Hello, my name is Katherine Strutt and I'm the General Manager at SPP. My purpose
today is to provide you with an update on the Plan's investment performance as
of September 30th, 2017. Evidence of improving global growth and low
inflation continue to sustain the global equity market rally over the last
quarter. Canadian equities returned 3.7% in the quarter. Rising oil prices
supported the energy sector which accounts for over 20% of the
index. US equities returned 4 and a half percent in U.S. dollars and this
was reduced to 0.6% in Canadian dollars as the Canadian dollar
strengthened against the U.S. dollar in the quarter. Non-North American equities
rose 3.4% in local currency and 1.5% in Canadian dollar terms
during the quarter and this was predominantly driven by the Eurozone and
Japanese equities. In contrast, the Universe Bond Index returned a negative
1.8% in the quarter. Bond returns were negative over all sectors as
interest rates rose across the yield curve. Real estate increased 1.2%
in the quarter. The Balanced fund returned 1.3% for the quarter, 5.39%
year-to-date. The Short-term fund returned 0.069% in the
quarter and 0.48% year-to-date. This has been a very brief update on our 3rd
quarter performance. Please check out our website at saskpension.com or call
our office at 1-800-667-7153 for more information.
Current rates of return are always posted on our website.
Thank you for watching.
For more infomation >> 2017 Third Quarter Update - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Audi Q3 - Duration: 0:58.
GF VIP: Daniele Bossari, baci bollenti: 'Filippa mi sposi?' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:51.
Al Bano: "Farò un reality show su di me, a casa mia" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:40.
Al Bano: "Addio alla musica per dedicarmi ai figli e ai miei vini" - Duration: 3:30.
Uomini e Donne, Clarissa Marchese e Federico Gregucci festeggiano un anno d'amore - Duration: 1:34.
Audi A4 - Duration: 0:54.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:52.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:48.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:53.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:53.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:49.
Gallien Krueger Plex Preamp Demo ~ Daric Bennett - Duration: 8:51.
what's going on everybody Daric Bennett here representing one of the best
amplifier companies in the freaking world and that is gallien-krueger and
today we're gonna be talking about the GK Plex now I know some of you been
seeing this circulating around trying to figure out what it is or exactly what it
does and I know it looks a little intimidating at first but trust me once
you learn it it's actually really simple and it's amazing so today we're gonna be
doing a short demo going over all the settings and all the advantages that
this preamp has here we go alright guys so here it is and I just
wanted to go over a few things before we got started with the demo just so you
guys know what I'm turning up turning down or adjusting also just go over a
few features of the hardware so here we go you have your input here first then
you have your return and send for your fix your output here and then your power
supply right simple enough then you have a ground lift switch here and then also
your pre and post switch here and also the XLR for your di of your direct input
alright next you have your input where you can plug up any audio device and go
ahead and practice along with it you can practice with a song or metronome or
anything like that I love that option I'll use this all the time alright so
and also next to it you have your headphones of course your headphone
input so the good thing about this you can record straight from this USB input
just plug the USB right into your laptop or your computer or whatever you're
recording with you can also do firmware updates for this preamp as well so
that's a good option alright so here you have your overdrive foot pedal switch
and this literally speaks for itself and you'll see how that works in a minute
then over here you have your compressor slash
tuner alright if you click that twice you go into the tuning option actually
mutes the whole preamp and you can tune straight from there and it'll show that
it's not gonna show any notes right now cuz I'm not plugged up so to activate that you
go ahead and push it twice pretty quick alright then you're back home back to
the tuner back home okay and then this also works as a compressor if you press
it one time and it'll engage these two knobs alright guys so going from left to right
with the knobs you have your bass / bump knob first of course then you have your
low mid / contour knob then your high mid / high cut then your treble
/ presence knob and then keep in mind guys all of these knobs have a push
function and they have different levels that they can operate at so if you just
push one of them they have different levels and you'll see exactly how this
works and I'll show you exactly what it does when we go into the demo alright so next
you have your master slash voice knob and this works just as your master
volume your master overall volume and then your voice is actually when this is
press this works as a button as well and this cycles through and emulate some of
the old GK older GK heads and some of the GK models alright so that like the
first one or zero is just flat there's no additional EQ one it emulates the 800
rb2 it does the fusion 550 I love that one
three it does the MB 800 4 it does emulates the MB 150 and then five is
just a bypass so you can just bypass and have the straight sound of your bass or
whatever you're going through from this preamp going through this preamp so next
is the overdrive knob alright and then this actually works as a button -
alright you to engage that you have to press the overdrive then you can cycle
through it has five different levels of overdrive alright let's take that off
alright then next it comes to your compression these
to control your compression this is the level / attack and this is the
thresholds slash ratio okay so you can adjust this and it actually has
different ratios - once this is engaged you can cycle through
so that's about it let's get into the demo
alright guys so that was a quick demo of the GK Plex preamp you can check it out
a galleon - Kreuger calm or better yet check the link in the description so you
can go grab one today I'm Derrick Bennett til next time
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:52.
New York's Finest - J. Cole x Bas Dreamville Type Beat Fayetteville's Finest 2 [ prod. by DEE WILL ] - Duration: 2:16.
♪ 🎹 🎹 🎹 ♪
👍🏿 👍🏻 LIKE = AMIN 👍🏿 👍🏻
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 350 D PRESTIGE AMG-Styling | PANODAK | - Duration: 0:56.
NIMHD Scientific Advancement Plan - Duration: 3:25.
[DR. ELISEO PÉREZ-STABLE] Hi, I'm Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable, with a
short message about what I believe is a transformative research agenda at the National Institute
on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
We are on the cusp of major scientific advances that will change how we think about
health disparities.
We need to make sure all population groups are benefiting equally, and that the scientific
workforce mirrors the population.
[DR. REGINA JAMES] So how do we close those gaps and connect
the pieces of the puzzle?
Hi, I'm Dr. Regina James, and here at NIMHD, we think advancing the science of minority
health and health disparities requires scientific vision.
That means building and developing evidence-based information that takes into account
where we live, learn, work, and play.
[DR. MICHAEL SAYRE] Which is why we continually reach out to stakeholders
and researchers, gathering your input.
Hello, I'm Dr. Michael Sayre.
Workshops last year led to actionable insights in these three foundational areas.
You spoke, we listened,—and that collaboration guided the visioning process.
This video shares just a few key activities, both now and in the future, that connect the
pieces of the vision.
Why? To advance the science of minority health and health disparities.
[DR. COURTNEY AKLIN] Hi, I'm Dr. Courtney Aklin.
This vision requires developing researchers from underrepresented populations and retaining
their diverse insights.
So we encourage scientists who are early in their careers to apply for our Health Disparities
Research Institute.
This highly competitive, but tuition- free program, supports the development of individual
research projects.
[DR. ELISEO PÉREZ-STABLE] Increasing the number of individual researchers
with funded R01 research projects, is important
throughout NIMHD.
We know that the chance to participate in rigorous, mentored research is a huge determinant
in choosing a scientific career.
Therefore, several of our research programs include those opportunities.
For example, the Centers program will now be structured to support established investigators
and scientists early in their careers.
[DR. REGINA JAMES] Reducing disparities and advancing minority
health doesn't happen in a vacuum.
That's why we've created the Centers of Excellence Research Program.
This program champions colleges and universities around the country as hubs for health disparities
research. The vision here: build the science; strengthen training; enhance community engagement.
[DR. MICHAEL SAYRE] Another way to build communities of researchers
is through NIMHD's upcoming HD Connect portal.
In the future, researchers from anywhere in the country will be able to register health
disparity data and share the latest literature in study design, evaluation, and intervention.
[DR. ELISEO PÉREZ-STABLE] It's an exciting time to share this new vision.
I personally invite you to browse the resources on our website and join us as we make these
ongoing, transformational advances in the science of minority health and health disparities.
Thank you.
Hog Mini Pekka Princess Deck | Clash Royale Best Deck Hog Ridder - Duration: 14:46.
Hog Mini Pekka Princess Deck - Clash Royale Top Meta Deck
Louis Sarkozy réagit sur sa 1re interview: "J'étais jeune, mais pas malhonnête!" - Duration: 2:12.
Fashion Styling School
Family Engagement Month with Jacob Oliva - Duration: 1:59.
So, one tip that I would like to tell families when they're looking to
understand what is expected of their child, is to meet their teacher.
Their teacher is the greatest resource to finding out what's happening inside the
classroom and can be a direct support. A lot of schools and school districts
provide online platforms where teachers or parents can register into their
teachers accountants to see specifically with types of projects their children are
working on, and the progress that they are making. So, it's really important to
be active and involved. I'd also like to encourage families to get involved with
their local Parent Teacher Organizations, school advisory councils, and be a voice.
If you meet your school's principal and ask them how you can be engaged and be
more involved as a parent; I can promise you they'll have a list of ways that
they can make sure that that happens. The second biggest thing I would encourage
every parent to do besides meeting the teacher, is to meet their counselor.
It's important to know what your child is learning and what is expected of them
and develop an academic plan that is going to help them reach their future
goals and make sure they're taking the coursework that is ready to prepare them.
The third thing I would also say to them is to model--model good expectations, both
at home and what you're expecting for your children to do. If you need to help
model quiet time for them to do their homework and have time to read and have
time to practice the work that they're working on, do it with them. Be engaged in
the learning process. Ask your children what they're learning about and
how it's relevant to them and how what they're learn is going to set them up for success.
TWICE Maintains Top Spot With "LIKEY"; Soompi's K-Pop Music Chart 2017, November Week 4 - Duration: 5:54.
TWICE Maintains Top Spot With "LIKEY"; Soompi's K-Pop Music Chart 2017, November Week 4
TWICE's LIKEY continues to stay on top as our No.
1 song this week! The MV for this song recently became the fastest K-pop girl group MV to reach 90 million views on YouTube, and TWICE also grabbed their 7th win for LIKEY on Inkigayo. Congratulations to TWICE!.
BTOB maintains their No. 2 spot with their former No. 1 song Missing You..
We have five new songs in the top 10 this week! Rounding out the top three is SEVENTEENs Clap, which is an energetic and upbeat title track from their second studio album Teen, Age.
Many of the SEVENTEEN members participated in the songwriting and lyric-making for this album, which showcases how theyve matured and grown as artists. Moving up eight spots to No.
4 is Super Junior with their new, sophisticated track Black Suit from their long-awaited 8th album Play, while EXIDs new song DDD, which combines funky, tropical, and French electro genres, moves up eight spots to No.
Urban Zakapas When We Were Two moves up 15 spots to No. 7, while Block Bs super catchy track Shall We Dance bumps up eight spots to No.
Rank Song Artist/Band 11 (+18) DRAMARAMA MONSTA X 12 (new) Beautiful Wanna One 13 (-10) DNA BTS 14 (+2) WHERE YOU AT NUEST W 15 (new) Peek-A-Boo Red Velvet 16 (-9) Do You Know That Person Lim Chang Jung 17 (-6) 빈차 (Home Is Far Away (feat.
Oh Hyuk)) Epik High 18 (-8) 가시나 (Gashina) Sunmi 19 (new) 좋아 (Yes) Yoon Jong Shin, Minseo 20 (-11) 나의 밤 나의 너 (Holding On To You) Sung Si Kyung 21 (–) 니가 불어와 (Crazy Sexy Cool) ASTRO 22 (new) 뻔한 이별 (I Still) Soyou, Sung Si Kyung 23 (+16) Chococo gugudan 24 (-6) 나의 사춘기에게 (To My Youth) Bolbbalgan4 25 (new) 종소리 (Twinkle) Lovelyz 26 (+21) 러브스토리 (Love Story (feat.
Crush)) Suran 27 (-8) We Are (feat.
Loco, GRAY) Woo Won Jae 28 (+13) 첫눈처럼 너에게 가겠다 (I Will Go To You Like The First Snow) Ailee 29 (-5) Break Up In The Morning 4men 30 (–) 밤이 되니까 (At Night) Punch 31 (-8) MOVE Taemin 32 (-4) All Of My Life Park Won 33 (-6) 비도 오고 그래서 (You, Clouds, Rain (feat.
Shin Yong Jae)) Heize 34 (+14) Words I Want To Hear Suzy 35 (new) 너의 계절 (Your Season) Fly To The Sky 36 (-1) 되돌리고 싶다 (Rewind) Hwang Chi Yeol 37 (-5) 이 별 (Star) Gil9Bong9 38 (new) Candy Samuel Kim 39 (-2) 헤어질 수 밖에 (But I Must) Kim Na Young 40 (-14) 잠 못 드는 밤 비는 내리고 (Sleepless Rainy Night) IU 41 (-5) 마지막처럼 (As If Its Your Last) BLACKPINK 42 (+2) 사랑하지 않은 것처럼 (The Love) Buzz 43 (new) I (knew it) SONAMOO 44 (-13) Bye Babe 10cm, Chen 45 (new) Shes Mine VAV 46 (-6) 널 너무 모르고 (Dont Know You) Heize 47 (-5) Amazing IN2IT 48 (-10) Artist Zico 49 (-6) 무제 (Untitled, 2014) G-Dragon 50 (-4) 나에게 넌 (To Me) Davichi.
Soompi Music Chart is unlike any other music chart or television ranking.
It takes into account rankings by various major music charts in Korea as well as the hottest trending artists on Soompi, making it a unique chart that reflects what's going on in K-pop not only in Korea but around the world.
Our chart is composed of the following sources:. GAON Singles+Albums+Social Chart – 25%. Various Internet Charts (Olleh, Bugs, Melon, Soribada, Genie) – 15%.
TV Music Show Charts (SBS Inkigayo, KBS Music Bank, MNet M!Countdown, MBC Music Core, MBC PLUS Show Champion) – 40%.
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