Bitter Gourd Soup with Pork Spare Rib
Salt ¼ tsp
Bitter gourd 250 g
Soak 15-30 min.
Coriander root, garlic, pepper pound 1 tbsp
Pork spare rib 200 g
Soy sauce 2 tbsp
Shitake 30 g
For more infomation >> Bitter Gourd Soup with Pork Spare Rib | Thai Food | Mara Toon See Krong Moo | มะระตุ๋นซี่โครงหมู - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Health Perceptions: Nigerian vs. American.The Good, Bad & Ugly. - Duration: 14:47.
the more you can hide the baby until it's born the better but from who though
that's for me to know and for you to figure out but seriously if I tell you I
have to cure
hello you guys and welcome back to my channel my name is Laraddiji if you're
watching for the first time you're most specially welcome to this family don't
forget to like this video and subscribe if you've been inspired from what you
hear today if you haven't seen the video I posted about the end of my pregnancy
that happened last year please do so at the end of this video
shout out my husband the CEO of Escape Designs and Dijicom Creations he is
helping me make all of this look very professional I'll link his details down
below if you need him for video production projects it's a freestyle week
today so I wanted to talk about the perception of health first in a Nigerian
point of view regarding pregnancy preventive care birth disease mental
health and death and dying and then in an American point of view well let's
get to it so as you all know I'm Nigerian first and maybe I haven't said
this before I'm a nurse second I wanted to use this opportunity to enlighten you
guys on some perceptions I believe we've come to entertain for as long as I know
regarding our health you see back then I struggled when I was in the nursing
program in high school here in the states back then you know not because I
didn't understand English but because most of the terms I had to learn were
all new to me and made it all the more difficult to understand some simple
medical terminologies thinking back on it now that was why I almost failed out
of the program yep words like diabetes hypertension anxiety hyperemesis
gravidarum glaucoma like really this were almost gibberish to me and then I
kept on learning I almost gave up but I'm glad I didn't since I was old enough
to know what nurses did back home and how a nurse had impacted my life when I
was very sick I had always wanted to become one so I wasn't surprised when I
said yes I want to become a nurse when I was asked by my high school
guidance counselor back then the counselor told my parents oh we do have
a nursing program here in our school and my second life began right then and
there I had only heard of malaria hypertension and typhoid imagine my
surprise when I learned there was more to life than those two diseases that I
had grown to know and hear about my grandpa died of a heart attack and I
believe this is because of his history of hypertension but I couldn't grasp
what it really meant until when I was learning more about it here in this
country you know when I was in high school the nursing program now I feel
like I can talk about why my medical knowledge was lacking you know growing
up in Nigeria people were very hush-hush about you know about what they were
going through physically and mentally it was kind of like a taboo to talk about
themselves and the diseases they had or to even get help for important health
related issues mostly because they were poor or lack education or like my dad
says all the time lack of exposure even if they were not for Western medicine
was sort of last option you know if all the traditional routes had been
exhausted now it's kind of the opposite if Western medicine doesn't do the magic
then they'll turn to the traditional ones or sometimes they'll use both
together right so today I'll focus on five aspects of health that I believe
are very important to any individual and the perceptions are observed in Nigeria
compared to living here in this country regarding pregnancy and birth so what
I've noticed now that I'm older is that pregnancies were not celebrated as much
as they are here in this country even though everyone's pregnancy story is
different and even though the news of being pregnant is a good one redundancy
if you're married or not most likely you would go announcing to everyone and
shorten on a rooftop you know when you're pregnant so they'll most likely
just confirm it when they start showing or not at all
however here in America I've noticed the opposites from the time women means
their period they are already announced into
everyone and God forbid the miscarry they get a lot of support from those people
they've chosen to tell not that is a bad thing but you know that's how it is this
is almost like a taboo from what I've learned from the parts of Nigeria I
lived and grew up in if possible the more you can hide the baby until it's
born the better but from who though that's for me to know and for you to
figure out but seriously if I tell you I have to kill you anyway
the other aspects of celebrating pregnancy that is not popular in Nigeria
when I was growing up is that of pregnancy photo shoots I'm sure that
with technology advancements and access to Instagram Facebook and all other
social media outlets this too will soon gain its popularity so when you ask some
Nigerians their due date or if it's a boy or girl and they're not familiar
with American culture or it's luck they're off don't be surprised if you
don't get an answer even as a nurse myself I did guard both of my pregnancies
to an extent because you know because of all I've heard growing up nowadays
there's a thin line between private and public information the younger
generation might not be able to tell the difference anymore so make sure you
teach your kids the right way I beg you all right regarding preventive care the
second one my perception growing up was that there was none unless you were very
rich and you understood the importance of healthy living you most likely we
don't go see a doctor unless the sickness was very severe and by this
time a medical intervention might be unlikely to save you you know anyway so
there is however an important emphasis placed on antenatal care here in the
States are ever if you're working and you know you pay some percentage of your
salary to health insurance company as a single person or as a family you or your
family will be covered you know in the treatments or emergency treatments you
receive your physician of your choice for those who don't have health
insurance the cost of care is higher and sometimes unbearable you know I actually
remember a time when I needed a hole in my tooth to be filled I
having cavity it was done when I had insurance you know and didn't have
to pay any money out of pocket but when I was in college I wasn't covered
anymore by my parent's insurance my tooth was now shaking and what happened
was I pulled it out myself because by then I was having headaches and couldn't
eat well anymore unfortunately I didn't know that my tooth had broken apart into
three parts you know deep into my gums because it
became weak over the years and later it got infected I just thank God by the
time I saw a doctor I was now insured and was able to take
out the tooth without paying too much money so this is the importance of
having health insurance and I wish our nigerian government officials would
actually work on making health care something one can be proud of in Nigeria
among many other issues the perception of some my insurance however is that
once you have enough money to come to the States then you know they will be
cared for automatically which is not true you know in so many cases this is
why the Orange man can call our homes shit hole countries but for the purpose of
time I won't go further into that number three regarding disease our mental
health my perception was that none existed you know just like preventive
care I feel like I feel like because we are majorly rich religious country we
tend to pray more during these times and have faith you know that God will heal
us mostly you know we see disease as a test of our faith while others tend to
ignore or denied the problem even exists and you know they think maybe it will go
away on its own sometimes due to their lack of education or due to poverty
that's why I probably wasn't exposed to people you know who had these disorders
you know when I was younger I came to this country when I was 14yrs old so how
how much could I really really know at that age you know
so anyway family members wouldn't talk about disease in the first place talk
less of hearing about them regarding death and dying you know the only person
I saw dead you know when I was younger was my grandfather
who died of a heart attack like I said earlier most likely probably because you
know due to his history of hypertension and was he taking his medications or
maybe he changed lifestyle I have no idea
one thing is that kids weren't allowed to know a lot about you know what was
beyond that age right here everyone knows everything about everything since
pre-k you can ask my kids they know what a volcano and a cave is they're only
three years old I didn't even teach them that am i right oh am I right?
thank you google well I asked my dad and my husband about the experience with
death and dying well you know they were back home and what I learned from them
is that death below a certain age let's say below 65 was believed to be
unnatural regardless of the situation surrounding the present that person
could have been sick sick sick they don't think it's natural so it sounded to me mostly
like cases of coincidences and unhappy endings
if someone doesn't understand the phenomenon of the disease or disorder or
an infection for instance the blame is usually placed you know mostly on the
fact that nature or someone is against that person over here though the
individual can buy a casket ready for is for her death if it happens anytime
some believe that you know they don't want to burden their children with
funeral expenses you know that would be a taboo in my
country buying a casket before you're dead for yourself it's like writing a
letter to death so that's it for that so regarding health care delivery there's a
lot of laws here that prevents a lot of things from happening to patients like
you know patient abuse illegal dissemination of patients information
and patients exposure to danger either through medication administration you
know medical or surgical intervention unfortunately there's a lot that's
lacking in our health care industry back in Nigeria you will find that people who
travel to African countries often have to get some
um some shots you know before they travel out to prevent them from you know
getting sick especially from diseases like malaria typhoid and yellow fever
some have to travel with some basic medication you know like pain relivers bug
sprays and others due to lack of important supplies by community clinics
and you know some hospitals you know they were actually people actually
pretty not to get sick because the healthcare 6th end over there lacks too
much you know to get sick over they trust me you don't wanna get sick over
there so that's one of the reasons why I eventually ventured into the nursing
field you know there's been a lot of in congruence and lack of trusts for
Western medicine and sometimes this manifests in the gathering of
information through our medical histories I know my parents are guilty
of this as well as other Nigerians or maybe you know Africans in general I
was taught to not review my past medical history of relatives you know things
like cancer diabetes and others you know to the doctor not because of being
shamed for it but because they fear that they would be associated with the
diseases not knowing on you know the medical history map actually helps in
mapping out interventions to prevent such from becoming problems in the
future I feel some of the older um generations are still operating under
these absorptions I'll stop right here today though I'm always imploring people
to to have a primary physician and instead of guessing what the problem is
you know and wasting precious time with that bad headache you know that back
pain they had you know just visit your physician and sit on physician instead
it can hurt I'll just pray that the general system in Nigeria and other
African countries will get better for good you know so that we can all go back
home like Trump said until then my advice is eat well exercise more and
live a peaceful life so you won't have add unnecessary stress to your life am I
forgetting anything mmm if I am you know you guys can help
me with the ones I'm missing what are the perceptions that stand out
about your country compared to living you know here in the States all right
I'm gonna wrap it up here thank you very much for staying around with me till the
very end I hope you've learned something new today so that's all for now you guys
if you're new to this channel once again my name is Laraddiji ask questions if you
have any you can leave a comment as well also you can like this video by giving
it a thumbs up so get notified of newly posted videos why wait do that now click
that red button and subscribe alright the next video will be about school of
fraternal twins and introduction to my fraternal boy-girl twins do check out my
suggested videos in the description box below I'm hoping to read from you
beautiful people very soon don't forget to love your neighbors as yourself and
remember to Rest in peace we all need to be Living in peace stay blessed
alright stay blessed you guys I love you I love you
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