All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades
You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you
You're lovin' on the murderer sitting next to you
You'll think, how'd I get here, sitting next to you?
But after all I've said, please don't forget
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
We don't deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
Yeah, I trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions
You're lovin' on the freakshow sitting next to you
You'll have some weird people sitting next to you
You'll think "how did I get here, sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said, please don't forget
Watch it
For more infomation >> {Nightcore} Heathens (MMD) Short.Vers - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Arrow 6x09 "Irreconcilable Differences" Extended Promo (2017) Mid-Season Finale - Duration: 0:31.
Please raise a glass to true love.
Oliver and Felicity.
We got a problem.
It's a witness who is willing to testify that you are The Green Arrow.
Someone on the team.
It's a betrayal.
It can literally be any one of us.
Let's not get paranoid here.
Whatever issues we have, let's put it aside and get the job done.
Where the hell is everybody?!
Arrow mid-season finale Thursday December 7th on The CW.
Eric Cantona mis en examen après ses propos diffamatoires contre Didier Deschamps - Duration: 1:59.
Nothing to Fear - Duration: 41:56.
VIDEO. Shaka Ponk: «Pour la première fois, on a fait comme un groupe normal,... - Duration: 4:55.
Appliquez ce masque sur vos cernes et faites-les disparaître ! Incroyables résultats !|LSF TV - Duration: 6:18.
Une astuce pour se réveiller aussi jolie qu'une princesse|LSF TV - Duration: 6:18.
Million Dollar Listing's Fredrik Eklund Welcomes Twins - Duration: 3:30.
Million Dollar Listing's Fredrik Eklund Welcomes Twins
Fredrik Eklund finally has his happily ever after! The Million Dollar Listing star announced that he and husband Derek Kaplan welcomed twins, a boy and girl they named Fredrik Jr. and Milla, on social media Tuesday. Dressed in a pair of hospital scrubs and holding their bundles of joy close, Fredrik captioned the precious snapshot, Happiest moment of my life.
Welcome Fredrick and Milla to the world. The accomplished real estate mogul first revealed they were expecting via surrogate in August, two years after their previous surrogate suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage. Weve been blessed two times over - were six months pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl! he captioned a celebratory photo of the couple kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower.
It was important for us to take the time to keep the news for ourselves, but now we are ready to celebrate all the love. .
And over the Thanksgiving holiday, Eklund reflected on their future in a heartfelt Instagram post dedicated to their twins and surrogate.
He wrote, The last photo before the twins arrive in just a few days.
So thankful.
most of all to our surrogate, shes become family through this. The proud papa continued, At night I put my hand on her stomach and feel Milla and Fredrick kicking & we cant wait to finally welcome them home.
Its hard to explain but Derek and Ive both been so giggly all the time lately.
Its like entering another dimension this thing, if youve had kids perhaps you can relate? I think my heart is going to explode when I finally hold them.
Were so appreciative of all the well-wishes and love.
Happy Thanksgiving from us! Throughout their journey to becoming first-time dads, Fredrik has shared just how much theyve prepared for the babies arrivals. .
Fredrik and Derek decorated the nursery like a castle, and decked the entire room out with toys, books and clothes.
Four years after tying the knot, its obvious this celebrity pair will be the most doting of dads to little Fredrik and Milla!.
Congratulations, you two! .
Elle utilise cette astuce pour supprimer sa cellulite, le résultat est incroyable !|LSF TV - Duration: 5:52.
Karol G, Bad Bunny - Ahora ...
Anne Marie Pareyn - Business Happiness à Val d'Europe - Duration: 2:33.
The Val d'Europe area has been attracting companies for 20 years.
Bold and visionary entrepreneurs
arrived as pioneers to stake their claim.
Today, they are turning the spotlight on this unique location.
They want to share their convictions, their spirit and their allegiance.
Villages Nature Paris is a European first:
a major project committed to eco-tourism.
20 years ago, our goal was to invent a totally new tourist experience,
a large-scale destination right next to Paris.
And this project was developed using local resources
that are both natural and sustainable.
In fact, we developed a new, modern vision of tomorrow's tourism.
Going to Villages Nature, will be yet another way
to discover the area's natural and cultural riches.
Villages Nature is a veritable new benchmark for Val d'Europe.
Val d'Europe is more than just a booming economic cluster,
it also provides real solutions for sustainable development.
From the start, we wanted to protect the ecosystem.
For example, Villages Nature draws on geothermal energy.
The Dogger underground reservoir, located 2000 metres below the surface,
supplies water heated to 50°C - 85°C
and covers 100% of the site's heating needs.
This alternative energy source
eliminates 9000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.
We invite any entrepreneurs interested in participating,
investing and setting up business
in this eco-friendly environment
and who are committed to sustainable development
to join us, so we can move forward together.
And, of course, they can count on the support of Val d'Europe.
Uomini e Donne Trono Gay Alessandro: gesto d'amore per Alex| STARS NEWS - Duration: 2:43.
ERC dice que buscará la manera de "restituir" a Puigdemont tras el 21-D - Duration: 2:14.
Guillaume Rousseau - Business Happiness à Val d'Europe - Duration: 2:52.
The Val d'Europe area has been attracting companies for 20 years.
Bold and visionary entrepreneurs
arrived as pioneers to stake their claim.
Today, they are turning the spotlight on this unique location.
They want to share their convictions, their spirit and their allegiance.
In my work, I was lucky enough to
participate in the Albertville winter olympics,
as a banker.
Barnier, Killy, a tandem, an idea, an exceptional undertaking,
and 30 years later, Albertville and its valley, are still surfing...
on the success of those Olympic Games.
For me, Val d'Europe, is the same thing.
It started 30 years ago with an idea,
decisive action, flawlessly executed.
And Val d'Europe is gradually becoming our region's nerve center,
both economically and demographically,
thanks to its amazing energy.
We are drawn here for
the pool of exceptional skills and knowledge,
and the advantages of Val d'Europe
such as its proximity to the Paris area job market.
The future of our bank, like many other businesses,
depends on the men and women who work there.
So this advantage is a key element.
It is why we chose this site for our Seine-et-Marne department head office,
in a decidedly modern building
that maintains a respect for the area's agricultural roots.
When we leave a site, when we move to a new site,
it is a major undertaking.
And, in this case, it all went very smoothly
with all the various parties,
including the municipal authorities,
Epamarne, Disney,
making our move a success.
More than a partnership, we formed genuine cooperation,
genuine complicity with all those involved.
There is also one other fundamental dimension,
and that is bringing jobs,
closer to where the employees live.
And for us, Val d'Europe offers them an exceptional quality of life.
So, the bank is growing,
benefiting from well-being in the workplace,
and the well-being enjoyed by area residents.
Val d'Europe is a mosaic of sites and people,
continually moving forward,
and taking the future in its stride.
{Nightcore} Heathens (MMD) Short.Vers - Duration: 2:00.
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades
You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you
You're lovin' on the murderer sitting next to you
You'll think, how'd I get here, sitting next to you?
But after all I've said, please don't forget
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
We don't deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
Yeah, I trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions
You're lovin' on the freakshow sitting next to you
You'll have some weird people sitting next to you
You'll think "how did I get here, sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said, please don't forget
Watch it
Royal Family To Foot Bill For Big Wedding - Duration: 2:13.
How to Use Sound to Attract What You Want With the Law of Attraction - Duration: 7:52.
this video is going to show you exactly how our sound is influencing the kind of
experience that we're having and I'm going to share with you practical tools
and techniques for resonating with the reality that you prefer welcome back to
another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness
now in this video I'm taking it a step further of something that I really
haven't talked a lot about before just because there's kind of this wumu
connotation around understanding how sound affects what we experience but
what I really want to show with this is that we are always getting a reflection
of who we are being and everything is vibration this is something that physics
is showing us this is something we're coming to understand more and more about
and when we look at this in the form of vibration we can see that there is an
effect that we have with what we are saying with what we are feeling to what
we are experience in our life now it's just that we can't physically see with
our eyes vibration in the form of sound the idea is that we must use these
technology we must use certain machines in order to see it so to a lot of people
it might not be something that is real but that the fundamental core understand
that whatever we are feeling within our body whatever we believe to be true
whatever definitions we have we will always get that reflection in our life
now years ago I was studying the power of sounds understanding how mantras
affect our body how mantras can affect our brain and there are science studies
that show that mantras and certain sounds affect the brain in a certain way
so just saying the words ohm that is in a certain vibratory effect on our body
and our organs on who we are so the key to this is understanding that we can
take around and out all the religious connotations and we can see this in the
form of simply sound and simply vibration now what I want to encourage
you is to first off become aware of what you are saying many things that we say
become self-fulfilling prophecies so if we're saying that this is so hard to do
if we're using words that maybe negatively
influence us maybe words like I can't or words like you know thinking that we are
frustrated annoyed all of these things that has a certain pattern to it that
has a certain feeling to it that affects us in a certain way even if we look at
it in subconscious ways those words affect our subconscious now the key to
this is first off dropping all the labels dropping saying things you know I
catch myself a lot because I used to have a job that I went to and before I
did YouTube full-time and I remember that sometimes we'd get into this
pattern of complaining about certain things we'd get into this pattern of
complaining about how slow it is because it was a sales commission job and that
was a self-fulfilling prophecy and a lot of times that created negative momentum
within the mind that became something that brought energy down but what I
became aware of is how I could avoid those conversations I could shift the
conversations to something positive and then start to create positive momentum
so the first part of this before I get into understanding how we can use it to
change the resonance of who we are being is knowing become aware of what you are
saying become aware of what you are thinking because that is what you are
putting out and that is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy so stay away
from words like frustrated annoyed words like I can't do this or start to become
aware of what those are and simply decide that when you have that happen
you are going to switch it to something that is positive or you're going to
start to see and focus on things that actually serve you switch your focus now
let's take this a step further and we'll understand the power of mantras now I'm
not saying that we have to come up with these whole like sayings but what I am
saying is that if you right now just go oh just go oh
when you do that what happens is you can feel a vibration within your body you
can feel it in your throat you can feel it in your chest in your heart and think
about that in the form of vibration now when this becomes powerful is when
you're able to hold certain tensions hold certain thoughts while going home
or whatever mantra you want I use ohm because I find that it incorporates more
of my body than just my head and what I do is I use ohm and I think about the
intentions I have I think about feeling inside my heart Center and I think about
what I want to experience in my life and I understand and at least the way I
think about it is that all speeds up my vibration now even if this isn't
physically true and I think that I think that there will be in the future science
that shows that by oming we are speeding up our vibration I think that they've
kind of subconsciously known that for thousands of years and that's why there
are groups of people that do it every day the power though is in knowing that
it may just be a self-fulfilling prophecy
maybe I just believe that it's speeding up my vibration so I do it focused on
the intentions I have and then I feel a certain way really it doesn't make a
difference either way because if that is a self-fulfilling prophecy if it is the
placebo effect then so be it it still has powerful effect so the key
to this is knowing whatever your beliefs about this are understand that
everything is vibration that as you start to focus on how you feel as you
focus and you become aware of what you're putting out with your words you
can then simply decide that you're going to shift your focus when you catch
yourself in the patterns of thinking negatively or getting involved and talk
that doesn't serve you that what you are saying the labels the definitions you
have are becoming self-fulfilling prophecies so be aware of that because
what you say has an effect on what you experience think of it as what you're
putting out it's linking up with certain circumstances in your life happening
because it's resonating with those realities and with those desires instead
start to talk about what you want not about what you don't want start to talk
about why you deserve it and why you can have it and watch how your life being is
to change from that you can use a powerful tool of resin
with a vibration and you can use ohm and just right now you can go all
and you get the idea but doing that you will start to feel it in your chest in
your throat and as you do that you'll realize that you can then focus on your
intention and as you do that you'll find that things happen in a much more smooth
way that you feel completely different when you come out of doing that for ten
minutes and I do it for about five or ten minutes not every day but I do it
when I remember to do it is probably something I could be doing more but I
find that it does make me feel a certain way it does change my state of being
which is very important in the law of attraction process so realize to
experience the reality do you want you must resonate with it you must first
change yourself before you see the mirror change so in order to do that
change the stories you're telling yourself change the words that you're
constantly using change what you're focused on and simply decide that you
can use sound as a tool to resonate with your heart as well as the head that's
the other reason I like ohm it uses the heart instead of just the intellectual
ideas and as we know the heart is thousands of times more powerful
electromagnetically than that of the brain so use the heart to incorporate it
into a part of who you are and use your sound to resonate with the reality that
you prefer so with that being said I hope you guys enjoy this video feel free
to like this video if you liked it subscribe if you haven't already also
hit that little notification gear right next to the subscribe button so that
you're able to see the daily videos that I do other than that I'll see you guys
on the next video peace much love namaste
ALERT: Trump Issues Urgent Warning, Senior Citizens Most Affected - Duration: 3:51.
Senior citizens could be negatively affected by Democrats in the Senate refusing to do
their job and work with the president.
According to The Washington Times, two top Democrats boycotted a meeting with President
Trump stating he was a "destructive force" and wouldn't negotiate with them on upcoming
legislation after a tweet he sent out.
President Trump fired back, calling them "petty" and saying they need to focus on what's
important — avoiding a government shutdown.
Congress has been embroiled in debate and finger pointing as Republicans and Democrats
try to come to terms with the US budget while wrangling political agendas through, such
as immigration reform, tax reform, funding for the military, and a number of other concerns.
A meeting was scheduled with President Trump and top Democrats, Senate Minority Leader
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), along with Republican
Citing Democrats' stiff resistance to many other issues and inability to compromise,
President Trump made a prediction about the meeting on Twitter.
In a tweet on Tuesday, he said: "Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into
our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes.
I don't see a deal!"
Mr. Schumer and Mrs. Pelosi apparently took offense to the tweet and refused to show up
to the meeting.
They claimed the tweet showed President Trump was a "destructive force" and it was impossible
to negotiate with him.
Some Republicans believe the move was an attempt by Democrats to cause infighting between Republicans
and President Trump.
Rather than turn on the President, the GOP called out Democrats for their political stunt.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), said he would have never boycotted a meeting
with President Obama and that Democrats have a "lack of seriousness."
While speaking with reporters, he said, "You'll have to ask them why they think it's appropriate
to refuse to meet with the president of the United States over something as significant
as how we're going to fund the troops and all the other needs."
Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says President Trump is still willing to work with
Democrats, but they need to be mature about it.
"The President's invitation to the Democrat leaders still stands and he encourages them
to put aside their pettiness, stop the political grandstanding, show up and get to work.
These issues are too important," she said.
According to Fox News, President Trump decided to proceed with the meeting anyway, speaking
with Republican leaders in Congress.
After the meeting, he sat between the two empty seats meant for the Democrat leaders
and told reporters Democrats have been "all talk" and "no action."
He continued, pointing out that their behavior has worsened: "And now, it's even worse.
Now it's not even talk.
So they're not showing up for the meeting."
In a joint statement, Mr. McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), criticized
Democrats: "We have important work to do, and Democratic leaders have continually found
new excuses not to meet with the administration to discuss these issues."
They stated that if Democrats want to reach a bipartisan consensus on important issues,
"they will be there."
Democrats' boycott of the meeting seemed to be nothing more than grandstanding to impress
their constituents and send a message that they do not see President Trump as a legitimately
appointed leader.
Instead of giving Republicans an excuse to turn on each other or criticize the President,
they have seemingly united the GOP in recognizing Democrats are the ones causing problems.
If a government shutdown occurs, it won't be because of Republican infighting; it will
be because Democrats turned up their nose to a duly elected president in an attempt
to score political points.
A Taper Like No Other | Week 23 | Kris Gethin's Man of Iron - Duration: 14:29.
- [Sunshine] What is happening?
- Fish,
and what I'm doing,
I wrap it in foil and let it cook for a while,
and then after it's like halfway cooked,
you'll notice all the fat starts coming out of the fish.
What happens, it starts coming out of the fish,
and it starts soaking in it,
and it starts getting absorbed again,
as it starts drying out.
I don't want that.
I prefer it so,
if I see lots of flames coming out, like that.
That's good, squeezing the fat out.
- [Sunshine] Oh God.
It does not look like the salmon I'm used to.
- No, because I've squashed it up,
and I've squeezed all the fats out of it, that's why.
(intense music)
I'm Kris Gethin.
I'm gonna be training to prepare for an Ironman.
I'm giving myself six months,
and we're gonna do it.
(intense music)
So we're gonna hit arms today.
It's not gonna be anything absolutely crazy.
I am starting to de-load, or taper off I should say,
as we get closer to the Ironman.
Next week will be very, very light,
but this week, just bringing it down a little bit
with the weights,
and going for a little bit more intensity now.
You like that.
(heavy metal music)
We spent quite a long time here this morning,
did an hour speaking with Kenny McDaniel,
giving us some fantastic information
on how to hydrate and look after our nutrition.
for the full Ironman.
I'm gonna go into the lake this afternoon for a swim,
because I've got things to take care of right now.
I've got some drills to do in the lake with the paddles,
and with the buoy as well.
You can do your swim right now.
I do suggest that when your triceps are fatigued,
but I'm not too bothered about that now.
I am tapering off a little bit with my workouts,
and taking it a little bit easier
within the three disciplines as well,
just to ensure that we fully recover.
And I'm going to Texas this weekend,
where there will be some big ass bodybuilders,
and you never know,
I may have to pull out some energy out the bag,
just to get in a couple of last insane workouts,
before the Ironman.
So I got home before sunshine,
and I went straight onto the computer,
'cause I had some emails to bust out.
And I heard a knock at the door,
and I thought, "Who's that?
"I never get any knocks at the door."
And I went out, and it was the kids on the street,
neighbors kids.
And I don't really talk to the neighbors here.
Partly because I'm traveling a lot and always so busy.
So I'm the grumpy bastard, the grumpy old man on the street,
and they came to me with this amazing cute little gift.
Isn't that cute?
I thought it was absolutely amazing.
It really put a smile on my face.
(intense music)
Today we're swapping things up a little bit,
today's supposed to be leg day,
but we're doing delts instead.
Because I fly to Texas,
so I'm gonna be hitting legs when at my Destination Dallas.
Shoulders I've decided to hit today.
(rock music)
Alright, that is a wrap of day 156.
Crazy thing today guys, no cardio.
This is the first time I haven't done any sort of cardio
for God knows how long,
but we're trying to de-load,
we're trying to resist the urge of still hitting the cardio.
So I've been told today
is going to be a rest day, completely,
after the weights.
So that's it.
We went through the test again,
but this is like my fourth test now,
and it's interesting to see
that I'm able to actually push through
higher lactate thresholds now.
So it goes to show that some of my threshold work
is definitely paying off,
and everything in regards to the supplementation
that I've kind of been testing,
actually has been following through as well.
So as we always say, we don't guess, we test.
Knowledge of that mileage is bullshit.
It's really good to come in here
and have somewhere like Tri Town on our doorstep,
and be able to get these tests done.
(intense music)
Finished the lactate threshold test,
and pretty much come straight down to Quinn's pond here,
which is absolutely beautiful.
Not a soul in sight,
except for maybe a couple of ducks.
But more than anything,
as opposed to looking at time, and meters, and speed,
I'm just going for the feel of the water.
Antonio set it up perfectly when he said,
"Swimming really is just like swinging a golf club,
"you just have to keep getting a feel for it,
"keep getting a feel for it."
Once you get your fitness in place to actually sustain,
then you just really need to work on efficiency,
and getting a feel for the water,
propelling yourself through the water,
and being as hydrodynamic as possible.
Constantly thinking, duck your head down further,
breathe out when your head is in the water,
just, what I'm doing underneath the water basically is this.
(loud blown raspberries)
So I'm breathing out relaxed.
Because I've noticed,
if I kind of just (loud exhales),
I get very tense, I get anxious, I get out of breath.
So just working on, just being very ripe,
very relaxed and efficient in this swim
more than the numbers.
(rock music)
- [Trainer] Breathe
Come on, push!
- The workout change's little bit different
to what I was going to do.
I was gonna do chest and back,
but the chest workout just turned out to be gnarly,
and it turned out to be a bit of a competition,
where people just kept going, and going, and going.
So now I feel like
I've got fuck-all left in the tank to do backs,
so guess what, I'm gonna head back tomorrow.
So I'm splitting up.
As long as I get to all my body parts in during the week,
to me, it doesn't really matter.
But this body part is totally unrelated to them,
chest is absolutely fried.
And that's the good thing
about training with some other people.
You know, it pushes you a little bit further
than what you would generally do.
You know, obviously as I'm de-loading,
you'd wanna hold yourself back a little bit.
But how can you hold yourself back
when you're in one of these environments?
(rock music)
Alright guys,
we finished the workout,
and these gentlemen just buried me so much,
that I have to have an IV now,
just to bring me back to life.
So we're having IV therapy, what, IV drips?
Here in Texas,
obviously right outside the gym,
which is very, very convenient.
Now, this is something
that I was doing for quite a long time
when I was in Florida,
but in Idaho I don't really have access to this.
So definitely wanna take advantage of this place,
as suggested by Guy over here.
So definitely gonna take that recommendation.
(upbeat music)
We're gonna go out for a bike ride this morning.
So we've got our bells in our baskets,
and Alex is gonna take us out with Ahmed,
and the idea is to hit like a bit of a tempo ride today,
an easy ride?
(upbeat music)
(heavy metal music)
- That's it.
Let's move.
Come on, pull!
- Sup guys?
Sunshine here, here at Destination Dallas.
This is my first time at this freaking gym, it's crazy.
Today is Kris' birthday,
and I'm not gonna tell you how old he is,
'cause I don't think he's gonna tell you how old he is,
but we're gonna go out to dinner later,
we're just getting out of the gym scene for a second,
we're going to Town Herth. here in Dallas,
probably know where that is.
I've never been there, but I hear it's so delicious,
just so amazing.
So that's where we're gonna go.
Right now I'm gonna go check in on Kris,
I think he's getting IVs.
- [Woman] Hi there!
- There he is.
- You found me.
Of course I'm gonna be taking in whatever I possibly can,
when I've got the opportunity.
- Alright, so it's gonna be tight,
but it's a nice little comfy drive here.
- Yeah.
- But we're on our way.
We're gonna celebrate his birthday.
- Yeah, we're high rollers man,
this is how we roll on the way to my birthday celebration.
- Alright, we made it to the birthday party,
this place is absolutely amazing.
And this guy, we're celebrating this guy right here.
- Yeah, as you should, it's about time.
It's taken a whole year to celebrate me.
- [Sunshine] We're gonna be eating
some of this delicious food here.
Eating healthy even on his birthday.
- [Sunshine] Still eating healthy.
- Based on Jason's suggestion,
so of course it's gonna be healthy.
- [Sunshine] Yeah, of course.
- I take care of my peeps.
- [Sunshine] Alright,
so we're gonna dig in,
I have a little salmon.
I'm the only non-steak eater in this group.
- [Kris] Yeah, when in Texas, get a steak, what's up?
- [Sunshine] Yeah, I'm not eating steak in Texas, forget it.
So, happy birthday Krissy.
We're in Destination Dallas here,
and again, as I mentioned before the open house
is having a barbeque.
I'm gonna drive it hardcore today.
It's low body extremity,
but I'm taking away the stress from my legs to my glutes,
because this girl right here,
check it out, has got booty gains.
So she's gonna show me,
how I can get my booty gains on today.
- So try it both ways, remember-
- Bloody hell,
oh I gotta push down.
Wow, that's different. - The key
is to push down and out,
not just out.
- Yeah, that's too heavy for me.
- No.
- Yeah, they're definitely.
- But you know what?
The good thing is, now try.
- Yeah, that's better.
- Brace yourself on the ground,
put your head in and thrust up.
- Like that?
- Yeah.
And keep eye-gaze forward.
There you go.
Yeah, you feel that?
- Yeah I feel that.
Alright, that is a wrap of day 160 we're at in this jungle.
It's a madhouse in here.
We were able to go through the glute session.
Yeah, you're gonna give me some hate
for some of those glute exercises, I know,
but I'm doing what is best for me,
and if you are preparing for an Ironman,
well, even if you're not,
you need to learn to activate your glutes.
It's a huge muscle group,
and a lot of people disregard it,
and they overpower themselves
within their quads and their glutes,
and they get absolute fatigue.
He knows what I'm taking about,
that's why he's acknowledging me.
You're like, this guy's right.
- He's right, he is right.
- He's coming in to try and get a bit of information here,
claiming that it's his own.
- I'm not denying it though, I'm not denying it.
- The barbecue outside, is staring at me,
so I'm gonna go and eat myself a little bit of meat,
and recover as soon as I bring back my Re-Kaged.
(upbeat music)
We thought that we were supposed to be getting
a very early flight this morning.
But I guess we've been taking so many flights lately,
that I got it mixed up.
We thought we were flying out at like six a.m.
We're not, we're flying out at bloody 4:30 p.m.,
which is good,
because I get to grace this guy with my presence,
Mike Rashid, rumor has.
- Thank you, thank you.
(loud rock music)
ROBLOX Speed Art - Com amigos! - Duration: 3:49.
Panda: Hey Guys
Panda: Before we start the video i want make a warning
Panda: i guess i will change the channel name
Panda: In the old days my channel was of random things, but now its just ROBLOX animation and i want to put a name that show that my channel is about ROBLOX
Panda: There are the options
Comment 1 for change to PandaRBLX BR
Comment 2 for change to YuRBLX BR
Comment 3 for change to PandaBLOX BR
Panda: Now let's start the video!
Panda From Edition: That part was cutted because i was making more models because i heve more friends
Now the final result...
Selvaggia Lucarelli, blogger condannata per aver diffamato Barbara D'Urso - Duration: 4:43.
Which Ranged Champion Can Do 500 Damage Fastest With Just Left Click in Battlerite? - Duration: 4:19.
Hey Brawlers, Berthen here.
In this video, I put all the current ranged champions, Destiny being the newest one, into
the practice mode and just recorded them holding down left click on the 500 hp dummy, using
a mouse feature that automatically holds down left click.
Then I timed it starting from when they begin casting the first attack and ending right
as the dummy's health bar disapears.
It's in alphabetical order.
Keep in mind though that just because a champion's left click does more damage doesn't mean that
it's strictly better.
Some left clicks interact with other abilities in the toolkit and there's also range and
such to keep in mind.
But nontheless, I thought it would be cool to see who can kill the 500 hp dummy the fastest.
I'll also be doing some damage per second estimates at the end of the video based on
what I find.
So see you in a bit.
Hi again, as you can see from the footage, there is quite a bit of difference in the
Taya can apparently kill the dummy 20% quicker than Varesh.
But Varesh heals 2 health per left click and inflicts corruption which reduces the target's
healing and damage by 15% for 5 seconds, so his left click is by no means 20% weaker,
but it's not as good at killing the dummy quickly as quick as Taya's is.
If they all dealt exactly 500 damage to kill the dummy, then you would just divide 500
by these numbers to find the damage per second but that's not the case.
None of them did that so we have to do a little bit of extra work.
I went ahead and found the time just before their last reload or boomerang catch for taya,
this let's us divide the damage by the time to get a more accurate damage per second number.
I also found the time before the last bullet that killed the dummy to find the dps according
to that.
But as I thought, it came out a bit less consistent as you can see in this table, which shows
the dps if you stop at the last bullet instead of the last reload in yellow.
It's not accurate because characters who need to reload or taya who's boomerang comes back
is much weaker if they don't finish their entire magazine or boomerang swing.
And unlike the order of fastest ranged champion to kill the dummy, Ashka's dps is higher than
This doesn't match likely because Ashka did 10 more extra damage than needed on the
last hit whereas Taya only went over 4 damage.
Same case with Ezmo and Iva, Ezmo went over only by 4 damage, whereas Iva went over by
12 damage.
So the highest dps order goes like this according to my experiment.
This isn't really helpful to know in actual gameplay but there's no harm in knowing and
maybe you found it interesting.
If you liked it then please like and subscribe.
Thanks for watching.
🎤 Psalm 55 Song with Lyrics - But I Will Trust In You - Jason Silver [WORSHIP SONG] - Duration: 6:51.
Grichka Bogdanoff avoue ENFIN avoir modifié son visage, mais pas comme vous le croyez ! - Duration: 2:20.
Rasa Living "Chakra" Gemstone Bead Earring - Duration: 3:15.
Can We Protect Astronauts From Radiation? Building An Artificial Magnetosphere - Duration: 12:53.
Space is our future, but space is also a deadly place, with poisonous radiation and an increased
risk of cancer.
We're protected here on Earth thanks to our planet's magnetosphere, but is there
a way to create an artificial magnetosphere and shield astronauts?
With over half a century of experience sending humans into space, we've learned quite a
bit about what it does to the human body.
The microgravity weakens the bones, reduces muscles and puts stress on the organs, but
this can be partly compensated by exercise.
Time spent in isolation or in close quarters with other astronauts can push people to the
breaking point.
But this isn't the first time we've learned to work in isolated and dangerous environments
with other people.
Being in space, away from the support of modern society requires that astronauts have the
skills, training and communication with Earth to deal with medical emergencies, hardware
failures, and the inevitable hostile xenomorphs, whether it's a stand up fight or another
bug hunt.
But there's one risk that's going to always be there when humans travel out into the Solar
System: radiation.
Powerful solar storms can kill astronauts in days, but even the ongoing background radiation
of the Universe is going to be increasing their risk of getting cancer, through their
entire lives.
We're protected here on Earth by our planet's magnetosphere; the magnetic shell that surrounds
our world, redirecting high-energy particles so they can't reach the surface.
Earth is protected, and so is Jupiter.
But good luck living down on the cloud tops of that gas giant.
Unfortunately, the outer space places where we'd really like to live: the Moon, Mars,
or rotating space stations in the Lagrange points, have no such protection.
This leads our imaginations to wonder, could we generate an artificial magnetosphere to
protect astronauts and space colonists?
Magnets keep photos and shopping lists stuck to my refrigerator.
How hard could it be?
There are three kinds of radiation that space travelers will need to be concerned about.
The first is galactic cosmic radiation, or GCR.
These are clouds of high-energy particles thought to come from supernovae.
They've been traveling for millions or even billions of years for the opportunity to smash
up your DNA.
Although the amount of this radiation is fairly low, the individual particles have incredibly
high energy, and can punch through existing spacecraft shielding.
And they can come from any direction in the sky.
When astronauts close their eyes, they see flashes of light; cosmic rays zapping through
their retinas.
The second kind is known as trapped radiation.
These are particles which have been trapped in a magnetic field, like the Earth's Van
Allen Belts, or Jupiter's magnetosphere.
Although this is a big problem when you're in the region, they don't extend far.
The third kind is energetic particles released by the Sun during solar storms.
These particles are lower energy, and spacecraft can provide shielding to protect astronauts.
You've probably heard the term "rads" for radiation exposure, but scientists now
use a term known as Sieverts, or milliSieverts for a thousandth of a Sievert.
In the short term, if you get half a Sievert of exposure, or 500 milliSieverts, then you'll
experience the symptoms of acute radiation poisoning.
We're talking fatigue, nausea, vomiting, seizures, and eventually… death.
Get a few Sieverts in one dose and death is the likely outcome.
But the radiation can also harm you over your lifetime.
For every additional Sievert you experience, you face a 5% increase in the risk of developing
cancer in the future.
NASA's policy is that an astronaut can't get more than a 3% increased risk of cancer,
as part of their career.
Any mission that would give an astronaut that kind of risk won't be approved.
Astronauts in low Earth orbit accumulate 10x the amount of radiation you get down on the
And astronauts beyond the Earth will experience 10x the radiation of a LEO mission.
During its flight to Mars, NASA's Curiosity Rover measured the amount of radiation dosage
it was experiencing through the trip.
According to the Radiation Assessment Detector instrument on board Curiosity, it experienced
an average of 1.8 milliSieverts of radiation per day during its voyage.
The majority were galactic cosmic rays, high energy particles from other stars in the Universe,
while only 5% of that came from the Sun, thanks to the lower activity of our star during this
According to NASA, it's like getting a full CT scan every five or six days.
But the bottom line is that for a human trip to Mars, lasting as much as a thousand days,
the risk of cancer goes beyond NASA's policies.
And for humans living on Mars and in space, a human will experience much worse, not to
mention lethal doses during powerful solar storms.
During the Apollo Era, NASA just sent astronauts quickly through the magnetosphere to minimize
their radiation dose from the trapped radiation surrounding the planet.
And they'll use the same technique for future missions out into deep space.
Beyond that, NASA looks at physically shielding astronauts.
The Orion Crew Capsule, for example, will be equipped with an instrument called the
Hybrid Electronic Radiation Assessor, or HERA.
It will give the astronauts a warning when there's an increase of solar radiation,
so they can protect themselves.
They'll have about an hour to create a temporary shield made from storage bags and supplies
on board Orion, and they could need to stay inside their homemade fort for up to 24 hours,
until the storm passes.
I'm sure you're thinking, let's just surround the spacecraft with an artificial
There we go, problem solved.
Of course, NASA has thought of this, and they've been struggling to implement this idea for
over 40 years.
Werner Von Braun designed a hypothetical spaceship containing a solenoid that would direct an
electric field to generate an artificial magnetosphere.
You've probably done this experiment in your school science class.
If you run electricity through a wire, it generates a magnetic field.
The more electricity you pump through the wire, the stronger the field - this is called
an electric dipole.
The problem is that the strength of a magnetic field produced by an electric dipole drops
by the inverse of the cube of the distance.
In other words, the bigger the field, the more energy you need.
And that gets expensive fast.
But in the last few decades, amazing new materials called superconductors have been developed,
providing a way that electricity can move through a material with almost no energy loss.
They work best at cold temperatures, and space is generally pretty cold.
In theory, using a superconducting wire, it should be possible to generate a powerful
enough magnetic field using only a few dozen kilowatts of power.
That's a lot, but within the energy budget of a spacecraft.
Back in 2011, NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts group awarded a contract to Advanced
Magnet Lab for the development of an artificial magnetosphere.
They proposed surrounding a spacecraft with expandable superconducting coils.
Once charged up, the magnetic coils would expand around the spacecraft, protecting it
from the various forms of radiation.
In the end, the team concluded that although this technology is feasible, it's not ready.
The state of the art in superconducting materials weren't light enough to provide better protection
over passive shielding.
In other words, it's still better to just go with surrounding yourselves with your own
food, water and other supplies than to try and generate an artificial magnetic field.
The European Space Agency thinks it's on track to develop an artificial magnetosphere
thanks to a collaboration with CERN.
If anyone knows how to direct charged particles, it'll be the folks operating the Large Hadron
They worked on the European Space Radiation Superconducting Shield project, also known
as SR2S.
It used a superconducting wire made of magnesium diboride coiled up.
By running electricity through the coil, it should be capable of producing a magnetic
field 3,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field, providing a bubble of magnetic
safety 10-metres across.
This would allow the astronauts to be inside the spaceship or even perform spacewalks outside,
within the protective bubble, all the while protected from space radiation.
We last heard a flurry of announcements about this technology in 2015.
I reached out to the director of the project, Dr. Roberto Battiston, who is also the director
of the Italian Space Agency.
According to Dr. Battiston, the experiments went well, and the next step is investigate
higher temperature superconductors.
But nothing that's ready to protect astronauts.
Instead of just protecting a single spaceship, though, what if you could protect an entire
At the recent Planetary Science Division meeting, held in Washington DC, a team of researchers
proposed a pretty clever way to protect Mars from solar radiation.
Instead of trying to surround the planet in some kind of artificial magnetosphere, they
suggested that you could get the same effect by positioning a smaller shield at the Sun-Mars
L1 Lagrange point.
This is a point in between the Sun and Mars where very little fuel is needed to keep a
spacecraft in place.
With the right electric charge on the shielding spacecraft, it would generate an artificial
magnetosphere that blocks the radiation that would reach Mars.
Imagine a rock in a river with a calm trail behind it.
It gets even better, this trail would block the solar wind from reaching Mars, which blasted
away its atmosphere into space over billions of years.
With this shield in place, volcanic outgassing would naturally thicken the density of the
atmosphere, and increase temperatures on Mars by an average of 4-degrees Celsius.
This would be enough to melt the carbon dioxide polar caps, contributing to a greenhouse effect,
warming the planet even more.
Future Mars colonists would enjoy the decreased solar radiation and the steadily thickening
atmosphere on the Red Planet.
Unfortunately, this technology would only protect against solar radiation, it wouldn't
help against the galactic cosmic radiation.
In a moment, I'm going to talk about a cool proposal that would create an artificial magnetosphere
on the surface of Mars, but first I'd like to thank:
Jordan Barnes Sindre Svendby
Ammon Carlson
And the rest of our 813 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to
Although the L1 shield will protect Lunar or Martian colonists from solar radiation,
it doesn't help with the galactic cosmic radiation.
In order to protect against that threat, a researcher from Italy named Marco Peroni has
developed a solution: planting a huge wire donut into the ground and running electricity
through it.
He proposes building a huge solenoid, or "doughnut" that would be embedded in the bedrock of the
Moon or Mars.
Although the full solenoid would be up to a kilometer below the surface, part of the
ring would pass above ground, providing a protected area for the colony.
The solenoid would consist of huge cables that would pass an electrical current, and
by doing so, generate a powerful magnetic field that protects the colony from both cosmic
and solar radiation.
The cables would also provide the structure for the roof of the colony for a micrometeorite
shield, which would block a view straight up, but would be open to space on the sides.
Below this protective shield, the actual colony would be housed in smaller domes, fully protected
from the radiation coming from space.
It would be an enormous undertaking, but once completed, would give colonists a safe place
to live and work on the surface of another world.
Although it sounds like an easy enough idea, the task of creating an artificial magnetic
field is actually quite challenging.
It requires advances in harnessing superconducting materials.
It could still be a long time before anyone cracks this, so that a future astronaut commander
can just say "shields up" when a solar storm is passing by.
How do you feel about the risks.
Would you be willing to increase your chances of getting cancer if it meant being one of
the first humans to go to Mars?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Time for a playlist, all about space radiation and how we can protect ourselves from it when
we journey beyond Earth.
Marco Durante talks about the dangers of space radiation and what can be done about it.
Curious Droid talks about Deep Space Travel and space radiation.
Dr. Ian O'Neill talks about a space shield.
A longer lecture from NASA about space habitats and radiation protection.
Finally Bill Nye and Mike Massimo talk about space radiation and electromagnetic shields.
Les tâches régulières : S02E04 VF|Scènes de solitudes NicoSTAR8 - Duration: 3:22.
Puigdemont acusa el PSC de ser "còmplice" de la tornada de les obres de Sijena - Duration: 1:45.
Jean François Ker-Rault - Business Happiness à Val d'Europe - Duration: 3:03.
The Val d'Europe area has been attracting companies for 20 years.
Bold and visionary entrepreneurs
arrived as pioneers to stake their claim.
Today, they are turning the spotlight on this unique location.
They want to share their convictions, their spirit and their allegiance.
I believe we never end up anywhere by chance.
My destiny as a Val-European is closely linked to that of my business.
Before choosing this site for Defta, an automotive supplier
with sites across Europe, as well as Asia and Russia,
I hesitated, weighed the pros and cons and looked at objective criteria.
The biggest selling point is its accessibility.
There's a qualified workforce, that's important.
And then, real estate taxes
are relatively low.
So, choosing Val d'Europe
was self-evident.
As soon as I arrived in Val d'Europe, I felt the area's new philosophy
which is based on a new urban model,
focusing on vitality and everyday well-being.
In fact, its founding principle
is this quest for life-work balance.
I first discovered Val d'Europe
as I was leaving the Parks.
It was pretty amazing,this brand-new town, freshly sprouted and taking root.
A modern town with a shopping centre as its backbone,
providing a kind of movement for the downtown.
And then, as I was saying, a feeling of diversity.
You find green spaces, buildings, all types of facilities, housing,
young people, seniors...
And all of this creates a very attractive mix
of movement and energy.
Today, there is
a real identity, a sort of community,
which creates
a feeling of belonging.
A very strong bond has been forged between Val d'Europe and its residents.
And that's something that I want to share with others
and communicate.
Today, I am President of Val d'Europe business owners,
a resident of Val d'Europe,
working in Val d'Europe.
You could call me a Val-European citizen.
That sums it up!
For me,these four words
describe day-to-day life in Val d'Europe.
Comment conserver vos fruits et légumes frais jusqu'à un mois - France 365 - Duration: 5:11.
Let Your Call Tracking Syste...
Wrap up octubre y noviembre 2017 || Lecturas del mes [CC] - Duration: 7:27.
This Basketball Trafficking Scam Nets Serbian Kids - Duration: 6:44.
ADvice: Beginners Tips for Buying TV Ads - Duration: 7:13.
Hey everybody!
It's Jeff Swartz from Ethic Advertising again.
Just wanted to let you know what's going on in my day.
So, yesterday I was having a really great conversation with a perspective new client
that's asking us to look at their TV buying and planning...and in talking with him, I
could kind of tell that he is a little bit new to the TV and media buying kind of thing;
this is one of his first ventures in this.
Very intelligent individual, just doesn't have a lot of that experience.
And it made me want to make this video on three quick tips when first looking at buying
broadcast TV, for yourself or for potentially a client of yours.
The first tip that I want to let you know is: Don't just look at rates.
Don't just look at the cost of a spot in a specific program.
Also factor in the cost per thousand or the cost per point.
The cost per thousand is what it costs to reach a thousand impressions for a specific
So, for example, if you are going to buy the 5am news for $100 and its going to reach 10,000
people, then you do some basic math to find out that it costs you $10 to reach 1,000 people
for that program.
The nice thing about that is you can take that $10 and look at another program, and
you have an apples-to-apples comparison--because when you're buying advertising, ya, you're
buying the programs to be in and everything like that, so you have that brand recognition
that's aligned with it and you also have that type of audience that likes to watch that,
but you're really buying people.
I mean, that's what you care about, that's why you advertise, is to reach people, right?
So, this allows you, on a very basic level, to say "It cost me this amount of money to
reach 1,000 with this program, and this amount of money to reach 1,000 people with this program"
and you can easily compare them.
The next item that I would recommend, or my next tip...a lot of people are familiar with
Nielsen rating points, and a lot of times when a TV station presents to a client, the
information that they provide is off of Neilsen rating points or even ComScore, where it is
the thousands and the rating points.
There is so much more research and data that's available to you nowadays.
You don't have to know the names of them, you don't have to be like, hey I need a Scarborough
report on XYZ, just know that you can say, hey this is really cool.
I understand that I am reaching this amount of people, but I'm a Ford dealership, and
I'm focused on my F-150's,, I'm really interested in people who buy trucks.
Can you give me any information on how you reach people that want to buy trucks.
Or, I'm a restaurant, I want to reach people that are within a 3 mile radius of all my
different locations.
Come up with this questions and just ask them.
It's okay to ask them because a lot of times they have this information, especially if
you're in a larger market.
But guess what?
Even if they don't have the information, they'll try to figure out something to give you that
kind of data most of the time, or they'll be open and honest and say, listen, sorry,
we don't subscribe to that data, and then at least you asked, and you either get it
or you don't, but at least you just need to know to ask for the data you want because
the research is out there, whether a station subscribes to it is a totally different thing.
But there is more than just Nielsen rating points.
And then the third thing that I want to recommend is if you are new to media buying, advertising,
anything really in business (but we're going to stick to TV buying) do research!
Learn, watch videos if you're into watching videos, read if you're into reading.
There's so much data and so much content out there to just kind of learn some tips and
tricks, because there are a lot of ins and outs of this business, and it is very complex
when you're first starting out, but you can really simplify it by just educating yourself.
You can do that via the computer, you can do that via books, or you can do it via seminars,
or joining groups, or just taking somebody out for lunch or coffee and saying, hey, listen,
I understand that you do this kind of thing, I'm kind of curious.
Or, what I personally would recommend a lot of times if you are the business owner or
the individual that's put in charge of it at a company, sometimes you don't have time
to learn all of this, so feel free to interview ad agencies, and interview multiple ad agencies,
We would love to be one of them, obviously--but, send out a couple of interviews, see if there's
anybody you want to hire that you feel comfortable with that you can trust, that you think is
going to be doing a good job for you, and hire them because I can guarantee that is
an ad agency does what they are supposed to do, they will make you money and save you
time no matter how much money you give to that ad agency.
The sole purpose of an ad agency is just like a financial adviser; it is to make you money
than you are investing.
And the other nice thing with this too is that then you don't have to spend the time
to learn it all yourself of keep up with it.
Because that's the other thing, you don't just place a buy, like to TV you don't just
place a buy, you can and then just say OK cool, pay invoices and everything like that--humans
make mistakes, things happen, you need to stay up on top of how the campaign is running,
you need to cross-check all the invoices, you need to make sure that everything is in
working order, every process along the way, which is very time consuming, but I guarantee
you that if you take the time to do that, or if you hire somebody to take the time to
do that depending on your advertising budget, we've saved our clients 10's of 1,000's of
dollars finding mistakes and then going back and saying "we're not paying for that."
So, you gotta do it.
So, I guess that's your 4th tip: Don't just set it and forget it, also do your research
on that.
Alright, cool.
If you have any questions or if you just want to chat about your stuff, call me.
I'm always willing to have that conversation.
Contact us at Ethic Advertising if you're interested in setting up a little bit of a
meeting to have us analyze what you're currently doing, see if we can do a little bit better,
or, shoot, who know's, maybe we just end up giving you a little bit of info that you can
take and utilize yourself, as well.
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