welcome to TTI today we are counting down top 10 most powerful toys which
might make you wish to be a child once again just to play with them wait a
minute these strange toys are for adults too so watch and enjoy my friends number
1 Pro boat UL 19 every curious person wants a remote-controlled boat but now
wet dreams became true with this pro boat a 30 inches brushless hydroplane
with ultra sleek design but it doesn't have turbine housing or rear spoiler
thanks to six pulls water cooled motor 128 ESC this incredible boat can cruise
up to speed of more than 50 miles per hour
that's enough speed which makes this ship capable of daring against
alligators install a waterproof camera on it and be ready to become a wildlife
photographer by the way it's one of the most sophisticated toys that can take
instant 90-degree turns at full speed that's why indeed this model is
incredible number two dolphin jet
it is dolphin jet and elegantly designed remote-controlled aircraft model
developed by a company pilot RC this aircraft may look like similar to a toy
but this is a sophisticated mini model which requires so much time and
considerable skill to construct it it's 22 kilogram body is made up of
Basla-wood with some additional coating material thanks to its
aerodynamic shape and a multiple servos the air stunts in the sky are now
possible number three blizzard FR
convert your regular chores into fun meet blizzard fr an insane
remote-controlled sophisticated toy now removing ice from the ground isn't much
more comfortable with a lot of fun this mighty belt tracked a mini toy vehicle
manufactured by Kyosho corporation and this user-friendly toy works on 2.4
gigahertz radio frequency it has powerful 370 motors and twin K 817 W so
that you can enjoy dominance over any terrain like sand dirt and snow only an
actual belted vehicle can deliver this type of performance with a high
suspension system this Blizzard clears every challenge in its path including
rocky obstacles steep hill climbs and gravel or sand that would trap a machine
with standard tires without a doubt this is fascinating and most attractive for
most curious people number four bushmaster 8e Ready Steady Go
this is Bushmaster an incredibly designed car made only for extreme
environments designed by thunder tiger its speed is the most fantastic feature
thanks to bushmasters 1/8 electric buggy and the great shock absorbers this crazy
car can run and jump on any uneven terrains
it's body is made up of robust lightweight metal chasis so don't worry
it's sturdy enough and combined with high-capacity hydraulic shock absorbers
and lipo battery I love this car are you ready for race with me definitely I will
win number five Toyota Hilux this is a replica of Toyota Hilux but 1/12 in size
of an original model this Toyota toy is another sophisticated model for off-road
adventures this cute Toyota has incredible suspension for both the front
and rear wheels this toy interacts with our curiosity
because besides it has excellent speed with the crazy suspension and well
protected battery and transmission system but surprisingly it's very
advanced and protecting lithium-ion battery from degradation by utilizing
the sophisticated cooling process the Toyota Hilux weighs just one kilogram
only and powered by 380 brushed motor that's why you can appreciate its charm
and how realistic it is number 6 RC king tiger this is a replica of
Germans heavy tank king tiger but way smaller than that it's 1/16 in size of
the actual tank this awesome toy is made by Tamiya corporation not only this
remote control tank can move forward and backwards and turn with a great sense of
power but the turret can also be rotated and the 88 millimeter gun raised and
lowered interestingly the King Tiger was the most powerful tank that was used in
World War two other versions of this mini tank are available in four channel
radio control system even though this keep tank works on 27.2 volt to NiCad
battery it produces the same sound like a real tank
number seven big rock 6S if you want an RC crew cab truck
with pounds of scalar realism and mean street presence then the Arrma big rock
6S is for you manufactured by company ARRMA loaded with ARRMA 6s BLX
brushless power system the big rock 6s delivers four driving modes all with
compelling muscle truck looks beneath the matte black crew cab body shell is a
stunningly engineered TVP chasis take control of on-the-fly locking diffs that
let you go straight from impressive 60 miles per hour speed to skillful terrain
climbing and rock hopping all from Armas dedicated tactic 2.4 gigahertz radio
transmitter speed sized scaler looks and brooding power makes the arm a big rock
6 s what it is the meanest looking fastest RC crew cab truck you can own
number 8 icon A5 like it's full scale inspiration the e-flite icon a5 park
flyer makes it easy to discover the thrill of amphibious flight the bind and
fly version comes equipped with a powerless brushless motor and the smooth
stable response of a spectrum as3x receiver if you're a relatively new RC
pilot you have the option of activating the receivers built-in save select
technology that limits pitch and Bank angles so you don't accidentally put the
model in an unrecoverable altitude during your first few flights
it will also return the wings to level whenever the sticks are released
number nine E-flight Opterra the opterra is the best flying remote-control
airplane a 2-meter flying wing is the collaborative effort of George Hicks and
Mike McConville two of model Aviation's premier aircrafts designers it's a
lightweight construction long wingspan and efficient aerodynamics give it a
wide range of capabilities that include everything from sports aerobatic to
soaring it even gives you the ability to put yourself in the pilot's seat with
fpv gear while using the gopro cameras to record HD video at the same time this
crazy aircraft comes with the added benefit of a spectrum as3x receiver that
features optional safe select technology the opterra has some vortex generator
for better stability and control a powerful brushless motor some digital
metal geared servos and lightweight carbon fiber with a Z foam material
those things together make it incredibly advanced the plane ever number 10 carbon
cub 15 CC this airplane is my favorite toy because I have this plane this
incredible aircraft can take off from runways like an ordinary Road or it can
take off from water runways the flying process from the ground is an out doll I
am pleased to see the fascinating take off by this cute plane from the water
surface it brings the heritage and versatility of the full-scale airplane
to this lightweight wood model it features a 90 inch wingspan yet it is
practical enough to fly every day surprisingly every single detail like
cockpit doors interior features landing lights and a scale spinner look the same
of actual carbon cub design this 5 kilogram lightweight laser-cut design
toy has shock absorbers LED landing lights so don't worry and
enjoy this toy without any fear thanks for watching which toy did you find most
impressive share this video with your friends and share happiness make me your
friend just by subscribing to this channel I'll catch you in the next
episode peace
For more infomation >> 10 Strangest Powerful Toys,That are INCREDIBLE - Duration: 10:39.-------------------------------------------
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La plaque polémique déposée sur la tombe de Johnny Hallyday retirée - Duration: 3:00.
We just arrived under active volcano Batur
where we gonna hike tomorrow morning
the weather is pretty good
little cloudy, but look oukay
so we hope
it`s gonna stay like this
Batur is visible too
we ll hike to the top (here)
hope it`s not gonna rain
tomorrow we start 3:30 am
so we can make it for sunrise
it takes 2 hours of walk (depends how fast you go.. can be 1 hour)
there are not so many tourist
We hope there wont be a lot of people
so we can enjoy the sunrise
If you buy trekking you ll get breakfast at the top
which is egg, toast
and banana cooked in peel
and the eggs made in steam from active volcano
and sometimes you can have tea and coffee
but normaly you have to pay (20K IDR per cup)
and you also get bottle of water included
the prices are different so you have to bargain
normal price is around
300.000 IDR/person - for longest route
the longest route is totally worthy
sometime you can hear 1mil IDR or 1,5mil
which is crazy.. but 300.000 isnt just like that
you have to bargain little bit
and be persistent
the cheapest starts from 450.000 but you can find (300.000 right away)
450.000 is quite oukay but
if you can make it even cheaper, why not right?
now we will have dinner
and slowly go to bed
to be ready early morning
because it`s quite exhausting for someone who has no preparation (but no problem for everyone to go up)
wish us luck with good weather
so we can have hike with no problems :)
and see beautiful sunrise which is the main reason going up
so wish us luck once again
and see you
3:30 am
it 3:30 morning
and we are starting our hike to Batur
we are walking approximately 1 hours
we are nearly at the top and you can already see sun rising up
and we have to move a little bit
it already light
we are right under top
only few people going all the way top
quite difficult
we walked around 1. crater
unfortunately, we could see only 30 minutes for of fog
now we are going to second crater alone
downhill is much more difficult... the road is only sand, rocks etc
so we feel on ice
we are currently half way down
it was awesome, but the fog isnt good
we worked out little bit
it only cost us a few scrapes
was quit difficult uphill
downhill is unpleasant coz of sandy road with rocks and steep hills
but is war worthy for 100%
and the breakfast up is quite good
how was it?
We survived so was OK
we survived so was OK they said :D
We are already at hotel
we definitely recommend Batur trekking to all...
and great experience
now we are going to pack our stuffs
and we ll be heading to Ubud
which is next destination
La plaque polémique déposée sur la tombe de Johnny Hallyday retirée - Duration: 3:31.
Après 40 heures en salle d'accouchement, les médecins révèlent une grosse surprise - Duration: 5:13.
দেশি ভাবি l Deshi Vhabi l New Bangla Funny video l Funny video 2018 l RK Intermisssion - Duration: 7:07.
Deshi Vhabi l New Bangla Funny vide
Deshi Vhabi
Roth IRA Tax Free Retirement Income Analysis: How Rich Can A Roth IRA Make You? (Realistic Examples) - Duration: 20:48.
how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to money and life TV I am
Mike the CPA and this is my sidekick jibber awaiting orders today I'm super
excited because we're gonna be talking about Roth IRA tax-free income and we're
gonna be looking at on-screen examples of how much income tax free income you
can expect to generate from your auth IRA later on in life if you're new to
our channel I just want to take a moment to say welcome if you're interested in
learning more about personal finances investing taxes and things like that I
would go ahead and hit that subscribe button right now you can find that
subscribe button down below because we make new videos every single
week around these subjects and we also produce videos on this channel to help
you with your career and your life alright guys if you find this
information helpful don't forget to hit that like button and let's get started
this video is kicking off a series of videos I'll be making around Roth IRAs
and you're gonna be seeing the power of compounding interest and also in this
video you're going to be able to see the power of investing in a Roth IRA and the
power of the tax-free income you can get from it later on in life if you do it
so let's look at some on screaming examples right now and you're gonna see
me go to a spreadsheet and the spreadsheet is going to be available or
download for free in the description section below this video so make sure to
check it out and I'm gonna leave a dropbox link to that spreadsheet and I
may also put it on my website money in life TV comm so that you can use it and
refer to it anytime you want all right without further ado let's look at this
spreadsheet we have created and you're gonna see that it's gonna break down not
only different rates of return so you're gonna able you're gonna be able to see
at what rate your money would grow but also you're going to be able to see how
that would impact your income from your Roth IRA later on in life now
I'm making this video obviously because of this audience and because of this
channel and you guys have requested that you want to learn more about tax more
about investing and Roth IRA is an area that covers kind of both it's a it's a
tax and investing topic and I I really encourage you I mean this is one of the
best investment vehicles you can use if you qualify for it in order to save and
build up an income for your retirement there's hardly anything out there that
beats this today in terms of stock market investing and things like that
the money you can invest in here will greatly impact in age you in retirement
since I'm talking about the future I just need to take a moment guys just
excuse me just for a second because I need to talk just for a moment directly
to my brother-in-law you see I have a brother-in-law and he's a great guy but
he's only 22 years old and he's in a situation right now where he has earned
income which means he would be able to put money into a Roth IRA and he could
set one up and he's in a good living situation right now he's living at home
so this is the perfect time for him to start one right that he's has very few
expenses and if he uses money wisely he's going to be I doing a huge favor to
his future self right so excuse me for a moment
hey brother-in-law I hope you're watching this video and I hope this
video finds you well I was thinking about you and as I put together this
spreadsheet and I was like man you know this is a
great opportunity for you and just I'm just thinking about what this could do
for you later on in life because we care about you so I just wanted to take a
moment and say and tell you that if you don't take advantage of this great
opportunity you have in front of you right now and do something such as the
Roth IRA I'm going to rock your world oh and it doesn't stop there if you
still decide that this is not a good idea
chipper has some words for you and you don't want to tick off the bird!!!! all
right thanks guys I just had to have that one-on-one conversation with my
brother-in-law real quick right there because we really care about
him we love him and we want him to do well in life as I'm sure you would want
your family to do well and as well as your friends so let's get started so
like I said this spreadsheet is going to be available for download and I'll link
it up in the description section below this video now I'm not gonna cover all
the rules of a Roth IRA because I'm gonna do another video directly after
this are coming up soon that's gonna cover all the rules you need to know to
establish and open a Roth IRA but currently just you know fYI each person
can contribute up to fifty five hundred dollars a year into a Roth IRA if you're
over the age of 50 you can do sixty-five hundred dollars a year so what that
breaks down to fifty five hundred dollars a year is roughly meaning you
can invest four hundred and fifty eight dollars and 33 cents a month and that is
after-tax so the way that works is you get paid they take taxes off your check
right well the net amount of your check is the amount of money then you would
have leftover to potentially invest in a Roth IRA so it's after-tax money it's
not pre-tax money like your 401k it's completely separate and different from
that and now your 401k at your company might have a Roth option and it might
make a lot of sense to do that option but the Roth IRA in general is just a
separate account from that that you can single person can contribute fifty five
hundred hundred dollars a year in two and so this spreadsheet just so you know
we're assuming let me get to that box iPhone
in the examples you're gonna see below but we're gonna assume that every year a
person's going to max out the Roth IRA in each year worth $5,500 right and also
assume that person is going to contribute money to this Roth IRA and
tell their the age of 65 and then they stop tactically you can contribute to it
until you're about age 70 and then you have a stop but just for this example
we're gonna assume $5,500 a year until age 55 and so we're gonna analyze that
based on various rates of return and based on various ages so starting right
here I want to look let's look at example 1 because example one could
assumes a very conservative 4% return right that's very conservative and I
think most people with their eyes closed because invest and get a return like
that so as you can see the way this works is this column over here shows the
age you begin investing in a rough so we I've given a few examples so from age 20
to age 50 and so every 5 years I've shown another example and what this
would mean is that there this is the second column here is the number of
compounding periods until age 65 so if you have if you started at age 20 and
you contribute to age 65 that's 45 years right well if we pull up our little
calculator and we do 45 times 12 there's 450 compounding periods so
that's where that's coming from just so you guys know how that math works okay
and then this third column right here is going to show you how much money that
would grow into had that person done it and got an average return the whole time
of 4% on average so as you can see here I'm not gonna read over all the numbers
but if you started at age 20 and for vested fifty five hundred dollars a year
for 45 years that money would grow into roughly seven hundred thousand dollars
okay now you're gonna notice and I'm not like I said I'm not gonna read every one
of these because you can take a look and download the spreadsheet for yourself
all you need to have is Microsoft Excel 2007 for 20 so if you start at age 25
that's 40 years of compounding which is 480 so 12/12/12 times 40 is 480
compounding periods the money would grow to five hundred and forty three thousand
instead had you started at twenty five instead of age twenty so you can see
that's a pretty big difference and just that difference alone that's five years
you wouldn't think five years would matter that much but it does because if
we look at five you know the 606 194,000 and within we
subtract out the nicks one below at the five hundred and forty three thousand
five thirty-four that's a hundred and fifty thousand dollar difference just by
waiting five years
so the differences can be astronomical and very if they can be magnified based
upon how long you wait to do this in a type of return you're getting so that's
what I really wanted to point out to you guys and so if you've been on the fence
of starting a Roth IRA today is the day now it's the time if you have a spouse
you're saying oh please honey we got we've got to start one of these things
today is the day now's the time you can show them this spreadsheet and you can
show them mathematically how much it's costing you just by waiting now me
personally do I have a Roth IRA absolutely do does my wife have a Roth
IRA as well absolutely and every year we've started maxing those out and I
believe we opened them when we were 28 I wish I could have done it sooner but 28
so when we started but now every year every year and this year I've got the
Musto before we look at income amounts let's go down the line and show you what
some different returns would be like had you got even a better return so in
example two we're looking at a 6% annual average rate of return so the whole time
the person's investing the person is getting a 6% return and the numbers
really are substantial so look at if you started at age 20 and you're able to get
a 6% rate of return the whole time you're gonna have about 1.2 million
dollars by the time you're age 65
now if you start at 25 you're gonna have 900 17,000 but if you wait to start
until you're 50 which is only you know about 15 years of compounding periods
it's only a hundred and thirty three thousand dollars so it's very
insignificant it's still better than nothing don't get me wrong but time will
cost you a lot of compounding interest that you could have potentially earned
so that's what if you get if you have a 6% now let's look at example 3 which is
around the stock market historically over the past hundred years ranges on
average of yields of 6 to 8% a rate of return you know if you if start at age
20 this is pretty amazing but if you were able to start at age 20 and got an
8% average annual rate of return for 45 years you would have 2.4 million dollars
by the time you're 65 you would pretty much be set because the
money you're good from that is completely tax-free so you could live on
very little if you started at age 25 now this I want to point out to you
watch as the you'll notice as the annual percentage average rate of return
increases and so does the magnification of the difference in time so let me let
me show you what I mean cuz that what I just said probably didn't make sense but
if you start at age 20 right so you would have two hundred and forty three
thousand are two million four hundred thirty three thousand dollars in 96
cents - if you had just waited five more years to start doing this one point six
million or 1 million six hundred ten thousand seven hundred five your
difference you wouldn't think that I didn't think this until you're in the
method blew me away but if you were able to get an eight percent rate of return
and did invest the rest of your life into this thing as a single person the
difference and we're just waiting five years is eight hundred thousand dollars
that's really impressive whoa whoa just Bravo Wow which is enough to buy two
homes in most places it's amazing it's just crazy so that's why I want to
encourage you to start today start now whatever you need to do to align your
finances in order to do this start start today so now let's look at so we've seen
what the money can compound to because this is a lot of compounding interest
examples right and I'm using a calculator to do this
I'm using a compounding interest calculator on my phone it's the TVM
calculator I believe what it's called I'll link up what it's called and just
so you guys know what app I use and I would like to do a review on it at one
of these on that app because it's such a cool app and it's free and there's so
many different calculators in there and so that's what I've used to generate a
lot of these calculations okay so we've looked at what the money would grow to
now let's look at how the income plays out and kind of how I think about that
or at least how I personally analyze that you can obviously draw down the
principal of the amounts you've put in but if you if you're thinking like me so
my goal personally I'm just gonna tell you this is just what I want to do you
don't have to do this obviously but I would like to let this money grow to a
substantial amount and so that I can just live off the income and not touch
the principal and hopefully someday that extra principal I can then pass it on to
my family or my heirs or whoever - to benefit from so they can build more
wealth even quicker so our org donated huge chunk of it the charity that's my
future plans but anyways if you come over here and I just scroll to the right
so it's lined up so you just go from left to right so let's look at the four
percent rate of return example and what I've done is I say estimated annual
tax-free income based on the following looks like I got an error there based on
the following annual dividend yields solve I'll fix this for you guys so when
it's ready for download but what this does it says okay
if you didn't touch this money if you didn't draw down the principal but just
lived off the dividend yield what kind of income would that generate for you on
an annual basis so as you can see here if you look at just a two percent right
here so this column matches up with this one I'm looking at this 13,000 as an
example so you would have just by giving a two percent dividend yield and there's
tons of stocks out there that could do this there's Microsoft McDonald's you
know coca-cola Pepsi things like that could easily give you a two percent
dividend yield or more and what it does is it it looks at two percent and
multiplied two percent yield multiplied by what the total amount is because
that's roughly about the yield you'll get on this money so that yield will
give you $13,000 almost the $14,000 a year income
which breaks down if you want to do the math 13,000 882 I only got to do to
figure out what that is monthly is this divided by 12 right so just divided by
12 and so that's about 1150 six dollars a month in tax-free income and it also
looks at you know now what if you get a 4% rate or each I mean dividend yield on
on that amount of money well check it out
you take 27 so 4% yield and looking at this first row is 27,000 765 divided by
12 that's about it a little bit over $2,000 a year income and the beauty of
this income is it's completely tax-free there's there's really no better income
than tax-free income because it's not gonna affect your taxes which is amazing
so this is just tax free money so that would mean you would have to pull out as
much from your 401k or other sources because you would have this much up
front completely tax-free and you would get to keep all of it which is so
wonderful now obviously as it goes down the line here if you wanted to look at
what it would be for a 50 year old you would just look at this row right here
and come across like this and you can do the math the same now let me just first
take a time let me skip down to the 8% one because that's where it gets really
fun now assume that you were a 20 year old 20-something year old and somebody
told you about this to start doing it and you did it and the money grew and
this is the kind of income you would have how do you have an 8% return the
whole time so then your money grows into 2.4 million right into this example well
come over here I think we could reasonably get a 3% dividend yield
easily I think we could so let's let's do the math on that 3 percent so 3
percent is this number right here right 73,000 and that's this 3 percent
multiplied by this total amount of the value of that person's account so
seventy three thousand dollars per year is the annual income so seventy three
thousand dollars divided by 12 is a tax-free income of six thousand dollars
a month now who can't live off that a tax-free
income of $6,000 a month that's amazing so that's the power of this thing guys
that's the power of starting early as possible and building up a Roth IRA now
you might say Mike what if I married does you know how would that work out
well if you're married for simplification purposes if you both
started maxing out this Roth IRA at the same time which is rare that would
happen but if you did and you wanted to know how much more it would be if you
had two people doing this I've ran the math I don't have it here but all you
would have to do is if this person if your looks like your spouse started at
the same time as you and you guys both follow the same track so let's say let's
take a 25 year old right let's say you both got married around 25 years old and
you both started putting money in so what you would do is you take this
projected amount of five hundred forty three thousand and multiply that by two
and you would have one point eight seven million that's that's basically how the
math works out if you were had two people doing this and because if you're
married each person like I said can contribute fifty five hundred dollars a
year into the Roth IRA so that's if two people are doing it so I wanted us to
take a moment guys and just share with you the power of compounding interest
and the beautiful power of the Roth IRA because it's one of the only ways to get
tax-free income and hopefully they don't change the laws about the around this
but if you can qualify for this vehicle this account do it you know I have mine
through Scottrade which is gonna soon be Ameritrade because they're merging our
Ameritrade bot Scottrade but the point is is that there's many
ways to start an open a Roth IRA to check with your financial advisor and
like I said I'm gonna be making a whole series of videos around this topic
because it's such an important topic in my opinion and it's because they're I
don't expect there to be social security any more in the future and I don't
expect there to be pensions any more in the future unless you're very lucky that
this is why it's more important than ever to figure out right now today
regardless of how old you are how much retirement income you're gonna need
because the likelihood of you having Social Security and pensions is gone I
just you have either so basically you have to self fund your retirement and
it's a very a lot of money to do it trust me it does
but but the sooner you start the better and having that income working for you
getting your money to work for you so you don't have to work the rest of your
life is what you're going for at least that's what I'm going for
I think that's the kind of life you want that's a little kind of life I want so
if you guys enjoyed this video if you found it helpful let me know by hitting
that like button down below be sure to subscribe if you have not already
because every single week we make new videos like this that are basically help
you improve your financial position your career and your life and be sure to
share this with a friend especially a friend who's very young like my
brother-in-law how're you still watching this I hope I hope you're still watching
this brother-in-law because I would really encourage you I'm like begging
you to do this because you're gonna thank your future self so much if you do
now if you don't do this until later on life it's still gonna be helpful but yes
you can see mathematically time cost you a lot of extra money that you could have
had have you started earlier and so that's what I wanted to make this video
so you could know how much income you can expect in the future from your Roth
IRA just from dividend yields alone when it's pretty powerful and I hope you guys
enjoyed this alright guys well thanks for taking the time out of your day to
watch this video thanks for sticking with me you can make sure to download
the list in the description section down below and I will see you guys next week
and I will see you guys in the next video live life on caged bye guys
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Play of the game IronKyle38 as D.Va
Take this !
Meka activated!
Let the party begin!
The convoy approaches its destination.
Today, we gonna be talking about mirror ! No the one I got in my restroom
because nobody cares, but we gonna talk about mirrors in videogames.
There's many mirrors in video games.
For example in the game "Prince of Persia" (1989), the mirror create a convincing reflect
but it's also an important part of the game, because an "evil clone"
get out of it.
But in Prince of Persia, like other games of this decade, this reflection effect
isn't breathtaking.
The game just display the character sprite twice, and flip it.
To see the first REAL mirror in videogame, we have to wait
1996 with Duke Nukem 3D.
I've talked about this game many times, and everybody knows it
so, I'm not gonna introduce it.
But you have to know that Duke Nukem 3D runs with an engine
called "Build Engine"
And this engine use "raycasting" technology.
If you don't know what's "raycasting", just pause this video
right know and let's check my video about the "2.5D",
you can find the link in the description.
(Sorry for english viewers, I haven't subtitled this video yet...)
Let's back to the mirror !
In Duke Nukem 3D, the mirror is just a wall, defined as a mirror
with a special texture.
Then, each ray, casted from the player will bounce on the mirror
and continue to be traced.
With simple maths, about the angle and the length of the ray
the mirror will display the scene like a real mirror,
with every element.
So, the Duke Nukem 3D mirror is like a mirror in real life.
It doesn't bounce "light rays", but rays of the raycasting.
For the computer (CPU) that's not too hard. Rays get from A point
to B point. Nothing complicated.
Of course, these mirrors have limits. If two of them are facing each other,
raycasting will not work, because every ray will be send over and over...
without ending.
And in videogame, when something is endless... the game crash.
So, in DN34, you can't find two mirrors facing each other.
just because the technology can't allow it.
But this technology is one of the best...Because with 3D,
I mean, REAL 3D, make a mirror will be a real headache.
3D games will need much more computing power than a 2.5D game
using raycasting.
A single REAL 3D scene will be hard to be compute,
so, adding a mirror will be worst.
Developers and level designers will have to think about funny
ideas to make "cheap" mirrors for they games. And we will talk about them in the next video.
If you liked this one, click the "like" button (or I will eat your parents) and just check the next, it's already online,
and the link is in the description.
Weekly travel Guides| Chato Volcano | Puerto Galera | Bohol | Bernardine church and D'eco Restaurant - Duration: 2:29.
In this short video we will present few last videos from Europe, Asia, and Central America
that was shared by travelers to myfamilytravelzone.com website recently
On 14th of January we ran 9 kilometres through the streets of
Vilnius to pay tribute to the victims of the Soviet Army's bloody attack on
unarmed civilians in the Lithuanian capital in January 1991
Also in the Lithuanian capital we visited Bernardine church and monastery which is one of the
largest and most magnificent gothic sacral buildings in Vilnius
Additionally, we visited cozy ecological restaurant D'ECO, located in the heart of Vilnius and
had an opportunity to speak with the owners of this restaurant
Jesse St Louis from the United States of America visited Costa Rica and shared with us a
video about how he tackled the legendary Costa Rican volcano and climbed up 3,000
feet to swim in its pristine emerald volcanic Lagoon
King Tolentino from the Philippines shared two videos recently. The first video is about Puerto Galera
King says there's more to this place than party and nightlife. Check out some
of the things you can do in Puerto Galera.
The second King Tolentino video is about Bohol. The place is known for the chocolate hills and the world's
smallest primate called Tarsia. It is famous for its beaches and sites for diving.
If you would like to watch full videos about these places, please follow the links below this video.
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Booba : Siboy disque d'or avec son album Spécial, il le félicite - Duration: 2:25.
BERSERK (Websérie) - Épisode Pilote : Cauchemar [Sub : FR, EN] - Duration: 15:39.
Aaron !
It's good, it's good, calm down, he didn't do it on purpose.
Don't tell me to calm down, ok ?! You know that I hate it!
But it's good, let him .. that asshole. He is drunk and ..
You know what ?!! I'm outta here !
Hey! Hey, come back!
Eh man.
I'm talking to you !
You fucking leave me alone !
I suggest you to stop it right now ..
Who are you son of a bitch?!
You don't want to know.
You should not have done that.
I warned you. I leave you a chance to leave and not to start again .
If I see you again, i'm going to break you more violently.
Let me go please !
Where do you go like this? You are in a bad state .
I could have done well without your help.
Catherine would be so disappointed.
What? What did you just say?!
Fuck. Answer.
Shit !
Are you okay?
It's been three days since I tried to contact Aaron, he doesn't answer.
Did you have some news?
Nothing, no call, no text..
It is not as if he had abandoned us for several months without giving news .
It's true that.
Since he is reappared, he is..different.
More tired, more irritable.
We shouldn't blame him for what happened to him.
You surely right.
But .. he could have warned us or kept us informed.
I think he just needed to refocus on himself.
And you think he has all the answers to his questions?
I hope so.. for him..
After all the sacrifices he done.
I must admit that I blame him a little. But I understand his choices.
The family is the most important thing. When you lose your family, you lose all your landmarks.
Last time at the bar, the guy shouldn't have provoked it like that.
I hope he didn't have any problems on his way home.
And you, your family? Everything's well?
Oh.. yeah yeah, the little one has good grades in high school.
But Killian, i don't see him since he works at Paris
And you?
Not so good.
My mom, she has to find a stable job
i made more hours
To round up our ends of the month.
If you need anything, you can count on me.
Thanks Yann.
I'm going to Aaron's house to know if he is ok. You come with me?
No sorry, i'm going to work after.
We stay in touch.
Shit, Aaron ! It's me !
Are you coming alone?
Yes, i'm alone.
So you explain me now? You leave for three days without giving news
And i find you like this.
What happens ?
I left the other night, I was attacked by an asshole and then there is a guy who came to help me.
I don't know how he do that but the asshole ran away like if he saw a monster and then...
Whoa ! Whoa ! Take a breath, i can't understand you.
The guy.
Who helped you?
Yes, he was strange, he tackles the other in no time.
I don't know, everything was confused, i remember juste that he tackles him and the guy ran away.
I didn't try to understand, i got up directly and i left.
Ok, he seems strong but what disturbs you so much? We know him?
But she knows my mother..
i'm sorry Aaron.. but that's why you fucked up your apartment like this?
The other night when i came back to home.
I searched in my parent's stuff.
I made some time before finding that.
Wait, i know this guy !
Yep, we spoke a little last time in the bar
He had a pretty good tatoo on him
He never wanted to tell me where he was made.
And what is the link?
Look the picture and especially the year she was taken.
1900.. what 1930??
Wait, it't not possible, it means that..
I don't know but since that i found this picture
I have to find this guy to know who he is and why he helped me.
And you simply didn't ask him how he knew your mother?
Ehh...He totally disappeared when i turned aroung.
Disappeared? How?
Just disappeared, i can't explain it better.
That's not all, turn the picture, there is a writing on it.
Do you know what is it or what does it mean?
According to my memories. It's a Scandinavian language, but i don't know more.
It's why that i have to find him.
Listen.. i have some book on the subject. I can try to transcribe the text.
Have you already started to look for him?
Troyes is not very big, you know.
Well, i checked some places but nothing.
I thought about the forest but it's too big. I don't know where to start.
You know, if he is a minimum civilized. He mustn't be far from the beach.
We can go check the place if you want.
Why not.
Stay here, in case there is a problem.
Are you sure?
I don't want to implicate you more in this problem.
If something happens to you, call me, ok ?
What are you doing here? Quick Answer.
I need informations
What do you mean?
Shit.. here..
Where did you find that?
In my parent's old stuff.
Tell me .. why is there a picture of you?
And why is she so old?
I do not think that you want to know all of that.
And you're not ready to hear the truth about your parents ..
You aren't strong enough mentally to be able to bear all that and everything that happens in the world.
And believe me, it would consume you completely and you would lose all that remains dear to your heart.
What truth?
What are you talking about?
Who fucking are you?
How did you find me?
Stop ignoring my questions Ragnar.
How do you know my mother?
What the fuck happening?!
The real you.
Yes, tell me, did you find Aaron?
Uh ... yes yes, he was in his apartment rummaging stuff, it was the mess as usual
Ah, he has nothing. I was a bit worried ..
You're with him?
I'm in the car, i waiting for him, he goes to see someone.
Who this?
Euh.. i don't know.. someone..
Are you sure?
What do you mean?
I don't know, i thing that you're hiding something from me.
No, no you're crazy, i will never do it to you.
The person would have informations about his parents.
I call you back, i have another.. urgent call. Be careful. kiss
Mrs Thiénot?
Yes, it is.
It's Dr.Laroche
I call you because I have bad news to announce you
What? What happening??!
Your father fallen into a coma ... we don't know yet the cause of what prompted this..
So? Did you found something?
It leads to nothing.
EVA !!!
Eva !! ..
Tell me something !
Tell me something please..
Yann, Yann ! Yann...
Why?... you...don't..
Yann... What is this fucking mess?!!
Fuck ...
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