I would like to begin with a little experiment.
In a moment, I'm going to ask if you would close your eyes
and see if you can work out
what emotions you're feeling right now.
Now, you're not going to tell anyone or anything.
The idea is to see how easy or perhaps hard you find it
to pinpoint exactly what you're feeling.
And I thought I'd give you 10 seconds to do this.
Right, let's start.
OK, that's it, time's up.
How did it go?
You were probably feeling a little bit under pressure,
maybe suspicious of the person next to you.
Did they definitely have their eyes closed?
Perhaps you felt some strange, distant worry
about that email you sent this morning
or excitement about something you've got planned for this evening.
Maybe you felt that exhilaration that comes when we get together
in big groups of people like this;
the Welsh called it "hwyl,"
from the word for boat sails.
Or maybe you felt all of these things.
There are some emotions which wash the world in a single color,
like the terror felt as a car skids.
But more often, our emotions crowd and jostle together
until it is actually quite hard to tell them apart.
Some slide past so quickly you'd hardly even notice them,
like the nostalgia that will make you reach out
to grab a familiar brand in the supermarket.
And then there are others that we hurry away from,
fearing that they'll burst on us,
like the jealousy that causes you to search a loved one's pockets.
And of course, there are some emotions which are so peculiar,
you might not even know what to call them.
Perhaps sitting there, you had a little tingle of a desire
for an emotion one eminent French sociologist called "ilinx,"
the delirium that comes with minor acts of chaos.
For example, if you stood up right now and emptied the contents of your bag
all over the floor.
Perhaps you experienced one of those odd, untranslatable emotions
for which there's no obvious English equivalent.
You might have felt the feeling the Dutch called "gezelligheid,"
being cozy and warm inside with friends when it's cold and damp outside.
Maybe if you were really lucky,
you felt this:
a sudden urge to kiss someone.
We live in an age
when knowledge of emotions is an extremely important commodity,
where emotions are used to explain many things,
exploited by our politicians,
manipulated by algorithms.
Emotional intelligence, which is the skill of being able to recognize and name
your own emotions and those of other people,
is considered so important, that this is taught in our schools and businesses
and encouraged by our health services.
But despite all of this,
I sometimes wonder
if the way we think about emotions is becoming impoverished.
Sometimes, we're not even that clear what an emotion even is.
You've probably heard the theory
that our entire emotional lives can be boiled down
to a handful of basic emotions.
This idea is actually about 2,000 years old,
but in our own time,
some evolutionary psychologists have suggested that these six emotions --
happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger, surprise --
are expressed by everyone across the globe in exactly the same way,
and therefore represent the building blocks
of our entire emotional lives.
Well, if you look at an emotion like this,
then it looks like a simple reflex:
it's triggered by an external predicament,
it's hardwired,
it's there to protect us from harm.
So you see a bear, your heart rate quickens,
your pupils dilate, you feel frightened, you run very, very fast.
The problem with this picture is,
it doesn't entirely capture what an emotion is.
Of course, the physiology is extremely important,
but it's not the only reason why we feel the way we do
at any given moment.
What if I was to tell you that in the 12th century,
some troubadours didn't see yawning
as caused by tiredness or boredom like we do today,
but thought it a symbol of the deepest love?
Or that in that same period, brave men -- knights --
commonly fainted out of dismay?
What if I was to tell you
that some early Christians who lived in the desert
believed that flying demons who mainly came out at lunchtime
could infect them with an emotion they called "accidie,"
a kind of lethargy that was sometimes so intense
it could even kill them?
Or that boredom, as we know and love it today,
was first really only felt by the Victorians,
in response to new ideas about leisure time and self-improvement?
What if we were to think again
about those odd, untranslatable words for emotions
and wonder whether some cultures might feel an emotion more intensely
just because they've bothered to name and talk about it,
like the Russian "toska,"
a feeling of maddening dissatisfaction
said to blow in from the great plains.
The most recent developments in cognitive science show
that emotions are not simple reflexes,
but immensely complex, elastic systems
that respond both to the biologies that we've inherited
and to the cultures that we live in now.
They are cognitive phenomena.
They're shaped not just by our bodies, but by our thoughts,
our concepts, our language.
The neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett has become very interested
in this dynamic relationship between words and emotions.
She argues that when we learn a new word for an emotion,
new feelings are sure to follow.
As a historian, I've long suspected that as language changes,
our emotions do, too.
When we look to the past, it's easy to see that emotions have changed,
sometimes very dramatically,
in response to new cultural expectations and religious beliefs,
new ideas about gender, ethnicity and age,
even in response to new political and economic ideologies.
There is a historicity to emotions
that we are only recently starting to understand.
So I agree absolutely that it does us good to learn new words for emotions,
but I think we need to go further.
I think to be truly emotionally intelligent,
we need to understand where those words have come from,
and what ideas about how we ought to live and behave
they are smuggling along with them.
Let me tell you a story.
It begins in a garret in the late 17th century,
in the Swiss university town of Basel.
Inside, there's a dedicated student living some 60 miles away from home.
He stops turning up to his lectures,
and his friends come to visit and they find him dejected and feverish,
having heart palpitations,
strange sores breaking out on his body.
Doctors are called,
and they think it's so serious that prayers are said for him
in the local church.
And it's only when they're preparing to return this young man home
so that he can die,
that they realize what's going on,
because once they lift him onto the stretcher,
his breathing becomes less labored.
And by the time he's got to the gates of his hometown,
he's almost entirely recovered.
And that's when they realize
that he's been suffering from a very powerful form of homesickness.
It's so powerful, that it might have killed him.
Well, in 1688, a young doctor, Johannes Hofer,
heard of this case and others like it
and christened the illness "nostalgia."
The diagnosis quickly caught on in medical circles around Europe.
The English actually thought they were probably immune
because of all the travel they did in the empire and so on.
But soon there were cases cropping up in Britain, too.
The last person to die from nostalgia
was an American soldier fighting during the First World War in France.
How is it possible that you could die from nostalgia
less than a hundred years ago?
But today, not only does the word mean something different --
a sickening for a lost time rather than a lost place --
but homesickness itself is seen as less serious,
sort of downgraded from something you could die from
to something you're mainly worried your kid might be suffering from
at a sleepover.
This change seems to have happened in the early 20th century.
But why?
Was it the invention of telephones or the expansion of the railways?
Was it perhaps the coming of modernity,
with its celebration of restlessness and travel and progress
that made sickening for the familiar
seem rather unambitious?
You and I inherit that massive transformation in values,
and it's one reason why we might not feel homesickness today
as acutely as we used to.
It's important to understand
that these large historical changes influence our emotions
partly because they affect how we feel about how we feel.
Today, we celebrate happiness.
Happiness is supposed to make us better workers
and parents and partners;
it's supposed to make us live longer.
In the 16th century,
sadness was thought to do most of those things.
It's even possible to read self-help books from that period
which try to encourage sadness in readers
by giving them lists of reasons to be disappointed.
These self-help authors thought you could cultivate sadness as a skill,
since being expert in it would make you more resilient
when something bad did happen to you, as invariably it would.
I think we could learn from this today.
Feel sad today, and you might feel impatient, even a little ashamed.
Feel sad in the 16th century, and you might feel a little bit smug.
Of course, our emotions don't just change across time,
they also change from place to place.
The Baining people of Papua New Guinea speak of "awumbuk,"
a feeling of lethargy that descends when a houseguest finally leaves.
Now, you or I might feel relief,
but in Baining culture,
departing guests are thought to shed a sort of heaviness
so they can travel more easily,
and this heaviness infects the air and causes this awumbuk.
And so what they do is leave a bowl of water out overnight
to absorb this air,
and then very early the next morning, they wake up and have a ceremony
and throw the water away.
Now, here's a good example
of spiritual practices and geographical realities combining
to bring a distinct emotion into life
and make it disappear again.
One of my favorite emotions is a Japanese word, "amae."
Amae is a very common word in Japan,
but it is actually quite hard to translate.
It means something like the pleasure that you get
when you're able to temporarily hand over responsibility for your life
to someone else.
Now, anthropologists suggest
that one reason why this word might have been named and celebrated
in Japan
is because of that country's traditionally collectivist culture,
whereas the feeling of dependency
may be more fraught amongst English speakers,
who have learned to value self-sufficiency and individualism.
This might be a little simplistic,
but it is tantalizing.
What might our emotional languages tell us not just about what we feel,
but about what we value most?
Most people who tell us to pay attention to our well-being
talk of the importance of naming our emotions.
But these names aren't neutral labels.
They are freighted with our culture's values and expectations,
and they transmit ideas about who we think we are.
Learning new and unusual words for emotions will help attune us
to the more finely grained aspects of our inner lives.
But more than this, I think these words are worth caring about,
because they remind us how powerful the connection is
between what we think
and how we end up feeling.
True emotional intelligence requires that we understand
the social, the political, the cultural forces
that have shaped what we've come to believe about our emotions
and understand how happiness or hatred or love or anger
might still be changing now.
Because if we want to measure our emotions
and teach them in our schools
and listen as our politicians tell us how important they are,
then it is a good idea that we understand
where the assumptions we have about them
have come from,
and whether they still truly speak to us now.
I want to end with an emotion I often feel
when I'm working as a historian.
It's a French word, "dépaysement."
It evokes the giddy disorientation that you feel in an unfamiliar place.
One of my favorite parts of being a historian
is when something I've completely taken for granted,
some very familiar part of my life,
is suddenly made strange again.
Dépaysement is unsettling,
but it's exciting, too.
And I hope you might be having just a little glimpse of it right now.
Thank you.
For more infomation >> The history of human emotions | Tiffany Watt Smith - Duration: 14:21.-------------------------------------------
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Every time my beloved appears with a beautiful face, steals my heart and disappears. Every time the beloved appears with a different disguise, either in the guise of a youth or an elder.
For some time he was wandering on the earth; For enjoyment. He became Jesus and went to the rotary dome (the sky); Was praying with rosary.
Once became Noah & made a world drowned by his prayer; He himself went to the ship. Once he became Abraham and went through the fire; The fire was transformed to a garden because of him.
He became Joseph and sent his coat from Egypt; Which illuminated the world. Came out like light from Jacob's eyes; Then eyes got perfect vision.
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How to Reink an Ink Pad - Ink It Up with Jessica TV Episode 37 - Duration: 4:33.
Welcome to this episode of Ink It Up with Jessica TV. I'm Jessica Taylor and
in this video I'm going to show you how to re-ink your ink pads. How do you
know when it's time to reink your ink pads? They're just going to look a little
bit light as you stamp them. You'll notice that when you first get your ink
pads they have a nice bold color and as you use them and use them and use them
the color just gets a little bit lighter and a little bit lighter and a little
bit lighter. So I recommend that you purchase an ink refill when you purchase
your ink pads because then you know you're going to be able to get the color.
You know that it's not going to be retired when it comes to needing your
ink refill so you're going to have the color you want right away and this is
going to make your ink pad last for a long long time. So let's go ahead and see how
to reink. First I'm going to start with just a basic Classic Stampin' Pad from
Stampin' Up! This is a foam ink pad and here's how you kind of know that it's
time to reink. If you go to stamp, especially you'll notice it with your
bolder stamps, if you go to stamp it's just going to start to be light and maybe
even faded in certain spots no matter how much you move your stamp around you
just can't get your stamp to ink up really well. So to re-ink this you're
just going to open up your ink refill and I like to do just a little squiggle
pattern and you'll notice that on these foam pads it just stays right at the top.
It takes a long time to soak in and when it soaks in it's going to soak in just like
these lines. So if you ink up your stamp with that you're just going to get kind
of darker lines. What you want to do is take your spoon, I just keep a plastic
spoon in my stamp room and I use it for all of my ink pad colors and you just
kind of put your fingers on the bowl of the spoon I guess and you're just
going to use that to gently move the ink around your ink pad. This is just
going to distribute the ink evenly and you want to let this soak in just a little
bit before you stamp with it because right now there's a lot of ink at the
top and it's maybe not super even so just let it all soak in nicely before
you go back and use it. So again I use the same spoon, I just
take a tissue and clean it off in between and then I'm ready to use it
with my next color. All right let's let that sit for a minute and then I'll stamp
it again to show you the difference. There are a few different kinds of ink
pads so this is a foam ink pad. The Archival Stampin' Pads from Stampin' Up!
and some of their older ink pads are felt and so they're not as squishy.
You can ink them up a little bit differently and by differently I mean
it's easier! So I just take the ink refill and again give it a little
squiggle and you'll notice this soaks in right away.
Now you can over-ink your ink pad so you want to add just a little bit at a time
and then if it doesn't seem like enough add a little bit more. But it's pretty
easy to over-ink the foam pads so if you do add too much ink and you notice some
bubbling up at the top, all you want to do is take a paper towel and just blot
blot blot some of that ink off and you can actually use that paper towel to
then sponge on some cardstock and make a really cool background to use on your
cards. But anyway if you have too much ink just dab some of it off with a paper
towel and if you find you need more ink just go ahead and add a little bit more
re-inker refill and then spread it in with a spoon. The third type
of ink pad I want to talk about was the Versamark pad and for this one, this is
also a foam pad, a little bit closer to this but for these I've found that I can
just add the Versamark reinker on top and then just gently rub it in with the
nozzle end of the ink refill. So that's super easy. You want to be gentle with it
because you don't want to tear your pad but you can just kind of rub it in with
that tip. So that's how you're going to reink your Versamark pad. Let's come
back and see how much darker this Wisteria Wonder is. I can tell already
that my stamp is inking up so much nicer and look at that, that's how much darker
it is. So I hope this helps you know when to re-ink your ink pads and how to reink
them. Again, I recommend that you order a refill when you order your ink pad so
that you know you'll be able to get the right color. Thanks so much for watching!
If you like this video hit the like button below and
share it with your friends. And be sure to subscribe! I'll see you in the next
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Say this...
son of a bitch...
makes a connection with us and with Axis Chemicals.
What kind of damage are we looking at?
If he ties us in with Axis Chemicals, we're dead and buried.
We should move immediately.
I say we break into the place...
trash the office...
and make off with the records and say it was industrial espionage.
Smart thinking. That's the way to go. In fact...
I'd like you to handle this operation personally.
Hello, sweetheart.
I wonder if you'd mind waiting in the next room?
That's all, gentlemen. Thank you.That's all.
can we get somebody else to do this?
The fumes in that place...
It's an important job.
I need someone I can trust.
You are my number one guy.
don't forget...
your lucky deck.
My friend...
your luck is about to change.
Police Department.
Get me Lt. Eckhardt.
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REEL MAGIK 4.5" CUT PACKER REIVEW - Duration: 7:10.
[Intro music plays]
Hey guys! It is me, Chaseypoo and today I'm going to be reviewing
another product by Reelmagik.
Today I'm going to be reviewing their cut packer.
Now, before I do this video there's a little disclaimer
This is a prosthetic that is used to alleviate dysphoria for transgender men
Please don't, PLEASE, I beg you please, don't
don't flag this video please
Um, people who are under 18 would love to watch this video and see these prosthetics
because they could use them themselves.
So without further ado, this is the uncut* packer that is 4.5" from Reelmagik.
The density of this one is "classic"
Now, it can also come in a soft
Um, the soft one, let me take it out of my underwear
is like the um, uncut version. It's a lot more squishy, and then there is a lightweight version
but that one hasn't come out yet.
I MUCH prefer the soft version than the um classic version.
This is a little too hard for me.
I really like the mushiness of the other one.
If you want to know more about that packer because these packers are relatively the same honestly,
um, go to that review. The review will be in the link in the description below.
It's where I review the 5" uncut packer that is soft.
This one is just a little bit smaller which is why there's two different review videos for these packers
even though they're almost the same. So this one over here is cut.
Okay, which means that it doesn't have any foreskin and it is a lot smaller in size when you pack it in your underwear.
Now I'm going to demonstrate what it looks like in underwear, the underwear that I use every day.
And I'm also going to show you what it looks like in underwear from FTM Downunder.
So this is what this one looks like in your pants.
Alright, it is a little bit harder than the uncut one that I've talked about in the past.
And the head is a litte more prominent? I don't know how to explain that, whatever.
Um, but it does feel more compact which is really great.
And then this is what it looks like from the front like this. I sti- I really don't like the front view honestly
And then the side view.
And then in pants honestly it looks the same as it does in the skinny jeans as the uncut version
so I'm not gonna put my pants on, but I just wanted to show you that.
Um, and then I'm gonna show you what it looks like in the um underwear from FTM Downunder
So in the underwear of FTM Downunder it doesn't really pack as well as the 5" uncut one
But if you wear skinny jeans it kind of just kinda HOLDS everything together
so it's not that big of a deal. Remember that these ones have an O-ring
but you shouldn't put the prosthetic in the O-ring because it can damage it.
But if you wanna just see what it would look like- DON'T DO THIS THOUGH
but if you wanted to see what it could look like
the underwear actually has a nice little pouch, I just I wouldn't want you guys to pay
money for this prosthetic and then it being ruined, but with the o-ring,
it doesn't actually choke it like other o-ring underwear type um has it
so it, I don't think it would actually really really mess up your prosthetic if you don't wear it like every single day.
Once in a while. And it does help just to keep it just in place
[laughing] a little more. Yes fondle your weiner on TV. On TV?
Can you imagine if I had a TV show doing this? [sigh]
[sighs] dreams Chase, These are my dreams.
So here's the thing. The one thing that I wish about these packers is that there was a kind of hybrid of them
of the uncut and the cut. I wish that the uncut version could also come in a 4 and a half
because this one is MUCH smaller and if this one was the squishy, the soft version I that think this is the one
that I would pack with, EVEN THOUGH I much prefer to pack with uncut peens
okay and the reason because of the size
I LOVE the uncut 5" one and I love it and I talk about how if you're planning on having phalloplasty,
You should probably pack with this packer because it looks like you have a bulge as if you had phalloplasty.
[inhales deeply] Now, this can also give you that effect, just a little bit smaller
and it does make it a little bit easier for running, it does make it a little bit easier for biking,
and it does make it a little bit easier for other things. Now there are pros and cons for both of them.
If you are looking for an uncut packer, the size I thought was going to be absolutely too big for me,
watch the video. I'll put the link in the description below, I talk about how I overcame that bigness.
Just for reference, I am 5'6" so if you are a lot smaller than that, then the 5" might be a little too big
and you might want to go with the 4.5".
The packer that I usually use is the Mr. Limpy which costs $12, this bad boy over here costs $60
I know its a steep price up from other packers that you've seen like the sailor and all the other ones.
But honestly as a packer that feels this nice and this squishy because you can get this in a soft
And it is- I 100% would buy it again. Because it is super comfortable and I've never not had...
I've never not had bottom dysphoria? I feel like I don't have bottom dysphoria related to packing at all anymore
when I wear these packers.
And I just wish that this one came in uncut but that's okay.
So this is what it looks like close up.
And then with the balls over here. Alright and then there is a flat base in the back which is absolutely amazing
because then it just kind of sits on you and it just stays there.
And other packers you kind of have to move to the side and stuff like the Mr. Limpy which
I'm like all over the place right now but this is the Mr. Limpy, and the size difference
there is a significant size difference, yes, but trust me this one you have to pack it to the side
and it was kind of awkward if you pack it to the front because the balls are there
At least this it's like anatomically correct to like a cis male
so it makes it feel more natural.
And I forgot to say this in the uncut review but, this is going to sound so weird but it passes the cis test?
I got all of my friends to go ahead and squish the weiner that I had in my pants so that they can feel it
and they were all like "oooooooo" like yes the softer one is a lot squishier so it feels more like a stress ball
but it feels good. Whereas this one maybe feels a little more realistic to a cis male penis.
Um, but I would still recommend getting the soft because that's just my opinion I don't know
The hard one, its not bad, you know what? You do what you want okay?
But as far as the uncut goes, and as far as the cut goes, these ones are absolutely amazing packers to have.
I definitely would recommend them for yourself or for a gift for somebody. I know that this one looks a little bit bigger but the squishiness is nice.
Oh I just love these packers so much
Anyways if you wanna buy it, I do have a discount code, the first 100 people who buy will receive a discount
so it's only 100 people so if you want to buy it, buy it right now. The link will be in the description below with the discount code.
If you have any questions at all, please let me know I will be happy to review them.
Hopefully, reelmagik will send me an STP next that I can review which I am super excited about.
Because a lot of you have been asking for the STP so that's why I'm getting these reviews out
as quick as possible so that you guys can see them and see where we can go from there
Alright, I'll see you guys later, have a great week, bye!
[outro music]
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*it takes way too much time to translate this video, so in the future, I'll make 30 min RTC episode, sorry guys, this video will be translated later in the week :D*
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Hey I am Annie F. Downs and this is Favorite Things, okay Favorite Instagram
account to follow besides an @anniefdowns Thank you. I really love who do I really
love right now Dave Barnes @davebarnesmusic music so funny so ridiculous I
love that dude favorite movie of all time You've Got Mail
hands down no question favorite book you've read this year besides 100 days
to brave my own book thank you very much I am reading everything by Madeleine
L'Engle in 2018 is my goal my favorite one has been a Wrinkle in Time
secret ingredient you need in your kitchen at all times my phone to order food
favorite song to sing in church right now we are singing reckless love by
Corey Asbury and it is incredible best thing to do when you need to feel brave
but don't do it anyway that's the best thing to do you just do the thing do the
thing and call somebody best gift you've ever received best gift I've ever
received I'm not a very gift-ey person like gifts aren't high on my Love Languages
best gift you've ever received no I can do it that's not that's not the best
thing to do when you don't feel brave you don't skip oh you know what I have
this ring that I wear all the time that was my grandmother's tennis bracelet and
when she passed away with that year for Christmas they gave each grandchild one
link on a ring so that we each have a piece of her with us and I love that
favorite way to cheer up a friend go to the movies I love going to movies and
sometimes you just probably not know this but you need to know this sometimes
the best thing you can do is swing through Taco Bell and get a burrito and
put it in your purse and then go through movies thank me later
makeup item you don't leave the house without red lipstick favorite podcast
you're listening to I really enjoyed up and vanished season one fun therapy by
Mike Foster Jamie Ivey's podcast I don't ever miss it favorite place to shop okay
so in Nashville I have two favorite places I have three we're gonna do it
Hayley B, Parnassus Book store, fashion(able) you can
also get their stuff at livefashionable.com
I did it
Interview Les Malouins dans la Course - Duration: 13:50.
Já há cinco detidos na operação que envolve Rui Rangel e Luís F. Vieira - Duration: 3:00.
Seat Ibiza 1.4-16V Sensation 5drs Airco - Duration: 0:54.
Volkswagen Fox 1.2 Trendline 81.749km! Stuurbekrachtiging! - Duration: 0:54.
Volkswagen Polo 1.4 Comfortline 97.582km! 1e Eigenaar! - Duration: 1:01.
Mission Builder #7 - Carrier Group & Relationships - English Subtitles - Duration: 14:03.
Hi and welcome again to revientor reborn, this is the Falcon BMS tutorials of mission creation
let´s add a naval unit
I want to create a carrier with planes inside
add naval, select a carrier
with the different BMS version this menu can change
roosevelt or enterprise are good ones
here there is the info of the group
select add squadron, wait to see the naval unit, and click over it
and here is the add squadron menu, and select naval plane like an F18, here is automatic the carrier selected
you can change the base, but we want the carrier, as you can see it´s very easy to do it
there are some F18 there now
I want to show you something, let me add some teams
let´s add a flight to have something more
already created
look here you can change the munition, the fuel, this fuel value is not saved, this only works when you are in the TE ready to flight to set your fuel
I will add some more flight over there...
and in a few moment I will use the mission comander
some random flights
this is the mission commander tool, thanks to Falcons
here you have to be sure to get this lines in the correct Falcon BMS folder
you can select in BMS location and select the BMS .exe
close the program and open it again to be sure all is loaded
open the mission
directly the directory will be the BMS in korea, and open the desired mission
is korea, because it´s selected down here
here you can activate a ton of things, and you will get some info in the map
normally for tacs you are not going to use this, this is more for campaign
I am not going to explain the tool, just about the mission creator, and naval thing
campaign tab you see what have each team, in teams you can create relationships, and make one country friend or allied of other
for example here USA tem is controlled by the user, and is allied of itself, and at war with the others countries
and here you can make to be allied of this other team, but you are not going to let the USA team control this team, for that that stick
in this team you can select if have satellites or not
with a satellite will have more visual info of the enemy territory
and team member have satellites it´s the same, to share that info of the member
this is from the usa point of view, now you have to mach the other team POV, to be coherence
now I match the data, you can make the USA do not share its satellite intel with this team.
in this way you can manage a different types of alliance, use and chinchilla as allied and chinchilla allied of all except DPKR
be careful because you have to apply changes, to get them in use and then save the mision
here in units you can select the different unis, only airplanes for example, here in yellow you can see something
that yellow color means that is an error there, here it´s safe to delete the flights, in that order you can delete that bad flight and solve possible insues
here you can select only one country, flights... what ever
doble click in the flight and you get a new window, you have all the waypoints info, the weapons, and the mision type
here you do not need to delete the flight here it´s safe to change the direfent mision type, when you have to change things of the mission use MC
The fuel, you want to limit the takeoff fuel status, here you can save it easily and it will be keeped when you go to the mision
here you can for example make the plane takeoff with external fuel tanks empty to refuel them
you can add more planes, change the weapons....
for the squadron you can set some options, like the area of expertise
you can delete some munitions here, this is useful for campaign
in TE I ma not sure if this works I think doesn't work
in campaign the problem is when the air resupply come to the base, fill this stores,
now I will check in TE if this values works or not
other thing that could be cool is this tab, to make compatible different TE for different BMS versions
select the installed BMS, and the new version you have, with htat make a kind of conversion that you will need to check for weapons, because may be a plane as no weapons due the conversion
let´s save the mission
again in BMS, there you can see the enemy red plane, the yellow, because have no control, you do not know anithing about them
those F18 survive to the F22, if they found the yellow theme, they will not fight them, because they are allied
down there, the carrier is not shooting to that plane, because is allied
a carrier is like a Sa10
this could be good to simulate civilian airplanes
you can create a new team, and you avoid that list of flight that you do not want to be messing with the player
you set a yellow team, with two airport and you can generate heavy civilian traffic or whatever
of course you will have to get fat airplanes to simula them
if you generate a package of flights in your team you can not generate a mix team allied package
from the mission builder, now you can generate a package with the blue and yellow teams, here are the mirage from yellow team,
you have to set its current flag, because BMS need to know where the airbase is in what color, and now with the blue team, I add teh F18 carrier based
and there is the mixed package, now in the briefing, you can see they are in the same team, also in the ATO is working fine, if you want to join to the other team from the mission you can not
then you can make coops with counties, this is just play with the different ways to work with the sim
now you know you have that possibilities, and that is the idea of this tutorials improve your knowledge about what you can do
I hope you learned something, and you implement them in your missions, Be happy chao chao
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