Ear Rape Warning
For more infomation >> World is Mine - Megurine Luka [Happy 9th Anniversary Luka!] - Duration: 5:09.
Etsy Shop Update + Amazing Hogwarts Desk Organizer! | Wake Up Date #38 - Duration: 2:55.
Good morning and welcome to another episode of the Wake Up Date! Today is
gonna be a pretty quick episode, I just have a couple of news updates, there's
one of you that I wanted to feature because you've made something really
cool, and I have a bunch of patreon shoutouts at the end as well. First of
all, I think this is pretty exciting, a bunch of my sold-out plushies are now
back in stock! It takes me a really long time to make these and a lot of them
have been out of stock for a while now and so I wanted to get at least a couple
of each of the different designs back in the store for those of you who have been
asking so nicely for them. Probably the most requested one is this red fox, there
are only a couple in the store right now. A lot of you have been asking for the
wolf and there's only one left at the moment, I also made a couple of these
black bears and the deer which is one of my personal favorite designs.
I still have a Ravenclaw inspired eagle left in the shop and of course the cute
round little penguin! There are still a bunch that I haven't had time to make
that are still sold out but hopefully I'll have those back in the store soon.
In the meantime, I wanted to remind you that I have some t-shirts for sale on
dftba.com/Lauren - there's the "Harry I'm coming home" shirt designed by Evie
stormzand, the "it's real for us" shirt designed by Kristine Thune, and the "my
muggle friends just don't understand" shirt designed by me! So I mentioned
earlier that I wanted to feature one of you in this episode and that is because
over on Instagram, Becca posted these amazing photos of the
Hogwarts desk organizer tutorial that I designed. Becca took it to a whole new
level, I can't even express into words how much this blows me away. The Hogwarts
desk organizer that I made was a lot more simple and I would have loved to do
something like this, but really I just don't have the drawing and painting
skills to make something like this happen and I am so glad that Becca took
my idea and just ran with it. Look how beautiful this is! You can check out more
of Becca's photos and a video of the project over on Instagram! I'm gonna put
a link in the video description below where you can go and check that out.
So as usual, I'm gonna tie up this episode with a bunch of patreon
shoutouts! I wanted to send out a huge thank you to everybody over on my
patreon! You are the reason why I can keep making videos on my youtube channel
and I just appreciate you so much. I'd like to send a shout out and a thank you
to Antonio G. Thank You Ashley Sousa! Thank You markslide! Thank You Roni!
Thank You Saxony! And thanks Abby Ritter! In light of YouTube's
new partner program restrictions, I would love it if you could leave me a comment
down below telling me about your favorite small creators or creators who
stand to lose their monetization because of the new rules. I'm going to
check out as many of them as I can, just be sure to include a small description
of what their channel is like, and if you also want to help these channels reach
their goals, just scroll down, read a bunch of the comments, and see if
anything looks interesting to you! Thank you so much for watching and I'll see
you soon.
MANHA DE CARNAVAL (Luiz Bonfa) - Afonso In Memoriam, by his Friends - Duration: 5:44.
Nitro Team Exposure Gullwing 155 2018 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.
Hello, I'm Wagner Dominik. Nitro team rider and also Blue Tomato team rider.
And today I introduce to you the Nitro Team Exposure in the Gullwing Rocker version.
The team board at Nitro. Actually the most popular board of the whole team.
Here in the Gullwing Rocker version.
Which means it is even better in the turns and more playful than the normal team board.
It has a Dual Degressive Sidecut, which means it is carving-friendly but because the radius at the nose and tail is somewhat mellowed out, it is not too aggressive.
It has a sintered base that means it runs really fast on any surface and any snow condition.
On this board the design is also important.
Made by Nitro's in-house photographer Lorenz Holder – all analog images,
developed with a complex process by hand.
The team board is also my favorite board. Works on every terrain.
You can always rely on it and it's a great board.
Because of the fact that the team board is so successful, it is available in different lengths and also as a wide version.
ミニ・エレクトリックの市販モデルと思われる車両が目撃。完成度は高くこのまま市販? - Duration: 3:19.
How To Check Fever By Using Mobile || Fever Check || Get Health Report By Android App | Omfut Tech - Duration: 3:32.
How To Check Fever By Using Mobile
Fever Check App
Get Health Report By Android App
omfut tech
Eat Your Words Idiom | English Idioms for Business and Life - Duration: 5:20.
English Winners. Have you ever heard the phrase 'eat your words?' Let's talk about
that. "Be careful what you say. You may have to eat your words." "Be careful what
you say. You may have to eat your words." "I'll make you eat those words."
"I'll make you eat those words." "Don't promise what you can't keep. You may have
to eat the words you say." "Don't promise what you can't keep. You may have to eat
the words you say." So, we're gonna talk about 'eat your words,' and what it means.
Before we do that, please SUBSCRIBE to this channel and click the bell so you
can know when I release more English Win videos. Now, 'eat your words' means
that you say something, and then later you are embarrassed by it. It's like you
say something, and then later you are wrong about what you say, and other
people know that you are wrong. This causes embarrassment or humiliation. So
long ago, I wrote marketing material for businesses. If you go on a website and
you read what's on the website... often I'm writing the things on those websites.
That was my job. And I was a freelancer. That means I worked for myself, and I had
a lot of fun doing it. But one day, I was given an assignment that would lead to a
lot of future work for a financial news letter. And... I bragged about how I never
missed a deadline. By the way, a 'deadline' is a date where you have to complete
something and send it to a client. So that's a deadline. It's kind of like a
due date when you're doing homework at school. It's- It's exactly like that, right?
So, I never missed a deadline, and I was completely honest in that I never missed
a deadline. And when I was bragging about that in an email, that very week,
I missed the deadline for that client. And when I apologized, and sent in the
assignment, they sent me an email with all the words I had written bragging
about how I never missed a deadline. Oh, I ate those words; it was embarrassing. The
really sad thing about that was I had finished the assignment on time, and I
just forgot to email it. But it doesn't matter, right? And I screwed up; I'll be
the first to admit that. I screwed up. I missed out on future business, and it
caused the other person to think worse of me... to give me a worse reputation then
perhaps I deserved, when you add everything together that
I've ever done. Unfair? Not really. I bragged, and then later I was proven to
be wrong... by myself - my own neglect - so I ate my words, and it was embarrassing. So
how do you use eat your words? It's pretty simple; you just warn somebody
that if they're wrong, they will eat their words. And I gave three examples
above. What were they? First one was: "be careful what you say. You may eat your
words later." Right? That's a warning. Or: "Don't make promises you can't keep.
You may have to eat those words." Or: "I'll make you eat those words." That's when
somebody tells you something like. "You're a loser, and you'll never make it." And
then you work really hard, because you want to prove them wrong. you might say,
"I'll make you eat those words." Hopefully, nobody in your life is telling
you such horrible things. If they are, you may just want to... not spend so much time
with them, right? Leave them out of your future invitations.
Don't let people talk to you that way. Anyway, that is how you use 'eat your
words.' Did this help you? I really want to know. Please tell me down in the comments
below. LIKE. SHARE this video with English learning friends and acquaintances, and
SUBSCRIBE to this channel to help this channel get to the top of the English
business YouTube community. I have left up an idioms playlist and one more video
I think you might like. So I will see you over on those video lessons. Keep on
winning, English Winners. Have you ever had to eat your own words? Tell me about
it right down there in the comments below.
【生雑談】皆既月食だよ!全員集合!【ともよ。】 - Duration: 46:28.
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
汪小菲「偷發大S近照」被老婆狂罵!不小心曝光私下「不完美體態」趕緊刪照片! - Duration: 3:41.
Audi A6 [S6] 4.0 TFSI ABT 541 PK QUATTRO S-LINE Aut, Full options, Nw pr € 129.255,- - Duration: 0:56.
Loredana Lecciso: Staffelli le consegna il Tapiro d'oro | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:07.
How To Introduce Two Cats Pt 2! Update On Rags and Godiva! Helping Cats Get Along - Duration: 5:19.
Hi guys! Welcome back to the channel! It is Claire and Rags and we have something
a little bit different for you this week. This is going to be an update on how
things are going between the girls - Rags and Godiva
The other cat in this house. Now a few weeks ago I shared some tips with you on
how to introduce two cats together in a household so that they live together
harmoniously and it's stress free. Now we've been doing this for a few weeks
now and it seems to be working really really well
Now Rags and Godive aren't exactly best buddies, but they are able to be in the house
together and even in the same room together without any aggression or
fighting which is absolutely fantastic, isn't it?
Now I'm going to share with you
a few other tips and just in case you are introducing two cats together
and to have experienced a couple of hiccups. Now we have continued with the
boundaries with our cats so for example Ragsy isn't allowed to go upstairs which
is a Godiva's main teritorry and Godiva isn't allowed in our side of the house
she does try occasionally but Rags is quite good at telling her to carry on walking
Well I have a few other tips for you just in case you need a little
bit of extra help. Now one thing you can do is spend time
with both of your cats in the same room that isn't the room that you introduce them
in so for example a lounge. So on an evening sometimes I've had Ragsy on
my knee in the lounge and Godiva's owners have had her on their side. Now
this is really good so that your cats can get used to each other when in a room
But they have the added security and added comfort of having you in the
room with them. This will do wonders for them being up spend time together
in a room and then you get to spend some quality time with your cats too
Now one thing that is very important is keeping their food and out litter trays at
separate. This is very important cats are hugely territorial and
especially when it comes to when they're feeding or using the litter tray they
want to feel comfortable and safe. Now this is especially important in our
house as Godiva is on a special medicated diet so she isn't allowed to
have any access to any food that Ragsy has otherwise it should not leave quite
poorly. This has worked out that Godiva has her foods and turn into tray in an
area in the kitchen where Ragsy doesn't have easy access to and Ragsy's foods and
a litter tray is in our bathroom, which she has easy access to but Godiva
doesn't have so much and it's ensuite and linked on to our bedroom where Ragsy
spends most of their time. Now this is very important for your cat to feel they
have an area where they can go eat and use a litter and have all that
immunities while feeling safe but your cats might get along it is very
important if your cats have their own space to retire to so that feels safe
secure and happy. Now it is very important to keep up regular play
with your cats and if you want your cats to have a positive association with one
another try doing this together in a communal area quite often Rags and I will
play in the hallway where Godiva is either in the background or sometimes
she even joins in. Again this is just so that your cats can get a little
exercise and you bond with your cats, but also they get a positive association
with the other cat of being in the area. This has been really fun with it Rags
and Godiva it took us a few goes and as Godiva is quite a shy cat but we have
had a few instances where I've been playing with Rags or I've been playing with Godiva
and they've joined in. It's been absolutely lovely.
And lastly you need to make sure that you pay attention to your cat's body language and their cues
if you are all together in the house or the cats are in the same room as one
another and your cat is visibly upset or not very happy being in the vicinity of
the other cat. You need to make sure that they have somewhere easy to go to to get
away from that situation either that or you take them outfit yourselves
It's not fair for your cat to be put in a stressful situation just so that you can
feel like you have to buddy cats. Again this is where having their separate food
and litter areas comes in handy because it's somewhere they can go to and
feel completely comfortable. Now these have worked really well for me
Rags and Godiva and I hope that they have worked for you too. Now if you are
introducing two cats together whether you've moved house like us or you
have adopted another cat please let me know in the comments below
Rags and I really do love reading about our lovely followers and their cats
And we really hope that you have such a positive experience as we've had too
Thanks for watching guys I hope that you enjoyed these tips and again let me know
in the comment section below if they have helped you in any way now if you did
like the video, please give me a big thumbs up and hit that subscribe button
and don't forget to join a notification squad by clicking the little bell button
Thanks again guys and Rags and I will see you in another video and Godiva too!
Pascal Obispo en larmes dans The Voice 7 : Julien Courbet se moque de lui - Duration: 2:22.
TOP 10 Zázraků, které umí citron - Duration: 7:20.
Diğer İnsanları Cezbetmek için 5 Psikolojik Hile - Duration: 3:52.
Volkswagen Golf Variant € 4.380.- voordeel. HIGHLINE 1.4 TSI 125 pk (vsb 14045) Rijklaar ! - Duration: 1:02.
Na Wanj Way Mahi Deegar Day Wailay | Ustad Nazar Hussain Bandialvi | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 8:00.
【生雑談】皆既月食だよ!全員集合!【ともよ。】 - Duration: 46:28.
Jadan Koi Laj Plainda Nai | Muhammad Ashraf Litti | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 6:59.
Pizzera & Jaus - Eine ins Leben Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:48.
Maria Vichorian Nay Dukhan Vich Roll | Ustad Nazar Hussain Bandialvi | Best Punjabi Saraiki Song - Duration: 8:18.
Hath Pai Juraindi Aan | Muhammad Ashraf Litti | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 3:34.
Akhin Meray Mahi Dian | Muhammad Ashraf Litti | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 8:44.
Kamla Guzran Ghariban Di | Muhammad Ashraf Litti | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 8:46.
大S瘦了之后,汪小菲看她的眼神好迷恋,但女儿和妈妈颜值差太多 - Duration: 5:00.
We Slept In An Ice Cave Over...
Loredana Lecciso: Staffelli le consegna il Tapiro d'oro | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:07.
Pressez un citron dans l'huile d'olive et vous n'arrêterez plus jamais d'utiliser cette mixture - Duration: 5:28.
Toyota Corolla Verso 2.2 D-4D Luna - Duration: 0:59.
Take carbon out of the atmosphere - save forests - Duration: 4:06.
[정응콩] Steven Univers OST - Stronger than you - Duration: 7:50.
How To Introduce Two Cats Pt 2! Update On Rags and Godiva! Helping Cats Get Along - Duration: 5:19.
Hi guys! Welcome back to the channel! It is Claire and Rags and we have something
a little bit different for you this week. This is going to be an update on how
things are going between the girls - Rags and Godiva
The other cat in this house. Now a few weeks ago I shared some tips with you on
how to introduce two cats together in a household so that they live together
harmoniously and it's stress free. Now we've been doing this for a few weeks
now and it seems to be working really really well
Now Rags and Godive aren't exactly best buddies, but they are able to be in the house
together and even in the same room together without any aggression or
fighting which is absolutely fantastic, isn't it?
Now I'm going to share with you
a few other tips and just in case you are introducing two cats together
and to have experienced a couple of hiccups. Now we have continued with the
boundaries with our cats so for example Ragsy isn't allowed to go upstairs which
is a Godiva's main teritorry and Godiva isn't allowed in our side of the house
she does try occasionally but Rags is quite good at telling her to carry on walking
Well I have a few other tips for you just in case you need a little
bit of extra help. Now one thing you can do is spend time
with both of your cats in the same room that isn't the room that you introduce them
in so for example a lounge. So on an evening sometimes I've had Ragsy on
my knee in the lounge and Godiva's owners have had her on their side. Now
this is really good so that your cats can get used to each other when in a room
But they have the added security and added comfort of having you in the
room with them. This will do wonders for them being up spend time together
in a room and then you get to spend some quality time with your cats too
Now one thing that is very important is keeping their food and out litter trays at
separate. This is very important cats are hugely territorial and
especially when it comes to when they're feeding or using the litter tray they
want to feel comfortable and safe. Now this is especially important in our
house as Godiva is on a special medicated diet so she isn't allowed to
have any access to any food that Ragsy has otherwise it should not leave quite
poorly. This has worked out that Godiva has her foods and turn into tray in an
area in the kitchen where Ragsy doesn't have easy access to and Ragsy's foods and
a litter tray is in our bathroom, which she has easy access to but Godiva
doesn't have so much and it's ensuite and linked on to our bedroom where Ragsy
spends most of their time. Now this is very important for your cat to feel they
have an area where they can go eat and use a litter and have all that
immunities while feeling safe but your cats might get along it is very
important if your cats have their own space to retire to so that feels safe
secure and happy. Now it is very important to keep up regular play
with your cats and if you want your cats to have a positive association with one
another try doing this together in a communal area quite often Rags and I will
play in the hallway where Godiva is either in the background or sometimes
she even joins in. Again this is just so that your cats can get a little
exercise and you bond with your cats, but also they get a positive association
with the other cat of being in the area. This has been really fun with it Rags
and Godiva it took us a few goes and as Godiva is quite a shy cat but we have
had a few instances where I've been playing with Rags or I've been playing with Godiva
and they've joined in. It's been absolutely lovely.
And lastly you need to make sure that you pay attention to your cat's body language and their cues
if you are all together in the house or the cats are in the same room as one
another and your cat is visibly upset or not very happy being in the vicinity of
the other cat. You need to make sure that they have somewhere easy to go to to get
away from that situation either that or you take them outfit yourselves
It's not fair for your cat to be put in a stressful situation just so that you can
feel like you have to buddy cats. Again this is where having their separate food
and litter areas comes in handy because it's somewhere they can go to and
feel completely comfortable. Now these have worked really well for me
Rags and Godiva and I hope that they have worked for you too. Now if you are
introducing two cats together whether you've moved house like us or you
have adopted another cat please let me know in the comments below
Rags and I really do love reading about our lovely followers and their cats
And we really hope that you have such a positive experience as we've had too
Thanks for watching guys I hope that you enjoyed these tips and again let me know
in the comment section below if they have helped you in any way now if you did
like the video, please give me a big thumbs up and hit that subscribe button
and don't forget to join a notification squad by clicking the little bell button
Thanks again guys and Rags and I will see you in another video and Godiva too!
Should Women Get Mammograms Starting at Age 40? - Duration: 6:20.
Julien Tanti accusé de plagier Nabilla, elle réagit sur Twitter ! - Duration: 2:57.
Etsy Shop Update + Amazing Hogwarts Desk Organizer! | Wake Up Date #38 - Duration: 2:55.
Good morning and welcome to another episode of the Wake Up Date! Today is
gonna be a pretty quick episode, I just have a couple of news updates, there's
one of you that I wanted to feature because you've made something really
cool, and I have a bunch of patreon shoutouts at the end as well. First of
all, I think this is pretty exciting, a bunch of my sold-out plushies are now
back in stock! It takes me a really long time to make these and a lot of them
have been out of stock for a while now and so I wanted to get at least a couple
of each of the different designs back in the store for those of you who have been
asking so nicely for them. Probably the most requested one is this red fox, there
are only a couple in the store right now. A lot of you have been asking for the
wolf and there's only one left at the moment, I also made a couple of these
black bears and the deer which is one of my personal favorite designs.
I still have a Ravenclaw inspired eagle left in the shop and of course the cute
round little penguin! There are still a bunch that I haven't had time to make
that are still sold out but hopefully I'll have those back in the store soon.
In the meantime, I wanted to remind you that I have some t-shirts for sale on
dftba.com/Lauren - there's the "Harry I'm coming home" shirt designed by Evie
stormzand, the "it's real for us" shirt designed by Kristine Thune, and the "my
muggle friends just don't understand" shirt designed by me! So I mentioned
earlier that I wanted to feature one of you in this episode and that is because
over on Instagram, Becca posted these amazing photos of the
Hogwarts desk organizer tutorial that I designed. Becca took it to a whole new
level, I can't even express into words how much this blows me away. The Hogwarts
desk organizer that I made was a lot more simple and I would have loved to do
something like this, but really I just don't have the drawing and painting
skills to make something like this happen and I am so glad that Becca took
my idea and just ran with it. Look how beautiful this is! You can check out more
of Becca's photos and a video of the project over on Instagram! I'm gonna put
a link in the video description below where you can go and check that out.
So as usual, I'm gonna tie up this episode with a bunch of patreon
shoutouts! I wanted to send out a huge thank you to everybody over on my
patreon! You are the reason why I can keep making videos on my youtube channel
and I just appreciate you so much. I'd like to send a shout out and a thank you
to Antonio G. Thank You Ashley Sousa! Thank You markslide! Thank You Roni!
Thank You Saxony! And thanks Abby Ritter! In light of YouTube's
new partner program restrictions, I would love it if you could leave me a comment
down below telling me about your favorite small creators or creators who
stand to lose their monetization because of the new rules. I'm going to
check out as many of them as I can, just be sure to include a small description
of what their channel is like, and if you also want to help these channels reach
their goals, just scroll down, read a bunch of the comments, and see if
anything looks interesting to you! Thank you so much for watching and I'll see
you soon.
The Expert: Progress Meeting (Short Comedy Sketch) - Duration: 2:54.
浩角翔起「阿翔」嬌妻私下行業曝光!5年來阿翔個人進帳約1.3億元,卻租房過日子 - Duration: 3:28.
[Vidéo-article] : 4 conseils sur le rendu 3D pour la simulation FX - Duration: 1:09.
11 Modern Home Plans and Layout For Your Modern Life of 2018 | Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 5:06.
11 Modern Home Plans and Layout For Your Modern Life of 2018 | Small House Design Ideas
當年他是偶像劇一哥,女友車禍往生他「代盡孝7年」,談過8段感情從不承認, - Duration: 5:36.
Les visages de la santé mentale dans la fonction publique - Duration: 0:45.
[FREE] "SAW" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental | Dark Trap Rap Beat Instrumental - Duration: 4:20.
[FREE] "SAW" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental | Dark Trap Rap Beat Instrumental
Pizzera & Jaus - Eine ins Leben Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:48.
Free Template - After Effects + 3 Plugins - Intro STRANGER THINGS - Duration: 17:05.
Download - Custom - Enjoy
Software : After Effects Plugins : Trapcode ; Universe ; Color Vibrance Link in the description
The result
Intro recreate original version Intro recreate custom version
download the file in the description
it's the texture on the letters
this is the image that appears at the end of the intro
font to download
I already have it
video link that shows you how to get the plugins used in the project
Thank you for downloading By doing so, you have accepted the terms and conditions of use listed below.
AUTHORIZATION : - publish only the result (videos, photos) - distribute my template, only through my download link PROHIBITION : Except with my permission, ... - to make money with this template one way or another - to show it in a video (type: tutorial ...) - modify it to redistribute it
Failure to comply with these terms may result in the receipt of a YouTube STRIKE for infringement of my work
to go faster, I reduce the quality of the preview
change a text
position yourself with the keys to change them (here colors)
replace a text
make a space of 0.1 px between the first two letters to correct the problem
edit a scene
change the color
the glow is red
editing a scene with letters
change the letters
adapt the texture to the new letters
change the color of the letters
the lowest layer
you have to adapt the lights: color, brightness
in the final composition there is a hue tool, to adjust the colors more quickly
I disable the composition of reflection, I will put it back and modify it
the masks automatically follow the other composition, to modify their follow-up you must delete the keys and recreate a new follow-up
change the text is long enough
replace the two big letters first
delete all keys
the letter follows because it is related to the movement of "A"
redo with the other and I change the color of the letters
write the new text in one part : it will just serve to position the real letters later
resize, space them
delete the old letters except the "A", hide it, it will be used to position all the other letters
recreate all the green letters apart and position them on the green ones
the letter "A" which serves as positioning is renamed "marque"
once the letters are in place, add "marque" (the hidden letter) as parent
make sure the new text follows everything else
you have to animate
before I put the white lines
select all letters that do not have animation
and add a key at the end when all the letters stop
for anime that, go to the beginning and change the vertical position (right) or horizontal (left)
I change the color of the bottom text
change the glow
edit the last scene
simply change the text
but as the text is changed, you have to change the zoom of the camera which is no longer in the text
delete the last points
recreate the zoom
click on the text and place the closest letter in the center
also delete the old text movement key
Ce ne sont pas les rats qui ont répandu la peste noire - Duration: 3:58.
Perché è bene iniziare la giornata con un bicchiere di acqua? - Duration: 3:54.
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
Nitro Team Exposure Gullwing 155 2018 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.
Hello, I'm Wagner Dominik. Nitro team rider and also Blue Tomato team rider.
And today I introduce to you the Nitro Team Exposure in the Gullwing Rocker version.
The team board at Nitro. Actually the most popular board of the whole team.
Here in the Gullwing Rocker version.
Which means it is even better in the turns and more playful than the normal team board.
It has a Dual Degressive Sidecut, which means it is carving-friendly but because the radius at the nose and tail is somewhat mellowed out, it is not too aggressive.
It has a sintered base that means it runs really fast on any surface and any snow condition.
On this board the design is also important.
Made by Nitro's in-house photographer Lorenz Holder – all analog images,
developed with a complex process by hand.
The team board is also my favorite board. Works on every terrain.
You can always rely on it and it's a great board.
Because of the fact that the team board is so successful, it is available in different lengths and also as a wide version.
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