Hey and nice that you are back again, today I've got another Haul video for you and most of the things I ordered at EMP
there are just two things that I didn't buy there,
I collected the things over the past weeks because I often just ordered one or two things
and now I will show you all of them so don't wonder if it will be pretty much
so let's begin, I will start with the things I didn't buy at EMP
when I searched new TV series that I could watch I found "13 reasons why" and Ioved this series so much, I don't know if it will be continued
anyway, I bought the book of it, usually I first read the book and then watch the movie or series but this time I just know from the series that there exists a book
so I ordered it and it will be very useful in the next time because I will go to the rehab, by the way there will be an extra video about the rehab
so this is how the book looks, I ordered it at amazon and I'm pretty excited to read this because I often like the books more than the movies/series
the next thing is from Primark, actually I was at Primark for other stuff like sportswear and so on but I couldn't pass it up
it's this cute Harry Potter backpack, yeah I know there is my obsession for HP again
it has a Gryffindor Patch on it, I don't know if there were other versions available, to be honest I didn't look at it
I think it is so pretty and the color is kind of a dark red/purple I really like that it doesn't have many odds and ends or something golden which I really hate
it also has a perfect size when you just went into town and don't want to take much stuff with you
Let's continue with the EMP stuff now and we will stay with bags
maybe you have seen one of my latest outfit posts on Instagram, I bought this bag from Banned
and I absolutely love this bag, it has a pretty small size, so you can't take much stuff with you
you may hear that the front and the back are very stable and that really surprised me
I'm in love with the shape of the bag, and all the cats on it and the Ouija theme, I already own the dress of it which has the same symbols on it
and I had this bag on my wishlist for such a long time and finally I bought it for or after my birthday
of course I bought some American Horror Story stuff again, the first thing is a top
It is this one, I don't know if you can see it that good, so it says "Bitchcraft" and it also has a pentagram and AHS Coven on it
I really like it because it is a quite thick rib fabric
Someone on Instagram asked me where I bought the next thing from AHS
It's this scarf, I think it's also from season 3, it definitely looks like "Coven"
so it has this symbols everywhere and small red dots, it's a big scarf as you can see and I wear this scarf every day because I just like it so much
recently I bought two jackets to choose and I had to pay over 100 Euro so I finally got a Tshirt from the Backstage Club thing again
and I'm so happy that I could get one of the Halloween Shirts, so it has this Pumpkin on it and I think it's so cool
I choose the girlie shirt and it is one size bigger than I usual wear so it is a little bit more comfy
then I bought a shirt, it's from Gothicana, it's pretty long so it's prefect to wear it with leggings, it has those spiderweb sleeves which I really like
and in the waist area it has a lacing and I like it because I hate shirts that just hang out without any shape
but yeah it's made of a thin polyester fabric so you can see what you wear underneath but I like this shirt to wear it with leggings
talking of leggins, I will show you two leggings that I recently bought
Actually I'm not a fan of polyester fabric but these leggings are very soft and feel more like cotton and they don't have this shiny polyester look
One of them has this zodiac star thing on the sites (I pronounced it totally wrong in german)
otherwise it's just simple black, it fits me perfectly in my normal size, it's just too long for me because of my height
I'm not that small but it seems that it's made for people who are 5cm taller than me
but it doesn't bother me because the motive still fits
then I bought nearly the same one but this one has the moon phase on the sites, it's like the other one, fits in my normal size
at least I bought a winter parka or winter coat, I just will show you how it looks when you wear it
it's from Gothicana again and the name is "Bloodsucker", it has many buckles on the front, it's quite long which I really prefer when it gets colder
I'm totally happy with the Parka, I ordered it in my normal size and can still wear a thick pullover underneath (this wasn't the case when I ordered other jackets 1 or 2 sizes bigger)
that was my EMP Haul, I hope you liked the video, feel free to subscribe to my channel or leave nice feedback and I hope I will see you next time again, bye
For more infomation >> Gothic EMP Haul | Banned | AHS - Duration: 6:18.-------------------------------------------
Música menuda 1: Els instruments de percussió - Duration: 5:34.
マクラーレンが早速MSO仕様による「720S・ヴェロシティ」を発表 - Duration: 2:30.
これは珍しい。イギリスにてパープルカラーのランボルギーニ「ウラカン・ペルフォルマンテ」が目撃に - Duration: 3:01.
これ凄くイイ。アストンマーティン「ヴァンテージ」をシューティングブレーク風にしたレンダリングが公開に - Duration: 3:23.
最高出力800馬力以上。BMW「M4」に自由の女神像のラッピング&ワイドボディ化された個体が公開 - Duration: 1:53.
Coronation Street spoilers: Sinead Tinker to CHEAT on Chesney Brown? - Duration: 4:01.
Coronation Street spoilers: Sinead Tinker to CHEAT on Chesney Brown?
Things have been tough between Sinead and Chesney (Sam Aston) for a while now.
After the shock death of Katy Armstrong (Georgia May Foote) off-air, the couple have been trying to raise her son Joseph together.
But try as she might, she just hasnt taken to motherhood like a duck to water, instead struggling with the little boy.
And not even her upcoming wedding to Ches can cheer her up.
So much so, she heads to the pub with Beth Sutherland (Lisa George) and has one two many, getting too drunk to pick up her new step-son.
As she stumbles back to her flat, with Beth mockingly calling her niece a lightweight, she runs into old flame Daniel Osbourne (Robert Mallard) who saucily invites her back to his for coffee.
But as she downs some herbal tea to try and sober up, the pair have a heart-to-heart, with Daniel telling her that he misses her.
A tearful Katie replies she misses him too, and the pair cosy up for a kiss.
"Daniel just wants to get in Sineads knickers." Twitter user But the blonde beauty pulls back at the last minute, reminding Daniel of her engagement to Chesney.
Viewers are convinced the pair will end up in each others arms again, with the pair already flirting with danger.
Fans took to Twitter to share their theories.
Dont tell me Daniel and Sinead get together again! said one fan.
Another added: Daniel just wants to get in Sineads knickers.
Sinead is better off with Daniel.
He appreciates her and wants her to flourish and doesnt use her as free childcare, a third said.
Elsewhere on the Square, Rana (Bhavna Limbachia) confronted a tearful Kate Connor (Faye Brookes) about her voicemail message she left before her wedding Unable to admit to her best friend that shes in love with her, Kate runs away and drives off, only to hit Robert Preston (Tristan Gemmill) in her has.
Will Robert survive the horror crash? Coronation Street is on Wednesday at 7.
30pm on ITV.
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L'acteur Tomer Sisley a épousé Sandra de Matteis ! - Duration: 1:20.
How To Make A Flat Poster Design | Satori Graphics Updates - Duration: 12:02.
today here in satori graphics you're going to learn how to make a flat poster
design in Adobe Illustrator in the description below is a link to the final
poster design and a mock-up then you can use for your very own flat poster design
also there's a quick Illustrated tip at the very end of the video in relation to
illustrator brushes
what is that people welcome back to tutor graphics the home of graphic
design content right here on YouTube before we getting today's flat poster
design tutorial I would like to ask you guys if you think it's a good idea to
review your designs one episode per week if you do like that let me know in the
comment section below and we can arrange that here astoria graphics so like I
said the final design is linked in the description below for you to download
but for a flat poster design we're going to be using a three document with a
three millimeter bleed and of course it needs to be CMYK for print
I'm using a light blue for my background but you can use whatever color you want
for your flat face or design using the rectangle tool create a shape that
covers the entire canvas we can then lock it in place what is move around
throughout the entire flat poster design tutorial
choose a shade a very dark blue that is close enough to black but not quite jet
black and then take the rounded rectangle tool click once on the canvas
and then type in seven millimeters with the corners repeat this once again but
with a white rectangle and lay over the top then you need to take the prepare
tool and sample the background color
make a third rounded rectangle for this time with a smaller round corners and
then place in position like so
at this juncture select the y-shaped and press command or control C to copy er
then select all three shapes and then align them like so to make sure they're
positioned perfectly
open the Pathfinder window and hold down shift and click both the blue shape and
the white shape and then use this function here in the Pathfinder panel if
you then press command or control f you will paste the shape back into the
correct place and insulate both the black shape and the blue shape and
repeat the process finally send the blank sheet backwards once now your tape
cassette shape has the mid section cut out
just to demonstrate something quickly I've made this midsection too wide even
though it's been cut into the shape we can still use direct selection tool to
edit the shape hold down shift and then select multiple anchor points at once
and ultimately with the arrow keys on your keyboard
the appearance panel and user prepare tool to sample the background color once
again we are now making the tape section for our flat poster design make a
perfect circle with the ellipse tool and then in the appearance panel add a new
stroke drag the stroke to the bottom of the layers and add a white color I'm
going to use 20 as a stroke thickness add a second stroke and make it black
but increase the stroke away quite a bit
then hold down the alt option key and duplicate the circle and adjust a black
stroke so it gives an illusion of a tape inside the cursor for a flat poster
select all of the shapes on the actual canvas and bring them to the front of
all the layers then we need to align the circles along horizontal plane and place
them within the cutout section
select the blank shape and then select offer there we want a slightly lighter
shade of dark gray blue so that we can create a small rectangle with the
rectangle tool
using direct selection tool we can then nudge the top anchor points over like
I'm doing here we then need to place the shape over the cassette tape perfectly
in place by holding down shift select both circles and then group them
together with command or control g select everything on your flat poster
design and then line them like so we're almost finished with today's tutorial on
how to make a flat poster design so stick around for the finishing touches
and then at the very end of the video an illustrated bonus tip based around
with the dough shade of black create a circle in the top-left of the cassette
and then duplicate it with the alt/option key we then need to make two
more circles and then add a yellow color to them
using shift-select all full circles group them together then duplicate the
group and reflect them by placing them in the perfect position on your flat
poster design
this next step is a bit of fiddly but it's fairly simple making yellow
rectangle like so and then duplicate it and turn that second rectangle to black
take your time to make sure that they're perfectly aligned right up to the edge
of the bisection we need the Pathfinder window open for the next pyre
we need to slide the white shape and copy with command or ctrl C select the
white shape and the yellow rectangle and use the intersect function in the
pathfinder press command or ctrl F to paste the shape back and then send it
back one layer repeat the process with the back
rectangle and then send the worksheet back twice
there is a shortcut keyboard for this function PC here
you had now had a shadow to our flat poster design so group every single
element on the cassette tape together and in place exactly where you want it
on your poster design using the pen tool make a line from the bottom-left of the
tape to the bottom route of the canvas
click off of the path and then make another line from the top right of the
tape downwards flick the pathway go to a fill and then bring a cassette tape to
the front now this pie is entirely up to you but you can add a gradient and lower
the opacity of that gradient where you can simply lower the opacity of the
shape without the gradient whatever you think looks best for your flat poster
to save time I've gone ahead and added the typographic elements on a design and
to be honest this section of the tutorial should be up to you so get
creative with your typography I do have the design linked in description below
for you to download as well as a mock-up for Photoshop next a quick but cool tip
on illustrator brushes
there are some really really neat and cool brushes by default in a deputy
strate er so you put up the brush libraries like so and then choose from a
nice selection
if you then double-click a brush you can edit there you can change the pressure
in the style the direction and other various factors they're actually quite a
decent amount of free brushes here are standard in David is right there
you can then go ahead and add them to your design you can outline this trick
off the brush and they have a fully customizable vector brush on your design
so if you enjoy today's tutorial on how to make a flat poster design in the
illustrator drop a like and a comment on this video as well as share it on social
media spread the word of Satori because it does help my channel grow remember to
subscribe for weekly grapple design uploads to be on --then already and
until next time design your future today peace
Essayez cette crème puissante faite maison. Elle fait disparaitre vos rides !|LSF TV - Duration: 5:11.
Unbox the most mini & compact D-Link IP Camera - DCS-8000LH - Duration: 3:02.
Hi Everyone!
Let me give you a close-up view
So what does it do?
It works simply just like a mini HD camera
You can put at your home
or even in your office
... super duper excited for this!!
We have opened the box..
Now let's see what's inside the box!
Here come this product...
This product is in white color
very small, very compact
and very convenient for anyone to bring or to put it at anywhere
Let me show you one more time, what's inside the box
The DCS-8000LH
Power adapter for DCS-8000LH
Take a look at the box
and on to the side view..
where you will see the specifications
So tell you what I'm gonna read some of it
and I'm going to explain to you
so first is, DCS-8000LH is a High Definition Camera
meaning you will get a very good quality video
and there will be the motion sound detection
where you will receive a notifications alert
For instance, if there's anything that is happening to your house
You will know straight away because
you will get an alert notification
linked to your mydlink app
why you will choose a DCS-8000LH?
very convenient for use in the day and night
capture video up to 16 feet of complete darkness
also one of the best choice ever is
it is super duper compact!
Bye till next time
Arnaud Lagardère cherche à donner "à nouveau envie d'écouter Europe 1" - Duration: 1:30.
[MMD] MINEEE!! DL!!! - Duration: 0:40.
Gothic EMP Haul | Banned | AHS - Duration: 6:18.
Hey and nice that you are back again, today I've got another Haul video for you and most of the things I ordered at EMP
there are just two things that I didn't buy there,
I collected the things over the past weeks because I often just ordered one or two things
and now I will show you all of them so don't wonder if it will be pretty much
so let's begin, I will start with the things I didn't buy at EMP
when I searched new TV series that I could watch I found "13 reasons why" and Ioved this series so much, I don't know if it will be continued
anyway, I bought the book of it, usually I first read the book and then watch the movie or series but this time I just know from the series that there exists a book
so I ordered it and it will be very useful in the next time because I will go to the rehab, by the way there will be an extra video about the rehab
so this is how the book looks, I ordered it at amazon and I'm pretty excited to read this because I often like the books more than the movies/series
the next thing is from Primark, actually I was at Primark for other stuff like sportswear and so on but I couldn't pass it up
it's this cute Harry Potter backpack, yeah I know there is my obsession for HP again
it has a Gryffindor Patch on it, I don't know if there were other versions available, to be honest I didn't look at it
I think it is so pretty and the color is kind of a dark red/purple I really like that it doesn't have many odds and ends or something golden which I really hate
it also has a perfect size when you just went into town and don't want to take much stuff with you
Let's continue with the EMP stuff now and we will stay with bags
maybe you have seen one of my latest outfit posts on Instagram, I bought this bag from Banned
and I absolutely love this bag, it has a pretty small size, so you can't take much stuff with you
you may hear that the front and the back are very stable and that really surprised me
I'm in love with the shape of the bag, and all the cats on it and the Ouija theme, I already own the dress of it which has the same symbols on it
and I had this bag on my wishlist for such a long time and finally I bought it for or after my birthday
of course I bought some American Horror Story stuff again, the first thing is a top
It is this one, I don't know if you can see it that good, so it says "Bitchcraft" and it also has a pentagram and AHS Coven on it
I really like it because it is a quite thick rib fabric
Someone on Instagram asked me where I bought the next thing from AHS
It's this scarf, I think it's also from season 3, it definitely looks like "Coven"
so it has this symbols everywhere and small red dots, it's a big scarf as you can see and I wear this scarf every day because I just like it so much
recently I bought two jackets to choose and I had to pay over 100 Euro so I finally got a Tshirt from the Backstage Club thing again
and I'm so happy that I could get one of the Halloween Shirts, so it has this Pumpkin on it and I think it's so cool
I choose the girlie shirt and it is one size bigger than I usual wear so it is a little bit more comfy
then I bought a shirt, it's from Gothicana, it's pretty long so it's prefect to wear it with leggings, it has those spiderweb sleeves which I really like
and in the waist area it has a lacing and I like it because I hate shirts that just hang out without any shape
but yeah it's made of a thin polyester fabric so you can see what you wear underneath but I like this shirt to wear it with leggings
talking of leggins, I will show you two leggings that I recently bought
Actually I'm not a fan of polyester fabric but these leggings are very soft and feel more like cotton and they don't have this shiny polyester look
One of them has this zodiac star thing on the sites (I pronounced it totally wrong in german)
otherwise it's just simple black, it fits me perfectly in my normal size, it's just too long for me because of my height
I'm not that small but it seems that it's made for people who are 5cm taller than me
but it doesn't bother me because the motive still fits
then I bought nearly the same one but this one has the moon phase on the sites, it's like the other one, fits in my normal size
at least I bought a winter parka or winter coat, I just will show you how it looks when you wear it
it's from Gothicana again and the name is "Bloodsucker", it has many buckles on the front, it's quite long which I really prefer when it gets colder
I'm totally happy with the Parka, I ordered it in my normal size and can still wear a thick pullover underneath (this wasn't the case when I ordered other jackets 1 or 2 sizes bigger)
that was my EMP Haul, I hope you liked the video, feel free to subscribe to my channel or leave nice feedback and I hope I will see you next time again, bye
L'acteur Tomer Sisley a épousé Sandra de Matteis ! - Duration: 1:20.
« Elle n'était pas très douée comme mère » Julien se confie sur son enfance singulière - Duration: 2:46.
Halte aux idées reçues sur l'alternance en Hôtellerie-Restauration : Pascale Kozyk - Duration: 0:28.
Idées reçues sur l'hôtellerie-restauration : Pascale Kozyk - Duration: 3:13.
集団痴漢で男4人を逮捕!ネット掲示板で知り合った可能性 - Duration: 3:54.
Secret Story 11 – Laura et Noré se déchaînent, Barbara et Charlène réfléchissent… - Duration: 3:19.
Smart Holiday Light Display
Stroke and Gang Disorder - Can brain pacemakers help soon? - Duration: 3:20.
There is now hope for stroke patients suffering from a gangster disorder. .
Now more in the video. Have fun!
This is a new study at the Neurological Clinic and Polyclinic
of the University Hospital of Würzburg, which is now being carried out It is hoped that the electrical
stimulation of a certain midbrain region will improve the gait disorders
of stroke patients. According to current figures, about
one-third of the survivors of a stroke are barely
or not at all able to walk properly. Professor Jens
Volkmann, Director of the Neurological Clinic and Polyclinic of the
University Hospital Würzburg, comments on this. He says:"Up to now, there have been no really
effective drug treatment options for these chronic gait disorders, and
the success of practicing therapies is also very limited. Dr. Felix Fluri, senior physician
of the Neurological Clinic of VHF is positive that mesencephal
locomotor center has long been known as the coordination center of walking.
We assume that the electrical stimulation shields the mesencephal locomotive region
from disturbing signals from superordinate brain regions.
This puts the remedy back in the position to control
and steer normally via subordinate spinal cord centers.
To make things easier to understand, this means that once an electrical stimulus is available,
it can have a positive effect on walking ability.
However, the whole thing is strictly bound to the
electrical stimulation. Positive results were obtained in .
animal experiments. Dr. Fluri:
"This works like a switch on current, the rats can move normally.
Rats have massive motoric limitations.
The hope is now that deep brain stimulation can
also be adapted to strokes. Professor Volkmann is pleased that this work could be
of direct relevance for stroke patients and continues:
"With deep brain stimulation, we already have an approved method
that is proving very successful in other brain regions and other diseases such as
Parkinson's disease. Against this backdrop, .
we aim to conduct a clinical trial of the
transferability of the procedure to suitable stroke patients in the near future.
It would be a great success for those affected
if electrical stimulation could improve
the gait disorder of stroke patients.
Feel free to the video with your friends. Give us your Like, if you liked the video and
we would be happy, if you switch on again next time
or visit www.neodoc.de for more videos.
All the best for you!
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