what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I'm with you guys a
new type of video so again this is another fortnite video now I don't
want y'all to worry like I know I've uploaded a lot of fortnite and I
screamed fortnite minutes straight I only really do scream fortnite now but
uh basically what I'm trying to say is don't worry I'm gonna bring back call of
duty this is at the moment there's nothing going on with either for night
or call duty but it's just that I have more video ideas before night you feel
me anyways guys so today what I want to start is a new series on my channel I'm
a little bit late on this but usually every size we can see in the item shop
is three days so every day the featured items change I'll just make a video on
it I thought that would be a good idea cuz a lot of people in my live streams
and just friends in general be like hey do you know what the featured item is
because they don't know yet and a lot of people who's asking these questions are
like you know might as well make a video on it so that's what I'm doing so these
are the featured items they're bringing back the the festival things it says it
in the the the news if you press R to holla gears back but this is the last
time for the last time this season these are the last holiday this is the last
time you can get these specific holiday gear so either you get them now or you
get them never wear so the first feature item we got is the crack shot this do
right here obviously in my opinion this is a really really clean skin when it
obviously first came out was like world is probably the cleanest one that there
ever is obviously now there's a lot of better looking ones in my opinion but
this one is still really clean I would still buy this if I had the money but
you know boy a pretty cool skin I will buy it also another thing that really is
kind of weird if you look at the description it says outfit and then it
says get out there and knock cracked some nuts
who the hell thought of that anyways moving on to the next one we got
the candy axe obviously one of the future items you got a you got an axe
and you got an outfit so it's always gonna be an accident outfit but for
today we got the candy X deck the walls with festive mayhem harvesting -
whatever you want to call this I mean it's alright I don't know I like the
ac/dc better though and then the daily items these change every what is that
like two days or something like that and these change like what every day right
so here are the daily items I don't know why they haven't changed it I think it's
two more hours to go so here are the daily items I'm
not gonna be making videos on the daily items a lot mainly because their daily
and I'm not gonna make daily videos on daily items I mean I could but the thing
is I rather make other videos where we got the ginger gun and I'll just do it
for this video we got the Co named elf we got the Yuletide Ranger this dude
looks pretty quiet like his outfit uh the merry martyr just do looks cool to
our buddy this looks clean and we got the red-nosed reindeer it's just a girl
with Christmas stuff on our own every guy you shouldn't have harvesting tool
so I guys it's whatever but for this series I'm starting what I want to do is
show you guys the new featured items and also just hop into a mess because I
don't know I feel like the video would be too short if I just showed you guys a
featured items because of that we're gonna happen to a match right now
alright guys so how this video works is basically I'll show you guys a feature
item right I hop into a match and if I die straight away then I die straight
right it's a really short video or it could be a pretty long video where I get
to the end of a match but basically it's just you know show you show the feature
items and it's just a one life thing where you just hop into a match and if
you die then you die but uh yeah me that's how I want to do the series tell
me if you guys are gonna comment but uh yeah anyways we got some grenades right
here let's drop down here let's see we got a pistol some ammo take those now
guys just so you know as well I ain't got what we got a pump just say I know I
have no headphones on right now like ah if there's somebody right below me I
wouldn't know so that's also not a good thing we just got a green arrow I'll
take that that's really good to have right now and I'll take this trap matter
of fact I'm gonna put this trap right here you know you know just in case
somebody try to run up on me open the door let's go down here why not there's
anybody behind me no key was straight alright oh there's somebody up here
that's for sure I know y'all saw him he's in here somewhere
where'd he go I'm gonna build some stairs can I build I got nothing
I got no type of resources hold on y'all I really want to kill this dude but I
just don't know where he is I mean good oh I knocked the must go that's what he
gets okay he had he was running that double poem he woulda messed me up let
me matter of fact he just gave me a gun and let me run that I'm gonna need these
bandages let me switch this for that I was straight right now we're straight
he didn't even check back here did he hi guys so I didn't really get anything
good from there but it's cool we're gonna keep it moving oh I see a potion
right here let's go all right let's see if we can pick off some more people
because I don't feel safe with a lot of people in tilt the towers will you get
snipe so easily I know I don't know if there's people in this building or not
but I just drank that potion and I'm ready for battle if anybody wants it but
you don't know where these guys are at problem is is that I can't hear no
gunfire nothing so there's like shots going off I don't know where it's going
off at oh oh you shouldn't have picked a fight with me come on come on no don't
start building what you doing man what is he doing right now does he not know
that I got needs on dick oh oh I I come on come on come on come on where is he
where is he oh oh oh my god I must go oh no no oh wow oh my god yeah see I knew
it I know you'd be hiding some work there but yeah guys I guess that'll be
for the video again this is literally how these videos go I don't know just a
little idea I had should have featured items and hop into a real quick match
but yeah guys hopefully guys derivative you guys here make sure you leave like
the video so much stealth you know
hours of the game
always rub the time
For more infomation >> FORTNITE NEW FEATURED ITEMS JAN 27th - JAN 30th - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
DG2 by Diane Gilman Virtual Stretch Side Stripe Skinny J... - Duration: 16:03.
Isabelle Carré victime de violences conjugales « J'ai été tétanisée » - Duration: 1:11.
{DDLC} Nightcore - Insanity - Duration: 3:07.
Live from Joes Inn - Best buddo to the stars - Duration: 2:18:21.
Nissan Note 1.6 Acenta AIRCO, AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:58.
Easy Black Smokey Eyes - Duration: 11:57.
Hello everybody! Today I decided to film a video of makeup. I am going to show you how to make a black smokey eyes.
But before beginning to show you how to make, I wanted to tell you that finally I cannot put the online vlog,
Because I had to film during December. And I wanted to make a kind of monthly vlog, but I lost full of data,
And I also lost one video that I had filmed, in whom I had got ready for Christmas. And I almost lost all the videos that I had filmed
I do not know who it passed with my computer, I believe that I did not delete the good things. Or I do not know, I arrived on my computer and files was not there.
And I did not have them any more on my camera. Then I could not re-film them obviously. Then I am say that I did not go put on my channel. So, it was just for warning you that that will not be on-line.
Then it is all that I had to tell you. So I am going to leave you for the rest of the video which is the tutoriel of makeup.
So, if that interests you, you just have to continue to look.
The first thing which I am going to come to make, it is to come to hydrate my skin with
Well, I think that I a little arranged the lighting. I believe that it is better. We are in Business. I am going to come to put my moisturizing cream.
After that, I am going to come to put my makeup base, it is
After that, I am going to come to take my foundation cream from
Now, I am going to come to take my pallet of concealer that Iordered on wish
I am going to come to take the orange color here, to try to conceal little my dark circles, because we do not see it in the camera a lot, but my dark circles are a little bit dark.
I so sometimes like coming to put it on my mobile eyelid. I do not know if we are supposed to make that, but I it is to try to conceal my blue veins, because they appear a lot.
What I like making also, because here at the level of the nose, it is often red. And also when I have buttons, I do not know why. I imagine that that does that to all worlds, probably,
Because I often have no buttons. But they always go out really red. So, I like to come to put
I am going to come to put it here, and where I have buttons, but at the moment, that in the air not worse.
Sometimes I come to make it before putting my foundation cream, and sometimes I come to make it later. That really depends on my feeling. But usually I make it before.
After that, I am going to come to put my concealer of
I am going to come to shade off it with my sponge.
I am going to come to take my powder of
Now, I am going to come to take my loose powder of
I am going to come to use it to come to make a barrier below my eyes. At the same time, that is going to absorb the oil while I am going to makeup.
Perfecto Benito! So for eyes, lighting to be changed... So, for eyes, I am going to come to use the pallet of
I threw it on my dog
OUF! She is still alive. She is intact, I am satisfied. I have it downright I do not know what it passed, she was downright launched on my dog.
A chance that it was there, because otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.
Well, So I am going to come to use to make my color of transition in my crease, I am going to come to use the color which has here.
A kind of beige, color skin.
After that, I am going to come to use the color matte which has here. A kind of brown, a pale brown, a mole I would say. And I am going to come to put him in my crease as color of transition.
The secret for a beautiful smokey eyes, It is to shade off well.
After that, I am going to come to use my pallet that I bought on wish. It is the pallet which has I do not know any more how many colors.
But, there is a lot. I am going to come to use this color here. It is a matt kind of orange. And I am going to come to put that in my crease.
The next step, that is going to be to take a black pencil. I am going to take that of
I am just going to come to put level with my superior lashes .
that it doesn't matter if it is not perfect, perfect, because anyway, we are going to come to shade off it with a brush.
After that we come to shade off him a little.
I am going to come to shade off towards the crease.
I am going to come to take a flat brush, and I am going to come to take the color which is black in the pallet
And I am going to come to put her on my mobile eyelid, up to the hollow.
And after that, I am going to come to shade off a little the whole in my cease.
After that, because I want to darken a little the crease, because I do not find it darkened enough, I am going to come to use the color which is just here, which is a matt brown.
I am just going to come to put it a little in my crease, to come to shade off a little the black whom I put on my mobile eyelid.
You should not be afraid of shading off, it is really that bases it of a smokey eyes.
It has to be equal from both side. Now, I am going to come to make my eyebrows with the same pallet as usually
I am going to come to remove the powder which has underneath.
Before continuing eyes, I am going to come to finish my complexion. I am going to come to set my
I do not know if I am alone to have that, but to look I at that. I have the second tuft of hair. I don't know what to do with that.
I may buy a pass, I may buy anything, because at first, I had bought the pass for that.
But we would say, that can import what I am going to make. It is small hair do not want to disappear, and they are always going to be there.
Now, I am going to come to put my
Because I want to give an effect more to tan, I am going to come to use the color which is pink pale here.
For my highlight, I am going to come to use
We can use it as eye shadow and also as higlight, and I am going to come to use it to make my highlight. It is really a beautiful color.
It is a kind of gold.
I am going to come to resume the pallet of Maybelline, and I am going to come to take the color black who just has here.
And I am going to use a brush which is like that.
As fluffy, but more condensed. It is a brush to be shaded off, but more condensed. To come to put level with my lashes inferior.
With my finger, I am going to come to use the color which is here, and I am going to put it in my lower corner to make a highlight..
I am going to come to put my mascara of
Which is in the color super black.
The last stage and not the slightest, the lipstick. It is... I use the ..
In color Calypso.
It is everything for my look, I hope that I explained well all the same, and that you saw well all the same.
I adored filming this look, I found that really fun. So, I hope that you appreciated.
If ever it is the case, you can always put a small green thumb up. We see each other in a next video. Bye everyone.
MSIA | John Morton A Blessing of Light from Africa to the World - Duration: 2:18.
What you can do to begin with is just breathe in the land, just look out on it and
breathe it in.
Use your eyes too.
Use all your senses.
And then as you're breathing,
let the connection that's in the Light
breathe out.
We ask the blessing from the Father-Mother-God
and the highest to come forth
through each of us,
that we stand
as a pillar of Light,
that we anchor God's blessings into this land and into this place.
Spreading all around
cascading across this land and into all things.
There's a blessing that's
stored into the land
and we're opening that up now.
It's like bringing back the springs
from beneath the earth.
So that now
we can see and experience loving all around.
And now we allow this blessing to extend
so that it takes in
this earth. It takes in all the peoples and all the places.
And so we find
the anchoring of the Light going from Africa
into the lands that are north, into Europe,
and across to Asia.
And across the great oceans
touching into Australia,
touching into North America,
South America.
So this day becomes
part of a great restoration, and regeneration of God's will being done.
Baruch Bashan.
Right To Exist
najaiz taluqat khatam karne ka wazifa 2018 - Duration: 1:21.
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