new Aisin six-speed with reverse relocated next to first for quick shifts when rocking the vehicle.
Peak power and torque are unchanged at 285 hp and 260 lb-ft, but Jeep says low-end torque has improved.Your first available option, coming shortly after the V-6 launches, is an all-new 20-liter turbocharged four-cylinder.
It makes 270 hp and 295 lb-ft and, we expect, significantly better fuel economy, thanks in part to a belt alternator starter system.
Jeep won't say it, but it's a variant of the new Alfa Romeo engine using dual overhead cams rather than the MultiAir valve system.
Unfortunately, you can only get it with the automatic.
Your other option, currently scheduled for the 2019 model year once the last legal hurdles are cleared, is the 30-liter EcoDiesel V-6.
That engine makes an improved 240 hp and, more importantly, 442 lb-ft.
It also makes Jeep guys and girls weak in the knees, but there's no standard rating system for that.
They'll be less pleased to hear it'll only be available with the automatic and only in four-door Unlimiteds.
All three engines get automatic stop/start.
Making Jeepers swoon was mission one back in Michigan and Ohio.
Soliciting input early on from hardcore fans and off-road journalists, Jeep's made a wish list of changes to the Wrangler.
Everything from taking the Jeep badge off the grille and putting it back behind the front wheels where it belongs to vastly simplifying the folding windshield—now just the windshield wipers, four bolts, and a latch behind the sunvisors all easily removed with the supplied toolkit (which also comes with a tie-down strap).
Also in the kit: the Torx T-50 bit you need to pull the doors off ("T-50" is also stamped on the door hinges in case you need to buy another).
The tools will also help you completely remove the hard top or folding soft top, but the power rollback top doesn't come off.
Regardless of roof choice, there are now drip rails where you can mount a cargo rack (which Mopar will sell you for $295), and they can support 100 pounds.
GF Vip, Lagerback: 'Ecco perchè ho detto sì a Daniele' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.
How to measure vast distances in space [in hindi]/ Light year/Astronomical Unit - Duration: 6:13.
If you like the video please like , comment and subscribe
Moins DEPENSER : 7 pistes redoutables - Duration: 6:04.
SC Tampa Am 2017
And just like that, We met Mr. Gutaeng. [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.12] - Duration: 15:53.
(We didn't)
(know him quite well yet.)
Let's eat.
(A feast)
I love every item of food over there.
Now I'm going crazy.
Flip the meat.
- Give me a strip of kimchi. / - Flip the meat.
- Who cares? / - The aged kimchi...
- Joohyuck. / - Aged kimchi?
- Let's not beg. / - Why not?
- We're on TV. / - So?
Just think about it.
You need to be strong.
Why should we share anyway?
Let's keep our integrity intact.
(Taehyun notices something.)
Don't you find it weird
that there's a karaoke machine here?
I know, right?
(Oh, that?)
- Does that work? / - What?
It appears to be.
I'll check it out.
You said you won't beg.
- I'm just bored. / - Of course.
- We're bored too. / - We have plenty anyway.
- A feast needs music. / - Exactly.
Of course.
Junho, who do you want to hear from the most?
- How about Joohyuck? / - Of course.
Yes, Joohyuck.
- What? / - You should sing for us.
I'd like to hear you sing.
There are two things I hate the most.
What are they?
Singing in public
and going in a cold bath.
I've been in one, though.
You'll now sing in public as well.
(Are you saying you won't do it?)
All right.
(As if!)
(No way!)
(I'll liven up the mood.)
Enjoy your meal.
(He's in charge of the party.)
(Thumbs up!)
(He rarely sings this in karaoke.)
(We're hearing him sing his favorite song.)
(Have you lowered your inhibitions now?)
(He even breaks out some old moves.)
Like that.
(We didn't know you were this adorable.)
(Thank you very much.)
Thank you.
- That was great. / - Yes, it was.
Did you see that?
Do you think this will affect my acting career?
- No, it won't. / - Not at all.
It won't hurt you at all.
People wouldn't care.
(Could I have something in return, then?)
Hi, it's the youngest.
- There you go. / - Thank you.
He has been in the light before,
which is why he could sing that song well.
- My gosh. / - We'll let you join us
if you sing some more.
Look at that.
- We should sing together. / - Gosh.
Didn't you say you hated singing in public?
(This was something you hated.)
(Slowly, they opened up to each other.)
(South Jeolla Province, octopus skewer)
Let's play a game of "One Bite".
- I'm in. / - Winner wins the chance.
- This... / - I have to win this.
- Of course. / - I need to eat this.
So what game should we play?
- I have an idea. / - We'll lie facing down
and crawl with our hands behind our backs.
(Crawl with our hands behind?)
- What? / - Are you good at that?
- What? / - Forward or backward?
- Forward. / - Forward or backward?
- Forward. / - The room's too small.
(While everyone finds it impossible...)
(Even the staff is unsure.)
(Joohyuck won't give up.)
(I've never come up with a game before.)
Like this.
This is what I meant.
(How pathetic.)
That's quite tricky. It's hard to move forward.
(Frosty responses)
(What's up with him?)
(I should've come prepared instead.)
What if we used our feet?
- To kick forward? / - Yes, to kick.
- We'll fly forward. / - From over there.
- Here. / - We'll see who goes far.
(What will they think this time?)
- Okay. / - Good.
Let's do this.
- That's better. / - It doesn't sound bad.
(He's never been so proud before.)
Let's see who goes first.
The winner decides. Rock-paper-scissors.
(They finally decided on an order.)
- I'm going first. / - He's first.
("Octopus Catapult" by Kim Joohyuck)
Push with your legs.
- Not the hands. / - No.
- That's it. / - Exactly.
Let's go.
- All right. / - Let's do this.
Octopus, octopus. I have to eat.
I only need one big push.
(He's the inventor of this game.)
- Wait. / - Gosh.
(After collecting his thoughts,)
(the octopus finally flies.)
Okay, stop right there.
- Here. / - Write down his record.
Right at his head.
- He went quite far. / - That's perfect.
Look how far he went.
- Good. / - All right.
Get me some tape.
- All right. / - Make sure you're right.
You actually look like a mantis.
(He resembles a certain insect.)
Doesn't he look like an origami frog?
You're right.
(Laugh while you can.)
- Exactly. / - See what I mean?
- I'm ready. / - He's tall so...
(He easily beats Joohyuck's score.)
- No way. / - Joohyuck's out.
(His excitement lasted a minute and 30 seconds.)
The winner is Jung Joonyoung.
(Jung Joonyoung, the luckiest man on earth)
Why does he always win?
(He wins a whole skewer of octopus.)
- Here. / - It's roasted well.
(He tastes the octopus.)
My gosh.
(I'd give anything to be Jung Joonyoung.)
Look at him.
- Has he no compassion? / - Unbelievable.
Look at him eat.
I know.
Let's throw this away.
- Really? / - Yes.
Throw it away.
Throw it away.
No way.
- I can't believe you all. / - It's delicious.
It's really good.
(He was humbler than we thought.)
(No, he was even better than that.)
(He was like the funny friend next door.)
That hurts!
(He got cramps too.)
- Are you all right? / - Hey!
(He is ruined.)
Shake it.
Go on, shake it!
- Spread out your leg. / - He has a cramp.
(The cramps cramped his style.)
You're okay.
(Then one day...)
This'll be your last test.
I'll give you the first half of an idiom.
- No way. / - You'll say the rest.
- Oh no. / - I can't do this.
The game's over with one wrong answer.
- Start with Joonyoung. / - Here we go.
You can do this.
And go.
(Joonyoung, the ace, kicks things off.)
"Childhood". One, two, three.
- "Childhood..." / - "Friend!"
There might be a hill by that name.
(I remember now!)
(There might be a hill by that name.)
You never know.
In your dreams.
You never know.
- Anyway... / - Childhood Hill.
(We stood no chance.)
(They pretend it never happened.)
Your wisdom will be tested through idioms.
- Okay. / - Here we go.
We'll start with Joonyoung.
- Bring it on. / - Okay, let's go.
- "Childhood." / - "Friend."
- Okay! / - Is this for real?
"A three-day". One, two, three.
- "Resolution." / - "Kill the dog." One, two, three.
(Kill the dog after hunting is over.)
"After the corner."
"After the corner."
- Are you kidding me? / - "After hunting is over"!
- Joohyuck. / - He's unbelievable.
- Really? / - I'm disappointed in you.
- Are you for real? / - What a disgrace.
You brought this on yourself.
- How could you say the wrong answer? / - Unbelievable.
I had no idea. My mind drew a blank.
- Gosh. / - You're not like us.
You're supposed to be the smart one.
Let's not do quizzes. It's embarrassing.
You'll hurt your image by getting it wrong.
- He's Mr. Gutaeng now. / - Gosh.
- Mr. Gutaeng. / - Mr. Gutaeng.
From time to time,
I wonder why I joined this show.
(To you who's left with only scars)
(Special guest, Joohyuck confesses.)
From time to time,
I wonder why I joined this show.
That thought just pops in my head.
I don't know what I should do.
I'll tell you. Go and sit in the corner.
(Sit in the corner.)
The corner?
He gets a new nickname every week.
(He's greedy when it comes to nicknames.)
(And just like that, we met Mr. Gutaeng.)
- Hello. Hi. / - Not so close, please.
(Trotting behind)
- Goodness. / - Hello.
- The birthday party. / - Let's do it now.
Whose birthday is it?
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
There you go.
(A moving party!)
Can I cuss on camera? Can I?
Has anyone vomited on camera?
I'm sorry to say this on TV,
but smokes after meals are the bomb.
(He entertained us more and more.)
Next, you'll be breaking the ice.
The ice?
- We need hammers. / - Is there a saw?
Do whatever you can to break the ice
and free the three packets of instant rice.
- Right away? / - And go!
(Everyone starts running.)
All right.
(Joohyuck comes to a halt.)
- Two of us... / - Move. Move over.
(He tells Junho to step aside.)
This is it!
- Move over. / - He's doing it.
Move over!
(Only 12 seconds in)
Did you see that?
- It's over. / - We did it.
Over there. You target that side.
(Next in line is...)
All right.
- Defconn. / - That's it.
It's fine.
- All right. / - We're good.
- That's it. / - Get them out.
- They're out. / - All right.
That's it. That's good.
- We're done. / - The end.
(Who knew it'd be this easy?)
Yes! We did it.
(Who knew it'd be this easy?)
We dug out all three of them.
(I'm sorry, but we're wiser now.)
- See? / - Take that.
It's over.
(We forgot...)
Some people just don't learn.
- Gosh. / - He won't learn.
I don't know about everybody else,
but Joohyuck has come a long way.
He was a real macho man.
- I wanted to do it. / - You are our hero.
Being flustered, I came back with a shovel.
But then, a man with a rock told me to move over,
so I did.
The rock flew, the ice broke
and the rice came out.
He is our hero.
(The story of Joohyuck's growth)
(It would've been impossible by himself.)
- 1G. / - 2G.
- We are 3G. / - We are 3G.
(His colleagues changed him for the better.)
Are the members different?
That's right.
It's a brand new team.
The first team was the funniest, though.
Yes, when it was led by Kang Hodong.
The show was very popular then.
We're not doing too bad, though.
(No, please don't say that.)
The new team, I mean.
From what I can tell,
- that's not the case. / - It is.
People adore us too.
I don't watch it much these days.
We'll do better, then.
We'll do better so that you'll watch often again.
(More and more people climb on the bus.)
(Joohyuck discovers something important.)
The camera is visible,
and I'm sitting at the front
while people get on the bus.
No one seems to recognize me.
- I know. / - They don't.
They just walk right past you.
Did you see that?
Excuse me. Aren't you Kim Joohyuck?
- It's him. / - From Two Days and One Night.
(The gratifying few)
I'm here to film an episode.
(He even shakes their hands.)
- We're headed to the market. / - Where?
- My gosh. Hello. / - Hello.
May I shake your hand? It's nice to meet you.
You look better in person.
Don't I? It's really a shame.
Joohyuck, could you say hello back here?
(Is this "Meet the Celebrity"?)
Nice to meet you.
Hold on. Let me wipe off my tears.
My goodness.
I'm so touched.
(He even poses for them.)
(He's their superstar.)
- Thank you and bye. / - Bye.
- Let me shake your hand. / - Bye.
- Can we shake hands? / - Thank you.
- Take care. / - You, too.
(That wasn't bad.)
(Yes, it's me.)
(The ladies love him.)
(An A-list celebrity)
Could you join us for a moment?
- Hello. / - Yes, hello.
I'll do my best. I'm Kim Joohyuck.
(Is this a presidential election?)
I'm here for you.
- Hello. / - Wait a minute.
- Here, here. / - It's so cold out here.
It's me, Jongmin.
It's so cold.
Whatever. I'm 43 years old!
Please think kindly of me.
(His servile attitude captivates them.)
- I can't believe him. / - Please, everyone.
That's so pathetic.
A year ago, no one stood behind Joohyuck.
Will the outcome be different today?
You'll turn around in one, two, three.
- Please! / - Please!
(It's a party!)
(People started to realize just how amazing he is.)
Thank you. Thank you so much.
First day of season3, Their first encounter. Kim JooHyuck [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.12] - Duration: 5:08.
(November 22nd, 2013, First day of Season 3)
We're here.
(They secretly enter the new member's house.)
(Their first encounter)
(My gosh!)
(Kim Joohyuck)
(Water is sprayed.)
- What... / - Joohyuck.
- What is this? / - Hi.
You should've immediately sprayed the water.
Was this necessary?
I mean...
I wanted to make a good first impression.
- What's going on? / - Hurry up.
Junho, quickly.
- It's Kim Joohyuck. / - I'm Kim Joohyuck.
Here, have a drink.
- What's this? / - It's really nothing.
(What on earth is this?)
(This is hilarious.)
I smell a man living alone.
(They tip-toe so they wouldn't wake him up.)
Hi, I'm sorry to do this when we just met.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. / - Look at him.
Are you kidding me?
Hang on. Who are you?
Nice to meet you.
He's Joohyuck. Kim Joohyuck.
Yes, hello.
(His boxers are just as polite.)
- He's awake now. / - Hi.
(Hi, little brother.)
(We're here for you.)
(Joohyuck holds him by the back of his neck.)
More, more!
- More. / - Get at him!
- There are students. / - Let's head over to them.
- Yes, let's. / - We'll ask them.
Kids love me.
- Not many kids know me. / - Of course they do.
Hi, guys.
- Gather over here. / - Hi!
- That's right. / - They're all excited.
You'll be participating in a life-changing vote.
Anyway, let's do a dry-run.
Don't turn around until we tell you to.
Just stand behind
the person you like the most.
- In one, two, three, go. / - Go!
No way.
One needs to step up his game.
There's one that really should.
My goodness.
Two will be eliminated from this round.
(Voting complete)
I just hope that you won't
take this too personally.
- All right? / - Of course.
Why is it so quiet?
Especially you, Joonyoung.
- Joonyoung... / - It's so quiet.
- Don't be too upset. / - Did you set me up?
Junho, I bet you're not expecting many.
Kids from 4 to 19 years old tend to adore me.
- Really? / - A lot are behind me.
Is that what you think?
You know how popular Junho is these days.
I feel somewhat lonely right now.
- Really? / - Don't worry.
You're actor Kim Joohyuck.
- I feel lonely. / - You're one of the best.
- I can feel the cold air. / - Once you turn around,
you'll know you have to do better.
(No one's behind him.)
In one, two, three.
(Tell me that)
(this is a joke.)
- Yes! / - I knew it.
Look how many stood behind me.
- There's no one here. / - No way.
- This is great. / - Hi, guys.
I'm going to do my best on this show.
I'll pour my heart into it.
- Thank you, guys. / - Are you upset?
- Thank you. / - I'm nothing but upset.
The man whom no one stood behind
is movie star Kim Joohyuck.
- I'll have to do better. / - He's very famous.
Stop it!
Stop it already.
- I'm so lonely. / - Gosh.
I'm nothing but lonely.
You even look lonely from behind.
Instead of forcing this, I need to be myself.
It's my first day.
As we grow closer,
we'll become a family.
(It's just the beginning.)
That's how we'll be.
(It's just the beginning.)
Har mushkil se nijat ka wazifa | Bari se bari Mushkil ka hal | Har Pareshani Se Nijat Ka Wazifa - Duration: 3:07.
Har mushkil se nijat ka wazifa | Bari se bari Mushkil ka hal | Har Pareshani Se Nijat Ka Wazifa
Spy agency says N. Korea could conduct another nuke test - Duration: 0:41.
South Korea's intelligence agency says North Korea's latest missile is the most advanced
ICBM that it has tested so far.
At a parliamentary briefing on Wednesday,... the National Intelligence Service said that
it was a foreseen provocation,... of what it called an "upgraded" ICBM,... that's faster
and can fly a longer distance than the Hwasong-14.
It added that the launch was likely a show that it can hit the U.S.,... and a show of
opposition to China's sanctions on the regime,... as well as to solidify internal unity.
The NIS added that it cannot rule out the possibility of another nuclear test either.
రావి ఆకుతో ఈ తంత్రం చేస్తే పిల్లలు చదువులో ముందుంటారు | Study Tips In Telugu | Study Tips | Exams - Duration: 4:58.
Bali airport closure likely to continue as volcano rumbles - Duration: 0:49.
Flights from Bali's main airport have been suspended for a second day as Mount Agung
continues to spew ash thousands of meters into the atmosphere.
Nearly 60-thousand travelers have been stranded at Denpasar International Airport since Monday.
Authorities plan to keep flights suspended until at least Wednesday, and possibly even
longer as the volcano is showing signs of moving toward a full-scale eruption.
Korea's foreign ministry said Monday that it is drawing up measures to ensure the safety
of its nationals on Bali,... and is providing alternative transportation,
including ferries and buses, to help 200 Korean tourists make the 12 to 13 hour journey from
Bali to Juanda Airport on Indonesia's Java Island.
North Korea announces new Hwasong-15 missile was successfully tested - Duration: 1:37.
North Korea has issued a statement confirming that they did launch a ballistic missile.
But the fact that it was a new missile, a Hwasong-15, surprised many.
On the line we have Kwon Jang-ho, at the Unification Ministry with more details.
Jang-ho, can you brief us on what was said in the announcement?
Good afternoon Daeun.
At 12-thirty PM, South Korea time, the North Korean regime's state media broadcaster aired
a special announcement.
It declared that a brand new weapon had been successfully launched early Wednesday morning,
the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile.
The missile was said to be designed to reach the mainland United States and is more advanced
than the previous Hwasong-14 ICBM that was tested in July.
The broadcast said the missile followed its projected path for 53 minutes, flying a distance
of 950 kilometers, with a height of 4-thousand-475 kilometers.
North Korean state media also gave assurances that the missile had posed no risk to any
neighbouring countries.
The regime also said it this rocket showed that it was nearing the end of its nuclear
weapons development program.
Leader Kim Jong-un was said to have been pleased at the result, and declared it a victory for
the North Korean people, despite difficulties from the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and
its followers.
The statement concludes by saying North Korea is a responsible nuclear power that loves
peace, and will not endanger anyone, unless its rights are threatened.
So far no footage or photos have been released, but going from previous instances, they are
expected to come within the next 24 hours.
Back to you Daeun.
కీళ్ళ మోకాళ్ళు నొప్పులు తగ్గాలంటే ప్రాచీన తంత్రం | Mokkalla Noppulu | Joint Pain Home Remedies - Duration: 2:08.
Hawaii reactivates nuclear attack warning sirens for first time in 30 years - Duration: 1:52.
In light of Pyongyang's growing nuclear and ballistic missile threat,... emergency planners
in Hawaii,... the closest U.S. state to North Korea,... are reactivating a decades-old nuclear
warning siren.
The system,... which was designed to alert residents of a Soviet nuclear attack during
the Cold War,... is being reinstated for the first time since the 1980s.
Yu Joonhee reports.
Hawaii is one of the world's top holiday destinations,... renowned for its luxury resorts and its beautiful
and serene natural landscape.
But the calm was disturbed last Friday,... as the state's emergency authorities sounded
off a nuclear attack warning siren... for the first time in nearly 30 years.
It was part of a test... that will be repeated every month from now on... alongside a public
service announcement... urging people to stay indoors and take shelter.
(English) "The basic guidance, if you hear this, stay
inside and stay tuned.
It sounds simple but when you have such a short time, about 12 minutes after we get
the notification,... 12 or 13 minutes, that is about all you can do."
Although North Korea was not mentioned specifically,... a spokeperson for Hawaii's Emergency Management
Agency said... the system was being reactivated in light of Pyongyang's recent missile tests.
Another agency spokesperson said...
18-thousand people would be killed outright and tens of thousands more would be injured,...
in the event of a 150-kiloton warhead being detonated on Oahu, the most populated island
in Hawaii.
Early analysis from North Korea's ICBM test on Wednesday,... estimates its range at over
10-thousand kilometers,... putting Hawaii well within its crosshairs.
On December 1st, the sirens will sound all across the islands once again,... to a mix
of worries and reassurances for the residents.
Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.
Strong gust winds to bring chillier air _ 112917 - Duration: 2:11.
Good afternoon.
It will get colder as the day goes on along with strong gusts, Seoul and Daejeon will
have single digit afternoon highs at 5 and 8 degrees Celsius.
A thick layer of smog will get eased with strong winds.
But sadly we'll have frequent days with toxic smog during cold season.
Wearing yellow-dust mask is a must while having some of household plants that help to purify
indoor air will also be a great idea to breath in a better air such as English Ivy, Peace
As for the weather outlook, expect to see freezing morning lows again... starting tomorrow
the lows will plummet to near negative 5 get ready to bundle up
With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.
While many regions in South Korea will have high levels of fine dust under mostly sunny
skies, most of North Korea will have freezing afternoon highs to lower single digits.
As for major cities in Asia,..thick, choking, toxic smog continues to envelop large parts
of China and Beijing will have cold afternoon highs at 1 degree.
Meanwhile, those in Melbourne will have hotter weather on Wednesday under plenty of sunshine
so apply a good amount of sunblock and drink plenty of water.
Heading to North America, those in Mexico City will be on a temperature roller-coaster
from single digit morning lows to highs in the twenties for a while.
As for South America, major cities on the continent will be under mostly sunny skies.
Taking you to Europe,... rain, cloudy skies to sunshine are on tap depending on the region.
Lastly to Africa, strong gusty winds in Cape Town will worsen on Wednesday afternoon.
That's all the weather update for now.
N. Korea breaks 75-day lull in provocations... a look at this year's test patterns so far - Duration: 1:50.
North Korea's missile test comes after a more than two month break in provocations.
Let's now take some time to look back on Pyongyang's test patterns so far this year, and the possible
reasons behind this morning's launch.
Arirang's Lee Jeong-yeon has this report.
North Korea has broken its 10-week lull in missile test launches... by firing what appears
to be its longest-range intercontinental ballistic missile to date.
The latest test, which took place this Wednesday, is the 17th missile launch by the regime this
And it's the 11th missile test by the North during the Moon Jae-in administration, starting
with the Hwasong-12 that Pyongyang launched just days after the South Korean president
took office.
The pattern of tests conducted by the regime this year indicated there were between one
and four nuclear or missile tests every month,... so the two-month lull in tests had raised
hopes, now proven false, that the regime may be ready for diplomatic dialogue.
The latest launch which broke this silence, raised speculation as to whether it can be
taken as a sign of direct provocation against the U.S. ... as it comes on the heels of U.S.
President Donald Trump's announcement on November 20th that the U.S. is designating North Korea
as a state sponsor of terrorism.
However, Cho Sung-ryul, Senior Researcher at the Institute for National Security Strategy
says that based on the altitude and range of the latest missile test, it is most likely
to have been planned in advance, rather than instigated by certain events.
He also added that the two-month lull in provocations was most likely for preparation and technical
fine-tuning to accomplish the North's year-end goal of perfecting its nuclear and missile
technology, instead of a sign of change,... as the international community had hoped.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
International response to North Korea's latest missile launch - Duration: 2:11.
So as we've briefly mentioned... the United States has condemned North Korea's missile
launch, but President Trump's response has been noted for its restrained tone.
Japan also promised more pressure on the regime, but so far... crickets out of Beijing and
Kim Hyun-bin has more on the global reaction.
"Fire and Fury", "totally destroy" - that's the kind of rhetoric President Trump used
when previously talking about North Korea.
But the U.S. President's response to the regime's latest provocation was notable for its brevity
and muted tone.
(English) Reuters 2192 "A missile was launched a little while ago
from North Korea.
I will only tell you that we will take care of it.
We have General Mattis in the room with us and we've had a long discussion on it.
It is a situation that we will handle."
President Trump added that nothing had changed in Washington's approach to North Korea and
that they were taking it very seriously... before leaving the room.
Later, U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, issued a separate* statement condemning the
But he also added that "diplomatic options remain viable and open, for now" and that
"the U.S. remains committed to finding a peaceful path to denuclearization."
In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe convened a national security council meeting, before
speaking to the press to issue Tokyo's condemnation of the launch.
He called it a "violent act" that can "never be tolerated."
(Japanese) - Reuters 2237 "Japan will not back down in the face of provocation
but will maximize pressure on North Korea.
We will continue to protect the lives and livelihoods of the people of Japan under the
strong Japan-U.S. alliance."
The U.S. and Japan have also called on the UN Security Council to convene an emergency
meeting, which is expected to take place on Wednesday.
There is so far no word from China and Russia, the two nations closest to North Korea.
Senior diplomats from both countries had suggested that the recent lull in provocations was a
sign the regime was ready to suspend its nuclear and missile activities and reopen six-party
It looks like those sentiments will now have to be reevaluated.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
Blue House welcomes Sri Lankan President, holds summit - Duration: 2:28.
Amid North Korea's latest missile provocation, President Moon Jae-in greeted the Sri Lankan
President with the utmost respect and honor at the Blue House this morning.
Our Blue House correspondent Hwang Hojun, with this report.
A guard of honor and a military band made up of around 300 soldiers from South Korean
forces, a group of school children, and President Moon Jae-in himself greeted Sri Lankan President
Maithripala Sirisena,... the third state guest for Korea to receive this year.
Presidents Moon and Sirisena inspected the honor guards together and exchanged greetings
with the invited dignitaries from both countries before entering the Blue House,.. where a
small-scale summit took place.
The two leaders shared their thoughts on each other's governmental philosophy with
President Moon commending President Sirisena's pursuit to end authoritarianism, to bring
about democracy, and to unify his people after the civil war.
Noting the two share similar values of putting people first, pursuing democracy and human
rights, and rooting out corruption, President Moon proposed that Seoul and Colombo closely
cooperate in the future.
President Sirisena in return gave his best wishes for the upcoming PyeongChang Winter
And regarding North Korea's missile launch on Wednesday morning, the Sri Lankan President
expressed his strong support for South Korea.
During the expanded summit meeting, which followed shortly after, Presidents Moon and
Sirisena evaluated their countries' 40-year-long bilateral relations and pledged to expand
cooperation in various areas.
The bolstered partnership will include economic cooperation that will allow South Korean companies
to take part in Sri Lanka's infrastructure development projects.
To aid Sri Lanka's sustainable economic growth, President Moon even pledged to increase Seoul's
financial support to Sri Lanka for three years,.... to 500 million U.S. dollars from its current
300 million via the Economic Development Cooperation Fund by 2019.
Also, both leaders agreed to increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.
Such efforts to expand bilateral cooperation were reflected in the inking of key agreements
and MOUs.
In the evening, a state dinner in honor of the visiting President will be hosted by President
The Blue House emphasized President Sirisena's visit to Korea will establish the foundation
for the Korean government's 'New Southern Policy,' which will broaden Seoul's diplomatic
horizon beyond Northeast Asia to Southwest Asia.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
N. Korea fires ICBM, reaches highest altitude yet - Duration: 3:17.
North Korea has fired another missile,... which is being assessed as an intercontinental
ballistic missile by the U.S. and the South Korean military.
The missile reached an altitude of four-and-a-half-thousand kilometers... before coming down in Japan's
exclusive economic zone,... in the waters west of Japan.
What's alarming is that this latest missile flew the longest distance ever, hitting the
highest altitude so far... now believed to be be able to reach just about anywhere in
the U.S.
Our Oh Jung-hee now joins us from the Ministry of National Defense in Seoul.
Jung-hee, give us the analysis.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff have confirmed that North Korea fired a long-range ballistic
missile this morning at around 3:17 from Pyongsong ... a city located 30 kilometers north of
The missile flew 960-kilometers eastward for about 50 minutes and landed in the waters
west of Japan.
It reached an altitude of 45-hundred kilometers -- higher than any of the previously launched
North Korean missiles.
The North announced roughly an hour and a half ago... that the missile it fired today
is a newly developed Hwasong-15 class ICBM.
Earlier in the day, the JCS had presumed... that the missile is a Hwasong-14 class intercontinental
ballistic missile.
The North fired Hwasong-14 missiles twice in July... the first one reaching an altitude
of 28-hundred kilometers... and the second one topping out at 37-hundred kilometers.
Experts say... the frequent launches are to enhance missile re-entry technology,... a
crucial technology for developing an ICBM.
The missile was fired at a lofted angle... and experts say it would have a range of over
13-thousand kilometers,... meaning it could technically reach anywhere in the United States,
including Washington DC and New York.
The JCS says the recent launch could be seen as a protest against the recent economic sanctions
on the regime... as well as Washington reinstating it as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Many experts also add... the regime may seek to develop ICBMs that could reach the continental
U.S.,... to have them as a bargaining chip when negotiating with the U.S.
Jung-hee,... walk us through the South Korean military's response...
The Joint Chiefs of Staff say...
South Korean and U.S. military detected the missile at about 3:18 this morning... a minute
after it was fired.
South Korean forces launched precision strike missiles near the Northern Limit Line in the
East Sea... just six minutes after the North Korean launch was detected.
The JCS says it involved the Army's missile unit, the Navy's Aegis destroyer and the Air
Force's KF-16 fighter jet... each firing at a simulated target... the distance of which
is based on the distance to the location where the North launched its missile.
(Korean) "The South Korean military is keeping close
tabs on North Korea's military activities,... our military could destroy the origin of the
provocation and nuclear facilities with precision on any given day from the ground, sea or air."
That's all I have for now, but will be back with more updates for our newscast.
Moon, Trump strongly condemn N. Korea's latest missile test; Moon warns N. Korea "Behave, or else" - Duration: 5:05.
South Korea's presidential office convened an emergency meeting of the National Security
Council within hours of the missile launch... and President Moon and U.S. President Trump
held a conference call to discuss North Korea's latest provocation.
Our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung joins us live.
Connyoung, give us the details.
A serious threat to world peace.
South Korea will NOT sit back and watch such provocations by North Korea.
That's essentially the message South Korea President Moon Jae-in delivered during an
early morning emergency meeting of the National Security Council today... held just hours
after Pyongyang launched what appears to be an intercontinential ballistic missile.
Take a listen to the president.
(Korean) "South Korea and the U.S. along with the international
community cannot but continue strong sanctions and pressure until North Korea abandons its
nuclear and missile program."
The missile test by North Korea early this morning is the first of its kind in 75 days
and the 11th since Mr. Moon came into office here in South Korea.
What was different this time around from previous missile tests by North Korea is that South
Korea, and the U.S. and Japan, for that matter, weren't caught off guard.
They had detected signs of imminent launch and were prepared to deal with such provocation
some time today.
In fact, according to multiple sources here in the Blue House, President Moon during late
afternoon tea break with his chief aides yesterday asked for ways to give the South Korean public
a heads-up so as to reduce the level of alarm should there be a launch of this sort today...
and the measure taken was an announcement by Seoul's defense ministry yesterday of having
detected signs of imminent missile launch in North Korea... which we reported.
We're also learning that President Moon had also delegated full authority to stage a precision
missile exercise that we saw within seconds of the North's missile test this morning...
already on Monday, Daeun.
Connyoung, what happens now...?
Is President Moon looking to other options... perhaps one that's not so diplomatic, should
we say?
Absolutely not... not at this point, at least.
But I want you to take a listen to these remarks by Mr. Moon earlier today.
(Korean) "South Korea will further strengthen our capabilities
to immediately retaliate in case of armed provocation and protect our nation from North
Korea's nuclear missile threats based on absolute dominance of power."
, .
So, yes.
Any kind of armed provocation from the North will be met with even stronger retaliation
from South Korea... and that as President Moon has urged time and time again... based
on his military's absolute dominance of power, military might and strength over the North
Korean regime.
But, President Moon also made clear that North Korea should in no way make an unwise decision
of provoking such military conflict and that Seoul and Washington will manage the situation
carefully so that there is no pre-emptive strike by Washington on the Korean peninsula.
And, perhaps as part of efforts to do just that... shortly after the national security
council meeting, President Moon held a crisis call with U.S. President Donald Trump to discuss
the latest Kim Jong-un's latest missile provocation.
Together, they strongly condemned the rogue regime underscoring the grave threat that
it poses to the entire world.
What's noteworthy, Daeun, is that the two leaders agreed to hold additional talks to
discuss ways to deal with North Korea's provocation after a thorough review of its latest missile
and assessment of the level of its technological advancement.
Could that mean a change of course in the way South Korea and the U.S. deal with North
Korea... depending on the level of its missile sophistication?
That's something we'll be on the lookout for in the next couple of day, Daeun.
Korean government announces new housing policy - Duration: 0:48.
The Moon Jae-in government unveiled its five-year "housing welfare roadmap" on Wednesday.
The Transport Minister Kim Hyun-mee said in a briefing that the plan will supply one million
public houses to young people, newlyweds, the elderly and low-income working families
by 2022.
300-thousand rental homes will be set aside for those under the age of 39 who are not
homeowners, and loan programs for them will be expanded.
The number of newlyweds eligible for housing support will be increased, and around 70-thousand
homes will be available at about 80 percent of the market price.
The government will also allow elderly people without a stable income to sell their homes
and receive the money in the form of a pension while living in public rental accommodation.
Nonstop 2018 Despacito V2 ARS Burn It Down V2 ARS QUĂNG TAO CÁI BOONG ARS Prayer In C BeNReBEe - Duration: 12:55.
Best Nonstop Remix 2018
Best Nonstop Remix 2018
Best Nonstop Remix 2018
Best Nonstop Remix 2018
Best Nonstop Remix 2018
Best Nonstop Remix 2018
Best Nonstop Remix 2018
Watch: John Park Urges You To "Smile" In MV For Heartwarming Track - Duration: 1:38.
Watch: John Park Urges You To "Smile" In MV For Heartwarming Track
John Park has returned with new music!.
Five months after the release of his single DND (Do Not Disturb) in June, the solo artist released his new single titled Smile.
Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.
300x250. ATF.
The track was written by John Park to spread warmth and comfort through the cold winter.
The lyrics, written by NY Mulgoki, assure that no matter how difficult life is, times to smile are bound to come.
The music video features model So Joo Yeon and John Park himself.
Check it out below:.
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