this is gonna hurt my tum tum
hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G
and I am clearly not a functional adult
but I was much worse as a kid
and for some reason
in elementary school, like 5th and 6th grade
I was allowed to unsupervised make my lunch and bring it to school
let's just trust Amanda to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
grab a couple things out of the refrigerator and the cabinets
and go to school
but Amanda didn't do that!
so today, let's go through (laughing) the things I would typically bring to lunch
and taste them
I have not had these in a very long time
now I wanted
a Capri Sun
so bad
I remember dreaming of having the Capri Sun because the cool kids had the Capri Sun
and I knew it wouldn't make me cool, but it would get me one step closer!
but we never got these
like once ever did we ever get these
we had like Juicy Juice
or whatever was on sale
(excited) I haven't had a juice box in so long
I remember this taste!
this, this tastes like elementary school!
let's see what the cool people drank!
this is red berry, I thought they were both fruit punch, I clearly didn't do that right
but, red berry
that's really sweet
they're pretty much the same thing
but I kind of actually like this one better just for nostalgia purposes
the next thing that every lunch needs
is a sandwich
white bread!
we only ever had white bread because that was all I would eat as a kid
you would expect a NORMAL child to put
between these two slices of bread
peanut butter and jelly?
maybe some cold cuts?
maybe some vegetables, a little schmear of something?
something normal
Amanda did not do that!
between the two pieces of white bread
the first thing we need for Amanda's signature sandwich
powdered sugar!
now this was kept on a very high shelf
and I was 4 foot 5, 4 foot 7, in that range
so I couldn't reach it
I have vivid memories of climbing up onto the counter to reach up to the tippy top shelf
to get down the powdered sugar which I would then put back in the exact same spot
so no one knew that I had had the powdered sugar, cause I knew I wasn't supposed to be doing this
now clearly, you need a good, a good amount, not like
a little bit of powdered sugar
that's not enough!
you need a GOOD amount of powdered sugar
so the next step in making this sandwich is to take the other piece of bread
put it on top and squish it down
so that the sugar doesn't get everywhere
and then what do we put on this powdered sugar sandwich beyond that?
it is a powdered sugar sandwich!
I used to eat these all the time
th- let's try this, white bread with powdered sugar (laughing)
I don't
condone eating like this, by the way
it's very sweet
and very dry
I need my juice
ohhh yeah that taste brings back a lot of memories
this is my childhood
right here
now that's not all I brought, though
because every lunch has a juice box, a sandwich, and a little side baggie filled with something
so what did Amanda put in that?
into my little sandwich bag
I would put
some crackers
I'm just gonna put a couple in here, cause you get the point
now we're starting out good
that's normal
what would Amanda add to those crackers?
chocolate chips!
of course I did
it's trail mix, people
but with crackers
but everyone knows
that every good trail mix
has 3 ingredients
so the third ingredient
powdered sugar!
I really wish I was kidding, I needed to be controlled
(laughing) I put powdered sugar on everything when no one was looking
(sniffle) I also used to eat handful=ls of salt
actual handfuls of salt
ooohh yeah, that's the stuff
and then
you've clearly got to shake it up a little bit
so that you can get that sugar everywhere
so here we go!
(laughing) Amanda's trail mix!
my body's telling me not to do this (laughing)
when I laugh, I blow out powdered sugar
I can't stop laughing
if it- (laughing)
if it weren't for the sugar, it wouldn't be that bad
the powdered sugar just adds something it doesn't need, it would be fine if I just had like
the crackers (laughing) and the chocolate, but I'm like NO
was my lunch as a child
a little juice box
a powdered sugar sandwich on white bread
and some "trail mix" of crackers, chocolate chips, and more powdered sugar
maybe don't leave children alone to make their lunches if you can't trust them
I shouldn't've been trusted
now I know that supervised, I would have made
a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and grabbed like an apple and a juice box
or a pack of raisins or something
and made a perfectly normal lunch
but when left to my own devices
this is literally what I did
many, many times (laughing)
so that's what I brought for lunch in elementary school when I was left completely unsupervised
let me know if you've ever eaten a powdered sugar sandwich (laughing)
in the comments below
or is this just my weird thing?
if you liked this video, click the like button
and subscribe to my channel
I make a new video every Tuesday and Friday
thank you guys so much for watching! MWAH!
don't knock it till you try it
For more infomation >> Don't Trust Me - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
49ers, Sign Jimmy Garoppolo Long Term ASAP! - Duration: 5:24.
Ayo! It's Bryan here. Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers and
our man, my man, everyone's man in San Francisco, Jimmy Garoppolo because this is the man that
we need for the quarterback of the future; because this man is freaking amazing. Who
doesn't love Jimmy Garoppolo and what he's done for San Francisco in the five weeks that
he's been playing in San Francisco. Well, if you want include the game against the Seattle
Seahawks, the last drive I guess, then yeah you can include that. But I am going to be
including those five starts and what can we say right? So John Lynch, Kyle Shanahan, you
got to come to your senses. I know they want to sign him to a long term deal, but you got
to do it ASAP. I hope they can find a way to get him to a long term deal of 4 or 5 year
deal because they don't want to lose another franchise quarterback and go down the abyss
in the NFL; because they don't have a quarterback. I mean, just look at Brian Hoyer earlier this
year. He proved that an NFL team needs a franchise quarterback. You can have all the talent in
the world. You can have raw talent. You can have skilled players in the skill positions
like wide receiver, running back and what have you. But if you have no quarterback,
you have no team pretty much. That's what I took away from this season. Brian Hoyer
came in, it was not good. When CJ Beathard came in, he was a rookie, but wasn't the
best. I'll give him a little pass for being a rookie, but Jimmy Garoppolo coming in and
winning those five games in a row, that just proves that a franchise quarterback is just
so essential in the NFL. I'm pretty sure all you guys know this. I'm pretty sure
everyone in the annals that cover football know this. John Lynch, Kyle Shanahan; especially
Kyle Shanahan. He runs the offense, so he can have a quarterback that he needs to run
his very complicated offense somewhat and Jimmy Garoppolo is the man for that. The one
statistic that really points me out over Brian Hoyer is the Yards Per Attempt. 8.8 or 8.2.
I can't see exactly, but it's over 8 yards per attempt. That's freaking fantastic over
Brian Hoyer's like 6 or whatever yards per attempt. It was pretty bad. The statistic in my last
video. That's just proving that Jimmy Garoppolo is actually making plays. Not throwing dinks
and dunks. Not like Blaine Gabbert and Colin Kaepernick a couple of years ago. When they
were only averaging like 5 or 6. That's really bad. That's just like little doing
screen passes and dinking/dunking, but Jimmy Garoppolo is actually throwing the ball down
the field and making plays. Sure he can make a little bit of mistakes. Sure he can throw
in double-triple coverage, but he's really good at that. He just knows how to throw the
uh, what is it? Needle in the thread? Thread in the needle, whatever you want to call it.
You guys know the quote right there. He's just, boom! Puts it in the receivers chest.
Whether if it's Marquise Goodwin, Louis Murphy to some extent. I've never seen a
quarterback like that. He's so accurate. I think that's what else I'm taking away
from him is his accuracy. It's just freaking amazing. We haven't had that in a while.
Even Alex Smith and Colin Kaepernick. Maybe Alex Smith when Harbaugh was there, but Colin
Kaepernick is not the most accurate quarterback. He's a really good dual threat quarterback,
but just talking about pocket awareness? I don't know. He didn't have the best unfortunately.
I wish it could've worked out, but I can't really do anything about that. Right now,
Jimmy Garoppolo. You got to sign this man John Lynch, Kyle Shanahan as soon as possible;
so we can get this over with. We can have a good offseason and sleep on until 2018.
So we do not have to franchise tag him. We don't have to do any crazy negotiations.
People getting angry because they're not getting their money. Jimmy Garoppolo deserves
every single cent that he's going to be getting. We'll see what happens. I don't
know what's going to happen in terms of contract deals. The worst case scenario; if
they got to franchise tag him, you got to franchise tag him. I don't really recommend
that. If he does have a really, really good season, then you really have to pay him like
crazy, like Matthew Stafford. He's currently the highest paid player in NFL history. What
was it, like a 5 year, $135 million deal? That's really crazy. That's good, but
salary cap; that's like the biggest thing that's hurting every NFL team I would say.
Even if you have a lot of cap money like the 49ers. Just that salary cap era, it hurts
every team. You can't go crazy, unless you're the Patriots. The Patriots always find a way
to do something with the salary cap. Every other team, I'm pretty sure struggles with it.
Trying to sign every single player. It's not easy to do that, but hopefully, the 49ers
with all the cap money that they have, they can have some flexibility and make a good
deal with Jimmy Garoppolo that's team friendly. That he gets paid a lot of money and we can
still add some pieces in free agency and in the draft. If you're watching this John
Lynch, Kyle Shanahan, you can sign him immediately as much as you can. I know you guys want to.
I know you guys really, really have to because you don't want to be in a Brian Hoyer situation
where you're losing all these games because your quarterback can't really do anything.
I'll just wait and see and everyone, that's all we can do. We're not general managers. We
don't make any decisions in the front office. I wish I could. That'd be pretty nice. I
would sign him to like a $30 million a year contract. Well, not really. I won't go that
crazy, but I'll sign him a pretty good deal if I could, if I was the general manager.
Maybe, I don't know. Please don't quote me on that. Hopefully, they get this sorted
out soon and we'll see what happens. Jimmy Garoppolo right now, he's not really getting
paid a lot. He's only getting paid like almost $900k a year. This is still his rookie
contract. So he is in for a payday and I think he will get his payday. We'll see in the
next couple of weeks. We'll see maybe by the beginning of the 2018 season in March
if they want to sign him to a long, long term deal or they're going to just franchise
tag him because they can't work something out. I'm just a guy that's going to predict
that they're going to sign him to a long term deal and we're all going to be happy!
If not, franchise tag? I'll be a little bit bum, but at the same time, we got him for 2018 and hopefully,
he can replicate what he did in 2017. That's going to be pretty much it you guys. Please
let me know what you guys think about Jimmy Garoppolo and the 49ers contract situation.
What do you think they're going to do? Are they going to sign him to a long term deal?
Can they work something out? Are they going to franchise tag him if they can't work
something out? We'll see what happens. I know one thing for sure. In 2018, he will
be a 49er no matter what. Some people are kind of concerned that he's going to walk
away and go somewhere else. Go to New England or something like that. There's been some
conspiracy theories, but that's not going to happen. They're going to get him no matter
what at least this year. So not too worried about that, but anyways. If you guys like
this, please "Like," SUBSCRIBE, do whatever you want with this and I'll be catching
you guys up another time. I don't know when. I'll see if I want to make another 49er
video or Super Bowl video. You guys are just going to have to find out. So I'll see ya'll
later. Bye guys. Love ya'll. Ya'll have a good day!
Suzuki Jimny Ranger - Duration: 1:07.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:09.
Tapiro d'oro a Loredana Lecciso: 'Al Bano? Gli voglio bene' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:05.
La mamma di Belen Rodriguez contro Francesco Monte dopo il 'caso marijuana' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:09.
Sweet Pumpkin - Healthy No Bake Pumpkin Cake - Duration: 2:58.
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
How to Download Fifa 18 - 2018 (TORRENT) - Duration: 1:25.
Suits Season 7B Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.
I kissed him.
I had to know.
How could you do that?
That's crossing a line.
Do you wanna come in?
Mike, what's the matter with you?
I don't know what I want.
What are you --
Ant-Man and the Wasp Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 1:42.
Autobiographical Memory and Child Development: Notre Dame Associate Professor Kristin Valentino - Duration: 3:03.
My research focuses on child development and child psychopathology. A lot of my
work focuses on the development of autobiographical memory among children
who have experienced abuse and neglect and I'm very interested in understanding
how parents influence what their children remember and how they remember
it. Autobiographical memory is really important in socio-emotional development
and self-esteem and self-concept and how we understand ourselves and it relates
to risk for psychopathology. I'm interested not only in identifying what
are the outcomes associated with child maltreatment but also what can we do to
intervene and help prevent child maltreatment from occurring in the first
place or even, when it has occurred, what can we do to intervene to make sure it
doesn't lead to all these negative developmental outcomes. At Notre Dame
I've developed a brief intervention for maltreated preschool aged children and
their mothers and we're trying to focus on teaching moms how to ask kids
questions about how they're feeling, help kids learn how to identify their
emotions, and we spend a lot of time trying to help moms communicate to kids
how to feel better and the things that we can do to cope with our emotions that
are adaptive and positive. Initially I got a grant from the Institute for
Scholarship in the Liberal Arts at Notre Dame and they funded a small pilot
project where I was able to test the intervention. Over the short term we were
able to teach our maltreating moms all the skills that we were looking to see
if we could teach them, so they became better able at talking with their
children, asking them questions about past emotional experiences, and we also
saw that children were much better at being able to identify their own
feelings. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development funded a
five-year project so that we could evaluate this brief intervention in a
randomized clinical trial, so we're studying how the intervention works in
the short-term and then we're also following up six months and one year
later because we want to make sure that, even if the intervention looks good
initially, that its really leading to long-term lasting benefits in both their
cognitive and social-emotional development and also in their
physical development as well. I run all of my research out of the Shaw Center
for Children and Families and this is a great setup for the type of work that I
do because the Center itself is located in the community, just about a mile
away from the main campus of Notre Dame, but we're located on a bus line and it's
really accessible for a wide range of families. The mission of Notre Dame
really fits with wanting to help vulnerable populations, help underserved
populations, and when we think about kids who've experienced abuse and neglect,
that is a very underserved population, and so in terms of student interest, in
terms of faculty support and institutional support, Notre Dame's a
great place to do this type of work.
what is going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today
we're gonna be talking about the crypto currency markets are dipping again we're
gonna take a closer look at Bitcoin when I think Bitcoin is going to turn around
and start rising that's gonna cause the whole market to rise because everything
pretty much follows Bitcoin at this point since it is by far the biggest
cryptocurrency at the moment but before we get started guys a few things if you
are new to the channel and you have not subscribed yet make sure to smash that
subscribe button we are almost at 9000 subscribers that is absolutely insane I
never thought we would get here and we would love to have all of you guys as
part of the team so if you have not subscribed make sure to do so right now
also guys the Facebook group is going to be launched tomorrow I wanted to get it
done for today but I want to make sure that we also have a great group ready
for you guys full of value for you guys and I didn't think it was quite there
yet so that's why I'm not launching it today
we are going to launch it tomorrow in tomorrow's videos so make sure again you
have notifications turned on you guys are gonna be one of the first people in
the group now without further ado let's go into the markets and talk a little
bit about what's going on before we start talking about the markets itself
though I want to show you guys this absolutely sad but you know it's
something we're gonna have to start getting used to so in the UK a crypto
currency trader was robbed at gunpoint and the amount stolen was unknown so I
heard about this people were now you know robbers thieves we're now targeting
cryptocurrency investors or people who they knew invested in cryptocurrency I
don't know how you know someone invested cryptocurrency but you know they were
targeting them because since so much money has been made in cryptocurrency
they assume those guys have a lot of money so that's who they go after and
also I guess is significantly easier to steal someone's cryptocurrency than
money a lot harder to trace a lot a lot harder to you know but still it's sad
the world we live in everywhere there's you know people making money there's
going to be bad people trying to take your money hasn't changed it has been
the way the world works forever I'm not saying it's good but yeah it's said it's
very sad but anyways with enough with bad news there let's talk about bad news
and the cryptocurrency market currently at five hundred and thirty billion
dollars we were so close to him this hundred billion dollar mark I guess
that's gonna be our resistance point right now drop all the way back down to
where we were roughly three days ago I believe today is the 30th of January
roughly around the 26th we were pretty close to this point right here you guys
can see we were pretty close the point we are at right now in Bitcoin price and
in overall market cap this is something that you know if you guys know
investments if you guys have invested in the stock market you guys are early
cryptocurrency investors you guys know that December was a great period you
know it was a great increase but not all not every time are we going to be
looking at those type of numbers definitely definitely
was needed a correction not just to weed out the weak hands but also to you know
stabilize the market the markets were very unstable there was no support lines
anywhere that you could draw in the market for quite some time so when it
dropped when it corrected it did correct pretty hard and it dropped pretty hard
now we're seeing some sideways movement here
like I said seismic movements is always good yeah we were roughly at the 500 you
know 512 billion dollar market cap roughly about 26 that is three or four
days ago still early in the 30s so I guess it's like three three to four days
we were back here so this is considered the sideways movement we're seeing some
yeah we're seeing some side with sideways and movement man that's hard to
say we're seeing some sideways movement which usually means we are going to see
either a turn upwards or another turn downwards hopefully we're gonna see the
upward market you know I would love to see the market turn back turn bullish
again definitely definitely something I'm looking for something I think
February can bring I have a video out if you guys haven't checked let me actually
show you guys which video it is you guys can go check where I talk about why I
think the cryptocurrencies markets falling right now I've noticed a few
youtubers have actually made very similar videos not saying that they are
copying just saying that you know then the theory stands now let's see if we
can find it saving if I did this video right here markets crashing when I'm
buying I talk about why the markets are crashing why I think the markets
crashing what I'm what I'm buying at this stage basically if you guys want
the summary I'm buying every coin that I like because days like this or we see
everything down are the perfect time to get into all of your favorite coins um
there's no especially if you think they're a good product I'm not gonna say
every coin is gonna go up because they're gonna there's gonna be some
coins that are bad and they aren't gonna go up plain it's simple but you see card
on no down 10% I'm a fan of card ah no I would definitely pick up some card on oh
right now you know bitcoin is down 7.5% I
definitely would pick up some Bitcoin I don't think that's going anywhere just
about yet I know Bitcoin does have a lot of fees in this transaction aren't the
fastest but you have to understand that bitcoin is by far the biggest
cryptocurrency right now it's by far the most known cryptocurrency right now it
is not getting dethroned anytime soon maybe it is the myspace of the you know
blockchain where eventually it's gonna be overturned it probably is but that's
gonna have to happen down the line because right now this is the name
everyone knows and most all coins are traded against Bitcoin and I know you
have the option on bonanza trade against aetherium or litecoin but most beginners
will trade against Bitcoin which really just makes you know the value of Bitcoin
hold better so for now we're not saying that be dethroned I've seen in the
comments a lot I know what you guys are saying I understand
I agree Bitcoin does have a lot of flaws but it is the og right now it it's not
going away anytime soon for those of you guys who are saying long term I commend
you on your long term thinking but you know short term bitcoins here and
bitcoin is gonna be the one yeah at least till the end of 2018 this is one
that's down 25% rate blocks elem I've recently started looking at the project
I recently you know realize I I like the project I realize I've recently started
to like the project I guess I researched it I've started to like it 25 percent
haven't made a video on it yet maybe I'll do that soon if you guys want me to
make one because you guys are interested in rating blocks leave a comment down
below let me know what you guys want to see that it's the best way I know to
make videos if is if you guys tell me you want me to make certain
certain topics and if I see that comment enough you know that enough interest is
there not just one person enough interest is there then I will definitely
look into making that video against steam down 14% steams are pretty
interesting coin pretty cool coin finest coins down for eight and a half percent
I was hoping yesterday was going to start our bullish run we're gonna start
having an upward trend in the market that didn't happen though you guys can
see everything's crashed but as an investor you have to look at this as a
buying opportunity then buy all the dips you know sell when everyone else is
buying buy when everyone else is selling so people are selling now is the time
I'm looking to buy I've done plenty of videos on what my favorite coins are
none of its ever financial advice this is a financial advice guys don't forget
this is a financial advice I have to say that because you know some people are
gonna turn around and blame me later when the market doesn't rise forever but
still none of this financial advice the other videos aren't either but I have
made other videos talking about which coins I'm investing in which coins I'm
picking up if you guys want to pick up any coins though any of these all coins
would make sure to head on over to buy Nance I have a link in the description
you guys can go pick up all these all coins that's the exchange I use by far
my favorite exchange I have some big ideas coming up with a bi Nance on this
channel so you guys want to make sure you at least have an account setup
because they sometimes do block new users when the markets start going
bullish again and everyone's gonna start getting into cryptocurrency they're
probably gonna block new accounts simply because they can't handle the amount of
accounts that are gonna try to be open all at one time so yeah if you guys
aren't stood in Bitcoin as well I use over here I'm using the Bitcoin to u.s.
dollar on coin base value just because coin base is by far the easiest and most
beginner friendly way to buy a Bitcoin so if you guys are interested in that
I'll leave a link to that in the description as well you guys can head on
over and buy some Bitcoin if you are interested in it but let's look let's
look at the overall chart I want to do a more interactive chart because I can
actually draw lines and you guys kind of see the way I'm thinking so first I see
a resistance right here is a downward trend line we're gonna have to break
this trend line if we're going to some want to see it go into a bullish run
currently a little bit far away but we're probably gonna test it
and pretty soon here in the next coming days I do have the one date candlesticks
what I'm looking at right now though this right here is a support line that
we've recently set up right here we've set up a support line at around the
eleven thousand dollar mark we see today has dipped but it's important to see how
the day ends not during the day it's not that big a deal right now I'm looking
more towards the end of the day what are the markets gonna look like what I think
what I'm hoping to see markets look like I just want to see a recovery from this
I'm not saying we're gonna be green none of that I'm saying we're gonna have
recovered and we're not gonna be down as much as we are right now so I'm hoping
the beginning of the day was the dip we're gonna bounce off and the rest of
the day is going to be relatively better so that's what I'm looking at if we can
end at roughly the $11,000 mark or maybe a little higher that would be great if
we can't though and we do dip below the support we're looking at another support
right here and around nine thousand seven hundred eighty dollars I'm gonna
make it easy and say roughly nine thousand nine hundred dollars it is just
a rough supply a support line we're looking at some form right here and if
we do break that we're looking at 8,000 and after that possibly six thousand so
definitely don't want to see us break below this line I don't want to see
Bitcoin at eight thousand and I want to see it at six thousand even unless I
know it provides a great buying opportunity but that is a huge dip not
something that I want to see happen to Bitcoin I love big point I don't want to
see that type of dip you know hurt its reputation so much but yeah this is
support line I'm mainly looking at these two right here and then obviously when
we turn around and we start moving upwards I want to see us break this
trend line what's gonna have to happen though February it has to be a big year
big month for cryptocurrency you know it usually is a big month in general um in
previous cryptocurrency years we've seen but also in other aspects you know if
you guys sell on Amazon I don't know if any of you guys do but that's how I
started off making money was selling on Amazon and January is usually the worst
month after Christmas stocks same thing of December's usually pretty good
towards the anti starts January's never really a great month but
hopefully February starts providing you know starts bringing in more people we
can start turning around the overall market start seeing as he hit six
hundred billion then let's maybe move up to seven hundred billion and start
working our way up into a bullish market that's obviously going to going to get
more people into cryptocurrency and usually bitcoins where people go first
so the value of Bitcoin would increase I'm looking though I'm not saying it's
gonna happen the beginning of February I'm thinking the mid to end mid to end
that's where I want to see us start moving upwards gear like a solid upward
movement I think it'll start a little earlier gonna start seeing price slowly
increase but towards the end I think is when we are going to see the most you
know the biggest increase in price so if you guys do have cryptocurrency don't
forget none of what I say is financial advice ever
I don't ever tell you guys what to do I make a point of not telling you guys
what to do I just share on this channel what I'm doing what I think and what you
know what's working for me so far none of its ever guaranteed I just want to
make that clear so I see a lot of cryptocurrency youtubers sometimes get
hey sim just because they gave their opinion and then their opinion was wrong
obviously I can't tell you guys if I'm right or wrong I wish I could if I could
tell you guys always happening in the future I honestly would that would make
you know I would probably be at a million subscribers right if I can tell
the future but I can't I'm telling you guys know I'm looking mid to end
February to see the price you know start actually entering a bullish market early
February hopefully will start picking up some traction cuz right now markets have
you know the wheat like I said there's a downward trend there's a downward trend
line right here which is our resistance for Bitcoin which means overall market
itself is it you know the graph isn't too far different from Bitcoin when
Bitcoin goes up markets go up Bitcoin goes down market goes down you guys know
how it is but like I was saying so we're at the one-day candlesticks or each
candlestick right here represents one day we've had a week basically of
sideways movement nothing to cry me I know we went up a little big here went
up to almost the 13,000 mark and then our we're back that I know that's you
know not the smallest of moves but overall
the market has been moving pretty sideways so I'm looking to see us start
you know picking a direction and start heading that way we could move upwards
or we could move downwards like I was saying before but bitcoins gonna be the
first the biggest indicator because the markets move with them with Bitcoin so
again and the mid to end febri I'm looking at see things pick up if you
guys are holding if I if I'm saying guys what I'm doing I'm not selling any of my
cryptocurrency none of them - now my game plan right now is to pick up as
much cryptocurrency as I can at these prices and then when the market starts
you know when we start seeing a bullish market again all of it is gonna go up in
value I do you know sometimes mess around with short-term trades here and
there I haven't really shown that too much on channel maybe I'll start doing a
series on that but overall I'm just trying to pick up some of the bigger
coins and just hold them to watch the value increase and the other thing is
that these this is the perfect moment to show why I like to invest in platforms
like hash flare and Genesis mining you guys know most of my mining is on
Genesis mining but they ran out of contracts this is why I choose to invest
in places like this because I make at least 100 dollars every single day from
Bitcoin mining then with evaluation of Bitcoin goes up - this is gonna be worth
significantly more so it's one thing to keep in mind I'm not telling you guys
you guys have to invest do not take this as you have to invest I'm just saying if
you guys are interested and you guys want to check it out I have a link to
hash flow in the description you guys don't have to use my link but it helps
out the channel support the channel if you guys do I like it though you guys
can see I have ten point six eight air hash cost me like two thousand two
thousand five hundred dollars and then I have another like eight thousand dollars
invested in and genesis mining making me a little bit over a hundred dollars
every single day at the bitcoin price right now so when the price increases
we're gonna be looking at making hopefully closer to like two hundred
dollars every single day which would be pretty pretty sweet but yeah guys if you
guys did enjoy this video don't forget smash that thumbs up and subscribe to
channel if you guys are new and you have not subscribed yet we're all set 9000
subscribers probably going to hate it while while I'm in class probably be
super while I'm in class but yeah guys let me
know in the comments what you guys think when we're gonna see the markets go on
what coins you're holding when do you think what price do you think bitcoin is
going to reach to by the end of February that probably be an interesting game
what price do you guys think bitcoin is gonna reach by the end of February you
know a lot of things can happen it's a whole month it's 30 days guys look at
what happened this is the one day chart look at what happened right here the
price increase so who knows maybe bigger one Bitcoin will be fifty thousand
dollars by the end of February that'd be insane but yeah let me know in the
comments what you guys think guys thank you so much for watching also hopefully
we gonna have more news there really wasn't a lot of news today I decided to
talk about the overall market there was no crazy news that came out but yeah
guys again thanks so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for another
Ryoma speed drawing (aquarelle) - Duration: 6:19.
Music : Fire Emblem Fates OST _Aqua's Song, Another Variant / Fire Emblem If OST - Daily A / Fire Emblem If OST - Party A.
Le voyage rend optimiste - MEXIQUE - Duration: 3:03.
EJ Carter is Up Next
What Makes MAP Special with Tito Muñoz | Juilliard MAP Minute - Duration: 1:19.
♫ ♫ ♫ [orchestral music]
Number one is the supportive environment in the middle of this Lincoln Center-
Juilliard situation, which can be so intimidating if you've never been in it
before. To even hear the level of musicianship in the hallways and if
you've never been in it, it can be very intimidating. But MAP itself is so
supportive, so nurturing. The parents are great, because they're all coming
from the same situations, many parents who've never done music before. My
mom, when she started bringing me to the... to the lessons, she ended up becoming the
president of the Parents Association because she was very involved and very
interested in the whole thing. So that was one aspect that I think was very, very
special. The other one was the level of faculty, the level of the teachers, which
is for similar programs elsewhere, it's I think it''s second to none. The type
of education you get prepares you for college. It prepares you, you know, the
theory program, the ensembles, and then access. Access to Lincoln Center, access
to all of the major cultural institutions of New York City. You don't
realize that you have that until you leave.
♫ ♫ ♫ [orchestral music]
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