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For more infomation >> Pop Latino 2018 Megamix HD - Romeo Santos, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Nicky Jam, Ozuna - LATIN MIX 2018 - Duration: 1:09:28.-------------------------------------------
Brenda: Raving Fans Expert - Duration: 1:44.
Alright guys G&N is really big into creating raving fans. It's what we're obsessed
with especially going forward in 2018, we are really looking to try to describe to
you what it's like to be a client at G&N and what people like Brenda do on our team
to create raving fans, so Brenda, you work in the customer service department of G&N.
You've been with us five years, what do you do on a daily basis to try to
create raving fans?
Well I create relationships with clients.
I thankfully don't have any time restraints for me to have to shorten a
conversation in order to just get the transaction done, I actually take time to
relate with our clients and understand what their life is about.
Totally. When I walk by
your desk I hear all the time almost the same names and they're like Brenda like
I gotta talk to Brent yeah I gotta talk to Brenda, which is great but like how do
you get deep with clients on a personal level like because just as
much as a lot of people on our team but I hear you talking about kids that
you're talking about businesses--
Relating, finding out simple things if they have a dog
you know I'm obviously pregnant so children are a very common conversation to be had
just you know finding out what's going on and
sometimes owning up to myself as being a human and having life happen.
That's awesome. Well Brenda is one of our leaders in creating raving fans so if you're lucky
enough to talk to Brenda or anyone on my team know that she's going to do
everything in her power to make sure your experience is amazing.
San Diego Realtor - Communicate at Many Levels at the Same Time -Motion Graphics - Duration: 4:42.
Being a realtor in San Diego, in December. What is a like? I figured instead of explaining it, I'd show it to you
I bet you anything you noticed the oscillating transparency file thtat was in today's introduction, down in the corner
Let's go into the editing area
and we're going to talk about the value of that, and at the end of the video
I think we're going give a couple of them away, customized just for you.
The reason that I created this file was I wanted to be able to communicate to
buyers and sellers & my Realtor peers in a silent manner, while at the same time, I was delivering another message. That I
post in Facebook,
Instagram and YouTube, along with other platforms. This just allows me to communicate that, without saying a word.
There's real power in that!
The program that I utilized to manufacture this transparency file was Adobe After Effects CC
Inside that program. There is an effect called CC sphere you can take a
dimensional JPEG file and turn it into a spherical object with inside that system, with just merely the click of a button.
To me one of the beauties of a AVI or a transparency file, is a it can be utilized over and over again.
I built one of these with the Equal Opportunity housing symbol, and not only have I used it,
but I have shared this and given it away to my peers to be utilized anywhere in the United States.
Now this particular file was very complex a motion graphic artist
generally makes at least fifty dollars an hour if not more for any project.
But I'm going to take two of these and give them away even if they have to be
customized, say with a logo or if you don't utilize YouTube, and I need to change out the logos.
I'll do that for you the details of how we're going to do that will be at the end of the video
As they say in business time is money
And I have five hours invested in making this so I had to think of ways to leverage it.
I jumped right outside of the box. I took and made seven second presentations to put in
Facebook Instagram and Twitter. Let me show you that seven seconds
Few years back my peers bestowed upon me the honor Realtor of the Year for that reason in my transparency file
I have used the realtor of the Year badge. Let me show you the version with the standard realtor logo.
Avi files transparencies, this is all really exciting stuff the products that we're going to be able to offer sellers
It's real marketing.
If you want to know more about After Effects, I'm going to highly recommend
Maxwell Ridgeway. I've mentioned his name before he's a preeminent
motion graphics artist, who teaches people how to do this on YouTube he's got a pretty good sized following. Now if you don't want to
do this you could probably contact Maxwell and ask him if he could do something like this for you. If you're a
California Realtor, the rules , it is my understanding
January first you better have your license number on all your social media
including YouTube.
So you could have a transparency file made that you could drop into literally any
one of your videos, and you're
you're in compliance!
Don't want to pay a fine to the Department of real estate!
The easiest way to enter the contest for one of the two
custom avi files, is to subscribe here at the channel if you're already a subscriber, you're already entered or
You can send me an email to the address. That will be featured at the end of this episode
As I've said before and I will say again, you are a REALTOR you can do anything!
John Blazer - Feature Film (Sub ENG) - Duration: 1:44:30.
It seems that this will be a cold autumn. The weather forecast says it's going to snow from November yet.
No1 Oblivion No2 Awakening No2 Memoirs No4 John Blazer No5 Inner Darkness
Where I am?
Oh…god… my head… Everything turns…
I can't stand up... and I'm struggling to breathe…
I feel like I'm paralyzed…
What happened to me yesterday evening... and how I turned up here?
Mhh… this ring's defeaning… I must learn how to switch off it…
Wiggle your right foot
Wiggle your right foot
Wiggle your right foot
Come on John, it isn't complicated… Move that fucking foot!
I don't remember ever having had eye twitching… Stop it!
OK, now the foot.
It isn't so hard…Damn, how did Beatrix Kiddo do it in "Kill Bill"?
Wiggle your right foot… Wiggle the foot…
Now I should just roll over to the phone. I feel like a fucking invalid… and that's so humiliating… Luckily nobody's watching…
Shit! This bother ring!
Come on! I've done it with the leg, now, be a doll, take that phone and answer up!
Look at the shitting situation where I am...
What time is it? Who knows when I came here…
Thirty-two unanswered calls!?
Fifteen text messages!?
What could have happened last night?
I hope I haven't done racket… I don't get drunk since when I celebrated my eighteenth birthday…
"Dammit, I'm looking for you from yesterday evening!"
"Well; really?"
"Would you tell me what happened to you?"
"That's a good question…"
"How do you mean with <a good question>? Are you telling me that you don't now it?"
"Did anyone tell you that you're a smart boy?"
"Fuck you John, you will explain it later.
Now you should call Ada… She texted me few minutes ago, and she's fuorious! I wouldn't be be in your shoes!"
"Oh god, Ada No! I don't want to let her screaming into my hears…"
"You deserve it dude, after your disapperance of yesterday… We were all worried! If you can: call back who had phoned you. Bye"
"Ok boss!"
Ada… should I really call you?
Sorry sweethearth, but I don't want to hear your hen voice now…
I must learn what happened yesterday. OK; yesterday evening; yesterday evening… I had a party…
OK, OK, yesterday evening, yesterday evening… I had a party to my lottery win, and it was full of people…
Close to nine p.m. I drink and then… Balck out.
How's beautiful to hear your pleasing voice early in the morning!
First: it isn't early morning, as it's about midday. Then, you don't dare take the mick out of me!
C'mon, c'mon you know that I like joking… Don't be so prickly, as always…
John, where have you been yesterday? Everybody were worried, especially me.
Look, I'd like to know it too. But I've got a memory lapse from nine p.m.
I can believe that you don't remember it! You was drunk, dead drunk! Totally out of your hands… And then, after midnight you missed up.
Well, good to know.
Good my ass! I was afraid you had been hitting by a car or under arrest!
Ada, Ada, how negative you are, I'm fine… I think…
Listen John, call back Ed and apologize to him… He held up you by the whole time and he helped you walking…
Obviously until your disappearance!
OK, OK, maybe he can help me to remember something…
Okay, so good! Next go home, take a shower and eat.
Yes mom!
We'll get in touch later…I love you, even if you get me angry.
Yeah… me too, bye…
John! Where have you been yesterday evening?
Hi Ed, actually, I hoped that you could tell it, you know, I'm trying to reconstruct the events … rather, I hoped you could help me
Fuck! Dude, really don't you remember anything? That's a bad problem provided I lost you around midnight…
Yes I know, Ada told me everything
It's unusual of you to drink so much… I didn't recognise you anymore! You was out of your mind; You ran around screaming continually!
Seriously? Well, that's weird, but really… Being so messy… You know I'm a calm guy!
Yeah John, I know... so…
So what? Spit it out!
Well… as I say… I belive that you've been drugged… Well I know it's crazy, those kind of newcast things… but when you got it… So, it's different!
How can you say it?
Well, there were so many people ath the party, you drank just a few beers, and then you take that drink…
Well, by that moment you started acting weird, you got into trance for some seconds.
I asked you if you were fine, next right away you recovered yourself and asked for vodka shots…
You drank five or six of those so quickly… It was absurd to follow those scenes, you never did it…
Ed; Did you remember who gave me that drink?
I think the waitress gave it to you, I don't think that the bartender drugged you, hey, it seems unconvincing
But you realize what happened? What the fuck, I could done everything in that peculiar time!
Listen, did you check your wallet or the photo gallery? Maybe there are evidences, as in "The Hangover"
You're fucking right! I do it immediately
Do you find something useful?
They stole all my money and the credit card!
Oh shit, John! Those motherfuckers could have heard about your win and have drugged you to take it all! Fuck! they could have emptied your account!
I don't believe to have gave my code to anybody, and in case of withdrawal larger than fifty euro the Bank would have sent me a message
Oh… Well, better… but how much money did you have in the wallet?
About two thousand cash euro, but... I don't know how much I spent the bar…
Surely you didn't spent five hundred! Those tramps gone away with a lot of bread
Yes, John?
How can you tell me that it was more than one person?
Well… i don't know… C'mon… It takes bravery, doing that thing… I just thought that they were two men at least…
but… so… You know, these are only theories
Sure… just theories… Well, anyway, I can think they were two or three, after all there are many junkies in that way…
Exaclty, John! Junkies! Don't you exclude junkies' business! I think you should talk with the bartender…
but probably he knows less than us… Maybe you even shouldn't!
Instead I will precisely come back in that place… And I will asked few questions to learn if someone saw something
Are you sure that i twill be a good idea? Hey, perhaps they'll not be so happy to see you, after yesterday's racket…
Happy or not they will answer to my questions!
OK, but think carefully before come back there
OK, meanwhile I control the gallery… maybe I will find something…
A'right, bye John!
Bye Ed!
It's quite clear….There's nothing! After all which kind of drunk would take photos with people who are stealing him?
Vara Production Presents:
John Blazer
My name's John Blazer, I'm 21 and I study statistics at the university of Milan.
Everybody calls me "brilliant" for what I do…
My parents are Americans, and they had me in Sacramento, California…
Yeah, the capital which nobody knows! You are all believing it's Los Angeles but you're wrong.
Getting back to me, we moved to Italy when I was three years old; for my father's work.
He's a businessman and he never had problems to support us.
Now I live alone in a small two-room apartment, because my parents came back to Sacramento.
I often used my skills about statistics to gamble, and a few days ago I won 100 thousand euro at the lottery.
Yesterday night I've been drugged and robbed by one or more persons, while I was having a party to my win…
And you needn't insult my muggers; Cause you would have done the same!
In short; who doesn't dribble in front of some money?
Oh yes, I'm talking to you
you who stare at me every time I withdraw at the cash machines, or who look at my branded wallet, while I'm paying at the supermarket
YOU, nasty tick, victim of the financial crisis of your "beautiful country"!
You must know that I'm a relly peculiar guy!
Do you know what D.I.D. is?
Of course not, how you can?
D.I.D. is the acronym of: dissociative identity disorder... I'm a kind of Dr Jekyll and Mr-Fucking-Hyde!
Now I can picture your puzzled face while you may be wondering: what does this have to do with?
Well, when I was a child, I've done a lot of sessions with a psychologist, specialized in instances about multiple personality disorder in childhood.
Everybody believes I was cured…
Until today…
You supposed to be Doctor…
Cori, Doctor Cori! But I prefer to be called by my name, you know, I like to have a sort of confidence with my patients… dealing with child…
So I can call you?
Anna! As a palindrome name it's easy to remember… generally they are short!
Palindrome; from the Greek, Pálin: back; Drómos; literally: "running backwards"
Well done Mr. Blazer; did you maybe study Greek?
No, no. I'm just a businessman, but, actually, my mother is from Greece
I understand… your name? So we could be equal
Colin! But you call me "Col"
OK Col! I should warn you right now that I prefer to be left alone with my patient
No, no! Of course! This isn't a problem. In the meantime I will go for a walk…
Okay John? Now I leave you with that beautiful lady who want to talk with you, and when daddy come back he will take you out for an ice cream!
Hi! So you supposed to be John! Now we go over there and we will sit to have a little chat, so we immediately begin good friends.
I'm really happy to meet you. My name's Anna and we will meet up a lot in the next weeks.
So I hope we could get along.
Your parents told me that you never talk, but with me you have to feel free! I'm your friend!
They told me also you often talk with yourself. But I do it too, don't worry! It helps to build up self-esteem.
Do you know what self-esteem is?
Very well! You're super good as six years old child. When you grow up you will get high grades at school!
"Actually it was"
Listen, do you wanna talk closely to me?
"I said it was good"
They told me you often do it, and sometimes you are a little bit "lively"
"Lively"… I used to break dishes and behead toy soldiers… "Lively" sounds like a restrictive term…
But you know, you can tell me everything, and don't worry, I will keep the secret!
From that moment I sarted to tell her about everything I did.
I said to her how I used to be a nice child and go through become a little devil, without even realizing it.
I told her how the long speeches I did by myself were been alternate by continuous arguments between the good John and the bad John, my exact words.
I explained that I struggled to sleep; how I usually woke up in the night, but despite this, in the morning I was always full of energy!
All of this was alternate from periods when I was good, generally short periods, to times when I went through evil-ego and regular-ego.
The doctor wrote down meticulously every word I said, my secrets…
She was the only one who knew my behaviour in details.
I continued to speak with her, because I trusted her and…
I have to say that she was nice… I will never forget doctor Anna Cori…
Her long blonde hair; her smile with those red lips, and her big, green eyes…
Probably when I was a child I felt in love with her…
Come to think of it; further the dissociative disorder, she helped me to overtake the Oedipus complex.
No6 When the Voice Asks for Blood No7 Releasing the Demon No8 The Frost of His Soul No9 Open Investigation No10 Death, Crime, Murder No11 Snow and Blood No12 Evidences No13 Leftovers of Madness
Who is?
It's John, can I talk with you for a moment?
Sure, get in
Truth be told I'd hope if you came down
OK, I come immediately
Hi John, what would you talk me about?
I went to the bar
The bartender told me he saw you talking with two odd guys…
I suspected that you would have something to do whit in!
It didn't square that you supposed right away the theory that there were two men;
and why you would convinced me to do not return to the bar!
Wait John, it isn't how does it look like
Piece of shit, you're not be straight with me!
Stop your bullshits right now, I wanna understand everything in details; or I'll make you regret the day we met!
C'mon man… Are you really believin' I drugged you to take the money?
I didn't blame you of anything… You did on your own!
I'll take care to get you tell out all…
Yes, Ed? Is there maybe something you wanna tell me?
I… I'm really sorry for what happened, I don't know what went through my mind… I was so jealous!
Are you sorry? Very good, we're making progress… So look that you drugged me!
I want to hear every single detail; and take care to do not tell me crap!
Hey, hey, let's keep calm! OK, I'll tell you everything!
I'm all ears…
They've got the money…
They told me that they would showed up in the afternoon, and… I don't know what else to tell you…
OK Ed, let's make a deal: I'll take the glove off your mouth, but if you dare to scream again I swear I'll cut off your carotid, understand?
What's up buddy? Aren't you crying, are you? You know that I don't like pansies…
Oh no, right now?
Hi Ada, go ahead!
Ehm... yes, I'm working on it
Well, right today? Can we do it another day?
No, no… What's the matter with you? But no, wait! Wait!
She hangs up on me!
Dammit, I must do it quickly now…
Ok Ed, let's try again.
What can you tell me about yesterday evening? Don't be unclear cause this time I'll cut you a ear…
Like Mr. Blonde does in "Reservoir Dogs"…
When I heard about your win I was so jealous…
I'd like to have those money too… So I chose to call my old friends…
Tell me who they are! I want them names!
Demetrio Merelli and Giacomo Casucci.
we were school mates in middle school, but from high school we lost touch.
We were much friends, but they went down a bad path…
They involved in dope deals and I decided to not hang out with them anymore…
Ohh, what a touching story! I'm tearing up man! Tell me what you gave me!
Excuse me John…
Excuse my shit!
A date rape drug and ketamine mix…
And what kind of date rape drugs that exist in the world did you chose to me? Stilnox or Rohypnol?
So the Stilnox… Well, it isn't powerful as Rohypnol is, but, sure, it stays flovourless…
You're very knowledgeable
Are you taking the piss out of me? Do you really want to be funny with me?
No, John, sorry…
No, no, I say… Do you really want to fuck with me? You know that you shouldn't in your position…
Are you laughing now? But, do you find me funny?
You doesn't realize that I can kill you at any moment. Mh? What's on me? Do I have a red nose maybe?
No, my friend. Looks right we're going to the wrong way! Tell me where I can find these guys.
That could be them! Unbind me and I'll check it!
Too much easy…
the unlock code?
28 03
Giacomo:" Let's meet in the abandoned house by two hours"… Which house is he talking about?
That one near to the observatory
I have to do so much road…
I take your phone as a precaution
No, wait! What's if someone have to find me?
They'll shouldn't go so far to find you…
Nobody can drugs me and expects to get away with it! Understand?
Not - a - word!
I know perfectly I am late but that doesn't give you license to make a scene cause you are in wrong!
Since you set me up a date before hanging me up, without waiting any aswer like "Yes, sure!" or "No, I'm busy".
And if were expecting the first kind of answer well you're mistaken, cause yeah, I was busy and, no, I really didn't want to come here.
So you should only thank me to come, independently from what I have to do… And now let me close the scene that I didn't let you start
J-John… what's happening to you? I don't evenknow you anymore!
I was drugged and robbed… Should I illustrate you my state of mind?
Maybe, you think that after my lottery win life's peaches and cream!
Well, you're totally wrong, it doesn't!
Would you like to know what happened to me yesterday? Would you really know it in all details?
Of course, c'mon, maybe you want to know what I've done thus far!
Oh yeah I can see it in your eyes… I see your curiosity of knowledge about what I've done just to justify my delay, isn't true?
No, I'm not sure it could interest me… All things considered you had got your good points to be late!
Of course, I've got lot of reasons that are really good!
Things that unfortunately need me to get away to finish what I've started
I only wanted to hear you fine!
Shh, here he comes...
I never been better!
An hammer, a wrench, a screwdriver… a socket wrench…What could I use?
I bring this just to be sure
If i use this old hammer probably I would take off the head… Maybe the socket wrench could be better…
I think it's perfect
Should I explain it to Ed necessarily?
Are we really redo this argument?
I remember to you that we flipped a coin: you chose head and you lose, understand?
So it's up to you to explain it
OK, but what do I say? You know I'm not good to talk…
You must simply tell him that he will not earn a fuck while we'll take it all. It's ok?
How would you tell it, in bad ways or good, I don't care.
You must only be sure that he will point to you while you're talking so I'll be able to blindside him
OK, but if he would elbow me or spit in my face? Ew! I couldn't stand it!
OK, OK shut up! I talk and you stab him, is it good?
Oh yeah I like it, you will see how I'll stab his liver…
No no no, I though that it could be better if you caught him behind and silence him so you could shot in the chest, ok?
Oh yes Jack, as you wish
Good, now let's move cause he's five minutes late, and he could be here at any moment…
Shh, here he comes…
You robbed the wrong person!
Always murders eh
Same shit, different day
On no, do not tell that's another one of those shitting cases of priests…
Detective Grauco?
Let me guess, usual rape-murder?
No, here we have a big deal, a double 187 code; in a ruined house
Ok, good, where's the crime scene?
In the forsaken house close to the observatory; the one used by Satan's beasts
Yeah, I realized, nice place of shit, I come immediately
To 187 code the American police language implies the classic: death-crime-murder
So, what have we got here?
Hello detective, it's agent Limoni. There's agent Hoxha who's taking pictures on the other side, my coworker
Goodmorning detective, it's a pleasure
But, what kind of name is Hoxha?
He's albanian…
Ah… it's good, let's go on, cause I'm not here to make new friends… Anyway, I cover this dog's breakfast…
On the murder scene we have discovered these two corpses;
both reveal serious skull fracture, due to a blunt object.
That said, I'd like to point you up that corpse dead by loss of blood,
cause we have found a pointed piercing wound on the subclavican
Jesus Christ...
The fundamental body of evidence has been found in this room
while we haven't found yet the object which punched the subclavian.
Once we get in the lab, we'll accomplish the right examinations to find digital fingerprints and further possible evidences
Meanwhile, take all your scene investigations. We continue on our job
That's fine, thanks…
It's been a while since I've seen a so interesting case
Holy crap…
The clash must have been very fast...
the two victims couldn't have got time to run away, but one of them have tried to react with the knife...
and the fact that they were packing let me suppose they were waiting their assailant…
Detective, should we take the corpses away or should you have to see still something else?
No, you can take away them of course, I've seen enough, thank you…
Probably they only had to talk, but the situation then has degenerated…
Still a socket wrench it isn't easy to hide…
Should the criminal had got a backpack?
No, I rule out this possibility, too much unwieldy.
He must had the weapon in his hand… Is it possible that the killer would have went in with the intention of kill them whitout any talk, caughting the two victims off guard?
Yes, for sure it happened in that way, but, the reason?
Namely, a double murder can't be execute for fun…
and determinate that they were two, I exclude the possibility of a woman… Drugs? Money?
Maybe they sould owed him money or they stole his drug dose.
When you're in crisis, abstinence could make you murder…
I need more evidences, I haven't got trail to follow, fuck…
Shh, Here he comes…
You robbed the wrong person
No! Jack!
Ah! Motherfucker… You don't play so hard now without your weapon Eh?!
Jack! JACK!
Son of a bitch! I kill you!
Oh. Well!... as I see you turned the tables this time
Yes, my partner ever want to take picture but he use auto mode, that lazybones
So much fuss… the most important thing is to recognis the subject
C'mon, instead of argue as a perfect bourgeois couple tell me what do we have here
Here, Mr. Grauco we've got a body with a cut carotid and a penetrating wound on the left quadriceps.
There's speculation about a small-scale knife or a cutter.
Did you find any connections with the other victims?
Right now we've got no charges, only the analysis will prove it
I understand…
Anyway, can you tell me the supposed time of death?
We suppose early in the afternoon
I've got no doubts, sure he must have done it, coincidences don't exist
But, did you take that spotlight there?
No detective, it was on the crime scene yet, we simply turned on it…
Yeah, I know that we shouldn't touch or move evidences but we only bent the rules cause we didn't believe it much important
You didn't believe it important… You say this, idiot…
But, given that you turned on it, did you move it too?
Of course not, we just plugged in it, what have you taken us for, detective?
For two unqualified big babies who have just obtained the criminology degree…
Ehy! Did you take the victim's phone?
No! Usually we empty the pockets in the mortuary…
Or you forgot it at home or…
Or someone stole you…
Excuse me Mr. Detective,
can we cover the corpse now?
Yes, yes, go ahead… I have seen enough…
Agents, I greet you cause it's enough for me
Goodbye detective!
Limoni, take care of you…
Goodbye detective, we will let you know when we have got the analysis results
My dear boy, why you needed the victim's phone?
No14 Detective's Work No15 Chase No16 Surrender No17 Grauco No18 Gaspar Diaz No19 Hate's Breath
Good, good...
from drugs to murders
No truce for the city of Varese
after the scandals for the international drug trades, with consequent arrest of a head of the crime of London during the last year...
Yeah, i remember...
Varese is reconfirmed "Black City" after finding three corpses yesterday
Fuck! also the newspapers tells about... Shit!
the classic cinema is dead
We opening this morning TN, with a news from the sad city of Varese
that win again the title of "Black City", after the unbelievable happenings of the last year
where the city was involved in international drug trades by a London head of crime
this year have occurred three murders during yesterday
police are currently investigating with poor results
the investigations were entrusted to the Detective Raffaele Grauco that seems to be back from a bad experience with alcohol
this shitty television news that tells only bullshits!
I'm in a fucking impasse!
I absolutely need the analysis of the scientific
shit...hooray telepathy... I could almost play the lottery
do you have anything for me?
we have not already finished to analyze all evidence...but i have a news
ok, what kind of news?
in mortuary we checked all pockets of the dead
ok, perfect... anyway get to that
nothing relevant for the guy in the basement, but...
enough with this fucking suspense!
ok, ok, I just wanted emphasize what i'm going to say
we found an amount of 1854 euros and 20 cents, into a pocket of one of the victims of the house
that's all?
Nope! The two bodies have been identified as Demetrio Merelli and Giacomo Casucci
the guy with the money also had a dose of cocaine, in the pocket of jacket
Well; tell me more about their...any previous?
both have took on social services for distribution and use of drugs... Nothing serious
ok ... I tell you that it's all very's a pity that i can't waste my time with this bullshits
I cannot interact with all addicts of the city!
in fact there is more...
well, then go ahead, come clean!
we found fingerprints on the envelope that contained the cocaine
ok, whose? whose fuck! i want to know!
Gaspar Diaz!
oh... Perfect!
As you said? Gaspar Diaz?
ok, so... Do one thing: Call me just know something else
of course!
I already know whom to go to find him
there is a theory according to which
with a chain of six people at most...
you can get in touch with any human being
generally, this chain concludes with "Mr. Tre Cani" (Three Dogs)
what do you need?
I have a name. I need to know where I can find this person
who is him?
a certain Gaspar Diaz
it will cost you a lot
ok, quantify this "a lot"
do not even talk! 50 if you want...
50 and two beers!
listen... Maybe I have to remember you who I am?
otherwise I arrest you for obstruction to investigations
mhh, I think it is right...50
let's do that I offer you a beer and we close it here
Waiter! A beer for my friend please
Gaspar Diaz?
Who wants him?
I'm in the police, I was looking for him
Look! is coming now...
Shit be more careful!
give up, animal!
kneel down... Fast!
put your hands behind your head, good guy...
come up
suspect in custody
Tu puta madre! (your mother is a bitch)
maricón (fag)
Tu puta madre! (your mother is a bitch)
you should calm down if you want eat your fucking tacos again
Tu madre, tu madre perra! (your mother, your mother is a dog)
released from prison only a few days ago
the causes are still to be verified
but nothing is excluded
not even at the origin of the quarrel there was a demand for money by the victim
and now we go to some quieter news:
After winning the jackpot at the lottery, John Blazer has declared:
I have no idea how I will spend the money
I think I'll start giving a party with my friends
Last second news:
would seem that one of the guys founded dead yesterday, was a friend of John Blazer
and that he was present at the party
Fucking kids
I would know what to do with all that money
something is not coming back...
Why would Gaspar killed the boy in the basement?
the case cannot be that simple...
Gaspar continues to deny
him hasn't a bad alibi
Ah, I see that they've changed your look in prison
know that I don't like to do the bad policeman
at least that you don't force me to do be
Hijo de puta, yo no hoy matado ningún (son of a bitch, i I did not kill anyone)
wait up, wait up, wait!
let's do that you speak in italian...
otherwise I don't understand, lots of shit!
Tu puta madre! (your mother)
oh, c'mon! why you have to use me the strong manners?
ohy amigo (buddy), do you want to talk seriously?
Ok, I did not kill anyone!
oh, very well my friend, was it so hard?
can I leave now?
are you kidding? everything is true until proven guilty!
you know what I say? for me you were killed the three guys
I've never killed anyone
you were lying in every case, because the shit that you trim to the kids kills more than anything else
a little bit of buzz never killed anyone
now I take that fucking smile from your face, jester!
and you know why? cause the scientific found your fingerprints on envelope in the pocket of one of the guys
then? i don't think it's enough proof to indict me
don't worry, we will find others...
Pff, ok as you want
Hey, don't do the brash with me, understand?
now tell me: where were you sunday around 3 pm?
lunch to my mother
ok and...around 5 pm?
I was always from my mother, we were watching a movie
what a bullshit! tell me the title of the movie
"Amores Perros"
what director?
Alejandro González Iñárritu
ok, I'm going to do some research...
Hijo the perra (son of a bitch)
Goodmorning Detective!
oh, some news?
the agents questioned the mother of Gaspar...
she confirmed his alibi
shit, c'mon! you know it too well, one person is not enough!
in fact there was also his younger brother... He also confirmed
Furthermore, we have all the test results
Thank god! are there some evidence to blame Gaspar?
No. There was blood on the knife of one of the victims
What? whose?
have you recently watched TN?
Yes, but what the fuck does that have to do with it?
then the name John Blazer will be familiar to you
Yes, is that guy who won the Jackpot...
Are you telling me that blood is his?
Exactly and we had to release Gaspar...
Holy shit, i can't believe!
Detective, he is your man!
what a fool!
everything is clear
Here because one of the victims was at his party!
Recap...John Blazer won the Jackpot, does a party with friends, and then?
What is the cause?
Detective, tell me!
So... You have to do a research about John Blazer for me
no previous penalties... Clean like laundry
Detective, the blood on the knife would be an enough proof to indict him
then with the interrogation he should confess everything
No! I want all the dots to resolve the case, maybe you didn't understand me...
He will provide all the details in station
Ok... if it was not him?
how do I rebuild all the events with the blood as only trial?
so what do you mean to do?
questions! To all people he know
if he gave a party means that i have a lot of people to ask!
in my opinion, is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
do one thing: try to check his Facebook profile
Why? Do you want to write to all his friends?
Nope, just check it out if he is fiance!
Detective, you're a genius!
Ok, thanks for the compliment, but now do it fast please!
tell me everything!
Ada Padovani. I look for her in the database
She lives in Goldoni street number 10
Perfect. Send me a picture of her by email, so I can understand who it she
of course, I do it right away
ok vey well, in the meantime I go to her house
No20 Ada No21 Caliber .44 No22 The Best of the Possible Ways
Ada Padovani?
Yes, it's me
Could you get in the car, please?
But I don't know you! What do you want from me? Leave me or I will call the police!
Look, you're right, but, I'm the police
Did I commit some felony?
You, I hope not… but, probably John
John? I hope it's got nothing to do with last night…
Get in the car so we have a little chat…
Ehy… blonde hair, blue eyes… Are you the guy who ordered the detergent?
Ehm… what?
This, detergent…
Well, yes… I didn't know it's called "detergent"
SHHH! Keep it down! I use different names every time to not get caught… You know, they monitor me…
Who monitor you?
The DEA, the enlightened, Chupa-Chups, Everybody… Big Foot!
Big Foot?
Yeah! Big Foot! Buddy, that motherfucker won't let me go! He follows me everywhere I go!
So, are you telling me that you see him?
Fuck yeah buddy! He's behind you!
OK… let we talk about the waepon?
Oh yeah, it's right, you're right!
So, Magnum caliber 44, like that one of Ispector Callaghan… Have you seen the movie, haven't you?
Fuck yeah dude, that movie's a fucking bomb!
There's Clint Eastwood who kicks asses to everybody those niggers criminals! You must watch it!
I'll bear that in my mind…
OK, anyway, I said… What did I say?
Magnum force 44…
Well right! Like that of Ispector Callaghan!
Yeah…. But you already said that
Sorry bro, I've got memory problems, you know, chemtrails…
Yes, just them…
Anyway… It's a magnum force 44
You're doing it again…
You're repeating the things you've already said…
Repeating what?
magnum force 44
Oh yeah! Like that of Ispector Callahan!
Listen me well, kind of junkie who you are, I have no time to waste, so you explain me now how works this shit!
Ehy, ehy, let's calm dude, keep calm!
I was saying that Magnum force 44 got six shots.
That's how you open it and how you close it… Ease the hammer and you're ready to shoot
Ehy, ehy, ehy! Don't you head that shit towards me!
Allright buddy, sorry
OK…It doesn't seem to be so difficult…
I say… What the fuck you have to do with that ace?
I've got a Big Foot who's persecuting me too…
Wooo great buddy! I mean, I've just gave you a Magnum force 44
With that you can spread a pomegranate from two metres at least!
Yeah, it will be like shoot to a pomegranate, more or less…
Oh fuck, bud… You don't fuck with pomegranates!
I knew about a dude who knew a guy to whom his cousin died to pomegranate's fault!
Good to know…
That are yours, six hundred, right?
Oh fuck dude, you're great! This evening I will be high as never before!
Well, have fun…
Shit! Be careful!
What did my John do?
In all likelihood, he's guilty of three people murders, included your friend Edoardo…
What? John wouldn't hurt a fly!
Well, there are more reasons to hurt a person than a fly…
The forensic depertment found Mr. Blazer's blood on a knife, the knife of one of two victims, and, very probably, one of them used it to protect himself from John…
The problem's that just blood is enough to incriminate him...
But I want the reason
I don't understand, he has always been a quite guy! But…
But…? What?
At the party, he was weird...
What do you mean? How weird?
He was… he was euphoric, he did'nt control himself anymore!
Do you exactly remember the instant when he started to be weird?
Yersterday John told me that night somebody drugged him… He was left alone with Edoardo over to ten pm… then he vanished!
But how does he know he had been drugged?
I don't know… He wouldn't tell me that…
The last time I saw him he was so hurry! He said he was going to the bar to "investigate"…
It is possible that he had been drugged for the win…
cause in one of the victim's wallet... we found a huge amount of money
But I don't understand why would he killed them…
Revenge… even the quietest person could turn into a beast…
This is completely absurd! John isn't a killer!
Evidences are against him
That's him; what do I do?
Answer up, but without speakerphone…
Hi John…
I need to talk to you, can we meet up?
Y-yes, that's good!
OK, let's meet in a hour, at the park near the courthouse…
OK, OK, see you soon…
Ada, you must help me to frame him!
I know he's your boyfriend, but you shouldn't be his accomplice! You must help me out here, to his sake
To his sake…
We don't know if he will commit other murders!
And he should be stop before he could have time to do it…
OK detective… Tell me what I have to do!
You will go to the meeting… Probably he will confess something, but I'm not sure…
Would you give me a microphone?
No, no, no… I hate those FBI's bullshits…
You will go there, listen all what he has to say; then you will report all to me…
And don't lie to me! Because certain things could be inconvenients to you in a courthose!
I will report everything in details…
So? You have nothing to say?
I'm thinking about it
Thinking about what?
About how start the speech!
Should I maybe getting worry?
I suppose so…
Well, I start from the beginning…
When I was a child I suffered from multiple personality disorder, also said dissociative identity disorder…
I used to talk with myself, with a kind of imaginary friend, who forced me to do bad things!
John! Why never did you tell me it before?
Because it's a reminder of the past, I always tried to repress it
I know but…
But I had been helped by a psychologist, and after some sessions she had helped me to get better… but just…
Just what?
She never kept out the prospect that the disorder could be present in adulthood again!
Are you saying that…
I am saying that I killed three people!
At the party I had been drugged by Ed and by his friends who gave me some shit in the drink!
Just to rob me! They did for money! Do you understand? ED! My bestfriend!
John… I….
That drugs should had reawaken the alter-ego who slept in my mid…
John, don't worry. We can figure this out together!
No, Ada… I've committed awful actions… I must pay for what I've done!
Do you want to turn yourself in?
Turn myself in would serve no purpose;
in the wait of the judge's sentence I could hurt someone else…
not to mention that they could plead me insanity!
So, what do you want to do?
Hold this…
when I'm gone; you will go to my home…
In the kitchen you will find a signed allowance: that's the lottery win, I want that you take it…
John… but we can use that money to escape!
We can have a whole new life!
You will take care of yourself again; in Germany there are excellent clinics!
No, Ada… You don't understand. You can't understand… You can't understand what to mean had been killed three lifes…
John… What do you want to do?
So? Did he say something? Did he confess?
He killed them…
Yes, I already know it, but, did he tell you the reason?
They have drugged him to take his money!
As I thought… Very common, but it's usual in murder scenes: revenge!
John's suffering from dissociative identity disorder!
What? Jesus Christ… They will plead him insanity!
I don't think you can arrest him…
Why? For God's sake, Ada. Where did he go?
I've a thought…
No23 Till the Last Breath No24 Good and Evil No24 Deadly Trio [trial]
I won't miss this time! Oh no, no, no… I will close the case, whatever it takes
Agent Grauco, I dismiss you from the case with immediate effect
Sir, but, I…
Deliver me your gun and badge
Yes, Sir
Take some time to clear your head
John, I suggest you to stop! You can only make it worse in this way!
And now… Where the fuck does he go?
Six gunshots… I'll take just one… Ease the hammer and shot… I only hope he haven't sold me a toy!
Are you really sure?
I can't believe it!
To believe what? That I will kill you and then take it over?
No, no, I believe that… It's… This scene is ridiculous!
you say?
Come on! Am I really talking to myself?
John always does it… But, now for the first time he's realising that!
So; are you my dark side?
What if you would be the dark side? Don't you believe it possible?
To be or not to be, that is the question!
To be! The right answer is TO BE! We togheter make up John Blazer! The true question is… To be good or to be evil…
But, why can't we coexist both?
John Blazer is pathological… And I am his neurotic war… Rather, we are John's neurotic war!
Freud would be proud of you my dear Thanatos!
Oh but you're Thanatos!
I don't think so… As I deleted you one time I can do it again!
Who says you was the one who has been suppressed? After all, I've got the gun
Nice trick, but I propose you a question: If you are the super-ego, how did John find a gun?
"It doesn't seem to be so difficult"
From, from a junkie!
"Shit, there would be an instant when John got angry… "
"Listen me well, kind of junkie who you are, I have no time to waste, so you explain me now how works this shit!"
"Ehy, ehy, let's calm dude, keep calm"
If I am Thanatos, where is Eros?
Eros has been repressed by John after the kiss with Ada… If he hadn't he wouldn't detaching from her…
And how do you know that?
Being both part of the Id, only Thanatos can knows what happens to Eros!
I can't know what happens to John while the Id take it over…
So you are Thanatos!
Well, great work my Sherlock Holmes!
I'am the one with the gun!
John wants to die!
And he will do it!
Oh, and how?
Independently if you are Thanatos or if I am it; if you shot me, John will find his neurotic war solved,
so he won't have any reasons to kill himself!
Gentlemen, let's calm ourself
Oh, no, another one!
Who are you?
Uhm, a moderator, so called…
We don't need to make a deal!
Oh stop to be buffoons! You are the Id, while you are the super-ego!
And you?
I am the ego. I correspond with the consciousness of John's personality.
And now, let's calm down and let's talk peacefully!
There's no time.
To dialogue!
Are you going insane?
John's going insane! He hasn't got common sense!
John could kill himself even after his neurotic war solved…
He can't live anymore with the weight of what he did!
We are that weight!
So let's end this! We must solve this matter once and for all!
What do you intend to do?
A duel…
Like in the far west,
back to back, twelve steps each one and then pulls out! It will happen what is better to John…
Who ensures you that I won't try to cheat?
John will do the right thing!
벤츠, 신형 C63 AMG 쿠페 공개..공격적인 디자인 - Duration: 3:39.
Cliff Jumping Scene | Power Rangers (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:04.
Come on down!
We should figure this out together!
- Whoa. - Oh, screw this.
- Okay, let me handle this. - She got up there pretty fast.
No, no, no!
Yo, keep up.
Just... just talk to me.
You have a coin. We have a coin.
We should just talk about this. I mean, we don't know what this...
- Whoa! Whoa! - What is wrong with you?
Oh, you're crazy! But so am I.
- Whoa, Zack. - No, I got this.
- Wait, wait. - No, I got this.
- What are you doing? - Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- I got her! - Get off of me.
Just jump over.
Let's go. Jump with me. Yeah.
- No, no, no! Don't... don't jump. - Okay.
- Don't jump. Don't jump. - I'm gonna jump across with her,
and then you jump, okay?
- Piece o' cake. - No, no, no!
Don't, don't! Jason! Hey!
That's not a piece o' cake!
- You all right? - Yeah, no problem.
You got this, Billy!
No, I don't!
- It's fun. - It's such a far jump.
- Come on, let's go, dude. - Billy, come on.
- We all did it. - Yeah, you'll be fine, I promise. Just jump.
Come on, do it, dude. Let's go.
The drop is probably more than 100 feet, which means death is imminent.
Okay, so if you die, Billy, what's gonna happen?
Okay, your mom'll be alone.
But it's okay 'cause she could find somebody else.
But she couldn't, 'cause you love your mom
- and you won't really... - He's scared.
He'll come across, he's fine.
Okay. Okay.
Visualize jumping across!
- And then do it! - Come on, you got this!
Billy, you got this!
Whoa! Oh, shit!
- Are you okay? - I got it.
- Come on, climb up. Climb up. - I did it.
- Billy, you got it. - I did it!
See, what'd we tell you, Billy? You got it!
Told you. See?
- Whoo! - Yes!
Billy, right! Yeah!
- Whoa! - Billy!
- Oh, my God! - Billy!
- No, no, no, no, no. - Billy!
- We just kill that dude? - What do we do?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Hey, guys, you gotta come down here!
It's water! You gotta see this!
Yo, all right! I'll see you guys down there.
Uh... bring that crazy girl.
Come on, you guys, let's go! Whoo!
Uh, hey... could I get a sip of your water?
I'm dying.
Okay. Just don't finish it.
Thanks. And I'm really sorry.
Sorry for what?
Welcome to the club!
Learn Colors with Dinosaurs For Kids - Color with soccer balls for kids - Duration: 2:56.
Please SUBSCRIBE to BeeKids Learning TV!
Please SUBSCRIBE to BeeKids Learning TV!
Please SUBSCRIBE to BeeKids Learning TV!
YLENIA CARRISI: il dolce ricordo sui social nel giorno del compleanno, "Ti ameremo sempre" - Duration: 3:54.
Grande Fratello Vip, la notizia: il nome del vincitore è su Wikipedia | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:02.
This is why Liverpool's Simon Mignolet wasn't sent off against Stoke City - Duration: 4:04.
This is why Liverpool's Simon Mignolet wasn't sent off against Stoke City
Stoke manager Mark Hughes couldnt believe the goalkeeper didnt receive a red card - so why didnt he?.
Jurgen Klopp admits Liverpool needed a bit of luck, even if he says it was the right decision.
Mark Hughes, meanwhile, could barely believe it, echoing the sentiments of many inside the bet365 Stadium on Wednesday night.
The incident in question, of course, was Simon Mignolet escaping a red card after bringing down Stoke Citys Mame Biram Diouf on the edge of the penalty area.
With Liverpool holding only a slender 1-0 lead at the time, going down to 10 men and being shorn of their first-choice goalkeeper could have altered the course of the game.
Instead, referee Martin Atkinson brandished only a yellow card and Mignolet stayed on the field to keep a clean sheet as Liverpool went on to earn a comfortable 3-0 victory.
The decision, though, remained a talking point long after the final whistle.
"This is a sending off, it's a free-kick," said former Liverpool midfielder Danny Murphy, speaking on Match of the Day.
"It's outside the box, it's not a yellow.
The reason it's not is because he's ahead of (Joe) Gomez and he would've put the ball in an empty net.
"He's not done it on purpose but it's a red card.
They've got away with one and I understand why Mark Hughes is fuming.".
Many Liverpool fans have pointed to the triple jeopardy rule being altered last summer as a reason for Mignolet not being dismissed.
That rule had previously punished a goalkeeper making a foul inside the area with the triple whammy of conceding a penalty, being sent off and then having to serve a suspension.
This was changed to state "where a player commits an offence against an opponent within their own penalty area which denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity and the referee awards a penalty kick, the offender is cautioned if the offence was an attempt to play the ball".
However, the key point here is it only applies if the offence is inside the area.
And Mignolets foul was outside the box.
So why wasnt he sent off?.
Ultimately, it comes down to the decision of referee Atkinson.
And the official clearly considered Gomez to have been within distance of making a challenge on Diouf, therefore not making Mignolet the last man and having committed a foul that anywhere else on the pitch would be regarded a booking at most.
Whether everyone agrees on that, though, is another matter entirely.
Grande Fratello Vip, Luca Onestini nei guai? Ecco cosa è successo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.
Seat Ibiza SC 1.2 TDI ECOMOTIVE COPA /Rijklaarprijs/ - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I 5DRS Comfort Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:57.
Jeder fünfte Abbruch mit Pille - Duration: 0:54.
Cake Style 2017🎂Amazing Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation December #41🎂Most Satisfying Cake Videos - Duration: 10:44.
Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!
DIY Baby Doli Learning Colors How to Make Santa Clus and Mery Christmas Garden Fairy Tale Play Doh - Duration: 14:08.
Grading 'Crisis on Earth-X': Was CW's DC Comics Crossover Better Than 'Justice League'? - Duration: 7:56.
Grading 'Crisis on Earth-X': Was CW's DC Comics Crossover Better Than 'Justice League'?
The CWs four-series crossover is a two-night event combining characters from Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, and DCs Legends of Tomorrow.
This past month has now seen two attempts by DC Comics to bring together their greatest heroes to face off against an evil bigger than any one of them could handle alone.
Hands down, the big screen version featuring the likes of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman should have been the one to beat. And yet it wasnt.
Monday night kicked off The CWs two-night, four-show crossover event Crisis on Earth-X. It combines the characters of Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, and DCs Legends of Tomorrow, but dont look for any of those logos to appear on the screen.
Crisis has its own logo, and its the only one these four episodes are getting. Its appropriate, too, because the only way to really tell the difference between shows during this event is to watch the opening credits.
Rather than shift the action almost exclusively from one shows cast to the next, every character is given roughly equal screen-time, making this more of an event mini-series than a collection of episodes.
That doesnt mean it was all great. Lets break it down to see what was super and what turned out kinda lame.
From the Crisis on Earth-X logo to the individual city logos matching their respective show logos, a lot of attention was paid to the marketing and design of this mini-series event.
It had movie-style promo posters to let viewers know this was something special.
Add to that the design work put into realizing the effects and the Nazi heroes and their world, and this production managed to a slicker, more seamless look on a CW budget than Justice League could in removing a mustache.
Unfortunately, after luring them in, the event almost impenetrable for new viewers, or even faithful viewers who maybe didnt realize it was coming. Arrow jumped from Thursday to Monday for this event, so hopefully fans were paying attention.
If they missed the Supergirl hour, there was no Previously on segment, leaving them hopelessly lost.
With this sprawling cast of characters, if you didnt already have some idea of who these people were and which shows they came from, it could be very difficult to keep up.
With Nazi superheroes and an otherworldly invasion, the only story element we really needed from each of the respective series was the wedding of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Iris West (Candice Patton).
That was set up well enough through invitations sent to the varying heroes and their supporting cast in the opening moments.
Even Supergirls (Melissa Benoist) sister Alex (Chyler Leigh) hooking up with the White Canary (Caity Lotz) was well-handled, because all we needed to know was she was on the rebound.
What we didnt need was the overly complex Firestorm (Victor Garber/Franz Drameh) relationship drama, or the addition of Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) rejecting Olivers (Stephen Amell) proposal.
The more stand-alone the event could feel, the better entryway it might be for newer viewers into the DCW Universe.
One of the things that did work was how personal the threats were to the heroes, being their alternate-Earth Nazi counterparts. It also meant little time had to be given to explaining them.
Beyond evil Supergirl and Arrow, Reverse-Flash explained why he wore Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) face -- as he did previously in The Flash -- and Oliver had an extensive conversation with Nazi Tommy Merlyn (a returning Colin Donnell), who died way back in Season 1, to fill us in on who he was and what their relationship was about.
Keep back-matter simple and in the script.
They just couldnt resist having Supergirl rip open her shirt to reveal that S could they? And then they made it worse by concocting a ridiculous montage of all the heroes getting dressed for battle, and then dramatically walking in slow motion down a walkway.
The tropes were hitting a little too hard throughout the show, including Felicity rejecting Oliver super-loud in front of everyone (accidentally) and the dramatic reveal of the painfully obvious evil counterparts to our heroes. Yes, we all saw it coming.
We got some fantastic action sequences, including multiple epic fight scenes involving just about everyone, and a solid team rescue of a construction zone after Nazi-Supergirl set it to crumbling.
With so many heroes running around, the production team did a great job of panning around to give everyone a chance to shine, whether with powers or street-level fighting skills, creating seamless-yet-chaotic battle sequences that were absolutely mesmerizing to watch.
While the DC movies are still struggling to inject humor into their films, there were plenty of big laughs on the small one in these two hours.
Honorary Mention has to go to Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell) for every single line delivered. From lamenting that he has to wear clothing, to deciding which side to sit at in the wedding, every moment he had was gold.
The rest of the cast managed to slip in some good jabs along the way as well, keeping a sense of fun about the whole thing.
Just as they were about to get married, a Nazi arrived and disintegrated the pastor. After that battle, Iris told Barry, The most important thing is everyones okay. Um, well yeah, but not everyone.
The big question now for this epic crossover event is if they can stick the landing. Crisis on Earth-X wraps with two new episodes Tuesday night at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.
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Gorgeous Rustic Alexander Park Model RVs from Lakeside Models
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Just Boil 2 Ingredients Drink This Before Bedtime and Lose Weight Overnight
Dayakçı üniversiteli kızlara şok ceza! - Duration: 0:56.
Dayakçı üniversiteli kızlara şok ceza!
Sosyal medyada randevulaşıp kavga eden kızların cezası kesildi.
Hasibe H. ile Mihraban Y.'ye "Hurriyeti tahdit" suçundan
10'ar yıl hapis cezası verilirken, diğerleri beraat verdi.
Zanussi ZRA40100WA køleskab - Duration: 1:42.
Toyota MR2 - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed - Duration: 11:25.
Mr. 2 if you're nasty.
It's a badass spaceship from Japan that went head to head with some of the best exotics
in the world.
What it lacked in size it made up for in pure driving joy, and it helped Toyota establish
a decade's long reputation for performance.It's one of the famous Toyota triplets, it's the
Supra's little brother and at one point it was faster.
That's right.
Here's everything you need to know to get Up to Speed on the Toyota MR2.
(8-bit music plays)
This episode of Up To Speed is brought to you by Movement Watches.
I wear mine everyday and I've already been married nine times.
(Engine revving)
The Toyota MR2 began as a design experiment in 1979.
Lead Designer Akio Yoshida was trying to build a car that got great gas mileage and was fun to drive.
I love it, I love this car.
He was playing around with his sketch pad and thought "WHOA, what if I put the engine
behind the driver?"
The car could be really aerodynamic and the weight balance would be great for driving
around on the twisties.
"Holy crap guys, I think I just made a sports car!"
Yoshida's bosses were like "Dude, you're a little crazy, but we like it.
Let's make this thing!"
The MR2 prototype rode a fine line between cutting edge and cutting costs.
The car was equipped with disc brakes at every wheel, which was advanced for the early eighties,
but also used simple MacPherson strut suspension, which...
wasn't so advanced.
What critics might see as a way to cut costs, Toyota saw as innovative, minimalist design.
The simple nature of Macpherson struts made for less sophisticated handling, but they
take up a lot less room.
Which is important when you are putting an engine where it's not supposed to be, huh.
When you're designing a small mid-engined car, you have to save space wherever you can.
I cannot stress this enough I learned it the hard way.
Don't make the same mistakes I have.
The Car was also powered by the world's first production twin cam, 16 valve engine,
the 4A-GE.
Ever head of it, it's a freakin legend.
The little four banger hit redline at 7,400 rpm.
It freakin screamed, and it ripped.
The MR2 was Japan's first mid-engine car and it also had pop up freakin headlights.
Toyota was serious about making the MR2 really really good, they even tested the prototype
out at Willow Springs and had racing legend Dan Gurney help develop the suspension.
You know how every race car driver sprays champagne on the podium after they win?
Yeah, Dan Gurney invented that, so I think he knows a thing or two about making fast cars.
Sh*t cops.
Get down on the ground!
Dan and his team spent four days at Willow making tweaks to the car, to get it just right.
Gurney liked the car so much, he convinced Toyota to let him take the Prototype to
Angeles Crest highway so he could see how well it handled on real world conditions.
He freaking loved it.
He practically asked it to marry him.
He called it late at night and when, when it picked up he hung up.
He would text the MR2 randomly and say "What's up, how you been?
Just thinking about you."
That's how much he liked it.
Toyota gave us the 'Midship Runabout 2-seater, that is actually what MR2 stands for, in 1984,
when it went on sale in Japan, and it was an instant favorite.
It was modern and exotic- the car was reminiscent of the prototypical driver's car- the Lotus,
which was intentional.
Lotus helped Toyota design the suspension, and Toyota 'borrowed' a few Lotus design
cues for the body.
Alongside the Celica and Supra, the MR2 gave Toyota some serious performance cred.
If you wanted an affordable and reliable sports car in the 80s, you had get a Toyota!
Why did people love the MR2 so much?
Well I'll tell ya bud!
Like the Miata and Nissan Z, the MR2 gave owners the raw driving thrill of a car exponentially
more expensive.
And since it was Japanese, you didn't have to worry about getting it serviced every ten
thousand miles like a Ferrari.
For around 38 grand in today's money, you could own a mid engined sportscar that looked
like a spaceship.
Yes, that's awesome.
In 1986 the MR2 was offered with a supercharger that produced 145 horsepower, which pushed
the car from zero to sixty in six and a half seconds.
That was faster than the Supra and almost as quick as the Ferrari 328.
The supercharger also had an innovative feature that allowed it to be disengaged when it wasn't
needed to save gas.
It could also be bought with T-tops which pretty much makes the MR2 the most 80s car ever.
You got the T-Top, you got them Pop Up headlights and you got a supercharger.
This thing is everything we love from the 80s in one car, it's amazing.
So now Toyota's got a real sports car that's beating everything on the road, so what do you do?
Naturally, they take it off road.
In the mid eighties Toyota built an MR2 rally car called the 'Two Twenty Two D'.
It may have looked like an MR2, but shared virtually nothing with the production version,
except for some body panels and that Macpherson strut suspension.
It was all wheel drive, and reportedly made over 600 horsepower.
It also looked like freaking monster.
So how did this beast perform?
Well, it didn't.
Unfortunately the class it was designed for, Group S, was scrapped with Group B. What's Group B?
Only the most badass collection of Rally Cars ever assembled.
(Loud exhaust notes)
The second gen Mr. two debuted in 1990, with a fresh face and a sleek new bod.
Critics soon started calling the W20 the 'Poor man's Ferrari' because it kinda looked like one.
The new MR2 embraced the Exotic mindset with a more luxurious interior and larger overall design.
It's still very small.
Chief Engineer Kazutoshi Arima.
Chief Engineer Kazutoshi Arima exclaimed that "The MR2 should be the perfect expression of freedom."
Arima wanted the car to be a space where the Japanese driver could be themselves, and he
felt the rigors of life in Japan made it hard to do so.
The W20 weighed 400 pounds more than the previous car, but that didn't matter because Toyota
got rid of the Supercharger and threw on a turbocharger.
It's a turbo Elaine, a turbo!
Making 200 horses, and it was only available with a manual transmission.
Which is freakin awesome.
These days the Turbo models go for about 2 to 3 times as much as the naturally aspirated ones,
which sucks because I'm paying like $6500 dollars a month in child support.
He's 22 years old Jessica!
The updated MR2 was again a legitimate threat to the 'fancier' sportscars.
The stock turbo MR2 beat the NSX, Supra and Ferrari 348 in the Quarter mile.
On the Japanese car show "Best Motoring" the MR2 went head to head against cars like
the M3, R32, RX7 and the Supra, all of them brand new at the time, and the MR2 held them
all off for a lap, like it was playing Gran Turismo on easy mode.
Toyota Racing Development, TRD, offered the MR2 with an official body kit and tuning package
turning the car into a replica of their TRD 2000 GT race car.
Customers could order the package with whatever engine and suspension upgrades they wanted,
with some rumored to produce over 500 horsepower.
Making it the most badass deathtrap Toyota ever made.
The second Gen MR2 was produced for ten years with only very few changes throughout
it was just that good.
The one major change Toyota made to the 2nd Gen MR2 was the suspension.
The car had a tendency to let the tail out if you let off the gas during a turn, which
would then snap back when the car found its weight balance.
Snap oversteer.
This is easy to correct if you have F1 driver level skills like me or Dan Gurney, but
it caught a lot of regular people off guard.
Toyota made tweaks to fix the problem in '93, but critics said the car had lost it's edge.
Would you make up your mind?
Do you want the car to kill you or not?
I swear these car critics, I don't know man.
The third generation MR2 "Spyder" with a "y" was unveiled in 2000, this time offered
only as a convertible.
Fans were a little disappointed with the toned down looks but that didn't matter because
this thing was really freakin' good.
Some journalists called it the best handling car you could buy, even better than the freaking
The new MR2 was being compared to the Porsche Boxster, which is exactly what Toyota wanted.
Ya hear that Mazda?
Not only is our car better than your's we're better than Porsche too!
Suck it!
The Spyder's design was entirely focused on the driving experience.
Sure, It made 'only' 138 horsepower but the car was so light that it didn't even matter.
Like the Miata and the Boxster, the Spyder rewarded drivers who kept their momentum going.
However, if you still find the power to be a little lacking, swapping for other Toyota
four cylinders or even some 6's is pretty easy.
The Spyders gained popularity as a great choice for first project cars.
They're pretty cheap and since it's a Toyota, you don't have to worry about it
breaking down all the time.
MR2 sales started to decline around the world, and the Spyder ended production in 2007.
Toyota shifted their focus away from sports cars and towards building more practical cars
like the Prius, until 2013 when they Introduced the GT86, but that is a story for another day.
The MR2 was Toyota's take on the exotic, both in terms of looks and driving feel, and
they did a pretty damn good job.
While it may have started out as an exploration in good gas mileage, The MR2 transformed into
a perfect mix of driving emotion, stellar design, and legendary Toyota reliability.
it's a really cool car.
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That is everything you need to know to get Up To Speed on the Toyota MR2.
We were literally bribed with cookies to make this one.
Donut fan Jack thinks he can bribe us with cookies, well he can.
We'll get the MR2 Up To Speed out asap.
Jack beautiful family, we love you.
We got Top 10's every Friday, Matt Field's FD Corvette build every Tuesday.
We got a lot of stuff going on, keep paying attention to Donut.
As always like, comment , subscribe, and share.
I love you.
Będę nagrywać Vlogmasy? / skrzacik - Duration: 1:26.
Peugeot 307 SW 1.6 16V PREMIUM TREKHAAK CLIMA - Duration: 0:59.
JUGAAD'S - Duration: 0:58.
Pop Latino 2018 Megamix HD - Romeo Santos, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Nicky Jam, Ozuna - LATIN MIX 2018 - Duration: 1:09:28.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Anitta, J Balvin, Nicky Jam, Chino Y Nacho, Cali Y Dandee, Alex Sensation - Estrenos 2018 Reggaeton - Duration: 1:05:23.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
4 health benefits of green tea | Health benefits #6 - Duration: 3:48.
Hello everyone, it's Pierrick in this video I'm going to show you 4 health benefits of green tea.
The first health benefit of green tea I wanted to talk to you about,
is that green tea is a great source of antioxidants. Green tea is the tea shape, which is the best source in antioxidants
because green tea consists in leaves that haven't been fermented.
Many studies show that green tea could help us to prevent
different types of cancers such as stomach cancer, colon cancer or kidney cancer.
Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties thanks to the catechin
contains in green tea. Also green tea can help us
to have a better digestion thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
The second health benefit I wanted to talk to you about is that green tea hydrates
almost as much as water. Studies have shown after urine test
and blood test from two different groups of people, one who had consumed water,
the other one who had consumed tea for some days.
And the results have shown that green tea hydrates as much as water overall.
The third health benefit of green tea I wanted to talk to you about is
that it provides caffeine but in a moderate amount. For example, a 250ml mug
of green tea provides 25mg of caffeine which is 4 times less caffeine
than the same mug of coffee. The good thing about caffeine is that it boosts our energy, it has positive effects
on our brain and attention. But if you drink too much caffeine you can become anxious,
have stomach pains and so on.
The fourth and last health benefit of green tea I wanted to talk to you about is
that green tea can help us lower our blood pressure.
There's a study from the British Journal of Nutrition, which shows that
consuming green tea in the long term, in the study they talk about a group of people
who consumed green tea for more than 12 weeks, could have positive effects on their blood pressure.
And it could lead to slightly lower our blood pressure.
To resume, green tea is a great source of antioxidants and could help us to prevent some cancers.
Green tea is also as hydrating as water, green tea contains caffeine but in a moderate amount.
And finally green tea can help us lower our blood pressure over the long term.
I hope you found this video helpful.
Thank you for watching, feel free to subscribe to my channel for more videos on nutrition.
And you can support my videos on my Patreon page.
See you next time !
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chlamydia - Duration: 2:34.
Hello, I want to share something with you.
Sexuality Transmitted Infections (STIs)
can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.
Other STIs can also be passed through injection drug use and pregnancy.
One of the most common infections is chlamydia.
It is a bacterial infection that can be spread through oral, vaginal,
or anal sex with someone who has chlamydia.
The best way to prevent getting chlamydia
is to not have sex or to be abstinent.
If you are sexually active, you have two options:
If you go get tested and get a negative result,
then that means good news!
Use latex condoms the right way, every time you have sex.
You can get free condoms from Ely 103 or at the front desks of the dorms.
Many people who have chlamydia do not have symptoms right away
or do not have symptoms at all.
Symptoms may include:
a discharge, swelling, or a burning sensation while urinating.
Keep an eye on these things!
Chlamydia can be treated if you follow the instructions on the medication.
If left untreated, it can lead to future health problems
and also cause infertility.
If you think you may have chlamydia or been exposed,
stop having sex and get tested right away.
Testing for chlamydia involves a either a urine sample
or a swab of the mouth and private area.
To find out more information, please go to:
Ex Clinton Foundation Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embr - Duration: 4:02.
Ex-Clinton Foundation Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sexual Abuse
by Tyler Durden.
A former Clinton Foundation official who is now an independent director at a company which
operates private schools in China has found himself embroiled in a bizarre child abuse
scandal involving needles, pills, �brown syrup,� nudity, and sexual molestation,
according to parents.
The head of a Beijing kindergarten has been fired after China launched a nationwide investigation
into a chain of private schools operated by RYB Education Inc. ($RYB) following claims
of abuse at multiple locations. Parents report at least 8 toddlers with mysterious needle
marks, while others said their children were forced to take white pills that were supposed
to be �a little secret� between the children and teachers, along with some sort of �brown
syrup� given to the students. Children were also allegedly stripped naked and forced to
stand, or locked in a dark room, one parent said.
An unidentified mother who made a viral video about the abuse told reporters Thursday that
her son was was injected with a brown liquid by a teacher and made to strip along with
other students before being �examined� by a naked adult male stranger, describing
it as an "action like sexual intercourse." When the mother pressed the principal to allow
her to review closed circuit footage from the school, she was denied.
Furious parents gathered in front of RYB Education New World Kindergarten on Friday demanding
answers, while China�s Xinhua news agency reports that children were also sexually molested.
The Beijing kindergarten at the heart of the controversy is located next to a large military
base, sparking rumors that military officials had been sexually abusing the children. Notably,
the husband of the kindergarten�s director was previously an official at the base, however
Fun Junfeng, the base�s political commissioner told PLA daily that there was �no evidence�
that military personnel are involved in the abuse.
These latest allegations are not the first involving RYB schools. In April, the head
of a different RYB kindergarten in Beijing was suspended after admitting that teachers
had made �severe mistakes� when videos emerged of children being thrown and kicked
in the back. In October, 2016 two teachers from an RYB kindergarten in the northeast
Julin province were sentenced to 34 months in prison after jabbing children in the buttocks,
head, and insides of their mouths with sewing needles.
with the exception of former Clinton Foundation executive and associate dean at Yale, Joel
Getz, 52, who is listed as an Independent Director.
Mr. Joel A. Getz is Independent Director of the Company. Prior to that, Mr. Getz served
as Director of Development for the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York and was
President of the Mayor�s Fund to Advance New York City.
The RYB Investor Relations page lists Getz as a member of the Audit Committee and the
Compensation Committee.
Bill Bishop of the Sinocism China Newsletter and Axios contributor points out that it�s
a bit odd that an Associate Dean at Yale would be on the board of directors of a Chinese
kindergarten chain, suggesting that perhaps Getz thought it would be �easy money.�
Why is Joel Getz, an associate dean at Yale, on the board of RYB Education? Must have thought
would be easy money, form now at the center of child abuse scandal
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