KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know Let this be our prayer
When we lose our way
Lead us to a place Guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe
ANDREA BOCELLI (singing): La luce che tu hai
KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): I pray we'll find your light
ANDREA BOCELLI (singing): Nel cuore resterà
KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): And hold it in our hearts
ANDREA BOCELLI (singing): A ricordarci che
KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): When stars go out each night
ANDREA BOCELLI (singing): Eterna stella sei
KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): Whoa
ANDREA BOCELLI (singing): Nella mia preghiera
KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): Let this be our prayer
ANDREA BOCELLI (singing): Quanta fede c'è
KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): When shadows fill our day
ANDREA BOCELLI (singing): Lead us to a place
KATHARINE MCPHEE (singing): Guide us with your grace
BOTH (singing): To a place where we'll be safe
For more infomation >> Andrea Bocelli and Katharine McPhee Sing "The Prayer" - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Michael Bublé and Blake Shelton Sing "Home" - Duration: 1:37.
Michael Bublé (singing): Another summer day
Has come and gone away In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home, mmm
Blake Shelton (singing): May be surrounded by
A million people I Still feel all alone
I wanna go home Oh, I miss you, you know
Michael Bublé (singing): And I've been keeping all the letters
That I wrote to you Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby, how are you?
Blake Shelton (singing): I would send them but I know
That it's just not enough My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
Another aeroplane Another sunny place
I'm lucky I know But I wanna go home
I've got to go home
Michael Bublé (singing): Let me go home
'Cause I'm just too far From where you are
And I gotta go home mhmm
Seat Alhambra - Duration: 1:10.
Recomendaciones de En Busca de la Verdad. - Duration: 7:25.
VW Polo - Duration: 1:05.
VW Polo - Duration: 1:09.
VW T5 California - Duration: 1:09.
Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:01.
VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 1:04.
VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 1:09.
Smart ForTwo - Duration: 1:01.
Renault Laguna - Duration: 1:07.
VW Passat Variant - Duration: 1:03.
Subaru Impreza - Duration: 1:08.
I fan di Cecilia Rodriguez contro Karina Cascella | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:05.
Subaru Impreza - Duration: 1:01.
Cecilia Rodriguez e Monte insieme a Milano, tutta la verità | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.
Skoda Citigo - Duration: 0:47.
Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:09.
Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:06.
Baby Consignment Haul ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 14:30.
Hello, welcome. I'm Jill. This is ASL Stew Life!
♪♪♪...(cat meow)
So, today I'm going to be doing a haul.
Recently, if you saw our vlog, you'll noticed I clipped out part of the vlog.
That's because I went to a consignment sale.
So that means it's a huge warehouse of baby items.
I got quite a few.
We do still have a baby shower, but a lot of these things aren't on the registry
or if they were, we got a good deal so why not get them, right.
So I'm going to show you what I got which was quite a lot of things.
I'm going to try and get them through as quick as possible. Okay!
So let's get started.
So the first thing I bought is definitely not necessary,
but I got a really good deal on it.
So I thought, why not.
If I don't want it, then I'll just sell it later.
But I'm probably not gonna use it for a while anyways.
But what I got is this.
The Beaba Babycooker.
So let me show you.
This is nice because it was on sale,
so they had Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
When I went on Friday, I did buy a few things.
Then on Sunday, if you came back they had a lot of things 50% off.
This was one of the things 50% off.
So I got this whole thing for $10
which is really nice because it has a carrying case too.
A hard one.
So this is for making baby food.
I can make it myself if I want to.
It's nice. You can steam it, cook it, blend it. Everything right there.
So I thought, why not try that.
I won't use it for a while though.
These were 50¢ each.
By the way, for clothing, a lot of it looks like "boy" clothing,
but we're trying to pick gender neutral
because a lot of the things that are "girly" are too girly. They're not gender neutral.
So a lot of it's gonna look like boys, but we don't know which one.
These were $1.50 each.
Nap champion
This was $1.00.
Cute little monkeys.
Oooo... raccoon.
It's really nice, it's Carters.
This was 50¢. It's just a plain red onesie.
This say... oh...
ummm... 50¢.
It says "Warning! Up all night. Cranky all day."
This was $1.00
Cute ducks.
This was $1.00. Wild about you.
Monkey butt.
I had to buy these for my alma mater RIT.
They were $1.00
They're little tigers!
These were $1.00. Just some nice jeans.
This was a little more expensive. It was $2.50.
I think it was a specific fancy brand. I don't know.
It says, "Ain't no mamma like the one I got."
This is a sleep sack, which was $1.00.
This was $1.00.
Rolling Stones
It's from Ralph Lauren but I don't really care. I just though it was cute.
50¢, it's Old Navy
I think that's it for clothing. I think... it's a lot!
I bought a few different random bottles.
Umm... just because
I thought I'll buy a few for cheap,
then if the baby doesn't like them or whatever, I can switch to something else.
I already, recently won some Comotomo bottles
but I thought I would just get a few of these.
So this is Mam.
So 50¢
This is a bra, so...
but it's for pumping.
It's a hands free pumping bra. It's really nice. It was $10.
So.. yeah.
It was original $40, so $10 sure!
This is a bottle warmer.
For... $5. Yep, $5.
It's suppose to fit all of the bottles I got, so hopefully.
The next thing I bought is just a random bag of toys.
So... teethers,
a rattle,
more teethers.
er.. makes noise.
and this!
So all of that was $1.
This is for when they're older, but still.
It's $1.50.
It's just wooden blocks.
I bought this for the mittens, but it came with a hat and it was only 50¢.
So mittens
a dog!
These are technically boy socks,
but these are gender neutral. A few aren't.
But still I just got the whole bag for $1, so why not.
Lot of socks!
This I'm not sure if I'm actually gonna use, but umm...
but what it is, it's for the car seat.
So you stick this on there and then you can put this in the crook of your arm.
So it's a little bit softer.
It was $1, so if I use it great. If I don't, then whatever.
These are just white socks for $1.
These are baby leg warmers.
They're orange and was $1... couldn't help myself.
More bottles.
These are Dr. Brown's.
So I guess, they're suppose to be really good.
I've heard they're really good so I thought I'd buy some and see.
So if the baby likes these, instead of that then I'll have a few of these already.
These were $2.50 for 3.
So that is everything from the second haul.
So now I'm actually gonna put in footage from the previous video.
That's from the first haul.
I'm gonna look totally different because...
it was a different day.
But I already put a bunch of that, the first day away.
So I'm going to put in the other footage now.
First thing is this.
It's just a bunch of random toys.
For $2
So a book. It makes a crinkle sound
and it's got teethers.
Then just an old school rattle.
For teething
Another rattle.
Actually, this is the one I wanted on my registry.
It's a little different color, but that's about it.
And.... rings. So all of that for $2.
These are hats for $1.
So two of the same hat.
I got two bibs.
These are the type that I wanted for when the baby is young.
They are Tommee Tippee and they are $3 for two.
I guess technically they are boys because they're blue, but I don't care.
So there's like a soft neck part.
So that was $3.
Got some baby shoes for $3.
So very cute.
I guess technically they're boys, but girls can be lions too!
I don't know what age they're for.
Says 0 - 6 months, so I don't know.
That is for the microwave. It is a sterilizer.
So you can put things in there and then add water and microwave that.
That will sterilize that and it was actually just $1.
Yeah, $1!
This is a sleep sack and it was $5.
this is 0 - 6 months it says, which is nice.
It's from Back to Sleep.... Halo.
It seems really big. I'm assuming it will fit them for a while.
Got this baby winter hat for $2.
It says boys, but again, girls can use this too.
This is a thick winter hat.
Interestingly this is what I wanted on my registry too!
This was $2.
I got two 3 month old long sleeve onesies for $1.
So two for $1.
That was $1. Just a zip-up onesie.
So cute! Little ducks!
This is just a thick, white shee.... no bear for $2.
Ohh the butt!
This is a changing pad from J.J. Cole.
Thought it was cute. Just like green and black.
So this is what it looks like.
So that was $5.
I thought it'd be nice to put in the diaper bag, in case it doesn't have one
or just use it around the house if I want to... or whatever!
This is really hard to show (laughs).
The last thing I got, I don't have it put together yet
but give me one minute and I'll show you.
The last thing I got is the high chair
and yes, I got the Ikea high chair.
I just have to clean it a little bit and remove a sticker
cause it's a little bit old and dirty,
but it was $10!
Originally the Ikea is $20,
but this just has a little bit of wear. So for $10, sure why not.
Just gonna take this sticker off.
There's a few scratches here and there,
like you can see this one.
So, hopefully you enjoyed this video.
The haul from both days.
I think in total it was like about $100 - $110 for everything.
That was a really, really good deal because we got
a baby cooker, got a Moby wrap, a high chair,
the bra... like a lot of things.
Sure they're a little bit more expensive, but I got a good deal.
Plus I got a lot of clothes and bottles, and all of that.
So I think that was good.
So hopefully you enjoyed this and if you did click LIKE.
Remember to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified with new videos.
yeah, we have our ASL Stew Merch Store
for shirts or stickers if you would like that.
Which will be down below or up here.
Also, we have Patreon for monthly donations
and Ko-fi for a one-time donation.
Both are linked down below.
Thanks for watching. See you in the next video. Bye!
Panasonic DJ-H Series Relays | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:06.
Panasonic DJ-H series relays are single- and dual-coil relays designed for IoT, building
automation, and smart home applications.
The DJ-H series are UL rated for electronic ballast loads of 20 A at 277 or 347 VAC, conforms
to NEMA 410 for 347 VAC, and can switch resistive loads up to 50 A at 277 VAC and capacitive
loads up to 20 A at 250 VAC.
They have multiple coil voltage options, draw just 1 W per coil and are available with a
manual lever for easy testing during installation.
The relays provide 4000 V isolation between contact and coil and have a 12 kV surge breakdown
New cartoon with craft ideas f...
What the fuck is is wrong with you
me and my niggas let them sticks hit
got different bitches all on my dick
It's a boy moolah and I'm back a child another fucking video
So as y'all can see this video is about a stretch big, or a best stretch big buildl
When I say all the other videos on YouTube
They trying to get y'all to make y'all Center short, and I mean it might help is shooting a little bit
But you'll do is still gonna be way you need to be 73 or a long-ass
Wingspan, so you can shoot over niggas but looking block things and play defense
That source shit ain't gonna fly
It's not I'm sorry
What I'm saying is this build gonna be GODLY
I don't miss oh
That's what the only time I miss it yeah
But see the thing is I
He don't make the next shot like wait
The reason I found my jump shot was did you know he first make you a player?
They got the look games before where you like choose one jump shot to play with and then this cash, but home
and then I just mix it with another jump try no sweaters and
Only reason I miss that first won't sit on that bad. I don't like catch it soon, but that's it
I'm taking the rest of them bags, bro. I'm telling I'm not missing those sides
And then the twos on my car, I wanna be wet as hell
Let's get that bill the bill. I do got to be seven three maxed out wingspan
Wait is 280e
Right-handed I guess I don't
He appeared straight only thing is pure. Stress. Don't kill all the family with dreams only sharpshooters get that
Which I mean I understand stretch it hi
It's judge Biggs head Hall of Fame limitless ranging off god Leo beat. I'm so big
I'll just shoot over anybody
This is crazy
God I do oh
She needed a lot of passion is over
Don't worry about thank you. Lil dish deep soul and then this jumper give me all grains to
Make it all stretch. You know I
Got a me on PlayStation who loved one he tried to dunk on me look bitch I do
Add me on PlayStation fool. Ah boy and subscribe to the channel. You know I'm saying we're gonna be working I
See I need his lady
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