Alright, I'm going to show you how to crochet BB8.
Alright, so I'm going to start by making the top piece, or I'm just going to call it the head.
So I'm going to do 6 single crochet in the magic circle.
Now I'm going to be doing an increase in each stitch all the way around for a total of 12 in the round.
Alright, in my last stitch, I'm switching off to grey.
I'm going to be doing a single crochet and an increase all the way around for a total of 18 in the round.
Alright, again, I'm switching off to my white yarn and I'm going to be doing
2 single crochet and an increase all the way around for a total of 24 in the round.
Alright, now I'm going to be doing 3 more rows with 24 single crochet in each row.
Alright, again, switching off to my grey yarn, I'm going to be doing 1 more row with 24 single crochet in the row.
Alright, and back to the white yarn.
Now I'm going to be doing a decrease all the way around for a total of 12 in the round.
Alright, now I'm adding the 12 mm plastic safety eye 5 rows down and
the 10 mm plastic safety eye 6 rows down and then 4 spaces to the right of the other eye.
And I just stuffed it.
I'm going to be doing a decrease all the way around for a total of 6 in the round.
Do a slip stitch, chain 1, break off your yarn.
Alright, for the body portion, I'm going to be doing 6 single crochet in the magic circle.
Do an increase in each stitch all the way around for a total of 12 in the round.
Next, do a single crochet and an increase all the way around for a total of 18 in the round.
Now you are going to be doing 2 single crochet and an increase all the way around for a total of 24 in the round.
Okay, now you are going to be doing 3 single crochet
and an increase all the way around for a total of 30 in the round.
Alright, now do 5 rounds of 30 single crochet in each round.
Alright, now I'm going to be doing 3 single crochet and a decrease all the way around for a total of 24 in the round.
Alright, now I'm doing 2 single crochet and a decrease all the way around for a total of 18 in the round.
Okay, do a single crochet and a decrease all the way around for a total of 12 in the round.
Alright, I've stuffed the body.
Now I'm going to be doing a decrease all the way around for a total of 6.
Slip stitch, chain 1, break off your yarn.
Alright, for the circle portion, I'm going to be doing 4 single crochet in the magic circle using grey.
Alright, I'm doing a slip stitch (which is not in focus, but okay).
Change to white yarn.
Do an increase all the way around for a total of 8.
Do 2 single crochet and an increase all the way around for a total of 12 in the round.
Alright, using this burnt orange color, I'm going to be doing 2 single crochet
and a long single crochet all the way down to the grey row.
I'm going to be doing that all the way around for a total of 12 in the round.
Alright, slip stitch, chain 1, break off your yarn.
Alright, and I usually stitch on the grey details after I sew them on just because I
find that easier but you can do that before you sew it on.
Alright, now all I have left to do is sew on grey parts onto the circles.
This is what some of them look like.
Alright, and there you go!
For more infomation >> Amigurumi Crochet BB8 Star Wars Tutorial - Duration: 10:49.-------------------------------------------
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How to use NOVATION LAUNCHPAD! Ableton Live 9 Tutorial - Duration: 4:08.
Hey guys!
In this video I'm going to show you how to get started with your Launchpad.
I just recently did a tutorial on getting started in Session View in Ableton Live, which
you can check out right here , and it's honestly completely changed music making for me.
And since I wanted to get even more into session view, I did what any music nerd would do:
So this is a Launchpad S. I know I'm super late in the game on getting one, but I've
wanted one ever since I saw Madeon's Pop Culture mashup on YouTube.
In essence, the Launchpad is a physical representation of Session View in Ableton Live.
You can trigger clips, control faders, launch scenes, and do all kinds of awesome stuff
with it.
So let's plug this baby in.
This is the Launchpad in all its shiny light up eye catching glory.
Right now, I have Novation's Launchpad demo project loaded up with only the deepest of
house tracks, which I'll link in the description.
When a pad is lit up amber on the Launchpad, it means that this slot in Ableton contains
a clip.
When I hit one of the Amber pads, that clip starts playing and turns green, like this.
To stop it, hit any of the pads that are not lit up on the track below the track that's
playing, just like you would press the stop button in Ableton . If a clip is armed, and
you press on of the empty slots on the track, it will light up red to indicate that it's
Stop recording by pressing one of the empty clips below the clip.
If there are no empty clips, just press the down arrow up top to move the matrix down
and open up an empty clip.
That's a perfect segue into talking about the top row of buttons.
The up, down, left and right key will move the playable area of clips in those respective
You can see the yellow box around the clips moving as I hit these buttons, and you can
see the lights on the Launchpad changing as I move it, on or off a respective set of clips.
Session Mode on the Launchpad is this mode where you can launch clips and scenes.
Clicking it while in any other mode will return you to session mode.
If you have a TON of clips in Session View, holding down the Session key lets you zoom
out and see an overview, where each lit up pad here represents an 8x8 section of Session
View represented by the yellow box around clips.
Clicking on these pads will let you quickly switch between 8x8 sections of Session View.
Here, amber represents the currently selected matrix, green represents a section where clips
are playing, and red indicates there are clips in that section but none are currently playing.
This helps you move around the board quickly.
User 1 mode lets you play a drum rack in Live if it is loaded on a MIDI clip and the clip
is armed.
A normal 4x4 drum rack is represented by the bottom 4 pads on the Launchpad.
User 2 mode gives you quick access to your Max for Live presets.
Either of these modes also allow for custom MIDI mapping of any of your pads to any MIDI
parameters in Live.
Mixer view is probably the coolest part of this whole setup.
The top four rows indicate the status of track volume, pan, Send A, and Send B, the labels
for which can be found in orange along the side.
On these tracks lit up bright green, these parameters have deviated from default, and
pressing these pads will reset the values to default.
Super cool.
The bottom four rows give you access to the stop, track activator, solo and arm parameters
for each track.
Pressing the right most button on each of these will stop all clips currently playing,
turn all tracks on, un-solo all solo-ed tracks, or un-arm all armed tracks depending on which
button you push, which can speed up your workflow like crazy.
And then for what I think is one of the coolest features in mixer mode: FADERS.
Clicking the rightmost button on any of the top 4 rows will turn your Launchpad into faders
for that parameter for that track.
So now I can be playing a scene and instantly lower the volume on all the drums then bring
them back in when you want them.
And that's it!
Session view in the palm of your hand.
okay… a little bigger than the palm of your hand.
But regardless, the Launchpad lets you operate Ableton without ever having to look at the
I can't wait to play around with this awesome tool some more, and eventually start doing
some live performance stuff with it.
Don't forget to like this video and leave a comment below, and subscribe to my channel
for more music in the future.
I'll see you in the next video.
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(heroically laughing)
(heroically laughing)
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So you just had awkward sex and I know whatcha thinking.
Well the good news is
You don't have erectile dysfunction
The bad news is
Everybody now knows that you're a disappointment.
You're going to have to live with the consequences of participating in terrible sex.
Hopefully she doesn't go to a journalist.
It's important that we talk about our feelings.
So let's open up to our good friend.
Who happens to be the cuck dating the girl you just f**ked
I mean it still counts even if you just put it in.
Alright I know whatcha thinking.
But it's incest in name only.
I mean come on who hasn't fantasized about sleeping with their siblings.
Uh I mean I wouldn't know I'm an only child.
Alright moving on.
Look, you know. You're not alone.
We've all had our moments where we were not in peak performance.
It's okay to be ashamed.
Recognizing our flaws allows us to improve on them.
But at least you have a girlfriend.
So let's go see her.
I wonder why.
So your girlfriend takes you out on a date.
And she's got it all planned out.
Yeah I know right you really lucked out on her.
Don't you f**king blow it
So she takes you dancing.
And then you do the impossible with her.
You go outside.
What a joyous occasion.
You're finally a man.
Oh geez I don't know babe, I think we should take it slow.
Oh God! NO!
Of course I'll marry you!
This [nice female] I swear to God.
So I know whatcha thinking.
Where did all these mechs come from?
Now allow me to explain.
As a Neet with an online PhD in clinical sexlexia.
When you are having sexual intercourse.
And you become one with your partner.
The two of you enter a fever dream together.
Where you have to work together to fight off the dreaded STDs.
It's like Pacific Rim.
Except instead of trying to save mankind.
You're trying to keep your manhood clean.
Sometimes when you are having an orgy.
You enter a matrix like environment.
Where couples can interact and fight off the venearal diseases together.
But sometimes it doesn't go as planned.
Some partners can climax to early and be left vulnerable.
Well now your friends are in a pickle.
It's time to whip it out and get in there.
But sometimes life gets in the way.
Turns out you still have to do paperwork that your dickhead boss threw at you.
But your girlfriend needs to be satisfied.
I mean you need to save your friends.
Now this asshole shows up and does the equivalent of slapping your girlfriends ass at the bar.
He's planning on taking her away and leaving his mark in her.
This is where you step up and...
Ok nevermind. I guess we'll go the cuck route.
I mean you're clearly busy and she has her needs.
I don't know what to do now.
Hopefully he's bad at sex.
Ok um. Turns out he's pretty good.
I mean I guess you don't have a girlfriend anymore.
Well it turns out your girlfriend might be a little crazy in bed.
She might be a dom.
That's pretty hot >.<
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