HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will The John Deere 8RT And The Kotte Garant Taurus Slurry Spreader.
John Deere 8RT 2 Front Attacher Setup 2 Design Setup 400Hp 43Km/h Top Speed
Ic Control
To test the 8Rt I will ude the Condor Form Opional Fertilization Pack
Kotte Garant Taurus Slurry Speader 2 Wheel Setup 4 Design Setup Colorable Rims 652Hp 40Km/h Top Speed
NumPad 7 Open Left Flap NumPad 8 Fold/Unfold Refill Pipe NumPad 9 Open Right Flap
Alt Key Enable Rear Camera
The refill pipe cannot reach the ground is designed for garant barrel tailer
With no implements at the back the slurry spreader didn't work you can use the game stock slurry spreaders implements Orfrom other mods like HORSCH AGROVATION PACK Check Description
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 John Deere 8RT & Kotte Garant Taurus Slurry Speader - Duration: 15:13.-------------------------------------------
Brock 'The Beast' Lesnar - Highlights (UFC - WWE) - Duration: 1:45.
ig: fellamania
Nitro Team Exposure Gullwing 155 2018 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.
Hello, I'm Wagner Dominik. Nitro team rider and also Blue Tomato team rider.
And today I introduce to you the Nitro Team Exposure in the Gullwing Rocker version.
The team board at Nitro. Actually the most popular board of the whole team.
Here in the Gullwing Rocker version.
Which means it is even better in the turns and more playful than the normal team board.
It has a Dual Degressive Sidecut, which means it is carving-friendly but because the radius at the nose and tail is somewhat mellowed out, it is not too aggressive.
It has a sintered base that means it runs really fast on any surface and any snow condition.
On this board the design is also important.
Made by Nitro's in-house photographer Lorenz Holder – all analog images,
developed with a complex process by hand.
The team board is also my favorite board. Works on every terrain.
You can always rely on it and it's a great board.
Because of the fact that the team board is so successful, it is available in different lengths and also as a wide version.
영국의 자존심 '재규어 다임러' 타보니... - Duration: 3:43.
Quale sarà il destino di Francesco Monte? La decisione ufficiale di Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.
Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.
How To Setup An Intel Compute Stick for Astronomy - Duration: 13:37.
hey everybody I've had a couple of
viewers requests over time how I use my
Intel compute stick specifically how do
I have it set up that allows me to
remote into it how does it power on when
I apply power to it and various other
questions I'm gonna cover all of those
in this video so stay tuned I've got my
TeamViewer application up and running
and I've got the IP address of the Intel
compute stick plugged in by clicking
connect and now I have the desktop of
the Intel compute stick if you would
like to learn how to make amateur
astronomy as easy and accessible as
possible why don't you go ahead and
click subscribe and while you're at it
hit the little bell notification next to
that you'll show me some love and I will
make you new videos so when the Intel
compute stick first gets power applied
to it from the field battery it just
boots up I don't have to worry about
pressing any buttons or anything like
that if you're in a remote observatory
and you've got the ability to remotely
toggle your power that could be a way
that you get the Intel compute stick to
power on unfortunately the Intel compute
stick does not have an rj45 or an
Ethernet port in it so wake-on-lan
commands as far as I know aren't going
to work the first thing that I want to
get out of the way is you need to have
some sort of wireless networking
connection already created to do this
you would just plug the Intel compute
stick into the back of an HDMI monitor
plug a wireless keyboard and mouse into
it and use it like it was a normal
computer I use a little USB hub to also
connect the wireless card that I'm going
to be using if you right-click on your
little wireless network icon down here
and go to open network and sharing
the first thing that you'll see is your
basic Windows 10 networking
configuration we don't really need this
window at this step instead we're gonna
go to change adapter settings as you can
see I've got several Wi-Fi connections
I've got an integrated Wi-Fi which I
renamed to integrated Wi-Fi by
right-clicking choosing rename and
giving it that name
that's the wireless connection that was
built into the Intel compute stick and
as my telescope slews around sometimes
the Intel compute stick gets the mount
between it and my home router and it
will drop connection this Wi-Fi
connection is the wireless connection to
the Paramount you don't need this if you
don't have a paramount or any other
telescope mount that does not use a
wireless connection if you're connecting
via USB straight into it just ignore
this part and keep using your USB what
we're focused on is the ICS Wi-Fi which
I renamed again by right-clicking
choosing rename and typing in ICS Wi-Fi
once you've picked a name that you want
to use and feel free to use ICS Wi-Fi if
you want the next thing we do is go back
one level to network in Internet and
then we click network sharing center the
next step that we want to do inside of
here is set up a new connection or
network you're going to manually connect
to a wireless network you'll click Next
we want to use the ICS Wi-Fi or whatever
name you used click Next then we want to
enter a network name in this case I used
the name that came on the card for the
nano router for the security type choose
the appropriate security type for
whatever device you picked and enter the
security key you don't need to worry
about having start this connection
automatically but I do anyway if you
forget this step or it becomes unchecked
later don't sweat it
we're gonna solve that in
next process do not connect even if the
network is not broadcasting so now that
we've got our wireless network profile
created we can use a PowerShell script
to ensure that we always connect to this
network the first command in our
PowerShell script is the netsh
command this command is going to use
WLAN to connect to an SSID called
TP-Link_84DD9_5g which is
this right over here
so whatever yours is you would type that
here the name of the profile is the same
as the wireless network it doesn't have
to be I do it for consistency the name
is this value up here the interface is
the ICS Wi-Fi make sure you get the
capitalisation correct on all of this
when this command runs it will force ICS
Wi-Fi to seek out tp-link and connect to
it I give it a 10 second pause to allow
that connection to take effect and then
I create a variable called
$conn and I assign the value of this
variable to the result of the interface
ICS Wi-Fi what that means is I'm taking
all of the values of ICS Wi-Fi as a
physical adapter and I'm storing all of
those parameters into this variable
called $conn I then test that
variable to see if the connection state
is equal to disconnected basically
connect to my tp-link nano router and if
you fail go to this next step which is
the netsh command all over again
but this time I connect to my home
wireless network
Raven3 is the 5g network inside of my
house for consistency's sake the name of
the profile is also Raven3 and I'm
still using the ICS Wi-Fi I give this
another 10 seconds for the connection to
take effect and I reassign the values of
that interface to conn if both of these
connection attempts fail and my laptop
is connected to one of those networks
then I know that I probably just need to
move the router or the telescope into a
better position that the antenna can't
see the network it always works in this
order every single time there's no rhyme
or reason why I'm trying to connect to
the field router first and then the home
Wi-Fi second I could very easily switch
those around and make it work
in fact for the purposes of this video
I'm connected to my home Wi-Fi right now
but it clearly did try to connect to the
tp-link nano router initially the next
thing that I want to show you to get
this thing all up and running
automatically for you is the startup
folder as somebody who's worked a lot in
IT having scripts that start up
automatically to backup certain files is
very nice so I used this a lot and it
was the first place I thought to stick
these scripts when I decided that I was
going to try and automate the startup
process of the intel compute stick and
it's been working great you can see that
i've got four things that load at
startup the first thing that I wanted
our attention to is the TeamViewer host
every time my computer starts up it
launches the TeamViewer host and it
waits for me to connect into it the next
thing that runs is this RunPS.bat
if we edit this which is an old-school
dos program it's actually fairly simple
it calls to PowerShell scripts in series
the first one
runs is what I call the power management
ps1 script and then the second script it
runs is what we just looked at this
power management script I'm actually
quite proud of a lot of times we have
USB devices in Windows 10 that like to
go to sleep or go into power saver mode
or whatever and it's this annoying
window setting that for some reason
keeps renaming it self and it can cause
cameras or other equipment to just drop
connection in the middle of an imaging
session so I wrote a PowerShell script
that every time the computer turns on it
disables all of those settings for you
so your USB devices can't go to sleep in
the middle of an imaging session I'm
going to show that script to you also
right now what this PowerShell script is
basically doing is it gets a list of all
of the USB hubs from device manager and
it loops through every single one of
them looking for that suspend this
device to conserve power setting and it
sets the enabled checkmark to false it
effectively unchecks all of those boxes
for you so there you have it those are
the scripts that I use to get my Intel
compute stick to set everything up for
me and be ready for me to connect into
it and go ahead and launch my programs
speaking of programs one viewer has
asked if the Intel copied stick that I
use which is the mobile 3 version has
enough power to run all the programs we
need for astrophotography well let me go
ahead and give you a demonstration of
that we're going to go ahead and load up
TheSkyX professional I need to use
TheSkyX to control my paramount
connect to the telescope real quick
clutches are disengaged go ahead and
home it so the Intel compute stick is
currently homing my mount will go ahead
and minimize this but it'll still be
running in the background
and let's go ahead and open up PhD
guiding two because I know a lot of us
like to use PhD
we're going to connect to my asi
camera we're going to connect to the
close that and let's go ahead and begin
looping that's not gonna find any stars
and it's pointed at a pretty white wall
right now with all of this light going
on so yeah it's gonna look like crap
but while that's going let's go ahead
and let's launch sequence generator Pro
while we're at it
so we've got sequence generator Pro
loaded up we have PhD that's doing some
sort of PhD guiding on a wall and we've
got TheSkyX up and running and as you
can see there's a little bit of latency
getting the map to move which is
typically the case on this Intel compute
stick everything is working if we
look at task manager you can see that
I'm using about half the CPU and a
little more than half the memory which
still leaves plenty of overhead to be
doing things like taking an image with
another camera and downloading it when
we're taking an image every 60 seconds
five minutes or whatever there's 60
seconds or five minutes of idle time on
that camera that you're not needing the
computer for and downloading it saving
it to a hard drive is a little more than
just a file transfer it doesn't require
a ton of resources either so yes
the Intel compute stick clearly has the
resources to run TheSkyX sequence
generator pro PhD guiding and I bet you
could use some other imaging and maybe
have something else running on it as
well so there you have it that's my
Intel compute stick setup I turn it on
by just giving it power I've got a bunch
of scripts that set up all of my
networking connect to the network for
the mount they get TeamViewer started up
for me in the startup folder and the
Intel compute stick has the resources
adequate enough to run TheSkyX
sequence generator pro and PhD guiding so
I hope you found this video really
informative and if you were thinking
about buying any small computer for your
telescope the Intel compute stick is a
good choice but if you can afford a
better computer or a different
computer that has more resources than my
Intel compute stick by all means go for
it there's no reason why you have to use
the Intel compute stick I simply chose
it for its small form factor and the
fact that I could run it off of a car
charger for a cell phone
留置場で、男性を脅迫して暴力団に勧誘しようとした疑い、「任侠団体山口組」組員(43)逮捕 - ニュース24x7 - Duration: 1:42.
Opel Grandland X 1.2 Turbo 130pk S&S - Duration: 0:57.
isola dei famosi 2018, la madre di Cecilia contro Francesco Monte: il gesto sorprendente - Duration: 4:00.
暴力団員であることを隠し、生活保護費およそ240万円をだまし取った疑い 指定暴力団「双愛会」系組員(60)逮捕 - ニュース24x7 - Duration: 1:29.
Nokia 5 Unboxing | Is Nokia 5 a good Android smartphone? - Duration: 5:14.
Avez-vous déjà testé cette astuce puissante pour perdre du poids ? - Duration: 4:00.
ついにロールス・ロイスにもSUV!「カリナン」公道試験を開始 - Duration: 1:10.
Kia Venga 1.6 CVVT 20TH ANNIVERSARY | Airco | Navi | Cruise | LM velgen | Dealeronderhouden | - Duration: 0:59.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:48.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.
Daytime Isola dei Famosi: Nadia Rinaldi delusa da Filippo Nardi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:29.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:47.
iPhone X - Animoji: Alien
Brock 'The Beast' Lesnar - Highlights (UFC - WWE) - Duration: 1:45.
ig: fellamania
BMW estava a 189 km/h em capotagem que matou 3 universitários - Duration: 5:29.
Ford Focus 2.0-16V Rally Edition 2.0-16V Rally Edition AIRCO LMV - Duration: 0:54.
Volvo V50 1.6 D2 S/S Limited Edition LEER I NAVI I - Duration: 0:59.
Por que nossas plantas favoritas morrem tão rápido? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:06.
Free Template - After Effects + 3 Plugins - Intro STRANGER THINGS - Duration: 17:05.
Download - Custom - Enjoy
Software : After Effects Plugins : Trapcode ; Universe ; Color Vibrance Link in the description
The result
Intro recreate original version Intro recreate custom version
download the file in the description
it's the texture on the letters
this is the image that appears at the end of the intro
font to download
I already have it
video link that shows you how to get the plugins used in the project
Thank you for downloading By doing so, you have accepted the terms and conditions of use listed below.
AUTHORIZATION : - publish only the result (videos, photos) - distribute my template, only through my download link PROHIBITION : Except with my permission, ... - to make money with this template one way or another - to show it in a video (type: tutorial ...) - modify it to redistribute it
Failure to comply with these terms may result in the receipt of a YouTube STRIKE for infringement of my work
to go faster, I reduce the quality of the preview
change a text
position yourself with the keys to change them (here colors)
replace a text
make a space of 0.1 px between the first two letters to correct the problem
edit a scene
change the color
the glow is red
editing a scene with letters
change the letters
adapt the texture to the new letters
change the color of the letters
the lowest layer
you have to adapt the lights: color, brightness
in the final composition there is a hue tool, to adjust the colors more quickly
I disable the composition of reflection, I will put it back and modify it
the masks automatically follow the other composition, to modify their follow-up you must delete the keys and recreate a new follow-up
change the text is long enough
replace the two big letters first
delete all keys
the letter follows because it is related to the movement of "A"
redo with the other and I change the color of the letters
write the new text in one part : it will just serve to position the real letters later
resize, space them
delete the old letters except the "A", hide it, it will be used to position all the other letters
recreate all the green letters apart and position them on the green ones
the letter "A" which serves as positioning is renamed "marque"
once the letters are in place, add "marque" (the hidden letter) as parent
make sure the new text follows everything else
you have to animate
before I put the white lines
select all letters that do not have animation
and add a key at the end when all the letters stop
for anime that, go to the beginning and change the vertical position (right) or horizontal (left)
I change the color of the bottom text
change the glow
edit the last scene
simply change the text
but as the text is changed, you have to change the zoom of the camera which is no longer in the text
delete the last points
recreate the zoom
click on the text and place the closest letter in the center
also delete the old text movement key
We Slept In An Ice Cave Over...
Warrior by Danica Patrick HiLow Puffer Coat with Scuba K... - Duration: 3:50.
Cleaning with Vinegar and Water 5 Harmful Effects of Cleaning Using Vinegar - Duration: 3:17.
Do you know about cleaning with vinegar and Water?
We reveal 5 useful and harmful effects of cleaning using vinegar here, so stay tuned.
Vinegar, in our everyday life, an indispensable thing.
This is an inexpensive tool, that does not require any special skills from a person,
to work with it.
It is used to remove stains, and give freshness when washing windows.
There are many other uses.
But do not forget that, vinegar is an acid, that can spoil some objects.
Therefore, today we will remind you in what cases, it can be useful, and when you should
refrain, from using it.
So, with the help of vinegar, you can perfectly wash the following things in the house.
Instead of buying an expensive glass cleaner, prepare the following mixture:, add two tablespoons
of white vinegar, to 3.8 liters of water.
Pour into a container with an atomizer, and spray on the windows.
Then wipe them with a dry cloth.
For quality cleaning, it is recommended to put a container (glass, or cup), with a double
dose of vinegar on the top rack, and start the machine in usual mode without loading
the dishes.
Do not add detergent.
At the end of the cycle, your dishwasher will shine, a smell of freshness will appear.
Especially, soiled towels can be washed in a washing machine, with the addition of 0.5
glasses of white vinegar.
In this case, the powder is not required.
This method is effective for long lasting spots, complex oily, sweat, or traces of berries.
All types of stains on carpets, can be eliminated with a simple mixture:, 1 tablespoon of detergent
for dishes to mix with, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, and 2 glasses of warm water.
Using a clean white cloth or sponge, you must apply the mixture on the stain, rub it hard.
You can repeat it several times, until the stain completely disappears.
To eliminate bacteria and pesticides on fruits and vegetables, you can use a mixture of three
parts of water, and one part of white vinegar.
Pour it into a bottle with an atomizer, and spray on the food.
Then thoroughly wash them.
But remember, there are items that can not be wiped with vinegar, otherwise you can spoil
their appearance.
This concerns,
granite or marble countertops, smartphone or laptop screen, stainless steal or aluminum
items like irons, and waxed surfaces like car body, do not try to clean egg waste, and
do not mix with soap or bleach.
So, Do these cleaning with vinegar and Water everyday, and live a healthy clean life.
If you want to live a healthy life, then stay tuned with our channel.
Don't forget to subscribe, See you later and, thanks for watching.
「甘味人生」曾莞婷自爆最想和「他」演床戲,坦言任何尺度都可以,沒想到意外爆出日久生情! - Duration: 6:02.
2017 favourites! - Duration: 12:15.
KEB하나은행 K리그, 2018 시즌 사용할 새로운 패치 디자인 공개 - Duration: 2:22.
「甘味人生」曾莞婷自爆最想和「他」演床戲,坦言任何尺度都可以,沒想到意外爆出日久生情! - Duration: 5:54.
「甘味人生」曾莞婷自爆最想和「他」演床戲,坦言任何尺度都可以,沒想到意外爆出日久生情! - Duration: 5:37.
Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2018 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas October 2018 | Part 31 - Duration: 10:19.
Brock 'The Beast' Lesnar - Highlights (UFC - WWE) - Duration: 1:45.
ig: fellamania
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