Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 31 2018

I guess a personal goal for 2018 would be to beat SK in a Bo3 in LAN.

It's not just saying that because we play them next, it's because I've only beat them

as best of one in LAN, and best of three is more prestigious in my opinion.

That's a goal.

Also winning a major of course, that's also a goal.

The obvious one would be Quantum Bellator making it to legends stage.

I mean, making it to the major itself was an upset, so to make the legends stage is

a super upset.

I also think it was kind of sad that Astralis didn't make it through, because they're a

solid team that can always put up a good fight for top teams, so the fact that they didn't

make it through kind of sucks.

I think it's a mix of both.

I always strive to make sure I don't make the same mistake twice.

Obviously it's impossible to that, but if I make a mistake, or I do something wrong,

I make sure that the next time I play I try not to do the same thing, and I did that for

however many years.

And I think it's important for me to have a defined team in terms of roles, like when

I was on OpTic with stanislaw we had really defined roles.

We had an IGL, set IGL, set AWPer, set lurker, everything.

So I was really comfortable with where I was at, and then when stanislaw left we had no

set IGL, and the roles got all messed up, like Mixwell stopped AWPing at one point.

It was really hard for me to find my place, and that's when I had a streak of not playing

well, but the whole team was pretty bad at that point.

But that was granted because we didn't have an IGL.

But the point is that, on Cloud9, the roles are really, really set in stone and defined,

and I am really comfortable with the way it is.

I think a player like Xyp9x would be good for me.

I don't think he would ever leave Astralis, but the point is that he's a solid CT player.

I think I'm similar in that.

He's also a pretty rock solid T player, he's not really a flashy player, but he makes not

many mistakes and I feel like I'm sort of similar to that.

I would say right now there's an unspoken rivalry between us.

I think most of us are friends though, outside of the game.

So it's not like we despise each other.

Even in-game I feel like we joke around, but I think there is a rivalry for sure in the


The opportunity to climb the ranks into Rank S and get noticed is definitely there.

That's the whole point of it, for players to grind in pugs and get noticed by pro players.

But I think the way that the game is played in Rank S, and the way that the environment

is it's harder for players to get better and show their true skill, because there hasn't

been many players that have been in Rank S that have actually gone to a pro team recently.

So I think right now it's kind of rare, but the opportunity is definitely there.

I think NA has been on the rise the last few years because of teams like SK and Immortals

coming to NA.

They bring a lot of good practice, and I think it brings motivation as well to see them,

even though they're playing in the NA scene, they're winning tournaments, being at the

top of the world.

I think seeing that helped a lot, and like I said, practicing versus them is also huge.

Cloud9 is good to play for because they have all the fans basically, and the org itself

is huge.

It kind of reminds me of OpTic, but I think we have more CS fans here on Cloud9, so I'm

really happy for that.

I learned on OpTic my true potential as a player, I think.

I learned that I can play with the best at any moment and win a game at any moment as

well for us, whether it be—because obviously, like I said, it's important to have the IGL

aspect—so I think having an IGL that knows how to direct me

is important.

For more infomation >> C9 RUSH before semifinals: "a goal for 2018: to beat SK in a BO3 on LAN... Also winning a major" - Duration: 3:43.


Learn About Trains | Knott's Berry Farm - Duration: 4:30.


Hand cars were used in the late

18-hundreds by railroad crews to help build the railroad

they hope was carrying heavy tools and supplies to different work areas and

First had to be pumped by hand to keep them going

They weren't used for very long because they were dangerous and made the crew too tired to work

Calico railroad

The calico train at knott's is a real narrow gauge steam train that was used by the Denver and Rio

Grande railroad in the early nineteen hundred's narrow area limits are

extra skinny so that they can fit through the small canyons and steep mountains

They were popular in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado

Where there are a lot of canyons and cliffs?

What are we gonna do?


Train ride

Kristin you wanna go on a train ride. Yeah, yeah

Gals gonna burn train ride to and pop on grandma

No, it's treason

We'll be robbed

Let's get that money right now

I'll be doing this again. Are we doing this rude? I got ways. I'm punishing you. I don't wish a photo shoot all right fine

My fear

That was close enough Carter

What happened Preston what happened

Kalanchoe my night

The Calico mine ride was not first big ride

Visitors ride in an ore car to go on a journey through a working gold mine

Or cars or carts pulled by trains that take rocks and minerals out of a mine?

Trains have been helping people with important tasks for hundreds of years there have been many

Different kind of trains and train cars some we still use today and others we don't

Trains are an important part of history

and we still use them today to transport cargo and people I

Hope you enjoyed this video, thanks for watching bye :

Support CA RT er that's it

For more infomation >> Learn About Trains | Knott's Berry Farm - Duration: 4:30.


Fostering Resilience in Kids - Duration: 3:02.

There's a number of ways that we can help promote the capacity for resilience in kids.

We can do them through a risk-focused strategy which helps to reduce or prevent exposure

to adversity.

Then there's asset-focused strategies, which really focus on helping to increase access

to resources or to build those resources that a person already has inside of them.

And then there's a third strategy which is around process-focused, which is really about

building the social networks that a person has in their life and that's a place where

I think we really can be focusing on in terms of our work, in advocacy and supporting children.

If you wanna think about what the factors are that promote resilience in kids, you can

think about them in terms of three main categories.

You have internal factors, external factors, and then what we might call existential factors.

The internal factors that we can use to promote resiliency in kids are things that are innate

in them.

Their skills, their strengths, and their abilities.

We're talking about strength in communication, problem solving, behavioral regulation, emotional

regulation, and their ability to envision their future or sometimes even just hope can

be an important resilience factor.

When we think about external factors, what we're really talking about are those networks

that surround kids.

We're talking about the presence of a nurturing, caring person in their lives or people.

These could be friends, family.

These could be advocates.

These could be teachers or even their peers.

And when we talk about existential factors that impact resiliency, we're talking about

the values that they have, their belief systems, and in this way, culture can be a huge influence

on kind of what those existential factors are.

But one of the most important things that we can do for kids is really to help them

to name their experience and help them to tell their story.

We've found that there's a lot of value in the storytelling process, in whatever way

a person is comfortable telling their story.

So it may be through a narrative, it may be through art or it may be not at all.

But just encouraging just the identification of trauma experiences in a child's life and

giving them the tools that they need to be able to tell it in whatever way they like.

For more infomation >> Fostering Resilience in Kids - Duration: 3:02.


What is Resilience - Duration: 4:35.

So resilience is the ability to cope, navigate, and thrive in the face of adversity.

And resilience is not something you either have or you don't.

It's actually an innate human ability that we all have the capacity to develop.

Ann Masten, who is a researcher in the area of resilience, has said that the surprise

of resilience research has been that it's ordinary magic, in that it's a common human


The research tells us that anywhere from a half to two thirds of children who have had

adverse childhood experiences go on to thrive and live well-adjusted successful lives.

So this is something that we all have the innate ability to be and it's just a matter

of nurturing that capacity in kids.

There are many ways in which culture can impact a person's experience of trauma and resilience.

There can be experiences of complex trauma, which may include experiences of war or of


There can also be experiences of historical trauma that some children struggle to overcome

and those may be passed down inter-generationally.

Experiences like forced-acculturation, slavery, genocide.

And so all of these factors kind of play a role in a person's experiences of trauma in

their lifetime and their pathway to resilience.

The important thing about culture is that it cuts across all of the factors that promote


Culture influences our values.

It dictates kind of what values, what skills, what abilities are valued in a person.

And in that way, culture can really have an impact on promoting certain resiliency factors

over others.

They're intertwined in this way and it's really important to take a look at how a person's

culture may influence the way that they demonstrate resilience.

If we can look at resilience as an adaptation, which is what it really is, then we're looking

at it from a strength-based perspective.

We're seeing it as a strength that a person has.

An adaptation is a positive thing.

There is a quote that I want to share from Psychology Today that I read just the other


And it really captured, I think, what was important about this process.

It says, "The healing process isn't about becoming who you might have been had you not

experienced trauma.

It's about integrating the wisdom you've gained from that experience into your life."

And I feel like that perfectly encapsulates the process of moving through healing toward


Resilience is a process in that it's something that really has no end.

There's not a point at which you can declare, "I've done it.

I'm resilient.

I'm finished."

It's something that is an ever-evolving thing, just like the narrative of life is.

And we can also think about it in terms of the parallel process of healing.

Both are kind of a pathway that we're on.

Some of the challenges to defining resilience and thinking about it are that we don't really

have a clear definition on what it means to be resilient.

What are we talking about?

Are we talking about the absence of negative outcomes?

Are we talking about the absence of mental health diagnoses?

What exactly?

How do we know?

What are the indicators that say to us, "Okay, you have achieved resilience."

Is there a certificate that I get and who signs that certificate?

And if I stray from that path and experience some negative consequences of childhood trauma,

does that mean I'm no longer resilient?

I don't believe that's the case.

I believe that we're on a path and that that is what resilience is about.

It's about walking that path and sometimes we take steps back and sometimes we take steps


For more infomation >> What is Resilience - Duration: 4:35.


Dix ans plus tard, les confi­dences de Carla Bruni sur son mariage avec Nico­las Sarkozy - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Dix ans plus tard, les confi­dences de Carla Bruni sur son mariage avec Nico­las Sarkozy - Duration: 3:57.


Pourquoi Ange­lina Jolie a-t-elle rencon­tré Brigitte Macron ? - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Ange­lina Jolie a-t-elle rencon­tré Brigitte Macron ? - Duration: 2:44.


WAOUH WOOL • Comment tricoter avec les bras - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> WAOUH WOOL • Comment tricoter avec les bras - Duration: 10:10.


Dhami Da Waila Tara Time Tay Aa Jhanian 1 | Sultan Nat | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> Dhami Da Waila Tara Time Tay Aa Jhanian 1 | Sultan Nat | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 7:24.


ARM KNITTING • Garter stitch • Knit with your arms - Duration: 5:18.

Arm Knitting is a knitting trend that consists in knitting with your arms instead of using knitting needles.

If you want to knit the garter stitch with your arms, here are the steps to follow.

Start by unwrapping a good lenght of thread in order to cast on stitches.

Make a noose.

This is your first stitch.

Put your left arm in that stitch and tighten the knot.

Then, pass the thread through the first stitch, from front to back in order to make a new loop (stitch).

Turn that loop on the right before putting it on your left arm.

Go on casting on stitches this way and you will have a nice braided edge.

To knit with your arms, pass the thread through the first stitch, from front to back in order to make a loop.

Put your right arm in that loop.

Then, slide the left stitch on the thread and tighten the loop on your right arm.

Go on this way to knit the rest of the row.

Once the row is over,

gently remove the stitches from your right arm and put them back on your left arm, the same way.

the thread always on the front.

Knit as much row as needed following the same process.

Don't hesitate to undo the noose

in order to tighten the edge which tends to be more loose than the rest of the work.

To give you a better view of the garter stitch composition, here is a comparison between our current work and a scarf knitted with small needles.

We can clearly see the caracteristic bar of the garter stitch.

To bind-off the stitches, the same way as we do with needles, knit two stitches

and pass the first stitch above the second one, from right to left.

Go on knitting one stitch and bind-off the previous stitch the same way.

When there is only one stitch left on your arm, cut the thread

and pass it through the remaining stitch.

Tighten the knot in order to secure the knit.

For more infomation >> ARM KNITTING • Garter stitch • Knit with your arms - Duration: 5:18.


New Rampage The Movie Toys Action Sequences Video's 1-7 Compilation King Kong Vs George - Duration: 39:00.

Wow guys keep watching as we see the origin of George raff and Lizzie from

rampage the movie and also their lives and how they destroy Chicago and New

York City New Rampage The Movie Toys Action Sequences Video's 1-7 Compilation King Kong Vs George

today hey George wow you are looking good so are we ready

to make new friends today also Wow George when I found you when you were

small and orphaned I took care of you and raised you look at you now you are

getting huge cool you're so nice and gentle

you would not hurt a soul ever would you well George okay time for me to go

I'll be back to business suit

Davis Georgia's seriously spoke today he was making some wild last night okay

let's go ahead and see what's wrong

hey George it's alright buddy come on out of your cave yeah come on

out of there whoa what happened to you it sure has

yesterday he was four foot today he's ten

George George come on George calm down come on George it's me you're okay

something's wrong with George I think we should slowly back out of here no sudden


no sudden moves don't educated him okay George

I'm gonna slowly back here

I'm gone

hey no worries we have a 12-foot electrified fence surrounding the place

there's no way George could get past there

meanwhile on a little volcanic island up on the ocean a little island called

Skull Island we have a little monkey knowing what is happening here

call it New York to bed and let's see

are you Lizzy

get your fish eel is your old pal

look here she's the most harmless DeHerrera all these other bullies here

pick on her all the time merciless no they live


lizzi's go on something eat all the other Gators

oh my poor Lizzy is she gone forever oh man

love the guns on this new boat with this Gatling gun I tear those Gators into

pieces check this out ah check it out I got one yay boy this is awesome wiping

these guys out for flan ha ha ha stupid Gators hey Bob something's wrong

with the engine check out what it is okay I don't see anything wrong with


Wow who are you where'd you go

what was there


gotta be my imagination playing tricks on me there's nothing that big there's

nothing that could possibly be

good bullets opposed right

I'm down here Bob's on his own

this Godzilla intended for a little city called

Chicago also see the huge Gator is okay man be on the lookout we have a 300 foot

alligator it found tanks are in place soldiers are

ready fire on my command sir did you say a 300 foot alligator

I did indeed soldier 300 foot alligator now get with it our job is to defend

this city whatever means necessary even Claire we have to if she comes man

prepare to fire

sir it's impossible

disappear cause it's every man for himself this city is going to burn

our only hope of escape is the bridge everybody head for the bridge head for


he has bet that city is going down in flames

what is this look something is coming out of the river gonna be somebody to

rescue us something said to rescue us Oh God what's he doing here children


is this the end of Lizzy

she comes for the finishing now

that's the end of Godzilla

Lucy's dragging him into the river

welcome to my story my buddy Ralph the wolf this is where I met Ralph in a

jungle town in South America I was just walking along minding my business when

all of a sudden I heard a growling noise behind me and there he was really calm


nice and gentle even let me pet him Wow that is one cool - I'll see you next

on a dark and stormy night something mysterious happened

that night my friendly Timberwolf

turned into a raging monster almost as big as the temple itself

the next morning I came with my doctor friend to offer vaccinations to the

woman so I could adopt him but something was different if I hey Ralphy come on

here What's Wrong boy came out alright as a raging ferocious

50 books

hey Doc something seriously happened to Ralphie do not panic

the worst thing you could do from a wolf is run from

okay man today we are hunting Wolf's for the fun of it we're gonna blow them down

and just leave him here I don't even wanna skin them I just

ah got him I'll make sure he dead

okay then it's getting dark I think we better go ahead and set up camp

Devils it's the only one okay man we're gonna split up

it's safest if we all split up the door

I see something that's just my imagination

there's nothing

even Bob heard yelling alley to see him Bob's always kind calls in some kind of

trouble yeah he's got a huge imagination

he's always imagining huge Wolf's and stuff creeping up behind him didja didja

to jim tears open roof behind you

what you - there's no wolf behind me

meanwhile somewhere else in the jungles of South America watch what happens when

this little indominus rex bites this canister oh what's gonna happen

Oh nah he's mutated into a huge indominus rex

rough music man

one thing we forgot about grass yes

Ralph's got wings

all the indominus rex is getting beaten

yes no idea what's going on here comes he's got a man behind that's gotta hurt

and Omnitrix

got one good I laughed what you gonna do

Thomas Gregson blinded in a rage

oh he's going down this is the end of the indominus rex

the king of Jurassic world

so continue

to fire

Chicago is burning sir


soldier desert your clothes it's every man for himself

this city is going to burn

what is there something is happening to the creatures they're shrinking down to

the size they were before Wow conch must have pounded the genetic material right

out of them there is Rafi normal side Wow she's

small too

but what about poor George look check it out he's shrinking Wow George is

normal-sized - there he goes now that their normal size Ralphy old bunny come

on let's get going - reunited with their owners it's great

to see you again

Wow guys what a bad hole these three guys have destroy New York City but King

Kong went ahead it seeped everyone because Kong is still king of the jungle

the ones who stand against Kong Wow guys that was totally awesome if you

want to see more fun videos go ahead and click the subscribe button in the Bell

next to it to be notified when I make new ones and to have over a thousand

videos the majority are Jurassic world drastic park King Kong Godzilla Power

Rangers Wow lots of fun guys you guys are totally awesome and I will see you

go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video click the

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For more infomation >> New Rampage The Movie Toys Action Sequences Video's 1-7 Compilation King Kong Vs George - Duration: 39:00.


Brigitte Macron : Pourquoi ne garde-t-elle pas les chic tenues qu'elle porte ? - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : Pourquoi ne garde-t-elle pas les chic tenues qu'elle porte ? - Duration: 0:53.


Enter the World of Virtual Rea...

For more infomation >> Enter the World of Virtual Rea...


Volvo V50 1.6 D Momentum Climate Cruise Trekhaak Sportvelgen etc. - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6 D Momentum Climate Cruise Trekhaak Sportvelgen etc. - Duration: 0:41.


Honda Civic 1.4i 100PK 5-D COMFORT | SCHUIFDAK | CLIMA | TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.4i 100PK 5-D COMFORT | SCHUIFDAK | CLIMA | TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:44.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 DI-D INTENSE 4x4 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 DI-D INTENSE 4x4 - Duration: 0:57.


Volvo XC70 2.4D Momentum Leder Navi Dealer Onderhouden - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC70 2.4D Momentum Leder Navi Dealer Onderhouden - Duration: 0:54.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI 135PK Navi Pdc Lmv - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI 135PK Navi Pdc Lmv - Duration: 1:01.


BoA Names Which SM Idols She'd Want To Team Up With For A Project Group - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> BoA Names Which SM Idols She'd Want To Team Up With For A Project Group - Duration: 2:12.


Volvo C30 1.6D Momentum RTI Navi 17 Inch 162dkm! - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo C30 1.6D Momentum RTI Navi 17 Inch 162dkm! - Duration: 0:55.


Belle chanson d'amour des années 70 Playlist des années 80 - les plus belles chansons d'amour jamais - Duration: 1:30:38.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Belle chanson d'amour des années 70 Playlist des années 80 - les plus belles chansons d'amour jamais - Duration: 1:30:38.


32Stitches - Remember This (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:28.

just bring it back

I'll Always remember this

I'll Always remember this

yeah Always remember this

Yeah I swear that I will always Remember this

Falling through the air no better view


When love gon blow a fuse

What can I say

With everything to lose

Running in place

I'm not made for you

What can I say

I can't wait for you

What can I say

With no crystal ball

Feelin one foot tall

But what about mine

I've given you time The answer been yours

With no crystal ball

Feelin three feet tall

How does it go

Cut so deep Healing ain't cheap

Tired and breathless

High up defenses

Wild and reckless

And we're back to the old ways

We do too much Then we start making up

We at it all day

Drowning in hearsay

I might bring it right back

I might bring it right back

I might just bring it right back

I might just bring it right back

When you go do it like that

I might just bring it right back

If you go do it like that

I might just bring it right back

When you go do it like that

I might just bring it right back

I'll Always remember this

I'll Always remember this

yeah Always remember this

Yeah I swear that I will always Remember this

Falling through the air no better view


When love gon blow a fuse

What can I say

With everything to lose

Running in place

I'm not made for you

What can I say

I can't wait for you

What can I say

With no crystal ball

Feelin one foot tall

But what about mine

I've given you time The answer been yours

With no crystal ball

Feelin three feet tall

How does it go

Cut so deep Healing ain't cheap

Damn how'd we destroy it

And I'd go to war for you

You'd take the fall for me

Now were both talking louder

When I open my mouth You just open your mouth

Is there a way 'round it

How do we talk bout it

For more infomation >> 32Stitches - Remember This (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:28.


Joe Kennedy III Issues Response To SOTU, Humiliated When People See What's Just Behind Him - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Joe Kennedy III Issues Response To SOTU, Humiliated When People See What's Just Behind Him - Duration: 5:17.


Walkthrough of your account statement - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Walkthrough of your account statement - Duration: 3:25.


Voilà comment vous débarrasser des taches brunes du visage en 3 jours seulement | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Voilà comment vous débarrasser des taches brunes du visage en 3 jours seulement | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 11:31.


Louise Lambrichs : a proposito di "Quelques lettres d'elle" - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Louise Lambrichs : a proposito di "Quelques lettres d'elle" - Duration: 11:40.



For more infomation >> PERSPECTIVE(S) SOLIDAIRE(S) #16 - ALGRAMO - Duration: 3:02.


WAOUH WOOL • Comment tricoter avec les bras - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> WAOUH WOOL • Comment tricoter avec les bras - Duration: 10:10.


Louise Lambrichs : a propósito de "Quelques lettres d'elle" - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Louise Lambrichs : a propósito de "Quelques lettres d'elle" - Duration: 11:40.


How to replace 🔌 Micro USB port port 📱 Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920f - Duration: 6:10.

Hello and welcome!

Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,

we glad to offer you a new video

in which we look at how to replace

🔌 Micro USB port

📱 Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920f

For more infomation >> How to replace 🔌 Micro USB port port 📱 Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920f - Duration: 6:10.


Pourquoi Ange­lina Jolie a-t-elle rencon­tré Brigitte Macron ? - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Ange­lina Jolie a-t-elle rencon­tré Brigitte Macron ? - Duration: 2:44.


Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:02.


Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:05.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


ELOHIM - Fuck Your Money - Duration: 2:56.

I got drugs if you need 'em

Open air for you to breathe in

I'll share my covers if you wanna sleep

I guess we're both pretty lucky

In a world of disaster

I got more good than I asked for

I'll take this high any day of the week

Cuz I got love instead of money

I got love instead of money

I got love instead

I got love, love

I got love

I got love, fuck your money

I got love, fuck your money

I got love, fuck your money

Why are we stuck on the surface

Let's go back to the basics

There's so much beyond what we see

What I know's not a secret

One day you'll wake up and realize

If you're true to your heart you'll be flyin'

Wings hold your power and now you are free

I got love instead of money

I got love instead of money

I got love instead

I got love, love

I got love

I got love, fuck your money

I got love, fuck your money

I got love, fuck your money

This shit is priceless I figured it out

Together there's nothing to worry about

As long as we're honest, we're both good to go

There's something about me I think you should know

I got love instead of money

I got love instead

I got love, love

I got love

I got love, fuck your money

I got love, fuck your money

I got love, fuck your money

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