The spirit of Australia and our relationship
it's the best relationship in the world.
There are so many Aussie actors that have inspired my career
and they're people I've always dreamt of working with.
I think there's a kind of can-do
attitude and I think Australians have a great kind of drive and passion.
Being in Australia and being on the shows that we were on at a very young age,
15 and 16, we got great training.
We had opportunities there that we wouldn't
have had anywhere else in the world probably.
Ladies and gentlemen the
recipient of the award for Outstanding Achievement in Film and Television is Bruna Papandrea!
We need to continue to help make a world where all people feel like they can
speak up, be who they choose to be, and for our girls especially tell stories
where they can see women reflected in every way.
I think there's a work ethic in Australia
where we're not afraid to get down and do the hard yards.
We're not afraid to be little people in a big pond.
Let's celebrate the award winning actor, producer and crusader for all that is gold:
Margot Robbie.
I believe in luck but I believe in making your own luck even more. I also
believe that waiting for doors to open or opportunities to come knocking means
that you'll probably be waiting a really long time
and you're probably better off going and knocking down those doors yourself.
Heath and I, we started out together in Australia on a small film called Two Hands
so I think it's brilliant that he's being honoured and I feel really
lucky that I'm here to see it and I've such beautiful memories of him.
Heath doesn't just live on in memory
or in the films or the artwork that he left behind, but
he lives on in the practical experience of artists who still are reaching out
into the world and endeavouring to pursue their dreams and that's an incredible
thing so Lifetime Achievement Award
oh my lord is he worthy.
To accept Heath Ledger's posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award
please welcome his father Kim Ledger.
It's imperative we continue to foster
Australian homegrown talent at an international level.
Their participation, contribution and profiles can add enormous value to the
Australian economy across all industries.
G'day USA
G'day USA
G'day USA
For more infomation >> G'Day USA Gala 2018 - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Spicy Crispy Herb Salad | Thai Food | Yum Samoon Prai Goong | ยำสมุนไพรกรอบกุ้ง - Duration: 1:57.
Spicy Crispy Herb Salad
Shrimp 150 g
Kaffir lime leave 3 tbsp
Lemongrass 3 tbs
Water 2 tbsp
Fish sauce 2 tbsp
Tamarind juice ¼ cup
Palm sugar 3 tbsp
Fried shallot 3 tbsp
Fried garlic 3 tbsp
Fried chili 2 tbsp
చంద్రగ్రహణం రోజు ఈ రాశి వారికి పట్టిందల్లా బంగారమే | Chandra Grahanam Telugu | Chandra Grahanam 2018 - Duration: 9:16.
La supercar Edonis est de retour ! - Duration: 1:56.
WRC - Ogier domine le Monte-Carlo - Duration: 5:40.
재규어 랜드로버, 봄맞이 차량점검 서비스[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:25.
L'astuce géniale pour rendre vos vêtements blancs encore plus blancs - Duration: 4:57.
10 astuces géniales avec du vinaigre, vous n'auriez jamais pensé à la sixième - Duration: 5:26.
"수입차 3월 7102대 등록..사상 최대 판매" - Duration: 5:00.
Voici combien vous devez marcher pour perdre du poids. C'est plus efficace que la course - Duration: 6:41.
리콜 곤혹치른 토요타, 한국고객께 '사죄' - Duration: 2:55.
Votre corps vous avertit un mois avant d'avoir une crise cardiaque avec ces 6 signes - Duration: 6:06.
Une femme a arrêté de porter des soutiens-gorge. Quelques semaines après, ses seins - Duration: 5:55.
폭스바겐 골프TDI, ″정상 질주″ - Duration: 1:22.
폭스바겐 블루모션, 2010 월드 그린카 선정 - Duration: 2:12.
지지 하디드, 아찔한 허리라인에 명품 골반 '시선강탈!'[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:10.
샬롯 맥키니, 조각같은 글래머 몸매 '수영복 터질 듯~'[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:14.
UFC 옥타곤걸, 물 밖으로 솟은 화난 엉덩이 '아찔!'[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:17.
조안나 크루파, 태양도 시샘하는 명품 누드 '눈부셔!'[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:25.
Option Trading Course
'꼬꼬마'에서 팔다리 훌쩍 자라 키즈모델 포스 뽐내는 류진 둘째 아들 찬호 근황 - Duration: 2:03.
Florida's Finest Criminals #1 - Pt. 2 **Angry Florida Woman Edition** - Duration: 13:40.
Hey guys, it's me, Maggie J, welcome to part 2 of Florida's Finest, these are all the stories
that didn't make me laugh, these stories really just pissed me off.
Fair warning, I will be using the strongest of language, because I'm mad, and because
YouTube kicked me out of the Partner's program, so I have no reason to censor myself.
That was your warning, so here we go
Florida "Hot Cop" Resigns
I did a story about this guy after HurricaneIrma last year.
I was more sympathetic for this him at that time, because I did not have all the facts,
but we have an update.
And now, this guy's a piece of shit.
Michael Hamill resigned from the Gainesville Police Department on December 6th, after two
internal affairs investigations.
We knew about the one investigation, into his anti-semetic social media posts, but a
second investigation, into whether he had sex with a woman who is not his wife while
on duty, is what really turned my opinion against him.
I understand that young dummies often say things we regret, but having
sex with some woman you met in an Uber while you're supposed to be serving the people of
the City of Gainesville, no sir.
You are a scumbag and I hope your wife finds a way to cope with you ruining her life while
you're supposed to be at work.
Gainesville Police are not sure at this time whether Hamill's resignation will cancel their
plans to produce a fundraising calendar.
It better not Gainesville!
Don't let one douchebag sink your whole calendar idea.
This guy ain't even that hot, yall.
He cheats on his wife!
Florida Man Sets Deaf Co-Worker On Fire
Way back on December 21st, Derrick David Dillon
of Melbourne was walking around his place of work, Advanced Lawn and Landscaping, when
he sprayed a deaf co-worker on his pant's leg with carburetor cleaner and lit it on
fire, leaving a five inch long burn on the co-workers calf.
However, setting deaf people on fire was not the only shitty thing on Dillon Douchebag's
To-Do List for December 21st.
Later that night he attended a drag race near Roxy Cinemas and almost struck an officer
while speeding away on his motorcycle.
West Melbourne Police and Brevard County Sheriff's chased him down using air support and soon
took him into custody.
He is being charged with aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, aggravated fleeing
and eluding, reckless driving, and operating an unregistered motor vehicle.
Update on the co-worker: he actually did not report the burning incident to police until
December 26th, and then went to the hospital about the burn on the 28th.
Dillon says he didn't mean to to hurt the co-worker but police say surveillance footage
shows him clearly committing the crime.
The video is unavailable at this time, due to ongoing investigation, which I think is
Setting someone on fire is not a funny prank, and this Dillon guy is the worst kind of douche.
He's also being charged with felony battery.
Florida Man Is Complete Piece of Garbage
Michael Arce has been living with a relative
in the Windsong Apartments in Lake City, and all the while harassing a female neighbor
by making lewd comments to her.
Her fiancee called police to ask that something be done, to which Deputies were dispatched
to issue a trespass warning against Arce.
However when they arrived, they could not find him.
About an hour later, a drunk Arce appeared, and confronted the female neighbor outside
her apartment.
As she tried to put distance between him and her, he pushed her down, into some bushes,
and started choking her while he climbed on top.
She says he was saying "It's okay. It's okay."
You know, that thing people say when things are absolutely not okay and they want to confuse
Amazingly this woman fought him off and was able to run, and lucky for everyone involved,
she saw a patrol car and ran straight for it.
They took the scumbucket into custody, charging him with false imprisonment/kidnapping and
felony battery by strangulation and he is being held without bond.
Thank you Columbia County, for not going soft on this walking piece of garbage.
I can only imagine the relief this woman must feel knowing he's locked up.
When questioned by deputies, his only response was "I'll see you in court."
Yeah, you will, and I hope it's the last time any of us ever have to hear about you again
you worthless fuck.
Florida Douchebags Plead Not Guilty To Dragging Shark
Last year this terrible video was posted on Instagram and quickly went viral.
The scumbags behind the now-infamous clip, Micahel Wenzel, Robert Lee Benac, and Spencer
Heintz, were finally charged in December for two counts of aggravated animal cruelty, which
carries punishments of up to five years in prison and $10,000 in fines.
A spokesperson for Florida Wildlife says these kinds of charges are rare, but because of
the cruelty of the act, and the lack of regard for wildlife in general, I am glad they are
pursuing this, even if these assholes are claiming to be not guilty.
If not for Rick Scott's involvement and the number of animal and environmental rights
advocates that are making noise about this, these charges probably wouldn't be pressed,
which is a good example of how public outrage can be used as a force for good.
So don't stop complaining about things that actually matter, guys.
These Florida Parents Must Be Stopped!
Take a look at this cell phone video of some overwrought parents out in the Orlando area.
What had happened was, there was a fight on the bus, and a student had bloodied his face.
So the bus driver pulled to the side of the road and
contacted the bus garage, he says he contacted an ambulance as well,
And then did whatever else bus drivers do while waiting for people to show up.
For some reason, the bus was stopped for what parents claim to be 45 minutes on the side of the road.
During that time some parents set out to find the bus.
Which was not far away so it didn't take them very long, and then they wanted to get their kids off the bus.
Which because of the bloody situation, the bus driver was not allowing.
I understand his position, there are tons of protocols that need to be followed when
someone is in charge of other people's children, but I am confused as to why this bus was pulled
over for so long.
How long does an ambulance take to get dispatched?
That sounds like bullshit...
Also, share a little info with the people on the ground, parents claim they had no clue
why the bus driver had stopped or why he would not release their children.
After fifteen minutes of waiting outside the bus, parents pried open the doors
but the driver still would not let the students off the bus, which at that point,
"Hell no! I'm not letting these kids off this bus!"
How do I know that this kid is yours?
These parents rushing onto this bus, scaring the students, getting them all worked up,
and then shoving kids out the windows of the bus, you're all wrong, and you ought to apologize
to this bus driver.
I understand being frustrated, but being a parent doesn't give you special rights to
ignore the rules and protocols that are in place to protect our children.
If you have a problem with this, you don't take it up with the bus driver
You call the fucking cops!
I'm disappointed in all of you. You cannot yank children off of a school bus.
I would charge every single one of those parents with kidnapping, especially if my kid was on that bus.
Scummy Florida Man Can't Handle Rejection
Guiseppe Garibaldi of Seminole County was
casually dating a preschool teacher he met online.
When the woman told Garibaldi she didn't want to see him back in December, he keyed her
car and threatened to break down her door.
The next day, he sent explicit photos of the woman to her boss, photos she wasn't aware
were taken of her, in an attempt to get her fired.
Once she found out about the photos, she contacted police, who were able to identify Garibaldi
by some tattoos visible in the photos, and he is now facing charges of stalking, sexual
cyber harassment, extortion, and cyberstalking.
I hope these are all felonies and this guy gets a good long punishment for this.
When it's over, it's over, stop ruining women's lives and their ability to trust other humans.
If you ever ask a woman "Why are you like this?" Think about this story!
We've been conditioned!
Also, stop taking sneaky photos of women on your cell phones you fucking creeps.
Florida Police Disconnect Potential Suspect's Surveillance Camera
Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey has been made aware of the actions of some of his officers
from August 2017.
While conducting a search at an address, a surveillance camera shows an officer becoming
aware of the camera, and then reaching for the camera, then the camera suddenly goes dark.
The owner of the camera found it later with the wires ripped out of the side.
Hmm.. wonder what happened???
Chief Currey says his officers were looking for a suspect who was rumored to have numerous
Approaching a home where many guns may be stashed inside, I can understand why the police
would not have wanted the suspect to be able to watch and anticipate the actions of the
officers, but it's been 5 months, and the officer has never told his chief what he did
nor offer to correct what he broke.
He should have notified his supervisor immediately that he tampered with the private property
of a citizen, and when the suspect, who is not the camera's owner, was found, that officer
should have immediately gone to the homeowner and seen how to fix what he had broken.
Not doing the right thing in this situation instills little confidence in me that these
officers are upstanding citizens.
The Department has offered to pay to repair the cameras, but that does nothing to repair
the damage that these actions have done to tarnish the reputation of Vero Beach Police.
Don't damage private property on purpose and then not offer to fix it immediately after,
it's just that simple guys.
Florida Mother Afraid To Lose Her Children Let's Her Son Die
This is the worst story of the week.
Christiana Hurt of Homestead claims was taking out the trash on the evening of January 17th,
and had left her 1 year old son in an infant chair.
When she came back inside she found her ten year old daughter holding the 1 year old,
who was screaming inconsolably.
Another child, a 4 year old boy, is thought to have filled the tub for the baby, and the
girl put him into it, not realizing the water was entirely too hot.
The 1 year old suffered terrible burns on the entire lower half of his body.
What escalates this story to being included on this list, is that Christiana didn't take
her poor son to the emergency room, instead choosing to ask friends for advice on how
to treat burns.
After vomiting several times, she gave the 1 year old a dose of Tylenol and juice, and
then took her happy ass to bed.
The next morning, she took the older children to school, and the boy to a friends house,
passing Homestead Hospital on her way.
Why the friend did not send this idiot directly to the emergency room is unclear, but Hurt
attempted something else to help her son.
About an hour later, the boy became unresponsive and Hurt laid the child on a mattress in the
front yard.
A passerby is the one who contacted authorities, telling them the boy had shallow breathing.
When police arrived, the baby was taken for treatment but doctors were unable to save
the child.
Hurt claims she didn't want "to lose custody of her children" and that is why she didn't
take her son to the hospital, which I think we can all agree is the worst decision she
could have ever made.
Not only will she now lose her children, one of them is gone forever.
Because of a stupid accident.
Hurt is being charged with aggravated manslaughter.
I hope they throw the book at her, this is beyond gross negligence.
What Happens In The Off-Season, Will Be Reported By Me
Robby Anderson of the New York Jets Football team has been arrested in Sunrise and then
made a right spectacle of himself.
An SUV ran two red lights and was witnessed traveling 105 in a 45 zone, early on January
The vehicle was stopped and officers found Robby Anderson of the New York Jets behind the wheel.
They took him into custody and while in the police cruiser, Anderson took the chance to
let everyone know just what kind of scumbag he is.
He started by insulting the officer, saying he was trying to "ruin his fun" by pulling
him over, then Anderson proceeded to tell the officer he was going to find his wife,
"fuck her, and nut in her eye."
Excuse me, you ask a lady's permission first, asshole.
And secondly, this guy wasn't even impaired.
Not drunk, not high, not full of biscuits and gravy.
This is just how he is.
I think we can unanimously agree, this guy is a piece of scum and no one needs to ever
take him seriously.
Anderson is being charged with reckless driving, eluding police, resisting arrest, fleeing
while lights/sirens active/ failure to drive in a single lane, two counts of disobeying
a red light, speeding, not using turn signals (the second most agregious act of all), and
threatening harm to a public servant/family.
Wow, New York Jets, I hope you're proud of your player.
One more stellar exampe of how skill is the most important thing in the eyes of the NFL.
Fuck morals, fuck being a decent human being, these athletes have skills, and that means
we can't expect them to have much more than that.
This is the end of the list of stories that have pissed me off.
I hope you are equally as outraged as I am, because my next video is guaranteed to make
you smile.
Despite all the delinquency going on around here, our beloved state still gives us plenty
to smile about.
Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss part 3 of my grand return to YouTube.
Stay safe and don't forget to be awesome.
Beyoncé et JAY-Z toujours en couple, le rappeur révèle pourquoi ils sont encore ensemble - Duration: 2:23.
Hi, this is Tom Bouboul and Welcome on my channel Up Rugby.
Today I will talk about the skills
What is the skills?
If you are a rugby player is exercises that you'll be able to do it alone without the help
person, without the help of your coaches to progress. Must not
dream, if you want to become a good rugby player two workouts or training
a week is enough. The more you're going to work and
you'll be better. When you do two workouts per week and you touch
40 balls by training and we will be optimistic of the 40 balloons
you're going to touch, because it is not everyone that touches 40
balloons on the drive, you will progress more technically
if you make the effort to work on your side.
There is no secret, if you want to become a good player and I'm not talking about becoming a player
high level, I'm just talking about becoming a good rugby player
this is for you to work. So take 4 balloons take 4 friends instead
playing playstation or watch series
hovels up, go outside and play rugby making small skills.
The skills, what is it? They are small exercises. What's that
mean? skills
The aim will be to acquire skills by making small
exercises. This is often exercises
which are totally decontextualized the game. That is, it has no
relationship with the game of rugby, but it will be against the
development of motor skills. We will come back in other videos
what is that motor skills. It's going to be acquired
a skill, a gesture Technical eg
ability to make a chistera. When you work it out
closed situations and it will to acquire these skills
so that the ball is no longer a constraint. There is a lot of
players, as they are contact to a racket
and release the ball chistera or make passes
no matter how it's gonna be a problem. We must succeed in
hold the ball and thus you go not necessarily attempting gestures
other players are able to attempt. Once the ball is more a
stress and you are totally free from it you can take the information
your partners and play. The gesture of the pass,
give your ball, pass the the ball this will not be a problem,
because you can do the naturally. You will just
on the processing of information, analysis of the situation, so
Make the right decision. You do not shalt not limited in your decision
because technically you're not good. These are situations that
you work in small number.
It should not be many, we need the players touch as many balloons.
If you're going to coach you tell me that in fact it is impossible
because if you have 30 players you can not put them through 3
and have ten groups of 3 players and correct them. On the contrary
I think that's great they are by 3, because they affect a lot of balls.
You will see that you will not have need to correct, ie that
them they will regulate itself, thou shalt not there to police you will be
there to turn and give technical advice to each individually.
This kind of exercise can increase the
concentration of players, individual technique and automate
gestures to no longer have to think when you have to make them match.
We must start from simple to go to complicated. This means that when you
begin a skill for me it is necessary that you have
many changes which enables you to start very
simply and do change very quickly depending on the level of your
players and their adaptability to go to the complicated.
I encourage you to put in the hard soon
possible so that they work well. So every time we will talk about a
skills I would stay the same basis, i.e. the positioning of
players it will be the same. What I show you
that's how it is we can evolve a skill in
harder or easier and especially how this can
Declining a range of technical gesture from a very closed position.
Go here we go we start with 4 players who are
in wing aircraft position with the left and right are
in depth. A player in the middle that makes passes with a ball and then with
2 balloons. What can we What can we ask the player
making the passes? it will be each time before taking the ball is to open its
his pelvis backwards a support for guide his shoulders and pelvis to
his partner. Once it will be comfortable, we pass
two to three balls and three balloons that it will go a little
little faster. it puts players pressure fast enough.
How can we develop such skill? we can do it just evolve
by changing the manner in which the player will receive the ball.
The same can be given by rolling the
ball by bouncing the ball on the ground.
We can give the alternating
balloons. There will be balloons that will roll and
balloons that are coming in air or bounce. Here it forces the
player to adapt. The it is with 2 balls but then if
it is comfortable, do not hesitate to put one third balloons.
Then there is still on the same position and you can
Starting on scoops. Then for example, I asked him to
do with two hands, but we can do it
with a hand or by a chistera in the back and the same thing is
complex exercise with three balloons. Here it allows
players increase their concentration.
To manage three balloons that will happen
incessantly and even for support it will require an effort of
concentration that is pretty important.
This one is a bit for show but for me
it is also a technical movement which is difficult.
Asked to do the passes behind the head.
It's a twisted pass by over the head. It's a big
driving stress because you have to twist the ball only
with the forearm. successfully twisting the balloon that with forearms
It's not easy for everyone. Most players
are what I call the ball thrown. They are not good and the préhention
the ability to twist the balloons, they use the shoulders
So much for this little video on skills
after skills is up to you the evolve like you want it.
if you want to work a gesture, if you want to work
a pass one-handed by above the header or in the folded back
like this where a hand chistera it is to you to do so. You just have to
be specific about the criteria you're going to give
players. to say that if such the middle player must let go of
balloons chistera like that, it's just like a pass Handball
It should be able to catch the ball with one hand
and finish with the back of the hand towards the ground and towards the fingers
whoever you doing to pass to finish the move.
I hope this video you enjoyed. Do not hesitate to put me on a little LIKE
video, t SUBSCRIBE to the channel and to comment
and we find ourselves very quickly to next video Ciao
Alumni Success Story
Dolat Mand Banne Ka Wazifa Islamic Wazifa For Rizq,Powerful Wazifa For Wealth And Prosperity - Duration: 2:31.
Dolat Mand Banne Ka Wazifa Islamic Wazifa For Rizq,Powerful Wazifa For Wealth And Prosperity
Study Motivation for Exam | Hindi Motivational video for students by s.k. - Duration: 6:06.
오피스룩으로 섹시한 매력 발산한 강지영.jpg - Duration: 2:07.
Update 125 - Den Time With the Panther - Duration: 33:13.
24小時:Red VelvetMV破億-2PM俊昊畫報-KAI進軍日本-泰妍-李棟旭 - Duration: 6:23.
AB బ్లడ్ గ్రూప్ వారి జీవితం ఎలా ఉంటుందోతెలుసా | AB Blood Group | Blood Group | Blood Group Astrology - Duration: 3:53.
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