Today, we'll check a hive!
But before that, if you've any
questions, write them in the comments,
because we'll do a Q&A for 50 K views!
Let's light some cardboard for some smoke!
(repeating the same thing again and again)
We're checking an horizontal hive, because
it's easier and faster to check
this type of hive.
We haven't checked this hive for a long time.
It has food.
We're opening it more.
This hive looks good!
This one may has sapling.
(talking with the bees)
The bees don't want to go down.
I should check a single frame for sapling.
I think that it has a lot of honey.
I put this one here.
The nest should be here.
(talking with the bees)
Here is no sapling.
Let's check another frame!
(talking with the bees)
No covered sapling here.
Here is a little sapling for laying eggs.
This one is good!
(talking with the bees)
I'm giving them an apiculture cake,
but I'm taking the bee wax.
This hive has more food than it needs.
We cut the apiculture cake and
we're giving them, even though they
don't need it, but it's for them!
Now, we're putting back the frames.
(talking with the bees)
The hive can't be closed because it's
touched by the other one.
(talking with the bees)
(talking with the bees)
We're to move these bees in order them not to die.
This hive has enough food and we
won't check it until March!
We're securing the hive.
Dear friends, thank you for watching!
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I was Siminic Clep and until the next time,
I wish you to have a lot of buzz in your hives!
For more infomation >> STIMULATING THE QUEEN IN ORDER TO LAY EGGS AND CHECKING THE QUANTITY OF FOOD OF THE HIVE (ENG CC) - Duration: 13:01.-------------------------------------------
Resultados Loteria Nacional de Panama En Vivo Viernes 26 d Enero 2018 Que Jugó Gordito Zodiaco Enero - Duration: 1:16.
MINI 1.6 Cooper S -Panoramadak-Airco-Stoelverwarming-vol leder interieur - Duration: 0:59.
MINI 1.6 Cooper S -Panoramadak-Airco-Stoelverwarming-vol leder interieur - Duration: 1:01.
PiPe - What do the goalkeeper in the Underwater Rugby? - Duration: 1:18.
What do the goalkeeper in the Underwater Rugby?
The goalkeeper is one of the three positions of Underwater Rugby and is the equivalent to the last defense.
During the game, in the water there are two people who occupy the position of Goalkeeper,
between whom they are relieved.
There should never be two Goalkeepers under the water, as long as one defends, another breathes.
Because, if the attack is prolonged, a goalkeeper may be forced to perform
a fairly long apnea.
It could be said that the goalkeeper position is the less active position,
since it has to remain covering the goal.
Precisely, because there are usually long attacks, the Goalkeepers need to be relieved
during the attack, so the coordination of the players who occupy
that position must be total so they don't leave gaps in the goal.
The placement is vital and it's regulated, the goal should be covered from the base
of the neck up to where it reaches in the back, the goalkeeper cannot grab the goal or enter inside,
or lean on the wall to take hold.
Ideally, the position of goalkeeper is occupy by the most corpulent people,
since in the attack provide greater force and in the defense strength.
Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Pancakes - Duration: 10:08.
hey everyone it's james from fun foods and today I'm going to show you how to make these Reese's Peanut
Butter Cup pancakes now these were absolutely delicious and I hope you keep
watching so I can show you step-by-step how to make these now the first thing we
need to do is start off with a large bowl and to that I'm gonna add 1 and 3/4
cups of flour just regular flour I'm also going to add 1/4 cup of cocoa next
we're gonna add 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1
tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt just whisk this all together until
it's well combined when everything's mixed in real good just set this aside
we're going to come back to this shortly next in a medium bowl you want to add
two large eggs
four tablespoons of melted butter and two cups of buttermilk you can use
regular milk if you don't have buttermilk works just fine but this
makes a little thicker and tastier and just whisk this all up and when that's
listed up now we're gonna bring back our dry ingredients and we're gonna mix this
in our wet or dry just mix it up really good and when that's mixed in really
good now you want to switch from a whisk to either a wooden spoon or plastic
spoon and we're gonna add 1/3 a cup of Reese's peanut butter chips and I'm also
gonna add 1/3 a cup of chocolate chips and we are gonna just mix these through
and when you're happy with that's mixed in through now we're just gonna set this
aside we're gonna let this sit for a little bit while we heat up our griddle
now that a griddle is nice and hot what we're gonna do is actually pour some of
our pancake batter out onto there now I like to use about a half a cup worth so
I'm just gonna use a measuring cup to measure this out if you have a ladle you
can use that as well but I'm gonna scoop out about a half a cup
and it's also a good idea to spray it which I didn't do on that one so go see
how that turns out with some cooking spray nonstick cooking spray so yeah I'm
doing a real good job right here and you just want them to cook until they bubble
up and normally around the edges will be brown but since the pancakes themselves
are brown it's kind of hard to see that so you really wanted to start bubbling
up in the middle then you can flip on
all right so you can see around the edges it gets a little darker and it's
bubbling up in the middle it's just at the point where I'm ready to flip it so
I'm gonna flip it hopefully I can get this one because I didn't use any
nonstick spray on this hopefully it'll come out all right I might have to work
it a little okay there we go just flip it it's only gonna take
another minute or so on this side took about two and a half three minutes on
the other side you see the chocolate chips coming through even the peanut
butter chips I'm excited I can smell the chocolate peanut butter right now it
just smells so good it's like I said another minute or so on this side and then
we can pull it off onto our dish and that's good I'm gonna pull these off
looks pretty good
and get to making some more and this is the last of the pancakes now it made a
total of six of these pancakes look at that whoo now that our pancakes are all
done they're right over there they're just waiting for me to make this next
step I want to make a chocolate ganache to put in between the pancakes and all
over the pancakes so what I did was I put 1/4 of a cup of heavy whipping cream
in a glass like this that's microwave-safe and I want to add to that
one whole cup of chocolate chips now the reason I'm doing just 1/4 a cup because
I don't want it to be too runny just take this put this in the microwave
about 45 to 60 seconds and then we're going to stir this up all right so it's
been about 60 seconds it's nice and hot I'm just gonna give this a good mix
through be careful now it does take a while to mix this up until all that
chocolate has melted but just keep at it keep mixing and it will get there you
can see it's thickening up and it's darkening up but once all those
chocolate chips have melted then we can move on to the next step and our
chocolate ganache looks really good so we're just gonna take this set this
aside next step is I have two cups of creamy peanut butter that I've put in a
microwave-safe dish we're gonna put this in microwave only about 20 to 30 seconds
don't overcook it don't over melt it we don't want to melt it completely we just
want to make it a little easier to work with a little runnier than what it is
right now and our peanut butter has melted perfectly it's not too melted
it's right on that cusp but if you happen to melt it too much don't worry
you can just stick it in refrigerator for a couple minutes just to get a
little thicker I like it about like here where it just starts to run a little bit
now we can assemble our pancakes and to do that I'm gonna grab this nice white
plate nice and big
and our pancakes now I'm gonna take them one by one I'm gonna take the biggest
one and put right near the bottom there and let's take some of our peanut butter
dish out some right in the middle there and we can just spread it spread it
around now we can take our chocolate ganache might have to mix it up a little
and then onto our next layer of pancakes and do the same thing now like I said
you can go as crazy as you want on this you can put little pieces of Reese's in
between there if you'd like whichever way it's up to you now I'm not
sure how high I'm gonna make this I have a total of six pancakes I don't know if
I want to make it any higher than four so let's just go with four and pile on
some of the it wants to run away come on stay on there
I'm gonna pour my ganache on this and kind of have it run down oh it's hard to
keep this upright I want to get it upright for a good picture I'm also
going to sprinkle some more of those peanut butter chips on here because why
not right and I have one of these big Reese's peanut butter cups we can set
that right smack dab in the middle maybe it's overkill but I have
these mini Reese's why not that's what we're here for right
you never have too many Reese's we've got to get some pictures for Instagram
and you can follow me on instagram at fun foods YT as always and that's it
that is our Reese's pancakes and man they look delicious I'm gonna get some
more pictures of this and then I'll come right back well now it's time for the
taste test I'm gonna dig into these Reese's Peanut Butter Cup pancakes I
can't wait
check that out
man these are better than I expected you taste that peanut butter chocolate
mmm these are the best well thanks everyone for watching I hope you enjoy
watch me make these Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
pancakes these were amazing make tasted this had to be my favorite recipe of all
time these were so good now hope you get a chance to make it for yourself and if
you do please share with me on any of my social media at fun foods YT and make
sure you hit that like button showing me that you enjoyed this video be sure to
hit that big red subscribe button if you're not already subscribed to get new
videos every week and now make sure you hit that notification belt because I'll
be putting videos out more often than every week so you want to be notified
when I put a video out and for right now check out some of the videos have off to
the side maybe even a Reese's playlist and until then I'll see you next time
Manger du concombre tous les jours, puis les gens remarquent que cela a changé - Duration: 7:32.
when he lost courage when he felt like just giving up just lie down and not get
up again he would recite it and it would give him the what he needed to keep
the other night that covers me black as the pit from pole to pole I learned it
when I was in school yeah did you believe yeah I think whatever God there
may be from my unconquerable soul the fell clutch of circumstance I have not
cried aloud under the bludgeonings of fate my head is bloody but unbowed
beyond this place of Wrath and tears looms but the shadow of the shade
he had the minister of the year's finds and shall find me unafraid matters not
how Strait the gate now punishment charged the scroll I am the master of my
fate I am the captain myself your job as an actress to give it your best shot
each every time so yes I'm going into it with the idea that I'll play it to the
best of my ability and they wouldn't give it to me
the role if they didn't think I was capable of pulling it off oh I wouldn't
take it if I didn't think I was capable of pulling it off like I don't say his
first time when I was 8 years old I played a little boy blue in a pageant
power one of the things that was aware of that
I own the stage at 8:00 so no it isn't far off in America but we still and we
still here don't abandon the idea that it isn't finite it isn't finite if you
were born where were you born me yeah Baton Rouge Louisiana batteries General
Hospital you know Louisiana I was born in Memphis Tennessee
I had a long haul from where I came from to here but here we are right so proof
is in the proof of the pudding is in the eating and here we sit at the dining
table but it's hard to when you say that to some people because they say oh there
you go with a pull yourself up by the bootstraps thing and you know you're
just being respectable not everybody can do that
look everybody can but it doesn't courage courage is the
key to life itself a lot of people who are born in
situation of us survive just I'll never get out of this so they won't I say to
people say well I would like to have done so and so and so so you could have
done it so when I couldn't get out of here man the bus runs every day exactly
right yeah you exist if there if there if you can conceive it in your mind if
you can think of it you can do it that's the human condition again we can imagine
that we can do it right and I think that that the condition of each individual
human got on spades the very first time when I was 8 years old I was brilliant
then I got on stage again four years later when I was 12
brilliant again so by the time I was 13 it was pretty much a foregone conclusion
and everybody else's mine teachers parents that acting was gonna be my
thing I hadn't
like made a conscious decision I'm going to be an act I don't think you do I
think you just that's what you do there for us because I was it as it turns out
I was romanticizing that whole idea you know we were refighting World War two
as I was growing up so we had all these heroic movies and I fell in love with
the idea of flying and then when I got into the Air Force had just big
eye-opener that racism was rampant there also and that I didn't I not is
qualifying or suit it's it's better word for military life
that kind of
unquestioning obedience to a lot of things that I think of stupid didn't
quite go over well so when I got out I was I was an early discharge it was
almost dishonorable you know because I just really didn't fit but the catalyst
actually was I did get to sit in a jet trainer because I had a lot of people
behind me to get me into flight school in this town but sitting there it
occurred to me that this is absolutely not what I want it's it isn't movies
it's for real these you know this little red button on a joystick controls guns
with real bullets and I'm sick I said that for quite a while and knew that if
I made a strafing run and needed a camera here and I needed the people to
be able to get up and go back to number one so I got out of that plane on the
runway at North Island Air Station a Naval Air Station and I walked away from
that and towards acting I knew that it was all about the movies it was all
about the movies their little horn Tooting I can do for myself is merely
having the courage to keep going
back in the hall there young people young actors struggling we because I go
along with it want to assure them that it's best to keep going don't don't give
up I tell kids it's the surest way to lose is to quit and in this business
it's really difficult because there were so many talented people out there
scrambling to get through that first Dewar that being able to get there and
do it is stroke of a lot of things including luck well as I said I went to
the movies all the time I've seen the movies and at some point it struck me
rather dramatically how much I wasn't in the movies would you give purely in an
acting sense to yourself 30 40 years ago same advice I gave myself 30 to 40 years
Act there are unfortunately those of us who say well I want to be a star
that's way out there in the ether somewhere I want to be a working actor
you can pull that off so act work work I someone asked me and watts and you were
about to do it what would you do if you weren't an act if you didn't make it as
an actor what would you do I have no idea I would act somewhere maybe I'd be
driving a cab maybe I'm working somebody's yard whatever I'm doing I'm
going to belong to somebody's little theater group
I will act because I'll die if I don't I
auditioned I don't think I even got to audition I interviewed for the movie the
thing the remake so I read the script and I go back for the audition and the
producer or the director one was said did you inscribe that say yes what do
you think I said well you've got 11 people at the South Pole eight of the
scientists and then you have a cook a mechanic and something else
they're all black none of the scientists are what do you think I think neat let's
just add and get that job the other night that covers me black as the pit
from pole to pole I learned it when I was in school you know did you believe
yeah I think whatever God there may be from my unconquerable soul
the fell collective circumstance I have not cried aloud under the bludgeonings
of fate my head is bloody but unbowed beyond this place of Wrath and tears
looms but the shadow of the shade yet the Menace of the year's finds and
shall find me unafraid matters not how Strait the gate how punishment charged
the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain
Wizard's First Rule: People Are Stupid - MGTOW - Duration: 27:44.
La plaque polémique déposée sur la tombe de Johnny Hallyday retirée | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 2:32.
Aurélie Dotremont violente dans Les Princes et Princesses de l'Amour ? Une candidate fait des... - Duration: 2:14.
How to paint ceramic plates - Mandala - Duration: 12:27.
Hello, welcome to my channel
today we are going to paint
a mandala
in a ceramic plate
we started
We are going to use an enameled ceramic plate
with a little alcohol we clean it well
now with the help of a rule
let's mark the middle of the plate making a horizontal line
and with the protractor
we help ourselves to draw the line vertically
and now we draw it
come back to help us from the protractor
and we are going to mark 45 degrees
and now
let's join those lines
to have the plate divided into 8 parts
I put a little masking tape in the center of the plate
so you can nail the tip of the compass and make the circles
Well, we have the lines done
I think it does not look very good in the video
because the pencil, the truth that costs a lot to mark with the on the plate
well now let's do
some petals
helping us with the lines we have made and the circles
let's go drawing little petals
now it seems that it looks better in this picture
and we continue making more petals
It was very hard for me to use the pencil on the plate
well and here we continue making more petals
it would be our finished drawing
and well, the following, I'm going to show you what I'm going to use that are highlighted contours
and pearl pen
the Pebeo Moon and Prisme paintings
which are special paints with effects, they are super cool
and we will also use
pebeo porcelain paint 150
that this can be baked
It is a special painting for porcelain
let's start with the pebeo relief
and let's go
making lines
following the drawing that we have marked
very slowly, very slowly
let's do the lines
there is no problem if we have a fault
because this painting is very dense
with a toothpick can be arranged
or else as happened here
You take a cotton swab
and it cleans perfectly and there is no problem
and now we continue with the relief
delineating all the petals
and we also delineate the little circle that is in between
now let's use the painting pebeo moon
I love this painting
It is very liquid
then I apply it with a toothpick
because it's so liquid that you have to be very careful when applying it
and always
that is on a surface that is flat
and now we are going to use
pebeo prisme
which is very similar to what we have used previously
the only thing that has another different effect
but it's just as liquid and you have to apply it with the toothpick
and now we continue delineating with the relief
Now let's use pebeo deco 3d pearl
let's do dots all around
of each petal
I wanted to comment one thing about the painting that we used before
is that
I have applied it with a toothpick, but you can also apply it with a brush
I personally prefer to do it with the toothpick because it is very liquid
and it's much easier to distribute
now we continue to outline, but this time, instead of making a line
we are making little dots very close together on each other
and now we continue to outline
guiding us through the circle we have marked on the plate
and here we are going to use, from the pebeo moon range, a golden color
remains with the same effect as the one we have used turquoise
and now we are going to use the pearl pen or pearl pencil
and we're going to be doing like a few drops
and now with the help of a toothpick
let's stretch the paint down
so that it remains in the shape of a tear
and now we use the pearl pen
but in pearl color
and we're going to do exactly the same with the toothpick
let's stretch the drops
this painting
It is very dense and when dry it is totally hard
and with a lot of volume
the works are great
and here we are going to put another droplet
pearly color
as before but a droplet
and we stretch it
the only thing that instead of stretching it with the toothpick, we do it directly with the mouthpiece
and now let's use the contour relief
that is not exactly the same as the one we used before to make the lines
which we have used to delineate
It is much denser than this
that the contour relief
we keep doing dots
now with turquoise paint
with this painting if you have to be careful that you do not pass as me
that if you do the dots very close together
they will join you and they will stay together as they happened to me
we continue making dots with the contour in relief
and now with the relief
let's make another line
following the circle that we have marked
if you're wrong you already know that you can always help a toothpick to correct
and here we are going to do another one outlined inside
Now we are going to use the pebeo porcelain painting 150
It has a consistency similar to stained glass painting
and now
porcelain painting
but in another tone, now in gold
and we continue with the contour in relief
and now let's do
a little dot and we are going to stretch it
another little dot and we are going to stretch it
and so
all around
At the beginning it costs a little bit to get the hang of this but with practice it dominates
here we are going to do
several dots
and we stretch them with the toothpick
and here the same
but changing to the pearl color painting
same and we stretch them
and here another dot
Here we are going to keep making dots with turquoise paint
and in between the turquoise we are going to make one with the pearl paint
and here with the 3d deco
let's make dots
and here another little dot
the truth is very simple, even if it seems so at first sight
it's pretty easy to do
here as before we make dots and stretch them with the toothpick
and here we make a couple of little dots
and with this
we finished the decoration of our plate
Well this is our finished dish, it is totally dry
that's how it is
I hope you liked the video a lot
and that you encourage yourself to do it
which is super easy although it seems complicated
too easy
so nothing but to tell you
thank you very much everyone for watching my videos
and see you in the next
see you soon
আপনি কি সব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহি করতে বাধ্য? জেনে নিন এ বিষয়ে আপনার করণীয় কি | Bangla News365 - Duration: 7:04.
যেসব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহিতায় আপনি বাধ্য নন
যেসব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহিতায় আপনি বাধ্য নন
যেসব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহিতায় আপনি বাধ্য নন
যেসব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহিতায় আপনি বাধ্য নন
যেসব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহিতায় আপনি বাধ্য নন
যেসব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহিতায় আপনি বাধ্য নন
যেসব বিষয়ে জবাবদিহিতায় আপনি বাধ্য নন
Star Stable Online: Heute wirds wohl sehr entspannend [MP] [Server4] [PC] [HD] - Duration: 2:34:17.
David Hallyday de retour en France : le fils de Johnny s'éclate avec ses amis - Duration: 3:31.
Ostaňte šťastný a zarábajte s nami - Duration: 2:39.
"Messi fait un autre sport que Ronaldo" - Duration: 2:40.
Amal Clooney : ses looks de grossesse - Duration: 3:41.
the Dawn over Al Aqsa | Kudus | Jerusalem | Dome of the Rock | Allah Hu | - Duration: 1:55.
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
5 exercices pour des bras toniques et sexy - Duration: 5:24.
EJ Carter is Up Next
5 Aliments d'hiver qui protègent le cœur et éloignent du cardiologue - France 365 - Duration: 3:52.
Vanessa Marcil : la star de Beverly Hills 90210 victime d'une septième fausse couche à 49 ans - Duration: 2:28.
Gossip, Stefano De Martino: nuovo messaggio 'd'amore' per Gilda Ambrosio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:39.
Good habits to develop your career as an artist - Duration: 4:34.
In this video you will know how to change your habits to become
the artist at the top of your career.
Hi, I'm Fanny Duhaime, I'm artist painter and I gave myself as
mission to help you propel your career as an artist painter.
Today we are going to talk about your habits. I will not hide it from you,
to level up your career as a painter,
we will have to review your habits good and bad.
I'm sure you have some who are holding you back in the goals or objectives that
you have fixed yourself. So get rid of it! Replace that by
wath will bring you to the top. Do not be afraid, we'll go slowly. Start by making a list.
Write all the habits that you have and who do you think hurt your
productivity or your development. Then, you choose one, then you see
by which you could replace it to help you instead of hurting you.
Example; in the morning while having my coffee, I lost a lot of time on
social networks to read about nothing important, a real waste of time.
I made the decision to stop that, now I watch videos of
training, personal growth and mindset.
Anything that can help propel my business. I still have something to
do while sipping my coffee but at less this time, it serves me for some
thing then it makes me move forward. Maybe for you, your bad
is it that you spend too much time in front of the TV? Replace that with physical exercise.
Ok, at least a good walk. In addition,
if you take it in the morning, you can enjoy it to make your schedule of the day.
Or, for example, you are looking for yourself all the time, you do not know where to start.
Get in the habit of organizing your days. Make a roadmap, take
an agenda, write down your lists of things to do, so you're going to have it on paper
you will not spend more time looking for yourself, you will be much more productive.
One thing that is very important, make a habit of investing in yourself. Own developing
your strengths, your interests, train yourself to become better. Call on
a mentor, follow groups that will help you achieve your goals and
who will motivate you. Also, take some risks. Get in the habit of putting your
fears aside, try something new!
For example, you paint landscapes all the time, but you're not moving forward, your
career does not evolve, you do not know anymore what to do.
You've always dreamed of touching the abstract, the portrait, dares, go ahead, try!
You have nothing to lose, even if it's completely missed
maybe it will be a revelation for you or you'll have an awesome idea
that will bring you completely elsewhere then that will unlock your
career. As they say, you have to fall to get up.
Another thing that can really help you, write your goals.
Put a date of realization for each one. You want, for example, to do your
first exposure, you'd like this this summer. You may want to learn
to paint with oil, discover the pastel, or any other medium. You want
to learn the photography to be able to better photograph your works for
put on your website. You want to train in marketing for
better manage your career. You want to let go your full time job for a job
part time who will leave you more time to develop your artistic career.
Put it all in writing. There may be even
sub-objectives to achieve for each one. By doing that, I tell you, you're going
really realize that there are things in your life that keep you from moving where you want to go.
It's starting by replacing
bad habits by better that concretely you will move forward.
Take the time to act. You make the decision today, that
does not mean that you will see results tomorrow. You have to be patient.
Go step by step. Make a plan, then gradually
you will see the changes arrive.
So here you now know what could help you bring your career to the top.
It just remains to act!
So what is this habit that you will change first?
If you do not want to miss anything of my next video, do not forget to subscribe!
You can also join us on Facebook, on the group L'ARTmoire, or visit
to discover all the blog articles! I put you all
links in the description below the video. Thank you for listening! If you have
questions do not hesitate to let your comment it would make me
really pleasure. See you in the next video!
D/E Anonymous labeled as terrorist group | Anonymous als Terroristengruppe gebrandmarkt - Duration: 1:32.
Hello World
This picture appeared today in Austria.
The picture was taken out of context and published with lurid press arrogance, which we know
to well.
We see these lies as a preparation to defame Anonymous as a terrorist and violent group
and thus to criminalize it.
We know how to fight back to expose these lies for what they are, system propaganda.
We as Independent Anonymous activists clearly distance ourselves from this type of fight.
Expect Us !
Hallo Welt
Dieses Bild tauchte heute in Österreich auf.
Das Bild wurde aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen und mit reißerischer Pressearroganz, die
wir ja zu genüge kennen, veröffentlicht.
Wir sehen diese Lügen als Vorbereitung dazu Anonymous als Terroristen und gewaltbereite
Gruppierung zu diffamieren und damit zu kriminalisieren.
Wir werden uns zu wehren wissen, um diese Lügen als das aufzudecken was sie sind, nämlich
Wir als unabhängige Anonymous Aktivisten distanzieren uns ganz klar von dieser Art
des Kampfes.
Erwartet uns!
9 aliments pour éviter la fatigue et le mal de tête | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:50.
Resultados Loteria Nacional de Panama En Vivo Viernes 26 d Enero 2018 Que Jugó Gordito Zodiaco Enero - Duration: 1:16.
Actor & Economist Ben Stein Makes Frightening & Fatal Prediction About Sanctuary States - Duration: 4:56.
El TC veta la investidura a distància de Puigdemont - Duration: 9:44.
Enveloppez vos pieds dans du papier aluminium, ça remplace 5 médicaments | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:50.
Quentin (Friends Trip 4) hospitalisé, tous les détails (PHOTO) - Duration: 2:09.
Initial D: Fifth Stage - 3 - Dead Line [1080p HD] - Duration: 27:22.
This story is fiction. The names of people, places and groups are imaginary. Obey traffic rules and drive safely.
Raise up your hands high. (Everybody now raise your hands)
Take hold, there's a brand new tomorrow. (You don't stop)
It's a beautiful eternal dream...
...where you learn about yourself. (Let's go)
Oh (Let's go)
Oh, raise up your hands now.
If you think you're lucky just to be alive go for the highest stake in the gamble.
Same mission creates similar lives.
But your passion for your dream will make a difference.
You can never use the escalator.
But you can build up your strength, yeah yeah.
You must eventually climb the stairs.
Customize them the way you like.
Intense days go by.
Intense days go by. (But you know?)
Just laugh it off, 'cause it's a game worth competing.
Let's see how fast you can do it.
Raise up your hands forever. (Everybody now raise your hands up)
Run, sleepless challenger. (You don't stop)
It's a quest of the never-ending dream...
...where you now search for the reason to live. (Let's go)
Oh (Let's go)
Oh, raise up your hands now.
Way to go !
Keisuke managed to shake off his opponent ! It's a perfect win !
Amazing !
A huge gap of 7 seconds...
Today's downhill is scary.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not afraid of my opponent, but of myself.
Once I start driving, I won't be able to suppress my fighting spirit.
I've gotta shave down the margin as much as possible. My attack will be really close to my limit.
I'll be alright within my zone, but if I screw up, I'm done for.
But I'm not afraid of that, and that's what scares me.
Don't worry. I should be able to manage myself well.
I'll show you the best performance of my career tonight.
Our opponent chose the lead position for the first run.
I see.
He might have been inspired by Keisuke's driving.
He might use the same strategy.
In other words, he has absolute confidence in his mad dash speed.
In turn, we can take advantage of that.
Listen. The steep area in the second half will be the decisive point.
Try to adapt to his change in speed flexibly.
And if you feel you can make a move, do it in this first run.
There's no need to hold back.
I'm Omiya Satoshi.
I'm Fujiwara Takumi.
Don't lose, Fujiwara.
Okay, I'm going to start the countdown !
Dead Line
How do you read this downhill race ?
You hit the nail on the head for the hill climb, Kubo.
I have no idea this time.
It's unpredictable. Omiya is definitely a first-class driver.
Go !
There are too many unknowns about that Eight-Six.
There's something strange about that car.
And also something strange about that young driver.
I've been in this business for quite a while.
I can tell you he's a rare breed with a unique style.
Is he fast ?
Oh, sure.
That Eight-Six driver is backed by a certain someone.
Takahashi Ryosuke.
You look like you've been troubled by him. Do you have some kind of issue with him ?
Takahashi Ryosuke...
I do. No, I mean...
There's someone else who does more than I do.
NB8C Roadster and AE86 Trueno...
...both have a light and compact body with a small displacement NA engine.
They take advantage of their agility to zip along a winding road.
They share the same concept.
Even though they were made years apart, their potential is very similar.
That's why...
...victory will be decided by the driver's instinct.
The instincts of the NB driver, Omiya Satoshi, and...
...the instincts of the Eight-Six driver, Fujiwara Takumi.
I think the result will be determined by whose instincts match their car the best.
You make it sound like both cars are alive.
Maybe so.
The one who doesn't listen to the voice of their car, even for a moment, will lose.
Project D is a legendary team which swept the northern Kanto area without any losses.
It'd be wise to carefully observe how they drive from behind. That's what Kobayakawa thought.
I feel the same way.
But that was the pitfall.
To observe your opponent means you can't keep your pace.
It feels it's risky to just watch the Eight-Six.
I just have a hunch.
That's why I chose the lead.
I'll keep my pace without any obstacles ahead... order to win.
I wonder how the downhill will develop.
I don't think we can win very easily.
To be honest, our opponents' level is very high.
My race wasn't easy, even though it may have looked like it from the result.
That guy Fujiwara's facing is especially tough.
He must have perfected street driving.
Can you tell ?
I can sense it...
...and Fujiwara...
...senses it as well.
The entire space seems filled, as if he's always on guard.
The leading NB will hold on, then it will suddenly accelerate somewhere.
As a local who knows this course best, he can maintain his pace, which gives him an advantage.
So the decisive point will be...?
The steep, rough road near the end of the course.
That section is disadvantageous to the Eight-Six because its suspension design is old.
Well, that's true...
But our disadvantage didn't just begin tonight.
It's been our motto to fight on our opponents' stage since the Red Suns days.
My brother's calculated knowledge of fighting those away races has always worked perfectly.
If our opponent is a specialist on this course...
...we're a special team organized to attack enemy territories.
Whoever is faster than the other...
That will be everything in the end.
Nothing is impossible for Project D, as long as we have the genius of Takahashi Ryosuke.
I truly believe that.
They're close, almost at the corner.
They're gonna dive into the mid-section hairpin.
There they are !
Alright !
Go, Omiya ! Throw everything you've got at 'em !
Leave the Eight-Six in the dust !
They've passed the mid-section, fighting tail to nose.
It's developed the same way up to this point.
I knew my opponent would accelerate somewhere.
I was frustrated by my opponent, who didn't make his move according to my predictions.
For some reason, I felt cornered.
The same thing must be happening to that Eight-Six driver.
In a situation where Omiya maintains his pace, neither of them can ease up, even for a second.
We're only at the halfway point.
My tension is almost going off the scale.
But I have one more level.
There will be a moment when my fighting spirit turns on.
Seems like my legs got thicker...
Here...and here.
It must be because of the muscle training.
I can hit my drives farther, which is nice...
...but my pants size changed, which isn't so nice.
I'm supposed to be on summer vacation.
I wish I could go to the beach once in a while...
...with Takumi.
That's impossible. I'm too busy...
Takumi must be racing in Kanagawa now.
I want to see him race just once, but...
...that'll probably scare the hell out of me.
Do your best, Takumi. Make sure you win.
Good, I'm focused.
From a strategic point of view, I think braking is most important on the downhill.
Stopping distance increases dramatically on the downhill versus level ground, so one braking mistake is critical.
Unlike circuits, public streets are dark without any distance markers before each corner.
So, to determine the precise braking point... can only rely on your refined intuition.
Landmarks are useless.
I'm constantly surprised by the potential of the human brain.
Fujiwara's braking sense is exceptional.
That's why he can keep winning on the downhill against locals who are familiar with their course.
It's not something you can acquire by just practicing.
He's definitely a natural.
You can figure out your opponent's driving skills by watching how he brakes as you stay right on his tail.
You're right. That's not so difficult.
And it's even more true between two drivers with similar skills.
Conversely, hiding skills can be the key.
You show your true braking skills when... decide to settle the match.
I was late, only a little, but definitely late.
That hard braking from the long straightaway...
Even if it was just that one time, I was late in braking.
Incredible entry !
The gap with the Eight-Six is getting wider !
I'm using everything I've got at 100% capacity.
I'm in a dangerous zone.
They're getting closer...
They're almost at the corner...
Looks quite dangerous.
The cars of that era tend to behave like that when their suspension is stiffened.
You can say it's very 86-like.
The car's seriously tuned to be the very best in the stages where the average speed is below 100km/h (62mph).
So there's a meaning to the choice of using the Eight-Six...
That's something Ryosuke would come up with.
He knows what he's doing based on the fact that the car doesn't have any aerodynamic parts, but...
...the level of competition is so high that the cars will momentarily reach their critical speed even during the slow-speed stage.
People say the GT wing only works on the circuit, but at their level, it's no longer a decoration.
Aerodynamics might decide the outcome of this race.
Basically, Mazda's rear-wheel drive cars are designed to have the roll axis a little forward of the mid-point.
The FD is no exception, but the Roadster in particular gives you a better handling feel thanks to the biased load to the front.
But if you push it harder, it tends to over-steer because of the lack of load to the rear.
It becomes an unavoidable issue when tuning a Roadster.
There are many different approaches, but you can't eliminate the car's natural over-steering tendency.
I wonder how they dealt with it.
Over-steering on the downhill is bad.
Instead, you can drive faster by under-steering.
Knowing our opponents, their car must have been perfectly tuned, but...
If something destroys that balance, Fujiwara will have a chance.
I can't catch him, but...
...the gap hasn't widened, even though I'm only tracing his car's line and speed.
It's almost a miracle that you've kept up with me.
From this point on, I don't need the mirror.
No need to play a guessing game. I just have to look ahead and keep pushing hard.
I'll just have to check the rear after crossing the goal line.
That's when I'll ensure my victory.
The Eight-Six's headlights went off !
No way ! On this pitch-black mountain pass ? What's going on ?
The Eight-Six's headlights are off ?!
The blind attack, huh ?
During the race until now, Fujiwara must have intuitively learned that he's at a disadvantage in the high-speed sections.
Fujiwara's god sent talent...
No, he may have heard the voice of the Eight-Six.
Blind attack, which is Fujiwara's forte, is a two-sided diversion technique of confusing his opponent... well as hiding his offensive strategy.
But when the opponent is familiar with the course and remains highly focused...
Right. It doesn't create the desired effect.
Retractable headlights have a lower drag coefficient value when they're lowered.
Because of less air resistance.
Fujiwara must have wanted to raise his top speed by reducing the drag, even if only by a very small amount.
Fujiwara's tenacity ?
His tenacity might create...
...a breakthrough.
Just before his braking action...
I'm not exactly sure, but most likely...
Right here.
It was too soon, if only by a little.
What the hell happened ?
Dammit, I won't lose after coming this far.
I'll keep my space. Can you keep up ?
I messed up the wing. I've gotta keep the race short.
I'll settle this match on the first run.
The car is unstable.
I don't know what's wrong with the wing, but the car's lateral balance is off.
I would've been better off if it had broken off completely.
Damn, no need for excuses. I just have to motivate myself to raise my limit.
So, today wasn't my day after all.
Following the brake light of the front car.
A shimmering light up ahead in the dark street.
It's the silence like a silent film.
The light was all I could depend on.
I felt like I could catch it...
...if I passed through this tree-lined street.
Get up! I just can't understand.
I couldn't find what I'd been looking for.
Yeah, it starts at this moment.
At this place.
Please turn over the flyleaf.
I lost my way.
Fogged up windows, and...
...messed up navigation.
As the stoplight turns red...
...a light in the side mirror blinds my eyes.
I gradually close the window... stop the cold wind from blowing in.
Get up! I just can't understand.
We must choose one of the paths that lie ahead.
Yeah, it starts at this moment.
Because you're with me.
Please turn over the flyleaf.
Aurélie Dotremont violente dans Les Princes et Princesses de l'Amour ? Une candidate fait des... - Duration: 2:14.
Ostatnie szczepienie Antka - Duration: 14:02.
*Clap clap*
Good luck
If that thing catchs you up
Stop it
You're a liar, nothing is following me !
[Twelve seconds later]
What's this ?!
What's this ?!
Run, run, run !
What's this ?!
See You In Time EP2 Le prochain espoir - Duration: 1:11.
the Dawn over Al Aqsa | Kudus | Jerusalem | Dome of the Rock | Allah Hu | - Duration: 1:55.
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
Allahu hu malikun, semiun, kadirun, kerimun, halimun, latifun, alimun, muinun, sadikun,
5 exercices pour des bras toniques et sexy - Duration: 5:24.
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
Samogradnja - pojačalo snage 2*25W za svakog - Duration: 18:17.
UN AÑO JUNTOS - [MarkusMaxF] - Duration: 2:34.
President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats are Panicking! - Duration: 10:43.
President Trump Just Issued a Stunning Statement About the Nunes Memo — Democrats are Panicking!
By all accounts, Republicans and Trump supporters possess the key to unlocking the door concealing
the machinations of Deep State that poses a direct threat to our Republic.
A four-page memo apparently regarding the criminal misuse of warrants obtained fraudulently
from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) rests in the hands of certain
congressional committee members trying to gather enough votes to disclose the memos
contents to the public.
The Independent Journal Review (IJR) quotes several Congressmen who have studied the document
as describing it as "stunning", "important" and revealing abuses "worse than Watergate."
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