Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 31 2018

Okay, so main reason, I don't

feel like really shy

in front of the camera

cause I'm looking at myself

I'm like "Omg I'm just looking at myself ok"

"it's not big deal, I mean.."

"I'm not shy around myself"

when I'm around other people

I feel really insecure

not really


For more infomation >> Insecure??🤔 - Duration: 0:21.


Gatorade honors G-E-T Feyen - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Gatorade honors G-E-T Feyen - Duration: 0:17.


How to Make Italian Nachos ~ Super Bowl Snacks~ Old Chicago Pizza Copycat ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 8:13.

Hi everyone welcome back to my kitchen, and I am so excited

today I am making

Italian nachos, yes you heard me right Italian nachos

We're gonna be using the homemade pasta chips that I shared in a previous video

And we're gonna be making these delicious Italian style nachos that are inspired by old Chicago pizzeria

So let's go see how these all come together

Okay, we're gonna go over all the ingredients for our Italian nachos, and I am so excited to share this with you

We are inspired by the Italian nachos from old, Chicago

pizzeria and

we have been there a couple of times in Jacksonville and

They are

Off the chain, they're just delicious now there are pasta chips in there nachos

Probably are different than what I shared with you in my previous video

But it's all good because these are going to be delicious and the way I've shared with you how to make them is an is

a viable substitute and you're gonna love them, so

You're gonna need some pasta chips

and I don't recommend that you change these out for tortilla chips or pita chips or anything like that I

Really really highly suggest that you just get motivated and fry yourself up some

Pasta chips because it will definitely be worth the extra

endeavor I promise you

If you can find them in your store, I would get a couple of bags and use them

But you're definitely gonna pay way more than the egg roll wrappers

I bought were like $2 a package and I got a ton of pasta chips out of that

So we're also going to be using a pound of bulk Italian sausage that I browned up and I made it pretty chunky

And then we're gonna be using some pepperoni you can choose to use the larger pepperoni

We have these mini ones because that's what I had on hand

We're gonna be using some mozzarella cheese and some Parmesan cheese, and we're gonna be using some

When they serve it they put the pizza sauce in the center and a little dish, so you can dip it

And that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna be building this on a baking sheet

So I'm gonna go grab that and we're gonna start building this all right, so I got my baking sheet

And I have my oven just preheated to 350. That's just so that we can melt everything together I

spread out a

layer of the pasta chips

And this is the bowl that I'm gonna be putting my pizza sauce in

We're not gonna leave this on here while we bake it. I just want to have this so we have a hole that

Is all so I'm just gonna sprinkle this

with some mozzarella cheese

This is whole milk mozzarella you should use whatever is your preference whatever you have available to you

so this is for a family dinner and

That was two cups of cheese now. I'm gonna hit this with some of these mini pepperoni and some of our sausage crumbles

and the

Secret Tim to me. I think is they have a nice even amount of all of the goodies


The tray they bring it to you on a big platter and everything there unless you order sandwiches the served family-style

And I absolutely love it

Now I'm gonna go ahead and

Put another layer of chips on top I

Have extra cheese on the side

And yes, I bought pregrated cheese

You want to grate your own you go for it, and of course this is gonna be your preference

Do you like a ton of cheese?

Then go for it

You know and make a giant mess in your kitchen because if your kitchen is clean when you get done cooking

There's something wrong with you

Yeah, I think it would be great right and it's super easy to make and all of these ingredients are easy to find

Let's hit this again with the pepperonis

The rest of the sausage

Get everything out of that bowl cuz you're not putting that in the oven

Okay now

The only thing I'm gonna do different up here. Let's see I'm gonna take this

Out of the equation I'm gonna hit this with some parmesan

And I love this grater, it's really fun to use and

You guys ever had one of these

If you want me to do a video on this I will just let me know in the comment section

Okay now we're gonna hit this with some pepperoncini now. This is up to you, but they do

Serve it like this

at old Chicago, and it really adds an

Amazing thing to the nachos of course you can leave these off if they're not your cup of tea

And you don't have to put a ton, you know, I'm just gonna put a few here and there and if people don't like them

They can simply you

Take them off. It's really not a problem

Okay, now because I put all that goodness on top

I'm just gonna kind of put the rest of this bag of cheese on here so in total. I probably have a

Lot of cheese

About four cups really you don't keep in mind just feed a lot of people these this is a party style

This is family style party style we're gonna be eating this for dinner

I guarantee you were probably not gonna eat all all right these are gonna go into a

350 degree oven for about 10 minutes or until that cheese is melted

Then we'll be back when it's time to eat there are our Italian nachos

And they're ready to go our cheese is all melted

and you can see I stuck our little ramekin full of pizza sauce in the center and

all you have to do is put these on on your table and

Everybody can have at it. This is how they serve them at the restaurant and it's family style and everybody gets to enjoy it so

How easy was that it's super easy these were in the oven for just under 10 minutes and the sauce is not heated

I didn't heat up the sauce

But of course you can if you want to and the cheese is all melted and everything is ready to go and oh my goodness

You ready to taste it. Oh. Yeah, I

know you can't

Let's see

Get a little bit of everything in here, okay, dip it there we go

Is that good mm-hmm it looks fantastic too good

Oh, man, well we're gonna go eat this for a dinner now

So I hope that you will give this a try because it's super easy even when you make your own chips. It's super easy

So if you liked the video, please consider giving me a thumbs up, and if you're new to my kitchen welcome

It's always a pleasure to invite new people in and make new friends

Please be sure and hit the subscribe button and if you're already a trident remember the Noreen's kitchen family

Please be sure and go down below and hit that Bell notification button

Because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen


Hope that you are as excited about these Italian notches as we are and I hope you give them a try sometime soon

And I hope you love them and until next time. I'll see you

For more infomation >> How to Make Italian Nachos ~ Super Bowl Snacks~ Old Chicago Pizza Copycat ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 8:13.


Biel - Demorô Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Biel - Demorô Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 6:30.


Como envejecer con gracia: Medicina, Prevención, Sanación e Inspiración - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Como envejecer con gracia: Medicina, Prevención, Sanación e Inspiración - Duration: 3:26.


EJ Carter is Up Next

For more infomation >> EJ Carter is Up Next


Minecraft (CAP 1) :D - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Minecraft (CAP 1) :D - Duration: 9:01.


FRANKY D. (APUSH Student Production) - Duration: 2:40.


APUSH presentation isn't gonna turn out too well.

I'm running out of ideas because Teddy Roosevelt didn't really do too much.

Yeah. I know right.

Tommy. You got anything?

How's your song doing?

I don't know if you wanna hear it. I mean...

Um. I ran out of ideas.

Teddy Roosevelt kind of sucked!

Well, I mean... He made the First New Deal.

And the Second New Deal.


Are we thinking of the same President Roosevelt?


Franklin D. Roosevelt.


You're telling me I was supposed to write a song about Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The greatest president of all time?


And this whole time I was writing a song about Teddy Roosevelt?!

Oh my God.

I already have a song!

Do you want to hear it?

Back in '33 it was just me, Franky D.

Came in office through tough times.

All you right-wings can't deny.

Depression flooding through the streets.

People don't have bread to eat.

Give me just a hundred days.

Then I'll fix up all your banks.

See when the stock market swerve, it's gonna crash.

Gotta make some amends with the Econ. Act.

Then I hit 'em with the Industry Codes

'Cause a lot of companies got a knife to my throat.

Come back hard with the CCC.

Thirty bucks a month. You 'aint gotta work for free.

Then I hit 'em with the AAA.

Killed a lot of pigs. Show 'em I 'aint here to play.

You cannot come and start war in my nation.

Been through a lot.

I got through Great Depression.

Sweeping the country.

I won four elections.

FDR winning? There's no competition.

You can't mess with a prezi like me.

I've been giving out jobs since it was 1933.

And I save a bank, like, every single day.

Gotta give credit to the NRA.

Stayed out of war

Instead I gave 'em bridges.

When everyone's throwing hands like it's the matrix.

Man I'm not real humble in office.

That's all me

Eastern Europe on that old stuff. They commys.

I'm always one step ahead of economies.

Killed off the CIO.

Now they are dead to me.

Made funds for welfare.

Man what about EBT?

What makes you think that a Red Scare got Franky D fronting G?

New Deal v2 coming harder and higher than balconies.

This verse is bomb like Einstein in his lab like it's alchemy.


Wasn't that song like the most lit thing you've ever heard in your life?


That was the most cringe thing ever!

Dude, our grade is on the line!

Well, I mean we only have a few more hours until the project is due so I mean...

I guess we're gonna have to use it.

I win!

For more infomation >> FRANKY D. (APUSH Student Production) - Duration: 2:40.


Kia cee'd 1.6 Fifteen (Airco/Trekhaak/LMV) - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 Fifteen (Airco/Trekhaak/LMV) - Duration: 0:58.


Difference Between The Jib & Tramp Board - Duration: 0:53.

Oh, hey! Didn't see you there. My name's Alex and I'm from Snowboard Addiction and

today I'm going to explain the difference between the Jib Training

Board and the Tramp Training Board. This is the Jib Training Board. It has a P-Tex

base and is great if your primary focus is going to be Jib Training. It does work

on the trampoline, however it can be slippery when spinning anything greater

than a 360. On the other hand, we have the Tramp Training Board. This has been made

with a foam base. This gives advanced riders on the trampoline the ability to

throw spins, flips and corks with confidence. This extra grip is also

perfect for beginner jibbers on the Balance Bar. Now that you know the

difference between the Jib Training Board and the Tramp Training Board, get yours

today at snowboardaddiction.com!

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