For more infomation >> Beautiful Surprise Pika Teardrop Camper Tiny House by Jacob Wolf MacLeod in Portland - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
GZERO World Clip: Trump's N-evolution - Duration: 1:53.
if Trump hasn't changed very much, how has the White House changed in your view?
So look, Reince Priebus was - and he's been heavily criticized all around for his, for his tenure.
In fairness to him, he was never empowered.
When he was picked, it was always clear that Jared Kushner was going to be the shadow
chief of staff no matter what, no matter who had the title.
And that was how it played out.
Kelly said he was not going to take the job unless he actually had power.
So he is empowered and he has put systems in place.
People fear him within the White House.
People are scared of him.
Kelly's got a bit of a short fuse just like Trump.
He's got a bit of a flair for the dramatic sometimes, just like Trump.
He early on kept threatening to quit when things were not working the way he wanted them to.
He does that less - he denied to me, for the record, that he ever threatened to quit, although
I have multiple sources telling me they heard it firsthand.
It functions more like a typical White House in terms of processes.
There are - there are protocols in place that, more often than not, get adhered to, particularly
with paper flow to the president, information flow to the president.
But the president actively seeks out other information.
And it's not - I think a misconception people had is, oh, if you just get him better stuff,
he won't tweet like this.
No, he will turn on the television, because what Trump is looking for isn't information that changes his view.
It's validation.
He is, he - we had a quote, Glenn Thrush and Peter Baker and I did, in a story that we
did about how he reads stuff to reinforce his own view.
But his mind has changed on things.
I mean, even when you see on the border wall and the Mexicans paying for the border wall,
it feels like there's been –
It hasn't changed.
I don't think there's been an evolution at all.
I think it's been this: He has said different things at different times to different people
depending on what would help him in front of each audience.
Reading Wrap-Up: January 2018 - Duration: 4:57.
my 2018 reading goal is to read 50 books
I read 10 books in January and need to reevaluate my goals
♪ intro music ♫
First book I read this year was ready player one by Ernest Cline it is a young
adult science fiction book that it's packed with references to 1980s pop
culture. My full review is linked down in the Chamber of Secrets. My second book of
2018 is Ms.Marvel, volume 8: Mecca by G Willow Wilson. Ms.Marvel is one of my
favorite superheroes and seeing her previous villains team up to try and
take her down was exhilarating. Ms.Marvel faces Hydra, government corruption, and
the radicalization of young men in her community in this latest volume and I
loved every second of it. I'm not going to do a full review of it though or of
any of the other comics that I read so you'll probably only be hearing about
them in my wrap-up video. Back to novels, I was lucky enough to receive an earc
of The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert and it was seriously creepy. I mean it's
perfect for anyone who enjoys horror movies, fairy tales, and appreciates a good
cover design, but that person isn't me. I've released my full review on my
channel already, links in the Chamber of Secrets. And an update this book is now
available for purchase. If you're into this sort of thing I hope you check it
out and that you really love it. The fourth book I read was Warcross by
Marie Lu. It's another young adult sci-fi novel. I hear there's a sequel in the
works and as much as I loved it I probably won't read the sequel. My full
review was literally my last video and I think you should check it out. Switching
back to graphic novels I read The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars number one by
Michael Dante DiMartino digitally. It took me literally an hour. I was really
excited to read this. It chronicles all the events immediately following the
series finale of Legend of Korra. It has these beautiful great action scenes,
beautiful depictions of the spirit world, diplomacy, and it is just so wonderfully
and amazingly Bi- I love it so much. My sixth book is The Diabolic by SJ Kincaid.
When I started this book, I realized "oh wowc I'm reading a lot of science fiction."
The Diabolic is about a genetically engineered bodyguard for an aristocrat in a post-earth universe. This story is about
interplanetary travel, where science and religion are pitted against each other,
and is actually a political drama narrated by someone who allegedly has no feelings.
it was a very average science fiction book. And I will do a full review
I haven't gotten it to you yet because I'm still not sure how I feel about this book.
The last graphic novel I read in January was actually chosen by a Twitter
poll, thank you for voting. It is spider-man Miles Morales vol 1 by
Brian Michael Bendis. I read the origin story force Miles Morales last year that
was actually the Ultimate Universe and has ended. so I just picked up
the first volume of his new storyline and I really liked. It deals with
representation in media, the value of trust in relationships, and also Goldballs
is in it which was cool. As much as I love science fiction and superheroes,
sometimes you want something a little bit lighter and more relaxed and happier.
I picked up The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer. This middle-grade
fantasy series is full of heart. It focuses on twins who are pulled into
their favorite fairy tables and need to find a way home and I really loved it.
I'm going to be posting a full review of this book as well as reading the rest of
the books in the series. The only non-fiction book I've read so far
is Votes of Confidence: A Uoung Person's Guide to the American Elections
by Jeff Fleischer. It was really accessible to read and it was easy to understand
and it covers everything from how the American government actually works on
to being an informed voter and even non voting actions you can take. I would
recommend this book to every American regardless of your age or political
involvement. The last book I read in January was the newest welcome to night
Vale novel it devours by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor.
You don't have to listen to the podcast to read this book, it is a standalone
story. It was really great to get a different perspective from the strange
little town, because as much as I love Cecil he's an unreliable narrator. This
is a mystery about faith and science and focuses on a growing relationship
between a scientist and a member of the joyous congregation
of the smiling god. It's creepy, it's clever, and it is completely amazing. I
would say my reading goals are the ones that I'm doing the best at achieving.
we'll see how that holds up after this reevaluation period. So I'm one month and
10 books into the year, how are your goals going? Let me know down in the
comments. And if you have any reading recommendations
I am always open to them. if you want to see more from me you can subscribe watch
another video of mine or someone me on patreon if you like this with you you
might also like the modern Gafa. and hey I love you
10 Shocking Deaths at Disney Parks - Duration: 9:23.
Disneyland is supposed to be one of the most wonderful places on Earth, and it's probably
one of the last places you would ever expect to die.
In a recent list, we already mentioned the death of Disneyland employee Deborah Gail
Stone, whose head was crushed while working as a hostess at America Sings.
Sadly, Deborah was not the only who met her maker in the park.
Here are 10 more shocking stories of people who died at Disneyland.
(Note: if you couldn't already guess from the title, some of this stuff is really dark
and disturbing… so you've been cautioned)
Mark Maples
They say that "boys will be boys" but in the story of Mark Maples, shenanigans are
what lead to his death.
The Disneyland Matterhorn Bobsleds opened in 1959.
It was one of the park's first roller coasters.
From the outside, it looks like the Matterhorn mountain in the Swiss Alps, and park guests
zoom in and out of mountain caves.
Just a few years after the Matterhorn's grand opening, a 15-year-old boy named Mark
Maples was visiting Disneyland.
He decided to show off for his friend he was sitting next to.
He unbuckled his seatbelt, and stood up just before the ride flew down its highest peak.
Unfortunately, he lost his balance, and fell to the tracks down below.
Mark died, and his friend was most likely traumatized for the rest of his life.
Thomas Cleveland
On "Grad Night," high schools can book private parties at Disneyland for their graduating
seniors from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
In 1966, the legal drinking age was 18, and it was right around the peak of hippie culture
in California.
So you can only imagine the fun that went on during these Disney Grad Nights.
A local 19-year-old resident named Thomas Cleveland wanted to sneak into Disneyland
to join the Grad Night festivities for free.
He decided to climb a fence that lead up to the Monorail tracks, and planned to climb
down once he reached the other side.
A security guard spotted him, and started shouting to get down, because the train was
Thomas ignored him, and jumped from the fence onto the Monorail track, where the oncoming
train hit him, and dragged his body 40 feet down the track.
Needless to say, Thomas died that night, and he never got to crash the party.
Dolly Regina Young
Several years after the death of Mark Maples' death on the Matterhorn, a 48-year-old woman
named Dolly Regina Young died in almost exactly the same way.
Her seatbelt was not fastened, so when the Matterhorn bobsled dipped down the highest
peak, her body flew out of the seat.
She was sitting in the very last car, so she fell onto the track, and her body was crushed
by an oncoming sled.
She was sitting alone in the car at the time, so there was no one there to witness if she
forgot to fasten her seatbelt, if she chose to stand up, or if the ride somehow malfunctioned.
Disney park employees now claim that the spot where she died on the Matterhorn is haunted,
and it is nicknamed "Dolly's Drop."
Brandon Zucker
In September of 2000, a 4-year-old boy named Brandon Zucker was on the ride called Roger
Rabbit's Car Toon Spin with his father, David.
Somehow, Brandon managed to fall out of the moving car, and was crushed underneath the
car behind him.
The ride continued to move along without stopping.
David rushed outside multiple times, screaming for park employees to stop the ride, and help
his son.
Unfortunately, at the time, it was Disney park procedure to not call 911 right away,
no matter how frantic a park guest may seem.
The employees simply told him to calm down and wait for security to arrive.
The damage done to Brandon's body was incredibly graphic, and without immediate medical attention,
he would have died before the ambulance could arrive.
Thankfully, one of the parents who witnessed the accident was a medical assistant named
Teresa Reed, and she was able to rush to Brandon's aid.
Brandon to become paraplegic, and he was under constant medical care for the rest of his
For the next 8 years, he could not walk, talk, or enjoy life.
He died at just 13-years-old.
The family sued Disney for Brandon's medical bills, and the lawsuit forced Disneyland to
change their emergency procedures.
While the exact amount was kept private, it is estimated that the Zucker family may have
received close to $30 million in the settlement.
Bogden Delaurot
18-year-old Bogden Delaurot and his 10-year-old brother were visiting Disneyland, and they
decided it would be fun to stay past closing time to take a closer look at the burning
settlers cabin on Tom Sawyer's Island, since it's normally not accessible to park guests.
After a few hours, they both got bored, and decided it was best to head back.
The only problem was that there was no way off the island without getting in trouble
with park employees.
Bogden told his brother to get on his back, so he could swim them both to shore.
Unfortunately, the weight was too much, and it caused Bogden to drown.
His younger brother managed to doggy paddle his way to park employees, who helped to fish
him out of the water.
Sherrill Anne Hoffman
In 1979, a 31-year-old woman named Sherrill Anne Hoffman was riding on Space Mountain,
and she became sick.
When all of the other passengers got off the ride, the park employees asked her to stay
in her vehicle, because they planned to remove it from the track, so they could continue
on without stopping to clean up the car.
Sadly, there wasn't very good communication between the employees, because Sherrill stayed
in the ride like she was told, but the car was never removed, and she went around Space
Mountain a second time.
She passed out, and by the time she came around again, she had to be rushed to the hospital.
She fell into a coma, and died soon after.
It turns out that Sherrill had a tumor, and the speed of the ride dislodged it into her
Sherrill's husband tried to sue the park for sending her around a second time, but
they claim that since they had signs warning people with medical conditions to stay away,
they couldn't be held responsible.
Ricky Lee Yama
It was August of 1967, and Disneyland had just opened Tomorrowland, which included its
new ride called the People Mover.
The cars moved fairly slowly, but their purpose was to transport park guests through every
section of Tomorrowland.
It was designed so that guests could get on and off the ride while it was still moving.
Only one month after it opened, a 17-year-old named Ricky Lee Yama thought it would be funny
to step out of his car and move to the next one, so he could sit with his friends.
He decided to do this while the People Move passed through a dark tunnel.
Unfortunately, Ricky lost his balance on the rotating platform, and fell onto the tracks.
Another set of cars came along, and crushed his body under the wheels.
He was dragged until the employees could stop the ride, but by then, he was already dead.
A few years later, in 1980, a teenager named Gerardo Gonzalez died in almost exactly the
same way, when he tried to hop cars on the People Mover during his Grad Night.
Philip Straughan
An 18-year-old named Philip Straughan was yet another high school senior who was celebrating
at Grad Night with his class from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
According to some reports, Philip was also celebrating his 18th birthday, so he got quite
drunk with his friends that night.
He decided to play one last prank by stealing an employee boat near Tom Sawyer's Island,
so he could take a drive.
Keep in mind, this was the middle of the night, so Philip couldn't actually see where he
was going.
He crashed into a giant rock, fell into the water, and drowned in Disney's "Rivers
of America."
Luan Phi Dawson
It was Christmas Eve of 1998, when a Microsoft engineer named Luan Phi Dawson and his wife
were visiting Disneyland with their family.
They were standing in line, waiting for a ride on the ship "Columbia" on the Rivers
of America.
The boat was tied to the dock by a rope, and secured around a metal cleat.
Unfortunately, the Disney park employee was poorly trained for their job, and forgot to
untie the rope.
So, when the boat moved forward, it yanked the metal cleat out of the dock, and hit Dawson
in the head.
He was sent to the hospital, and two days later, he was dead.
His children were standing close by, and witnessed the tragic end of their father's life.
This was the first death at Disneyland where the company could not blame the park guest
for their behavior, and they were forced to update their employee safety training.
Dawson's family took Disney to court, and they settled for an unknown dollar amount.
Some speculate that Disney could have paid the Dawson family as much as $20 million.
Marcelo Torres
Marcelo Torres was a 22-year-old graphic designer who decided to go on a spontaneous trip Disneyland
with his best friend.
He was riding the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, which is basically a roller coaster shaped
like a train out of the Old West.
Park employees heard a loud clanging noise coming from the train, but none of them were
mechanically trained.
So, they decided not remove the car from the ride.
Sure enough, the wheel assembly fell off the train.
Ten park guests were seriously injured.
Marcelo Torres was in the very front seat of the train, and died from the crash.
The Torres family sued Disney for the death of their son, and won the case.
They created a scholarship fund in his name, donating $500,000 of it to aspiring graphic
This incident forced Disney to change their policies when it came to the maintenance of
their rides.
Late night convos - Duration: 3:51.
Al Bano: "Romina crede ancora che Ylenia sia da qualche parte" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:11.
SHANIA The Big Interview UPDATE on show - Duration: 1:57.
HEY TRIPPSTERS Shania Twain the big interview a little bit of an update the
big interview are with Dan Rather where he is interviewing big-name people and I
was gonna be on there they have actually changed the date of when the new season
of this is going to air okay it will start March I mean look at my notes yeah
March 13th instead of in February like was originally supposed to happen I
don't know why I just wanted to keep you guys up to date so it will start to air
the new season on March 13th on a X s now I'm not sure what that is because
apparently it's a channel I don't get but the one with Shania Twain we still
don't have an official date of when that specific one will air but there is a
preview of the new season and I will link to that in the description below
and you do see a shot of Shania Twain in the preview and I have to think Kody
Gendreau Kody thank you for sending me this link and letting me know the update
so that I can let everyone else know the update so guys remember the new season
of the big interview with Dan Rather starts March 13th so I just wanted to
keep you guys up to date and remember guys helped save your favorite small
youtubers by subscribing to them and helping them reach a thousand
subscribers before March nope before February 20th
well I can't believe I got that wrong so February the 20th is the cutoff day for
the small youtubers to keep their modernization so help save your favorite
small youtuber by subscribing to them and helping them reach a thousand
subscribers before February 20th and guys that is going to do it for now this
is Icepets Queen and I am tripping out
Mercedes-Benz Vito 111 CDI 320 LANG L2 Airco | LM velgen | Trekhaak | Dealer onderhouden | - Duration: 0:59.
Ballando con le stelle 2018 anticipazioni: svelati i primi concorrenti in gara | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:53.
[스파이샷] 현대 i40 페이스리프트[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 1:52.
Ignazio Moser, 'Vorrei avere un figlio da Cechu': ecco cosa ha detto | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:06.
수입 트럭 '무서운 성장'[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 6:41.
Mazda 2 1.3 62KW 5DR NAVIGATOR GT BIFUEL / RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:58.
제네시스 G70 라이벌은 현대 그랜저?[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 7:15.
Volkswagen Touran Highline 1.2TSI/110pk · Adaptive cruise control · Keyless entry · Navi - Duration: 0:52.
Kia Venga 1.6 CVVT COMFORT PACK | Airco | Cruise | Navi | Camera | Dealeronderhouden | - Duration: 0:59.
스포티한 차는 어떻게 만들어지나..르노 스포츠 총괄을 만나다[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 13:28.
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 TS+ 2WD Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.
전 세계 내연기관차 퇴출 일정 총정리[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 6:48.
Πώς αντικαθιστούμε οπίσθια αμορτισέρ σε DODGE CALIBER ΟΔΗΓΊΕΣ | AUTODOC - Duration: 13:31.
Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №10
Use a combination spanner №15
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use an open-end wrench №15 and an ajustable spanner
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
iPhone X - Animoji: Alien
Falling on Grenades: The Indestructible Jacklyn H. Lucas - Duration: 6:57.
Would you fall on a grenade to save your friends?
How about two grenades?
Jack H. Lucas did and became the youngest man to be awarded the U.S. Medal of Honor,
the United States' highest combat award.
Born Jacklyn Harrell Lucas in Plymouth, NC on February 14, 1928, Jacklyn was a natural
athlete who quickly rose to captain of the football team at his high school, the Edwards
Military Institute.
By the age of 14, Jack looked much older.
Relatively tall for his age (5′ 8″) and brawny at 180 pounds, Jack had no trouble
convincing the Marine Corps recruiters that he was 17 when he enlisted in August of 1942.
Notably, to enlist at age 17 (as opposed to 18), Jack needed a parent signature – so
he forged his mother's.
Jack did his basic training at Parris Island, South Carolina and qualified as both a rifle
sharpshooter and a heavy machine gun crewman.
In November 1943, he was assigned to the 6th Base Depot of the V Amphibious Corps at Camp
Catlin in Oahu, Hawaii.
There he achieved the rank of Private First Class in January of 1944.
However, after reviewing a letter Jack had written to his girlfriend, military censors
realized he was only 15 years old.
He was then removed from his combat unit, but rather than sent home (something he argued
heavily against), he was assigned to truck driving.
Of course, being "in the rear with the gear" was not Jack's idea of military service.
Angry, he got into so many fights that he was ultimately court-martialed and spent 5
months breaking rocks and consuming mostly bread and water.
Released from the stockade by January 1945 and still determined to see combat, Jack walked
away from his post that month and stowed away on the USS Deuel, a transport ship heading
toward fighting in the Pacific.
Because he left his assignment, he was declared a deserter and reduced in rank to Private.
Now closer to the action, after hiding for about a month, Jack finally turned himself
in on February 8, 1945, once again volunteering to fight.
On February 14, he turned 17.
By February 20, he got his wish and was fighting on the island of Iwa Jima.
During the battle on February 20, 1945, Jack and his comrades were advancing toward a Japanese
airstrip near Mount Suribachi.
Taking cover in a trench under heavy fire, Jack realized they were only feet away from
enemy soldiers in a neighboring trench.
He managed to shoot two of the soldiers before two live grenades landed in his trench.
Thinking quickly, Jack threw himself on the first grenade, shoving it into volcanic ash
and used his body and rifle to shield the others with him from the pending blast.
When another grenade appeared directly after the first, he reached out and pulled it under
himself as well.
His body took the brunt of the blasts and the massive amount of shrapnel.
His companions were all saved, but his injuries were so serious they thought he had died.
Only after a second company moved through did anyone realize he was somehow still alive.
Jack endured nearly two dozen surgeries and extensive therapy and convalescence.
Despite the surgeries, over 200 pieces of shrapnel remained in his body for the rest
of his life.
Shortly after his act of heroism, on February 26, 1945, the deserter classification was
removed and he was restored to the rank of Private First Class.
Ultimately all 17 of his military convictions were also cleared.
Nonetheless, he was unfit for duty and discharged form the Marines on September 18, 1945.
On October 5, 1945 President Harry S Truman awarded Jack, and 13 other recipients at that
ceremony, the Medal of Honor.
Notably, however, at 17 he was the youngest there and the youngest to ever receive the
For his bravery and service, Jack also received the Presidential Unit Citation, American Campaign
Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, the World War II Victory Medal and a Purple Heart.
So what happened after?
Besides graduating high school and earning a business degree, at the age of 31, he enlisted
as a First Lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army.
During his first training jump, according to his team leader, "Jack was the last one
out of the plane and the first one on the ground."
You see, neither of his parachutes opened.
Despite this and an approximately 3,500 foot fall, he miraculously survived with only minor
Two weeks later, he was back jumping out of planes.
Once he returned to civilian life four years later, he opened a chain of beef selling businesses
in Washington, D.C., married a few times (including one wife who tried to have him killed), and
later, with the help of D.K.
Drum, published an autobiography aptly titled, Indestructible.
Jack lived to the ripe old age of 80, dying on June 5, 2008 from leukemia.
A more recent individual who jumped on a grenade to save another soldier was Lance Corporal
William Kyle Carpenter.
On November 21, 2010 while in Afghanistan, a grenade was thrown into his sandbagged position.
Rather than run, he used his own body to shield the other soldier with him from the blast.
Like Jack Lucas, though severely injured, Carpenter lived and was awarded the Medal
of Honor in June
of 2014.
Kinga i Piotrek z "M jak miłość" radzą, jak uprawiać więcej seksu - Duration: 2:27.
TNA Stars To WWE! Sasha Banks HEAT With Ronda Rousey?! | WrestleTalk News Jan. 2018 - Duration: 4:11.
Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.
Get These Hands, M'Lady?
WWE's Mixed Match Challenge is now in its third week, and it's actually really rather
fun - being presented with a camp house show feel.
But with so many men and women working and training together, it was only a matter of
time before love found a way.
Last night's episode saw Alexa Bliss and Braun Strowman beat Becky Lynch and Sami Zayn
to advance in the tournament, but it was their post-match promo where the action really got
going - and The Monster Among Men laid on the charm:
"This was a team effort, we get along professionally and - if I do say - personally.
I mean, she's kind of cute."
To which Alexa replied "I think you're kind of cute too."
Look at that face, it's just adorable!
And Bliss wasn't done there, promising Strowman: "I can just say this though, Braun.
We're going all the way."
These Hands!
Ye- "...all the way to a victory in the Mixed
Match Challenge."
Bliss, you tease!
Don't worry Braun.
There's plenty of room here in the Friend Zone with me and Zack Ryder.
205 Live General Manager Revealed Mixed Match Challenge wasn't the only WWE
competition taking place last night, as a 16 man single elimination tournament began
to crown a new Cruiserweight Champion, with the finals being held at The Biggest Sign
of the Year, WrestleMania.
The announcement was made by 205 Live's new General Manager, who Daniel Bryan revealed
to be former TNA wrestler Rockstar Spud - who's going to be called Drake Maverick in WWE.
Which is a freaking awesome name.
We've come a long way since the days of Eli Cottonwood.
And Spud isn't the only Impact Wrestling star to jump ship to WWE, as long-time TNA
commentator, ring announcer, backstage interviewer, producer, booker, website designer - man of
all trades - Jeremy Borash has also joined the company.
PWInsider are reporting Triple H made the call to hire him to work on NXT, though it's
not yet known whether that'll be in front of or behind the camera.
There's hopeful speculation that he'll contribute to Woken Matt Hardy's storyline
on the main roster, as Borash produced his Broken segments on Impact.
Borash worked for TNA from its very inception in 2002, and he'll be a major loss for the
promotion - who reportedly planned on him doing commentary with Don Callis going forward.
Sasha Banks Heat With Ronda Rousey?
The biggest WWE debut this week, though, still remains Ronda Rousey - who turned up at the
end of Sunday's Royal Rumble pay-per-view.
A debut which, if you ask Triple H, everyone backstage is super happy about and not upset
at all - as he told USA Today he thinks the rest of the roster is "thrilled" with
Ronda joining the promotion.
Someone might want to tell that to both Nia Jax and Nikki Bella, who criticised Ronda's
debut for overshadowing Asuka winning the first ever Women's Royal Rumble.
And now we can add Sasha Banks to That List, who when asked about Rousey's debut on Busted
Open Radio replied: "I have nothing nice to say, so I can't say anything at all."
Co-host Bully Ray then pushed the matter further, asking if there's really nothing positive
about Ronda joining WWE, and Banks just reiterated: "I've got nothing to say.
I'm going to keep it at that".
While this could be genuine negativity directed at Ronda from the women's roster, it's
also important to remember this is professional wrestling - and Banks, Nikki and Jax could
all be working us.
Considering how volatile WWE can be towards anyone who steps out of line, those three
likely wouldn't say anything potentially damning without clearing it with management
A GIANT WWE return has been teased!
Click the screen now for more great wrestling videos!
'Where Did He Go?' Ep. 12 Official Clip | Shameless | Season 8 - Duration: 2:45.
♪ No side on the sidewalk ♪
♪ If you say, "Old Molly Hare, what you doing there?" ♪
♪ Nothing much to do when you're going nowhere ♪
♪ Whoo-haw, whoo-haw, gotcha ♪
♪ We're gonna get the water from your house, your house ♪
- [alarm buzzes] - ♪ No water ♪
♪ In the water fountain ♪
- ♪ No wood in the wood stock ♪ - [alarm buzzes]
♪ And you say, "Old Molly Hare, what you doing there?" ♪
♪ Nothing much to do ♪
- [alarm buzzes] - ♪ When you're going nowhere ♪
♪ Whoo-haw, whoo-haw, gotcha ♪
♪ We're gonna get the water from your house, your house ♪
[phone ringing]
♪ tranquil beachy music ♪
You gonna get that?
No. Siri, decline call.
[ringing stops]
♪ Listen to the words I said ♪
♪ Let it sink into your head ♪
[alarm beeping]
♪ Now I'm in your bed, how did I get ahead? ♪
♪ Whoop, thread your fingers ♪
[sirens wailing]
♪ Fingers through my hair ♪
♪ Give me a dress, give me a dress ♪
♪ I give a thing a caress, would you, would you? ♪
♪ Would you listen to the words I say ♪
♪ Sound like a flower bouquet ♪
♪ A lyrical round and round and round and round ♪
[sirens blaring]
♪ Thread your fingers through my hair ♪
♪ Do it till you disappear ♪
♪ Gimme your head, gimme your head ♪
♪ Off with his head, hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ No water in the water fountain ♪
Oh, fuck.
♪ A lyrical round and round and round ♪
♪ No side on the sidewalk ♪
♪ Take a picture, it'll last all day, hey ♪
- ♪ If you say, hey ♪ - ♪ Fingers through my hair ♪
♪ Nothing much to do when you're going nowhere ♪
♪ Whoo-haw, whoo-haw, gotcha ♪
♪ We're gonna get the water from your house, your house ♪
♪ Gonna get the water from your house, your house ♪
♪ We're gonna get the water from your house, your house ♪
♪ We're gonna get the water from your house, your house ♪
Where do you think that old man went?
[officer] I don't know. Let's get out of here.
[water lapping]
Harwin Gecko Screw-Lok Series | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:09.
Harwin Gecko Screw-Lok series are high reliability, 1.25 mm pitch connectors that are up to 45%
smaller and 75% lighter than Micro-D connectors.
Gecko-SL uses stainless steel jackscrew fixings, providing high vibration and shock tolerance.
A patented single piece four-fingered beryllium copper contact provides high contact reliability
and durability and has a 2.8 A current rating for individual contacts and 2.0 A for all
contacts simultaneously, providing high current in a small footprint.
Surface mount, through hole, and cable connectors are available in male and female versions
with up to 50 positions, and an optional lightweight aluminum backshell for cable connectors accommodates
metal braiding for enhanced electrical continuity, cable protection, and EMI shielding.
Step Up: High Water | Dance Tutorial | J-Sette Sneak Peak (Ep 3) - Duration: 6:56.
Hi, everybody, I'm Leland.
-This is Darius, this is-- -Josh.
ALL: And we're Dance Champs of Atlanta.
We're showing you a sneak peek
of some killer dance moves from an upcoming episode.
We're going to teach you the art form of J-Setting.
If you're unfamiliar, it's modeled after
the Prancing J-Settes of Jackson State University.
There's always a leader, me,
and followers.
The captain and the dancers.
It's all about high energy, bold moves and precision.
So we're going to get in formation.
Okay, so we're gonna start with the first 8-count.
So, we're gonna tap out on eight.
Hands on your hip and eight.
And eight.
We're gonna go jazz hand, lean on this hip,
focus point is to the left.
On one is jazz hand tap.
With that, you're gonna go down, up.
So go, and eight, you go plie
and one, two.
Pike out on two from pre.
And two.
Let's go from the top.
Five, six, seven, and eight.
Go one and two.
From two, we're gonna do fists.
Go three and four and.
Three and four and.
We're gonna tap to the left two times.
Five and...
To the right, six.
We're gonna go buck and seven and eight.
And seven and eight. Get low.
Gotta make sure you give it some hips
if we represent Jackson State University.
So make sure you're that giving everything up.
Here we go.
Circle and hit, hit, hit.
Hit, hit, hit and hit.
You gotta give me some more over here.
From the top. Five, six, seven, and eight.
And one, two, and three and four
and tap, tap, and seven and eight.
Make sure you have a lot of energy and personality.
So, and seven and eight and plie,
we're going to go to our left hip
and do a down to up again.
Five, six, and seven and eight.
One. Facing that way.
Step on two,
prep for a hitch kick.
We're stepping on our left,
hitching our right
and kicking our left.
Let's go from and seven and eight.
Five, six, seven, and eight.
Circle one, step two, and three.
Now, for J-Sette,
just to get the effect of a higher leg,
make sure that you give a little punch
in the forehead.
Five, six, and seven and eight.
Circle one, two, and head.
You're gonna keep this going.
Hitch kick, three, step, hitch kick
to the floor.
Have your hands catch you.
Let's do it again.
And seven and eight.
One, step, two, hitch kick, three,
catch your hands, catch.
From there, we're laying down now.
We do another step hitch kick.
Step, hitch kick, rond de jambe,
all the way around.
Let's go from the top.
Five, six, seven and eight.
One and two, three and four and.
And seven and eight.
One, two, catch your hands, fan kick, eight.
Let's try it with music.
So, from seven and eight,
we're gonna go over in one count
on your stomach.
One, hold two.
Your head should be facing down
and we're gonna do the worm.
Focus on the end, make sure you're looking
to the front.
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, four.
From there, you're gonna jump to your feet.
while keeping your focus to the audience.
From here, we're gonna push out guns.
This is six, turn it seven,
and then blow it out, eight.
Let's do it again from the floor.
Five, six-- Fix your legs.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Over, one, two, three and four.
Keep your focus, seven and blow.
From there, give a blast of energy
with a jazz hand out.
You're gonna jump from one foot to another.
Voom, jump.
Seven and eight, go voom.
So from there, it's gonna go, one, grab two,
and buck and buck, press forward.
Give me a nice long leg, pointed foot.
From there, we're gonna do a pencil turn.
Turn and you're gonna end it with a cut-off.
Cut and off. Forwards and back.
Make sure you add some
really spicy hip.
Cajun style.
Here we go.
One, two, three and four.
So, let's walk through it slowly from the top.
Five, six, seven and eight.
One and two, circle and hit.
Give me them hips, keep going.
Circle one, two, step, three, kick.
Kick, seven and eight.
Turn, one, two, four, five, six,
seven, eight.
Reach and buck and buck.
Turn, cut-off.
Think we're ready for some music.
There you have it.
Thanks for dancing with us.
Subscribe to Step Up: High Water's
YouTube channel to watch more dope videos like this.
Don't forget to clink the link
Five, six, seven, eight.
Falling on Grenades: The Indestructible Jacklyn H. Lucas - Duration: 6:57.
Would you fall on a grenade to save your friends?
How about two grenades?
Jack H. Lucas did and became the youngest man to be awarded the U.S. Medal of Honor,
the United States' highest combat award.
Born Jacklyn Harrell Lucas in Plymouth, NC on February 14, 1928, Jacklyn was a natural
athlete who quickly rose to captain of the football team at his high school, the Edwards
Military Institute.
By the age of 14, Jack looked much older.
Relatively tall for his age (5′ 8″) and brawny at 180 pounds, Jack had no trouble
convincing the Marine Corps recruiters that he was 17 when he enlisted in August of 1942.
Notably, to enlist at age 17 (as opposed to 18), Jack needed a parent signature – so
he forged his mother's.
Jack did his basic training at Parris Island, South Carolina and qualified as both a rifle
sharpshooter and a heavy machine gun crewman.
In November 1943, he was assigned to the 6th Base Depot of the V Amphibious Corps at Camp
Catlin in Oahu, Hawaii.
There he achieved the rank of Private First Class in January of 1944.
However, after reviewing a letter Jack had written to his girlfriend, military censors
realized he was only 15 years old.
He was then removed from his combat unit, but rather than sent home (something he argued
heavily against), he was assigned to truck driving.
Of course, being "in the rear with the gear" was not Jack's idea of military service.
Angry, he got into so many fights that he was ultimately court-martialed and spent 5
months breaking rocks and consuming mostly bread and water.
Released from the stockade by January 1945 and still determined to see combat, Jack walked
away from his post that month and stowed away on the USS Deuel, a transport ship heading
toward fighting in the Pacific.
Because he left his assignment, he was declared a deserter and reduced in rank to Private.
Now closer to the action, after hiding for about a month, Jack finally turned himself
in on February 8, 1945, once again volunteering to fight.
On February 14, he turned 17.
By February 20, he got his wish and was fighting on the island of Iwa Jima.
During the battle on February 20, 1945, Jack and his comrades were advancing toward a Japanese
airstrip near Mount Suribachi.
Taking cover in a trench under heavy fire, Jack realized they were only feet away from
enemy soldiers in a neighboring trench.
He managed to shoot two of the soldiers before two live grenades landed in his trench.
Thinking quickly, Jack threw himself on the first grenade, shoving it into volcanic ash
and used his body and rifle to shield the others with him from the pending blast.
When another grenade appeared directly after the first, he reached out and pulled it under
himself as well.
His body took the brunt of the blasts and the massive amount of shrapnel.
His companions were all saved, but his injuries were so serious they thought he had died.
Only after a second company moved through did anyone realize he was somehow still alive.
Jack endured nearly two dozen surgeries and extensive therapy and convalescence.
Despite the surgeries, over 200 pieces of shrapnel remained in his body for the rest
of his life.
Shortly after his act of heroism, on February 26, 1945, the deserter classification was
removed and he was restored to the rank of Private First Class.
Ultimately all 17 of his military convictions were also cleared.
Nonetheless, he was unfit for duty and discharged form the Marines on September 18, 1945.
On October 5, 1945 President Harry S Truman awarded Jack, and 13 other recipients at that
ceremony, the Medal of Honor.
Notably, however, at 17 he was the youngest there and the youngest to ever receive the
For his bravery and service, Jack also received the Presidential Unit Citation, American Campaign
Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, the World War II Victory Medal and a Purple Heart.
So what happened after?
Besides graduating high school and earning a business degree, at the age of 31, he enlisted
as a First Lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army.
During his first training jump, according to his team leader, "Jack was the last one
out of the plane and the first one on the ground."
You see, neither of his parachutes opened.
Despite this and an approximately 3,500 foot fall, he miraculously survived with only minor
Two weeks later, he was back jumping out of planes.
Once he returned to civilian life four years later, he opened a chain of beef selling businesses
in Washington, D.C., married a few times (including one wife who tried to have him killed), and
later, with the help of D.K.
Drum, published an autobiography aptly titled, Indestructible.
Jack lived to the ripe old age of 80, dying on June 5, 2008 from leukemia.
A more recent individual who jumped on a grenade to save another soldier was Lance Corporal
William Kyle Carpenter.
On November 21, 2010 while in Afghanistan, a grenade was thrown into his sandbagged position.
Rather than run, he used his own body to shield the other soldier with him from the blast.
Like Jack Lucas, though severely injured, Carpenter lived and was awarded the Medal
of Honor in June
of 2014.
Volkswagen Golf Cabriolet 1.8 HIGHLINE | LEDER | STOELVERW. | AIRCO | LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:56.
Volkswagen Passat 1.4 TSI HIGHLINE BLUEMOTION | CRUISE | XENON | LED | LM VELGEN | PDC - Duration: 1:00.
Na Li - Computer Science Student from Chongqing University - Duration: 1:30.
Hello, everyone, I'm Na Li from Chongqing University.
I took part in the 3+2 program in this 2017 fall semester.
I came here and now I am taking the undergraduate course in Binghamton.
I took the CS 220 and CS 240.
These two courses are very very great in Binghamton.
I find it difficult for me but I think I learn a lot from these.
So welcome to Binghamton, thank you!
Actually, I think the environment is very good, and you know, can I say it's a big farm?
So, of course, it's very inconvenient but you know the environment is very good.
Another thing that I want to mention is that it's very very cold, so if you are also like
me from north of China, you should keep warm and take more and more clothes.
Comment supprimer son compte Snapchat // Tuto - Duration: 2:01.
Alberplast te comenta sobre el k-404 - Duration: 4:00.
An Exclusive Interview With Controversial 'K-Poppers' EXP Edition(News) - Duration: 14:25.
An Exclusive Interview With Controversial 'K-Poppers' EXP Edition
An Exclusive Interview With Controversial K-Poppers EXP Edition. If youve had a keen eye for K-Pop over the last year, youve probably heard of the group EXP Edition.
Theyre a group that consists entirely of non-Korean members, and that fact alone has been enough to draw the publics attention and even ruffle some feathers.
They follow a unique path in the K-Pop world, one previously uncovered by other acts. Will this unique group be able to rise to the top? Heres how they see it, in their own words.
AKP: What is the long-term goal for EXP Edition? Hunter: Our long term goal is to become a touring and fully functioning pop group, and to meet our fans all around the world.
A lot of our fans tell us that after seeing us, they too got the courage to pursue their dreams, and it would be amazing to meet them in person.
Frankie: Its been amazing to see BTS and CL make their crossovers into America, and seeing that fluid crossover for Kpop as a genre.
Our long term goal would be to also make our crossover while continuing to make music and to tour the world sharing our music and our story.
AKP: That makes sense, and its definitely been exciting to watch more acts crossover like that.
On that note, does EXP Edition ever plan on taking advantage of their background to promote in Western countries? Sime: In recent years, Kpop has become a global music genre.
There are kpop fans literally all over the world and it is only a testament to the fact that music indeed has no barriers. We would love to travel the world and share our story and music with people everywhere.
We will see what the future has in store for us, we are very grateful for every opportunity we get.
Hunter: We are concentrating on Korea for now, but wed love to promote where were all from, whether it be NY, Texas, Japan, Croatia or Portugal.
Koki: Isnt every artists goal to be able to spread their music worldwide and promote anywhere possible? Race isnt a relevant determining factor for wanting to promote your music.
AKP: what was the audition process like? Did anyone know each other in advance? Frankie: The audition process was pretty normal in regards to others, once Isubmitted to the casting online I was notified that the team wanted meto audition in person.
When I auditioned in person I had to sing inseveral different languages, freestyle dance, I had to act as if I wasat a press conference with many different personas.
I think theyreally wanted to see how open minded we were as artists and really geta taste of our personality because after all the documentary hasplayed a huge part of our story.
Koki: My audition was a bit different since I joined a couple months after the group started. So the guys actually watched and graded me.
I did ballet for the dance portion of my audition and thats what probably WOWED the guys to keep me on.
AKP: How do EXP Edition songs and videos come about creatively? Hunter: We work very closely with our music producer, Ben Hostetler, who comes up with an idea (usually an instrumental or chorus), and after we all hear it, we collectively decide whether to flesh out the idea or not.
That includes all of us writing parts and then presenting them. The ones that fit the mood of the song or are the catchiest make the cut, and then we work with our CEO Bora Kim, who translates the lyrics.
Frankie: Ben is constantly making new beats and developing concepts.
Whatever beats we really like, we talk about the type of feeling it gives us and then we all write to it and come up with different melodic lines. Then we get in the studio and try them out and narrow it down to what we like the most.
Once the lyrics are set we work with Bora Kim to have it translated into Korean and make sure that it still works and fits the vibe that we originally wanted.
Then we hit the studio for the actual recording sessions and Ben makes it all come to life! AKP: Which other K-pop groups or performers inspire the group? Hunter: Sooo many. I really admire BTS.
Their stage presence and overall show is so dope, and as performers, they have it all. I also really respect their hustle in the industry and their crossover into the states.
Its been amazing to see how much theyve accomplished. Koki: We all come from different music backgrounds, so our inspirations vary greatly.
In Kpop there are so many talented artists, so its difficult to choose only a few, but some of our original sources of inspiration came from Big Bang, BTS, SHINee, Zico, Zion.T, etc.
Frankie: Since the beginning BTS and Big Bang have been very influential for us. Theyre the kings of Kpop for us and were the first two kpop groups we were lucky enough to see LIVE.
Now that weve been in Korea for some time our love has grown for Hyukoh Band and Zion.T. Ive always loved Ailee and CL as well.
I personally love artists with unique voices, Bruno Mars, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran and I LOVEEE Alessia Cara.
An artist that can sing really well and put on a great show with a special energy that makes it unforgettable is something that we always strive to be.
AKP: How do you gauge the success of a group trying something new like this? Koki: At the end of the day, if we can sustain ourselves enough to be able to continue making music and promoting, thats the first goal.
Honestly though, seeing comments from people who use us as inspiration to pursue their own dreams is a success in its own right.
Frankie: In some ways, I feel like weve already been successful in the sense that certain accomplishments we only dreamed of happening, have actually happened.
Of course, success also means that people are buying our albums and tickets to our shows, otherwise theres only so far we can go. So far this album release has surprised us with some wonderful successes.
Well see what the future continues to have in store for us. Hunter: Its really hard to gauge the success of something new in entertainment.
But at the same time, a lot of people who make it in this field are told at the beginning that they will never get to the top or that theyre crazy for even trying.
Theres a first for everything, and none of us assumed it would be easy.
Of course we knew entertainment is a tough industry but just the fact that weve been able to work and meet some of the top and most talented people here is something we never could have imagined.
We are all willing to work hard to continue and we hope that shows above everything else. AKP: How has EXP Edition dealt with adversity, practically speaking? Havechanges been made since the early days? If so, what kind and why.
Frankie: At first when EXP Edition debuted I dont think we expected such an overwhelming backlash. Every time we get a negative response we take into account what it is that people are collectively feeling and we really try to improve those things.
After our first music video not having any choreography in it we insisted that this next video showcase our choreography.
Also our goal has not been to fit in were by all means very different and its something we continue to embrace, but in many other ways we had to step it up.
Creating a song that was more Kpop but still had EXP Edition flare to it was key.
Improving our Korean and pronunciation, which is something that has come with a lot effort but also just living in Korea for a longer amount of time.
I love STRESS because its really us, we wrote it, we could relate to the concept .as you might imagine, and it has a darker edgy vibe to it.
Also were a Kpop group, were not typical idols and we dont expect fans to see us as that.
The truth is we didnt grow up in Korea training under these big companies for years and years just waiting for the chance to debut.
But what we have done is trained at many other institutions and schools for our whole lives, in our own ways, each bringing different strengths to the table.
Koki: Were all human, so were not immune to the effects of rejection/backlash. We know were not perfect, but I think our fans see our drive to get better.
AKP: What type of impact do the members of EXP Edition want to leave on the world? Sime: We want to inspire people to chase their dreams no matter how unattainable or strange they may seem.
If you have passion and persistence to work hard anything is possible.
I often receive messages from Kpop fans all over the world saying how its their dream to become a kpop singer but they thought it was impossible because of their race or nationality.
Seeing EXP Edition break these barriers gives them hope and inspires them to work harder to fulfill their dreams.
Kpop is a global phenomenon and as a global music genre it is only natural that more people want to be a part of it.
Knowing that I have inspired a few individuals to go after their dreams makes it all worth it. As a performer, thats exactly what I strive to do; to inspire and move people.
Hunter: We want to instill in people that you shouldnt let people bring you down and try your best to add kindness and love to the world. Surround yourself with positive people, and try to be happy.
Doing this all the time is a constant effort, that of course, we also struggle with. Its easy to give in to the negativity everywhere, but if you work at it, you can overcome anything (corny, I know, but true!).
Koki: Spread love and unapologetically be yourself.
Frankie: We want to be an example to others who have always wanted to do something but have been to afraid of what others might think, or felt like they couldnt for whatever reasons are constantly put out there.
Challenge the minds of people who think so inside the box.
If you love it do it! We dreamed of doing many of the things we have accomplished in our journey and solely because we believed and didnt let any of the hate bring us down.
Most importantly we want to shed that positivity and love that is missing in the world today.
I want us to be that group that people can look back on and say Damn they did that and no matter how hard it got they pushed through and now look.
There will always be haters no matter what, the question is will you do whats in your heart or whats in the heart of others.
The groups commitment and sincerity are infectious, and it may make you view them in a new light.
It was refreshing to hear a group address criticisms head-on but in a level-headed manner, and if for nothing else, EXP Edition should be admired for their self-belief.
What do you think about the group now that theyve had the chance to speak? Let us know in the comments below or on social media!.
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